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Peter's Amiga Homepage

Printer: Epson Stylus Color (24bit) driver V44.02 by Peter Hutchison
On 7th December 2002, Peter Hutchison has updated his home page. The Epson Stylus Color 24bit driver now has an install script, and the Epson Stylus Color 200 has been added to the list of printers.

The driver runs on AmigaOS V3.5 and V3.9 from a 68020 and 6MB RAM.

Download: (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2002, 23:06] [Comments: 0]
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ARC 2002: German Reports
(sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2002, 20:39] [Comments: 0]
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LouiSe's home

LouiSe: PHP V4.2.3 (Standalone), CircleMUD V3.1
Already at the beginning of December, LouiSe had released ports of PHP V4.2.3 and CircleMUD V3.1 for 68k Amigas.

PHP V4.2.3:
This is a standalone (without WWW server) version of the script language PHP, which is used in particular for generating dynamic Web pages.

CircleMUD V3.1:
CircleMUD is a multi user dungeon game system (MUD) by Jeremy Elson which had originally been developed at the John Hopkins University's Department of Computer Science and represents a derivative of DikuMUD Gamma 0.0, which had been developed in 1990 by Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Michael Seifert and Sebastian Hammer at the University of Copenhagen.

MUDs are text based worlds, into which users log in through the Internet to explore the worlds with an own character and interact with other characters. More about this on the home page of CircleMUD.

The Amiga archive contains only the binaries - no lib, doc or other files. The complete archive is available on

There are binaries for 68020, 68040 and 68060.

Download: (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2002, 20:32] [Comments: 0]
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ARC 2002: English reports
(sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2002, 18:33] [Comments: 0]
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GUI: MUI-MIAMI panels by Alfonso Ranieri
Alfonso Ranieri has released two new MUI-MIAMI panels for MiamiDX on his home page.

MUINList.MiamiPanel uses NList and MUI.MiamiPanel uses a Virtgroup for panel display.

Download: (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2002, 18:30] [Comments: 0]
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GoldED Studio AIX: Service Pack 5, FACE/ON V0.9
Already on 6th December 2002, Dietmar Eilert had released service pack 5 for his editor package 'GoldED Studio AIX' as well as version 0.9 of the theme installer 'FACE/ON'.

Service Pack 5:
Service Pack 5 is available to registered users for free download. It is mainly a maintanance upgrade, yet it also contains some fine tuning of the optics.

Prerequisite for this upgrade is GoldED Studio AIX SP3 or GoldED Barebones SP3. Older installations can only be updated with the Service Pack CD.

Free versions:
The GoldED demo version available for free download has also been updated to Service Pack 5. These versions are restricted to a text length of 1000 lines - yet the editor itself has no other functional restrictions. The only things missing are some add-ons such as the gcc compiler and the spell checker to keep the download size within limits.

FACE/ON is a theme installer for GoldED. With FACE/ON theme previews can be viewed and the themes as well as alternative menus can be installed (screenshot).

System requirements contain a gfx card and GoldED Studio AIX SP5 or GoldED Barebones SP5.

Download: faceon.lzx (30K) (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2002, 18:29] [Comments: 0]
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Sylvio k. (ANF)

Game: DeepSilence Team with new team name and new Soms3d Web site
Because of legal problems, the software development team DeepSilence has decided to change the team name into 'Anime Development for Amiga', in short 'ADA'.

Additionally, a new team page has been added on which new screenshots of 'Secret of my soul 3d' have been published. It can be accessed under (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2002, 16:40] [Comments: 0]
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Heise Newsticker (ANF)

ARC 2002: Heise announcement re. Amiga show
An announcement of the Heise newsticker re. the ARC 2002 can be found under the title link. The emphasis of this announcement lies with the Pegasos. Additionally, the AmigaOne and C-One are mentioned. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2002, 16:34] [Comments: 0]
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ARC 2002: More pictures of the show
Pictures by Jens Neubauer (ANF):
Show, T.o.T. knight, Pegasos, Walker, MorphOS plasma.

Pictures by Caghan 'Muaddib' Demirci (AmigaArt):
AmigaOne, Pegasos, MorphOS. (sd)

Oliver "Bladerunner" Hummel (ANF):
Just now I have uploaded a couple of pictures of the Amiga und Retro Computer Messe on my site. In case somebody is interested in the fxPaint Web Catalogue Skin "ARC" to use them for his/her own pictures, please send me a short mail.

P.S.: Oliver has also posted a fairly extensive show report in our Amiga forum under the thread "Heute ist es soweit". (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2002, 07:59] [Comments: 0]
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Petra Struck

ARC 2002: Pictures of the first day by
Hilke made a bunch of photos at the ARC 2002. As you can see from the pictures and subtitles, the Pegasos was the highlight of the show. However, until noon Thendic were busy setting up and installing all in all 30 computers. After that the users were able to get a picture of the Pegasos in conjunction with MorphOS.

The AmigaOne, however, was presented as well. Once at the stand of Amiga-Club and at Vesalia's. In both cases the operationg system running was Linux. There were no news to be gathered about AmigaOS. Yet I have clearly sounded out a tendency with the users: Many look upon a Pegasos with AmigaOS as the optimal solution.

