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Rüdiger Engel

ZDNet: CeBIT Home cancelled
"This year there will be no CeBIT Home. This was confirmed to ZDNet by the Deutsche Messe AG on Thursday. The press spokesperson of the Deutsche Messe, Eberhard Roloff, said: "The quality aspect is unreasonable for those exhibitors who stayed with us." More details (German) at the title link.

Heise: CeBIT Home 2000 cancelled
The Computer and Multimedia Show CeBIT Home, planned for this late summer in Leipzig, has been cancelled. The Deutsche Messe AG in Hannover has decided to call the show off due to the bad exhibitor numbers. The whole concept of a multimedia show addressing the private user is to be rethought. Only a few days before, the Messe AG has stated that they wanted to stick with the show concept this year, too.

It would have been the third CeBIT Home. Because of the World Exposition Expo 2000 in Hannover, Leipzig was chosen as alternative. Several well-known exhibitors were missing two years ago already. Back then, 586 exhibitors were attending. The number of visitors declined from 200,000 to about 180,000."

[News message: 31. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Hynek Schlawack by e-mail

DirScanner version 2.9 released
DirScanner, the file finder, has been released as version 2.9.
Download: DirScanner.lha - 77 Kb

[News message: 31. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Stuart Walker by e-mail

Digital Images News
Despite the fact it has been quiet around DI in recent months, some extraordinary developments have been made within DI, and the product line has been changed.

For one it can be announced that Digital Images will port "Wipeout 2097" to the Apple Mac! Exact release dates will be announced shortly.

Unter the working titles "Conflict", "Sabrina Offline" and "Millenium Surprise", new games are under development, while "Space Station 3000", "Kijitsu Warriors" and "Digital Soccer" have been discontinued. Details at the title link.

The URL of Digital Images has been changed. Please bookmark the new address:

[News message: 31. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Executive Update

Executive Update May 30,2000


Many people have been writing to me recently, reminding me that there has been very little activity as far as site updates go. While this is not intended as the official Executive Update, I just want to make sure everyone knew that there has, in fact, been a great deal of activity going on at Amiga since the Amiga 2k show in Saint Louis a few months ago. As usual, there are things that we aren't ready to discuss, but never mistake our silence for being "asleep".

Officially you can watch the site for the new Executive Update, new developer and application information, as well as several other updates which will be posted on June 3rd, 2000.

In the next Update, you can expect to see much more information and details about our immediate plans than this message will have. While we could have waited another week or so to post the next Update, I thought the community needed to hear from us, to let you know what we can at the moment, and to ask you to be patient, just a little bit longer.

One critical area that needs to be addressed right now today is the Amiga name, trademarks, logos, and intellectual properties. Many of you have sent me notes asking us to take action against those who are making illegal copies of our software, using our name without permission, and the distributing our intellectual property without our knowledge and consent.

While this might seem negative for many, it is imperative that Amiga properly and legally defend our trademarks and intellectual property. To be blunt and to the point, if you are using the Amiga name, Amiga logos, or distributing our intellectual property without a license, you must cease and desist these actions immediately. Amiga Incorporated owns the aforementioned items and all rights contained therein.

We understand that many of you have worked very hard to maintain a community, the spirit, and all we know Amiga as today. Unfortunately, there are many people, sites, and even companies out there who are using the Amiga name in a detrimental fashion, and in negative ways. Some have even sought to use the Amiga name to further their own goals and products. Because of this and because international trademark laws mandate it, we must make sure that anyone using our name, logos, or trademarks in any fashion is properly licensed by us.

Okay, now that we've said that, here's the Amiga SDK (Software Developers' Kit)!

On April 1st, 2000, at the Amiga 2k show, Amiga Inc. announced the developer box and our partnership with the TAO group in England. To be quite honest, the number of developers who approached us at the show and shortly thereafter wanting to purchase the Software Development Kit (SDK) separately from the hardware to run on your own machines took us completely by surprise.

Well, we listened and in only a few days will be releasing to manufacture the new Amiga SDK.

More information will be on the site the weekend of June 3rd.

Please note that the SDK will sell for $99 U.S.. The SDK will be available from your Amiga retailer, and other sources soon-to-be announced.

Things really are happening at Amiga, there are new applications, new employees, new partnerships, and new products.

