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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet uploads
2b_XBase-6.6.lha     biz/dbase  298K+Very easy2use flexible and fast database
FLeagues_BB2.lha     biz/dbase  113K+Football Database For 50 Leagues (v1.2h)
MUIbase-1.5.lha      biz/dbase  1.9M+Powerful programmable relational databas
mwi-m12_fix.lha      demo/aga   1.3M+Mute12_exe - fixed exe file of our demo 
wpz-frozen28.lha     demo/aga   937K+Frozen#28 - Mekka&Symposium Party Editio
wpz-frozen29.lha     demo/aga   288K+Frozen#29 - Mekka&Symposium Party Editio
wpz-frozen30.lha     demo/aga   955K+Frozen#3o - The Gathering Party Edition
SettingsWin.lha      dev/mui      9K+French Catalog for Settingswindow_mcc
xfd_SZDD.lha         dev/src     15K+Sources of SZDD xfdmaster client
pfssalv.lha          disk/salv   12K+Save files from damaged PFS2/PFS3 partit
RDBrecov.lha         disk/salv   11K+Search lost PFS/SFS partitions on a hard
AmigaInfo.lha        docs/hyper 276K+ITALIAN ONLY Amiga Mags Luglio 2000
hof-html.lha         docs/hyper 508K+Amiga F1GP Hall of Fame June 2000
sharks.lha           game/actio 261K+Great Action-diving ECS V1.4
cassmaster.lha       misc/misc  211K+Manage your musiccasettes (FREEWARE) Ger
SSSeaShells.lha      mods/misc  1.7M+DBM Trance dance by Mr.Lou / Dewfall Pro
rNO-L040.mpg         mods/mpg   4.3M+Rno-label release no.40 by dj habit (tek
Remember.lha         mods/smpl  2.5M+Remember (8svx music sample) by 4 For U
WannaBeTheGirl.lha   mods/smpl  3.0M+I wanna be the girl 4 U! (8svx music sam
BlazeWCP.lha         util/boot   28K+ULTRA FAST 32bit C2P patch for OS chunky
CreateOutline.lha    util/wb      5K+No more OutlineFont-like patches (1.4)
IconHandler.lha      util/wb     34K+V2.3 Drop file on AppIcon to change icon
StopMenu.lha         util/wb    274K+Very nice startbar with many options
StopMenuUpd.lha      util/wb     70K+Updates v1.02+ to v1.03

[News message: 03. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Torsten Dudai

New cartoon: wide load

Like always torsten caricatures the present situation very accurate.

[News message: 03. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Klemm at the ANF

Video of »Fun Of Computing NG«
The video of the »Fun Of Computing NG« can now be downloaded. You can see in this video for example the AmigaSDK, Tales of Tamar, SoundFX 4.0, the Lottery, and, of course, Petro Tyschtschenko. The length of the video is approximately 5 minutes.

Download:fun_of_computing_2000.mpeg - 14 MB

[News message: 03. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Tavoly via email

The Amiga RC5 Team effort client programs have been updated
Return-Path: (Thomas Tavoly)
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 02:46:19 MET
Subject: PR: The Amiga RC5 Team effort client programs have been updated

July 2nd 2000

The Amiga RC5 Team effort client programs have been updated

The Amiga RC5 Team effort's continued involvement in the Distributed Net
RC5 challenge (and others) is now, after a long silence in development,
bolstered by updated client programs that are again state of the art.

The new clients support RC5 encryption searching as before, but with
improved speed and features, plus distributed calculation of Optimal Golomb
Rulers or OGR for short. OGR is a mathematical algorithm useful for amongst
others engineering tasks. There are now also separate native clients for
68k (including 68000) AmigaOS, WarpOS and PowerUp. The GUI frontend Myzar
has been updated as well to cater for the new clients.

Apart from the updates, the development team has been extended with several
volunteer members to allow for more timely updates and continued support for
the future.

The Distributed.Net/RC5-64 challenge has searched about 27% of the
keyspace up until now and the rate is still increasing by bounds. The Amiga
team is a top 10 ranked team out of almost ten thousand teams with a total
of over 250,000 participants. Our cooperative effort still accounts for
more than one percent of the daily work being done.