Thendic France is working hard to setup the demo machines

A pegasos in a micro wave oven

The door acts as the monitor

Sebastien Lokhamkhouak build the crazy micro wave oven Pegasos :)

Martin Merz (Mason Icons)

Christian Kemp (ANN)

Ron van Herk (Computer City, NL)

Guido Mersmann (right) presenting Amithlon ...

... together with Timo Hegemann (right)


Jeri Ellsworth presents the CommodoreOne

Daniel Bindel as ´Lord Fox´ von Tamar

Otis from the club "User der Nordseeküste"

the fair

Pegasos inside

Martin Heine, one of the Pegasos/MorphOS betatesters

McGreg, an enthusiastic Pegasos/MorphOS betatester

Thomas Schulze showing his game Crossfire

Dennis Lohr presenting Digibooster Pro

The Thendic booth

Sebastian Brylka and Olaf Köbnik (Fun Time World and Amiga Arena)

Ebay explaining irritated Amiga users, why Java can't be avoided for certain things

A total of 30 Pegasos computers available for testing

Christian Kemp (ANN) and Petra Struck ( discussing with visitors

Bill Buck and Gerald Carda answering questions about the Pegasos

Timothy de Groote and Steffen Häuser (far left) showing games in the AmigaOne ...

... like Majesty
(ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2002, 01:32] [Comments: 0]
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Andre Dörffler (ANF)

Context menus for OS3.5+
The program ContextSAS allows creation and use of context sensitive menus for AmigaOS3.5+. It supports the DefIcons system. With the help of a few additional tools you can even iconify Workbench windows and create links. The author is always thankful for remarks and suggestions. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2002, 01:05] [Comments: 0]
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Falcon (ANF)

Falcon: Pictures from the Aachen show
As of now all interested people can gaze at some pictures from the Aachen show under the title link. Featured are a.o. the Walker (which was actually running!), Pegasos' by the cartload, and much more...

Furthermore a video of the show including an interview with Petra Struck will be released shortly on CD-ROM. However, a date has not been set.

Have fun,
(ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2002, 00:25] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Böhmer (ANF)

First winner of HIGHWAY raffle
As the winner of KDH Datentechnik's und E3B's "thank you" raffle, at which a NORWAY networking module is raffled on each show day among all registered HIGHWAY users, today ... fanfare ...

Mr. Michael Narramore from Swindon, England

has been drawn by our lucky fairy. Congratulations!

Michael Böhmer / E3B
Günther Horbach / KDH Datentechnik
(ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 08. Dec. 2002, 00:20] [Comments: 0]
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Chris Hodges (email)

Chris Hodges: Time to say goodbye!
In his known humorous way Chris Hodges tells us that he'll be on vacation for the next seven weeks. He'll be in New Zealand till 2003, 24th January and has today uploaded an update for Poseidon with some bug fixes. Here's the original message:

Dear Poseidon users,

I'm leaving the Amiga. Yes, I've had enough of all that fighting and bitching. Instead, I'll try to live on a green island with lots of sheep. Good bye and farewell!

Now get up from the floor, stop crying, I'm only off to New Zealand for about seven weeks of vacation and I will return to my one and only true love (currently, just my Amiga :( ) on 24th January 2003. But before I'm leaving on a jet plane, I've uploaded a small update of Poseidon for your benefit. Not much has changed, however, a few bugfixes reported by some of you have been incooperated. See changelog for details.

As I'm away from my machine, don't write private emails, if you have any problems. Please use the Yahoo Mailing List instead, there are a lot of people who could give a hand.

So, please enjoy the time off, I will certainly do so. And don't forget to use Trident regularily >>>;-) (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 07. Dec. 2002, 22:54] [Comments: 1 - 08. Dec. 2002, 21:23]
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several (ANF)

ARC 2002: pictures of the fair
Pictures of the AMIGA + RETRO COMPUTING 2002 that is taking place on December, 7th and 8th in Aachen:

Jochen Abitz (ANF):
Pegasos, Pegasos micro oven, AmigaOne, Amiga Future, KDH, fair

Andreas Weyrauch (A.W.Design) (ANF):
AmigaOne, Pegasos micro oven, fair (sd) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 07. Dec. 2002, 21:03] [Comments: 0]
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Rüdiger Hanke (ANF)

Gamel: ScummVM 0.3.0 released
Version 0.3.0 of the popular interpreter for Lucasarts games has been released today. On the download page are executables for several operating systems available including the MorphOS binary. A complete distribution with PDF manual and Ambient PNGIcons will be released probably tomorrow by me.

ScummVM MorphOS supports now also MIDI music that is qualitywise much better than the Adlib sound used until now. What is needed for this is the Etude MIDI device that I unfortunately can't make available for download yet. People who should see me today in Aachen at the beta tester conference may ask me for a version.

Regarding the legal issues with Lucasarts there's still no solution. A comprehensive description of the situation as it is right now can be found on the ScummVM site.

