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Print magazine: Passione Amiga, issue 18
The current issue of the Italian magazine "Passione Amiga" once again comprises 48 colour pages and is available in printed or digital form:
  • Video games: RogueCraft, Tony - Montezuma's Gold, Temptations, King & Balloon, TankX, Ami HERO, Doom RPG, FreeSynd, Geo's Quest, Gateway to Nowhere, Hack & Slash, Cecconoid, Quake 2 for AmigaOS 4.1 and AmigaOS 3.
  • Test report: Hollywood Designer 7.0
  • Review: Kickstart 02
  • Interviews: Numerous interviews with the authors of the titles reviewed in this issue
  • Technology: Amiga and networks
  • Also: Game news, tech news, reader mail, demo scene, box special...

[News message: 09. Aug. 2024, 15:46] [Comments: 0]
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