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28.-30.06.24 • Alternatives Computer-Meeting 2024 • Wolfsburg (Germany)
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Deflone on ANF

SMSEngineerMUI is now E-Mailware
SMSEngineerMUI 1.0.2 has just been uploaded to the Aminet. We have decided to let people register our software for free, because we believe that coding should be fun, now shouldn't it? The same is true for SMSEngineerMUI :), it is fun; and why should anybody have to pay to have some fun.

We are still looking for translators for our software, so please contact us. Comments and ideas for improvement are welcome of course.

Download: smsengineermui.lha

[News message: 23. Sep. 2000, 12:46] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet CD39 - 10/2000 to be Available soon
Aminet CD 39 - Oktober 2000 - contains nearly one gigabyte (unpacked) of software in thousands of archives. Since Aminet CD 38 over 500 MB of new files have been added. As a special highlight, Aminet 39 contains the fantastic pinballs Pinball Dreams, Pinball Fantasies and Pinball Illusions. The three pinballs can be run from CD or harddrive.

News since release 33 and once more updated: The popular News-Archive by Petra Struck is now part of every Aminet-CD (in german and english) and may be directly viewed from the readme-file with the included browser. We thank all of their participants for their great informational work for the Amiga-Users worldwide.

[News message: 23. Sep. 2000, 03:31] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Impact

A-Zone CD magazine Nº 1 to be Available soon
The first CD-magazine of our french partner-site Amiga Impact will be available for end of september. A complete overview of the contents, which is full of french news, reviews, workshops, demos and much more can be found at the titellink.

[News message: 23. Sep. 2000, 03:31] [Comments: 0]
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Bubble Heroes was Finished
Bubble Heroes, a game distributed by Crystal Interactive Software was finished and is available at the stores.

What is this game all about?

Once upon a time... The magical world of Radya is in serious danger. The peacefullness and the joy of this realm is threatened by a dark, evil knight named Gonzul and his bunglers, arrived on floating islands from unknown parts of the universe. Gonzul's aim is to conquer and enslave the world: to gain this objective he abducted the four Nimphs, sources of power and pillars of peace and richness, bleeding their energy and life. The Queen of these Nimphs, Adora, during her kidnapping had spread by her mental powers a message to all the heroes of Radya: to rescue the Nimphs.

All together, the four Nimphs can unite their forces in order to activate a magical weapon, which is the only hope to destroy Gonzul and his floating realm saving the entire world from his evil shadow. Will you be able to follow the heroes in this desperate mission?

[News message: 23. Sep. 2000, 03:31] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS News
There are new archives available for MorphOS, an emulation for Amigas equipped with PPC. In detail:
  • Update: ixemul-dev.tgz
  • New release: dvidvi-1.1-bin.tgz, wget-1.5.2-bin.tgz, unixtex-6.1b-bin.tgz, texinfo-3.11-bin.tgz
  • IXEmul Tools and Programs: IXEmul Directory. Make sure to read the IMPORTANT.README file!! NOTE: This section is PPC only files. You must read the IMPORTANT.README file.

[News message: 23. Sep. 2000, 03:31] [Comments: 0]
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Ron Goertz

FWCalendar Update Version 4.05
Ron Goertz has overworked his Arexx-scripts for creating calendars with FinalWriter.

Download: FWCalendar.lzx and also Installation tips.

[News message: 23. Sep. 2000, 03:31] [Comments: 0]
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Richard H. Poser by eMail

AmigAIM BETA Version 0.9391 Available
The new betaversion 0.9391 of AmigaAIM, the AOL Instant Messanger for Amiga, is available for download. Changes are listed in the following list:
  • Added Menu Item for starting another copy of AmigAIM
  • Modified Mail Window for Context Menu to select Individual or Several Addresses to be checked or cleared.
  • Mail window can now be set to not open and/or pop to front while Away
  • Added Script capability for Mail checked with Mail on Server
  • Removed problem with receiving one Mac AIM version's Instant Messages
  • Removed bug with ScreenName prefs, should modify on first start after upgrade
  • Added Prefs item to keep Buddy List on top, if open and a Requester isn't opened (Buddy List on top would prevent the Requester from ever being seen)
  • Removed bug with receiving IM from Buddy not on Buddy List, shouldn't crash now.
  • Removed bug with the Idling prefs being totally unused.

[News message: 23. Sep. 2000, 01:02] [Comments: 0]
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Crystal Interactive Software announces Partnership with Blittersoft
Crystal Interactive Software announces that Blittersoft will take over the worldwide distribution of their software.

[News message: 22. Sep. 2000, 12:36] [Comments: 0]
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Workbench2000 Version 1.6 Released
Workbench2000 is a taskbar which you can use to start programs as you know it from Windows.