The improvements in detail:

0.3.0b (2002-12-06)
- fix major race condition resulting in extremely frequent crashes on MorphOS/PocketPC (supercedes unreleased 0.3.0 version)

0.3.0 (2002-12-01)
- massive cleanup work for iMUSE. Sam and Max music now plays correctly
- many bugfixes for Zak256, + sound and music support
- music support for Simon the Sorcerer on any platform with real MIDI
- experimental support for Indy3 (VGA) - Indiana Jones + Last Crusade
- completed support for Monkey1 VGA Floppy, The Dig
- added akos16 implementation for The Dig and Full Throttle costumes
- added digital iMUSE implementation for The Dig and Full Throttle music.
- Loom CD speech+music syncronisation improved greatly
- added midi-emulation via adlib, for platforms without sequencer support
- code seperation of various engine parts into several libraries
- several fixes to prevent Simon the Sorcerer crashing and hanging
- hundreds of bugfixes for many other games
- new SMUSH video engine, for Full Throttle and The Dig
- new in-game GUI
- launcher dialog
(cd) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 07. Dec. 2002, 12:53] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld tel.

ARC 2002 News: Massimo Mancini unfortunately not there
As we just now heard from Jens Schönfeld via telephone is Massimo Mancini not at the fair because of a sports accident and is therefore not able to introduce his new USB card by himself. The card itself will be presented, though. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 07. Dec. 2002, 08:39] [Comments: 0]
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falkemedia (ANF)

ARC 2002 News: "Digital Camera Magazin" by falkemedia
From December 2002 on you can buy the worldwide popular print magazine »Digital Camera Magazin« in Germany, too!

It offers on a monthly basis everything you want to know about digital cameras, how to use them in the most efficient way and what to do with them to make full use of their potential. With it comes every month a CD with full versions, tools, filters, drivers and more.

DCM will be available 2002, 18. December throughout Germany.

You can buy the first issue of the »Digital Camera Magazin« already exclusively at the booth of falkemedia at the AMIGA + RETRO Computing 2002 for a reduced exhibition price of just 5.- Euro! (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 07. Dec. 2002, 08:20] [Comments: 0]
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ARC 2002 News: AMIGAplus 12/2002 and more
Also at the booth of falkemedia at the AMIGA + Retro Computing 2002 in Aachen will visitors be able to get the new AmigaPlus 12/2002 with the main topic "Amiga allrounder - emulations with the Amiga".

This issue is available at the fair for a reduced price of 4,- Euro only, the bundle with the "Digital Camera Magazin #1" and "Mac Life 01/2003" only costs 10,- Euro! The regular subscription sendings of the AMIGAplus 12/2002 will take place at the end of the coming week.
Next to this latest issue you'll be able to buy all A+ issues of the last two years, issues of the st-computer and Mac Life, hardware like USB hubs and interfaces, CD pockets, the AMIGAplus readers CDs, Wildfire 7 for the special price of 29,- Euro and much more.

We are looking forward to your coming to the show and wish all visitors of the AMIGA + RETRO Computing 2002 much fun at this weekend! (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 07. Dec. 2002, 08:18] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

ARC 2002 News: FroggerNG at Amiga Arena / FTW available
You can buy the popular multimedia player "FroggerNG" version 2.0 on the Amiga + Retro Computing 2002. The version of the fair will contain a temporally limited keyfile. After the fair you will get your personal keyfile via email or post for free (they still just have to be generated).

Demo CD available

Each customer will additionally get a special fair demo version with the products of the Fun Time World and of Amiga Arena. You can buy this demo CD for 2,- Euro but if you will buy one of our products this amount will be credited you later! So you have the possibilty to test our products! (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Dec. 2002, 22:46] [Comments: 0]
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Steffen Häuser (ANF)

Two new Quake2 mods available
There are two new Quake2 mods on the Amiga Quake2 site (title link) available called "Blastchamber" and "Jailbreak" (but which are very big: Blastchamber=60MB, Jailbreak=30 MB).

Steffen Häuser
Hyperion Entertainment (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Dec. 2002, 19:28] [Comments: 0]
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Guido Mersmann (E-Mail)

ARC 2002 News: Guido Mersmann with 1st stand of Shareware
Guido Mersmann who is the author of programs like AmithlonTV, AView, AFind, BoulderDaesh, GuideCheck, GuideFormat, Execute64, SiedlerBoot, R(equest), DVBControl, MCControl, Simplecat, AvailCPU, VBRControl, TrackDisplayClock, SnoopRouter, Meridian, MMKeyboard, ParKeyboard and WheelMouseSupport will have a stand of Shareware on the ARC 2002 together with Timo Hegemann.

Guido Mersmann: "By the friendly help of Haage & Partner we are able to performance the current Amithlon with some new applications on our stand on the "AMIGA + RETRO COMPUTING 2002".

You will see the new VHI-Studio v6.0 working together with the current driver for AmithlonTV. Of course we will introduce AmithlonTV and will demonstrate the support of several boards which has been doubted.

You can also see the keyboard adapter hardware called "MMKeyboard" and the software packet which belongs to it. But there will be no sale!

