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Volker Mohr per eMail

IMP Project News
IMP news again: Now we 're cooperating with the AROS team to ensure IMP not becoming a "LINUX Distribution with UAE" ,as some people said before, but a system with a real "AMIGA Feeling".
More important is the open source thought behind the project. In the meantime we contacted Fleecy Moss and the Phoenix Consortium. Whereas Fleecy supports our engagement, the answer from the Phoenix Consortium is still overdue. We 're not against Phoenix and we 're happy about every alternative to the "future plans" of Amiga that's capable of being spread. So our LINUX choice as developing envoirement is not final in anyway, its just a base to start the multi-platform developement.
More informations with the titlelink. (ps)

[News message: 23. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Rainer Benda per eMail

ComputerPartner 33/99: Drastic Change In Strategy Shocks Fans
Undertitle: Amiga Affair: Gateway Cancels Reanimation Plans
For completeness... the article is German. (ps)

[News message: 23. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen by eMail

VirusExecutor Update Version 1.83a
Download: ve-183a.lha
Name: VirusExecutor v1.83a
Archive size: 120.303 bytes
Archive name: ve-183a.lha
Date: 23 September 1999
Programmer: Jan Erik Olausen
Info: OS 2.0x or higher.
Changes: - "AMOS Joshua Clone Trojan" added (ps)

[News message: 23. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Haage & Partner

3D World News
Three new software announcements and the new 3D World logos are online. (ps)

[News message: 23. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jochen Abitz per eMail

Tornado-News From The Mailinglist
Sample from a mail, written by Massimiliano Marras, Eyelight founder and sole owner:
Just to clarify: there are no plans to drop Amiga development. Tornado3D is an Amiga product and will stay Amiga and Three-Oh will be released and I hope it will please (most) everybody. And there will for sure a 4.0 version next year. Those are official statements. Rest assured that present and future loyal T3D users will NOT be left out in the cold. (ps)

[News message: 23. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Extreme

Hyperion Interviewed By Amiga Extreme
Hyperion Interviewed By Amiga Extreme. (ps)

[News message: 23. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andrea Kareth by eMail

The Register: Amiga CEO confirms software-only strategy
The Register: Amiga CEO confirms software-only strategy. (ps)

[News message: 23. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen by eMail

Viruschecker.brain Update Version 2.21
Download: vhtvb221.lha
A new trojan virus has been discovered, too. It has been removed from Aminet, but this might have been spread, so take care...
The trojan will after it has been executed, replace the 'c:loadwb' with a new 'loadwb' with the size of 84.772 bytes, and create a file in your wbstartup drawer called "Workbench" (size 40.668 bytes, packed), and now the trojan is ready to 'play' with your Amiga. You can find this textstring in the file:

  GuRuX mEdItAtIoNz: [JoShUa`S tRoJaN]`/AdDrEzZ: [yOuR ComPuTeR]
  TaZk: [SyStEm KiLlEr]
  MoRe iNfOrMaTiOn: censored

This trojan is made with AMOS, and it is a lame trojan.....

Here is some info about the archive:
Name : New msx-2 Turbo R emulator
Trojan name : Amos Joshua Trojan
Archive name : msxR.lha
Archive size : 124.196 bytes
Trojan name : msxR.exe
Trojan size : 128.800 bytes (144.320 bytes unpacked)
Short desc : New msx-2 Turbo R emulator for 030 040 060
This trojan has been sendt to all the antivirus programmers and they will make recog. for this trojan in the next update.
Thanx to Heiner Schneegold, Jan Erik Olausen and Alex van Niel for the fast test. And to Gringo, Urban for the first reports about this trojan. (ps)

[News message: 22. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Greg by eMail

KOSH Update
Date:    Wed, 22 Sep 1999 11:30:00 +0100
From:    Greg
Subject: KOSH News

After a long enforced break, KOSH is finally back! Discussion lists are
running again, work is being done and the website is even being updated
:) New members are welcome as ever, and we welcome all skill levels and
platform advocates.

Current website mirrors are:

About KOSH

KOSH is a new platform being designed and built by the users,
developers, retailers and journalists who will use it. It offers the
potential for real innovation in hardware and software whilst also
allowing for the best use of existing machines. It puts the individual
at the centre of the computing experience and empowers them to create,
work and play in the virtual world. Built on a firm commercial base, it
will be owned by the same users, developers, retailers and journalists
that go to make up its vibrant community.

