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Dhomas Trenn via E-Mail

Young Monkey Amiga-Software becomes Freeware
Young Monkey Studios is proud to announce that our whole Amiga software portfolio is now available for free. This includes the following programs:
  • Commander-ImageFX - Customizable GUI for ImageFX
  • GridLock - 2 player game Modem/NullModem/Ami-TCP
  • HP3PS - PacificPage PS/PCL Mode Changer
  • ImageFX - various loaders/scripts/etc.
  • MSE - MIDI SYStem EXplorer - PatchEditor+MORE
  • SamplerUtility - Disk imager for ProAudio Samplers
  • TextToBraille - Text To Braille Conversion Utility
  • TimeKeep - TimeClock Util for Clients-Projects-Invoices
  • TimeKeepDev - TimeClock Util for Project Development
  • TimeSpeak - Speaks current date or time

Additional informations and the downloads are available at the title link.

[News message: 02. Apr. 2001, 21:58] [Comments: 0]
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02.Apr.2001 with New Design was completely reworked and updated. There are some pictures of the presentation at the Amiga 2001 online.

[News message: 02. Apr. 2001, 21:58] [Comments: 0]
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Sharwin & Rakesh Raghoebardayal on ANF

More Coyote Flux 3D-Engine Screenshots
Some more screenshots of the 3D terrain-renderer have been added to the temporary website of Coyote Flux. These are the last screenshots without texturemapping.

Since several people asked if the engine is voxel-based, some new screenshots will be released soon to show that this is NOT a voxel.

[News message: 02. Apr. 2001, 21:38] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Henze on ANF

Informations about stormamiga.lib and HSMathLibs
Due to personal reasons we could not work on the 'HSMathLibs' and 'stornamiga.lib' for a month. Because of this the release of the new versions will be postboned for a month.

[News message: 02. Apr. 2001, 21:37] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Muench on ANF

Amiga presentation at the Gateway Computer Show 2001
The presentation by Amiga at the Gateway Computer Show 2001 is now available at our side.

[News message: 02. Apr. 2001, 21:34] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

Golem: Amiga develop Software for Sharp Linux-PDA
Sharp-PDA will be available by christmas in germany.
Amiga announced that they co-operate with Sharp to offer content and programs for the upcomming Linux-PDA by Sharp. Sharp plans to ship this new device for Christmas. The whole article is available at the title link.

Additional news:
The Register: Sharp Linux PDA to be first next-gen Amiga device

[News message: 02. Apr. 2001, 17:54] [Comments: 0]
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Patrick Beerhorst

Eternity Computer / Tales of Tamar / Play!Amiga Changing Server
We are currently working on the moving of our Internet pages to a new server. We please you to be patient if any of our pages won't be available for some days. This concerns the domains, and Play!Amiga.

After the moving there will be more space for an increase of the games area of Play!Amiga and for the development of Tales of Tamar.

[News message: 02. Apr. 2001, 16:42] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp

Update of SendStuff
New version (0.6) of SendStuff released. New features:
  • SendStuff now stores the preferences of the send-mode (copy or move).
  • Bugfix: directories will now be moved correct without an error message.
  • Subdirectories will now be moved or copied correct too.

SendStuff lets you copy or move files or directories into other directories or devices by using drag'n'drop.

[News message: 02. Apr. 2001, 16:41] [Comments: 0]
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Wayne Hunt on ANF Clarification is currently down. This weekend we took over 2.5 million hits to the server, and transferred over 40Gb in two days (mostly because of the Amiga 2001 pictures).

As a result, our ISP suspended our service due to scragging their MySQL server. That means for the moment that will be unavailable until they either allow us back online, or I gather the money to move to another ISP.

Simple fact of life, is once again a victim of it's own success (for which I humbly thank you guys) and anyone who says the Amiga community is dead, obviously doesn't have to pay for it's bandwidth... :)

We'll be back soon I hope

Wayne Hunt

[News message: 02. Apr. 2001, 16:33] [Comments: 0]
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St. Louis Special - Annotation
There will be many reports, pictures and informations concerning the Amiga 2001 Show in St. Louis in the next few days. We will not present every link to every article or snippet of information at the main news page but you will find every link in the special. That's why you should check it daily to find new informations.

For the next few days the link to this special will remain on top of the link list but then it will move to the special sections link list.

[News message: 02. Apr. 2001, 14:03] [Comments: 0]
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Diverse Sources

Software News
SimpleHTML V0.15
Sebastian Bauer released version 0.15 of his program SimpleHTML. SimpleHTML is an offline browser that lets you display small files very fast. It supports only a few HTML-tags. There is a html.datatype available too. Download: simplehtml.lzx - 32 kB

There is a quickfix for Amster available that fixes a little bug in the localization system. Amster is a client for the well known napster. Download: Amster-main.lha - 199 kB

IcoDT - CondenseIcon - ilbmdtPPC
Stephan Rupprecht released updates for the following programs:

[News message: 02. Apr. 2001, 13:21] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Muench on ANF

AUG99: AmigaONE 1200
There are pictures of the AmigaONE 1200 Board by Eyetech available at the title link.

We did some notes to the pictures to show what will be available on-board.

[News message: 02. Apr. 2001, 12:42] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via E-Mail

Virus Help Denmark News
New VEPatchBrain for VirusExecutor:

Name: VEPatchBrain v1.27
Archive name: VEPatchBrain.lha
Archive size: 16.410 Bytes
Programmer: Jan Erik Olausen
Release date: 31. März 2001

Virus Help Denmark started a survey that asks you if you would pay a shareware fee for anti-virus programs. The poll is available at the polls-link.

[News message: 02. Apr. 2001, 11:10] [Comments: 0]
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Pawel Filipczak on ANF

TaskiSMS Update
Version 2.52 of TaskiSMS were released. TaskiSMS lets you send short messages into 112 countries.

News in this release:
  • fixed bug in editor window that caused problems with ghosted buttons when correct number was entered
  • fixed bug in editor window that causes program crashes
  • new plugin ICQ for all countries (in unregistered version length of SMS is limited to 60 chars for that plugin)
  • removed plugin for Czech Republic & Slovakia (D1cz)
  • added new country - Moldova
  • added about 450 networks/operators to the support list
  • added plugin display priority list (check settings window)

The demo version is available at TaskiSMS Homepage or at the aminet AmiNet.

[News message: 02. Apr. 2001, 10:39] [Comments: 0]
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Eyetech AmigaONE ML / Jorge Pino on ANF

FAQ by Fleecy
The following link offers you a complete lists of all questions that were made and the answers of Fleecy. FAQ

Thes faq-list was compiled by James Bridge.

[News message: 02. Apr. 2001, 03:40] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Nerding via E-Mail

Gateway Show Amiga 2001 - Report by Markus Nerding
Markus Nerding promised us to send us a live report from the fair if he had the opportunity. He kept his promise and sent us the following report:

As during the previous years, the hosts of the the fair, Bob and Diana Sharp have created a magnificent ambient for the biggest of the US fairs.