Furthermore we will answer questions concerning Amithlon, AmithlonTV, VHI-Studio, MMKeyboard, MCControl and other software products as far as possible. I will also answer questions concerning the support." (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Dec. 2002, 14:26] [Comments: 0]
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Vesalia Computer (ANF)

ARC 2002 News: Turboprint 7.40 available at Vesalia
For the first time the new version 7.40 of Turboprint Professional will be available at Vesalia Computer. Besides this owners of version 7.x will get an update to 7.40 on our stand. We hope we will see you! (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Dec. 2002, 14:12] [Comments: 0]
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Simon Neumann (ANF)

Amiga Speed with the first Quake2 tests
On the site of Amiga Speed there are finally the first tests of Quake2. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Dec. 2002, 14:12] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New packets (until 05.12.2002)
With WHDLoad you can install games on your hard drive which were originally made only for use with disks. The following packets have been added or updated since our last message:

  • 05.12.02 new: Dragon's Breath (Palace Software) done by Galahad
  • 05.12.02 improved: Zaxxon (Bignonia) supports another version, skip greetings
  • 30.11.02 improved: Battle Isle (Blue Byte) supports another version
  • 30.11.02 new: Return to Genesis (Firebird) done by Codetapper
  • 30.11.02 new: Leatherneck (Microdeal) done by Codetapper
  • 28.11.02 new: It Came From The Desert (Cinemaware) done by JOTD
  • 27.11.02 new: Mini Golf (Magic Bytes) done by Psygore

[News message: 06. Dec. 2002, 12:37] [Comments: 0]
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AROS: SVGA-driver and mascot Kitty
AMIGAplus wrote:
There is the first beta version of the new SVGA-graphic driver for the operating system AROS which can be activated over the boot menu. The driver may not work on some computers but nevertheless it shows what can be graphically possible. The current used 4bit VGA modus is supposed to be substituted by the 16bit or 32bit SVGA modus.

Besides this Eric W. Schwartz has given the AROS project a mascot: Kitty should be worth a look. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Dec. 2002, 12:15] [Comments: 0]
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Amigan Software

Game: Saga version 1.23
Version 1.22 of the game Saga has been published. Saga is a port of the board game called Saga: Age of Heroes which was published in 1981 from TSR. It can be played by up to six players and the players can be controlled either by the Amiga or by men. You have to defeat monsters, find magic treasures and support great kingdoms being glorious and heroic. Currently the game is available in English and German and requires at least AmigaOS 3.0+, AGA/RTG. The archive also contains the source code.

Download: Saga.lha (290 KB) (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Dec. 2002, 12:09] [Comments: 0]
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KDH News (ANF)

ARC 2002 News: AmigaOne boards available on the ARC 2002
Last minute KDH news:
We have just got the AmigaOne boards by UPS Express and thus are available on the stand of KDH Datentechnik. We hope we will see you all again.

Günter Horbach
KDH Datentechnik (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 06. Dec. 2002, 10:31] [Comments: 0]
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Sjoerd de Vries (ANF)

Pictures from ArticiaS and April Chip
Pictures says more than thousand words... (ps)

[News message: 05. Dec. 2002, 21:01] [Comments: 0]
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Amiforce (ANF)

AMHuhn: Update Available for Download (Update)
Under the title link you'll find in the downloads area a little update for AMHuhn. With this the crosshairs are color red and are seen more easily. Many users had complained about this.

Offering AMHuhnXE
In a few day Abakus-Design's AMHuhn(X)mas(E)dition will be introduced. The game comes with completely different graphics and sounds. But much more than the graphics and sounds have been changed.

Introduction of AMHuhnXE
As thanks to all who trusted us with the update, the download will made available early to registered users. This is our Christmas present to these users. In the next few days accounts for the protected areas will be opened and sent to the users. For security reasons the entry will be limited, in order to obstruct that the accounts are forwarded to others. When Christmas time is over the archive will be offered to everybody.

Notice: We could only work through the entered registrations sequentially. As a result the new registrations first come to a close. Thanks for your understanding. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 05. Dec. 2002, 20:56] [Comments: 0]
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Guido Mersmann (ANF)

TV Card Software: AmithlonTV Beta 200
There's a new beta version (200) of AmithlonTV available for download from the AmithlonTV homepage.

AmithlonTV is a really, genuinely modularly built driver system for PCI TV cards. Only the necessary components and resources are loaded. New cards unknown to AmithlonTV will be automatically detected and may be configured by the user. In order to do this the components of the card are detected in a setup program.

The advantage of such a system is that a new driver for any specific component will function on any TV card that has the component. Special modifications by me are generally unnecessary. We won't be involving ourselves with a bunch of supported cards that haven't been tested. AmithlonTV will run on practically any card. When certain components haven't been added they just haven't been added, but the rest of the card works.

A further advantage of AmithlonTV is that multiple cards are supported. Two, three, or more are possible. This is easily managed and may be used in a security system. It is all the same if one wants a picture from each, or a channel list to switch between cards.

The entire system is built so modularly that USB and Firewire may be possible. At this time there is support for the powerpci.library (Amithlon). The openpci.library support is currently implemented and functioning but is not yet officially available.