Thank you,



[News message: 22. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Rene Koenig by eMail

Amiga Hard Hacks
On this homepage, you will find everything about Amiga hardware, like pin layouts, hardhacks, hard drives, error codes and jumper settings. (ps)

[News message: 22. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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The Amiga RC5 Team Effort

RC5: Achievements
With 100,000,000 blocks cracked, the Amiga RC5 Team did set a mark nobody thought to be possible in the beginning. New team members are always wellcome. (ps)

[News message: 22. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Titan Computer

Titan to release Joyride
Joyride is a racing game. Programmers are Milan and Ivan Golubovic. (ps)

[News message: 22. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Extreme

AmigaExtreme interviews Titan Computer
"Claws Of The Devil" is one of the topics. (ps)

[News message: 22. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Safe Harbor

ImageFX 4.0 special offer
ImageFX 4.0 special offer. (ps)

[News message: 22. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Volker Grabbe by eMail

IBM PowerPC Open Plattform as PPC-Amiga?
Volker Grabbe writes:
Who wants to help me using the IBM plattform to create an Amiga-compatible PPC computer? At the title link, IBM has released a PPC750 mainboard with AGP and everything.
I am now looking for software developers helping me in writing an emulating environment enabling AmigaOS 3.5 and later (hopefully) to-be-released versions to run.
I need programmers who know UAE, and the coding of graphic board drivers based on Picasso96. Informations about graphic chips, and developer kits for the board will be made available from me. Contact: Volker Grabbe. (ps)

[News message: 22. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn per eMail

Rainboot Bootconfiguration News
Andreas Falkenhahn writes:
The Airsoft homepage actually gives a screenshot of every Rainboot bootconfiguration. So you can review your configuration before downloading it. Too bad you cant hear the many excellent sounds played during the booting. (ps)

[News message: 21. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jeffrey Webster in csam

Poll for Phoenix and Amiga Inc.
Titlelink gives a poll concerning Phoenix and Amiga Inc. (ps)

[News message: 21. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Marius Schwarz in dcsam

Escena PPC-Board To Be Shown In Cologne
Refering to Marius Schwarz in csam, Escena plans to finish their PPC-board until the Cologne Exhib this year. Now they 're all busy with finishing the G4 supporting board, so they didn't have time to update their homepage. (ps)

[News message: 21. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Aaron Digulla in aros-user

AROS:State Of Developement Of The IBM Version
The code to build AROS standalone (to boot an IBM compatible PC) is now much better integrated into the rest of the system. After boot, AROS opens a VGA screen (no use of the text mode just like on the Amiga) and you are in SAD. When the console is finished (should be just a couple of hours to finish... if someone has the time and the knowledge ?), we will have a new Amiga based on PC hardware. (ps)

[News message: 21. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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New Version 1.23 AmiDogs MoviePlayer
New: Microsoft RLE8 (8bit) AVI codec supported, audio speed significantly improved. Download: AMP123.lha (ps)

[News message: 21. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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ZDNet: ITG shopping list: Communications, consumer electronics
More rumors. An article speculates about a cooperation between Amiga and IBM. Another potentially major customer is Gateway Inc. The North Sioux City, S.D., company's Amiga division is developing a wide range of information appliances, including game players and Web access devices. A deal with Amiga would be a boost to ITG's plan to enable "pervasive computing." Gateway already has a cross-licensing agreement with IBM, but Gateway officials wouldn't say what the deal covers. Neither party would comment on a potential deal with Amiga. (ps)

[News message: 21. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Uninstaller Version 2 released
Uninstaller Version 2 released. (ps)

[News message: 21. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Frogger Version 1.3.1b Video MPEG player
Frogger is a Video MPEG player for Amiga PowerUP systems. Required is a PowerPC or 68k CPU with FPU, AHI, min. 4 MB free FastRAM, and of course a MPEG for playback (ps)

[News message: 21. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Game News
Digital Images: New URL:
Lambda: State Of Developement And Screenshots
Pagan Games: Scavengers: Work in Progress ...
Apex Designs: New Screenshots of "Payback"
DDE: New Screenshots of "Diablo's Land"
Darkage Software: 2D-Graphican Federico Rutenberg is aboard (ps)

[News message: 21. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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ZDNet: Apple has no G4-Chips
CNet: Apple stumbles, warns of lower earnings
Apple is going to deliver less G4 systems than expected, because they have too few G4 chips. Reading these news our only hope is that phase5 have their sheep dry. (ps)

[News message: 21. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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CNet: Gateway's AMD decision reflects changing battle
Gateway seems to have entered a period of base decisions. The message has so far not been confirmed by either AMD nor Gateway, but it seems the chip question has been answered in favour of Intel. (ps)

[News message: 20. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Janne Siren by eMail

Pictures from Saku 99
Pictures from Saku 99. (ps)

[News message: 20. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jürn C. Schulze by eMail

AmigaFanatic: My dream died
On September 21st, the author removed the pages from the web server. (ps)

