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AmigArt with New Layout
The Turkisch news-site in English "AmigaArt" has got a new and pleasing layout. Many parts of this website has been rearranged without loss of the already good navigation. Every important link is to reach from the main page.

If would have to mark it, this would be a B+ :-)

[News message: 09. Sep. 2000, 11:31] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

LinuxPPC 2000 - Installer Available
The LinuxAPUS team announces the LinuxPPC 2000 installer to be available. Please click inside the title bar of the Linux-Apus site on "Install" to download the files. This archive contains the most recent 000815 kernel image. Amiga PPC users with this will get an alternative OS that runs superb on their hardware.

[News message: 09. Sep. 2000, 10:27] [Comments: 0]
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Remembering AMIGA's Glory Days
Time for nostalgia? Well, then read this article about the younger days of AMIGA (1992) by Wayne Martin.

[News message: 09. Sep. 2000, 10:27] [Comments: 0]
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Harald Frank

The fastest Driver for ISDN-boards ever!
Harald Frank wrote:
Many did not thought it to be possible, any more. After 1 1/2 years there is a new update for the ISDN-boards driver software VMC-ISDN for any Amiga ISDN-board. Due to the partly loss of source code, and some small technical problems we could not release a new version for the ISDN driver over a long period of time. Some customers even suggested that we would have stopped working on it...., but once again we are able to offer to you a masterly achievement of Amiga software, which is only to describe using the words better, faster and turbo.

Please, prove us that did not spend so many month full of work for this costly software for nothing, and if you know another one owning an Amiga ISDN-board, so tell him of the new driver, cause we depend on every support from you. It would be a pitty, if would not be able to finace this software any more in default of interest. So, come on and register for the new beta test, now.

[News message: 09. Sep. 2000, 08:31] [Comments: 0]
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Jeppe Nielsen on ANF

HomeLand Demo Version 3.0
A new demo version (3.0) for the realtime strategy game "HomeLand" was released. This version has many new features. At the titlelink you can find screen shots, and more details. Blittersoft will be distributor of the game.

Download: HomeLand.lzx - 1,06 MB
At the download area of the website (titlelink) there is a music section at first, where several music can be downloaded.

[News message: 09. Sep. 2000, 08:04] [Comments: 0]
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Sebastian Bauer's Homepage

SimpleClock (1.5) by Sebastian Bauer
Most recent version for the configurable analog clock (OS3.5) by S. Bauer. Special feature of SimpleClock: The transparent clock face (optional).

[News message: 09. Sep. 2000, 06:08] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
Amiga-C-Aug00.lha    dev/c      117K+Postings to Amiga-C mailing list in Augu
Aakt0900HTML.lha     docs/mags  276K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
WarpUp-Aug00.lha     docs/misc   86K+Postings to the WarpUp mailing list in A
DiamondBOX.lha       gfx/edit   356K+Layer based 24 bit image editing V1.04
chippendale.lha      mods/chip    7K+DBM 4ch mod by Tripper^Stx^Moods
years_ago.lha        pix/misc    71K+[ancor] Sandra and Sarah young V1.1

[News message: 09. Sep. 2000, 06:08] [Comments: 0]
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individual Computers

Take Part in the Developement of Lyra!
Lyra is the joungest child of individual Computers. This is an adapter to use Windows-Keyboards with the Amiga. Though some thing like this alreay exists, but none of the up to now introduced interfaces fulfilled our personel needs. Either some of the key were not used, or others had absolutely insane seizures, and again other had problems when more then one key were pressed at the same time. This interface for the "Bigbox" Amigas (2000, 3000, 4000 and tower-case) easy gets pluged between keyboard and computer. In the case of A1200 it gets impressed to the keyboard processor, which is to find on the A1200 main board.
We have spent as much effort as possible to get the seizures very similar to the original Amiga keyboards, and to give reasonable seizures to additional keys. Though, we want to hear the opinions about the seizures of as many users as possible befor we cannot change anything, any more. So, take your time to have close look at the key seizures, and mail us your opinion. The best suggestion will be honoured with some little surprise! Release is planned for the end of October.

[News message: 09. Sep. 2000, 05:26] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Games

Aminet Games
Schatztruhe released "Aminet Games", a special-CD of the Aminet series. Within more than 1500 archives there are the best of Aminet games. Almost every game can be started from CD and do not need to be installed. Furthermore on "Aminet Games" there are more than 70 commercial games, e.g. "Gloom3", "Max Rally", "XTreme Racing" & "Gamer's Delight 2".

Information on other content to find at the titlelink.

[News message: 09. Sep. 2000, 02:15] [Comments: 0]
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APT Rolf Tingler

New Amiga Design for Nokia 3210 Mobile Phone
Rolf Tingler has already created designs with Amiga look in airbrush for several mobile phone models. Now there's also a shell available for the Nokia 3210. For the Nokia model 8210, a new Amiga design is in the works. The design is a bit complicated as this phone is really small and thus there's only very little space for the design.

[News message: 08. Sep. 2000, 11:37] [Comments: 0]
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B. van der Meer by eMail

New issue "AMIGA SCENE"
The September/October issue of the Dutch/Flemish print magazine "AMIGA SCENE" has a huge article on the Macintosh emulator "Fusion".

[News message: 08. Sep. 2000, 10:12] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

AddOn-Programming for PageStream
Grasshopper LLC, the distributor of PageStream, published the documentation of IFF and links to the Application Library SDK on their pages. The release allows third parties to write plug-ins for PageStream. Interested developers can find more information here.

Supplement, 09-09-2000 by Ruediger Hanke:
There is a problem unfortunatly mentioned nowhere as it is. The SDK at the time beeing works solely with SAS/C! If one tries to compile the includes using StormC, he will get a lot of error messages and an endless loop in the compiler, if lucky.

The includes also are not the only wattle, the enclosed linker-libraries are too SAS/C specific, too. Fortunatly Deron is very helpful, he promised me to send me the sources of these linker-libraries, so that I can port them to StormC.

This is not mentioned on the website. At the end one might take the effort (quite a few) to adapt the includes, just to finde out at the end that the needed linker-library doesn't match. If Deron sends me the sources, and I would manage to get them running with StormC, I will make up a SDK version for StromC programmers.