The year 2000 truly is going to be a very exciting time. I look forward to meeting with many of you over the coming months at the different trade shows, different events, by phone, by fax, and by e-mail. I can promise you that with the release of the SDK you'll begin to see Amiga get much more aggressive and move much faster towards the future.

Thank you again for your continued support, and make sure to check the site the weekend of June 3rd.

Bill McEwen, and the rest of the Amiga team.

[News message: 31. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Phase 5 is sending cards back
In several e-mails we recieved, and in several forums it can be read that Gerald Carda is obviously sending back cards send in for repair by customers. The first cards have already reached their owners.

So there seems to be hope that customers will get their cards back, some unrepaired, but better than nothing.

Here is the address again customers should write to to get their cards back:

Wolf Dietrich und Gerald Carda
phase5 digital products
In der Au 27
D-61440 Oberursel

You should state when you did send in your card, the RMA number is also important. Set an apropriate deadline for recieving the hardware.

[News message: 29. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Ivo Janacek by e-mail

New version of the Mroocheck driver
The new version of the driver for the Mroocheck Interface is available in the download area of Javosoft.
Download: Mroocheck12f20.lha

[News message: 29. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Endres by e-mail

Camouflage turns CamX does no longer exist, turn to (title link).

[News message: 29. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jürgen Beck by e-mail

Radwar pictures
At the title link, you can find pictures from the Radwar Party 2000. The pictures were all taken by members of the demo group "Haujobb", and are accordingly "freaky" (at least some of them). Manfred Trenz can also be seen on one pic. Here the direct link to the Radwar 2k picture galery.

An information on the site "Slengpung" in general. This is a project by "Haujobb", and here you find pictures from many demo parties and similar happenings - from older parties, too (e.g. the previous Radwar parties).

[News message: 29. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Apex Design

New status report on Payback
A new status report for Payback has been released, stating that the title screen is now fully functional, players can save their game and beta testers are enthusiastic. Additionally, the author has updated the Payback information site.

[News message: 29. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Dietmar Knoll by e-mail

It's time again for some news on the "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note" (TM) project, or "AFD-COPYRIGHT" (TM) for short.

This copyright note is an offer to all Amiga developers who want to release FD Software, be it Freeware, Giftware, Shareware or whatever. 4 new translations have already been published this year. AFD-COPYRIGHT is now available in seventeen (17!!!) languages - in two formats each, plain text or HTML file.

The latest addition is the Brazilian-Portugueese translation by Daniel Mealha Cabrita and Gustavo Sarmento by the ATO. The files can be downloaded from the official support site for AFD-COPYRIGHT (title link).

[News message: 28. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Wagner by e-mail

AmTalk II version 2.2 released
Download: amtalk_22.lzx

[News message: 28. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Robl by e-mail

OpusSMBHandler version 1.0 released
With this ARexx script OpusMagellanII gets access to the Windows network environment. It enables the basic functions like browse, copy, rename and also enables access to password-protected functionalities. WARNUNG: Due to the relatively useless Amiga ports of Samba it might not work correctly or not at all, depending on your system! No guarantees given! If you are interested, or even want to add own improvements, feel free to do so!

[News message: 28. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl by e-mail

APC&TCP: Faces of Mars
At the Amiga-show in Neuss (germany) APC&TCP release again a cd-rom for Amiga with the Name Faces of Mars 2001:

fom2001 is the cd-rom collection of the Faces of Mars-pd-series. The best of the over 500 disks can be found on this shareware-CD-ROM. All programms are tested under OS 3.5. The games, programms, pictures, animations, mods and texts can be found in these main-drawers: 1982 (classic games), Babylon 5, Esotherik, Fantasy, FOM, Games, History, Jokes, Mathematics, Misc, Science, Science Fiction, Space, Star Trek and Star Wars.

Beside that there will be several bonus programms for internet-users like a free email-address, link to the personal homepage, discussion-group and The Portal, a starting point for the web, including, email, search-engine, webcards and e-commerce.

Also are two audio-tracks included: fom2001 and They came from Outer Space!

[News message: 28. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Henze by e-mail

First alpha version (v45.00 alpha 1) of the stormamiga.lib 45.00 for AmigaOS/PPC
A great many functions were rewritten, many new functions added and all known bugs removed. This version is for registered users only. New registrations are currently not possible, sorry.

