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28.-30.06.24 • Alternatives Computer-Meeting 2024 • Wolfsburg (Germany)
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Andreas Falkenhahn via eMail

Lost eMails
Caused by a major problem of the email-service GMX I lost all of the eMails that reached me between July 9th and July 15th. Because I was on vacation I was not able to download them before they were deleted. If anybody had send me a mail and have not get a response yet, please write me again. Thanks.

[News message: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fabio Trotta at ANF

New Possibility for Discussions at the No Risc No Fun Mailinglist
The AMIGA Club No Risc No Fun offers you the possibility to discuss AMIGA related subjects at their mailinglist. If you want to subscribe you have to send an empty mail to For joining the discussion you must send your mail to Have a lot of fun while you are discussing. P.S. Once again we are planing many surprises for you.

[News message: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Steffen Leistner at ANF

APUS, LinuxPPC and GeekGadgets - Mirror online
At ir I installed my own mirrorserver for LinuxPPC, LinuxAPUS and GeekGadgets/Amiga. Due to some requests about HiSoftBasic for AmigaOS I also publish the includes there. The server is connectet to the internet through a 100Mbit-connection. I will update the pages nearly every week. The download-area actually contains 6.4GB of datas. An easy searchfunction helps you to find the file you are looking for. So, have fun.

[News message: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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New RC5-Amiga clients available now invites you to test the new betaversions of there RC5-Amiga-Clients. The following versions are at your disposal:
  • AmigaOS [m68k] v2.8010.463 2000-07-16
  • AmigaOS [PPC/PowerUp] v2.8010.463 2000-07-16
  • AmigaOS [PPC/WarpOS] v2.8010.463 2000-07-16

You can find these versions at the beta-download-page and the author would like to please you to report bugs.

[News message: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

The Internet - Flatrates are changing the behaviour of the users
«The installation of all-included online-access's, so called flatrate, opens the way for a new kind of dealing with offers of the internet. Soon these flatrates will cause a fundamental change of the users behaviour. Some hours or megabytes more or less are no longer important if you use a flatrate. you can left the establishing and canceling of the internetconnection to your computer. Especially if you have an ISDN-connection, where the establishing-procedure just takes a few seconds, the borders between of- or online are vanishing.» You can read the whole article at title link (in german).

[News message: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Gallery updated
We have just updated the gallery and the Amiga Demo Scene Reference Manual of the Exotica-website. There are 30 new scans Every picture has a complete author information and if there is any music available you will find a link there. The gallery now contains 1016 pictures.

[News message: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via eMail

Virus Help Denmark: New xvs.library
Name: xvs.library
Archivename: xvslibrary.lha
Archivesize: 52.521 Bytes
Releasedate: 17. Juli 2000
Programer: Alex van Niel
Program: VirusChecker II, VirusZ, VirusExecutor, Safe, CheckX, and others
Important notice: These programs need the xvs.library to find viruses. You have to update the xvs.library to have a up-to-date virus-protection.

[News message: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl via eMail

Interview with Jeppe Nieson
You can find an up-to-date interview with Jeppe Nielson (homeland) at the AKTION-page of the Amiga Future website. Unfortunately he was not very communicative but nevertheless you can get some informations. :) Furthermore we have published the results of the Amiga-NG survey at the AKTION-page. At the startpage you can find a new survey dealing with PPC.

[News message: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl via eMail

APC&TCP: New Newsletter
APC&TCP established a new Newsletter (German) as an substitude for the old one. The new one is hostet by egroups and offers up-to-date informations about new releases, updates and much more about APC&TCP products. You can subscribe via an eMail to this address. (German Newsletter!)

[News message: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Patrick Beerhorst via eMail

Small Listing
Patrick Beerhorst has scanned a small listing which he has found by surprise in an old computer magazin. It shows that Ali Goukassian (now the publishing house manager of the Falke-publishing house) was already involved with Commodore 12 years ago. :-)

[News message: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Ulbrich at ANF

Computer-Shop Ulbrich
After some problematic organizational and spatial reconstructions the Computer-Shop still exists. The new adress is Bornholmer Street 81, D 10439 Berlin, Phone +94 - 30-445 11 70 and Fax +49 - 30-44 650 726. The webpage is still under construction but I will be there for my existing customers with the new product range too, as before. I beg your pardon for any delay or other problems (caused by the move) you may have. You can find my private homepage here.

