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Developer tools: Amiga SDKs adapted to GCC compilers, Release 1
Cameron 'Nightfox' Armstrong (AmigaGPT) offers SDKs of AmigaOS 3.2 NDK and AmigaOS 4.1 (V54.16) adapted to the GCC compiler based on Stefan 'Bebbo' Franke's Amiga GCC Development Kit ( reported). Changes to the current version:
  • Added json-c
  • Updated AmiSSL to version 5.13
  • Moved AmiSSL libs and includes out of SDK folder
  • Add symlinks for /opt/amiga incase you use a Makefile that allows you to build natively

[News message: 23. Dec. 2023, 23:03] [Comments: 0]
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HxC floppy emulator: Software V2.15.1.2
The floppy emulator HxC by Jean-Francois Del Nero completely replaces the floppy drive (of an Amiga) with an electronic device. The project, which was launched in 2006, is available in two versions, with a SD card port or with USB port ( reported).

A new version of the HxC floppy emulator software has now been released. The changes:
  • Many fixes and improvements into the flux stream management :
    • One revolution only / 2 indexes support fixed.
    • Fix stream files formats export : No more glitch after the first revolution index. (Fix SCP and KF export).
    • Sectors recovery support - Can be disabled/enabled with the FLUXSTREAM_SECTORS_RECOVERY variable. This feature try to automatically recover/fix bad sectors with copies present in others stream revolutions.
    • Default pulses timing jitter tolerance increased from 10% to 14% (Config file).
  • Kryoflux writer : stream to stream conversion : Don't align output stream to the next index.
  • SCP writer : stream to stream conversion : Don't align output stream to the next index.
  • SCP loader : Fix singled-sided images support (Fix the number of tracks/cylinder).
  • SCP loader : Fix broken support of SCP images with more than 5 revolutions.
  • SCP loader : Fix odd number of tracks + double step mode issue (Last track missing).
  • Logic analyzer capture loader : nameTT.S.logicbin8bits file name convention support. (TT=track S=side)
  • New XML format : MC50/MC300/MC500 formats and empty data disk.
  • New XML format : Sharp X68000 2HD disk.
  • Track display : Fix possible infinite loop : check the bitrate value and stop + report if needed.
  • HFEv3 loader : Support RAND_OPCODE right after SKIPBITS_OPCODE.
  • New X68000 DIM file image loader.
  • New Apple II 2MG file image loader. (WIP - To be completed)
  • XML raw loader : Fix images last sector loading.
  • Track editor : New "insert" and "remove" track operations.
  • HFE writers : New "HFE_WRITER_WRITENOTALLOWED" parameter : Set it to 1 to write protect the exported hfe files.
  • HxC stream (Pauline) : Auto detect and load properly hard-sectored dumps.
  • D88 loader : Fix possible infinite loop with corrupted image.
  • Batch converter : New BATCHCONVERT_KEEP_SOURCE_FILE_NAME_EXTENSION setting to enable/disable the source file extension to the output file name.
  • BMP export : New Stream tracks mode export.
  • User interface : Save and restore previous state (WIP, Done : batch converter window)
  • NSI Northstar : Some index timings and formats fixes.
  • macOS : Better CAPSlib/ipf lib support. (Renaud Guérin)
  • New track format : Centurion MFM. (Rick Altherr)
  • Code : gcc's -fanalyzer used against the libhxcfe library : Many possible issues fixed !
  • Many internal code improvements and fixes.

[News message: 23. Dec. 2023, 22:43] [Comments: 0]
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Platform game: Demo version of "Terryble Knight"
The author of the RedPill game construction kit, Carlos 'Zener' Peris, started this game project because he wanted to test the slope system in RedPill. With RedPill version 0.9.32, also released today, this slope system has been greatly improved. "Terryble Knight" (YouTube video) uses the assets of Ansimuz, a very good and productive pixel artist. The music was provided by 'Fireb0y'. (dr)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2023, 21:45] [Comments: 0]
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Shoot 'em Up: Early demo version of "NEON world" (V0.0.4)
After Frank Neumann had not programmed anything for the Amiga with assembler for 30 years, he wants to get back into it with the shoot 'em up "NEON world". This early demo version now has its first opponents, even if the score is not yet calculated correctly. The game uses the free graphics set "NEONworld", which Kevin Saunders made available as part of the Amiga Art Contest 2020 ( reported). The game should run on an Amiga 500. more ... (dr)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2023, 09:30] [Comments: 0]
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Web browser: IBrowse 3.0a
One month after the release of version 3.0 of his web browser "IBrowse" ( reported), Oliver Roberts has made an update available. Although, as he writes, "things have gone pretty smoothly", one problem in particular went largely unnoticed: a bug in the HTTP(S) module could trash memory, which could result in either instant crashes or seemingly random crashes at a later stage. For this reason, all users are advised to update their IBrowse 3.0 installation using the supplied installer. See the History log page for full details of the changes in this update. (dr)

