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Steffen Nitz (E-Mail)

New version of Regist II released
Version 0.7A of Regist II (title link) was released in the Aminet. Regist II enables programmers to easily administrate and operate software registrations.

Please send registrations, suggestions, and other feedback to:

Changes in this version:
  • Global-Prefs-Option for printer and text editor settings, etc..
  • Local-Prefs-Option for the respective data field with the following options implemented:
    • Editing of the entries list in the main window for a better overview of data field entries.
    • Basic currency and number format for the fees taken can be given, which e.g. will be displayed in the main window's title-bar.
    • Currency list get's adjusted to the basic currency (currency conversion).
    • Texts for the options of "Update", "Zugestellt" (delivered), and "Bezahlt" (payed) (on or off) can be edited and entered.
    • Compressing-program and the file viewer for the text files given under "Sonstige Angaben" (other data) in the main window now can be given.
  • Now a text file can be given under "Sonstige Angaben" (other data) and displayed with the external file viewer.
  • This text file can be loaded into or adapted to the input field under "Sonstige Angaben" (other data). This text then can be edited using an external text editor given in the global settings.
  • E-Mails and letters can be printed right after those were created.
  • It is now possible to print entries using a self-created template.
  • Reg.Nr. can be calculated, loaded from a file and the highest value can be calculated.
  • Data filed loading up to 4 times faster!
  • Entries can removed or deleted from the data field.
  • New file samples "Aktuelles Datum" (current date), second and third address line and for the text under "Sonstige Angabe" (other data) added.
  • The program can be controlled by tooltypes (e.g. a data field can be given to automatically be loaded when Regist II was launched).
  • Progress bar when loading data fields is more precise.
  • Other changes and optimizations.
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 04. Oct. 2001, 17:58] [Comments: 0]
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