Download: WB2000.lha

[News message: 22. Sep. 2000, 12:36] [Comments: 0]
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Sebastian Bauer

FreeCiv Developer Version 1.13 Released
Freeciv is a round-based multiple player strategty game, released under the GNU General Public License. You can compare it to Civilization II® by Microprose®.

Download: freeciv_devel.lzx - 821 KB

[News message: 22. Sep. 2000, 12:36] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Dellert via eMail

Press release G-Rex-PCI
We from DCE, leading manufacturer of accelerator boards and accessories in the Amiga market, are glad to announce to the Amiga community that we can satisfy the want for faster graphics boards, good and cheap sound cards, as well as PCI ethernet network cards.

For the entire (German) press release, click on the titlelink.

[News message: 22. Sep. 2000, 06:13] [Comments: 0]
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Norman on ANF

One more PCI Board for AMIGA?
On the main page of the DCE website is a so far mysterious product announcement. As it appears, G-REX is a PCI board for AMIGA and probably compatible to the Voodoo 3 card. For those interested, there's a PDF file for download. Link see below.

Stay tuned for some BLACK MAGIC...
Voodoo 3 hits the Amiga!
Prepare for G-Rex, the new PCI board from DCE -
and be ready for Voodoo 3 magic on your Amiga!
Curious? Want to learn more? Have a look at our

[News message: 22. Sep. 2000, 05:38] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Realm via eMail

AmigaWatchDog now at Amiga Realm
AmigaWatchDog, the website designed by Daniel Hutchinson, where readers can voice their experiences with Amiga companies and get tips where they can buy their products cheap, is now at Amiga Realm, the Amiga web directory and will be continued there.

[News message: 22. Sep. 2000, 01:23] [Comments: 0]
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DirOpus 4

Directory Opus 4 Version 4.15a (Beta) Released
Jake Rzeuski has continously developed the free source code of GP Software and has now released a new beta version 4.15a of the file-manager for download. In this version NewIcons and GlowIcons are 100% supported and the size informations of files are listed in KB/MB/GB in listers.

Download: DOpus415JRbin.lha - 334 KB

[News message: 21. Sep. 2000, 12:02] [Comments: 0]
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Development of Lambda "Pauses"
The status of development of the freetime project "Lambda", a high quality 3D spacegame development, was set on "pause".

[News message: 21. Sep. 2000, 12:02] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

The End of ImageEngineer
Czech Amiga News has asked Marko Seppaenen, developer of ImageEngineer, a gfx-package for Amiga, why he leaves the Amiga Community. In his answer Marko said it would be easy to declare software piracy and bad sells as reasons for this step or he could tell a long story about the reasons, but he will not, because he do not want to offend the Amiga Community.

[News message: 21. Sep. 2000, 12:02] [Comments: 0]
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AMP 2 version V2pre4 Released
A pre-version of the MPEG-Player AMP 2 was released, in which the problem of not functioning slides was fixed. The AC3 decoder can now be used for listening AC3Streams in DVD clips.

Download: AMP2pre4.lha

[News message: 21. Sep. 2000, 12:02] [Comments: 0]
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Fnurr2000 Released
With Fnurr2000, an old, funny and very simple game was released. In this new programmed game you have to let small pixels explode. (Avoid homing pixels)

Download:fnurr2000.lha - 140 kb

[News message: 21. Sep. 2000, 12:02] [Comments: 0]
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Anu Seilonen on ANF

Finnish Amiga User Group Announces User Group Meeting
ESPOO, FINLAND - September 21, 2000 - Finnish Amiga Users Group will host its annual user group meeting on Saturday, September 30th from 14:00 h to 17:45 h in Espoo, Finland. The event will start with a formal meeting, and an informal part will follow after 15:30 o'clock.

An Amiga dealer will be present with various Amiga items for sale. The user group will also demonstrate the Amiga Software Development Kit on Linux. Other highlights include various Amiga magazines for reading, demonstration of licensed Amiga mobile phone covers and plenty of good company. Admission is free of charge and free soft drinks will be available.

Please visit the titlelink or our mirror site for instructions on how to get there, latest news, IRC coverage, webcam and more. E-mail inquiries may be sent to Anu Seilonen.

About the Finnish Amiga User Group:
Finnish Amiga Users Group (Suomen Amiga-käyttäjät ry.) is a non-profit organization for promoting Amiga computing and helping Amiga users in Finland. Also known as Saku. After its e-zine the group is trying to accomplish its goals by organizing meetings and by publishing an e-zine. Since 1993 the Finnish Amiga User Group and its predecessors have released over thirty issues of the magazine and held several public gatherings. Other accomplishments include the Web site and Sakunet, a national Fidonet style network of Amiga related bulletin board systems.

