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28.-30.06.24 • Alternatives Computer-Meeting 2024 • Wolfsburg (Germany)
29.-30.06.24 • Kickstart 02 • Nottingham (England)
15.09.24 • Passione Amiga Day 2024 • Spoleto (Italy)
17.08.24 • ZZAP! Live 2024 • Kenilwort (England)

Berk Iybar in turkish :-) Under administration of Berk Iybar the turkish usergroup AmiManiacs will translate the amiga news into turkish. We are happy about this cooperation and are wishing all our turkish readers lots of fun with the news. :-)

[News message: 10. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Falke via email

EZPager turns to EZP@gerNG
After more than two years EZPager returns, now with the new name EZP@gerNG. You can send messages to pagers, mobile phones, and email addresses.

The first member of the EZP@gerNG family, the classic editon, is now available as freeware for download. You can use it for sending messages to the german pager services Scall, Skyper, Cityruf, Quix, and TeLMI.

At the homepage of SFXSoft you will find the latest versions of YGM.lha and SetDST.lha.

[News message: 10. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Fire
Amiga Fire is a new online magazine that deals exclusively with Amiga games. It will maintain you with the latest news, previews of forthcoming games and reviews of just released ones.

[News message: 10. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Trogsoft Award election about to finish
The Trogladite Software Awards 2000 elections are in the last phase. The winners of the five categories will be presented on July, 23th. Till then you can vote for your favourite websites on their homepage (titlelink). is nominated in the categorie "Website Awards".

[News message: 10. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Patrick Berhorst at the ANF

EASys! update 4.8 and new CD installer
The update of the latset CD V4.7.2 to V4.8 and a new installer script you will find on the EASys!-homepage. The installer script removes some problems with the original CD installer script. Please use this script only for a newinstallation of EASys!.

[News message: 10. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Roberts

WarpPNG.datatype (WarpUP PPC only) version 44.5 released
Download: WarpPNGdt.lha

[News message: 10. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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STRICQ beta version 0.1727 of 06.07.2000 released
Download: StrICQ.lha

Mario Cattaneo explains:
"As far as I know all these new "betas" are not really new betas, the changing of the homepage depends of some scripts by the author. These scripts are uploading automatically when he gets online. There is no further development, as far as I know, of 0.1727, not from Doug so far.

[News message: 10. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Satanic Dreams Software

Satanic Dreams Software website with new layout
The website of SDS has received the eighth new layout and you can be sure it will be not the last one. The new design is graphically wonderful reworked and the navigation is clearly designed. Only one negative point: the blue font on a black background; looks nice, but is hard to read.

[News message: 10. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga RC5 team effort
All sections of the RC5 website (setup/handling, FAQ and downloads) are updated and extended with the new, faster rc5 clients.

[News message: 10. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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New icons
Mick has updated his OpusGIBar homepage. Many new drawer icons are added.

[News message: 10. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas L. at the ANF

Another update of the 'Dropout-Killer'...
And there is another update of the "Dropout-Killer". The update from Version 2.01 [Final 01] to 2.01 [Final 02] contains the following changes:
  • a routine, that prevents succeeding listentries, was added
  • the routine for loading of project files was reworked. From now on the program is not interrupted when a defective file is loaded, it will show an error message.
  • the source code was reworked and optimized
  • the GUI file was changed

Remark: The update needs an installed version (Demo will do) of 2.01 [Final 01], because the archive only contains the changed files.

[News message: 10. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Dennis 'Hurrican' Pauler at the ANF

Video about "World of Alternatives 2000" finished!
It is done: the video about the "World of Alternatives 2000" is finally finished! Because the Home Electronics World will not happen, the "World of Alternatives 2000" was THE Amiga event of the year. We have made a short video about it (with music and spoken commentaries).

[News message: 10. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Werner Veit via E-Mail

Ten years S.A.U.G.eV.
The Saarbruecker AMIGA User Group (S.A.U.G.eV.) celebrates their 10th birthday. The president, Werner Veit, wrote:

Since April 1987 our Senior-Member Gerhard Seitz is organizing the first meetings of Amiga-Users. On July, 18th 1990 the S.A.U.G.eV. was founded.

The most important activities were the releases of the SAAR-AG disks (similar to Fred Fish) and the SAAR-AMOK-CD's. Under the the long-year presidency of Martin Schulze our Club grew up to the respectable size of more than 160 members. Regular User-Meetings, workshops, fair-journeys, and the organisation of the AMIGA-Bit were responsible for that about 70 members can celebrate our birthday in the context of a summer-festival on July 22nd - 23rd, despite the Commodore-Crash.

More information at:

[News message: 09. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

MakeCD 3.2c and FlashRom V1.2
MakeCD version 3.2c and FlashROM version 1.2 are available at the MakeCD-Server for download. Version 3.2c contains bugfixes. In addition there is the betaversion 3.2d of MakeCD, that supports DAO with ATAPI-drives and offers Sony-drivers.


[News message: 09. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Torsten at ANF

Amiga-Report at PC-Magazin
Using the titlelink you can find a short report in the PC-Magazin concerning the new Amiga. Die report has the title "Amiga: Multimedia-Platform with Java-Technology". According to this article the Amiga is beeing liked especially by musicians.

[News message: 09. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

FDA V2.6 - Future Drive Accelerator
On July, 6th 2000 Martin Tauchmann has released the version 2.6 of the diskcache program "FDA" (Future Drive Accelerator)

By caching the data in the RAM FDA accelerates the access on files noticeable. Harddisks should be faster by faktor 2-20 and diskdrives by faktor 2-997. Other media like CD-ROM-, Zip-, MO-Drives etc. are supported, too.

The tool works with at least AmigaOS 2.0 and 2MB Fast-Memory.

Download: disk/cache/fda.lha (326K), readme

[News message: 09. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

New Beta of ATC
On July, 8th 2000 a new Beta of the FTP-Client "AmiTradeCenter" has been released, which contains bugfixes and expansions. All changes can be read in the Changes-File.