The Amiga RC5 Team effort focuses on bringing exposure to the Amiga and
the community spirit and strives to achieve this by ranking high in
distributed computing projects such as the RC5 challenge, using otherwise
idle computing power only. This effort is also aimed at highlighting
privacy and security issues on the Internet and possibly changing outdated
encryption policies.

We need your help to achieve above goals and show the world the
Amiga is not dead, in spite of a total lack of support from parent
companies over the past, well, millennium.

Everyone is cordially invited to join, with any kind of machine, though
one Amiga at least is appreciated. For a full explanation of what the
effort is about, where we are heading, how to participate and everything
from statistics to member listings, please visit the Amiga RC5 Team effort
homepage at

The Amiga RC5 Team effort is also providing a mailinglist as a forum for
the discussion on above topics and the effort in general.


Amiga RC5 Team effort coordinator
Thomas Tavoly -

      _ . Thomas Tavoly
 . _ // .
 . \X/
 ...  5.1

[News message: 03. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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John Chandler at

Open Amiga Foundation update
John Chandler talks about the Open Amiga Foundation, that non-commercial organisation that deals with free convertable developments based on the AmigaOS. He has a special eye on the present project "AROS Lite".

[News message: 03. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jürgen Beck via email

Back to the Roots - update
Today we present you after a long time an update of Back to the Roots. The last months were very stressful for us.

There are some new legal games for download at BTTR. One of the new companies supporting us is Vivid Image and they have produced the classic game "The First Samurai". But more interesting should be the cooperation with Vulcan Software for you. Every month Vulcan Software will present one of their games of their mini series for download. The debut game of Vulcan Software "Valhalla and the Lord of Infinity" will be the first one. Also there are many new games, demos, pics, and new mods. Have fun!.

I know some of the Amiga users are wondering about the ADF-format of our games. For those who do not know there is a little tool named "TransADF" that you can use to rewrite the games onto a disk like with DMS. Through a Aminet-gateway you can reach the Aminet via BTTR. This gateway is not only a gateway it offers also some special features like for example a forum function so you can discuss about every single file on the Aminet.

[News message: 03. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik via email

Amiga Arena news
Neptune special price action!
The astrology program "Neptun", that you can buy for a special price via the Amiga Arena, is going to be developed again. Please support the shareware market!

The lottery at hte Amiga Arena is online till 07/09/2000. Becaus of not so much participation in it the chance to win is high. The prizes you can win are: Foundation DC, Arena CD, Goal2000, Eat the Whistle, and Final Odessey.

[News message: 03. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

VHI Studio reads Sony® Memorysticks®!
From the Innovative Website:
With the new VHI driver (sony_msac_sr1.vhi) it is possible for the first time to to get access to the Sony® Memorysticks® with the Amiga. Doing this the driver leans on the seriell reading device "Sony® MSAC-SR1" comming with most of the cameras from Sony®.

The link "Press Release" on Innovative's website brings you to pictures giving a comparision of the size of Compactflash® cards with the size of the Memorysticks®.

[News message: 02. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

JOTD Patch & HD: IK+-Loader supports CD32 Version
The IK+-Loader of the JOTD Patch & Installer Packet now also supports the CD32 Version.

Download: ik+hd.lzx

[News message: 02. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

Opinions on the SDK's VP from J.Wiede
J. Wiede has dealed with the VP from the point of view of a developer of drivers in particular and gives a very discerning opinion on the VP in the above usenet posting.

04 Jul 2000, Addition:
Andreas Kleinert and Olaf Barthel informed us about a surely interesting background of this: the author of this 'somewhat discerning' article about the AmigaSDK is a former employee of Commodore, who in those days operated at CATS for the Tech Support. His entire name is "John Wiederhirn". One shoul be aware of this backround while reading his articles in this discussion.

[News message: 02. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Neumann on ANF

Textviewer: Next V2.9
Jürgen Klawitter released version 2.9 of his textviewer "Next". Among other things, this new version has a definite improved "Word" import function, as well as support for additional packer formats.

Beside its function as a textviewer Next even suites as Amigaguide replacement, HTML Offline Browser, Datatypes Viewer, Decruncher, Archive Unpacker, Printer Utility, and some more.

The archiv with the programm will soon be released at Aminet and is straight away even available on a new (by now still somewhat provisional) Support-WWW-Site (titlelink) for "Next".