[News message: 21. Sep. 2000, 08:54] [Comments: 0]
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The BaYona on ANF

MeterNet SimpleBox & TAO Press Release
New, Easy-to-Use, Solid State Internet Device Products Powered By Next Generation Amiga Technologies include Java® and Media Streaming Support. Snoqualmie, WA - Reno, NV-September 20, 2000 - Business Wire - Targeting the millions of computerless and offline consumers worldwide who will soon be broadband enabled, Amiga and MeterNet have teamed to develop and deliver a series of broadband SimpleBox Internet Devices powered by the next generation Amiga.

Tao Group: intentTM Official Support Centre to open in Japan

September 19, 2000 - Berkshire-based Tao Group Limited and Fujitsu Aichi Engineering Limited (Fujitsu AEL) have agreed to open an intent Official Support Centre in Japan, to provide technical support services for Japanese corporate users of Tao's intent, an extremely high performance multimedia JavaTM execution environment.
The JavaTM language is becoming increasingly popular in the Japanese consumer market, particularly in PDAs, set-top boxes and mobile Internet devices, and Tao's intent is making inroads due to its minimal memory footprint. intent is also proving successful because of its system-level binary portability across software and hardware platforms - a fundamental factor in the embedded market where there are so many different CPUs and operating systems.

[News message: 21. Sep. 2000, 08:54] [Comments: 0]
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Mariusz Wloczysiak via eMail

Official Annoucement from Elbox
Contents of this pressrelease is a technical presentation (pro Mediator) vs. the Predator PCI busboard from Eyetech.

Because none of both PCI busboards is available at present we can not figure out the truth of this comparison.

Experience reports of users are welcome.

Elbox Computer
Krakow, 21 Sep 2000


We, Elbox Computer company, the company involved with microcomputer technology for over 18 years, the company with the principles of reliability, honesty and care for our clients, feel obliged to release this announcement to protect interests of Amiga users.

For several weeks now, the Eyetech company has been involved in a propaganda action against our breakthrough product for Amiga computers: the MEDIATOR PCI. Eyetech publish and disseminate untrue views on MEDIATOR, the exceptional busboard, and compare this high-end product with their announced device.

It is not our way to comment on others' activities, yet under the current circumstances we feel obliged to explain this situation and Eyetech's accusations to Amiga users and to comment on the idea indicated by Eyetech (or any other company behind the Eyetech nametag).


Eyetech announced releasing a product they called competitive to our MEDIATOR high-end card. Technical specification of this product has been announced in such a way that Amiga users would have to misread it.

The idea of connecting a PCI/AGP busboard directly to Blizzard PPC cards gives worse performance than MEDIATOR because:
  1. This solution is only for owners of Blizzard PPC accelerators. You have to stick with your Blizzard PPC 603e for ever. No change, no open structure, no versatility.
  2. Practical average data transfers over the busboard connected directly to Blizzard PPC cards will not be higher than achieved with MEDIATOR - due to technical limitations of Blizzard PPC cards.
  3. Connection of a busboard to the connector used for inserting a BVision card renders further use of the BVision card impossible.


The MEDIATOR high-end busboard is the best solution for Amiga computers to offer high-speed support for PCI cards.

The MEDIATOR busboard is a well-thought product, with long-standing history of design development and a vision for its lasting evolution, to give Amiga users power they have not had so far.

Our basic idea is that MEDIATOR is an OPEN solution, capable of hosting ANY turbo cards from the Amiga market. MEDIATOR is not reduced to a Blizzard PPC-bound concept. MEDIATOR gives you the possibility to have any turbo card you want.

MEDIATOR has been designed specifically for all the available cards and each and every turbo card works with MEDIATOR at the maximum speed available for the given card.

MEDIATOR PCI may offer transfer of data from/to any Amiga turbo card at the maximum speed of up to 132 MB/s. The only practical limitation lies in the design of the specific turbo card.

MEDIATOR is expandable, even more: it is ready for any new Amiga cards that will be available in the future - this gives you freedom that you have never had before.

You can use MEDIATOR with any turbo cards: Blizzard 1230, Blizzard 1240, Blizzard 1260, Blizzard PPC, Apollo 1230, Apollo 1240, Apollo 1260, Elbox 1230, MTec 1230, etc. and with any future concepts like Amijoe and more...


MEDIATOR has been designed optimised for any turbo card type, so that the maximum possible performance is obtained in the given hardware configuration.

MEDIATOR automatically recognises the turbo card type and executes the best procedures to guarantee the highest performance possible in this configuration. This is an unrivalled feature.

This approach is much more time- and effort- and money-consuming than the concept of supporting Blizzard PPC cards only.