Download: ATC_beta_08072000.lha (263K)

[News message: 09. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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New requests at the Boxer-Supportsite
Two new requests can be found at the inofficial Boxer-Supportsite. The first asks how much you would pay for a G3-PPC-Card, the second wants to know the CPU with which the Boxer should be distributed.

As usual, the results are directed to Mick Tinker, Blittersoft and Antigravity.

[News message: 09. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fabio Trotta at ANF

Port hotlist and requests at "No Risc No Fun"
Fabio Trotta wrote:
We have added requests to our Homepage. At the moment there are two concerning Game-Ports and Online-Gaming.

I also want to point your attention at our Port-Hotlist, where you can enter the games from other systems you want to have ported to the Amiga. I believe, this info is also quite interesting for developers.

[News message: 09. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Pietro Lang at ANF

Amiga-Forever Homepage now with own forum
Pietro Lang wrote:
The Amiga-Forever Homepage has been updated. There is an own forum now and there are some other news, too. Just have a look at it!

[News message: 09. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Kevin Orme at ANF

Porting MySQL to Amiga
The Amiga University plans a portation of some suggested projekts. The first will be a port of the on webservers widely spread SQL-Database MySQL, which sourcecode is under GPL since a short time. It will be ported for 68K and PPC-Amigas, while Amiga University will take care of the organisation and the communication for this project and publish all questions, reactions and problems concerning it.

If anyone is interested and wants to take part the stable version of the SQL-Code can be downloaded at Then you can compile it for 68k and PPC with the compiler of your choice. The resultand of your experiences can be sent to Amiga University to be tested by others. In addition you should write down which compiler you used, the system you were running it on and for the machine you compiled it for.

On the site are some older PPC-Binaries for IBM AIX OS, too, that possibly can help you with a PPC-Port.


[News message: 09. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas L. at ANF

Official final version of the 'Dropout-Killer' at Elastic Images
Andreas wrote:
Now everybody can download the final version of the Dropout-Killer for MovieShop using the titlelink. In addition to a complete rework of the sourcecode, that accelerates some of the routines, the program offers the following news:
  • A function, that adds the actual position of the Movieshop-Scenecontrol to the Listwindow.
  • The function 'Auto-Scroll&180; has been added to the Prefs.
  • Some additional internal error request have been implemented.
  • The Online-Help has been updated.

Important Note:
All Users, who use version 2.01 [Beta 3], should NOT use it, because of a bug that could DELETE THE WHOLE SCENE!!!

The bug is showing up mostly in the unregistered version, but in corresponding tests it also appeared in the registered version from time to time.

The bug has been removed in the updated version.

[News message: 09. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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New Aminet Uploads
HomeCINEMA.lha       biz/dbase  127K+German Video Database - now Cardware
StarBase_CLI.lha     biz/dbase  104K+Star Trek Episodes Database (v3.7)
TBol2DEMO.lha        biz/demo    85K+V2.2.0 Material receipt program,(BOLLE M
TCom2DEMO.lha        biz/demo    87K+V2.7.1 Amiga order program,(COMMESSE ITA
TFat2DEMO.lha        biz/demo   104K+V2.15.0 Amiga Invoice program,(FATTURE I
TGestDEMO.lha        biz/demo   405K+TurboGest (PACHETTO GESTIONALE ITALIAN O
TMagDEMO.lha         biz/demo   143K+V1.0.1 Amiga storage program,(MAGAZZINO 
TProspEd.lha         biz/demo    76K+V1.1.0 Form Editor For TurboFat (ITALIAN
AmIRC35-ITA.lha      comm/irc    15K+Italian catalog for AmIRC v3.5
AtoZ.lha             comm/misc   77K+Easy Amiga/Z88 file transfer. v2.0
phonewizard16.lha    comm/misc  265K+Phone answer machine for voice modems
MassDL.lha           comm/www    38K+Less work on WWW pages file leching. (AW
wpz-frozen33.lha     demo/aga   1.8M+Frozen#33 - Remedy Party Edition
Amiga-C-Jun00.lha    dev/c      177K+Postings to Amiga-C mailing list in June
fda-upd.lha          disk/cache  41K+Uses whole free memory to speedup 1.8-2.
fda.lha              disk/cache 326K+Faster than PFS also installed V2.6
fda_DviPS.lha        disk/cache 407K+English documentation in DVI, PS & texin
fda_d_DviPS.lha      disk/cache 444K+German documentation in DVI, PS & texinf
fda_d_GuidHTML.lha   disk/cache 102K+German documentation in Guide & HTML
Euro2000_guide.lha   docs/hyper  15K+Guide about Euro2000
WarpUp-Jun00.lha     docs/misc   84K+Postings to the WarpUp mailing list in J
CoolInstaller.lha    game/patch 193K+Installs nearly every game to harddisk
appe_v31.lha         hard/hack   41K+Use any PlayStation Pad in your Amiga
Memo-Tec.lha         misc/edu   128K+MemoTec - simple mind trainer
Denise4D.lha         misc/sci    87K+Denise-MYTH 4.0 Artificial Intelligence 
fom2001.jpg          pix/trace  245K+Space Pod from the movie 2001
fomst10.jpg          pix/trace  470K+USS Independence (Star Trek - TOS)
fomst11.jpg          pix/trace  465K+USS Independence (Star Trek - TOS)
fomst12.jpg          pix/trace  480K+USS Independence (Star Trek - TOS)
fomst13.jpg          pix/trace  290K+Jefferies Shuttle (Star Trek - TOS)
lucyplay.lha         util/libs    9K+AHI Audio Player + Joystick Functions
FreeWheel.lha        util/mouse  72K+Tool for WheelMice + trackballs/3-button

[News message: 08. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Martina Jacobs looking for translators for Wednesdays and Sundays
We still need two translators who are willing to translate for free from German to English, once a week. Currently, Wednesday and Sunday are vacant. If you are interested in supporting us this way, please contact Martina Jacobs.

[News message: 08. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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CS&E by e-mail

Welcome to AmigaSurvivor
With CS&E going back to the PC in the short term with our websites such as - it seems that Amiga Survivor and some other important Amiga information should have a new home. then! You can get news on the mag plus information about developing for the new Amiga with CS&E. I recommend that everyone takes a look at least once.