[News message: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jörg Thomas on ANF

Survey PPC/G3-Expansion Cards and OS for PPC
We (that is A4EP) just launched a survey about PPC at our Amiga-Society-Page. We want to find out how big the interest in PPC-Expansion Cards and OS's is. The main thing ist to unveil what power they should offer and how expansive they could be. Especially for a new Amiga-PPC-OS it would be interesting to find out what requirements you make on the new system. We hope that many of you will help us and we will publish the meanresults in regular intervals at our webpage.

[News message: 17. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

BurnIT: Master-Driver V2.72
Titan Computer has released version 2.72 of the Master-Driver for BurnIT. Support for the Teac54i and Ricoh8040 drives have been added.

Download: burnitmaster.lha

[News message: 16. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Mediator-PCI for A4000?
Pablo Peskin asked Power Computing by e-mail if the Mediator-PCI-Board will be released for A4000, too. Answer: In case of a success a version for A4000 will be designed. But, this will not be available before February 2001.

[News message: 16. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Paer Boberg via e-mail

Famous Amiga Uses
Paer Boberg has updated his list with famous amiga uses on July 15th 2000.

In this list you can see at which famous occasions, people, companies and movies the amiga is or was used.

Download: FamousAmigaUses.lha

[News message: 16. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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René Hatje per e-mail

IBrowse in Browserwatch-List
On page 81 of the InternetWorld 8/00 is an overwiew of the Browserwatch-List of June 2000. Highest rank is given to Microsoft Internet Explorer with 25.837 accesses (58,2%). IBrowse is behind Opera on rank 5 with 547 accesses (1,23%).

Browserwatch shows the access for the own homepage. The latest list can be found at Stats Station.

[News message: 16. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andre Gobet on ANF

New Virus Circulating
This infromation addresses all users who recently purchased The "Techno DataBase 00" CD. On that CD there are miscellaneous installscripts for different applications. Obviously with that a new and potential dangerous virus gets installed, too. After installation and rebooting the system it starts like hell. During loading the SetPatch command inside Startup-Sequence the system hangs all the time.

Affected files: datatypes.library - SetPatch - Installer

Presumably more other files on the system partition are affected. Unfortunatly I lacked time to check this out, so far. Trying to remove the virus with VT3.17 failed, cause VT could not find the virus. :-(

For those who are already affected the following advice:
Switch off your Amiga.
Hold down both mouse-buttons and switch on your Amiga to come to the startmenue.
Boot with no Startup-Sequence.
Edit your Startup-Sequence like follows:
;C:SetPatch QUIET

This causes SetPatch not to get executed during startup, whereby the system can be started in some degree, again. It is possible that that virus is not widely spread yet, due to the fact that the CD comes from the French part of Switzerland were it was burned, too.