[News message: 08. Sep. 2000, 10:12] [Comments: 0]
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SoundFX 4.1 Preview at the BAUD Meeting
At the BAUD meeting in Bielefeld, Germany, an exclusive preview of SoundFX 4.1 will be presented. The new version contains many bugfixes and improvements in the user interface. Another new feature is the new batch processor.

For more information and a first test version, follow the title link (German).

[News message: 08. Sep. 2000, 09:00] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver Roberts

New Warp-Datatypes
Oliver Roberts released new versions of his WarpPNG and WarpJPEG datatypes. The WarpPNG.datatype is now available also for 68k Amigas and there's also a native MorphOS version, now.

The new version of WarpJPEG.datatype has some bugs fixed and a 4% speed-up for the 68k version. An extensive feature list can be found at the title link.


[News message: 08. Sep. 2000, 09:00] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

REBOL/View pre-beta 5 Released
An experimental pre-beta of version 5 of REBOL/View was released. There are especially new features in the VID (visual user interface) and the network functions. Download here.

[News message: 08. Sep. 2000, 09:00] [Comments: 0]
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"Middle City" preview and interview
Juergen A. Theiner of has talked with the Italian programmers of the new adventure "Middle City" and created a preview with many screenshots. Here a small excerpt:
"Middle City is a classical adventure in the vein of Monkey Island. The setting is a remote village. The goal is to solve the mystery of the disappearance of Linda Patton whose arm was found in the river. Main character is the (not really intelligent) FBI agent Cox who has to work closely with the good-looking Ellen Dow from the local police. All characters are very excentric and thus suspicious. The end will be a huge suprise."

[News message: 08. Sep. 2000, 05:44] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Steiding via eMail

Epic News
After a long time, there's some news from Epic:

Virtual Ball Fighters, the action game for the Amiga is finally available. VBF requires an Amiga with AGA or graphics card, a 030 CPU and 8 MByte RAM. PPC and soundcards are supported.

The successor to MooVID Pro is coming soon: MooVID Pro 2 will be shipped from September 18th on. Beside many optimizations, MooVID now supports the PPC (WarpUP and Power Up). Owners of the previous version get a cheaper update from epic.

[News message: 08. Sep. 2000, 05:30] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Frieden on ANF

Hyperion News
Follow the title link for a new progress report on Shogo, including some screenshots of the OpenGL version.

Hyperion has from now on a support mailing list:
EMail subscription:
or on the web at eGroups

[News message: 08. Sep. 2000, 03:30] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Busse

Transcript of the Coyote Interview with Bill McEwen
Christian Busse has taken the efforts of creating a transcript from the 2.1 MB MP3 file of the Coyote Flux interview with Bill McEwen:

Bill McEwen: Here's Bill!

Coyote Flux: Well, good day Mr McEwen, you're speaking with Sharwin - I'm from Coyote Flux, an Amiga only software team and I would like to ask you a few public questions - is that possible?

Bill McEwen: Certainly.

Coyote Flux: OK, thank you - first of all: I heard a rumour from some magazines that the German office is about to close after the inventory sales of the Amiga 1200 - is this true?

Bill McEwen: No...?

Coyote Flux: No - OK, thank you. What could you tell me about the AmigaOne?

Bill McEwen: Well, nothing publicly at this time - other than this is a new desktop replacement machine.

Coyote Flux: OK. Then there was another question: Since half a year the Amiga market has started to shrink a little bit in comparison to what it was before, especially because there are a lot of companies and sceners that rather stay with the original Amigas - we spoke to you at the show in Neuss, the World of Alternatives, about porting the current Amiga OS to PPC, we will have to add the following question: You asked for the business proposal at the show...

Bill McEwen: Yes?

Coyote Flux: ... and we would like to know: We want to do the Amiga OS PPC port together with a few others at our own cost together, and we would like to know if that is possible as we think that the Amiga makes a bigger chance of surviving when the older machines get a chance as well.

Bill McEwen: Yeah, no, again, if you send me the information we're happy to take a look at it - we've been in conversations with Haage & Partner about this, we have received their timing, their proposal how long they think it will take...

Coyote Flux: Yes

Bill McEwen: ... we've been looking at market trends and designs, so I'm happy to take a look at what you have - we've not made a final decision on that

Coyote Flux: OK, so there hasn't been a final decision yet about if an Amiga OS PPC port can or will be made?

Bill McEwen: Correct.

Coyote Flux: OK, what do you think about the Boxer?

Bill McEwen: I don't think it will ever ship.

Coyote Flux: And if it WILL be shipped, would you be supporting it?

Bill McEwen: Oh, we already have, publicly!

Coyote Flux: OK, so it won't ever be a problem, the Classic Amiga range will proceed, and the Amiga will, like, go two seperate ways or something?

Bill McEwen: No, I don't see that, because you'll be able to run your Amiga Classic on the new system!

Coyote Flux: Aha, I see, but surely the speed will not be as fast as an original chipset...

Bill McEwen: Actually it will be FASTER with what we're doing - we're not doing it through emulation.

Coyote Flux: OK, cause now it's with the Virtual Processor I suppose?

Bill McEwen: U-huh

Coyote Flux: Cause I have a copy of the SDK at home, but, taking a look at modern CPUs, taking a look at all the parallel processing units and the caching and memory management, I have the feeling that the Virtual Processor will not be running at the speed it SHOULD be...

Bill McEwen: Actually since it's not... the Virtual Processor, since it translates it into native code...

Coyote Flux: Yes...

Bill McEwen: ... and the overhead is to a minimum, there is, what, a two percent performance hit

Coyote Flux: Yes, I understand, but by using a lot of registers that should be emulated or mapped in memory before they can be used, I suppose...

Bill McEwen: Exactly translated on the fly.

Coyote Flux: It's translated on the fly - but where are the registers taken from if I may ask?

Bill McEwen: I'm sorry I didn't hear you.

Coyote Flux: Where are the registers taken from if I may ask? Are they taken from memory, or are they taken from hardware registers?

Bill McEwen: It depends on the implementation...

Coyote Flux: Yes

Bill McEwen: ... if there is hardware available, we will utilize the hardware directly...

Coyote Flux: Yes

Bill McEwen: ... and if we can catch it that way, otherwise if it's not available we will do it in software.

Coyote Flux: OK, I see - but that will slow down, I suppose?

Bill McEwen: Depending on the application - in a desktop environment in most cases you'll have the proper hardware to utilize it, but in a handheld device you might not have the hardware, so we'll have to do it in software.