Besides, the idea of connecting a PCI/AGP busboard directly to Blizzard PPC cards does not give you, the Amiga user, any additional speed gains when compared with MEDIATOR - you will only feel that Eyetech's design is simpler and possibly definitely cheaper.

We feel very sorry that Eyetech in this context is apparently discrediting MEDIATOR's performance while being well aware of their fallacy.


We have been developing and producing electronic equipment since 1982. Our superb Amiga designs include:
  • E-BOX tower systems and ZORRO busboards for A1200 and A4000 (also known as Power Tower in the UK and Winner Tower in Germany);
  • Elbox FastATA controllers for A1200 and A4000 (known also under the name of Power Flyer in the UK and Winner HighSpeed Controller in Germany);
  • Memory expansion cards for all types of Amiga computers and many other minor accessories, e.g. PC Mouse interfaces (Mroocheck, Punchinello), others.

Elbox is also the owner of Twin Spark Soft, a company producing software for Amiga computers (in the Polish language only). Besides Amiga devices, we design and produce industrial controllers (e.g. for injection moulding machines) and many other high-end devices in the fields of radio- and telecommunications (e.g. call systems, pagers, speech coding devices).


Please look for our further releases about ELBOX products for Amiga computers to be on sale by the end of this year:
  1. MEDIATOR evolution line (A4000 and A3000);
  2. The TOTALLY NEW breakthrough turbo cards for Amiga computers (A4000, A3000, A1200).

Mariusz Wloczysiak
ELBOX COMPUTER, Press Department

[News message: 21. Sep. 2000, 08:18] [Comments: 0]
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Vincent Perkins on ANF Back Online!
AmigaNG is now back online after a long hollyday away. So please visit the Number 1 web site for info on the next generation of Amiga!

[News message: 20. Sep. 2000, 07:51] [Comments: 0]
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Marco Dittmann on ANF

Future of Warpgate in the Air
As the webmaster Andreas Wendorf told during an IRC interview yesterday, the future of Warpgate is in the air. He found fault both, the programmers and software companies acceptance, who only support the Warp9 team with news in an inadequate way.

The English news site all around the subjects of WarpOS and Warp3D, which was put online in March 1999 was already stopped once, and then was restarted again in February 2000 after numerous user requests.

[News message: 20. Sep. 2000, 07:51] [Comments: 0]
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Darkage Software

Darkage Software will Attend the Pianeta Amiga 2000
Darkage Software, the creators of games like "Tales from Heaven", "Powerball", "Extreme", and "Supreme" will attend the Amiga show "Pianeta Amiga 2000 expo", which will be held in Empoli, Itali, 30th September 30th to 1st October. Darkage will present previews of Powerball, and Supreme and also will introduce projects under development.

[News message: 20. Sep. 2000, 05:00] [Comments: 0]
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Apex Designs

New Payback Status Report
In this new status report the author James Daniels tells that the game now supports two CD playback modes, he mainly dealt with development of new levels, and new vehicles, and some bugs were fixed. Furthermore the game engine was optimized to make it faster, and a lot of graphics were redrawn, professionally.

James Daniels asks, if a support of PSX controllers is of interest, and he would like to get to know your opinion via eMail.

[News message: 20. Sep. 2000, 05:00] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaAMP 2.8 BETA-8 Released
Version 2.8 Beta-8 for the MPEG audio player "AmigaAMP" for Amiga was released. The author Thomas Wenzel notes that this update was done very fast, due to his Amiga needs to be repaired urgently, and it might take him one or two weeks to reply on e-mails.

A new config editor by Daniel Westernberg is available.

Download: AmigaAMP28b8.lha - 560 KB

[News message: 20. Sep. 2000, 05:00] [Comments: 0]
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Sebastian Bauer

SimplePac Version 1.2
A new version for the Workbench game SimplePac was released. New is the resizeable game window and a hiscore list. Furthermore own sounds, keyboard, and joystick are supported, now.

Download: simplepac.lzx - 73 KB

[News message: 20. Sep. 2000, 05:00] [Comments: 0]
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Nightlong at the Duplicators now
In the so called S-File of clickBOOM Sofia announces Nightlong to be at the duplicators now, and the game to be available soon. Furthermore a movie (7 MB) of the toughest Amiga devotee is available for download.

Download: tattoo1.avi - 7 MB - The Toughest Amigan Movie

[News message: 20. Sep. 2000, 05:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Luense via eMail

New Addon for YAM
Michael Luense has finished a new addon for YAM. This is a little Arexx program which opens several requesters for e-mail editing or viewing and saving of attachments. The archive comes with both, an English and a German version.