[News message: 15. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Recent

New Aminet Uploads
mlrx.lha             comm/mail   10K+Two german RexxScripts for YAM 2.1
AmiComSys.lha        comm/net   325K+V1.33 Personal Communicator like ICQ (MU
NetLink3.lha         comm/tcp    94K+Controls Miami/ISP and Calculates Call V
dft-sd2k.lha         demo/aga   1.1M+Summer Dream 2000 by Drifters - requires
SDSTCPLib.lha        dev/basic   34K+SDS TCP/IP Library
amiprodt.txt         docs/anno    2K+Datatype for Ami Pro Documents
firstworddt.txt      docs/anno    2K+Datatype for First Word Documents
msworddt.txt         docs/anno    2K+Datatype for MS-Word Documents
palmdocdt.txt        docs/anno    2K+Datatype for Palm Doc Documents
quilldt.txt          docs/anno    2K+Datatype for Quill Documents
rtfdt.txt            docs/anno    2K+Datatype for Rich Text File Documents
wordperfectdt.txt    docs/anno    2K+Datatype for Word Perfect Documents
wordstardt.txt       docs/anno    2K+Datatype for Word Star Documents
xywritedt.txt        docs/anno    2K+Datatype for XyWrite Documents
TV-Logo.lha          gfx/misc    66K+Small but capable logotype display
appe_v32.lha         hard/hack   37K+PSX pad adaptor (bug FREE)
PcF2AmF.lha          hard/hack   32K+Use 1.44 PC drive as 880k amiga drive.
DarcNES.lha          misc/emu   130K+NES/SMS/GG/PCE/SG1000/CV emulator v9a071
mamegui.lha          misc/emu    67K+MAME GUI
NeoMAMEGUI.lha       misc/emu    41K+NeoMAME GUI
LottoV2.01_BF.lha    misc/misc  434K+Play Lotto! (V2.01, req. 2.0) -Update-
forever.mpg          mods/mpg   4.6M+A dark, quasi-classical piano piece.
bO-024.lha           mods/techn 184K+#024 bOhema rec. release (Teo)
tek_dcell.lha        mods/techn  48K+Duracell - experimental elektro move
tek_ptype.lha        mods/techn  78K+Prototype - progress move (upd 2nd)
tek_sxmat.lha        mods/techn  40K+Sexomat 2000 - sexomatic bump move
amplifier.lha        mus/play   312K+Powerful multiformat audio player (V2.12
sdk-takeoff.jpg      pix/art     18K+Jpg picture with fxPaint
ArtistIcons.lha      pix/icon   112K+64 Colour icon set
SIL51_Wb2000-1.jpg   pix/wb     269K+Workbench Screen grab 3 on my PicassoIV.
Change.lha           text/misc   37K+V2.39 change text/data in all files
DirScanner.lha       util/wb     85K+V2.11: Small but powerful filefinder. (M
SNDMon2.lha          util/wb     35K+Monitor Sound Channels & Switch PIV

[News message: 15. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Trogladite Software

Trogladite Software News
TS's website was worked over completely, again. The new layout is predictable and good-looking. By turning down expendable graphics the side is now loaded more quick. The news are arranged predictable on the main site rounding the general view perfectly. :-)

The software-section comes up with news on PCTask - an new patch fixing the palette problem is available. Download: pctaskpatch.lha.
Furthermore "Ned", a brand new texteditor utility enhancing the Workbench "ED", was released.

[News message: 15. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Heise: Counterstatement on "c't repels 'Licence-Extortion'
The lawyer Freiherr von Gravenreuth lays claim on a counterstatement on the message of heise online released on 07/07/2000. With this he refers on that Heise releases with this article the following allegation:

"With comparable cases Gravenreuth succeeded to pocket long royalties, ...."

With his counterstatement von Gravenreuth stated that this allegation was incorrect, correct was that he would not have recieved any licence payments in conjunction with the Trademark "Explorer".

Heise on this:
«The liability to release a counterstatment exists regardless if its content is true or not. The editorial office does not mix the term "to pocket" with any allegation on were the payments remained, the more so as cashiers mostly do not recieve sums in person.²

I only can agree with Heise, because of course Freiherr von Gravenreuth did not collect the royalties in person but his manner to "make cash" consists of neat little fee-notes to the licensors whose cases he is pleading, and to the "royalty-violators" he warns or accuses.

The various forum articles at Heise are interesting.

[News message: 15. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Strobl via eMail

COOL bits Newsticker
Annual closing of our store form 07/17/200 to 08/03/2000. We wish all of our customers (and of course everybody else too) having nice holydays and would be pleased to be able to wellcome you again after our vacation.

As we will focus more on our workshop in the future, we want to reduce our stock... (more on this at our homepage).

[News message: 15. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Falke

EZP@gerNG Classic Edition V1.1 available
At the SFXSoft homepage there is a new version of this paging software available for download offering the following changes:
  • Using an enhanched protokoll for Cityruf
  • ISDN number for TeLMI usable, too
  • Detection sensibility for faulty connections has been lowerd a bit to reduce the danger of unintentional disconnections.