[News message: 08. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc.

The game development area "Amigatainment" of Amiga Inc. has been reworked. New under development is the game Earth 2140.

[News message: 08. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Frank Meyer-Pfauder on ANF

YAM2AmIRC v2.3 available
YAM2AmIRC, the interface for YAM and AmIRC, is available in it's 2.3 version. New is the significant speed increase and several new functions. Also new is the software support site URL, which changed to

[News message: 08. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Dietz

Contra position of Amiga Inc.
On 07/02/2000, we reported on John Wiederhirns critical reflections on the SDK.

Here is the answer from Amiga Inc:

From:    Bill McEwen
Subject: VP "Omissions" and problems re SDK...
Date:    Fri, 7 Jul 2000 10:08:01 -0700

Answer to this posting from John Wiederhirn on comp.sys.amiga.misc

Regarding message from J.F. Wiederhirn,

There are some valid points, but you overemphasise the points significantly.
The extent to which you dismiss the platform is at odds with the reality of
the graphics and Java performance [for example].

> 1.  Efficient register usage...or the lack thereof.
> VP code allows (hell, suggests) you to registers whenever possible.
> They scope registers at subroutine limits (among others, the details
> aren't really relevent to the problem).
> The problem is that you cannot direct register usage, or even
> prioritize it.  You can scope it slightly, by indicating when a
> register is last-used.  Every register usage is in the end evaluated
> by the translator and handled based on it's algorithms. Since (and
> I'll avoid the extensive mathematical proofs involved) their optimizer
> cannot understand more than basic algorithms, that means it is very
> difficult to do tight register-based optimization on code.

You cannot direct register usage, just as you can't in C. So really you are
saying that you cannot write as efficient code in VP as you can by
hand-crafting native assembler. This is undeniably true and nobody pretended
otherwise. VP does give you, however, a means of writing low-level code,
sacrificing the minimum of efficiency possible with a portable solution. For
ultimate performance, certain operations would need to be written in native
but when you don't do this, you still get near-optimal performance in a
portable manner.

> 2.  MMX, SSE, maybe someday?
> The reason for the vague answers regarding how MMX and SSE were to be
> supported is now very clear to me.  They aren't supported from a
> programmer standpoint as far as I can discern.  Even the documentation
> for the PII interfaces leaves it unclear whether platform-specific
> code (more on that in a bit) can safely use those instructions, since
> there's no documentation as to whether those registers are state-saved
> in the current SDK.

As it happens, they are saved.

The CPU documentation details which native registers are used by the VP
environment. Development of PII tools such as the first level interrupt
handler is directly based on that information. For example,
sys/cii/arm6/cpu.html gives the information about native register usage for
anyone wishing to write an ARM PII.

> The VP in the SDK does not appear to support any mechanism for issuing
> MMX or SSE instructions.

To get ultimate performance you would need to abstract at a library level
and develop native MMX-based implementations. So MMX type instructions can
be used now. They have not been abstracted into VP as there is no
sufficiently common model across all processors with MMX-type operations to
get any degree of efficiency. However, as noted in this paragraph already,
an application that can make good use of these instructions on a particular
processor can contain some native tools containing the MMX type instructions
for that particular processor. These tools can be macro-ised and embedded to
get code that looks and behaves like the MMX instructions were fully

Would you suggest an abstraction that could be used? You obviously have some
good ideas in mind for you to have made such comments.

> 3.  Cache?  Hello?
> This omission appears to be the second-most glaring to me, from a
> low-level perspective.  VP code has neither any concept of cache, nor
> any way to actually control it.  While that makes some sense from a
> software interpreter/compiler standpoint, it totally ignores that
> under the VP there is a real CPU with real cache.  The idea that
> meaningful driver code can be written is VP code is laughable given
> that the VP has no way to actually handle cacheable vs non-cacheable
> contents.

Cache? Hi!

This is not a VP issue at all. Do any processors have native instruction
modifiers that allow cache usage to be modified on a per instruction basis?
I do not know of any. I would have thought that most of this work will be by
programming a CPU register(s) to control the cache usage (i.e. coarse: turn
off at start - turn on at end for all memory operations on a memory bank.
fine: declare a pointer type to be uncached so that any use of that pointer
is not cached.). Note that in your question 4 there is a reference to
declaring a memory area as cached or not cached, so that is the level of
cache management expected. So, that is clearly not a VP issue. In fact,
intent is uniquely placed to take advantage of an architecture where cache
lines are controlled by individual flags within the pointer. The trouble is,
again, there is no good abstraction for this concept. It is up to individual
platforms and drivers to have these concepts defined and used if required.
And this is all perfectly possible on intent. An example might be that two
memory objects are declared, one returns cached memory, one not cached.
These can even allocate from the same underlying pool, although you are
likely to find that the cache is turned off and on at larger boundaries than
the byte.

The kernel and tool loaders are cache aware in that they call
sys/cii/flushicache during tool loading and code relocation to allow a
platform to clean/flush caches if required. Although this is a CII tool, it
is actually implemented in the PII since cache details may differ on
platforms with apparently similar cores. The tool is directly accessible to
device drivers if developers wish to use it. Where DMA and cache interaction
is an issue, the PII implementer would write tools for the device driver
writer to use to e.g. clean/writeback a DCache.

The whole point of the PII is that there is a fixed set of tools required by
the OS on all platforms plus a "platform specific" optional set that need to
be written to address specific issues on the target platform. This maintains
the portability and encapsulates the "dirty stuff" in one layer. PIIs have
successfully been implemented on many platforms with caches and "take
advantage" of the cache just like any software.

> 4.  Memory-space attributes.
> I don't even know where to start with this.  The PII mechanisms
> offered, as far as I could discern (and the documentation on this is
> far from centralized) appeared to support the following ops:  You can
> map physical memory to Amiga memory, and unmap it.  You can obtain the
> physical address of mapped memory.  You can do a couple other usual
> mapping tricks with that memory.
> You CANNOT set any attributes for the memory range in question, such
> as cached/non-cached, write-combined/non-write-combined, etc.  Who the
> hell's brain-fart was responsible for that?  Jeez, Tao's been tooling
> on this thing for years and years, and they never once thought being
> able to set stuff as non-cached was valuable?