[News message: 20. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Robin Burmberger by eMail

Tip: BVisionPPC with Overlay
Andreas Burmberger writes:
I have a little tip for BVision users who want to watch MPEG videos a little bit faster, with Overlay. To achieve this, you have to enter in the BVision monitor driver's tooltypes VLAYER=DESTRUCTIVE, and save it. The cgxvideo.library must be installed, and after a reset, the BVision can use the Overlay function with Frogger and IsisPPC. (ps)

[News message: 20. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Klopsch by eMail

FAQ with hints and tips for iBrowse2
FAQ with hints and tips for iBrowse2. (ps)

[News message: 20. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn by eMail

Rainboot new version 2.67
At the Airsoft Softwair Homepage, Rainboot v2.67 has been released. This version offers mainly bugfixes, but also some nice GUI improvements (especially with the USEDEFAULTS argument). (ps)

[News message: 20. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Runda by eMail

SFS new version 1.78 available
Download: SFS178.lha (ps)

[News message: 20. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen by eMail

VirusChecker II Brain Update Version 2.20
Name: VirusChecker II brain 2.20
Archive name: vhtvb220.lha
Archive size: 63.502 bytes
Date: 19. September 1999
Programmer: Alex van Niel
Requires: VirusChecker V2.3 (ps)

[News message: 20. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Ketterl by eMail

Yahoo News: No multimedia console by Microsoft?
(IBN) Microsoft denied reports of the software giant cooperating with Intel, Dell and Gateway as well as graphics specialist Nvidia to build a multimedia console. American and British computer magazines have reported about the project dubbed "X-Box" and Windows CE. (ps)

[News message: 20. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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The Status Register 9/99
In the latest issue of the Status Register, Kevin Hopkins looks at the latest happenings at Gateway and Iwin, and Gary Peake speaks about Bill McEwen's leaving.
Additionally, there are recent Amiga news and articles about the G4 (Apple). (ps)

[News message: 20. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

ANews in print again
Starting with the September issue, French Amiga print magazine ANews is again available from stores and abonement. The last issue was Nr. 120, April/May 1999.
The magazine is created on Amigas with PageStream, and offers an easy usable cover CD. (ps)

[News message: 20. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX with new post address
The new (snail-mail) address is:
PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX
Andreas R. Kleinert
Am Kornberg 48
D-57076 Siegen
Germany (ps)

[News message: 20. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Pagan wants 2D graphicians
For the 2D role playing game Bloodline, Pagan is looking for graphic artists.
Aside from the Bloodline pages, the pages of Scavengers and Magcik have been expanded by further information and graphics. (ps)

[News message: 20. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

GoldED Studio 6.2.0
For owners of GoldEd 5 and 6.x.x, Dietmar Eilert has released the V6.2.0 Update.
The most important change is the improved interface for syntax parsing. Generic syntax parser are now supported.
The 1.02 MB update can be downloaded from the Service Pack-Site (two different servers). This update does not work with the demo version of GoldEd. (ps)

[News message: 20. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

NetConnect 3
Active Technologies announced NetConnect 3 for September 29th.
The NetConnect CDs contain a collection of Internet software. The current V2.3 contains, among others:
- AmiTCP-Genesis
- VoyagerNG
- Microdot-II
- AmTelnet
- AmTerm
- NetInfo
- AmTalk
- X-Arc (ps)

[News message: 20. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

AmigaAMP v2.7 BETA-6
Version 2.7 Beta-6 of the MP3-player is available for Download (408KB). Some bugs, previously discussed on the mailing list, have been removed. (ps)

[News message: 20. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

New STRICQ 0.1515 Beta
Download (ps)

[News message: 20. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Robert Wahnsiedler by eMail

To: The Amiga Community
At, a user with the nick Rusty has posted a satire on the Open Letters to the "Community": Amiga Announces "Cloud 1.0". (ps)

[News message: 18. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Heise: Motorola promises G5 PowerPC with 2 GHz
(Title link is German article) (ps)

[News message: 18. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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The Amiga Alternative Audio Page

Audio: RA and Lame now combined on one website
RealAudio and Lame are now combined on one site. New at the site is a SoX sound converter. Download: SoX.lzx. (ps)

[News message: 18. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Chip online

Chip online: Amiga is dead, long live Amiga!
Chip online writes:
"The Amiga will not be revived as planned. Instead of hardware and operating system, the company will now concentrate on the development of multimedial and Internet software running on a multitude of operating systems." (ps)

[News message: 18. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Martens by eMail

Amiga User List
Stefan Martens writes:
Due to the really stupid statement by Amiga I decided to close down my Amiga User List on September 30th. Until then, users can enter themselves on my homepage. Shortly afterwards, the last version is released a final time, and THAT'S IT. But one thing is clear, I will stay with Amiga. It's just that I see no sense in the list anymore when many registered users are no longer Amiga users. (ps)