Download: Next2.9.lha (80K)

[News message: 02. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Appe V3 - Connecting Playstation Pad to CD32
With the above Aminet archive Benjamin Morente describes how to build a hardware interface that allows to use a standard digital Pad for the Playstation with all Amigas. This solution emulates a joystick with two firebuttons as well as a CD32 Pad and even works with other computers using a 9pol joystick port (e.g. Commodore 64, MSX, Spectrum (needs joystick interface), Amstrd CPC, Atari, and similar).

Download: hard/hack/appe_v3.lha (31K), readme

[News message: 02. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Can you change your mind? - Part 2
Hassan 'Karajorma' Kazmi has started a series about past, present and future of the Amiga. The second part (titlelink) tells about that the new AmigaOS differs definite from the current OS and that therefore one should not rate it before he has realize the ideas behind the new AmigaOS.

[News message: 02. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

Lame V3.84 Beta
On June, 30th 2000 v3.84 beta of the MP3 Encoder "Lame" has was released. Lame now uses a shared library version of libsndfile. Other changes can be found inside the History.

Download: LAMEbeta.lzx (420K)

[News message: 02. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Win a SDK by a question for McEwen
Mac Gorilla is looking for questions for Bill McEwen and raffles an AmigaSDK amongst all people who send in queries. Mac and Linux users can win a copy of the space simulation "Terminus".

[News message: 02. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas L. on ANF

New 'Dropout-Killer' at Elastic Images
'Dropout-Killers' for Movieshop is available as version 2.01 [Beta 3].

Additional to some bugfixes the calculation routine was made faster, among other things. Now projects can be saved and of course reloaded. Though the programm still is in beta stage, it runs stable and almost error-free.

[News message: 02. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Sebastian Bauer

FreeCiv version 1.12 released
Freeciv is a turn-based multi-player strategy game, released under GNU General Public Licence. It can be compared to Civilisation II® by Microprose®.

Download: freeciv.lzx - 782 Kb

[News message: 01. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Heise: LinuxTag: Corel releases CorelDraw for Linux
"Corel, Canadian graphics software specialist turned Linux distributor, is sometimes good for a surprise other than bad sales reports. On the LinuxTag, Corel already presented its Linux graphics suite CorelDraw 9 (booth While it was previously said the package will probably be released in autumn, Friday night the Corel HQ in Canada gave it's OK: CorelDraw 9 for Linux is now released, and will hit the shelves in two to three weeks, however not for free. The image processor Photo-Paint, on the other hand, is already free for download."

[News message: 01. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Carrillo

Chrystal Interactive Software News - Part 1
Part 2
Michael Carrillo has visited C.I.S. and wrote a summary report with added screenshots, with news e.g. on the adventure games "Gilbert Goodmate" and "Mushroom of Phangoria".

Thomas Lorenz: It should be noted that Crystal will only port Gilbert Goodmate to the Amiga if their second project "Dark Millenia" is sold at least 1000 times (or at least 1000 people state their interest, e.g. by e-mail). It is also mentioned that a "desaster" as with FusionPPC can hopefully be avoided!

The current demo on Michael's website "Amiga Rediscovery" is "Hired Guns".

[News message: 01. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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The Status Register - June, 2000
CUCUG Status Register - June, 2000.

[News message: 01. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Forum [Gent]

Back To The Roots (BTTR) has moved
The BTTR website, download paradise for old Amiga games offered there for download with official permission, has been relocated and is now available at Please set your bookbarks.

[News message: 01. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Vote for AmigaOne CPU at ArsTechnica
Because of the GamersDepot article, ArsTechnica put a poll for the new AmigaOne CPU online. You can choose between: Alpha - PowerPC - MIPS - x86 and Sony's Emotion Engine + GS combo. Currently the Alpha seems to make it.

[News message: 01. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Frank Wille

New ppclibemu
ppclibemu is an emulation of the ppc.library and the PowerUP kernel under WarpOS. An own ELF LoadSeg patch is included, and allows many (some?) PowerUP-applications to run just like in the original environment. Those apps that run show no feelable speed penalty. Some are even faster than with the original kernel.