Coyote Flux: OK, I see, thank you - finally I had a question concerning the SDK: Is it a big success?

Bill McEwen: Yes, actually the sales are ahead of schedule and as of this week Red Hat will begin selling it also.

Coyote Flux: OK, and how many approximately sold in the time it has been on market?

Bill McEwen: Well, we shipped fifteen thousand so far.

Coyote Flux: Fifteen thousand.

Bill McEwen: Yep.

Coyote Flux: OK, thank you very much! That's actually all I wanted to know!

Bill McEwen: Great!

Coyote Flux: OK, thank you...

Bill McEwen: Yeah, I look forward - in fact I was speaking to someone about you in Sacramento...

Coyote Flux: Oh!

Bill McEwen: .. that it looked like you might be the team that might have the best opportunity for us, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Coyote Flux: OK, thank you very much...

Bill McEwen: OK?

Coyote Flux: I will contact you then in the near future, supplying you with the information you might need about how we can port the Amiga OS to PPC, and...

Bill McEwen: OK.

Coyote Flux: ... yes, please keep up the good work then.

Bill McEwen: I thank you very much for your call.

Coyote Flux: OK, thank you as well - bye!

[News message: 08. Sep. 2000, 03:06] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn on ANF

Public-Opinion Poll at
At, supposed to be the biggest emulators-site online, there is currently a public-opinion poll to find at the top of the right menue board, on what useres would wish to see on the page in future. Among other things there is also the possibility to vote for "Emulators for the Amiga". If you are interested in this, you should set your vote there, cause there are only about 10% of votes for Amiga at the moment.

[News message: 07. Sep. 2000, 10:17] [Comments: 0]
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Rudolph Riedel via eMail

New DiskMaster Beta Version 2.5b8 Available
For the known filer DiskMaster there is the next Beta Version 2.5b8 available, after some problems.
New with this version:
  • 2.5b8 (00-09-07) 68744 Bytes
  • "Parent" still did not work correctly with assigns
  • "LoadConfig" released it's buffer too early
  • Uppercase/lowercase is no longer discerned when Auto-Commands compare contents

[News message: 07. Sep. 2000, 09:40] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Koebnik

Amiga Arena News
JST V4.0 at half price.
JST V4.0, the game installer by Jean-Francois Fabre is available at half price at the Arena. JST makes it possible to start almost every game from HD, and to save scores.

Amiga Arena Interview Project
New interviews with Damir Ahr (Ballmaster) and Felix Schwarz (fxPaint) online.

[News message: 07. Sep. 2000, 09:40] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Heise: The Mac inside the PC - for nothing
«Anybody who always wanted to check out if Mac OS indeed makes less problems than Windows now can test this directly on the PC: Emulators Inc. offers the Macintosh emulator Fusion PC for free download, from now on. Emulators too over this sofware, which only runs under DOS (Window's DOS-Box does not fit), last month. Next month they want to release the entire source-code, due to their own statements. This shall become content of a tutorial on emulator programming.»
For full article, see titlelink (German).

As already reported here on 05-24-00, Microcode Solutions gave Fusion PC license to Emulators, Inc. to have more free developer recources, and more fund available.

[News message: 07. Sep. 2000, 08:06] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga, Inc.

Wildfire at First - and now Taifun
As already reported, Taifun is the successor product to the award-winning video and animation special effects software Wildfire7\PPC. The new software product is currently being developed using the Amiga Software Development Kit (SDK) and is making great progress. Read the press release of Amiga, Inc. at the titlelink.

[News message: 07. Sep. 2000, 08:06] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp on ANF

Linux Format Reports on AmigaSDK
In the new September issue of the 'Linux Format' magazine there is to find an article on both, the Amiga SDK and Elate. Among other things the multimedia platform 'intent', and functionality of the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is suggested. Nick Veitch reminds his readers on the Amiga SDK even inside the editorial.

[News message: 07. Sep. 2000, 07:16] [Comments: 0]
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Sharwin & Rakesh Raghoebardayal on ANF

Coyote Flux interviews Bill McEwen
At the titlelink you will find an interview with Bill McEwen done by Coyote Flux. This intervies is provided as a MP3-file at the size of 2.1MB to find for download at the download-area of the temporary website of CF.

Further on there is a new example for PPC680x0 available: The freeware program "The Guru" was ported to PPC using PPC680x0 within less than 30 minutes.

[News message: 07. Sep. 2000, 07:08] [Comments: 0]
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Ingo Musquinier on ANF

New AmiTradeCenter Beta Available
Once again it happend, a new beta version for the FTP-client AmiTradeCenter was released.

05.09.2000 public beta
  • Added a "t" to one of the "direcory" strings which was missing. [ExoBuZz]
  • Fixed a bug when pressing the local "parent" button while connecting which caused garbage in the local string gadget. [ExoBuZz]
  • After a transfer the transferred file, bytes, filelength and the cps are now displayed in the ftplog. [Roland "Ronni" Hopfer]
  • Double entries in the .batchtmp are now filtered, so the list won't replicate itself several times after several crashes. [Roland "Ronni" Hopfer]
  • Reselection of files when revisitting a directory is now done by comparing the filenames with the list instead of just selecting the files by numbers, which could have led to wrong selected entries, when a directory was reloaded after an upload. [Roland "Ronni" Hopfer]
  • The trader now won't try to reconnect to a server, when the servermanager is quitted and therefore also all traders (depends on "auto reconnect" and "closemethod of servermanager" settings).
  • Loginwindow which is opened if neither the username or the password is given didn't work. Fixed. [Ingo Musquinier]

Download: ATC_beta_05092000.lha

[News message: 07. Sep. 2000, 07:08] [Comments: 0]
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Sven Dröge on ANF

BondsV1.78 on Aminet, at last
After some upload problems now the most recent archive with the stock-market software is available for downlaod at Aminet, at last.

New with this version:
  • Group editor for creating object lists after your fancy
  • New conception of the depot manager
  • Extension of the default objects, many new shares, subscription warrants, as well as European indizes (thanks to Wolfgang Bauer, too!)
  • Complete adaptation to the "GlowIcons" style (thanks to Martin Merz!)
  • Many bug-fixes

Known bugs:
  • The DEPOTMANAGER is not ready yet, but one can already "play around" with it a little bit.
  • The group editor was newly implemented; there still might occure errors while using it.