Note: EZP@agerNG is meant only for use inside Germany with German services. (mj)

[News message: 15. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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AMIGA Inc.: New distributor for North America
The company Wonder Computers International Inc. in Ottawa, Canada, and Software Hut, Inc. in West Chester, PA, have made a deal with Amiga Inc. on the manufacturing and the distribution of the new developer boxes. They are authorized to manufacture and distribute the developer box in North America.

[News message: 14. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Garlich via eMail

Heretic II update available
The first update for Heretic 2 is available. Some annoying bugs were fixed, for example it is now possible to save at all times.

Download: HereticII-Update.lha - 1,4 MB

[News message: 14. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Eternity via eMail

Eternity News: Exorzist 2000 and new Onlineshop
The Exorcist is available again from now on in several variations. Available is The Exorzist as A1200 in a tower-case with A4000 keyboard, Blizzard PPC 040/25 and PPC 200 MHz and BVisionPPC, alternatively with 060/50. As for a full system, we can offer the following: A1200 motherboard, BlizzardPPC 040/25 and PPC200 MHz, BVisionPPC (8 MB), Winner tower, A4000 keyboard, harddisk 20 GByte and 52x CD-ROM. Alternatively: BlizzardPPC 060/50 and PPC200 MHz.

Eternity is looking for support
We are looking for programming of Tales of Tamar and its ports for:
  • Developer (Linux)
  • Pixler
  • Raytracer (for smaller weapons and other accessories)
  • History writer (Writer of fantasy short stories for Tales of Tamar, creating a chronicle of the current events on Tamar. Must be tester at the same time.)

New online store
As frequent visitors of our website maybe already know, we have an entirely new online shop since a few day which is supposed to make shopping easier for our customers. Also, a new "Search" function was put on the site which should help in more comfortable shopping on our pages.

[News message: 14. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl via eMail

APC&TCP looking for programmers
APC&TCP is looking for a good C++ programmer for our game Phönix. He is supposed to support our main programmer in his work. Further, another Cando programmer is sought for another game project, also to support the main programmer. Please contact

[News message: 14. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Marion E. Wyatt on TA-ML

Merlancia's AJE project
Regarding some questions to Merlancia about the AJE project (Amiga Java Engine) for Classic AmigaOS, Marion E. Wyatt has received the answer that programmers are still sought how participate in the project so that it can be realized. For more information, follow the titlelink.

Here the original text of the mail:
«I got an email from the guys at Merlancia in regards to some questions I had about their AJE project (Amiga Java Engine) for the classic AmigaOS. My questions dealt with whether or not a "full" JVM included an AWT or not, and whether or not the JVM would be PPC optimised.

The answer was yes to all my questions: JVM with AWT and PPC optimised if I didn't misunderstand. They do need developers, though. If anyone wants to see a full Java2 VM with AWT for our current Amigas contact Merlancia ASAP. Contact info is available at»

[News message: 14. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Mario Cattaneo via email

New StrICQ
Contrary to the last news about StrICQ now there is a new version. This time at It has not changed very much but a new version number and there will be someone that continues V1. The only thing missing are other catalog files for other languages than french.

[News message: 13. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet recent

New Aminet uploads
IrisUpdate.lha       comm/mail   53K+Update Iris V2.0 to V2.1
YAM2AmIRC.lha        comm/mail   24K+V2.3. The interface between YAM and AmIR
Spitfire2.lha        comm/misc  674K+Palm Desktop for the Amiga!
dkg-wfnl.lha         demo/aga   628K+Welcome To Our World FINAL
SASC_Y2k_patch.lha   dev/c        0K+Year 2000 patch for SAS/C 6.58
ReCatItPro_SI.lha    dev/misc     3K+Slovenian catalog for ReCatIt Pro v1.0
fat95.lha            disk/misc   49K+Win95/98 compatible file system
STSCCHQ_Turbo.lha    game/actio 705K+Big name Hollywood avoid 'em up!
Orbit_68k.lha        game/shoot 141K+Space Combat Simulator [060]
dropoutkill_up.lha   gfx/board   64K+Update for Dropout-Killer V2.01 [Fianl 0
anescgfx.lha         misc/emu    91K+A/NES CGFX v1.19 - Nintendo emulator
mamegui.lha          misc/emu    75K+MAME GUI
twig_brea.lha        mods/med   175K+Bread and Butter, a tune by DJTwiglet
twig_card.lha        mods/med   278K+[We Live In] Cardboard, a tune by DJTwig
DelfSF.lha           mus/misc    27K+Sndfile player for Delfina DSP
MontecarloF1.lha     pix/illu   1.8M+Photos of  Montecarlo 2000 F1 race - Fer
QuickNote.lha        text/edit   31K+Notepad for scrap-notes (very handy)
eNote-SI.lha         text/misc   19K+ENote - Slovenian translation
CPointer_v2.2a.lha   util/boot   15K+Puts Mouse Pointer anywhere on screen
dev-handler.lha      util/sys     8K+Un*x like raw device access handler
PoolMem.lha          util/sys    70K+Memory defragmentizer/AllocP superset