New in v0.8: PortLists, PPCFindTask, PPCFindTaskObject, PPCSignalTask, PPCDeleteTask. Please try which of the two runs better with installed PowerUP software, A or B?

ppclibemuA.lzx - ppclibemu A v0.8 (30.06.00), latest version (libs only)
ppclibemuB.lzx - ppclibemu B v0.8 (30.06.00), latest version (libs only)

[News message: 01. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Marco Frischkorn on ANF

Update of the homepage, and new domain names
Not only the design has changed - our domain has changed, too. The old domain name will be transferred to Amiga Inc. in the next couple of days.

We decided to take this step because the domains amigadev.COM and amigadev.NET were already owned by Amiga Inc., and we therefore confused some users, who of course thought that amigadev.DE would be the German counterpart to amigadev.COM. To put an end to this confusion, and to give Amiga Inc. the opportunity to create German pages under amigadev.DE, some days ago we ordered our web hoster to transfer the domain name to Amiga Inc.

Our new domain names are now: and

The .DE domain will lead you to the German pages, and the .COM domain to the English ones. Since the English pages are not yet finished, both domains lead you to German pages for the time being.

[News message: 01. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Audio Evolution

New demo of Audio Evolution version v3.0624 released
The full version will soon be distributed by Computer City. New in this demo:
  • New is the expansion window with direct access to the 3-way EQ (screenshot) - requires PPC
  • Aux Return window (requires PPC)
  • 68k version (no realtime) of the ReverbPro effect
  • Some problems with AHI Filesave (Mastering) removed
  • ReverbPro plug-in adapted to improved handling with Aux
  • Some improvements added and bugs removed

Download: AE.3.0624.lha - 877 Kb

[News message: 01. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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New ATC beta version available
Download: ATC_beta_30062000.lha

[News message: 01. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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RC5 Amiga Team

New RC5 client
A new RC5 client for Amiga is available from the download area. Myzar has already been partially converted, but some features of the new client are not yet available.

[News message: 01. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Dirk Bayens

CNNfn: Amiga President & CEO, CNNfn
At the title link, you can find a preliminary transcription of Bill's appearance.

Kent Seaton created this MP3 version (1.2 MB) of the interview (source:

[News message: 01. Jul. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Haage & Partner

MegaFonts - 5000 True Type Fonts
MegaFonts is a unique collection of 5000 professional True Type Fonts for Amiga and PC systems. A big poster showing all the fonts is included.

[News message: 28. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jean Holzammer via eMail

Rebol/Core 2.3 available
After several month a new version of Rebol/Core is available. The development stage of V2.3 is now again up with Beta4.1 of Rebol/View.

[News message: 28. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Kirsch via eMail

DataM II 0.7 beta released
On the homepage of the Amigaclub Steinfurt, Germany (titlelink) a new official beta of my new spreadsheet analysis DataM II was released. The broken view of spreadsheets with Picasso96 should be fixed.

[News message: 28. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schoenfeld via eMail

Insider Section at individual Computers
For programmers and such who wants to bekome one there now is a Insider Section on the support site. Reference texts needed for programming close at the hardware of individual Computers' products are made available there. Everybody who wants to write drivers for an alternative operatingsystem, such as Linux or NetBSD, will finde all necessary information there. Also, native PowerPC drivers are conceivable - I would like to answer your queries on the development, cause I know that hardware programming is not pure delight.

[News message: 28. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Nico Barbat

Free Amiga Jobs - Status Report
The Amiga market is moving. A look at Free Amiga Jobs, the free Amiga Job Stock Market, shows how many projects of established and new Amiga manufacturers are on thier way now or beeing planed. You can contribute something to this positive evaluation: Act for the Amiga - also you!

These are the known changes since the last update:
  • New Jobs since the last update: 18
  • Employed since the last update: 15
  • Employed altogether: 28
  • Current vacancies: 36
  • Vacancies altogether: 62

"Free Amiga Jobs" is an initiative of Amiga plus and

[News message: 28. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Kleinert via eMail

Andreas Kleinert is porting SView to PC. You can get first impressions at the titlelink.