Download: BondsV178.lha

[News message: 07. Sep. 2000, 07:08] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via eMail

VirusHelp Denmark: Safe Version 14.0 Released
Name: Safe v14.0
Archivname: Safe.lha
Archivgröße: 20.665 Bytes
Releasedatum: 7. September 2000
Programmierer: Zbigniew Trzcionkowski
Info: Braucht xvs.library v33.23

New with v14.0 :
v13.4 - 7000, RENRAM parameter renames Ram disk: to Ram: now (requested by Oscar Hdez)


[News message: 07. Sep. 2000, 07:08] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas R. Kleinert via eMail

TWinIFF Version 1.03 Released
TWinIFF 1.03 for AmigaOS, Win9x/NT/2k and Linux/x86 is available, now.


[News message: 07. Sep. 2000, 07:08] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Nerding via eMail

Haage & Partner News
H&P increases personnel

In October of the past year, we already hired a new programmer, namely Markus Poellmann. He mainly cares for StormC, and also works on AmigaWriter. At the beginning of 2000, a new co-worker was found, Ute Gottschalk, who takes care of accounting and datatyping. Stefan Robel has just finished a practical period for his computer studies, in which he created a new and portable version of StormRexx. At the beginning of September, Alexander Bramm and Simon Neumann brought two new co-workers. Their main concern is support, and managing of new projects.

Further co-workers wanted.

For proof-reading of our website texts, press releases and manuals we are looking for an additional English native speaker. A good knowledge of English grammer etc. is essential.

[News message: 07. Sep. 2000, 07:08] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas R. Kleinert

Computer-Zeitung: Politicians supporting Linux in the fight against patents
The German Computerzeitung issue 36 from 09-07-00 is carrying the subject of software patents:

They are titeling (small): "Software Inventions"
(big) "Politicians are supporting Linux with the fight against patents"

This all is to find big and not ot overlook pivotal on the front page citing Joerg Tauss, MdB (member of the Bundestag) contra, and Dai Rees pro SWPAT.

Additional a big picture along with the subtitle "The [EPA] in Munich denys any private financial interest [...]"

At the left another contra SWPAT comment (German) of an editor, and at the lower right the Intel/Broadcom quarrel is suggested. So, about half of the front page today only on the subject of patents.

[News message: 07. Sep. 2000, 07:08] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Robl via eMail

AmigaMPEG-Player 1.02 and writepixel 1.05
For all SDK users:
AmigaMPEGPlayer is now up to 25% faster (!) than the initial version, and has got a file-requestor in addition, too.

writepixel was completely overworked, is now definite faster than previeous versions, and has got a scalable window. Furthermore the colour fade now changes corresponding to mouse position and time.

[News message: 07. Sep. 2000, 07:08] [Comments: 0]
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Dirk Baeyens on ANF

clickBOOM: Nightlong
Nightlong has been enabled by Trecision, which means the betatests have passed positively. Now only the CDs, and packings are to be produced, and then the game will be available soon. Nightlong is a graphically costly point-and-click game which at first was published by Team 17 for the PC, and became a big success. The background of the game is a conspiracy anno 2099 which the player has to clear up.

[News message: 06. Sep. 2000, 11:49] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Holler

Markus Holler: MP3-account Opened
From today Markus Holler, who is well-known by his songs for Amiga games, has offically opened his account at At you can download not only the known files, but some new songs, too. Enjoy the music! :)

[News message: 06. Sep. 2000, 11:04] [Comments: 0]
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The World Foundry

TWF no longer Responsible for Expolrer2260, and Main and Mangle
On the website of "The World Foundry" there is a short statement saying that TWF is not longer responsible for production of the games "Explorer2260" and "Main and Mangle". For more details of development and the team there soon will be an official statement. The same statement you can read at CEG-site (Collins Encyclopedia Galactica).

[News message: 06. Sep. 2000, 11:04] [Comments: 0]
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Test Report of Matrox G405 at has examined the new graphics board Matrox Millennium G450. This one was not made for the home user but for business user and customers of companies. Nevertheless we have had a look at the Millenium G450 with regard to the use for games. Maybe this card is a reasonably alternative for the private user? See titlelink for full article (German). At we have found a link to a review of AnandTech as well: Matrox Millennium G450. And this one is in English. -)

[News message: 06. Sep. 2000, 10:25] [Comments: 0]
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UAE PPC 0.8.6 for MorphOS
David 'Zapek' Gerber has ported UAE 0.8.6 to MOrphOS. More information you can find in the UAE_MorphOS.readme. Download: uae_0.8.6.lzx

[News message: 06. Sep. 2000, 10:25] [Comments: 0]
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Turboprint 7.12beta Released
Version 7.12beta for Turboprint was released containing improved drivers for HP DeskJet 930, 950, 970 (1200 / 2400dpi). The drivers for Canon BJC 1000, 2000, 6xxx, 7xxx have been made faster. For Epson there are new drivers.

Download: tp712beta.lha

At you can download a new version (0.60) of Turboprint for Linux with many new drivers as well.