[News message: 18. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen by eMail

VirusExecutor Update Version 1.83
Name: VirusExecutor v1.83
Archive name: ve-183.lha
Archive size: 119.903 bytes
Date: 18. September 1999
Programmer: Jan Erik Olausen
System: OS 2.0x or better (ps)

[News message: 18. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Robin Burmberger by eMail

OS 3.5 mentioned in 3D Live Magazine
Robin Burmberger writes:
I am Raytracer, and always buy the 3D Live Magazine. In the latest issue, at "new products", there is a report about the new Amiga OS 3.5. They write about the filesystem, the hd size etc. How nice to read about the Amiga in magazines like this. (ps)

[News message: 18. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Colin-Stewart Bridge Deady by eMail

KOSH summary 26
After KOSH has resolved the problems with the DNS entry, and the mailing lists have been reactivated, we are again supplied with the summaries from the MLs. The KOSH website is available again. The URL is

KOSH [Kommunity Orientated Software Hardware]

Weekly Summary

Week Commencing: 11th September 1999

Number: 026

Mailing List:

In the mailing list this week, the following items were discussed.

I'm happy to receive comments on this summary (and corrections if I have made
mistakes). Email me (Bridge) at

Well it has been a while - the last summary was in June when vanished.
We now have access to the same kosh-general mailing list but it is located at which in fact is the same as "". On
that note it is important to a) send messages to the icon2 address and b) when
replying to messages check your "Send to:" field to make sure it says icon2 as
it has a habit of filling in "" which doesn't work (this has been
demonstrated on a number of email packages). also works now but the above is still relevant for
people replying to older messages.

I am also posting summary 25 with this one (in a separate file in case you want
to avoid it!) as a reminder of what was going on back in June.

Anyway, on with the show!


Subject: KOSH is back!

Summary of debate: It never really went away, it just went a bit quiet for a
                   while. Please note the following items for KOSH:

                   1) Email address is (read
                   the introduction above for more information) BUT
          works without all the problems
                   described above so try this instead if you are creating new
                   mail (thanks to Jason Radford for fixing this).

                   2) The KOSH website is located on a mirror at

                   3) The KOSH booklist remains at
          and is
                   well worth a look through.

                   4) If you have a query such as "where did that bit of KOSH
                   info go?" then please email me (Bridge) at
          and I'll either have it to
                   hand or know someone that does.


Subject: New method for summaries

Summary of debate: An alternative interactive internet based way of producing
                   summaries is being looked at. The beginnings of this can be
                   seen at and mention on
                   the ML of things like Perl and Mason has occurred.


Subject: Second user survey draft

Summary of debate: This is where we left off back in June discussing the User
                   Summary that Greg and co were working on. I'm leaving
                   summarising it off of this summary as it sort of took over
                   back in June and I'm going to keep this summary general:P
                   Suffice to say all is progressing well. Thank to Greg for
                   getting this one started again.


Subject: 3D+ data manipulation

Summary of subject: A bit back I was discussing with Greg Webb and John
                    Chandler my ideas for 3D data manipulation. At the moment
                    we all have cosy spreadsheets that let you enter data on
                    the x and y planes (columns and rows). However in every day
                    usage I find this constricting as I need a visual (and not
                    just mathematical) way to place data on x,y and z planes.
                    While this can be done with conventional spreadsheets just
                    about if you have to y-axis on the resulting graphs it
                    hardly makes for perfection. The idea is that perhaps apps
                    in KOSH can be written to take 3D (or more - although
                    changes over time normally gets stuck on the x-axis in
                    conventional spreadsheets) data sets and be able to view
                    them on screen, rotating through them, using pan, scan and
                    zoom to be able to view the whole thing in any way you
                    want. Now this may only be possible in a "3d" or
                    holographic monitor - but maybe not as the eye can easily
                    be tricked.

                    It was suggested that there may be people out there that
                    actually need nD data manipulation tools - and this could
                    well be a killer app for KOSH.


Subject: RF bugs KOSH?

Summary of debate: A way to make computers transmit RF information by executing
                   code to put data on a bus in a certain pattern has been
                   figured out. The potential for using this to bug people's
                   machines with nothing more complicated than a small software
                   agent and a cheap radio could well be a real problem for
                   KOSH if we decide to implement this type of technology (and
                   why not - after all KOSH is inclusive).

                   What sort of steps could we take to plug this potential
                   problem but still allow this technology to be used in KOSH?