[News message: 28. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Juergen A. Theiner at ANF

Heretic II for winning arranges a SWOS tournament at the Amiga Meeting 2000. the prime winning is a full version of Heretic II. The meeting will be held on October, 27-29th in Bad Bramstedt, Germany. Well, if this is no reason to register, isn't it. ;-)

[News message: 28. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Felix Schwarz via eMail

Innovative brings Digita(TM)-Power to the AMIGA!
Innovative has developed a driver for digital cameras, which are running with the Digital(TM) Operating Environment. "Digita(TM)-enabled" digital cameras show a much higher performance than everything else on the market, this times. Not only that Digita(TM) is used with cameras from several manufacturers, but also these cameras are running with Coldfire- or PowerPC CPUs and make it possible to run scripts, programms, and games (incl. MAME!!) - what makes theses cameras particular interesting. The producer of Digita(TM), Flashpoint(TM), has set his target to make Digita(TM) the standard for digital cameras and therefor bets on a standardised communikation protokoll between computer and camera. With the VHI driver now available even Amiga users get access to these faszinating cameras, at last, and can download taken pictures in a comfortable way and edit them. The following "Digita(TM)-enabled" digital cameras are currently available:
  • Kodak DC 220, DC 260, DC 265, DC 290
  • Minolta Dimage 1500 EX, Dimage 1500 3D
  • HP PhotoSmart C500, C619, C912
  • Pentax EI-200, EI-2000

P.S.: Digita(TM) has in this case nothing to do with the developers of Wordworth, but is a productname for a product from Flashpoint(TM).

[News message: 28. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Baute via eMail

Fourth BAUD Hardware Meeting!
On the weekend from September, 15th to 17th the Bielefelder Amiga Users & Developers (BAUD) will arrange their fourth Hardware Meeting. On Saturday September, 16th every interessted Amiga user to stop by. You can ask questions, admire at a "heterogenous networkt" (with Amiga superior in numbers of course), and in general at all BAUDies together at one place. You can eat pizza (no, not for free ;-)), have a look at the running AmigaSDK, etc., etc.

You will find further information at the titlelink. Though the "new" invitationsite is not finished yet (there the invitation of the last meeting still is to find), registration, way of arrival, and proposition are the same. An updated page will follow within this week! So, we'll meet in Bielefeld, Germany....

[News message: 27. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Ron Goertz

New Arexx scripts for FinalWriter
FWCalendar was released as V4.00, and FWCAddEvent as V3.82. The scripts are at "Apps" for download.

[News message: 27. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

CAD-Technologies - ACUP Status
The Imagine S.A.R.A. (Stand Alone Render Engine) has been send to the beta-testers. All render funcitons of Imagine are allready supported by this release. By the following updates client/server extensions, and PowerPC support will be added. PowerPC rendering allready works in the current version of Imagine V5.18 (beta).

[News message: 27. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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ExoticA, the website full of musik, nostalgica, and many more round the Amiga, has been updated and is finally available at Please, update your bookmarks.

[News message: 27. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

FusionPPC under final testing
According to Paul Lesurf from Blittersoft Fusion for PPC now is being under final testing and they anticipate to finish it shortly.

[News message: 27. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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First Application for AMIE
At GZIP and TAR are there for download as first applications for the new Amiga plattform (AMIE).

[News message: 27. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaActive Issue #10 on its way
Starting with June, 29th issue #10 of AmigaActive will be there to purchase. This issue contains reviews on Pagestream4, fxPaint, and Cedric. Other interessting topics are MorphOS, QNX2000, and Neutrino, whereupon a programmer's tutorial rounds off this theme. Additional to current news and many more items games, and picture galleries will be introduced.

[News message: 27. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Eyetech opens Amiga Games Area "Eye-Play"
Eyetech has opend an area dedicated to publishing and distributing of demanding games for Classic-Amiga and the AmigaNG. Details about "Eye-Play".

[News message: 27. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Martens at ANF

Amiga User Meeting Nord-Niedersachsen
The Saturday of the Amiga User Meeting in Nord-Niedersachsen, Germany, was over quickly. Now I would like to know, who would like to attend such a meeting once more. Of course those of you who did not take part of the meeting on June, 24th should write to me, however.

Please tell me too, which month (November 2000 to February 2001 is possible) would fit best. Do not vorget to tell me how you liked the room, and the rest of that event - especially with the meals (say if lunch and/or potluck). If all of you did not like the meals, this problem will be prevented or corrected, next time. Oh, and the people who did not attend on Satruday WITHOUT informing me might contact me, please (mail, phone, etc.).