The cacheing issue has already been covered. Any other attributes fall into
the same category. Have you come across write-combined/non-write-combined?
Even if these exist, it wouldn't really change anything. If a need is
identified, functions can easily be added to the PII. It has been
constructed to be extensible.

The primary focus for intent has been on embedded systems where the MMU is
used to set up a fairly simple memory space with mostly 1:1 translation from
physical to virtual space. These mappings are set up at boot time. The
mapping tools you refer to were developed several years ago for the DOS
platform and are not used on any other platform.

> 5.  Cross-platform.  Well, kinda.
> The docs themselves suggest that tools (think of em as DLLs, they work
> almost exactly the same as Windows DLLs) can hold multiple versions of
> the same code for different environments.  In fact, they specifically
> mention that optimized versions of code for a given environment can be
> included in a tool, as well as a generalized VP version.
> So much for platform neutrality and cross-platform compatibility.
> Their solution is no different than JNI, and suffers precisely the
> same issues.

This isn't true. JNI is not portably defined across platforms.
I don't see really what the complaint is here.

> 6.  Interrupts
> I saved this for last because, well, "the horror, the horror...".  As
> I've already mentioned under VP your cache control is non-existent.
> To the issue of interrupt handling, well, I can only pass along the
> trauma and suggest anyone really interested buy the SDK.  You'll be
> impressed to see the mechanism documented on paper, if ya don't tear
> out your own eyeballs.

I expect here you are commenting on the efficiency of the interrupt handing
model. Not altogether a surprise, if someone's obsessed by these issues.

There is nothing wrong with the interrupt model for 'normal' usage
platforms. Those who are obsessed are at liberty to fit in their own
architecture here. Platforms with little hardware support for devices may
also need to do the same thing to be able to service interrupts at a very
low patency. The intent model does not precluse this at all.

> On a personal note, I just got stuck in a wheelchair after a spinal
> injury.  I _really_ wanted this to turn out as a review of cool
> technology because my mood was already dour.  I'm left after viewing
> the technology wondering what the hell Tao's been doing for the last
> few years, and why Amiga thought this technology was
> desktop-appropriate.  The VP, while totally appropriate for embedded
> and handheld concerns, isn't remotely appropriate for high-bandwidth
> desktop concerns.

Some things are undeniably true, nonetheless. The 2D graphics functionality
and performance is unparalleled. This is all done in VP. It shows that using
this technology it is possible to develop highly performing portable
software (near optimal, not completely optimal on all architectures). The
JVM and libraries are still be best available. It is true that the
superiority of the technology is greatest in embedded space but to suggest
that it is worthless is not realistic.

Finally, it is worth pointing out that it is impossible to refute bland
allegations that do not give any substance.

[News message: 07. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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OnyxSoft via eMail

Software updates from OnyxSoft
The following program were updated:

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Spiegel: M E T @ B O X continuous price rise at stock market
«Met@box, the stock market favorite of the last half year, climbs from all-time high to all-time high. The company can announce more and more large orders.
Frankfurt am Main, Germany - the price rally of the company from Hildesheim had reached its priliminary peak on Thursday. In only one day, the stocks climbed by 42.3 percent. On Friday, the stocks made another plus of 11 percent and is quoted currently at 209 Euro.» For full article (in German) follow title link.

[News message: 07. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Beauty of Indus3 om ANF

ssss - the retrospective of serbian scene CD
The CD will contain many demos from the entire Serbian scene. The authors are also looking for further demos they may put onto the CD.

[News message: 07. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Comeback of a Classic: News from the Amiga
«After the company Amiga presented a new multimedia operating system in connection with a fitting PC at the fair Amiga2000 in St. Louis, many developing and distribution cooperations were made in the last months. They are supposed to let the computer of the same name rise like the phoenix from the ashes. As known from old Amiga times, the announcements read very euphorical, the introduction of the new machines still takes its time.» For full article (in German) see title link.

Interesting are the comments, where the entire "anti Amiga league" seems to have gathered. I can understand that many people just lost their faith in a new Amiga, but I cannot understand the sometimes totally unqualified comments full of arrogance of some whippersnappers who probably worked in the end with an A500. Maybe some Amiga users should add more competent contributions :-).

[News message: 07. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn via email

Da Cool Installer v 1.7 released
After two years there is a new update for Da cool Installer released on the homepage of Airsoft Softwair. For real it is a complete new program, because I coded the old Da Cool Installer new (for stability reasons).Version 1.7 should be nearly bugfree and I quote from the Voyager-readme "stable as a rock".

Da Cool Installer is a general installer for games/demos etc. It supports ECS emulation, trackdisk.device emulation, and several bootmodi. In theory you can install easily every AmigaDOS game to harddisk.

Da cool Installer v1.7 is from now available for download on the Airsoft Softwair homepage.

[News message: 06. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Comparade at the ANF

COMPARADE - Amiga- and C64-meeting
The Comparade is a scene meeting for Amiga- and C64-freaks and will take part from the Oct, 27th - 29th 2000 in Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany. More details about the meeting you will find on the new Comparade-homepage.