What's new:

As is already known through other channels, Amithlon TV has a VHI_Studio driver. Your computer will become a multimedia center, especially with the new accelerated functions of VHI Studio version 6.0.

The channel seeker has also been greatly accelerated. In contrast to other options (such as Windows software) there is a real channel seeker here that doesn't just check for channels, but also VCRs and satellite receivers that are found between channels.

There are other small improvements in the works.

Especially noteworthy are the new audio drivers. All MSP cards should work with these.

The new Hauppauge drivers achieve an automatic configuration, whereby the copying of special configuration data occurs.

You'll find a lot more information by clicking on the title link!

Guido Mersmann
Author of:
AmithlonTV, AView, AFind, BoulderDaesh, GuideCheck, GuideFormat, Execute64, SiedlerBoot, R(equest), DVBControl, MCControl, Simplecat, AvailCPU, VBRControl, TrackDisplayClock, SnoopRouter, Meridian, MMKeyboard, ParKeyboard, WheelMouseSupport, ... (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 05. Dec. 2002, 20:53] [Comments: 0]
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Vesalia Computer (ANF)

ARC 2002 News: Hyperion Will Be Guests at Vesalia Computer Stand (Update)
Steffen Häuser and Timothy de Groote of Hyperion will present the Amiga One and various Hyperion games at Vesalia Computer's ARC 2002 stand on Saturday the 7th of December, 2002.

Additionally, as already known, Elbox and Creative Development will also be Vesalia guests and introduce their own respective products.

Vesalia indicated that the two Hyperion personnel are not closely involved with OS4 and will not be able to speak on questions relating to OS4. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 05. Dec. 2002, 14:04] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias M. (ANF)

TV Card Software: Visionary Version 0.15 (Update)
There's a new version of Visionary (v. 0.14) available for download on the Amiga G-Rex homepage. Mainly, a few bugs have been removed.

The Visionary program is a TV service with a modern graphical overlay that allows one to fully utilize the Visual Reality System and modern TV/Video Cards.

Visionary was designed to be very modular, in order to support a broad range of cards with different chip sets and TV tuners. Support for documented new cards may be easily implemented.

Version 0.15 was just made available for download. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 05. Dec. 2002, 12:41] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Game: Crossfire II Released
The game Crossfire II was released today. At the moment it can only be ordered from APC&TCP. It'll be available from specialty stores in three to four weeks. In a few days there will be a new demo version as well as more screen-shots. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 05. Dec. 2002, 12:35] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future: Preview Pictures of SOMS and AF #39 (Update)
Screen-grabs of the game "Secret of My Soul" (SOMS) have been released on the Amiga Future website in the "Articles" section. SOMS is projected to be published next year by APC&TCP.

Issue 39 of Amiga Future was released today. It was mailed to all subscribers and single issue orderers. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 05. Dec. 2002, 12:34] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen (E-Mail)

FREE Virus Help Team Maillist
When the Virus Help Denmark web was down due to the changing of Internet providers, we had to close the VHT-Denmark maillist. Now we want to bring it back to all of you (a lot of people have been asking for it). But Charlene of the Canadian Virus Help Team, has a maillist, and we don't want to a have two maillists that writes the same things. So the Virus Help Team maillist will be up at Charlene's Canadian VHT maillist.

If you join this maillist, you will receive emails about new updates of all the great Amiga antivirus programs (ect. VirusZ, VirusExecutor, Mill and xvs.library). You will also receive an email when a new virus or trojan is found. Notices can only come from list operators, which is Charlene of VHT-Canada or myself Jan of VHT-Denmark.

You can also see the maillist on-line at this webaddress: VHT at Yahoo:

You can join the maillist at the two Virus Help Team's websites: VHT Canada : VHT Denmark :

Or you can write an empty email to this email to subscribe to the maillist: (ps)

[News message: 04. Dec. 2002, 22:56] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

ARC 2002 News: Fun Time World / Amiga Arena presentation
Fun Time World / Amiga Arena setting "AMIGA + Retro Computing 2002" on fire!

The following products and news will be at the stand of Fun Time World at the "AMIGA + Retro Computing 2002" in Aachen:

  • "Aqua" German Version:
    It's a "Myst" like adventure game. You are looking for treasures of a sunk drilling platform. The Atlantic Ocean is waiting for you!

  • NEW Re-release "PuzzleBOBS"
    "PuzzleBOBS" is a "bust a move" clone, which stands out from other puzzle games of this kind with it's many features and game modes
    "PuzzleBOBS" is sold in a DVD package with all recent updates and a new set of levels. "PuzzleBOBS" is now optimized for MorphOS also!