[News message: 20. Sep. 2000, 03:54] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Explorer Dissuasiveness: Trial and Net Demonstration
«At the county court Duesseldorf, Germany, today from 10 o'Clock the case Stefan Muenz vs Symicron company will be tried orally. Symicron claims him to have violated brand law by putting a link to FTP-Explorer. Muenz is the author of the widely spread online manual SELFHTML

«Financial support for Muenz comes from Freedom for Links (FFL). This society build from an internet intiative has already collected 50,000 DM of donations, which shall make possible a sample case against Symicron and their lawyer Guenter Freiherr von Gravenreuth through all instances. "Furthermore the FFL organised together with Muenz a net demonstraion. Website carriers are asked to displace their homepages with a ready made Demo-Site on Wednesday, adverting the case", said Uschi Hering, speaker of FFL, during a talk with c't. "There is vast reception. We have the impression that this is the first demonstration in the net working."»
Entire article at the titlelink (German).

Currently there are a number of 428 websites registered to participate. We will report on the case during this day.

[News message: 20. Sep. 2000, 03:54] [Comments: 0]
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Freedom for Links

Stefan Muenz Wins a Hop
Stefan Muenz was able to win a hop in the oral trial this morning at the county court Duesseldorf, Germany. The case is Stefan Muenz vs the Symicron company who charged Stefan Munez to have violated brand law by putting a link to FTP-Explorer into his Self-HTML. For details see the previous message on this subject.

The chief judge Dr. Fudickar: "We are tending not to presume a possibility of mistake in name between Explorer and FTP-Explorer."

Dr. Hans-Jochen Krieger: "So we would like to enforce your opinion."

[News message: 20. Sep. 2000, 01:05] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Steup on ANF

ParaGlide News
According to an e-mail I recieved from Villagetronic, the Amiga section has been placed into competent hands:

"The Paraglide will be finished and produced by the developers themselves. (...) For more detailed information please ask

So perhaps something will happen within this year for the 3D hardware accelerator for the PicassoIV. Blittersoft already accepts preorders for the card.

[News message: 19. Sep. 2000, 11:16] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Stegemann on ANF

WarpGIF-Datatype Bugfixes
There is a major bugfix for WarpGIF-DT (v40.2), which fixes most of the known bugs.
  • corrupted pictures resulted in a crash due to a bug in the program
  • transparency now supported, IBrowse displays the correct pictures
  • the first frame should be loaded and displayed for most GIF anims
  • Only the global color palette is loaded right now, the local color palette is skipped
  • the OM_UPDATE method might return an undefined value occassionally, but this doesn't cause troubles until now

[News message: 19. Sep. 2000, 11:16] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas-Peter Klug on ANF

WinFellow alpha v0.4.2 build 1

WinFellow alpha v0.4.2 build 1 - Win9x/2k (DirectX 5):

WinFellow alpha v0.4.2 build 1 - Windows NT (DirectX 3):

[News message: 19. Sep. 2000, 11:16] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Merz at ANF

MI-News: AppMI - 2. Update
AppMI is a collection of images and animations for toolbars that uses the GlowIcons-design.

The second update is completed, now.

The archive contains 64 new or reworked images and 4 new animations.

As an special feature we added the toolbar images for Photogenics. The archive will be released at the Aminet, too.

Registered users will get the archive via E-Mail.

[News message: 18. Sep. 2000, 12:54] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Web Survey: Windows Way Ahead
As an exception we are citing the entire article from Heise.

«With the survey on the best operating system at MSNBX things turned in a wonderfull way. On Friday morning Linux still was ahead with 28% of 18,500 votes, as reported, and now the percentage of votes for the free operating system decreased to 3% of 384,848 votes, untill Sunday evening.

This survey took a curious way: Linux had its grand level at about 03:00 AM with 39%, of the up to that time given 29,100 votes a number of 11,350 belonged to the free operating system. Within the following 20 hours 126,500 votes more were given, of which only 800 voted for Linux (0.6%), stunningly. By that the percentage of votes for Windows 95/98/ME, as well as for NT/2000 was dubbled. Now some are getting suspicious that there must have happened some manipulation. Don't trust any statistics you didn't faked yourself.... »

Supplement 09-19-2000: Andreas Mixich via eMail
Microsoft accepted that the survey was manipulated and in the meantime it was removed leaving the following note:

Sept. 18 MSNBC has removed the Live Vote originally published with this story due to what appeared to be electronic ballot stuffing. The Live Vote, which asked readers which personal computer operating system they think is the best, received a large influx of votes in the past few days, skewing the results. MSNBC has removed the Vote in light of this. MSNBC Live Votes are not scientifically valid surveys.

