Workbench distribution: AKReal 9.2
AKReal can already works with 16 colours and is the inofficial adaption of the Workbench distribution AmiKit to real Amigas (AGA/RTG). The update from the previous version 9.1 is for free and can be installed via LiveUpdate. New users have to pay 9.99 Euro for the download. Changes:
- ADDED: Freeware PowerWindows 1.3 by by Georg Steger, 10/11/2000.
- ADDED: Some existing RTG 1024x768 wallpapers saved now in iff format.
- ADDED: UAEgfx by Toni Willen in Sys:Devs/Monitors to be used with RTG when needed.
- ADDED: New option in Morpheuz to change the pointer or also the wallpapers/backdrops/skins used if you are already using some RTG option in your Amiga.
- ADDED: AmigaGPT version 1.2.0 by Cameron Armstrong. Now backwards compatible with OS3.9.
- ADDED: Spanish "esRadio", "Flower Power radio", "Love Radio Florida" and "CGM UKScene Radio*". You can find them in Sys:Utilities/Expansion/RadioStations/Scripts.
- ADDED: Filesize v40.1, 1998-02-22 by Msi Software, http://home.sol.no/~msi/
- UPDATED: WHDLoad to version 18.9.6601
- UPDATED: HippoPlayer v2.58 - kpk@iki.fi. K-P Koljonen 2023-06-21.
- UPDATED: AmigaAMP v3.33 -Thomas Wenzel (www.toms-home.de). 2022-12-20.
- UPDATED: IMP v3.411 - Pawel Nowak. 2023-06-29.
- UPDATED: TextEditor.mcc v15.56. Jens Maus (mail jens-maus de). 2021-08-31.
- UPDATED: BetterString.mcc v11.36. Jens Maus (mail jens-maus de). 2021-08-31.
- UPDATED: NList.mcc v0.128. Jens Maus (mail jens-maus de). 2021-08-31.
- UPDATED: TheBar.mcc v26.22. Jens Maus (mail jens-maus de). 2021-08-31 .
- UPDATED: AmiSSL v5.11. AmiSSL Open Source Team. 2023-09-19.
- UPDATED: OpenURL 7.18. Jens Maus 2016-09-07.
- UPDATED: MMULib v47.6. Thomas.richter at alumni.tu-berlin.de (Thomas Richter) 2023-07-01.
- UPDATED: WBDock by Thomas Rapp. Version 2.896. 16-Jul-2023.
- UPDATED: MUI v5.0. 2021-08-31 by Thore Böckelmann and changed MUI prefs for iGame.
- UPDATED: iGame V2.4.1 2023-07-19 by mrzammler at freemail.gr (Emmanuel Vasilakis).
- UPDATED: TinyMeter 3.56 by gibs2b gmail com (Michael GIBS).
- UPDATED: iBrowse to 2.5.8 and TextHistory.mcc to 11.8 version for the installation.
- CHANGED: Magellan Start menus. Now in Sys:Utilities/Expansion/Opus5/Buttons we have a shorter version. There are three drawers with different versions to try if you wish.
- CHANGED: SID Station Radio stream changed as suggested by @bjdcleary at the EAB site.
- CHANGED: "Disable_CGXAga&Birdie" is now "Change_CGXAga&Birdie" with more options.
- CHANGED: Femu by Jari has been exchanged by SoftIEEE, developed by Thomas Richter. Version 40.6.1 from 2023-01-23.
- CHANGED: Cinemix radio station to use Amplifier and a new script.
- FIXED: SceneSat radio
- DELETED: Nostalgia, XPD and WNMC48 radios, no longer working.
[News message: 20. Dec. 2023, 09:12] [Comments: 0]
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