[News message: 28. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Kleinert by e-mail

akMPEG version 4.45 released
In the support area, you can download the latest version of the akMPEG players, which now supports "Pause" and "Single-Step". Download: akMPEG4.lha

[News message: 28. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn by e-mail

CD32 Games Install Kit Version 3.5 NG released
The latest version of the CD32 Games Install Kit has been released on the Airsoft Softwair homepage. This is the first public release since over two years. The CD32 Games Install Kit installs over 120 CD32/CDTV games to hard drive and makes them executable from there. It offers a stable CD32 emulation mode that emulates many CD32 extensions, e.g. cd.device, NV RAM.

Version 3.5NG was considerably improved, bugfixed and optimized. It can now downloaded from the Airsoft Softwair homepage. The extra programs, icons and additional kits will be offered during the next days.

[News message: 27. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Dhomas Trenn by e-mail

young monkey studios News
young monkey studios is pleased to announce a substantial reduction in the shareware prices for it's Amiga software. As well, several applications are now freely available.

Shareware/Free applications include:

Commander-ImageFX - Customizable GUI for ImageFX
GridLock - 2 player game Modem/NullModem/Ami-TCP (free)
HP3PS - PacificPage PS/PCL Mode Changer (free)
MSE - MIDI SYStem EXplorer - PatchEditor+MORE
SamplerUtility - Disk imager for ProAudio Samplers (free)
TextToBraille - Text To Braille Conversion Utility (free)
TimeKeep - TimeClock Util for Clients-Projects-Invoices
TimeKeepDev - TimeClock Util for Project Development
TimeSpeak - Speaks current date or time (free)

[News message: 27. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Dhomas Trenn by e-mail

NewTekniques Magazine Index
young monkey studios is pleased to announce that it's NewTekniques magazine indexes now include over 100 freely accessable online articles, tutorials and reviews on topics of LightWave, Inspire, Aura, Toaster, Flyer, ImageFX, and Amiga. Other popular Amiga, Music and Video magazines are also included, with hundreds of other online articles.

[News message: 27. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Günter Horbach on ANF

KDH stops distributing Alive Mediasoft products
Starting immediately, KDH Datentechnik stops distributing Amiga games published and distributed by the English company Alive Mediasoft. We wrote to the company demanding clarification why the CD Goal2000 only includes the old Goal game (with cracker intro). Moreover we requested proof that a license is available for all published games. If the situation can be solved positively, we will resume distribution.

[News message: 27. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Volker Grabbe in ANF

Heise: New PowerPCs expected this summer
«According to reports of the US press, IBM wants to release a new family of PowerPC processors that do not only offer higher clockrates (up to 700 MHz), but especially have an integrated L2 cache of 256 KByte. Because of their reasonable power usage, the in 0,18-µm copper technique manufactured G3 processors address primarily the notebook market.»
For full article (in German) follow titlelink.

[News message: 26. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Tom Crecelius in ANF

Goal2000! purchase risks, Alive-Mediasoft maintains silence
Tom Crecelius writes in ANF:
I have purchased the game Goal2000! from Alive-Mediasoft some weeks ago. After receiving the CD, I noticed an error on the CD. Not Goal2000! is on the CD, but only Goal!. After decrunching the "Goal2000-1.DMS" archive to disk and booting it up, an intro appears with the contents: "Goal! - The Championchip League. Broken by Q.U.A.R.T.E.X in 1993"!!

When the menu appears, it is entirely obvious that this is Goal! and not Goal2000!. Despite multiple attempts to get into touch with Alive-Mediasoft via mail and despite former (before I had payed) good mail contact I couldn't get a reply from Alive-Mediasoft up to this day. Maybe they will now reply...

So be careful if you are interested in "Goal2000!".

[News message: 26. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Martin "Mason" Merz in ANF

OpusMI Update released
OpusMI - second update (5th release). A collection of icons and images for DOpus and other programs in GlowIcon design with more than 90 new and reworked icons and a new FTP startmenu, as well as new default icons for DOpus Magellan II.

Homepage - 2nd update
A new info list was created for the newest informations about OpusMI.

[News message: 26. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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WinUAE: Danish helpfiles available
Danish helpfiles for WinUAE have been released.

