Bill Borsari (ANF)
Event: AmiWest 2024
This year's AmiWest in Sacramento will take place from October 25-27. As Bill 'tekmage' Borsari reports in the official event blog, there are almost 40 tables this year, and David Haynie, Trevor Dickinson, Bill Panagouleas and Doug Compton are named as well-known participants.
The main theme this year will be games. As a change compared to previous years, however, the developer conference “AmiWest DevCon” will no longer be held on site, but online due to the low number of participants, which is why the duration of the event has been shortened to three days. Speaking time is still available for any additional presentations, and tickets for the banquet can also still be purchased. (snx)
[News message: 04. Sep. 2024, 10:13] [Comments: 1 - 04. Sep. 2024, 13:59]
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