Encryption protocol: AmiSSL 5.13 (AmigaOS 3/4)
Version 5.13 of the open source encryption protocol AmiSSL has been released, which is now based on the latest version OpenSSL 3.2 including important security related fixes, a built-in HTTP(S) client and comes with new encryption ciphers. Detailed changes:
- Switched to OpenSSL 3.2, with full compatibility with the latest OpenSSL 3.2.0 (23.11.2023) version, which includes the following new features:
- Support for client side QUIC (RFC 9000)
- Support for Ed25519ctx, Ed25519ph and Ed448ph in addition to existing support for Ed25519 and Ed448 (RFC 8032)
- Support for deterministic ECDSA signatures (RFC 6979)
- Support for AES-GCM-SIV, a nonce-misuse-resistant AEAD (RFC 8452)
- Support for the Argon2 KDF (RFC 9106)
- Support for Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) (RFC 9180)
- Support for SM4-XTS
- Support for Brainpool curves in TLS 1.3
- Support for TLS Raw Public Keys (RFC 7250)
- Support for using the IANA standard names in TLS ciphersuite configuration
- Multiple new features and improvements to CMP protocol support
- Updated root certificates to latest Mozilla-based bundle provided by https://curl.se/docs/caextract.html dated 12.12.2023.
- Use Exec mutexes instead of semaphores on AmigaOS 4.x, decreasing system overhead.
- Use ASOPOOL_Protected instead of our own semaphore protected memory pool on AmigaOS 4.x.
- Improved error handling should failures occur early in library initialisation.
- The installer now properly handles any certificates that may have been disabled by the user and will update them, but leave them disabled.
- The installer on AmigaOS 4.x can now install the libraries whilst AmiSSL is still in use, provided elf.library 53.35+ is installed and no instances prior to AmiSSL 5.6 are still in memory.
AmigaOS 3: AmiSSL-5.13-OS3.lha (3,7 MB)
AmigaOS 4: AmiSSL-5.13-OS4.lha (3,4 MB)
SDK: AmiSSL-5.13-SDK.lha (2,3 MB) (dr)
[News message: 22. Dec. 2023, 20:54] [Comments: 1 - 27. Dec. 2023, 19:00]
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