[News message: 18. Sep. 2000, 12:54] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
FLeagues_BB2.lha     biz/dbase  116K+Football Database For 50 Leagues (v1.4)
StarBase_CLI.lha     biz/dbase  104K+Star Trek Episodes Database (v3.7b)
StarBase_SCR.lha     biz/dbase  109K+Star Trek Episodes Database (v2.1b)
DalWatch.lha         comm/irc     3K+Interface to Server-side Notify on Dalne
lcr-i.lha            comm/misc  109K+LeastCostRouter for german Internet Prov
lcr.lha              comm/misc  112K+LeastCostRouter for german Telephone Pro
Emperor.lha          dev/c      491K+Object-oriented programming language
checkstack.lha       dev/debug   33K+CheckStack tool for WarpUP including Sou
FD2Pragma.lha        dev/misc   126K+V2.112 creates pragma, inline, ... files
xad_ar.lha           dev/src      9K+Ar(1) xadmaster client
xad_bzip.lha         dev/src     14K+Bzip xadmaster client
xad_CAB.lha          dev/src     43K+Cabinet (CAB) xadmaster client
xad_DImp.lha         dev/src     11K+DImp xadmaster client
xad_MSA.lha          dev/src      7K+Magic Shadow (MSA) xadmaster client
xad_ZAP.lha          dev/src      9K+ZAP xadmaster client
reindeer.txt         docs/anno    1K+A distributed rendering project
SameGame.lha         game/think  15K+Addictive puzzle game with coloured ball
WBArmy.lha           game/wb    211K+Like Scorched Tanks, but in WB window.
Nostalgia.lha        misc/emu   201K+THE Multi-Emulation system (1.8)
cutquotes.lha        misc/imdb    9K+Cuts 'quotes.list' entries down to Movie
imdbDiff000908.lha   misc/imdb  2.4M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
DA3Demo.lha          misc/sci   2.6M+Demo of Digital Almanac III
RandomScenery.lha    util/boot   15K+More than just workbench backdrops
TurboVal.lha         util/boot   17K+The best validator for FFS (v1.9)
Resistor.lha         util/misc   50K+Code&Decode the color rings at resistors
AmiGOD.lha           util/moni   28K+Identifies your Amiga
Safe.lha             util/virus  18K+Safe v14.2 - virus dicovering system
Dynamite.lha         util/wb     57K+Start button and explorer in one. Fast.

[News message: 18. Sep. 2000, 12:27] [Comments: 0]
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AWeb-II News
For a longer time there were no news about AWeb-II, a browser by Yvon Rozijn, distributed by Amitrix Development. Today there are some.

Michael Lange informed us about some reports about a AWeb 3.4 betaversion at the AWeb-mailinglist. But he has no informations about new features.

You can find a new norwegian version of the AWeb-II localization catalogues and updateted versions of some plugins. Furthermore they have now an extra page for the AWeb-Mailinglist.

[News message: 18. Sep. 2000, 12:18] [Comments: 0]
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GoldED Studio 6: Extended Distribution
The following distibutors will offer GoldED Studio:

[News message: 18. Sep. 2000, 12:18] [Comments: 0]
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Bright Light Software

Audiomaster2k and AmiMDC800 Updates
At the software area you find updates of Audiomaster2K, a sample editor. The software is shareware and with the alphaversion 0.52a available for download you will not be able to save your work.

AmiMDC-800 were updated, too. The new release has the version number 1.73. You can use this program to control your Mustek MDC-800 and transfer pictures to your computer. Because the software is a commercial product you, will not be able to transfer pictures with the downloadable version.

[News message: 18. Sep. 2000, 12:18] [Comments: 0]
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MakeCD Support

MakeCD 3.2d Beta 3 Released
The new public betaversion 3.2d Beta 3 for MakeCD, a CD burning program for Amiga, is available now. The archive contains only the new binaries. That's why you need version 3.2c for installaling the new version (have a look at the History).

Download: MakeCD32d_public_beta_3.lha

[News message: 18. Sep. 2000, 12:18] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik

Amiga Arena News
Amiga Arena - Burning Business!
Amiga Arena presents MusicMan III as a special Amiga Arena version. Together with Andreas Mair we made a free registration possible (MusicMan III is shareware. 30 DM is the normal price.) MusicMan III is a software for managing your LP-, CD-, MC- and single collection.

Amiga Arena - E.N.D. Part II
Marko Seppaenen, developer of ImageEngineer, leaves the Amiga ! So, once again we are loosing a developer!

[News message: 18. Sep. 2000, 09:43] [Comments: 0]
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Harald Frank on ANF

ISDN-Mon V4 Available
At the time being Dirk Tietke is not able to maintain his homepage and to fix the known problems with broken links. Furthermore it is not possible to say when he will be able to access his webserver with his Amiga computer again, and to provide new updates.

That's the reason why we made the archive available at our own downloadside.

