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Michael Asse (ANF)

Wanted: AmigaFFE-Web-Updater
Michael Asse wrote:
because presently I have limited access to the Internet I am looking for an updater for my website concerning the AmigaFFE-project who might take care of updating the website.
Mainly you might have to do copy/paste tasks and not to take care of the design of the site or project itself.

I would send you mails which contain the site and the according changes as long as I got a better access to the Internet.

If anyone would be interested in it then simply send me a mail.

In addition to it I am still always looking for some interested people for the port of the game Elite-The New Kind. I have an unfinished version here which we might have to get to an end. Thanks a lot! (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Oct. 2001, 00:20] [Comments: 0]
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