                   It was suggested that a system of public and private keys
                   could be used to plug this hole as a transmitting system
                   would have to send an underlying carrier wave containing a
                   valid key for the recipient machine to "listen" and act on
                   the main message.


Subject: EROS

Summary of debate: An interesting URL of was mentioned
                   which people may want to take a look at.


Subject: IMPORTANT! All KOSH Working group progress managers and maintaners
         please read.

Summary of debate: A direct cross-list post from Greg that is important for the
                   above to read:

We seem to be having difficulties contacting our working group progress
manager and maintainer of our supporters list, so we haven't been able
to get up-to-date information on either for some time. If you're
involved with a working group or have registered your interest as a
supporter and are not shown here then please get in touch so we can
update the necessary details.

The relevant page to check whether you're registered is and I'd
appreciate any resulting information coming in to me.



Subject: Open KOSH

Summary of debate: Following an idea myself and others had on the nature of
                   KOSH towards other competing systems, Greg Webb (yep it's
                   that man again!) has compiled an article on this. The
                   general jist is that if KOSH is open about its weaknesses as
                   well as its strengths particularly when at computer shows
                   then we will generate a more honest atmosphere with users
                   whom KOSH is designed to serve (and not control unlike
                   certain other systems out there).

                   To demonstrate openness, an example given is that at a
                   computer show we could line up several computers running
                   (for example) AmigaOS, KOSH, Linux, Windows and MacOS and
                   then demonstrate each to its full potential. The conclusion
                   hopefully will be that KOSH is better than the rest for the
                   user to get the "thing" to do what they want. However if
                   KOSH fouls up and another system turns out better at
                   performing a particular function we admit this openly and go
                   away and fix the problem on KOSH.

                   See the KOSH URL for the full interesting text (and it does
                   make a good read - some very thought provoking things in


Subject: KOSH and Convergence International

Summary of debate: John Chandler has given a short KOSH update to James Sears
                   for inclusion in the next Convergence international
                   newsletter. James has offered assistance to KOSH to get
                   around the DNS problem (thanks James).


Subject: Re-announcing KOSH

Summary of debate: If anyone has -any- computer contacts that they can email to
                   say "KOSH is back at  and " then please do so.
                   Only thing is that we may want to coordinate this as we
                   could end up bombarding some unsuspecting person. I've
                   emailed Amiga Format (Ben Vost) and am contacting
                   Petra Struck of .
                   John has contacted Convergence International (see above).
                   Can anyone else offer up other contacts?


Subject: Fleecy's Lentil

Summary of debate: Fleecy Moss and John Karcher are working on Lentil which (I
                   think from my limited understanding) is a logical and formal
                   language being developed due to reservations about IDL. They
                   are currently designing a Java tool that allows entities to
                   be designed and maintained. More details to follow in the
                   fullness of time.


Subject: Dave Haynie and the Object Sea

Summary of debate: Someone emailed me and told me Dave is still working on the
                   above which is a jolly good thing. (For those doubters out
                   there - see KOSH is coming back to life after... well not
                   really dying in the first place).


Subject: KOSH Owls

Summary of debate: Gary Peake of offered the email
                   address (thanks Gary). I don't know if
                   this is up and running or if we are sticking with icon2.
                   Watch this space for more info next week hopefully.


Subject: KOSH FAQs

Summary of debate: Greg Webb has written some but more are needed on anything
                   related (or vaguely related) to KOSH. Offers of assistance
                   to please.


Subject: Multiprocessing KOSH

Summary of debate: A direct quote from Greg here which is interesting: are reporting that there's a patent application from Amiga
Development on IBM's patents server covering multiprocessor bits:

At least two clusters of CPUs are present in a multiprocessor computer
system. Each CPU cluster has a given number of CPUs, each CPU having an
associated ID such as an ID number. An additional ID number, not
associated with a CPU in the same cluster, is associated with the
opposite CPU cluster that appears to the original cluster as a "phantom"
processor. A round-robin bus arbitration scheme allows ordered ownership
of a common bus within a first cluster until the ID reaches the
"phantom" processor, at which time bus ownership passes to a CPU in the
second cluster. This arrangement is preferably symmetric, so that when a
CPU from the first cluster requests ownership of the bus, it is granted
bus ownership by virtue of the first cluster's appearance to the second
cluster as a "phantom" CPU.

Does this sound useful to our hardware people?



Subject: New KOSH mirror site

Summary of debate: A new mirror site for KOSH can be found at
          and you'll find some space
                   kindly donated by This should be
                   quicker than the current location (again thanks to
                   Convergence International for their kind help with this).