[News message: 06. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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New Aminet uploads
StarBase_SCR.lha     biz/dbase  110K+Star Trek Episodes Database (v2.1)
TAdesivi.lha         biz/demo    42K+V1.0.3 Ticket editor for TurboGest (ITAL
TBolDEMO.lha         biz/demo    71K+V1.3.1 Material receipt program,(BOLLE M
TProspEd.lha         biz/demo    59K+V1.0.5 Form Editor For TurboFat (ITALIAN
AmIRC35-ITA.lha      comm/irc    15K+Italian catalog for AmIRC v3.5
dc240wizard14.lha    comm/misc  116K+Tool for Kodak DC240 digital camera
MiamiDxWebCP.lha     comm/net    18K+MiamiDxWebCP 2.3 - a Web Control Panel f
SimpleFTP.lha        comm/tcp   258K+SimpleFTP v2.64 - Powerful and easy to u
BlitzLstJun00.lha    dev/basic  138K+Blitz mailing list archives for June 200
BlitzLstMay00.lha    dev/basic  106K+Blitz mailing list archives for May 2000
advlite20b7.lha      dev/misc   270K+Powerfull & neat AutodocViewer v2.0 BETA
Aakt0700HTML.lha     docs/mags  277K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
PD_Cheater_V25.lha   game/hint  447K+PD_Cheater, Cheats for PD Games (german)
pacman.lha           game/misc   98K+Pacman version 0.9B. 
Shuf2_upd.lha        game/patch 146K+Shuffle 2 - Mysted -> update to version 
Orbit_68k.lha        game/shoot 128K+Space Combat Simulator [040/060]
Orbit_ppc.lha        game/shoot 132K+Space Combat Simulator [WarpOS]
Orbit_src.lha        game/shoot 127K+Space Combat Simulator [Source]
GuessStress.lha      game/think 199K+GuessStress V1.5   
Shuffle3.lha         game/think 6.3M+Third part of a simple logical game, gre
CyberPiPView.lha     gfx/board   11K+Videolayer picture viewer (2.5)
amimdc800.lha        gfx/misc   131K+Mustek MDC800 Digital Camera Control
ChipEm.lha           misc/emu    71K+Chip 8 v0.3  Emulator by Balrog Soft
LottoV2.01.lha       misc/misc  434K+Play Lotto! (V2.01, req. 2.0) -Update-
LottoV2.lha          misc/misc  884K+Play Lotto! (V2.0, req. MUI)
NieMehrNachHs.lha    mods/smpl  4.0M+Nie mehr nach Haus! (8svx music sample) 
toccatamixer.lha     mus/misc    24K+Toccata sound card control program
AmigaAMPstart.lha    mus/play   164K+Welcome mpeg for AmigaAMP
UpRate.lha           mus/play     6K+Ensures top Paula samplerates always ava
PSI-Division.lha     pix/anim    36K+Splitting Greek
Trinity.mpg          pix/mpg     64K+This is first VHS demo created by Halluc
GED_Hexedit.lha      text/edit  235K+Hexedit Environment for GOLDED V1.40
wbstartup++.lha      util/boot   14K+Startup program launcher
WarpPNGdt.lha        util/dtype  48K+PNG image datatype (WarpOS/PPC) V44.5
asyncioppc.lha       util/libs   23K+Asyncio.library with WarpOS functions (V
lucyplay.lha         util/libs    9K+AHI Audio Player + Joystick Functions
calculator.lha       util/misc   25K+Fully functional scientific calculator
InstallerFXSou.lha   util/misc   34K+V1.10,InstallerFX Sourcecode(StormC).
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc   54K+3.2: Multi-function utility
xpkGZIP-WOS.lha      util/pack   22K+XpkGZIP module for WarpOS (V2.1)
LSClock.lha          util/time   22K+SHAREWARE clock utility
rndwbpix.lha         util/wb     11K+Random wbpattern picture selector (39.7)
yerfawt.lha          util/wb      2K+Yer Fawt! fault strings for "your Fault"

[News message: 06. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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"The Luggage" is going to be famous :-)
The self-made Amiga laptop of Volker Mohr (aka Dr. Zarkov) gave a lasting impression to Applefritter. In a detailed article Applefritter presents this laptop.

[News message: 06. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Volker Mohr via email

Classic Computing 2000
On Saturday, 09/02/2000 a market for all 8-bit computers, Amiga, Atari, and other 68k-computers will take part in Neukirchen-Vluyn (Niederrhein), Germany, in the tennishall Wegmann. Besides the possibilities to buy or sell hard- and software at special prices you can get in contact with other friends of "special computers".

You can play with old consoles and computers or take a look at the new Amiga SDK, the developing environment for the new Amiga computers.

Some of the "Celebrities" that maybe showing off are the team of, Sascha Hoogen of the 8-bit-Nirvana and airbrush artist Rolf Tingler of the Airbrush Paradise Tingler. If you want to show your products on this event, please send an appointment to Because of the good terms of conditions and the limited space be quick.

The showdown of this event will be a big party in the afternoon. You can be part of it with appointment. More details and a description of route to the event you will find following the titlelink.

[News message: 06. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl via email

Amiga Future: interview with Ancor
On the homepage of Amiga Future you can find an interview with Ancor, coders of "The Last Seal". For not german speaking users there is a button on the left frame of the main page to translate the page into english. You will find the interview in the "aktion"-section of Amiga Future. A actual poll about the AmigaNG you will find on the main page. You can say your opinion about the homepage of Amiga Future at the forum and a special action for online subscribing lasts for a few days.

[News message: 06. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Heise: Internet-TV via Metabox for France
«Met@box AG, the Settop-Box producer from Hildesheim, Germany, within a few weeks now got the third bulk order. This company both, develops and distributes so called Settop-Boxes basing on OS/2 that make a surf terminal out of the telly.

This time the French Worldsat S.A.R.L. form Aix-en-Provence signed a basic agreement on 500.000 boxes. Met@box terms the value of this deal with 400 million DM. Worldsat wants to distribute the boxes in France, as well as in three countries in northern Africa, and wants to organize a stage for e-commerce, at the same time. Together with this deal it was agreed to manufacture the devices in France from 2001. »

[News message: 06. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Gamespy interview: Bjorn Lynne
GameSpy has interviewed the music veteran Bjorn Lynne aka "Dr. Awesome". Bjorn talks about the Amiga and how it helped him to get where he is nowadays.

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The 30.000th visitor can win EASys!
Current there where 28.325 visitors. Furthermore Eternity announces the "Exorzist" to be available again as soon as the new PPC-accelerators will be available.

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Stian Strøm's plugins updated
New versions of "The Trance Tunnel 2.1" with many new effects and of "Waves Of The Future" are available. These plugins are better than ever and compatible with WarpUP.


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Ateo serial device version 0.599 released
Download:ateoser.lzx - ateoser.readme

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Eyetech releases specifications of their developer box
Overall they present four different systems at four different prices.