Download: turboprint_0_60.tgz

[News message: 06. Sep. 2000, 10:25] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
DOpus415JRbin.lha    biz/dopus  329K+Great filemanager from GP Software
DOpus415JRsrc.lha    biz/dopus  707K+Great filemanager from GP Software
datatypes4442.lha    biz/patch   11K+AmigaOS 3.5 datatypes.library V44.42
DalWatch.lha         comm/irc     3K+Script to reduce load on Dalnet 
attinfo.lha          comm/mail   23K+Creates a logfile from selected mail
ML-Support.lha       comm/mail   57K+Tool to manage MLs, 2.1, MUI
ML-Support_Src.lha   comm/mail   23K+C Sources for ML-Support
TruncateMail.lha     comm/mail    8K+Removes unnecessary parts from e-mail fi
EZPagerNG_CE.lha     comm/misc  361K+Send messages to german pagers (Scall,Sk
facts.lha            comm/tcp    81K+V4.1 NTP clock synchroniser AutoDST/GUI
YGM.lha              comm/tcp   138K+Checks POP3 mailboxes for new mail
Apt-sbs.lha          demo/euro   72K+A smashing intro from APATHY
Apt-vote.lha         demo/euro   42K+Vote Now! By Apathy In 2000
Itc-fri.lha          demo/euro   61K+An intro by INSTINCT
Itc-fri2.lha         demo/euro   80K+A small intro by INSTINCT
MWI-Overview02.lha   demo/slide 2.8M+"Overview #02" party slideshow by Madwiz
RNO-Go.lha           demo/slide 2.8M+RNO&Homies: "Go Stockholm&Helsinki" [sli
3DEngine.lha         dev/amos    54K+3D Engine (WB window) - Balrog Soft
BitmapPrint.lha      dev/basic   16K+A routine for printing text to bitmaps
ScrollText.lha       dev/basic   46K+Simple scrolling text routine
PTR_Play.lha         dev/e       46K+Module Player using PTReplay.library
FD2Pragma.lha        dev/misc   125K+V2.111 creates pragma, inline, ... files
mrq_library.lha      dev/src     68K+Fast C2P + CGX procedures for games, dem
CDAudioList.lha      disk/cdrom   8K+A shell command to list CD audio tracks
SCSISnoop.lha        disk/moni    7K+Snoops accesses to SCSI devices and othe
BuffyGuide.lha       docs/hyper 309K+Buffy The Vampire Slayer Guide v2.1 (79)
BuffyHTML.lha        docs/hyper 389K+Buffy Guide HTML edition v1.1 (79)
Aakt0900GFX.lha      docs/mags  459K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Aakt0900GUIDE.lha    docs/mags  105K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Ami4ev17_LOW.lha     docs/mags  233K+Amiga 4ever 17 (GERMAN), no gfx
Amiga4ever17.lha     docs/mags  2.0M+Issue 17 (SEP `00) of GERMAN Freewaremag
NoCover70.lha        docs/mags  1.9M+Great german diskmagazine
NoCover71.lha        docs/mags  1.6M+Great german diskmagazine
NoCover72.lha        docs/mags  1.9M+Great german diskmagazine
NoCover73.lha        docs/mags  2.3M+Great german diskmagazine
NoCover74.lha        docs/mags  1.8M+Great german diskmagazine
NoCover75.lha        docs/mags  3.1M+Great german diskmagazine
NoCover76.lha        docs/mags  2.8M+Great german diskmagazine
spaceball2000.lha    game/actio 142K+Futuristic sport game.
vchess_dt.lha        game/board  12K+German catalog (v1.2) for VChess 4.1
AKSoliton.lha        game/data   40K+Simple Soliton card set (from sol.lha)
Skulpt_exe.lha       gfx/3d     318K+Sculpt3D clone (68k + Warp3D)
Skulpt_src.lha       gfx/3d     213K+Sculpt3D clone sources (68k + Warp3D)
cnetdevice.lha       hard/drivr 133K+PCMCIA Network Card driver. V1.3
DarcNES.lha          misc/emu   135K+NES/SMS/GG/PCE/SG1000/CV emulator v9a090
imdbDiff000825.lha   misc/imdb  2.1M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
quotes000825_f.lha   misc/imdb  2.0M+Fix for quotes.list crash in MovieMUI 3.
32bc_drunk.mpg       mods/32bit 2.6M+New tune by salty/32bit  -  8 drunk gods
Pegase.lha           mus/misc   208K+Hi-Q MPEG audio encoder (68k/PPC)
ac3dec.lha           mus/play    44K+AC3 (Dolby Digital) audio decoder. (PPC)
OS35InputImg.lha     pix/misc    99K+OS3.5 Input Prefs remplacememt images
OS35LocaleImg.lha    pix/misc    78K+OS3.5 Locale Prefs remplacememt images
sYn_deathplane.lha   pix/misc    72K+Death planet - pixel by sYntic/Teklords
sYn_derzeldako.lha   pix/misc    44K+Der zelda konflikt - pixel by sYntic/Tek
sYn_otaku.jpg        pix/misc    51K+Otaku - composed pic by sYntic/Teklords
sYn_cdgroove.mpg     pix/mpg    1.5M+Cd-groove XX - mpg by sYntic/Teklords
sYn_escape.jpg       pix/trace  223K+Escape - trace by sYntic/Teklords
sYn_fernsehzim.jpg   pix/trace  118K+Fernsehzimmer - trace by sYntic/Teklords
sYn_hkommblase.jpg   pix/trace  246K+Hyperkommunikationsblase - trace by sYnt
sYn_lifeanddea.jpg   pix/trace   62K+Life and death - trace by sYntic/Teklord
sYn_marstrip.lha     pix/trace   86K+Marstrip - composed pic by sYntic/Teklor
Amitex_3.25.lha      text/edit  290K+Text editor (French and english versions
Dutch_dict.lha       text/edit  1.2M+Dutch dictionary for Ispell and GoldEd
GED_Hexedit.lha      text/edit  234K+Hexedit Environment for GOLDED V1.50
CheckX.lha           util/arc    28K+V1.79 Check for Archives/Packers/Viruses
ExChanger.lha        util/arc    45K+Helps converting lha and zip files to lz
UnRAR250_wos.lha     util/arc   119K+UnRAR 2.50 for WarpOS
xadmaster.lha        util/arc   392K+V8.0 Powerful unarchiving system
BlizKick.lha         util/boot  228K+MapROM tool for phase5/DCE turbos. V1.23
BPPCFixFix.lha       util/boot    5K+BlizzPPC 0x0 & ppc library disk loadable
loadppclib.lha       util/boot   13K+Blizzard PPC libs loaders V1.0.0
APT-WBOpen11.lha     util/cli    14K+Use CLI/req. to open WB-drawers/files (w
DiskLED.lha          util/cli     6K+Moves the LED buttons to a window.
rebootscript.lha     util/cli     4K+Reboots and runs script or exe file.
WarpJPEGdt.lha       util/dtype 102K+JFIF-JPEG datatype (68k,WarpOS,MorphOS) 
xfdmaster.lha        util/pack  151K+Rel1.34 Decrunch packed files (exe/data)
addrexx11.lha        util/rexx    3K+Small & fast addressbook (And envvar ed)
arc2arc26.lha        util/rexx    3K+Convert any archive format easily
2b_mv_os2.lha        util/sys    74K+OS 2.0+ MultiView replacement - full ver
2b_mv_os2_src.lha    util/sys    55K+OS 2.0+ MultiView replacement - sources
RAWBInfo.lha         util/sys    91K+ReAction based icon information (1.18)
VirusExecutor.lha    util/virus 217K+VirusExecutor v2.04 beta
CopyIcon44.lha       util/wb      3K+CopyNewIcon clone for os3.5 (44.2)
Ico2Info.lha         util/wb      5K+Converts .ICO to .info (44.4)
Image2Icon.lha       util/wb     17K+Creates thumbnail icons from images (1.5
mainprefs.lha        util/wb     39K+OS 3.5 Preferences GUI