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JST version 3.3 released
Version 3.3 of the hd installer JST which contains smaller bugfixes was released.
Download: jst.lha

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Fun Time World

AmiDog: New emulator MESS and MAME update
Two new pages about the emulators MAME and MESS went online on the AmiDog homepage. Both programs are available in new versions, although there are no big changes. Mathias Roslund has decided to take over the development of the two emulators after nothing new has been released of them in a long time.

[News message: 26. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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APC&TCP [News]

KATO Development Group News
In about a month, the Melody 1200 pro will be available again. Distribution will be handled mainly by the KATO Development Group, but also through other dealers. The Unity will be a bit delayed and thus also the Melody for Zorro 2 bus.

Why Twister 1200 and no other solution? The difference lies in the details. Technical background can be read on the KATO Development Group Website. KATO will be pleased to answer any questions you might have.

[News message: 26. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Draco pages were updated
Draco pages on vgr.vom were updated.

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Audio Evolution

Audio Evolution with new domain
The website of Davy Wentzler's Audio Evolution can now also be reached at Please change your bookmarks.

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Trogladite Software

Trogladite Software: Awards 2000
The pages of Trogladite Software were unavailable for some time because of CGI problems and are now online again after a complete redesign. The first bigger event are the awards of this year.

While one website award was given last year, this year Trogladite Software offers five awards in different categories. The five categories are: websites, game software, applications, hardware and shareware/freeware. One award is given for each category. is nominated in the category "websites". We would be happy if you would vote for us and click the following link once: Vote for us

There's also some news from the software area. AddAssign version 2.0 is released.
Download: addassign.lha

[News message: 26. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Frank via eMail

InfoWorld interview with Sun co-founder Bill Joy on Jini, Java...
InfoWorld Executive Producer/New Media Katherine Bull and Editor at Large Ed Scannell interviewed Sun Chief Scientist/co-founder Bill Joy. An interesting read about Jini, Java and the responsibilities of suppliers and inventors of technology.

[News message: 26. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Status update
Date    Thu, 25 May 2000 16:07:03 +0200
Subject [AROS-Announce] Status update


There was no status update for more than 6 weeks (which is too much).
I'll do better in the future :-) In the last few days, our WWW counter
silently skipped 33.333 hits.

The Sowatec AG has decided to give AROS a chance. Several people who
applied for the job to work on AROS have been contacted to arrange for
job interviews. That means for me that I will finally be able to meet
some of the people I worked with for the last five years ;-) It doesn't
mean that there will be an AROS development team in Switzerland, though.
So don't hope for too much, yet :-)

Unfortunately, the date for the World of Alternatives is very unlucky
for me; I'll return from my holidays on Saturday and therefore, I'll
not be able to attend :-( Since the World of Amiga in Cologne seems
to be a dead event this year (Who's left to attend ? Who is willing
to attend ??) I'll try to make it the London Amiga show or whatever
is held this or early next year. Sorry if you did expect me to show
up :-)

On a more happy news, BGUI has been handed over to us and integrated
into AROS (you can download the contrib sources for your copy). Manuel
Lemus promised me that it compiles on Amiga but, unfortunately, it
doesn't compile on AROS, yet (the old lack-of-manpower problem). There
should be no major problems, though and porting has started. I just
can't say when it will be finished. Anyone wanting to work on BGUI
only (and not on AROS) should still apply for a CVS account to
synchronise his work with ours.

Also, Steve Crietzman of the Open Amiga Foundation seems to be pretty
far with finding out which legal obstacles could hurt AROS/Lite. His
effort is currently blocked by the effort of the Sowatec AG to found
an AROS development team (we'll have to sort our legal obstacles first).
As usual, the legal dept. drains all the energies ;-)

On the AROS side, work is still progressing, maybe even at a faster
pace than usual ;-) The AROS Native/i386 flavour is currently broken
(the HIDD system has been greatly enhanced and Michael Schulz currently
cannot take care of it) but AROS Linux/i386 works quite fine. Nils
has committed a couple of patches which greatly enhance the speed of
the graphics output (it's now *much* faster then on the WoA in Cologne
last year in November). Right now, bugs in the build system and exec
are hunted by various AROS developers and I hope to see lots of progress
in that area when I return from my holidays.

