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Amiga Future

WWW: JunkBuster V2.9.11 Beta
On 4 March 2002 the beta version V2.9.11 of 'JunkBuster' was already released. 'JunkBuster' is an open-source web proxy with filtering capabilities to protect privacy, filter web page content, manage cookies, control access and remove ads, banners, pop-ups and other obnoxious Internet junk.

This proxy can be used on your PC and in multi-user networks. It's available for AmigaOS, MacOS X, OS/2, Unix and Windows.

Junkbuster was originally written by JunkBusters Corporation and was released as free open-source software under the GPL. Stefan Waldherr made many improvements and started the project SourceForge to continue development.

Download: junkbuster_2_9_11.lha (211K) (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 10. Mar. 2002, 14:45] [Comments: 0]
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