In the celebration hall of the Sharaton hotel, all the famous retailers, manufacturers and Amiga User Groups were present. There are not too many news from this side, so everybody was waiting eagerly for the announcements Amiga Inc. had planned to make at the banquet on Saturday evening.

However there were some things to see, and most of all different softwares and hardwares to buy. One novelty was the presentation of the VarIO-Borad by Jens Schönfeld - a multi-IO-card with serial, parallel and PS/2 Port. Grasshopper showed version 4.0.9 of PageStream which is available since last week. At Mr.Hardware there was a PC expansion card that allows full access for the Amiga. The by far biggest stand was owned by Merlancia Industries who had planed to present a PPC-board, but there must have been some obstacle to this. Not present, for the first time in years, was BoXer who had formerly always been praised by AntiGravity, but who had even failed to present a prototype the previous years.

At noon on Saturday, Petro invited all Amiga-fans for a pizza. The hotel brought so many Pizza Hut boxes that even hours after that there were still some available. In addition to this, beer was free too: Budweiser and Bud Lite - it is weird that I must think only now about the fact that Dave Haynie was present too. As well as Joe Torre who entertained us once again with uncountable stories. I think he is almost a better entertainer than a hardware developer ;-)

Like the previous years, there were a lot of interesting seminars. Gary Peake and Rudi Chiarito talked about the subject "Where we are today" and showed the actual status of the AmigaDE-Developer System. Further seminars talked about ImageFX, PageStream, hardware design, Amiga Forever and some different subjects. We held a seminar about StormC and of course AmigaOS 3.9, where there were of course many questions asked about the future.

Saturday night - Petro's Farewell-banquet - first plank: "Petro's Roast". Here people were allowed balance their accounts with Petro and some speakers really invested themselves in this ;-) A very funny matter which ended with many presents give to and by Petro. Petro himself the summarized once again the history of Commodore/Amiga - of course, after 20 years he had a lot to tell. He emphasised however that he will not be definitively gone and that he will attend to one or the other event.

Then it was Bill McEwen's turn. By now it was late but he once more was able to wake up the people. The AmigaONE by Eyetech, AmigaOS 4.0 and the use of AmigaDE on the new Zaurus PDAs from Sharp were announced. These were of course the subject Amiga users had been waiting for.

The CEO of Eyetech, Allan Redhouse, could already show a fully featured card of the AmigaONE, which however still had some electric defect. However first developer boards should be ready soon and the shipping to the customers will start end of June (2001 of course ;-)).

Matched to this was the announcement of AMigaOS 4.0 which will now at last bring the long awaited PPC version of the AmigaOS. The port will be done by Amiga Inc. in association with Haage&Partner and other developers. Details about this will follow soon, however the project is on its way and a high priority to Amiga Inc.

The next climax was Bill's presentation of the Zaurus, the new PDA from Sharp, on which ran the famous Boing-Ball-Demo of the AmigaDE. There is a deal with Sharp so in short, it will run on billions of devices. Bill also talked about Psion, who want to use AmigaDE on the laptop-similar Netbook and also about the possibility to use it on any Windows-CE device. All in all an interesting view of the big distribution of the AmigaDE, which will be done in parallel with the AmigaOS 4.0 development and which should merge later on.

To sum up, one can say about the fair that there have been for once really interesting news whose repercussions could be fundamental. Obviously, Amiga Inc. is concentrating more on its roots and kernel, which they own, the AmigaOS. All this is looking good, however now it will show in which time these things will become reality for the developers and users. We are very curious about it...

We thank Markus Nerding very heartily for this detailed insight and wish a nice Sunday to all of the visitors.

[News message: 01. Apr. 2001, 19:42] [Comments: 0]
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Stéphane Campan via E-Mail

Amiga Impact: Special Edition
Our French co-site Amiga Impact are currently rebuilding their website completely. On occasion of the Amiga 2001 Show in St. Louis you can find a french-speaking special about the show under the title link.

[News message: 01. Apr. 2001, 18:18] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Baute

Audio Records by Martin Baute
Martin Baute has send us 2 audio records from the St. Louis-Show, which we gladly make available for download.

St_Louis.mp3 - 4,5 MB
010401_IRClog.txt - 118 kB

The St. Louis mp3-record has been recorded during the query and answer hour with Bill McEwen this morning between 8:00 and 9:40 o'clock.

The IRC-log was logged during the IRC query and answer hour with Bill McEwen on #developer. The log is completely raw and not complete, since Martin wasn't present from the beginning.

[News message: 01. Apr. 2001, 17:53] [Comments: 0]
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Reader on ANF

Fleecy Explains the Current Plans of AmigaInc
Under the title link you can find a posting by Fleecy Moss, which he posted on the AmigaONE mailing list. In the message, Fleecy explains in detail the plans of Amiga Inc. and answers some questions.

[News message: 01. Apr. 2001, 16:15] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

individual Computers Produces C-64 hardware
In association with members of the C-64 scene a clone of the popular Action Replay has been developed. The new edition has a 128K Flash Rom instead of the 32K Eprom and a 32K Ram instead of a 8K Ram. This makes it possible to use the known Rom versions of the Action Replay as well as the Roms of the SuperSnapshot and the Nordic Power.

The Freeze-Logic has been significantly improved. A and an accurate control of the main CPU increase the security while freezing the system.
The new Cartridges will be available from June 2001.

[News message: 01. Apr. 2001, 16:08] [Comments: 0]
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"Classic" Amiga OS 4.x PPC will come!
Harv Laser, the maintainer of AmigaZone draws an overview of the announcements made on the Amiga 2001, in his posting at comp.sys.amiga.misc and confirms that the Classic Amiga OS PPC will definitively come. Amiga OS 4.x and 5.0 will follow.

Petro celebrated his leaving with a banquet and freely gave autographs.

Alan Redhouse has shown his board on which the new AMiga-PPC-OS will run.

Of course the Sharp announcement is also mentioned.

Read the original message under the title link.

[News message: 01. Apr. 2001, 08:17] [Comments: 0]
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Quantum Leap on ANF

Amiga Inc. Reveals Partner
Quantum Leap - the italian e-zine oriented toward new technologies - was officially authorised by Amiga Inc. to publish information about their new partnerships.

The present announcement will be published at 10.00pm (PST) on our website at Quantum Leap.

Quantum Leap has released three pictures of a Sharp-Handheld (PDA) with AmigaDE.

[News message: 01. Apr. 2001, 07:09] [Comments: 0]
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No Risc No Fun

New PPC OS with AMIGA- and Windows Support
On our page there are first pictures of our new project AmiWin (working name), a PPC OS which can run AmigaOS as well as Windows Software. The current version runs on Macintosh hardware and there is a screenshot on the page.

In our Workbench-Gallery there are 2 new WB-Shots.