This leads to the download site

[News message: 18. Sep. 2000, 09:26] [Comments: 0]
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Manfred Rauer on ANF

COMA, Is That a Virus?
NO! COMA is the name of the new clubmagazin (German) of the "Allgemeiner ComputerClub Magdeburg" (AccM). Presumably it will be published on the 7th of october 2000 at our homepage. The first issue will feature a report about the exhibition in Neuss, a HTML-Tutorial and much more. But it should not be a AccM-Magazin only, everyone who wants to write something is invited to write articles. The articles could be about new hardware, commentaries about up-to-date problems, jokes, comicstrips or what ever you would like to write about.

And because we are a general computer club you do not have to write about Amiga the articles can even be about PC or MAC or any other computer or OS. The last date for articles for issue number 2 is the 1st october 2000. But we are still looking for authors for the upcoming issues.

[News message: 18. Sep. 2000, 09:17] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

Pinball Fantasies AGA and advertising games
Among other things you can download original Amiga games at Amiga Land for which an appropriate license is given.

Newly added ist the pinball game Pinball Fantasies AGA and the following advertising games:
Bifi-Snack Zone, Bifi 2-Actionin Hollywood
Tony and his friends
Tricky Quicky
Sony Game
Karamalz Cup.

Regarding the emulators the up-to-date versions of WinUAE and WinFellow Alpha 0.4.1 have been added.

[News message: 17. Sep. 2000, 11:10] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Stegemann on ANF

The first GIF datatype for WarpOS is now freely available for all PPC-Amigas.

After datatypes for JPEG and PNG under WarpOS (done by Oliver Roberts and Andreas Kleinert) this datatype now closes the gap for the widely spread GIF format.

According to Achim Stegemann this GIF datatype is speedwise around twice as fast as the original Gif-DT of the OS 3.5.

At the moment only OS 3.1 and 3.5 are supported. OS 3.0 follows later on.

For further information (and download) see titlelink.

Download: WarpGIF-DT.lha

[News message: 17. Sep. 2000, 11:10] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

Impressions of the d'Amiga
At Fun Time World Robbie Schaefer has published his impressions of the Amiga developer computer d'Amiga. The report (German) describes the given hard- and softwarecomponents.

Fun Time World is pleased about sendings of further experience reports

[News message: 17. Sep. 2000, 09:34] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

GBE V0.4.8b
On 17 September 2000 Mathias Roslund has published the version 0.4.8b of his port of the Gameboy emulator GBE for PPC-Amigas. The emulator itself is developed by Chuck Mason and Steven Fuller.

In this version the memory problem has been solved and triple buffering has been added.

The emulator supports all Z80-Opcodes and the Gameboy Color. It runs on PPC-Amigas with WarpUp V4.0+, 8 MB RAM and AGA or CGfX.


[News message: 17. Sep. 2000, 09:34] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Report about SEAL-O-RAMA
Gary Storm of SEAL has published an extensive report about the SEAL-O-RAMA, in which among other things he talks about the individual exhibitors. All together around 190 people have visited the show. This number exceeded the desired number of visitors.

[News message: 17. Sep. 2000, 09:10] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

PLANET online again
After a break of four months, due to technical problems, the french Amiga magazin "PLANET" is online again.

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Bernd Gmeiner ANF

AMI Sector One Updated
Bernd Gmeineder writes:

This time we have got permission from the companies "Talking Birds" (known for football manager games) and "Polarware" (once specialised in adventure games) to offer their Amiga game on our site for download. Some of the games of these firms, like "Oo Topos (Adventure, already released in 1986 in the USA) and "Der Trainer" (german football manager with very good reviews in "Amiga Joker" and "Amiga Games") are now ready for download.

Further on other games, for example "Dungeon Krampfer", "Thromulus" and others, have been added.

Besides these credits concerning around 200 more Amigagames were integrated in the searchable database. The music section was updated with new soundtracks of Amiga games like "Lethal XCess", and more.

Around 60 hires cover scans of classic Amiga games are finishing this update.

The URL for all this is:

[News message: 17. Sep. 2000, 08:50] [Comments: 0]
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Clubbed issue #6 out
On 16 September 2000 SEAL has released issue #6 of their own club magazin.

With 48 pages it is teh biggest issue, yet. It contains among other things a feature about accelerator cards, reviews of PageStream 4 and Heretic II and a new hints part.

For details regarding the magazin including where to get follow the titlelink.

[News message: 17. Sep. 2000, 07:44] [Comments: 0]
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Codepoet on ANF

WinUAE V0.8.14 R3
On 16. September 2000 version 0.8.14 Release 3 of the Windows port of the Amiga emulator UAE was released. Compared with the last version the following things have been changed:
  • FIXED: Stupid bug with GUI (F12) when in full-screen mode.
  • FIXED: Stupid Picasso96 slow-down in Release 2
  • FIXED: Stupid Picasso96 bug with menu painting in Release 2
  • ADDED: French GUI DLL to installer

Download: WinUAE0814R3.exe

[News message: 17. Sep. 2000, 07:32] [Comments: 0]
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Fabio Trotta on AFN

New Screenshots and Arcadia Interview Translation
Fabio Trotta wrote:
On the pages of No Risc No Fun you can find new screenshots of various games. The German translation of the English spoken Arcadia interview is also online. And a small surprise is waiting for you, too.