[News message: 22. Dec. 2023, 22:36] [Comments: 1 - 27. Dec. 2023, 18:57]
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Encryption protocol: AmiSSL 5.13 (AmigaOS 3/4)
Version 5.13 of the open source encryption protocol AmiSSL has been released, which is now based on the latest version OpenSSL 3.2 including important security related fixes, a built-in HTTP(S) client and comes with new encryption ciphers. Detailed changes: more ... (dr)

[News message: 22. Dec. 2023, 20:54] [Comments: 1 - 27. Dec. 2023, 19:00]
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Sprite Tricks: Stunt Car Racer
On Codetapper's Amiga Site there are interviews and various articles as well as a Sprite Tricks section, in which the author tries to find out what tricks the programmers use to master tricky or demanding graphic tasks. In the linked article he takes a look at how the tops of tyres are displayed with sprites. (dr)

[News message: 21. Dec. 2023, 09:35] [Comments: 0]
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WinUAE Homepage (ANF)

Emulator: WinUAE 5.1.0
The Amiga emulator WinUAE has been released in version 5.1.0. Changes:

New features/updates: UI
  • On screen keyboard. Default mapped to pad button 4.
  • Gamepad GUI control. Use game pad to control WinUAE GUI with some limits.
  • Optional dark mode (Windows 10 or newer required)
  • Emulation window dragging and resize does not anymore pause emulation.

New features/updates: emulation
  • Built-in Munt MT-32/CM-32L emulation. Emulated devices listed in MIDI out setting. ROM images should be in \mt32-roms. or c:\mt32-rom-data\.
  • AT&T DSP3210 emulation (AA3000 prototype). Not complete.
  • More programmed chipset screen mode emulation improvements.
  • Disk emulation improved, undocumented disk read DMA “last word may not come in” bug emulated.
  • Chipset emulation updates and fixes.
  • “Autoclip screenshots” option now supports programmed native screen modes.
  • Native<>RTG and RTG<>RTG mode switching optimizations.
  • A2410 display card emulation updates, works now with new Picasso96 driver.
  • Input panel Backslash/F11 option now has third option that restores pre-5.0 keymap behavior.
  • Do not list GPT partitioned harddrives in “Add Harddrives” panel.
  • Football Director 2 dongle emulation.
  • Quickstart Host Configuration menu first option renamed, “Default configuration” -> “Current host configuration”. Added new option “Default host configuration” that resets host configuration to defaults.
  • Hard reset now randomizes CPU reset start up delay and initial floppy motor position.

Bugs fixes
  • DMS brute force decryption failed to work with some encrypted DMS files.
  • Alt-Tab from D3D11 fullscreen RTG mode made hardware mouse cursor invisible.
  • Some configurations crashed when GUI Reset or Restart button was clicked.
  • Enter GUI, eject disk, insert new disk, exit GUI: Disk was inserted immediately which is physically impossible and can confuse programs. Inserting disk without manually ejecting it first worked correctly.
  • GUI Restart button didn’t fully restore GUI position/size if “Restarting” from fullscreen or full-window mode.
  • Some configs crashed when GUI Restart button or Reset was pressed.
  • WASAPI sound was disabled if sound driver only supported 8 channel audio.
  • Some configurations opened multiple tiny inactive multi-monitor mode emulation windows without enabled multiple monitors.
  • Workbench programmed screen mode (DBLPAL etc) positioning was not always correct when switching from other native mode.
  • None serial port emulation mode and fast CPU configuration: serial port driver hung if serial data transmit was attempted.
  • Integer scale + full window: Display panel windowed width and height was used instead of full window size (desktop size) when calculating scaling values.
  • Screen might have flickered when starting Picasso96 RTG screen dragging.
  • Multiple 0x76 partitions per HD/card can be mounted now, previously only first was mounted and the rest become zero size non-existing drives.
  • USB HID input device usage page check fixed, it accepted devices that had nothing to do with being input device.