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Dirk Konrad at the ANF

Amiga MAS-player version 2
The new software for the hardware based mp3-player "MAS_Player" is ready for download on my homepage. New features of the software: support of a palylist and random play. Aslo on the homepage you can find a forum where you can share informations about the hard- and software.

[News message: 06. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl via email

Lost eMails
APC&TCP are looking for C++ coders to support the game projekt "Phönix". Some coders have answered the call, but due to a mistake nearly all the email adresses are lost :(. Please get in contact with us again (or if you want to apply for the first time) sending an email to

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Third party programs for AmigaOS 3.5
A FTP-area for so called third party programs for AmigaOS 3.5 at Amiga Inc. has opened. You will find some useful programs there.

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The Pulse via email

Pulse Super CD
Who subscribes the magazine "The Pulse" will receive a CD-Rom containing many gamedemos, updates, and the full versions of "Abduction" and "Charlie J Cool - AGA & ECS version" with the first issue:

From    Pulse Publishing
To      Amiga News
Date    Thu, 06 Jul 2000 01:32:02 +0000
Subject Pulse Super CD


Due to the massive response for The Pulse Magazine from retailers/distributers
and the Amiga public, we have managed to take an idea we had for later down
the line and put it into action for the very first issue!

And so, *The Pulse Super CD* has now become a reality.

When you subscribe to The Pulse Magazine for 6 or 12 months, you will gain
automatic inclusion to receive all issues of the Super CD released during
your subscription period.

The Pulse Super CD is a brand new peice of software put together by the
writers of The Pulse filled with tons of glorious goodies to entertain and
benefit all types of users.

Unlike other cover CD's which seem to be full of the same old stuff, each
SUPER CD contains 640mb of brand new, completely different goodies to the
last including:-

- All the hottest game demos, previews and screenshots
- All the latest serious software demos
- Hints, tips, cheats & solutions
- Quality workbench tools and accessories
- Workbench backgrounds, themes and screensavers
- Reams and reams of glowicons for OS 3.5
- Art Gallery
- Brand new custom made Directory Opus themes
- Full commercial games
- Full commercial serious software

The Pulse Super CD is designed to be released when we feel we can fill a
complete CD with only the best, top quality products, and ensure that each
and every issue has entirely different contents to the last.

Below are the highlights of the first release:-

- Full commercial games including:
    Charlie J Cool AGA & ECS Versions

- Tons of great game demos including:
    Wolfenstein 3D
    Heretic II
    Hell Squad

- Tons of great game updates including:
    Frontier Elite II
    Virtual GP
    Foundation DC

- Serious Software Updates:
   Wordworth Fonts
    Pagestream Fonts

- Demo Scene featuring the best Amiga demos from around the world.

Don't forget, all this is only available to subscribers of The Pulse Magaine,
so get your subscriptions in today!

Release date for next issue is mid July....

Kind regards
The Pulse
No Way Out.....

If you ever subscribe to an Amiga mag again this should be it!

[News message: 06. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fabio Trotta on ANF

No Risc No Fun AMIGA Club at own domain
The German Online AMIGA Club No Risc No Fun is now also available at the domain Furthermore we are working to expand the club, and during the next days many innovations are to expect. On our sites you will find tests, tips, pictures, mods, news, lists of releases, and many more. I hope to hear from you, some day.

[News message: 05. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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John Zacharias via eMail

AmiWest Press Release 7
Eyetech Group Ltd. will exhibit at AmiWest 2000. The AmiWest 2000 will take place on Juli, 29th - 30th in Sacramento, California. More information you will find at the titlelink or on the AmiWest 2000 Website.

From: John Zacharias

Subject: AmiWest 2000 Press Release 7
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 06:55:36 -0700 (PDT)


Eyetech Group Ltd will be exhibiting at AmiWest 2000!

On June 6, Amiga Inc. and Eyetech Group Ltd entered into a strategic
relationship for Eyetech to manufacture the first release of the Next
Generation Amiga Development Machine.  Eyetech will be coming to
Sacramento, California for AmiWest 2000 and will be showing off the Next
Generation Amiga Development Machine coupled with a Classic A1200 at the

Eyetech is the leading UK developers and Worldwide mail order retailers of
Amiga technology products for the home and for industry.  They are the
manufacturers and distributors of the EZDev-Plus and EZDev-Tower Dev Boxes
in the UK and Ireland under a partnership agreement with Amiga Inc.  and
parent company of the Eye-Play ( games publishing and
distribution for the Classic and Amiga OE platforms

Products at the show will include:  EZRack 2U x 380mm 19" rack system
containing a full EZDev and Classic A1200 platform networked in the same
case; EZBoot silicon floppy disk allowing direct booting from CDROM on all
WB3+ Amigas; the AMON low distortion automatic monitor switcher for the
Cybervision64-3D and scandoubled AGA outputs; the EZLink AREXX-controlled
infrared controller 'learning' receiver/transmitter for all WB2+ Amigas;
the EZ-Net 5-click Linux-Amiga, Win-Amiga & Amiga-Amiga networking software
and installer; the EZ-VGA range of scan doublers and flickerfixers and much

A rolling presentation under SCALA MM400 will show some of the products
that we physically couldn't bring with us, but regularly send to the US by
mail order.  These include:  the full range of EZDev configuration options,
the EZTower-Z4 A1200 tower system with Z4 expansion board (3 x Z2, 2 x
hi-speed Z2, 2 x 19MB/s Z4, 4 x clock port slots) and many more products.

Special dealer and User Group pricing will be available at the show.
Eyetech can be reached on the web at

Remember, AmiWest 2000 is being held on Friday through Sunday, July 29-30,
2000 at the Holiday Inn, Sacramento NorthEast, in Sacramento, CA.  Classes
and seminars will be held throughout the day on both Saturday and Sunday
with the exhibit hall being open on Saturday, July 29th from 10 A.M.  - 5
P.M and Sunday, July 30th 10 A.M.  - 4 P.M.

Specially priced tickets for AmiWest 2000 are available in advance by mail.
Prices are:  two day admission tickets, $12 and one day admission ticket,
$8.  If you elect to purchase tickets at the door, the prices are:  two day
ticket at the door, $15 and One day ticket at the door, $10.  If you are
ordering a one day ticket by mail, please specify which day (Saturday or
Sunday) you are attending.