  • NEW "Amiga Arena - Games Edition 2002"
    As a thank you and tribute to all developers and users, who supported me recently, there will be at the "AMIGA + Retro Computing 2002" the "Amiga Arena - Games Edition 2002" be presented for the first time.
    With more than 50 games from the commercial and shareware section there are the genres action, adventure, board/mind, manager, platform and strategie and number of classics, the offer is rounded up with several sceenshots, solutions and cheats.
    The following games (extract) are by appointment with their developers on that CD:

    • Acid Software (Roadkill, Seak&Destroy, Kiros Quest, Woodys World and more)
    • Applaud Software (Blockehaed I/II, Mobile Warfare and more)
    • Austex Software (Uropa2 CD version)
    • Blue Lemon Studio (Beambender exclusively)
    • Black Legend (Embryo, Wheelspin, Fussball Total, Der Seelenturm, Der Trainer, Fatman and more)
    • Mellon Design (Jimmys Fantasic J.)
    • Revolution Soft (Lure of the Temptress, Beneath a Steel Sky CD32 Version with spoken language output)
    • Sayonara Soft (Hollywood Manager, Flamigo Tours, Samba Partie Series, Samba Partie Worldcup - CD version/spoken language output and more)
    • Scorpius Soft (Burnout, Blade und Hilt II German version exclusively and more)

    • Roketz, Sharks, BallMaster, Boulderdäsh, Doktor, HBMonopoly, myLocomotion, Mahjongg, Tiles, Imperium Terranum II and more.

    • Shareware "WHDload" installer special offer!

    All games are available in German and English language. The CD is published in a DVD package and will be available firstly at the show.

  • Distribution & sale:
    Fun Time World c/o Sebastian Brylka - E-Mail - WWW

  • Live on stage!!
    The game "Aqua" and a "PuzzleBOBS" contest will possibly be shown and held at the stand! The Amiga Arena will be host at the stand of Fun Time World on Saturday.
(ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 04. Dec. 2002, 22:47] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn (E-Mail)

Announcement: Malibu-Plugin for Hollywood
Andreas Falkenhahn:
Airsoft Softwair will soon release the first plugin for Hollywood. The Malibu plugin extends Hollywood to accept also Scala presentations and display them. This makes a dream come true for those Amiga users who always wanted to display their old Scala presentations on Workbench or on an own Intuition screen in a system friendly way. The Malibu plugin is scheduled for release in the middle of January 2003 and requires Hollywood 1.0.

Additionally I want to point out that I cannot attend the ARC show in Aachen unfortunately. Therefore Hollywood is not available for sale there either. (ps)

[News message: 04. Dec. 2002, 14:48] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Award 2002: Reminder
Don't forget: Until Friday the 6th of December, 3 o'clock pm you can vote for he Amiga Award 2002 and the Amiga Award 2002 Extra! Honour with that together with the AMIGAplus two members of the Amiga community for special efforts during the last 12 months! (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 04. Dec. 2002, 14:44] [Comments: 0]
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zErec (ANF)

Eyetech Reply to BBRV open post
Under the title link you can read the reaction of Eytech (the developer of the AmigaOne board) about the Thendic statement "...April, Mai and teamwork...". Read the complete statement from Alan also here:

I'm afraid Buck has exceeded even his usual level of bullshit and innuendo on this one.

My take on this:

Our announcement of the G4 availability and pricing, and of the (solved) Articia problem at the WoA SE was not what he expected. Since then we have been innundated for dealership agreements from ex-Amiga dealers who have (and their customers have) good memories of the Amiga OS and a growing hatred of Windows. The polls, such as they, are show that the A1-XE G4 is by far the most popular PPC platform for the Amiga community and this must also have been a bit of a shock. (Is it also a coincidence that we've been the recipients of an intense, targeted virus campaign since then, I wonder?)

Meanwhile Hyperions work on PPCBoot and linux has allowed the Teron reference boards to get to a level where they can be usefully sold in the Linux Market. As most on this list will know we have the rights to distribute these boards in Europe and now Terrasoft do in the US. (We also have distribution rights on the Teron based designs for the Amiga marker worldwide). This has knackered Thendics plans for world domination of the PPC Linux market.

Reading between the lines it seems that they are prepared to drop MorphOS altogether if they can get their hands on OS4 to at least salvage something. Buck plans to do this by suing Amiga Inc (for what?) and bribing us to abandon the AmigaOne and Hyperion to port OS4 to the pegasos hardware . Sorry, thats not on. You can only have sensible business arrangements with people who are trustworthy and behave with integrity. There are plenty of instances (which are inappropriate to reveal here) where these principles have been completely abandoned on his side.

On their so-called relationship with MAI, we/hyperion have done more to help MAI get the Teron design to the linux market than ever bplan have, alltough I don't doubt that Gerald Carda made an important contribution to identifying the Articia bug - I've every respect for him as a hardware engineer.

As far as Thendic making their own boards is concerned thats a complete joke. Its a matter of public record that Thendic-France incorporated as a one-man company with the minimum 7500 euros of capital. Thendic, like us and MAI do not actually make anything themselves, manufacture is all subcontracted. In our case its to a Tiawanese specialist, in Thendic's its to DCE. Based on our past experience of quality assurance and after sales service from DCE I personally would never buy any DCE manufactured products for resale again.

Well you did ask


[News message: 04. Dec. 2002, 14:44] [Comments: 0]
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Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck (ANF)

Statement from Thendic about April, Mai and teamwork in the Amiga market
Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck of Thendic France sent us an email to gain the attention for an important comment they both posted at the comments of (see title link). For simplicity we repeat the statement which they gave about the collaboration opportunities within the Amiga market:

OK, last word before Aachen Show....