Gamepad GUI control details
  • A = select (pad mode)/left mouse click (mouse mode)
  • B = right mouse click (mouse mode).
  • Y = change active GUI area (pad mode)/TAB UI element change (mouse mode).
  • D-pad = select UI elements, “pad mode”.
  • Left stick = move mouse, “mouse mode”. Currently requires XInput compatible gamepad.

Onscreen keyboard details
  • Pad button 4 is default mapped to open/close on screen keyboard input event (if loaded config has button 4 mapped to something else, button is not mapped to OSK)
  • Pad button/d-pad that normally controls Amiga joystick moves keyboard selection. Joystick movements and button presses are not sent to Amiga side as long as OSK is open.
  • Fire button press = send selected key’s press
  • Fire button release = send selected key’s release
  • Second button press = toggle state of selected key. Keep shift or control or other qualifier key pressed.
  • Second button release = does nothing.
  • Keyboard layout is US layout + 2 keys that are used in international layout variants + few bonus “keys”.
  • If GUI is entered when OSK is open, GUI pad control is automatically enabled.

[News message: 21. Dec. 2023, 09:25] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: AAMP 2.1 (Apache, MySQL and PHP)
AAMP offers a development environment on your Amiga, with which you can create and test your own web projects. Similar to the well-known XAMPP package for Linux and Windows, it contains the HTTP (web) server "Apache" with compiled-in support for the scripting language "PHP" (version 8.0.28 and 5.2.10) and the database server "MySQL" version 5.5.10. ( reported).

The new version 2.1 contains many improvements and also some bug fixes. The main innovation is a new control centre that can be used to manage all servers: more ... (dr)

[News message: 21. Dec. 2023, 09:18] [Comments: 0]
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Aiostreams V1.7.7: Scripts for streaming videos (AmigaOS 4, MorphOS)
"All In One streams" (aiostreams) is a pack of scripts, written in Python, that can be used to stream and watch videos from different online networks, like, YouTube and All the scripts are developed and fully tested under AmigaOS 4.1 FE and MorphOS 3.x. which are the target systems of George 'walkero' Sokiano's project. Changes of version 1.7.7: more ... (dr)

[News message: 20. Dec. 2023, 14:44] [Comments: 0]
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Assembler: ASM-Pro 1.20 released
ASM-Pro is a MC680x0 macro assembler for the Amiga with integrated editor, debugger, linker and monitor. The programme offers complete MC680x0, FPU and MMU support. ASM-Pro has now been updated to version 1.20. The changes: more ... (dr)