There will be a buffet banquet on Saturday evening, July 29th, with Bill
McEwen, President of Amiga Inc., as the guest speaker discussing the
progress made to date on the new Amigas.  Price is $35 per plate.  Banquet
tickets must be purchased in advance.  They will NOT be sold on Friday nor
Saturday due to the hotel needing attendance figures for planning the

You can mail your requests for advanced admission and banquet tickets to:

      AmiWest 2000
      c/o John Zacharias
      10004 Vanguard Drive
      Sacramento, CA 95827

Make checks payable to "AmiWest".

A form for ordering tickets can be found on the AmiWest web page at

where you can learn more about AmiWest 2000.

Petro Tyschtschenko, Managing Director, Amiga Deutschland Inc., will be
joining Mr McEwen in attendance at AmiWest 2000.

Special hotel room rates are available at the Holiday Inn for those
attending AmiWest 2000.  Room rates are $ 79 (Single) and $ 89 (double) if
reservations are made by July 7.  You must mention that you are attending
AmiWest to get the special rate.  You can phone the Holiday Inn at
1-916-338-5800 or 1-800-388-9284 (Tool Free - Hotel directly) to make hotel

You will also be able to purchase the recently announced Software
Development Kit (SDK) for the new Amigas at AmiWest 2000.  The SDK is being
sold by several of the exhibitors at the show.

This weekend event will again showcase the progress that IS the Amiga

Hope to see you at AmiWest 2000 on July 29-30, 2000.

John Zacharias, chairperson
AmiWest 2000

[News message: 05. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Voyager with new Layout-Engine
Oliver Wagner is working on a completely new written Layout-Engine for Voyager, in order to make modern handling of websites with Voyager 3.3 possible.

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Fun Time World introduces the intent Mediasystem from the Tao-Group
With the title "Creating Digital Heaven" introduces the intent Mediasystem from the Tao-Group. intent was mentioned as a part of the new operating environment for the first time in a Live Chat with Tao Group and Fleecy Moss on 01/19/2000.

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Pietro Lang on ANF

Amigatheme Update Release 4
The homepage of the German ACB "Amigatheme" got an update again, at last. More updates will follow weekly! Just have a look!

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Tom Neidhard on ANF

EASys! Mailinglist online
Hereby I invite you to the EASys! mailinglist. Here, Easyans have the opportunity to talk about experiences (with me participating) and hear the latest on tipps and the current development status.

Group name: easysystem
URL: Start page
Posting address:

[News message: 04. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Schröder by e-mail

AMIGA aktuell 07/00 now online
Aside from the latest Amiga news, current software tests and many more, there is also a workshop on TCP/IP networking between Amiga and Windows systems. Also a detailed report from the "World of Alternatives" is included. Moreover, we will now post a list of available AmigaNG programs every month.

[News message: 04. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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New Aminet uploads
F1db.lha             biz/dbase  100K+Store and manage Formula 1 results
Bippy.lha            biz/dkg     16K+Plugin for Extreme
Extreme.lha          biz/dkg    125K+New update for Extreme
xtm-Pa2k.lha         biz/dkg     30K+Additional texture for Extreme
ArtConvert.lha       biz/haage   20K+ArtConvert - Converts a bunch of picture
PalmBackup.lha       comm/misc  188K+1.8 - Backup/Restore/Install for PalmPil
T-Rexx.lha           comm/tcp    61K+Shows current TV-programs in Finland
PlaySidDevBas.lha    dev/basic   37K+Using PlaySid library from HBasic
pmDevBas.lha         dev/basic  122K+Using PopUpMenu library from HBasic
AsyncIOPPCdev.lha    dev/c        4K+Use asyncio.library under PPC (PowerUP) 
MPEGAPPCdev.lha      dev/c        2K+Use mpega.library under PPC (PowerUP) (G
MCC_Popph.lha        dev/mui     84K+V15.5 - Popup placeholder class (MUI)
MCC_Popph_Src.lha    dev/mui     34K+V15.5 - Popup placeholder class (MUI)
MCC_TipOfDay.lha     dev/mui     53K+V15.8 - 'Tip of the day' class (MUI)
MCC_TipOfDay_S.lha   dev/mui     54K+V15.8 - 'Tip of the day' class (SRC)
hof-html.lha         docs/hyper 1.1M+Amiga F1GP Hall of Fame June 2000
Aakt0700GFX.lha      docs/mags  574K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Aakt0700GUIDE.lha    docs/mags   99K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
freeciv.lha          game/2play 891K+Amiga Version 1.12 => Freeciv 1.11.0
F1GP_2000.lha        game/data   10K+2000 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (2 July)
WBPPenguins.lha      game/data   37K+WBPerplexity Penguins
ForgottenMine2.lha   game/misc   12K+23 Emerald Mine levels
VGP1.0d.lha          game/patch 498K+WORKING V1.0d update!!! Plus "Arcade" mo
dropout-killer.lha   gfx/board  170K+Update for Dropout-Killer V2.01 [beta 1]
MotionBlur_IFX.lha   gfx/ifx      2K+MotionBlur Arexx script for ImageFX
Minas.mpg            mods/elbie 469K+Minastir [Folklore] by ElbiE^t13n!
Muerig.ric.lha       mods/funk  221K+Funk with cool grooves by R.KAPP
SCL_Moments.lha      mods/house 391K+SCL! - 4channel Mod at trsac'00 (2nd pla
rno-r041.lha         mods/misc  423K+Rno-label release no.41 by roz (acid/det
blipbreak.lha        mods/pop    84K+ProTracker module by Joerg Winkler
dreamsong.lha        mods/pop    63K+OctaMED SoundStudio track by Joerg Winkl
effecthymne.lha      mods/pop    99K+ProTracker module by Joerg Winkler
hunger.lha           mods/pop    94K+ProTracker module by Joerg Winkler
icysong.lha          mods/pop    45K+OctaMED SoundStudio track by Joerg Winkl
tekkgroove.lha       mods/pop    67K+ProTracker module by Joerg Winkler
uhahuh.lha           mods/pop    55K+ProTracker module by Joerg Winkler
Vincent.lha          mods/pop    35K+OctaMED SoundStudio track by Joerg Winkl
info.lha             mus/edit    23K+Replacement for the  NFO -Rexxscript of 
sfx-bin_00.lha       mus/edit   1.3M+V4.00 Bin 68000 Soundprocessingsoftware
sfx-bin_20.lha       mus/edit   1.4M+V4.00 Bin 68020 Soundprocessingsoftware
sfx-bin_20m.lha      mus/edit   1.2M+V4.00 Bin 68020+FPU Soundprocessingsoftw
sfx-bin_30.lha       mus/edit   1.3M+V4.00 Bin 68030 Soundprocessingsoftware
sfx-bin_30m.lha      mus/edit   1.2M+V4.00 Bin 68030+FPU Soundprocessingsoftw
sfx-bin_40m.lha      mus/edit   1.2M+V4.00 Bin 68040+FPU Soundprocessingsoftw
sfx-bin_60m.lha      mus/edit   1.2M+V4.00 Bin 68060+FPU Soundprocessingsoftw
sfx-data.lha         mus/edit   149K+V4.00 Data Soundprocessingsoftware
sfx-dev.lha          mus/edit    71K+V4.00 Developer Soundprocessingsoftware
sfx-doc_eng.lha      mus/edit   127K+V4.00 Doc english Soundprocessingsoftwar
sfx-doc_ger.lha      mus/edit   133K+V4.00 Doc german Soundprocessingsoftware
sfx-goodies.lha      mus/edit    47K+V4.00 Goodies Soundprocessingsoftware
EP_PVP.lha           mus/play     4K+EaglePlayer "Peter Verswyvelen Packer" e
Babylon-1.jpg        pix/art     13K+Jpg picture with fxPaint
neerv_mwb.lha        pix/mwb    229K+Neervoort s MWB Game - Icons !!!
SuperSansSerif.lha   text/bfont   5K+Light and clean ScreenText Amiga Font
DSLT01.lha           text/print 129K+DrawStudio's Templates for labels 01 v1.
Next2.9.lha          text/show   80K+Viewer for text/guides/html/datatypes
cli2win.lha          util/cli     9K+Open a window to any path directly from 
HistoryCD.lha        util/cli     7K+CD replacement (wildcards, history)
TitleCD.lha          util/cli     7K+CD replacement (wildcards, window title)
ConvertIRCserv.lha   util/conv    2K+Converts mIRC's server list to AmIRC
easyconvert.lha      util/conv   20K+Easy Convert - converts miles - km, etc.
jAnimator.lha        util/wb    209K+Animate your public cgfx screen