[News message: 27. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Martens at ANF

Amiga User List (AUL) Info
Soon me and my comrade will restart working on the AUL! But I would realy like to know, how many of those who are NOT on the list (which exludes about 1000 Amiga users) are interessted in an Amiga User Database. 2 to 3 issues more will released for sure. If there will be more issues depends on the response. I would like to knwo too, whom of the people on the list is no lomger an Amiga user. I request for eMails on the respective themes.

[News message: 27. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Steup at ANF

Column updated
Two more weeks have gone, the Beachball Column has been updated!

[News message: 27. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Henk Jonas

Metaview Version 2.9 released
Download: MetaView.lha

[News message: 26. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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The Forgotten OS - part 1
Hassan 'Karajorma' Kazmi has started a series of articles about the past, the present, and the future of the Amiga. Read the first part following the titlelink.

[News message: 26. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Height Anxiety

Charon version 1.3 released
Version 1.3 of the download manager Charon released.

Download: Charon.lha

[News message: 26. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Subspace Plugin for AmigaAMP released
Download: Subspace10.lha

[News message: 26. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Klemm at the ANF

First impressions of the "Fun of Computing" in Ilmenau, Germany
The "Amiga User Club Bautzen e.V." has visited the "Fun of Computing" in Ilmenau, Germany, for the third time. You can read a short report about this year's event on our homepage. A detailed issue with some photos will follow!

[News message: 26. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Schulze at the ANF

New member for the Dreamworlds Team and new screenshots of Crossfire II
The Dreamworlds team has gained a new graphics artist: Sven Kahlbrock has joined the team to force the finishing of Crossfire II. On the new screenshots you can see his first works. Take a look, it is worth it.

[News message: 26. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Gines at the ANF

Amiga software at
This I got from a newsletter as surftip:

"Downloads without end.
The offers many downloads in many sections. It does not matter if you are looking for freeware, shareware, or demos of comercial games or programs. Here you will find it. Every program is listed with description and details about system requirements, downloadsize and downloadtime, and so on. In short time downloads for Mac, Linux, and Amiga will be available."

Another interesting detail on the website:
"I you are looking for a spare time job we want your short application to! We need persons who are familiar with one of the sections Mac, Linux, and Amiga."

[News message: 26. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas L. at the ANF

Update of the "Dropout-Killer" from V2.01 [beta 1] to V2.01 [beta 2]
It is now possible to download a bugfreed version 2.01 [beta 2] as an update from Elastic Images. You need the data of the original archives for the update (if necessary, download them, too).

[News message: 26. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Rolf Roth at the ANF

PlayGui website news
There are some news on the PlayGui website. From now on the PlayGui forum is online. Only some message boards are available for now but this section will be expanded soon.

[News message: 26. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jürgen Müller

Report and photos from the "Fun of Computing"
Juergen Mueller - many of you know him from our newsticker - has visited the "Fun Of Computing" in Ilmenau, Germany, and made some nice photos and a detailed report (german) of it.

[News message: 26. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Ben Yoris via email

Hyperion: Shogo status report
The development of Shogo is under good progress and goes on very well. They are still thinking, if it makes sense to develop an AGA-version besides the gfx-board-version for the Amiga.

[News message: 26. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Igor Sereda at ANF

SoundFX V4 released
Stefan Kost makes SoundFX V4 with many new and powerfull features, and effects available for download.

[News message: 25. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Rudolph Riedel via eMail

New beta version of DiskMaster 2
At the titlelink a new official beta version of DiskMaster 2.5b along with the new, and the is available for download.

[News message: 25. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

FTW: fxPaint 1.5 Test
Sebastian Brylka from Fun Time World die a extensive test of fxPaint 1.5 and was so excited, so that he gave this resourceful programm an award.

[News message: 25. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Juergen A. Theiner at ANF Heretic II Review
After a long time of waiting since WipeOut 2097 on 10 June 2000 the second high-end Amiga game entered the stage. In the time bevor there were much discussing on this game (mainly since the demo release). Do Heretic II worth those immense hardware requirements? Since allready with the review raised tempered diskussions, here now the test of the full version at last: Heretic II - Mispurchase of the summer or rescuer of Amiga's game future?