The is no Mai without April. The Articia does not work as promoted. There. We have said it. Everything that has been promised for the AmigaOne and the Pegasos will not work without April -- April is *mostly* a "patch." With April the Articia will work as advertised, without April the Articia will not. Betatesters of the A1 and the "Betatester (Pegasos)" know that there are difficulties.

In September and October bplan developed the "patch" with Mai. There is no other patch for the Articia and there was no other assistance from anyone else in creating it. This is why the Pegasos, A1 and Teron are not available in quantity and why they will not be until the patch is mounted on the respective PCBs and shipped.

Check out the estimated shipping dates at the YDL site. Do you think they will get anywhere else sooner? Where is the biggest market? Is it MorphOS and OS4, or is it LinuxPPC? Where do you think Mai will focus? Not here (MorphOS/OS4)! Our sales commitments for the first 1000 Pegasos went 817 to Linux and the rest to this community (less two for OpenBSD and two for OpenBeOS).

Mai does not care about this market. They care about the Linux market. They want to sell the Articia and their board. They make chips and want to sell them. LinuxPPC is a bigger market for them. That will be their new focus. We are the poor stepchild now. Please forget all the delusions about the new Amiga or the Pegasos that will re-conquer the world when the hardware shows up. If we want success this is going to be hard work and a long haul.

In the meanwhile, you won't have to worry about MorphOS or OS4 being pirated by someone here now. There is a whole new world of potential users with an OpenSource/Freeware mentality that is about to consume this market and make it more irrelevant. This is a post-Napster world.... and Napster was only the beginning. Individual "freedom" has replaced respect for others. Something is wrong with this picture and it needs to be fixed, but it will not happen with dongles.

If this community wants a future it needs to start working together. We are spending plenty of money to make the Pegasos successful, but it is not our final focus. We are a niche market -- both OS4 and MorphOS. We need unity if we want to be more than a lingering historical footnote.

The Mai story is not over yet. The first patch is not enough. We figured this out in November when Mai was scurrying back to Tiawan to make what they thought would be the final solution. It is not. There are more problems. We finally solved all this a week and a half ago. Plus, we have added a couple of other features that are better accomplished in hardware than software (and don't believe a few lines of code will make the first patch work). If YDL sets off on their current course, they will "crash and burn" in a month after they finally introduce the product. The Linux market is unforgiving when it comes to hardware bugs. With all the success they will seem to achieve their liability will grow correspondingly.

Before you think this is another marketing stunt, here is something new. We know what Eyetech pays for the Teron/A1; we know what the A1 distributors pay. We would be willing to match the prices all around less 5% and provide an immediate solution to the community. We make the Pegasos. Eyetech does not. We have many of the same distributors. We can compensate Allan Redhouse through his success (something he is clearly about to loose with YDL Teron pricing). Hyperion too. Oh yes, you want to buy a G4 A1? Wake up people! Read the disclaimers on the YDL site. Do you understand what needs to happen before this will? There is a Pegasos G4 now. The question is not how fast the processor *can* work, the issue is how fast the processor *does* work! Let's get better organized. We are about to be crushed.

If we pulled eveyone together on this we might even honor those $50 coupons!

This market and community is in complete confusion. There is no leadership or vision and we need both fast or we can forget it. This is a public statement in good faith to Eyetech and Hyperion. Allan and Ben are formidible marketing opponents. We can forget the past if you can. We need to get into the same boat. Amiga Inc. has lost its leadership mantel. Selling coupons, promoting unachievable concepts and making wild claims about the next deal have worn tired and false. Fortunately, all have not blindly followed this route and Hyperion and Eyetech have a solid agreement in place that protects them in the event of Amiga Inc bankruptcy. And, before you think this is a "group hug" thing, we have paid our King County, Washigton legal counsel a retainer. We will commence legal action against Amiga Inc. this month. This is not some "get legal" BS. This is business and the Amiga Inc. management do not understand what business is. They "blew it" and we have had enough of their interference in our future.

The whole Mai/YDL collaboration has changed the situation dramatically. We hope this statement helps you understand this better.

We will give Hyperion a board. We will support the A1 Betatesters as we have our own. We don't have to trade sources or get Ralph having a beer with Ben, but we could all move ahead this way. Eyetech can certify the Pegasos to meet Amiga specifications -- they are positioned to do this. Hyperion and Eyetech can promote OS4. Great. We might even develop some collaborative efforts quickly. We should.

Things are moving very fast. We have alot to do. Thanks for reading this post and please think about it carefully. See you in Aachen!


Raquel and Bill

[News message: 04. Dec. 2002, 11:35] [Comments: 0]
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04.Dec.2002 (ANF)

Game: Crossfire II finished / Will be sold and introduced at the ARC 2002
Crossfire II is finished and will be shown at the show. The demo will be available in some days. Then the Dreamworlds home page will be updated again.