[News message: 17. Sep. 2000, 07:22] [Comments: 0]
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HArald Frank on ANF

VMC's Technical Library is Online
Harald Frank wrote:
Since today our hardware dictionnary is online at last, where every in our products technical interested user or programmer may find everything what is needed to write drivers for Linux, NetBSD or other operating systems which exist for Amiga.

Should there be a lack of important information or you have some ideas and suggestions concerning these sites, then please write an email to

If you know a Linux or NetBSD programmer who is capable of porting drivers to one of these systems or, even better, has already written successfully own drivers, then inform him kindly about our new dictionnary pages with the request for a port of the missing drivers. We'll give as much technical help as is possible to everybody who wants to do this.

I think, with your support we'll be able to point all waiting users to new drivers for Linux and NetBSD.

This leads you to the Technical Library.

[News message: 17. Sep. 2000, 07:08] [Comments: 0]
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Tomás J. Cantó

Spanish Version of reworked
The spanish version of will now be regularly updated, again.

The first collected experiences when doing the translation showed that the first system chosen to do the work with was not the best suited to keep the messages regularly up to date. So a new and more dynamic Website was developed.

This can be reached at the known URL: For its use a browser with IFRAME-support is needed.

For the creating of this page help is looked for. Everybody with interest in anticipating on this site can mail to Tomás J. Cantó.

[News message: 17. Sep. 2000, 07:08] [Comments: 0]
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CD32-Allianz via Email

AmigaNG Programs Overview Updated
The CD32 Alliance wrote:

And again the AmigaNG programs overview was updated (dated: 17.9.2000) and contains now all programs that were released since the appearing of the AmigaSDK.

Since the last update 3 programs were added, so that now 70 NG programs are registered.

From now on the AmigaNG programs overview will be updated every sunday. I ask you to consider this.

Urgently german owners of the AmigaSDK are wanted to write reviews about some of the already released NG programs or to introduce NG programs.

Furthermore we search owners of the new d'AMIGA to introduce this also with a detailed review.

To speed up the development of programs for the AmigaNG programmers are wanted who can create a comprehensive workshop about the programming using the new AmigaSDK.

[News message: 17. Sep. 2000, 06:43] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via E-Mail

Safe V14.2
The virus scanner Safe now exists as version 14.2 and can be downloaded. The documentation is now in HTML. The following has changed:
  • fixed again REBOOT for 040 - I hope for the last time :-P
  • selfname detecting system fixed a little bit,

Name : Safe V14.2
Archive name : Safe.lha
Archice size : 17.927 bytes
Release date : 17 September 2000
Programmer : Zbigniew Trzcionkowski
Info : Needs xvs.library V33.23

Download: Safe.lha

[News message: 17. Sep. 2000, 06:43] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via E-Mail

VirusWarning-Guide V3.1
The VirusWarning-Guide can now be downloaded as version 3.1. New are all virus warnings of the recent time. Besides that some new things were added.

Name : VirusWarning.Guide V3.1
Archive name : vht-vg31.lha
Archive size : 86.531 bytes
Release date : 17 September 2000
Programmer : Virus Help Denmark

Download: vht-vg31.lha

[News message: 17. Sep. 2000, 06:43] [Comments: 0]
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Puzzle Adventure 'BUBBLE HEROES' Out!
A new game for the AMIGA - this has become a very rare event nowadays.

The more pleasant is this message from the british WebZine AmigaFlame: a puzzle adventure in the style of 'BubbleBobble' was presented by CrystalInteractiveSoft at this year's SealORama.

Informations about the gameplay, a short summary of the game and some impressive screenshots of 'BubbleHeroes' are to find at the titltelink.

To everybody who wants to buy the game this page also offers an email link to the distributor.

[News message: 17. Sep. 2000, 06:40] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Kit: Final Writer 7 pre-installed on A600GS (02. Jun.)
Emulator: WinUAE 5.3.0 (02. Jun.)
Hollywood goes LaTeX: hTeX 1.0 released (02. Jun.)
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Interview: Announcement of a cost-reduced MiSTer FPGA board (08. May.)
MorphOS: Web browser Wayfarer 8.2 (2nd update) (04. May.)
Print/PDF magazine: Amiga Addict, issue 29 (02. May.)
A-EON announces new version of Personal Paint for A600GS (27. Apr.)
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