[News message: 06. Sep. 2000, 09:43] [Comments: 0]
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Torsten Dudai

New cartoon: Bill and the judge

[News message: 06. Sep. 2000, 09:35] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas R. Kleinert via eMail

SView C++ Image Loaders
SView class-library was ported to Linux x86 (GCC) successfully. Originally it based on Watcom/C++ 11 for Win32 (Win9x, WinNT, Win2000) and now can be compiled from the same source-tree for each Linux-platform, as well. This also would make possible porting back to ADE 68k, PPC or MorphOS, as well as porting to Linux 68k or AInc's VP. In future it will be possible to give licences for binary or sourcecodes. Do not hesitate to inquire in time.

[News message: 06. Sep. 2000, 06:20] [Comments: 0]
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MooBunny Forum

New (unofficial) WinUAE version V0.8.15 Released
On MooBunny Forum we have found a hint for a new but unofficial version of WinUAE. It was ported by Vasyl Tsvirkunov. For further information have a look at the titlelink.

[News message: 06. Sep. 2000, 02:29] [Comments: 0]
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Trogladite Software

Trogladite Software is Looking for Developers
Trogladite Software is currently looking for more developers. We are not funded in any way, and you will be generally working for free communicating with the other members over the internet. We need people who have a fair amount of free time as we will be coming up with various new projects to create very soon. If you're interested, email

[News message: 06. Sep. 2000, 02:29] [Comments: 0]
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AmiDogs Movieplayer AMP2
Mathias "AmiDog" Roslund has opened an AMP2-site where you can find the current updates for the Amiga-Movie-Player AMP 2. Version V2pre1 of the 5th of September 2000 is the most recent one. But this version probably has still a couple of bugs and therefore should be tested with caution, as the author says. Please, read information on the AMP2-site carefully.

Download: AMP2pre1.lha

[News message: 06. Sep. 2000, 02:29] [Comments: 0]
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DOpus Support Page

Directory Opus 4.15 Released
Jacek Rzeuski has continued developing the released sourcecode of the filemanager Directory Opus 4 and released version 4.15 yesterday. The changes since version 4.14 you can read up in the history. There are too much to be written down here.

Download: DOpus414JRbin.lha

[News message: 06. Sep. 2000, 02:29] [Comments: 0]
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Rolf Roth on ANF

PlayGUI Version 3.0 Available
PlayGUI, developed by Richard Kapp, is an AddOn for both, the modulde-player HippoPlayer and the sample-player Play16. PlayGUI offers a new user interface for these programms, which trouble-free can be displaced by other graphics (so called skins).

PlayGUI v3.0 from now is available at the titlelink. New with this version among other things are MPEG and MIDI support, help texts for all settings, graphics inside the settings windows, and many more. By the way, of course there are also some new skins for PlayGUI and PLone (PlayGUI AddOn).

Download: PlayGUI.lha und plone.lha

[News message: 05. Sep. 2000, 05:27] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

AmiBid - Amiga Auctions
AmiBid is an online auction exclusive for Amiga offering all the functions of bigger online auctions, and moreover offering other features. AmiBid is free of charge for shoppers and offerors.

There were some login problems from the start, which have been solved. If you have problems using the direct link to AmiBid, you can enter the site by using If this doesn't work too, please send an e-mail to

[News message: 05. Sep. 2000, 01:53] [Comments: 0]
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Dirk Baeyens on ANF

New SDK Site
From Belgium this new SDK site is comming with many interesting information all around the SDK (Software Developer's Kit). The webmaster summarizes discovered informations in a predictable way.

[News message: 05. Sep. 2000, 01:18] [Comments: 0]
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VirusHelp Denmark via eMail

New Antivirus-Programs
Dirk Stöcker has been very productive. There are new updates for CheckX, XFDMaster.library and XADMaster.library. here is some info about the new updates:
  • Name: CheckX v1.79
  • Archive Name : CheckX.lha
  • File Size: 29.061 Bytes
  • Programmer: Dirk Stoecker
  • Release Date: 3. September 2000
  • Minimum Requirements: xadmaster.lha, xvslibrary.lha, xfdmaster.lha, xpk_User.lha

  • The following updates are very important, because nearly every antivirus-program uses them for decoding and archiving purposes befor and after the viruscheck.

  • Name: XFDmaster.library v11.34
  • Archive Name:xfdmaster.lha
  • File Size: 151 kb
  • Programmer: Dirk Stoecker
  • Release Date: 3. September 2000

  • Name: XADmaster.library v8.0
  • Archive Name: xadmaster.lha
  • File Size: 392 kb
  • Programmer: Dirk Stoecker
  • Release Date: 3. September 2000

[News message: 04. Sep. 2000, 09:33] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
Trekkie.lha          biz/dbase  925K+Star Trek Database, V2.19final Data V2.2
OpusMIupd.lha        biz/dopus  585K+GlowIcon DOpus Images (Final)
DalHelper.lha        comm/irc    37K+Interface to Dalnet Services: (Chan/Memo
attinfo.lha          comm/mail   22K+Creates a logfile from selected mail
AMarquee.lha         comm/net   313K+V52.0 TCP Data Broadcast System (library
ftp4all-3012.lha     comm/tcp   406K+FTP4ALL, a FTP server
Pns-plas.lha         dev/amos     1K+Plasma Source For AMOS
ActiveWindow.lha     dev/basic   12K+Sample code for auto activating window
AIOtao.lha           docs/anno    1K+Questions wanted for AIO interview with 
MemoryCard_PSX.lha   docs/help    4K+Table for managing PSX memorycards in FW
lotolib.lha          misc/misc   22K+Lotolib for LOTO v2.3+ (1976 au 30-sept.
AmigaFuture.lha      mods/misc  105K+Roger Hartig's private mod creations
Hardmetal.lha        mods/misc  877K+HeavyMetal by MadMan/FunDesign
ILoveYou.lha         mods/misc  165K+Roger Hartig's private mod creations
July.lha             mods/misc   98K+Roger Hartig's private mod creations
JulySun.lha          mods/misc   79K+Roger Hartig's private mod creations
Softrock.lha         mods/misc  615K+SoftMetal by MadMan/FunDesign
SunshineRain.lha     mods/misc   35K+Roger Hartig's private mod creations
DJH_GRM.lha          mods/pro    50K+Remix of the Galaga Theme tune (Protrack
HaleBopp.mpg         pix/anim    50M+Wild demo from The Gathering 1997
Tp7pics.lha          pix/misc   612K+Photos From The Party 1997
R-P-G_NewIcons.lha   pix/nicon  403K+Newicon Drawer images in RPG style.
ThrymWB.jpg          pix/wb     178K+Thrym's 1024*768*24 bit WB screen
xfdmaster_dev.lha    util/pack  168K+Rel1.34 Decrunch packed files (exe/data)