[News message: 13. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Stephan Rupprecht at the ANF

Stephan Rupprecht now with his own domain
My homepage (PrintManager, SGrab, etc.) is now reachable at without any commercials. The new email adresses will be available in a few days.

[News message: 13. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jürgen A. Theiner at the ANF

Avoid Heretic II bug
There is a small bug at the Hell Caves of Heretic II. How to avoid it till the fix is released you can read at

[News message: 13. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Knapp at the ANF

PlayGUI Help Forum
For some time there is a help forum available on the PlayGUI website. If some questions appear about the new version of PlayGUI (v2.9), just have a look. Also a forum for Just4Fun has been set. It would be a pleasure, if you would have a look.

[News message: 13. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Power Computing: Mediator Busboard for Amiga 1200
Now you can preorder the Mediator PCI busboard for the Amiga 1200 from Power Computing. The board contains 4 PCI slots (PCI 2.1 compatible) and will have a transfer rate up to 132MB/s. The transfer rate between A1200 motherboard and PCI-board will be twice as fast as between A4000 and ZIII-boards. Two different version will be available:
  • MEDIATOR PCI 1200, for A1200 in a tower case without bus boards
    available from the middle of July
  • MEDIATOR PCI ZIV, for ZIV slot in A1200 in a tower case with ZORRO IV busboard
    available from August

[News message: 13. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

Apache 1.3.12 Released
The new version of the Apache 1.3.12 webserver with mod_php, PHP version 4.0.1 patch level 2 released.

[News message: 13. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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DocDatatypes Version v39.40 Released
With this datatype bundle many document formats like DosWord, WinWord, MacWord, WordPerfect, RTF and many more will be readable for the Amiga with Multiview. The datatypes are shareware.

Download demo: docdatatypes.lzx

[News message: 13. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Stegemann at the ANF

Digital Almanac III News
The well-known astronomy program Digital Almanac in version 3 stands just before delivery to the beta testers. More details on the homepage. The first CDs will be delivered from the middle of August.

[News message: 13. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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12.Jul.2000 via eMail Antivirus Solution for Linux
From today in the service section of the free information and documentation there is an introduction of the antivirus program InterScan. Interscan offers a networkwide virusprotection by installing it on the internetgateway.

[News message: 12. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Hynek Schlawack via eMail

DirScanner version 2.11 released
Right before his vacation Hynek Schlawack has made an update to DirScanner.

Download: DirScanner.lha - 87 Kb

[News message: 12. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Steven Flowers via eMail

"The Pulse" Website now online
The new website of "The Pulse" was made with GoldED, TVPaint, ImageFX, Cando Factory and Personal Paint. On the homepage you can get news of the magazin "The Pulse".

[News message: 12. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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CD³²-Allianz via eMail

CD³²-Allianz news
New update of the CD³²-Corner
First of all we want to point out the renewal of the CD³²-corner which now contains an up-to-date editorial (July/August). The history-site was updated.

CD³² Outside news
Furthermore we can announce the release of the second edition of the CD³²Outside on the 14th of August. The 12th of August is the last date for sending in the manuscripts. We still hope you will participate actively in the magazine.

[News message: 12. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Schwarz on ANF

Report about Wolfenbüttel (German) ready
As pronounced before there is a report with more information and pictures about the Amiga-meeting on the last weekend. If somebody wants to have the original pictures in size of 1280x1024 or 1768x1380 please contact

[News message: 12. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Rolf Roth on ANF

PlayGui news
From now on version 2.9 of PlayGui can be downloaded at the titlelink!

