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Michael Burkhard (email)

Michael Burkhardt: Farewell to Hof
Michael Burkhardt, known to many Amiga users by his company IOM Messefilme and the Amiga controlled video wall on exhibitions, wrote:

» Dear friends,
now it is official: I change from my lackluster autonomy to an employment.

Already on Monday I'll move to Berlin 300 km from here, take a furnished apartment and work for the D.A.V.I.D. GmbH from Tuesday on.

This decision was a hard step for me and required a great effort. Especially the last months when a management consultant was helpfully by my side showed that it would be much better to live and work in a real Media town.

But to move my company would never have been to put through. I never would have taken this enormous risk. The more happy I was to have found a job now in the media industry.

At the D.A.V.I.D. GmbH I'll ensure as project engineer planning, technical support, and network installations for radio stations. This software house is specialized in applications for radio broadcasting. More details about the company can be found at

I would like to thank all those who have helped me in my period of autonomy. Of course the company IOM will continue to exist, but I personally won't have the chance to deal with the management as my new job requires 100% of my time.

Particularly during the beginning it will become very stressful and it likely will be hard to contact me. Of course my e-mail address, my mobile phone number (0171-3296371), and my ICQ will remain the same, but surely I won't be able to answer immediately in the beginning, however.

In any case thanks to all people who always supported me in continuing my company. Of course I'm at your disposal for questions during this weekend.

Best regards,
Michael Burkhardt
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Medientechnik

IOM Film- und Videoproduktion, Hof/Germany
D-95030 Hof/Saale * Kornhausacker 56

Phone Contact: +49-9281-767102
Fax Contact: +49-9281-767103
Web Contact:
ICQ: 40465741« (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 06. Oct. 2001, 13:16] [Comments: 0]
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