Subject: Amiga, KOSH and QNX

Summary of debate: With Amiga declaring that they are not going to make
                   hardware but concentrate on software perhaps should switch
                   the idea of one of the hosts for KOSH being AmigaOS to QNX.
                   If we stay with Amiga which from recent announcements seems
                   to be going to be hosted over other things then we end up
                   with the silly situation of base OS with 2 levels of hosting
                   on top.

                   Please note that this is only in reference to AmigaNG and not
                   "Classic" which a number of people have said we should port
                   to. Also note there is no change with the idea of hosting on
                   Linux and Windows.


Subject: AmiJoe and KOSH

Summary of debate: With Met@Box producing the AmiJoe accelerator for the A4000
                   perhaps KOSH should consider porting a hosted version
                   specifically to take advantage of this and other PPC Amigas?


Subject: Transmeta and KOSH

Summary of debate: Simple question - Is Transmeta of any use to KOSH?


Subject: Team Amiga, Phoenix Platform Consortium and KOSH

Summary of debate: A cross-ML posting with two things of interest:
                   To join Team Amiga ML send an email to Gary Peak TA
                   coordinator at with the subject of
                   "join TA request" and your personal details. All info
                   provided by you on joining will be for internal TA/TAC use

                   Secondly here is a snippet from the rest of the email which
                   is very interesting for KOSH although please note that there
                   were mixed feelings about what Phoenix is trying to do:

The Phoenix Platform Consortium will assume responsibility for aid and
recommendation for reference platforms for the Amiga users who wish to
upgrade their present Amigas, as we establish an open migration path
to a new platform. That platform will in spirit and in feel be a new
Amiga experience while incorporating and surpassing the features found
on the desktop elsewhere today.

As information becomes available it will be posted on mailing lists,
newsgroups, and at the following website:
which will be up shortly. This announcement is freely repostable.


Subject: KOSH Subscribers

Summary of debate: There is a problem at the moment that some KOSHans are not
                   receiving emails via the icon2 email address we are using.
                   Obviously this creates a problem. Please can you therefore
                   email Greg Webb at and let him
                   know that you are getting the emails. We can then coordinate
                   a "rescue package" to contact other KOSHans who have been
                   dropped off of the list (by comparing the respondents to
                   Greg with the ML subscribee list that
                   we have).


Subject: Why KOSH?

Summary of debate: I seem to be quoting a lot in full this week but why not -
                   its not as though there have been many summaries to read
                   since June. Here is a quote from Greg Webb (does this guy do
                   anything but KOSH? - all credit due to him!) which I
                   particularly like:

KOSH isn't just a software engineering project. The thing that really
sets us apart and makes me particularly fond of this project - for those
who hadn't noticed ;) - is the ideology behind it. We're not in this
just to produce something fantastic, we're in it to produce something
for the community. So, rather than a more traditional corporate
structure, we're set up so that KOSH is owned (when these considerations
actually mean anything) by a combination of those who've developed it
(as in us guys), those who own KOSH boxes and those who sell KOSH boxes.
No corporate investors running this for financial gain, just a community
of people who want to avoid the horrific problems that the Amiga
platform has suffered. So, we're set up to do everything we can to make
that impossible.



Subject: New hardware from IBM

Summary of debate: IBM recently announced availability of PPC motherboard
                   designs. This should help start up Mac clones again (with
                   MacOS X on UNIX/NeXT). Motorola have announced PPC G5 (64
                   and 32 bit products, new pipeline, new bus topology, 2GHz+)
                   and G6. This hardware could be used for KOSH systems.


Subject: TransAM/One

Summary of debate: Interest was expressed on the list for Met@Box to start up
                   the TransAM/One project again as this would present a very
                   interesting hardware opportunity for KOSH (noting it would
                   not be the only hardware solution - inclusive but not

From:     "Colin-Stewart Bridge Deady"
Date:     18 Sep 99 11:52:33 +0000
Subject:  [KOSH] Summary 25 to go with 26

As promissed here is summary 25 to go with 26 so we can remember what
was going on in June...


----------------------------------------------------------- |
Amigan | Vegan | KOSHan - Go for a swim in the object sea,
Storm of the Eye RPG GUI-PBEM

KOSH [Kommunity Orientated Software Hardware]

Weekly Summary

Week Commencing: 12th June 1999

Number: 025

Mailing List: kosh-general

In the mailing list this week, the following items were discussed. Please do
not email the scribe regarding any of these topics, it is not his job to answer
these questions but merely to report  the topics of conversation. If you have
any queries about this summary, please email, stating the Summary
Number, and Mailing List Name, and he will try to answer your queries.


Subject: Community involvement in Linux - an example for KOSH?

Summary of debate: Linux stresses community involvement and feedback. See
          - from the website can be seen where KOSH
                   could go in terms of feed back mechanisms (documentation,
                   FAQ, wish list, bug reports, etc).