Apparently the big domain-dying is on, since our site can't be reached either. I hope that this condition will resolve soon. Otherwise you can always reach us under

[News message: 01. Apr. 2001, 06:31] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Wuergler on ANF

Payback Review
The most comprehensive Payback review anywhere is now on There have been other reviews, but none as in-depth as this one.

[News message: 01. Apr. 2001, 04:49] [Comments: 0]
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St. Louis Images by has a collection of pictures of the Gateway Computer Show taking place in St. Louis put into the WWW.

There are also pictures by Christophe Decanini of ANN online.

[News message: 31. Mar. 2001, 23:07] [Comments: 0]
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Boing Bag #1 for OS 3.9
Just in time for the Gateway Computer Show Amiga 2001 Amiga Inc. and Haage&Partner make the new Boing Bag #1 for Amiga OS 3.9 available for free download.

The most important innovation is surely AsyncWB that allows simultaneous copying and deleting on the Workbench. Next to many improvements GenesisPrefs, HDToolBox, AMPlifier, ViNCEd, WBRun, UnArc, RAWBInfo and BenchTrash have been revised. Further details can be taken from the readmes.

Download: BoingBag39-1.lha - ca. 5 MB
- BoingBag-1.readme -

As there had been no further news from St. Louis besides this I have taken the time and installed the new Boing Bag and naturally immediately tested it.

ASyncWB, allowing you to copy and delete with the Workbench at the same time, works terrific. This is especially good when copying or deleting big directories.

It's brilliant that you can now give search paths for Find via drag'n drop. So you don't have to search through a whole device but can reduce the search to single directories. Very practical.

Also very good is the new function in RAWBInfo. When you press the Shift key in the program information and double click on a tooltype, it gets toggled (activated becomes inactive and vice versa).

When you view text files with Multiview it's now possible to search the text for terms using the new "navigation menu". The function was indeed already there but only accessible via keyboard input.

The WBClock has got many beautiful designs in the Presets to choose from. Some of them I do really like very much.

That's all for the moment as I couldn't test more for now. Everybody who like to may write about further useful "discoveries" in the comments :-).

[News message: 31. Mar. 2001, 21:36] [Comments: 0]
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Diverse Sources

Software News
On the website of AROS you can find a status update in which the willing reader finds answers to the question which parts have already been ported. Right now 138 registered developers are busy with AROS and have already completed 75% of the original AmigaOS. The source codes cover 55 MB including all changes. Further 38,5 MB can already be filled with ported software and there are some MB with several screenshots.

Pagestream V4.0.9
At Grasshopper LLC (formerly Softlogik) has Pagestream version 4.0.9 for Amiga, Macintosh and Windows been released. The new versions are ready for download for registered users in the password secured area. Pagestream is a Desktop Publishing Program (DTP) that is used to design publications of any kind.

Bochs for MorphOS
Nicholai Benalal has released Bochs 2000_0329b for MorphOS. Bochs is an emulator for x86 hardware.

[News message: 31. Mar. 2001, 20:08] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Martens on ANF

SecondSpin v2.16 beta
A new version of SecondSpin has been released. SecondSpin is a tool to convert audio CDs to MPEG audio 1, 2 or 3. Additionally further formats like AIFF and WAV are supported. For MPEG encoding is a modified version of LAME V3.87+ needed.

The v2.16 beta solves the problem that SecondSpin had difficulties reading the CD information from But beware, on the homepage there is written that the latest version is the 2.15 beta. This is not correct. Just ignore it and download. You'll get the latest version ;-).

v2.16 - Changed OS recognition code. It may have failed under some VERY, VERY rare circumstances. Changed the support to! This should fix the CDDB problems! (12/Mar/2001)

Download: SecondSpin_Install.lha - Readme

[News message: 31. Mar. 2001, 20:06] [Comments: 0]
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St. Louis Special
Because of the Gateway Computer Show in St. Louis we have set up a special page on which we summarize all information we find on the WWW. As soon as new reports or images are available the page gets updated. For the lasting of the show there's a link in the title area pointing to the special page.

In case you find further information on the net, images or reports regarding the show not contained in the list, please send a short mail with URL to

[News message: 31. Mar. 2001, 18:37] [Comments: 0]
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Juergen Theiner on ANF

And the Winner is... Play!Amiga Comparing Review
There's a big review at Play!Amiga comparing Napalm, Earth and Exodus. Read who gets the best rating. Besides you get the chance to vote for the charts; would be nice if you'd use it.

[News message: 31. Mar. 2001, 16:45] [Comments: 0]
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Håkan Parting on ANF

AmiComSys Looking For a New Server
Håkan Parting, the author of AmiComSys, is looking for a new server for his Amiga buddy and chat program. The program works similar to the known ICQ but exists only for Amiga computers for now. Up to now around 200 people use this program.

Wanted is an Amiga online 24h, so it could work as a server. Everybody who could help may write to

Here's the original message:
AmiComSys is a shareware program to find Amiga buddies on the Internet, chat and send files.

It's rather similar to the famous ICQ but currently only for Amiga. AmiComSys was born April 1997. My plan is to release version 2.0 of this software this year.

The reason for writing is that I need a new full time server, because the current server at isn't up anymore.

The server software AmiComSys connects to is named AMarqueed, which is a part of the AMarquee-package. You may find information about it at the following URL:

AmiComSys have about 200 users, of about at this time ten is online at the same time. This means that the server won't need very much bandwidth.

So if you have an Amiga that is connected to the Internet 24 hours a day, I would very much appreciate if you could let me use it for the server.

The AmiComSys home page is located at

Please contact me at the email address mentioned below for more information.

Best regards,

Håkan Parting, author of AmiComSys, AMarquee, JAMarquee, VersionWB and GlossTask.

[News message: 31. Mar. 2001, 16:39] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp on ANF

New Review on the GFX -GAMES-DATABASE
You can find a review of the WB game WBSteroids following the title link. Besides, the 'About' page has been reworked, games add-ons have entered the database and much more has taken place.

[News message: 31. Mar. 2001, 04:36] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Falke on ANF

New EZP@gerNG Versions
The latest unregistered version 1.4 of EZP@gerNG is available in the download area for free, from today.

There all registered EZP@gerNG users will also find an update archive with which you can update your registered software from version 1.3 to version 1.4.

With the EZP@gerNG, you can reliably send messages to mobile phones and pagers without annoying ads. Sending e-mail through the internet is also supported.

[News message: 30. Mar. 2001, 19:29] [Comments: 0]
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A.C.T. presenting Plans for Multimedia Network Machine
The AV-NetNode will be an embedded system with a real-time OS which can play besides DVD, VCD, etc. also MP3 from both CD and network from (any!) server platforms.

Also, the system offers MPEG-2 real-time recording (hardware-based), planned are VCD and DVD authoring tools. MIDI, audio and video editing are planned as well as online games, internet access, etc.