[News message: 25. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl via eMail

Amiga Future News
At the Amiga Future homepage there is an interview with Q-Lab. Additionally we started two new votes on the site. If one begins at the start-site, now it is possible to make an English translation of the entire homepage. And of course our Abo Campaign with additional free Abo Bonus still is going.

[News message: 25. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Hynek Schlawack via eMail

DirScanner 2.10 available
At my homepage V2.10 of my DirScanner is avialable. I was forced to release this one, due to accumulating of double catalogs. :(

[News message: 25. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Hoppe via eMail

Free subdomains
Now I have the permission of Gary Peake to offer subdomains with the syntax, as long as there is no commercial content! If you want to upload a non-commercial Amiga site with the domain, can apply for/register a free subdomain at the titlelink.

Other features:
  • Frame- or Refresh Forwarding
  • Catch-All Email-Addresse to recieve all your mails at your subdomain
  • Any desired eMail forwarding at your subdomain, e.g.
  • Any desired Meta-Keywords and Meta-Description
  • Any desired title for the site with frame forwarding

Nothing is asked in return. We would be pleased for a link back to

[News message: 25. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Henze via eMail

News of CyberdyneSystems
Now there is a version (V.45.00 beta 3) of stormamige.lib V.45.00 for AmigaOS/68k and StormC. This version contains many bugfixes and optimised functions.

[News message: 25. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Wagner via eMail

AmIRC V3.5 released
Version 3.5 of AmIRC was released, the Amiga client for chatting via IRC. This new version uses distinct less CPU recources, has a enhanced query command, and many more. For registered AmIRC3.x user this is a free update. AmIRC 1.x and 2.x users can get a low priced upgrade.

amirc_35.lzx - 703 Kb

[News message: 25. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Bernward Hofmann via eMail

MusiXTeX T.99 available
A message maby still interessting for some user. At least at the sites of Amiga-Club some queries occured about MuscTex, the precursor of MusiXTeX. This macripacket with ASCII files also runs with the TeX systems on Amiga (PasTeX and AmigaTeX=MaxonTex). The latest version of the author Daniel Taupin is available now. Since macro packets are from TeX ASCII code a porting to our Amiga - assuming a working TeX system - should not be such a big problem. I'm working since many years with MusicTeX (the precursor) and will have a look at MusiXTeX next times.


[News message: 25. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via eMail

Virus Help Denmark
A small update vor VT-Schutz has been released. IMPORTANT! To find linkviruses which are hiding BEHIND the 1. hunk FOR SURE, you MUST use FileTest!

Name: VT-Schutz v3.17
Archive name: vt317k.lha
Archiv size: 427.794 Bytes
Date: 24 June 2000
Programmer: Heiner Schneegold

Name: VT-Schutz v3.17 Doc.
Archive name: vt317dok.lha
Archive size: 509.806 Bytes
Date: 24 June 2000
Programmer: Heiner Schneegold

To find at the anti virus page of Dirk Stöcker.

[News message: 25. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Damilakis Nikolaos at ANF

Nationals Amiga Developers Networks
Greek Amiga Developers Network is calling all amigans to form nationals developers networks where programmers can help each other through mailing lists. When you form a national ADN please send us an e-mail to add you in our ADN's list.

[News message: 25. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas L. at ANF

New Version of 'Dropout-Killers'
Ab heute kann die neue Version 2.01 des Movieshop-Tools bei Elastic Images downgeloadet werden. Das Programm ist um eine Vielzahl von Funktionen erweitert worden:
  • Own GUI (basing on the triton.library)
  • One can mark as many pictures as wanted and repair them within one calculation
  • Bubble help
  • The help guide can be shown in its own window directly on the Movieshop screen (Amigaguide or Multiview recommended)

Although the software still is in an early beta stage, it runs very stable and without errors, so far. There is a special campaign for this programm: registered users of the free version 1.xx can order thier personell keyfile at the prise of only 10DM (5EUR). But, this campaign only counts until 31 Jun 2000.

[News message: 25. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Gantert at ANF

Orbit 0.5
At my homepage there is version 0.5 of the 'Space Combat Simulator' Oribt for free download available, now. Additionally there is more information on Drake.

[News message: 25. Jun. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Emulator with live monitoring: Coppenheimer V0.2 (01. Jul.)
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