[News message: 20. Dec. 2023, 09:30] [Comments: 0]
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Workbench distribution: AKReal 9.2
AKReal can already works with 16 colours and is the inofficial adaption of the Workbench distribution AmiKit to real Amigas (AGA/RTG). The update from the previous version 9.1 is for free and can be installed via LiveUpdate. New users have to pay 9.99 Euro for the download. Changes:
  • ADDED: Freeware PowerWindows 1.3 by by Georg Steger, 10/11/2000.
  • ADDED: Some existing RTG 1024x768 wallpapers saved now in iff format.
  • ADDED: UAEgfx by Toni Willen in Sys:Devs/Monitors to be used with RTG when needed.
  • ADDED: New option in Morpheuz to change the pointer or also the wallpapers/backdrops/skins used if you are already using some RTG option in your Amiga.
  • ADDED: AmigaGPT version 1.2.0 by Cameron Armstrong. Now backwards compatible with OS3.9.
  • ADDED: Spanish "esRadio", "Flower Power radio", "Love Radio Florida" and "CGM UKScene Radio*". You can find them in Sys:Utilities/Expansion/RadioStations/Scripts.
  • ADDED: Filesize v40.1, 1998-02-22 by Msi Software,
  • UPDATED: WHDLoad to version 18.9.6601
  • UPDATED: HippoPlayer v2.58 - K-P Koljonen 2023-06-21.
  • UPDATED: AmigaAMP v3.33 -Thomas Wenzel ( 2022-12-20.
  • UPDATED: IMP v3.411 - Pawel Nowak. 2023-06-29.
  • UPDATED: TextEditor.mcc v15.56. Jens Maus (mail jens-maus de). 2021-08-31.
  • UPDATED: BetterString.mcc v11.36. Jens Maus (mail jens-maus de). 2021-08-31.
  • UPDATED: NList.mcc v0.128. Jens Maus (mail jens-maus de). 2021-08-31.
  • UPDATED: TheBar.mcc v26.22. Jens Maus (mail jens-maus de). 2021-08-31 .
  • UPDATED: AmiSSL v5.11. AmiSSL Open Source Team. 2023-09-19.
  • UPDATED: OpenURL 7.18. Jens Maus 2016-09-07.
  • UPDATED: MMULib v47.6. Thomas.richter at (Thomas Richter) 2023-07-01.
  • UPDATED: WBDock by Thomas Rapp. Version 2.896. 16-Jul-2023.
  • UPDATED: MUI v5.0. 2021-08-31 by Thore Böckelmann and changed MUI prefs for iGame.
  • UPDATED: iGame V2.4.1 2023-07-19 by mrzammler at (Emmanuel Vasilakis).
  • UPDATED: TinyMeter 3.56 by gibs2b gmail com (Michael GIBS).
  • UPDATED: iBrowse to 2.5.8 and TextHistory.mcc to 11.8 version for the installation.
  • CHANGED: Magellan Start menus. Now in Sys:Utilities/Expansion/Opus5/Buttons we have a shorter version. There are three drawers with different versions to try if you wish.
  • CHANGED: SID Station Radio stream changed as suggested by @bjdcleary at the EAB site.
  • CHANGED: "Disable_CGXAga&Birdie" is now "Change_CGXAga&Birdie" with more options.
  • CHANGED: Femu by Jari has been exchanged by SoftIEEE, developed by Thomas Richter. Version 40.6.1 from 2023-01-23.
  • CHANGED: Cinemix radio station to use Amplifier and a new script.
  • FIXED: SceneSat radio
  • DELETED: Nostalgia, XPD and WNMC48 radios, no longer working.

[News message: 20. Dec. 2023, 09:12] [Comments: 0]
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Preview video: Platform game "SUPERMiniJu"
Yoz Montana has published another preview video ( reported) of "SUPERMiniJu" which is being developed with the Game Construction Kit RedPill. This video shows the end boss of the first level. (dr)

[News message: 20. Dec. 2023, 08:57] [Comments: 0]
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Creating Amiga Reaction GUIs: ReBuild 0.7.0 (beta version)
In mid-November, we introduced Darren 'dmcoles' Cole's "ReBuild" in detail, with which it should be possible to create graphical user interfaces for ReAction, the evolution of ClassAct. Changes:
  • ensure copy/move buttons are disabled for window objects
  • add GA_ID properties for layouts
  • fix a couple of compile issues with vbcc
  • add warning to user when using TextField gadget
  • add weightbar capability
The author asks you to test ReBuild extensively and report any bugs to him.

Download: rebuild0.7.0-beta.lha (135 Kb) (dr)

[News message: 20. Dec. 2023, 08:03] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: Web browser Wayfarer 7.2
Jacek 'jacadcaps' Piszczek has released version 7.2 of his web browser Wayfarer for MorphOS. Wayfarer now is based on the latest WebKit engine WebKitGTK 2.42.4 which addresses crashes in JavaScript, WebCore and several rendering issues. As the author writes, he has adjusted the maximum string length in WebKit to 64 MB (from the original 2 GB). He has not found any problems, but if you find websites that worked with Wayfarer 7.1 but not with version 7.2, please report them. (dr)

[News message: 19. Dec. 2023, 17:40] [Comments: 0]
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Floppy disk images on PC and Mac: Greaseweazle firmware 1.5
Keir Fraser's "Greaseweazle" does - similar to Kryoflux - read the magnetic information on a floppy disk independently from the format used and saves as much information as possible to generate a so-called "Flux Level Image" in Supercard format (SCP). Changes of the new Greaseweazle firmware 1.5: more ... (dr)

[News message: 19. Dec. 2023, 10:44] [Comments: 0]
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Christmas game: Santa's Present Drop 3
After part 1 in 2021 and part 2 last year, Rob Smith now has released "Santas Present Drop 3" written with AMOS. During his flight over the Alps with the Gift-o-Matic 5000, the present delivery machine exploded and everything was scattered across the mountains. As Father Christmas has his skis with him, it is the player's job to steer them so that he can collect as many presents as possible within the time allowed. A corresponding video tutorial will be published on Christmas Eve. (dr)