First de¿veloper machines are supposed to appear late autumn 2001, but as the entire software will be available as a desktop system, too, developers could probably make acquaintance with the system before.

[News message: 30. Mar. 2001, 19:27] [Comments: 0]
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John Chandler Article: Amiga Handhelds
John Chandler monthly writes articles about Amiga at This time, he wrote about the Amiga Handhelds which have been much-discussed last month. Read the entire article at the title link.

[News message: 30. Mar. 2001, 17:36] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp on ANF

Again new SendStuff Version
At the title link, you can find the new version 0.4 of SendStuff. SendStuff is a program with which you can send files simply by drag'n'drop to any directory or device (either copy or move).

The most important new features:
  • Some bugfixes (e.g. Multiview problem with the online help)
  • Move mode (you can now move files)
  • Cycle gadget to switch between copy and move modes.

[News message: 30. Mar. 2001, 15:26] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

Heise: Corel makes Profit Despite Low Sales
»Even if only barely, the software company Corel would make some profit in the first quarter. Despite strongly decreasing sales, the graphics software specialist could reach a profit of 534,000 USD, or one cent per share. In view of being deep in the red in the business year 2000 and the last quarters, Corel is of course happy, since with the presentation of the year's results, getting into the black was announced for the third quarter 2001.«
Entire article (German) at the title link.

More news on the topic:
The Register: Corel's profit, sales predictions hit

[News message: 30. Mar. 2001, 15:23] [Comments: 0]
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Darek Dulian on ANF

Elbox: Does SharkPPC G3/G4 work only in G-Rex Busboard?
Elbox was frequently asked whether their SharkPPC G3/G4 board works with the G-REX busboard by DCE. In the mail you can find at the title link, Darek Dulian of Elbox explains, why it does not work and cannot work.

Since I doubt that and I am no technician and cannot judge whether the claims of Elbox are correct, I have contacted Thomas Dellert from DCE and asked him for a statement. He cannot and won't leave Elbox's claims as they are and will send us a counterstatement in the next days.

Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 23:58:28 +0200
Subject: [Fwd: [Amiga-Mediator] Watch out: Insider's comments on G-Rex]

I am sending you a message delivered today to the Mediator news-list.
You may find it interesting.

Darek Dulian

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Amiga-Mediator] Watch out: Insider's comments on G-Rex
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 23:00:40 +0200
Organization: ELBOX COMPUTER


We have received a number of inquiries about whether the
SharkPPC G3/G4 card could be used in the G-REX busboard.

Here is the response to clear up these doubts:

The SharkPPC G3/G4 card is a PCI-standard card which
meets all the requirements of the PCI 2.2 specification.
We are using PCI CPC710 bridge chips by IBM
in SharkPPC cards.

Designing the Mediator busboard, we have foreseen mechanisms
to enable full use of the functions offered by the MPC710
interface, which operates as the Mediator PCI  busarbiter.
This required, firstly, implementing the full system for
busmastering management in the PCI slots of Mediator
and the full implementation of interruption system specified
by the PCI standard.

The G-REX busboard design (called PREDATOR in some countries)
has been made available for some weeks now.
The G-REX design is based on the single-slot simplified bridge
designed only with the aim of supporting a graphic card;
this bridge was previously composed within the BVision card.
Applying this bridge in the G-REX busboard resulted in a number
of limitations. The most important of them are:

1. Complete lack of support for the busmastering (DMA)
   between PCI slots (the lines controlling busmastering -
   GNT#, REQ# are not physically connected to the 2nd, 3rd,
   4th and 5th G-REX slot).

   This makes the operation of PCI cards impossible, which
   cannot use their mutual resources without overloading the
   processor.  Therefore, the G-REX busboard is not capable
   of offering what Elbox presented in the WOA2000 fair, where
   a TV card in the PCI slot was writing as busmaster data to
   Voodoo3 graphic card at full speed without intermediation
   of the processor.

2. Lack of a parity control system (the PAR parity line
   is not physically connected to the control logics of the

   It means that many standard popular PCI cards will not run
   in this busboard.

3. Reduction of the interruption system from 4 to 1
   - the interruption lines (INTB#, INTC#, INTD#) are not
   physically connected to PCI slots.

The processor card could be then installed only in the 1st
slot, the one to which GNT and REQ signals are connected
(which enable taking over controlling address/data buses).

However, as the G-REX busboard does not support (DMA)
busmastering between slots, co-operation of the PCI processor
cards with any cards working in this mode is impossible.
All the currently produced TV, USB, FastEthernet and more
advanced music cards (e.g. Sound Blaster Live) work solely
in the busmastering mode.

These limitations in G-REX make installation of any advanced
processor cards in it useless and ineffective.

I am really embarrassed to read letters from people who
-- having no idea about hardware -- give their opinions on
various products or designs.
Elbox is a company present in the electronics for many years.
Elbox employs high-standard engineers electronicians
and programmers.

We are not in the habit of commenting devices or software,
but here we make an exception, as the level of misinformation
in the ML like this one reached its critical level.

Best regards,
Darek Dulian
ELBOX COMPUTER, Support Department

For info, links, joining and unsubbing from this group see:
Please do not request the latest driver updates... ask elbox

[News message: 30. Mar. 2001, 12:00] [Comments: 0]
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David Gerber via E-Mail

New Software for MorphOS: Voyager-PPC 3.3.92beta
David Gerber, one of the programmers of Voyager, has ported the popular browser to MorphOS and released a first beta version (3.3.92). This is the original message:

The first version of Voyager PPC native is available from any VaporWare mirror near you. There's a snippet from the readme file:

This is the first version of Voyager running on PPC native. It is still a public beta version but doesn't require a keyfile to run in demo mode. Everyone can appreciate the speed gain.

MorphOS 0.4 or higher required. You can download MorphOS from

You *must* install the PPC image decoder version coming in the archive and make sure the old one isn't left in memory (if in doubt, reboot). It's still backward compatible with the V 68k version.

You need the Plugins/ dir of the V3.2 full version to make this version run. Copy the included plugins over any of the old ones.

Differences with the 68k version:
- it's much faster :)
- SSL is currently disabled
- JS is currently disabled

They will be added in a later version.

Important: due to some last minute bugs, Voyager-PPC seems to require MUI 3.9 to run. You have to install MUIPPC (available from the MorphOS fileslinks section).

[News message: 30. Mar. 2001, 09:50] [Comments: 0]
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Mikael Persson via E-Mail

The Coolest Amiga on Earth II
Yesterday, we presented in the article The coolest Amiga on Earth! Mikael Persson's Amiga. Some people doubted about the authenty of the pictures. We contacted Mikael and he sent us three more pictures proving that his Amiga, built into a table, really exists.

The pictures were also put on Aminet, more details can be found in the readme files.