[News message: 04. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc.

Amiga Inc. Faq-O-Matic available
At, the FAQs are now available. This system allows submitting questions online, and answering them the same way.

Currently, there are FAQs on the following areas:
  • Amiga SDK FAQ
  • Amiga Graphics FAQ
  • Amiga Audio FAQ
  • General Amiga FAQ

[News message: 04. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Tao Group

MathEngine and Tao Group Announce Strategic Partnership

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Oliver Roberts

WarpPNG.datatype PPC (WarpUP only) version 44.5 released
Donwload: WarpPNGdt.lha - 48 Kb

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Haage & Partner

Amiga Writer 2.2
AmigaWriter 2.2 offers two new, important features and two bug fixes:
  • FinalWriter import (including paragraphs and font settings)
  • WordWorth import (ASCII only)
  • improved TurboPrint support
  • fixed Word import (tabstops and left indent)

On the H&P FTP server there are free patches for versions 2.0 and 2.1. Also available there is the AmigaWriter 2.2 demo.

[News message: 04. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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AmigActive survey
The UK Amiga magazine "AmigActive" is doing a survey what can be improved, according to reader opinion.

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apex Design

Payback status report
There are many requests when the game will be released, we estimate end of october, early November. In the new status report you can read that the author did spend much time on fixing annoying bugs, optimizing subroutines, implementing the on-screen map, adding new missions and vehicles, and optimizing vehicle movement.

[News message: 04. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Vesalia on ANF

BlizzardPPC 603e boards available again starting next week
Starting July 12th, BlizzardPPC 603e accelerator boards will be in stock at KDH, and Vesalia Computer, as well as other distributors worldwide.

[News message: 04. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Kost by e-mail

SoundFX 4.0 (final) released
I have released SoundFX 4.0 (final). It can be found on Aminet (mus/edit) and my homepage (title link or

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Henk Jonas on ANF

MetaView mailinglist open
I have created a mailinglist on my program MetaView. If you want to get first hand news on the development, you are welcome to join in.

Group name: Meta View
Entry page URL:
Posting address:

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Oliver Gantert on ANF

Orbit 0.6 released
The new version fixes some bugs, and sound / joystick subroutines are available as shared library.

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Bright Light Software

Alpha release: Audiomaster 2000 v0.45a
Audiomaster 2000, the sample editor, has been released as version 0.45a. The program by Frank "Fenny" Fenn will be released as Shareware, therefore this demo version does not allow saving.

Download: audiomaster2k.lha - 86 Kb

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Czech Amiga News

Extreme version 2.0 released
Registered users can use their keyfile for this version, all others will have demo mode only. Bippy, the first Extreme plug-in was also updated.

Extreme.lha - 128 Kb, Extreme.readme
Bippy.lha - 16 Kb, Bippy.readme

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AmigaFest 2000 Update
At the title link, you can read details on the Amiga Fest 2000 taking place on August 26th - 27th in Dayton, Ohio.

[News message: 04. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Steven Flowers by e-mail

The Pulse magazine looking for european distributors
We are on the lookout for distributors of the new Pulse Magazine. We have several companies who have agreed to sell it in the UK, and would like to hear from retailers in Europe and around the world who would also like to sell it to their own customers.

As well as free delivery of the magazine to anywhere in the world, we offer a good trade discount, and as an added incentive we are prepared to give 50% off our advertising costs to anyone prepared to distribute for us. Interested parties should contact: The Pulse Magazine,

[News message: 04. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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