Some changes:
  • New Play16-preferences:
  • Better Info-window
  • Animated display of the vloume
  • Better display (with graphik for play and stop)
  • display of the progress of the Theme Creator
  • Improved GUI
  • Help for Miniplay and Quickinfo in the ledge of the title
  • Some bugfixe

[News message: 12. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Mario Nitschke via eMail

Amiga Times comming soon as printed magazine
Current they are working hard on the first printed issue of the German Amiga online magazine Amiga Times! This is an alternative to the otherwise available online issue and will cost about 5DM incl. postage and delivery (inside Germany). The content of the printed issue of the Amiga Times will allmost identical to the online issue, fully coloured and DIN-A5 in size!

It would be quite good for us, iff all interested people could inform us via eMail and eventually offer an issue! As the magazine will be produced by ourselfes, it is not important to us to have numerous orders save in advance - it will be printed on demand, but it will be better to calculate for us, if we would have concrete orders. The printed issue will allways be releasd about 3-5 days after the release of the online issue.

  • Format: A5
  • about 40-50 pages
  • fully coloured
  • expendable design
  • Price: about 5DM (inklusive postage and delivery inside Germany)

  • Show Report
  • Test report on HereticII, Joyride, EAsys, Amiga Arena CD, Digital MakeUp, Faces from Mars, fxPaint Version 1.5
  • Workshop Part 2 all about networking with Miami Deluxe
  • and many more

Supplement 12.07.2000:
If you want to order printed issues of Amiga Times (German), please sent an e-mail including your full postal address either to or to! Please do not use the online orderform for ordering printed issues of Amiga Times, cause this one is meant for the HTML issues only!

[News message: 11. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Link Directory
Our Amiga Link Directory will soon become six months old, and in this time recieved 457 entries for up-to-date Amiga websites. However several homepages are still missing in the directory. We would be happy if all webmasters of Amiga sites would take the time to enter their site, because such a link directory is living on participation :-). Meanwhile there is an option to add HTML code to your website so visitors can rate your site.

[News message: 11. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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New Aminet uploads
TCom2DEMO.lha        biz/demo    88K+V2.7.2 Amiga order program,(COMMESSE ITA
TFat2DEMO.lha        biz/demo   121K+V2.16.0 Amiga Invoice program,(FATTURE I
TGestDEMO.lha        biz/demo   407K+V1.1 TurboGest (PACHETTO GESTIONALE ITAL
TMagDEMO.lha         biz/demo   144K+V1.0.2 Amiga storage program,(MAGAZZINO 
TProspEd.lha         biz/demo    76K+V1.2.0 Form Editor For TurboFat (ITALIAN
AmiComSys.lha        comm/net   325K+V1.33 Personal Communicator like ICQ (MU
nah-speed53.lha      demo/mag   1.5M+Speed #53 by Nah-Kolor (remedy2k+otha)
ctags.lha            dev/c      229K+Generate tag files for source code
BetterString_E.lha   dev/e        2K+Module to use BetterString.mcc in AmigaE
dech.lha             dev/e       42K+Deniil's E-Compiler Handler v1.37
BackUp.lha           disk/bakup  27K+A simple backup tool.. v1.1
pfssalv.lha          disk/salv   16K+Save files from damaged PFS2/PFS3 partit
RDBrecov.lha         disk/salv   16K+Search lost PFS/SFS partitions on a hard
VWorksJuly2000.lha   docs/hyper  12K+Virtual Works pricelist July 2000
ACNews_23.lha        docs/mags   32K+E-zine focused on Amiga News: #23-July 2
jaapr.lha            docs/misc  210K+JUST-AMiGA mailing list msgs for all of 
jaapr00.lha          docs/misc  108K+JUST-AMiGA mailing list msgs for all of 
jaaug.lha            docs/misc  127K+JUST-AMiGA mailing list msgs for all of 
jafeb.lha            docs/misc  243K+JUST-AMiGA mailing list msgs for all of 
jajun.lha            docs/misc  275K+JUST-AMiGA mailing list msgs for all of 
jajun00.lha          docs/misc  122K+JUST-AMiGA mailing list msgs for all of 
jamay00.lha          docs/misc  131K+JUST-AMiGA mailing list msgs for all of 
jaoct.lha            docs/misc  181K+JUST-AMiGA mailing list msgs for all of 
dropout-killer.lha   gfx/board  156K+Update for Dropout-Killer V2.01 [Final 0
mamegui.lha          misc/emu    66K+MAME GUI
A-tiktok.mpg         mods/techn 3.5M+A nice minimal techno song with a twist
TheMPegEncGUI.lha    mus/misc    75K+GUI 4 Ncode, MusicIn, Lame, BladeEnc, Pe
DelfMPEG.lha         mus/play   149K+MPEG audio player for Delfina DSP
Tie.jpg              pix/mark   472K+A Tie-Fighter from Star Wars Episode IV
neerv_mwb.lha        pix/mwb    233K+Neervoort s MWB Game - Icons !!!
List2HTML.lha        util/conv   68K+Convert List to html Table V1.0
MultiRen.lha         util/misc  169K+Powerful multi-file renaming tool (with 
DRemind.lha          util/time  191K+Reminds you whenever you want.. v1.54b!
LSClock11.lha        util/time   22K+SHAREWARE clock utility - DEBUGGED!
ScreenSwitch.lha     util/wb     12K+Switch between screens quickly and easil
SNDMon.lha           util/wb     31K+Monitor Sound Channels & Switch PIV