[News message: 30. Mar. 2001, 09:30] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga-OPEN-ML / Jorge Pino on ANF

Internet-Relay-Chat (IRC) during the Gateway Computer Show in St. Louis
Amiga Inc. invites to a chat during the Gateway Computer Show in St. Louis. Gary Peake and/or Fleecy Moss will dispel rumors and answer to questions on announcements which are made during the show. Here the original message:

Greetings Amiga users around the world,

Amiga Inc. would like to extend an invitation for you to join us on Internet Relay Chat before, during and after the Gateway Computer Show Amiga 2001 in St. Louis.

Amiga supporters, employees and developers and those with interest in Amiga Inc. are welcome.

Amiga notaries are destined to drop in for chat and it is very likely, as time permits, that Gary Peake and/or Fleecy Moss will be joining to address questions and dispel rumors that may be lingering after announcements made at the show.

To join other Amiga users, point your IRC client at any of the following servers and join the channel #developer.

AmigaNet Servers:

Join channel: #developer

We'll see you all there!

Amiga Support Network

[News message: 30. Mar. 2001, 09:28] [Comments: 0]
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Elbox via E-Mail

ELBOX Computer: New Software for Mediator PCI Busboard
ELBOX COMPUTER - Krakow, 29 March 2001

  • pci.library ver.3.0
  • Voodoo.card ver.2.0
  • MediatorNET.device ver.2.0

ELBOX Computer programmers have been committed to preparing this new revolutionary software for the last couple of months.

Enhancements made in the programming stage offer the user performance that has never been available for Amiga users before.

The new pci.library ver.3.0 enables access to the Config Space, I/O Space and Memory Space in PCI cards directly in the address space of the turbo card processor. Access to the PCI Memory Space is executed through the continuous 1.7 GB area.

The new PCI library supports all the turbo cards with processors: 68030, 68040 (& PPC603e), 68060 (& PPC603e).

The new Voodoo.card driver ver.2.0 enables full control over the memory of the graphic card used as a frame buffer by the P96 system.

This allows using the maximum resolutions offered by the Voodoo3/4/5 cards.

And now something special: the new Voodoo driver offers the possibility of overclocking memory in Voodoo cards for the first time in Amiga.

We are sure this new piece of software will make your work and enjoyment much more effective and playful.

Mariusz Wloczysiak
ELBOX COMPUTER, Press Department

PS. You may want to check the unofficial e-group on MEDIATOR:
For subscribe mailto

[News message: 30. Mar. 2001, 00:35] [Comments: 0]
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Dennis Lohr via E-Mail

New Song by Psyria
Psyria is a music project which produces songs exclusively with the AMIGA. After about seven weeks, the Psyria homepage was updated.

Dennis Lohr wrote:
»First of all, a new song (MP3) is available for download in top quality. The song "Sleppy Miriam" was transformed by request of the original composer "Techno Overdose" into a club mix. The original song is available at Techno Overdose.

Further, I am negotiating with my "old" record company again. Soon, there will be a new contract. The release of the first record was (if all goes well) aimed for summer 2001 on "Masonic Records distributed by Virgin Europe". (Keep your fingers crossed :-))

Also, I'd like to remind of the other songs which are available for download, as well as the forum and guestbook. Everybody can post his comments on the songs, the homepage and anything else there.«

[News message: 30. Mar. 2001, 00:13] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet CD 42 - 04/2001
Aminet CD 42 - April 2001 - contains over 800 MB (unpacked) of software in more than 900 archives. Since Aminet CD 41 numerous MBs of innovations have been added.

As special highlight Aminet 42 contains the full version of SuperView Productivity Suite by Andreas R. Kleinert with cheap opportunity to upgrade to SuperView Productivity Suite II.

[News message: 29. Mar. 2001, 23:54] [Comments: 0]
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Pawel Filipczak on ANF

New TaskiSMS
Pawel 'Paplo/Taski' Filipczak, Taski has published version 3.51 of his program TaskiSMS. Using this program short messages (SMS) can be sent cia cell phone to 112 countries.
  • Some bugs in the main program fixed.
  • New Plug-in for Switzerland (DiAx).
  • New Plug-in for the Czech Republic and Slovakia (D1cz)
  • More send information.
  • Updated Polish translation (others to follow, soon)

You can download the demo version from the TaskiSMS website or from AmiNet.

[News message: 29. Mar. 2001, 22:50] [Comments: 0]
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Bernd on ANF

Fireball under Additional Address
Additionally to we are now also reachable under

[News message: 29. Mar. 2001, 22:43] [Comments: 0]
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Dynamite Team on ANF

Dynamite Update 1.1- Download Now!
Today a new version of the online game dynAMIte has been published which of course is better, more colourful, and louder. Some bugs were fixed, a new bonus and a new chat command (/msg) were added. One new feature e.g. is the "Afterburner" which lets the flames last a bit longer.

For the time being Pulpfiction is the first server this new version runs on. And the rest (especially the mostly fastest server, RNO) hopefully would not take too long to 'wake up'.

Download: dynAMIte.lha - 2,2 MB

[News message: 29. Mar. 2001, 22:40] [Comments: 0]
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Virus Help Denmark

VirusExecutor V2.09 Released
Version 2.09 of the anti virus program 'VirusExecutor' has been released.
Here are the details:

Name: VirusExecutor v2.09
Archive name: VirusExecutor.lha
Archive size: 258.021 Bytes
Release date: 29. März 2001
Programmer: Jan Erik Olausen
Recommends: xvs.library (included), xfdmaster.library, reqtools.library

New in Version 2.09:
- OS 3.9 ROM-Updates added.
- SystemPatch added.

