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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

Easter-events with individual Computers
Several events that are supported by individual Computers take place around Easter this year. Compuquick Media Center will represent us at the Amiga Expo 2002 in Baltimore, MD. Cloanto will make a very good offer for the ISA version of the Catweasel controller at that show.

The Scene-event The Gathering takes place in Norway, where our retail partner Data Kompaniet will hand over our contribution to the competition prices.

As in the past seven years, the scene-party Mekka & Symposium takes place around Easter this year as well in Fallingbostel, located between Hamburg and Hannover, Germany. Just like in the past years, our biggest financial engagement is dedicated to this party. In addition to prices worth more than 1000,- EUR alltogether for the winners of the different multimedia competitions, we have arranged an opening of a near LPG (autogas) filling station outside the usual shop hours for party visitors. This will enable the drivers of enviroment-friendly and cheap LPG-powered cars to refill for about 0,50 EUR/liter. We hope to attract visitors from Belgium, the Netherlands and France with this, as LPG cars are much more popular in those countries than in Germany. Closer informations about this via E-Mail. (ps)

[News message: 11. Mar. 2002, 17:45] [Comments: 0]
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