Krzysztof 'deadwood' Śmiechowicz
AROS x86: Update of ABI-v0 developer branch / Hardware list
AROS developer Krzysztof 'deadwood' Śmiechowicz has released the new version 20201110-1 of AROS ABIv0 for 32-bit systems. He writes about it:
"This new version introduces close to 1000 changes made by several AROS developers, including improvements to hardware support and the Wanderer desktop, updates to several libraries as well as multiple bug fixes. The full changelog is listed on the corresponding GitHub website.
Additionally, for the first time, together with AROS community, we are publishing a list of recommended hardware. This list includes hardware that is well supported, easily obtainable second hand and will be re-tested for each future release to maintain compatibilty. If you are looking to purchase hardware for AROS, please check the list.
As we progress with future releases, more hardware will be added to give a user community a wider choice and a newer generation of hardware.
If you enjoy AROS and would like to get in touch with the wider AROS community, be sure to visit the new AROS community forum." (dr)
[News message: 09. Dec. 2023, 14:47] [Comments: 0]
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