[News message: 29. Mar. 2001, 19:45] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
LocalePL_OS39.lha    biz/dbase   79K+Polish locale for OS3.9 ver 1.5
tummy_020.lha        biz/dbase  887K+The Ultimate Magic Yard V1.05
tummy_040.lha        biz/dbase  888K+The Ultimate Magic Yard V1.05
tummy_060.lha        biz/dbase  887K+The Ultimate Magic Yard V1.05
NickServAuth.lha     comm/irc     1K+NickServ identify AmIRC script
UidlRem.lha          comm/mail    4K+Automatic daily YAM .uidl file deleter :
TaskiSMS.lha         comm/tcp   343K+Sends SMS to GSM phones (MUI).
Puchdemo.lha         demo/slide 1.4M+Really stupid slideshow demo. Swedish.
muimaster020.lha     dev/mui     98K+Muimaster.library 020 patch
TextEditorExam.lha   dev/src     11K+ReAction texteditor.gadget example
charlemagne.lha      docs/anno  744K+New C64 CD to release!
AIOV45.lha           docs/mags  437K+Amiga Information Online, Issue 45 (Marc
AquaDemo.lha         game/demo  2.6M+Demo of Aqua a great new commercial adve
FlashNG.lha          game/misc   74K+Small GPL Arkanoid clone with RTG suppor
angband.lha          game/role  726K+Angband 2.9.2 - Roguelike solo RPG
kangband.lha         game/role  842K+Kangband 2.9.2 - Roguelike solo RPG
MagicNumbers10.lha   game/think  33K+A small but good mind game
SvIVFix917.lha       gfx/misc     5K+*Fix* for SViewIV V9.17 (24.3.2001)
imdbDiff010316.lha   misc/imdb  2.0M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
listchopper.lha      misc/imdb   11K+Prevent buffer overflow in MovieMUI 3.5a
ThatsWhat.lha        mods/s3m   239K+That's what friends are for
TIM_0040.lha         pix/3dani  1.3M+TIM's rendered animations (Cinema4D)
GameIcons.lha        pix/gicon  490K+Great GlowIcons for MANY Amiga games.
fomst28.jpg          pix/henz   309K+NCC-1701D (Star Trek)
fomst29.jpg          pix/henz   280K+Romulan Warbird (Star Trek)
Hipsamtab1.jpg       pix/misc    57K+A picture of the best Amiga on earth! (r
Hipsamtab2.jpg       pix/misc    53K+A picture of the best Amiga on earth! (r
Hipsamtab3.jpg       pix/misc    51K+A picture of the best Amiga on earth! (r
Cruiser.jpg          pix/trace   54K+D7 Klingon Cruiser
StationK7.jpg        pix/trace   62K+Classik Series Star Trek"The K7 Station"
theworld.jpg         pix/views  100K+Poem with background pic
guideml2.lha         text/hyper  51K+Cool AmigaGuide -> HTML converter (V2.1)
AutomaticRead.lha    text/misc   40K+An Automatic Reader that speaks your tex
CGXrndLIB.lha        util/boot  1.6M+Random Bootpic.library Selector
titleshadow.lha      util/boot   20K+Add shadows or outines to your window ti
WoW.lha              util/conv   40K+Text converter (Html, Ww6, Rtf, AGuide, 
akJFIF-dt.lha        util/dtype 215K+AkJFIF-dt V44.97 (JPEG, 68000-060, PPC/M
akPNG-dt.lha         util/dtype 230K+AkPNG-dt V44.97 (PNG, 68000-060, PPC/MOS
akPNG-PPC.lha        util/dtype  79K+AkPNG-dt PPC plugin V44.97
akTIFF-dt.lha        util/dtype 226K+AkTIFF-dt V44.97 (TIFF, 68000-060, PPC/M
WarpPSDdt.lha        util/dtype  44K+Adobe Photoshop  datatype V44.1 (68k,War
ArgueGUIColl.lha     util/misc   53K+Argue GUI for SoftCinema, Moovid, Visage
ReqAttack_mgr.lha    util/misc    5K+RAPrefsMUI hungarian catalog

[News message: 29. Mar. 2001, 15:36] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Steiding via E-Mail

"Knights and Merchants" to be Ported to MAC
e.p.i.c. interactive entertainment porting "Knights and Merchants"

e.p.i.c. interactive entertainment GmbH has signed an license agreement to port the real time strategy game "Knights and Merchants" to MAC.

The world "Knights and Merchants" plays in is a counterpart to the medieval age. Expect for the imaginary geography of our world all of the game contents were take from the European and especially from the Anglo-Saxo medieval times around 1200 u.C.. There are no additional fantastic elements as like e.g tale creatures used. The player takes the role of a simple captain serving the kings commands. Due to a confederacy against the king and his empire the captain (the player) gets assigned the job to defend the royal provinces remaining. Expect for this land the kingdom has fallen apart to many small principalities and counties. After disposal of the ancient empire was lost the king himself in his capital city gets threatened by hostile forces. This is the starting situation the player faces at the beginning of the game. The players task is to reconquer all of the provinces which have belonged to the ancient empire.

The game "Knights and Merchants" can be taken for a strategical economy simulation. Cardinally the economic part represents the main element of this game running in real-time. With numerous medieval buildings in combination with then customary producer goods can manufacture several wares. He lets build and maintain buildings and streets by his 'bondslaves'. The economic structures are simulated in detail whereby each ware is produced using several raw materials and passes the respectively number of manufacturing sites. All of those manufacturing systems are visualized in detail and comprehensible enabling the player to fast and reliable control economy. The result of all productive activities is the manufacture of weapons and armaments. Mentionable in this are the logistics the player prearranges by the structure of transport rout (streets). All of the wares must be transported between the houses by assistants which marks down planning of the town, production times, and buildings, thus the efficiency of economy. Also in this the player gets the transported wares graphically displayed. All game figures have their specific operational area and do their work independently. The do not depend on any control by the player. The players opportunities are limited to indirect commands for creating buildings, streets, corn fields, etc.. Only the military units can be directly commanded by the player.

More information about "Knights and Merchants" are to find at the projects section of our homepage:

Consulting Thomas Steiding via telephone arose that there is no version for Amiga planned for the time being, because apparently there is not enough demand.

Well, this game sounds quite interesting. Maybe we are able to assure Thomas Steiding of the antipode. ;-)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2001, 14:42] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp via E-Mail

NARR-Site Update
Again there are three new downloads on the Narr-Site:

SendStuff v.0.3Beta - a program to send files to other directories or devices by drag'n'drop.

MagicSets - 3 nice 256-colour sets for the newly released WB game 'MagicNumbers'.

CoolsOS - 3 backdrops for the Workbench (very stylish and good matching for high-resolutions).

Moreover the is a new status update, again.

[News message: 29. Mar. 2001, 14:23] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Rupp on ANF

Update: TAWS v0.7 is Online
A new version of TAWS - the Amiga Workbench simulation - is now online. TAWS is a pure JavaScript simulation of the Amiga Workbench for Win32 Internet Explorer 5.x, just for fun and of course in dedication for the Amiga. ;-)
Innovations are:
  • Real Amiga-Menue
  • Implementation of the menue commands «Open», «Close» and «Close Workbench ...»
  • Preferences program for user settings which even can be saved (pay regard to the simulated BOOPSI elements)
  • Background patterns for windows and Workbench
  • Configurable fonts, font size and colours
  • OS3.5 Icon-Dragging-Patch (for dragging several icons without SHIFT key)
  • SolidWindows-Patch (no fram while dragging or enlarging windows, but those will be redrawn immediately)
  • PowerWindows-Patch (window parts can be placed out of the visible area)
  • ClickToFront-Patch now can be disabled, too
  • Transparency while dragging icons (configurable, too)

Feedback is always welcomed, as well as your favourite patterns which I think about to implement into TAWS, then.

[News message: 29. Mar. 2001, 11:26] [Comments: 0]
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The Coolest Amiga on Earth!
Among yesterday's Aminet uploads AmigArt has found three pictures by Mikael Persson from Sweden showing his super-cool Amiga built into an "Amiga" table (Aminet-Readme):

Our Danish translator Viggo has done a raw translation of the readme text:

What do you think about my new Amiga? Cool, eh? I started to work on it right after Christmas, so it took more than four month to finish this thing. Are my grandfather and I just slow, are we?