[News message: 19. Dec. 2023, 10:39] [Comments: 0]
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Overview: List of modern monitors with support for the 15 kHz RGB signal
Like many other retro systems, the Amiga requires a monitor that supports a horizontal screen frequency of 15kHz. Under the title link you will find a list of modern flat screens (LCD, OLED) that directly support analogue 15 kHz signals through discrete RGB connectors (VGA, DVI-A and/or SCART). (dr)

[News message: 19. Dec. 2023, 10:29] [Comments: 0]
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DIY: Update of N2630 expansion board for Amiga 2000
At the beginning of November, developer Jason 'jasonsbeer' Neus released revision 4.0.1 of his evolution, called N2630, of the original Commodore A2630-Erweiterungskarte ( reported). Now he has pushed some updates to the Github repository: these changes improve performance by enabling burst support for the Zorro 3 RAM and removing the Gayle interface in favour of LIDE.device. As he writes, these updates are not required, but are strongly recommended. more ... (dr)

[News message: 19. Dec. 2023, 10:14] [Comments: 0]
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CS-Lab: Accelerator board Warp 4060 in progress
As CS-Lab writes in a short entry under the title link, the Warp 4060 turbo card, which was actually announced for 2022, is still in progress: a few bugs still need to be fixed from the first prototype. (dr)

[News message: 19. Dec. 2023, 10:01] [Comments: 0]
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18.Dec.2023 (Forum)

Event: World of Commodore - Video greetings from Babylon 5 actors
At the beginning of the month, this year's "World of Commodore" took place in Toronto, Canada. At this event, two of the Babylon 5 main actors, Bruce Boxleitner ("John Sheridan", video) und Claudia Christian ("Susan Ivanova", video), sent video messages in which they talked about their impressions of the computer technology of the time.
more ... (snx)

[News message: 18. Dec. 2023, 09:19] [Comments: 0]
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Tetris port: Tetris1200 (beta version)
Jean-Francois 'jotd' Fabre has ported another game for the Amiga: This time Tetris by Atari Games. According to the author, music still has to be improved and the adf version currently crashes on an A1200/020. (dr)

[News message: 18. Dec. 2023, 09:11] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 16.12.2023
The following files have been added until 16.12.2023 to Aminet:
more ... (snx)

[News message: 17. Dec. 2023, 09:03] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 16.12.2023
The following files have been added until 16.12.2023 to OS4Depot:
more ... (snx)

[News message: 17. Dec. 2023, 09:03] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Archives uploads until 16.12.2023
The following files have been added until 16.12.2023 to AROS Archives:
more ... (snx)

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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 16.12.2023
The following files have been added until 16.12.2023 to MorphOS-Storage:
more ... (snx)

[News message: 17. Dec. 2023, 09:03] [Comments: 0]
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Amigasystem (ANF)

AROS distribution: AROS One 2.3 (x86)
The distribution "AROS One" (Screenshot), which is based on the AROS binary interface ABI v0, is now available in version 2.3 for x86 computers. It can be downloaded as a DVD ISO file or as a USB flash image at the title link, where video recordings can also be found.

It is claimed to be the most stable AROS x86 version to date, with many bug fixes concerning Wanderer and hardware compatibility - the list of which has also been revised in the meantime. A clean installation of the distribution is recommended. A list of the new features can be found in the forum of AROSWorld. (snx)

[News message: 17. Dec. 2023, 09:02] [Comments: 0]
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Platform game: NinjFeratu AGA V1.2
Following the version for ECS Amigas, Amiten Games has now also released an AGA version of NinjFeratu (YouTube video, Italian), which is currently available for at least 5.95 Euros. (dr)

[News message: 17. Dec. 2023, 07:32] [Comments: 0]
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Point'n-Click adventure: Demo version of MonkeyEye
After Holiday and Beat Cancer, "MonkeyEye" is the third game from 'lifeschool22': a reminiscence of Monkey Island, which was created with CanDo V3. Basically, the developer wanted to find out whether it was possible to create a point'n'click adventure with CanDo. MonkeyEye is labelled as a demo version, as only 4 control panels work. Otherwise, the game would have slowed down considerably. In addition, according to the developer, the code still contains many errors, which is why it is included in the archive and everyone is invited to improve it. An Amiga with Kickstart 3.0 or higher is required. (dr)

[News message: 17. Dec. 2023, 07:19] [Comments: 0]
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