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10.Mar.2002 (ANF)

Instant-Messenger: STRICQ V2 Beta5
On 9 March 2002 Douglas F. McLaughlin released beta 5 of the Instant-Messenger 'STRICQ' (version 2). Compared to the previous version the following changes have been made:
  • Offline messages are now requested, displayed, and cleared from the server.
  • When a message window opens, it will no longer grab the current window focus.
  • Message history is now saved. No GUI support for this yet, soon, of course.
  • Login packets now match the latest ICQ2001b build 3659 release.

Installation tips:
STRICQ V2 is incompatible with STRICQ and must for this reason be installed in its own directory.

At the moment STRICQ V2 can only be launched from a shell prompt. There's a lot of debug output in the shell window, which can be send to Douglas F. McLaughlin in case of occurring bugs.

Run the program. It won't get online right away. Enter your nickname, your UIN and your password. Click 'Save'. Close the program by using the close window button on the contact list window. Your prefs are now saved. Restart the program and if all went well, you should now be online. However, you should consider the following points:
  • You cannot add contacts manually yet. If you have never used ICQ2001b, don't bother using STRICQ V2 at this time.
  • If you have used ICQ2001b before, STRICQ V2 will import your contact list from the server
  • If you get an enforcer hit, please forward it to Douglas F. McLaughlin on the message base. You should use <pre></pre> tags.
  • You will need the latest versions of NList, NListtree and TextInput. Links for download are available at STRICQ-Homepage

Download: STRICQv2.lha (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 10. Mar. 2002, 14:42] [Comments: 0]
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