The frame contains of aluminium rods with two hardened 6 mm glass plates put in between. The drawing was done by print office. Inside of the table there are two strong and above all silent fans for cooling the system. There are also four fluorescent tubes of 18 watts each - this can make the thing warm.

On the forefront you can see the floppy drive next to the CD-ROM drive and the on/off switch (on the left). The other switches are to control a "lightning control station" with which I can let the light inside of the table blink in different colours (note: like in a disco). On the backside of the table (not visible on the picture) there are infrared units and all of the Amiga ports (note: serial, parallel, etc). Inside of table there is an Amiga 4000 which was completely reconstructed. Please, pay attention to the wireless keyboard and mouse on the table.... and the best of all... the TFT flatscreen, which even works with my Amiga.

This was a brief description. If you would like to get more information just write to me! Of course I have got many pictures of my Amiga's reconstruction.

I also do other things. As soon as I can get a little help I will build a new Amiga table which even will be lifted to the ceiling after use.

Regards, Mikael Persson
(Englisch translation by mj)

[News message: 29. Mar. 2001, 02:18] [Comments: 0]
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Grzegorz Juraszek via E-Mail

New PCI-Board "Prometheus"
Announcement - Warsaw, March 29, 2001

We are pleased to introduce you to our latest product - "Prometheus" card for Amiga.

It is the most advanced PCI bridge adapter available for Amiga computers equipped with Zorro III expansion slots. With "Prometheus", a world of cheap, standard PCI cards opens before you! Some features of the product:
  • Works with any Zorro III equipped Amiga, regardless of the turbo/processor card installed in the system,
  • Four 32-bit PCI slots clocked with 33 MHz,
  • Fits any tower case, also works with desktop A3000/4000s when open,
  • Works with other Zorro III cards, supports AutoConfig (TM),
  • Real transfer rates between Amiga and PCI cards - up to 12 MB/s,
  • Real transfer rates between PCI cards - up to 120 MB/s,
  • Additional on-board connector for the power supply,
  • Professionally designed four-layer printed-circuitboard with gold-galvanized contacts - complies the PCI standard specifications.

Together with the "Prometheus" card we bundle a CD-ROM with:
  • Drivers for the Voodoo3 graphics card, developed in close co-operation with Hyperion and the authors of Picasso96. 2D drivers work under the P96 system, 3D functions are available through Warp3D,
  • Drivers for a sound card and a network card,
  • A completely FREE software development kit for programmers. There is no need to sign NDA and no additional fees - we want to make "Prometheus" the most open PCI bridge solution as far as the drivers development goes,
  • Demo versions of the games that use the 3D functions of Voodoo3: Heretic 2, Shogo.

The "Prometheus" package also contains multi-lingual reference manual (also in English), holders for the bridge and PCI cards and the extension cord for a graphics card.

Prometheus - no promises, just solutions.

Our webpage:
For information about Prometheus in English, contact Grzegorz Juraszek:
e-mail: or cel. phone: +48 609 394778 (from 10 am to 6 pm).

[News message: 29. Mar. 2001, 01:43] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via E-Mail

Virus Help Denmark created Support Shop
Virus Help Denmark, the Virus experts from the upper north, have created their own support shop with merchandising articles like T-shirts, sweatshirts, coffee cups, and mouse pads with the Virus Help Denmark logo at

The profit of 2USD for each unit sold will benefit the anti virus programmers (which are not only commercial programmers).

[News message: 29. Mar. 2001, 00:46] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn via E-Mail

Updater v1.3 for the The Best Of Airsoft Softwair Gold Edition CD-ROM
For the program updater, on the 'The Best Of Airsoft Softwair Gold Edition CD-ROM' enabling access to updates, a new version was released. With this new version it is no more necessary to type in the serial code each time, but it will be saved local. The program can be downloaded from the update section on the Airsoft Softwaire homepage (title link).

[News message: 29. Mar. 2001, 00:19] [Comments: 0]
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Diverse Sources

Software News
There is a new demo version of the recently published adventure game 'Aqua' by Emerald Imaging. The game is distributed by Crystal Interactive. Download: AquaDemo.lha

Tales of Tamar
There is a new Amiga client v0.34 for registered beta testers of Tales of Tamar which is a round game based on the Internet.
For the first time with version v0.34 it is possible to create armies on Tales of Tamar. You have to equip your armies on ToT with the help of bought or self produced weapons and arming. The damage of an army depends on the level of arming and the quality of the weapons as well as the class of the arming depends on the arming of an army.
There are over 50 several weapons such as a one-handed weapon, two-handed ones, crossbow or complex besieging weapons like catapult or trebuchet. There are also 15 different opportunities of equipping the army with arming.
You can only produce several weapons when gaining a certain level of research. Armies can be generated, renamed, increased, split, connected, deleted and trained.

MUI PPC for MorphOS
PPC MUI 3.9 Public Release 2 has been published for MorphOS. Please read the documentation before installing it! Download: MUI_Release2.lha - 969 kB

Amster V0.8a
Today version v0.8a of the Napster-client Amster has been published for Amiga computers. Amster is a client for exchanging MP3-files which supports features like chatting, search, download, announcement-lists and so on. Downlaod: Amster-main.lha - 199 kB and Amster-locale.lha - 352 kB

AutoPDF V1.2
With this small but very useful script by you can convert Ghostscript-files to PDF-files with your Amiga. Download: AutoPDF_Archive.lha

Stephan Rupprecht has published version 45.3 of his ilbm-PPC-datatype. Download: ilbmdtPPC.lha - 10 kB

[News message: 28. Mar. 2001, 17:06] [Comments: 0]
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AmigActive issue #19 Available from Today on
From today on issue #19 of the english print magazine 'AmigaActive' is available with the following topics:
  • Payback! - Smell the burning rubber...
  • Zoned! - Digital Art.
  • Powered Up! - The latest on MorphOS.
  • Netted! - The Eye-Surf.
  • Bitmap Bonus! - Paging Mr. Montgomery...

[News message: 28. Mar. 2001, 15:56] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Heise: Strato-Domains Offline Possibly Because of Attack
Since yesterday many websites which are hosted at Strato cannot be accessed any longer. Many Amiga-sites are also concerned.

Heise writes:
«An attack to the Strato-server cannot be excluded any longer - in contrary to the loss of current which Strato called to be the reason. The press spokesman Sören Heinze called the incident as a "abnormal shutdown of the memory unit" and told heise online that he accepts a report against unknown in the next time. KPNQwest technician said that an attack from outside is almost impossible. Heinze didn't want to exclusive any possibility as the reason for the offline.»
The full article under the title link.

[News message: 28. Mar. 2001, 15:45] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Classix 3
Next month there will be a new multi platform game collection CD called 'Amiga Classix 3' (Windows, MAC and Amiga) which contains many nice classical Amiga games distributed by E.p.i.c. Interactive Entertainment.