Subject: KOSH Installation

Summary of debate: It was pointed out that KOSH being easy to install and
                   working first time will present a good first impression to a
                   user. It was also mentioned that subsequent usage and
                   alteration of the system should also maintain the good


Subject: Second User Survey Draft

Summary of debate: The KOSH Survey WG released the second version of its User
                   Survey Questionnaire. Changes incorporated included an
                   additional section on disabilities and a note that personal
                   questions are completely optional and various other

                   See the email from Greg Webb (
                   date 14/06 and entitled "[KOSH] Second survey draft" for the
                   full text.

                   This again generated a large number of replies with many
                   constructive comments on the survey. Even though the survey
                   is developing very well a number of areas such as the
                   personal questions section were felt in need of further
                   development. Even so, a big thanks to all the hard work that
                   the Survey WG have put in to this project.

                   One key point for the future is that there will most likely
                   be a "Developers Survey" and therefore the one we are
                   creating at the moment does not need to cover everything.
                   However we do note that developers are users and vice versa.

                   I won't detail all the different comments on the second
                   draft as I'm sure the Survey WG will be taking their own
                   notes and I don't want to take up the entire summary with
                   it. If you're interested in the work of that group please
                   feel free to get involved!


Subject: Volunteers to translate the survey to other languages.

Summary of debate: As well as Thomas Jensen offering to do a Danish translation
                   of the survey, Philippe 'Elwood' Ferucci has volunteered to
                   do a French version. Thanks to both of you.

                   If anyone else would be able to translate the Survey into
                   other languages when it is completed please would they make
                   themselves known to


Subject: Deadlocking in KOSH

Summary of debate: The following questions were posed:
                   "How will Deadlock (resource circularity, mutual exclusion,
                   hold&wait) be dealt with?  In current OSes it is not a
                   serious problem because there are not many places it can
                   occur - but in a sea of objects all offering services, the
                   possibility for deadlock must increase 1000 (or a million?)
                   fold... [Without this] KOSH...won't work for more than a few
                   minutes before the entire system freezes up solid under
                   heavy load".

                   Apparently Unix ignores deadlock and hopes it will go away,
                   working on the grounds that it does not happen all that
                   often. Hopefully a better solution will be found in  KOSH?

                   There are plenty of ways to prevent deadlocks from ever
                   ocurring by being careful about how you hand out resources
                   and checking with process what resources they could
                   conceivably need.

                   Alternatively getting rid of "hold & wait" just like in
                   current filing systems could be the way to solve this. The
                   OS can be set up so that, if a process wants some resources,
                   it has to give up others.

                   A deadlocking object in the resource manager was proposed.


Subject: Atari computers and MiNT

Summary of debate: It was mentioned that those using Atari computers now use
                   MiNT which has multitasking and is POSIX compliant. See
          which has a guide to
                   FreeMiNT. MiNT is a hybrid of Unix and TOS. Perhaps this has
                   some ideas that are relevant to KOSH.


Subject: KOSH website location

Summary of debate: Just in case you missed it, the most up-to-date version of the
                   website is currently at

                   It should move to soonish.


Subject: Developing users

Summary of debate: In reference to the User Survey it was mentioned that
                   developers and users are often the same people. If we could
                   make it so that in KOSH every user could behave as a
                   developer at any time we would make the system much more
                   accessible. We would thus avoid creating an  unnatural
                   separation and scare people into a division between the two.

                   We must be careful not to scare off people who just want to
                   be users.


Subject: EPOC32

Summary of debate: The Psion 5 keyboard being nice to type on compared to other
                   palmtops was mentioned and this generated a comment that
                   EPOC32 has some nice things in it that KOSH may like to look
                   at (scribe's note: presumably EPOC32 is an OS and not a
                   keyboard though).


Subject: KOSH FAQ

Summary of debate: "Our Greg" has asked he could have some questions to put
                   into the KOSH FAQ please. Oh and Frequently given answers
                   would be nice as well.


Subject: Sheep and #HHHHHH

Summary of debate: There was lots of discussion on sheep and dodgy HTML code
                   involving #HHHHHH which gives lots of interesting results
                   depending on where you see it - oh and watching the Simpsons
                   when one should be working on one's studies was also
                   mentioned... and that's all I'm saying about this:P

[News message: 18. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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AmiDog's Movie Player PPC-Version 1.22 released
This version plays QT, too, so far only video. The program is still beta. Download: AMP122.lha. (ps)

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Jochen Abitz by eMail

MakeCD Version 3.2b Update 1 released
Changes: Bugfixes and some new drivers. Details can be read in the history. (ps)

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Executive Update: Open Letter to the Amiga Community
In this Update, Thomas J. Schmidt again speaks to the Amiga users. He regrets that his last Executive Update dating September 14th has led to irritations and frustration. In this latest statement Mr. Schmidt makes it clear that AMIGA, after a change in management, has decided to make no hardware on their own, but is open to partners who want to develop hardware under license.