[News message: 04. Sep. 2000, 09:33] [Comments: 0]
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Mariusz Wloczysiak via eMail

Elbox Statement on MEDIATOR PCI Rumours
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000 06:04:39 +0200

Organization: ELBOX COMPUTER
Subject: Elbox dispels rumours on MEDIATOR PCI

04 September 2000

The breakthrough product developed by us: the MEDIATOR PCI,
has caused many changes in the Amiga world. Changes for better,
one has to admit.

People who cannot approach this excellent product with honour
and respect due to its design, spread rumours, which give false
information to Amiga users.

In order to make this situation clear and show our respect to
all those dedicated users of Amiga computers, we feel obliged
to clarify the information.

Below you find our answers to such rumours:

1. *** MEDIATOR PCI 1200 can only have access to 8 MB address
   area, so the latest Voodoo III cards with 32-64 MB address
   area could not be used. ***

   Answer: Not true.
   Elbox MEDIATOR PCI 1200 enables access to the entire 4 GB
   PCI Memory Space and to all the required I/O space.
   Execution of access to the full memory area in PCI (4 GB)
   through the 8 MB Amiga memory window is done with MEDIATOR's
   hardware on the basis of the MEDIATOR offset registers.

2. *** Designing MEDIATOR PCI 1200 in such a way that
   it works with all the existing turbo cards for Amiga 1200
   (i.e. within the 8 MB address window) will result
   in modern graphics cards major crippling in the transfer rate
   between the processor and graphics card. ***

   Answer: Not true.
   Data exchange between the processor and graphics cards
   within the 8 MB address window does not affect transfer rate.

   E.g.: Writing to a graphics card of 32 MB of data within
   the 8 MB address window means execution of just 3 additional
   writing operations for over 8,000,000 writing operations.
   In practice, transmission over 8 MB of data to a PCI graphics
   card is very rare, as majority of modern PCI graphics cards
   memory is allocated for storing textures.
   Current data exchange is thus executed within the one 8 MB
   window, anyway.

3. *** PCI graphics cards themselves are now increasingly hard
   to obtain and will be obsolete in a few months time. ***

   Answer: Not true.
   Many new graphic chipsets are and will be produced in both
   the PCI standard and the AGP Intel standard.
   This is clear, as PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect)
   is an industry standard independent of the processor platform
   by definition. Graphic cards in this standard may work
   equally well in PC, Mac or Amiga computers.

4.  *** Elbox will produce a PCI/AGP busboard to be directly
    connected to the expansion connector on the BlizzardPPC.
    It will come equipped with 3xPCI slots, 1xAGP slot and a
    socket for SDRAM. ***

    Who came up with this one?
    Preparing such a busboard, connected directly to the
    BlizzardPPC card in the place of the BVisionPPC card,
    would require redesigning the BlizzardPPC card.

    Replacing one PCI slot with an AGP slot in the busboard
    for A1200 does not result in any major benefits.

    Instead of SDRAM memory in the busboard, we will offer
    a far better solution, to which MEDIATOR PCI 1200 is
    totally ready, of which we will write more in one of our
    coming announcements.

Best regards,
Mariusz Wloczysiak
ELBOX COMPUTER, Press Department

[News message: 04. Sep. 2000, 09:33] [Comments: 0]
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AmiPak - New default Archive-Format for the AmigaOE
Patrick Roberts and Wayne Martin are working on a new filecompression standard for the new AmigaOE. The new program will be called AmiPak (file-extension: .amp) and it will have many advantages compared to the ones used now. This format will be availabel for other platforms, too. Additional there will be a GUI which can also handle formats like bzip, gzip, tar, zip and lha. A betaversion will be available next month.
Please follow the titlelink for further information.

[News message: 04. Sep. 2000, 08:42] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

YaQuZa - New PlayStation Emulation for Amiga
A new PlayStation emulation called "YaQuZa" is under development for the amiga. Versions for PowerUp, WarpOS and MorphOS were announced. The statusreport says that the PowerUp-versions is already working. The emulation will be released in a few weeks.

[News message: 04. Sep. 2000, 08:42] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Kleinert via eMail

Andreas Kleinert: Completion to the MorphOS-Statement
Some authentic questions that reached me by email as reaction on the MorphOS-Statement (i summarized the answers):
  • Q: Read today that you do not want to write datatypes for the MorphOS. It is a pity.
  • A: Maybe I produce something different for MorphOS.

  • Q: I hope that you do not have the intention to turn away from the amiga.
  • A: I am still using my Amiga. At the moment.

  • Q: You wrote that there are nearly no registrations for your datatypes at the moment. I know why. [...] If there would be an easy way to register I really would like to do it and use the DT. But for doing this I will never apply for a credit card or waste my time by clicking through english pages. [...] The easiest way would be a money transfer.
  • A: Money transfer is available since, I do not know when. It is explained in the documentation.

And about generall things
  • Q: All together I want to praise you for your products and I hope you are developing them. Versions for Windows (under development), Linux, maybe Amie (if it will be released some day) and maybe as a PPC-plugin for AWeb & Co would be greate.
  • A: I will not port anyone of my programs to Amie in the near future. Windows is in a early alpha-stage and Linux is interesting too. There won't be PPC-plugins [refer to akMPEG] but it is possible to integrate them in the actual version.

[News message: 04. Sep. 2000, 08:42] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Heider on ANF

Inexpensive Entry to SuSE Linux PPC for Amiga
If you follow the titlelink, you find an evaluations CD of SuSE Linux 6.3 for Amiga.