As for the survey which I started months ago, I hope I can summarize
them after the holidays :-)

Things never turn out what you expect them,

Sowatec AG,       CH-8330 Pfäffikon (ZH)
Witzbergstr. 7,
Tel: +41-(0)1-952 55 55
Fax: +41-(0)1-952 55 66
Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla,

This mail sent through IMP:

AROS-Announce mailing list

[News message: 26. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Frederic Labourer via email

PureBasic V1.40 released
Download: PureBasic.lha

[News message: 25. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn via email

Airsoft Softwair hompage back online
After two weeks of absence the homepage of Airsoft Softwair is now back online. I apologise for again for this absence, it should not happen so fast again. All the links should work perfectly also.

[News message: 25. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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25.May.2000 at the ANF

Commodore rights sold to ComputerNational Inc.
The rights of the name Commodore are sold again - this time to ComputerNational Inc.. They are working on a successor for the C64.

[News message: 25. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Schmidt at the ANF

Amiga 4 ever - project chat
A few days ago the "Amiga 4 Ever Project" has started an IRC-chat. The present topic: "AmigaNG - future or fiction?"

Channel: #a4ep
Port: 6667

[News message: 25. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Harry "Piru" Sintonen via email

cnet.device V1.2 released
The version 1.2 of the PCMCIA-network-driver cnetdevice is released. Download: cnetdevice.lhacnetdevice.readme

[News message: 25. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Kleinert via email

akMPEG4 update
A update of akmpeg4 is available on my wwwsite (and on its way into the aminet). So it is only interesting to several people, most of you can leave out this download:

V4.44 (25,05,2000):
  • configinfo for DOpus4 and AWeb3 added
  • MPGUI looks for "akmp" or "PPCakmp" also in C: if they are not found (locked) in PROGDIR:.
    (-> Peter Dorn)

You will find an interview (german) with Andreas Kleinert at the Amiga Future topic "Aktion".

[News message: 25. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Ray McCarthy via email

Kickstart Show 2000
At the topic "Show" under the titlelink you will now find information aboout the Kickstart Show 2000, that will take place on the 27th of June in Surrey, England. Also the registration to the online-game-competition is possible.

[News message: 25. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Heider on ANF

Update of the X-Server for Linux m68k
On my homepage, you will find a manual for updating the X-Server and including the tool Xconfigurator for Linux_m68k in general. Xconfigurator is a tool to create a XF86Config under Linux, which is needed for the X Window System. In addition, you can order the Linux_m68k CD-ROM here. At the link above, there are submissions and files for Linux-APUS PPC, too.

[News message: 24. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Rainer Benda on ANF

Support with Commodore Software (3.1 etc.)
As some might already know, Amiga Inc. has contacted me (and Cloanto) asking to remove all © software from the web. I will include this chapter in my C= story, since an explanation would take too long here. Currently, the OS3.1 disks and the OS3.1 ROM files are no longer available on my website. If you have support questions please contact Amiga Inc. / Int. directly, since I will for sure not copy disks. Additionally please refer to xxx.html.

[News message: 24. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Stegemann on ANF

Digital Almanac homepage moved
The homepage for the astronomy software "Digital Almanac" has moved permanently now. The new URL is

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Ivo Janacek by e-mail

New FastATA version for A1200 and A4000
Javosoft offers a new version of the FastATA driver for A1200 and A4000.
Download: FastATA'99v59a31.lha

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Thomas Lorenz on ANF

Big (good) Fusion PPC News!
On the Microcode Solutions homepage there are some news on Fusion PPC:
  • Another WOS problem was fixed
  • Fusion PPC is now top priority (will be finished shortly!)
  • To get more developer resources and funds (and since the number of pre-orders didn't meet expectations), MS has licensed their PC MAC-68040 emulation technology to Emulators Inc.
  • The Fusion PPC version will no longer require a MAC ROM! It will represent a 100% iMac emulation!

[News message: 24. May. 2000, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Emulator with live monitoring: Coppenheimer V0.2 (01. Jul.)
Game: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) released (30. Jun.)
Book: AmigaOS 3.2 Reference Manual - Limited print run, pre-orders being taken (12. Jun.)
Amiga Kit: Final Writer 7 pre-installed on A600GS (02. Jun.)
Emulator: WinUAE 5.3.0 (02. Jun.)
Hollywood goes LaTeX: hTeX 1.0 released (02. Jun.)
ACube Systems: UBoot 2015.c for Sam460EX, Sam460CR and Sam460LE boards (18. May.)
Interview: Announcement of a cost-reduced MiSTer FPGA board (08. May.)
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