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Rüdiger Hanke (ANF)

Fonts: new Fontutility ports / dictionaries wanted
On my homepage (and soon on aminet, too) can two new ports of font utilities be found that will be of use for the DTP interested and the font freaks. "ttf2pt1" converts TrueType fonts into the Postscript format for use in Pagestream, FinalWriter, Drawstudio, etc. and bases on the latest source codes. "afm2pfm" converts between Postscript fontmetric files. Despite the archive's name it's also possible to convert from PFM files to AFM files. Both programs can be found in the "Font Utilties" area of my website, additionally there's a PowerPC version for WarpOS available of "ttf2pt1".

Furthermore I'm looking for German language dictionary files of all kind (term definitions, thesaurus, foreign word dictionary, ...) for my new project. In contrary to the English there seems to be a real lack in the German speech area, at least regarding free, documented formats. If anybody owns such files or some Duden software out of the PC library series (or something similar) I'd be thankful if he/she would contact me via email. (cd) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 07. Jul. 2001, 16:37] [Comments: 0]
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