[News message: 11. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jürgen A. Theiner on ANF

SWOS-Tournier "Update"
There are new prizes for winnin at the big SWOS-Tournier at Playamiga. Additonally to the first prize "Heretic II", and several little giveaways from Amiga Inc. there are now "Eat The Whistle" and "Undiscovered Land" (mission CD for Foundation:DC) from Epic for winning.

[News message: 11. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

AmigaLand offering games for download
AmigaLand aquired new licenses, this time from Sunflowers and Max Design, and of course immediately offered their games for download (1869, Burntime and Oldtimer).

[News message: 11. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

Krawall Gaming Network: Amiga - A Legend
On the Krawall Gaming Network Website an Amiga Special was release. Jürgen Beck wrote three interesting articles (German) about the theme Amiga. Those are about games and emulations, and about the history and the future of the Amiga.

[News message: 11. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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New Norwegian news service
polarBoing is a new Amiga Online News Magazine.

[News message: 11. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl via eMail

Amiga Future: Interview mit Digital Visionaries
At the homepage of Amiga Future recent there is a intervie (German) with Digital Visionaries at the "Aktion" section. You will find out interesting details on their current game project.

Additionally the AmigaNG poll still is up for a short period of time on the startsite of Amiga Future. So, if there is someone you wants to take part, he should do this during the next 1-2 days. After that a new poll will be on this site (sent suggestions to Redaktion).

[News message: 11. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Nico Barbat by e-mail

Pen-M. looking for translators
Pen-M., a translation service for computer games, is looking for people willing to do occassional translations of exclusive texts from the game sector (online, onscreen, manuals) for payment. The texts have to be translated to German; original languages are English, Japaneese, French and Spanish, but translators from other countries can also apply. Please contact

[News message: 11. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Emulator with live monitoring: Coppenheimer V0.2 (01. Jul.)
Game: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) released (30. Jun.)
Book: AmigaOS 3.2 Reference Manual - Limited print run, pre-orders being taken (12. Jun.)
Amiga Kit: Final Writer 7 pre-installed on A600GS (02. Jun.)
Emulator: WinUAE 5.3.0 (02. Jun.)
Hollywood goes LaTeX: hTeX 1.0 released (02. Jun.)
ACube Systems: UBoot 2015.c for Sam460EX, Sam460CR and Sam460LE boards (18. May.)
Interview: Announcement of a cost-reduced MiSTer FPGA board (08. May.)
MorphOS: Web browser Wayfarer 8.2 (2nd update) (04. May.)
Print/PDF magazine: Amiga Addict, issue 29 (02. May.)
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