[News message: 28. Mar. 2001, 15:25] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp on ANF

GFX Games Database: Interview with Giles Burdett
On GFX-games-database there is an English spoken interview with Giles Burdett, the programmer of the WB-game called Connect4, where he speaks about his new and old projects and where he expresses his opinion about MorphoS, AmigaDE, Amiga magazines and much more. Have fun reading the interview!

[News message: 28. Mar. 2001, 14:11] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Unger via E-Mail

The Kickstart Archives V1.1
The most important innovation of version 1.1 of KICKSTART ARCHIVES is the integrated freeware-search-engine "S@lz&Pfeffer Leicht 1.0" by Rainer Eschen.

With the help of a pre-calculated JavaScript-file it is possible searching the websites offline on the CD-R. The search engine does not depends on platforms and is directly integrated in the index-tree of KICKSTART ARCHIVES. It is only expected a web-browser which supports frames and JavaScript-standard 1.1. There is a german spoken help function at any time. But there must be said that interpreting the ca. 8 MByte script-file when starting the search engine takes ca. 10 minutes on a 900 MHz Pentium III-system (WinME, IE 5). But each search for a string takes just ca. one second. (Remark: THE KICKSTART ARCHIVES themselves and images are put on a harddrive of Amiga 2000 with Blizzard 2060 and 64MByte RAM under AmigaOS 3.5. The images are burned with MakeCD 3.2.)

[News message: 28. Mar. 2001, 14:06] [Comments: 0]
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Horst Diebel on ANF

Strategy game Schlachtfeld
The strategy game SCHLACHTFELD is supposed to be developed on.In order to give some users a first impression the side is being created in the link. If there is sufficient interest there will be also a seperate domain.

Up to now you can find the intro-story, a first opinion poll, a forum, a download area and several outlines to the units in the game.

Please have a look at our side and maybe you've got an idea which things still could be integrated.

[News message: 28. Mar. 2001, 02:09] [Comments: 0]
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Diverse Sources

Software News
GoldEd Studio 6 SP 17 CD
Dietmar Eilert, author of this genius editor, offers a small stock of GoldED Studio 6 SP 17 CDs at a special price. This version fully upgradeable.

REBOL/Core 2.5
Version 2.5 of REBOL/Core is now released for Amiga and AmigaDE, it contains hundreds of improvements and bugfixes.

Tales of Tamar
The chronicle of the year 75 of the online game Tales of Tamar is now available.

Frank Fenn provides version 0.65 of his MUI sample-editors Audiomaster2k for download.The program is shareware, you can not save with the demo version. Download: audiomaster2k.lha - 274 kb

Ico-datatype V43.5
Version 43.5 of Stephan Rupprecht's ICO-datatype is ready for download. Download: IcoDT.lha - 17 kb

MorphOS software
More and more software is ported to MorphOS. Now SoX (Sound exchange) V12.17.1 and NcFTP V2.4.3 are available for download.

Report+ V4.4
Report+ is one of these small but very useful programs that makes things easier for the user. With Report+ you can create in a simple way bug reports, Aminet readme-files, documentations, and similar reports. The program is freeware and is based upon ReAction and GadTools. Download: report.lha - 350 kb

[News message: 27. Mar. 2001, 18:34] [Comments: 0]
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AmiBench Needs Beta Testers
AmiBench, the international Amiga blackboard is looking for beta testers for a new version. If you are interested to test the new scripts, please subscribe to the AmiBench-betatest-mailinglist.

[News message: 27. Mar. 2001, 18:04] [Comments: 0]
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AIO #45 Released
Issue 45 of the online magazine 'AIO'(Amiga Information Online) is released. Still authors for articles and reviews are wanted. Download: AIOV45.lha

[News message: 27. Mar. 2001, 18:00] [Comments: 0]
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New Virus Menaces Internet
In America experts are warning of a new virus, which uses a security leak of the server software 'Bind'. The worm can disconnect complete networks from the Internet and makes websites non-reachable.

Lion, so the name of the new virus, uses a leak in the software 'Bind', used almost on every Linux domain name server. The software controls the coupling of IP and real address.

In the last two days the quantity of attacks has risen about 500%. But only 1/10 of companies have taken countermeasures. The virus sends password and other information to an email address in China.

[News message: 27. Mar. 2001, 17:52] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Kürzinger via eMail

Full Release of AKIconzGold
The Full Release of my icon collection AKIconzGold is now availble from my homepage and in a few days fom Aminet. The collection contains about 300 icons, most of them are game icons, like in AKIconz 1-4.

The icons are drawn in up to 32 colours, based upon an enhanced MWB/RomIcons/BNSM/Bicons palette. Because they are no New-/GlowIcons they do not need the NewIcons patch nor OS3.5+ but a predefined colour palette for the Workbench.

The preferences for this palette are explained in detail in the now contained guide and gives no disadvantages at all - and is especially for LowSpec-User (030, no gfx board) a colourful (and completely MWB/RomIcons/BNSW/Bicons compatible) alternative to New-/GlowIcons.

[News message: 27. Mar. 2001, 16:55] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Heider at the ANF

SuSE Linux PPC 7.1 Availble from April
On 23.03.2001 on the homepage of SuSE was announced that SuSE Linux PPC 7.1 is available. You can order online or by telephone at SuSE. Deliveries will begin in April said a spokesman. Like for the previous versions, I will create an installation manual for Amiga and announce it here in the amiga-news.

At this point I want to ask coders and users (testers) about a software project i want to start. This project is about the Mac emulator (PPC) "MacOnLinux", that is available for Macs with LinuxPPC. The aim of the project is to port this Mac emulator to Linux-APUS systems. So I just want to know if there is interest from coders and users.

If you are interested, please send an e-mail to me. Please let me know then if you have good knowledge of C and C++ programming for Linux, but all other users are welcome, too. I will inform all of you that are interested the progress of this project so far.

[News message: 27. Mar. 2001, 16:46] [Comments: 0]
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Ch. DZ at the ANF

TECHNODATABASE00, 100% Amiga CD-ROM, made with Scala and filled with Techno (400 MB demos, gfx, texts, and music software).

DPIXELS (Compilation of amiga-made creations and utilities) was updated.

[News message: 27. Mar. 2001, 08:12] [Comments: 0]
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Emulator with live monitoring: Coppenheimer V0.2 (01. Jul.)
Game: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) released (30. Jun.)
Book: AmigaOS 3.2 Reference Manual - Limited print run, pre-orders being taken (12. Jun.)
Amiga Kit: Final Writer 7 pre-installed on A600GS (02. Jun.)
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Hollywood goes LaTeX: hTeX 1.0 released (02. Jun.)
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Interview: Announcement of a cost-reduced MiSTer FPGA board (08. May.)
MorphOS: Web browser Wayfarer 8.2 (2nd update) (04. May.)
Print/PDF magazine: Amiga Addict, issue 29 (02. May.)
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