More links on the topic:
CNet: gateway shelves plans for new Amiga PC
Businessweek: The Soul of an Old Machine

Open Letter to the Amiga Community

There has been a great deal of confusion and frustration expressed in the news groups and via email over the past several weeks. I apologize that we have not been more direct in our communications, and I want to set the record straight.

First, per my previous messages, I continue to be impressed with the passion and commitment of this community. You have "hung in there" through a number of upheavals over the past years, and through several false starts on next-generation Amiga platforms. You deserve better. I have received many, many emails over the past two weeks, expressing your opinions and frustrations. Let me try and summarize what I have heard.

Many of you acknowledge the fact that we are focusing on software for the coming generation of "Internet appliances." We are very excited about the new Amiga Operating Environment, the work we are doing with Linux (and other operating systems that support Java), and the huge growth curve in Internet appliances that we are going to ride. You have gracefully wished us well in this endeavor, for that, I thank you. As you know, we announced in July that we were pursuing the development of a "multimedia convergence computer" that would serve as the next-generation Amiga desktop computer. After the change in management at Amiga, we reviewed all our product plans. To be honest, the ability for us to deliver the MCC was unrealistic. Furthermore, I have fundamentally decided that it would be better to partner with a wide variety of hardware partners, rather than compete against them with a product of our own.

From your perspective, one big problem exists. Sounds great, but what does this new direction have to do with the original Amiga computer? Quite honestly, nothing! We realize that this does not satisfy the desire of the Amiga community for a next-generation Amiga. In response, I remain committed to seek out partners who are interested in developing a next-generation Amiga computer and operating system. We have been following the discussions amongst the newly formed "Phoenix Platform Consortium" and talking to companies interested in supplying the next-generation Amiga. We are open to the possibility of licensing the MCC product specification and design that is now on the shelf to companies that are interested in further developing the Amiga desktop computer product line. We believe that this could be an attractive business opportunity for another company.

In summary, we are continuing to focus our resources on setting software standards for the coming generation of Internet appliances. We are not planning to offer hardware devices, but will work with hardware manufacturers who want to license our technology. As far as offering next-generation Amiga systems, we are open to talking to companies who want to offer such a product. For those of you who are excited about the Amiga Operating Environment running on a wide variety of future Internet appliances, we invite you to track our progress and activities over the coming months. The Internet appliance software model that we are putting together will open up an exciting new era of software development that we think will be very interesting to the type of innovative thinkers who were drawn to the Amiga computer in years past.

Best Regards,

Thomas J. Schmidt
President and CEO
Amiga, Inc.

[News message: 17. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jürgen Lange by eMail

Heise: USA: Unlimited Crypto-Export Possible
Heise writes:
Following the announcement, US export restrictions on cyptographic software will be softened, the Clinton gouvernment has now released details. According to the information given, US developers of cryptographic software can now sell it virtually unrestricted to other countries. So far, the maximum key length was limited to enable gouvernmental authorities to crack encrypted messages. This restriction has been removed: Software with keys up to 64 bit does no longer need to be registered; software with stronger (longer) keys can also be exported, however it has to be presented to the gouvernment for checking. Full article (German) at the title link.

PC-Welt also reports: USA softens crypto export regulations
PC-Welt writes:
Starting immediately, cryptographic software with arbitrary key length is allowed to be exported from the USA. Only seven countries are exceptions, since they, in the eyes of the US gouvernment, support terrorism. (ps)

[News message: 17. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet CD 33 - 10/99 - now with Amiga News :-)
We again want to thank Stefan Ossowski and Urban Müller for the fantastic opportunity to bring our news to readers without Internet access. (ps)

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Czech Amiga News

Protest against Gateway
Deniz Turkmen expresses his protest in a cartoon :-). (ps)

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Czech Amiga News

Motorola CPU roadmap up to G6 released
Motorola CPU roadmap up to G6 released. (ps)

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Happy Birthday, Linux
This very day eight years ago, Linus Torvalds has released his first Linux kernel version 0.01. (ps)

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Trogladite Software

Gateway Petition
Trogladite has initiated a protest petition against the latest descissions at Gateway. Everyone who thinks Gateway should reconsider their descissions can join the petition. (ps)

[News message: 17. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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HereticII: 1st progress report online
HereticII: 1st progress report online. (ps)

[News message: 16. Sep. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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Torsten Dudai

New Cartoon: Gateway Tours

(td) (Translation: td)

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