The installation is possible from CD. The package includes a german and english installation guide. An upgrade to SuSE 6.4 PPC is possible, too.

At the titlelink there are also reports about Linux m68k, Linux-APUS and SuSE Linux PPC.

[News message: 04. Sep. 2000, 07:01] [Comments: 0]
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Sylvio Kurze

New cartoon: dream or reality?
The new cartoon was made by Sylvio Kurze :-).

[News message: 04. Sep. 2000, 06:24] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Henze on ANF

PPC-version of stormamiga.lib stopped
Matthias Henze wrote:
Because interrest on stormamiga.lib for AmigaOS/PPC and StormC is extremly low, developement is stopped.

[News message: 03. Sep. 2000, 11:15] [Comments: 0]
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PS/2-Mouseadaptor "Mr. Mysza"
Merlancia Industries offers the PS/2 mouseadaptor "Mr. Mysza" for Amiga-Computers. It makes it possible to use PS/2 mice for IBM-compatibles on the Amiga. It supports up to four mousebuttons as well as scroll-mice - the corresponding driver is being shipped with the hardware.

[News message: 03. Sep. 2000, 11:15] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Koebnik via eMail

Amiga Arena News
SHARKS (ECS) full version!
Working together with Christian Steiner Amiga Arena exclusively presents SHARKS 1.3 as a full registered version. Sharks is a skill-game. Get treasures off the ocean's ground but be aware of the sharks making your life not an easy one. Have fun with Sharks - Amiga Arena - The Fire Still Burns!

Amiga Arena - Burning Business!
Working together with Christian Steiner Amiga Arena offers a special price for the SHARKS AGA and CD32 version.

Amiga Arena Interview Action!
New interviews with Stefan B. (OnyxBase) and Thorsten P. (StartAmPlan) online!

Amiga Arena - Burning Business!
The PhotoAlbum/Cybershow-packet is only available up to September, 10th 2000 for a special price at the Amiga Arena.

[News message: 03. Sep. 2000, 10:08] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Hoppe on ANF

New UAE-JIT-Patch available
Bernd Berny Meyer released the third version of his Just In Time compilers for UAE. This version bases on UAE V0.8.15. Sourcecode-patch and two different binaries are available for download via the titlelink.

[News message: 03. Sep. 2000, 07:42] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via eMail

VirusExecutor V2.04 beta
On September, 3rd 2000 Jan Erik Olausen released the betaversion V2.04 of the viruskiller "VirusExecutor". This beta was in use for quite a long time, so it should run stable. The update has following news:
  • Bugfix: There was a bug when closing the screen.
  • New: "File watch" has been added to the menu.
  • New: The release-date of the xvs-library is shown in the about-window.
  • Change: "CPU speed..." has been removed because this feature contained too many bugs and is not very important.

Name : VirusExecutor v2.04 beta
Archive name : VirusExecutor.lha
Archive size : 222.197 bytes
Release date : September 3 2000
Programmer : Jan Erik Olausen
Requires : xvs.library (included), xfdmaster.library, reqtools.library

Download: VirusExecutor.lha (222 197 Bytes)

[News message: 03. Sep. 2000, 07:42] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas R. Kleinert via eMail

Probably no akDatatypes for MorphOS
Contrairy to the original plans there will probably be no akDatatypes especially for MorphOS. The reasons are:
  1. Andreas Kleinert has not enough time, because he is busy with other - non free time- projects.
  2. The akDatatypes support many platforms at the moment but the SAS/C-Source-Tree needs some changes to become crosscompatible with gcc (or vbcc), because SAS/C is not available for MorphOS and also isn't the best choice for the PPClib any longer.
  3. To involve other programmers in the developement, e.g. by CVS and the opening of the sources to a closed group of people, could help but surely the interest is way too low.
  4. The Warp-datatypes were already ported to MorphOS and are free.
  5. At the moment there are no more registration-request for the akDatatypes. This is another clear sign.

Andreas Kleinert suggests the MorphOS-Users to use the Warp-datatypes instead.

It is possible that programs of Andreas Kleinert are ported to MorphOS. There will be annoucements when the product is available.

[News message: 03. Sep. 2000, 07:42] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Pfeiffer via eMail

AudioCutter Cinema version 0.89 for x86-Linux
The AudioCutter Cinema is now available as another preview version for linux. Besides new effects and functions the calculation of the complex 24 bit surround tracks has been acclerated significantly. More information and a download-possibility are available here. Neue versions for PPC-Linux and Windows will follow.

[News message: 03. Sep. 2000, 06:54] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

JST V4.0 beta
On September, 1st 2000 JST V4.0 beta has been released. This version has the MMU-Tooltype-Bug removed.

Download: jst.lha

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Czech Amiga News Then There Were Two
John Chandler has a look at Amiga SDK and the prerelease of QNX RTP in his column.

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Czech Amiga News

WarpJPEG.datatype V44.13
On September, 2nd 2000 Oliver Roberts released version V44.13 of his WarpJPEG-Datatype. Besides WarpOS this version also supports MorphOS and 68k-Amigas (68020+) - with optimised versions for 020, 030, 040 and 060. Additionally a bug has been removed that could crash the system in case of low memory.

Download: WarpJPEGdt.lha (102K)

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Czech Amiga News

Additional Information for Predator
Eyetech has released additional information about the PCI-Board "Predator".

The Board will be available for A1200 (in Tower-case) and A4000 Desktops. If request is high enough a version for A4000T will be made, too. The Board is connected directly to the expansionport of BlizzardPPC and CyberstormPPC boards so the whole 4GB-adress-space of the PPC can be used. It offers 3 PCI and one AGP slot. The slots are clocked with 66MHz and 32bit-wide bus. In addition there is a SD-RAM-socket on-board (PC100DIMM) for up to 256MB of RAM. This memory is available for the PPC-processor and graphics boards in the AGP slot. The bus is completely PCI 2.1 compatible and offers busmastering and DMA. The A4000-version of the board also has an A4000 video slot.

A 3D-driver for Voodoo 5 which is supposed to be shipped with the board is under developement. The release date is set to late September/early October.

[News message: 03. Sep. 2000, 06:28] [Comments: 0]
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Rudolph Riedel via eMail

DiskMaster version 2.5b7 Available
Version 2.5b7 of DiskMaster 2 is available using the titlelink. There are also new versions of and

Download: und oder

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