Crossfire II is a 2D shooter. It contains not only a single player mode with an atmosphereic story and complex missions, but also a freestyle mode for entertaining battles for one to four players. Crossfire II runs on classic Amiga (min. 030, AGA and 16 MB RAM), AmigaPPC (WarpOS) and Amithlon. Gfx cards (HiColor), sound cards (AHI), 4 player adapters and much more is supported. A MorphOS support is currently under development. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 04. Dec. 2002, 11:23] [Comments: 0]
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Russ Norrby (ANF)

AmigaOne's available & Amiga Repair
Mr. Hardware Computers is happy to announce that we are selling AmigaOne Systems and motherboards. We have packages on our site and can configure any system to your liking. you should atleast order your AmigaOne motherboard ASAP because there are a limited number of boards. We have a huge listing of new and used Amiga parts. We even repair your Amiga Classics. Based out of New York, USA we ship internationally.
Amiga since 1985 (ps)

[News message: 04. Dec. 2002, 11:20] [Comments: 0]
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OSNews / Anton Klotz (ANF)

OSnews: Teron-Boards from Terra Soft Solutions, Inc.
Anton Klotz:
As OSNews reports will Terra Soft Solutions, Inc. present an ATX board with PowerPC. It is a Teron board with a 600 MHz G3 PPC with Articia Northbridge from Mai. The operating system will be Yellow Dog Linux. As Nicolas Blachford states will MorphOS run on it. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 03. Dec. 2002, 21:48] [Comments: 0]
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Steffen Häuser / Hyperion Entertainment (ANF)

Two new Quake2 Mods downloadable
Steffen Häuser:
On the Quake2 Amiga page are the new mods
  • Roughnecks - (if you have seen "Starship Troopers" you will maybe recognize something)
  • Napalm II (all weapons are replaced by fire effects)
(ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 03. Dec. 2002, 20:37] [Comments: 0]
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ARC 2002 News from IOSPIRIT
As already stated previously, IOSPIRIT will attend the Amiga + Retro Computing 2002 fair with an own booth. This said, we want to give you further information and news here.

Just in time for the fair we have received the produced fxPAINT 2.0 CD-ROMs. Thus, you can buy updates and full versions of this graphics allrounder at our booth. More detailed information on the new features in the latest and brand-new fxPAINT-release can be found at our pages for fxPAINT 2.0.

Also in time for the fair, development on VHI Studio 6.0 has been finalized. Besides many small improvements, support for USB-cardreaders (Poseidon only for now) and PCI-TV-boards under Amithlon (via AmithlonTV) are the highlights of this new version.

fxSCAN 4.0, released just a few months ago, will of course be available as well as all other products we have in our product portfolio.

This will also include the possibility to directly purchase a Poseidon license and an updated version of AmiATLAS 6 with updated data.

Finally we want to point out, that we will only be accepting EURO-cash at our booth. If you want to pay via credit card or eurocheque, you will of course also have the possibility to place a postal order (under the special show prices!) at our booth.

We are looking forward to your visit! (ps)

[News message: 03. Dec. 2002, 17:45] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Steiding (E-Mail)

e.p.i.c. interactive at the Amiga+Retrocomputing 2002 in Aachen, Germany
We will be guests at the stand of falke media during the Amiga + Retrocomputing show in Aachen this year. Naturally you will be able to buy all our Amiga products such as Software Tycoon, The Feeble Files or the Earth 2140 series games a.o. at very special prices directly at our stand. For the first time we will present some of our products in native MorphOS versions on the Pegasos, among these will be bussiness simulation Software Tycoon and Simon The Sorcerer 2. In addition we will also present two brand new games for MorphOS/Pegasos. The first is our carzy arcade fun shooter Birdie Shoot which we originally developed for Windows and Macintosh. Fans of real-time strategy fans will be treated to a demonstration of empire builder Knights and Merchants, which will be released shortly for the Pegasos.

More information on both Knights and Merchants and Birdie Shoot can be found in the projects section of our homepage. The first 25 customers at our stand will receive a free Earth 2140 mousepad. So, make sure you visit us early. (ps)

[News message: 03. Dec. 2002, 14:18] [Comments: 0]
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Mariusz Wloczysiak (E-Mail)

Elbox: Spider USB 2.0 working in High-Speed mode
Elbox is pleased to inform that development of the USB EHCI High-Speed driver for the Spider USB 2.0 card for Mediator busboards has been completed. The new Spider EHCI driver provides all three USB speeds: High-Speed, Full-Speed and Low-Speed.

Up to now the EHCI controller (the main part of the Spider USB 2.0 controller) was not activated. The Spider cards worked as two independent OHCI (USB 1.1) controllers with 5 USB ports. Now you can take advantage of the EHCI (USB 2.0) and two OHCI (USB 1.1) controllers included in the Spider board.

The first public demonstration of the Spider USB 2.0 PCI card working in the Mediator system in the High-Speed (USB 2.0) mode will have place in the AMIGA+RETRO Computing 2002 show in Aachen on 07 December 2002.

During the show, Spider USB 2.0 PCI cards will be available for purchase, exclusively at the Vesalia Computer stand. Contact Vesalia before the show to make sure the Spider USB 2.0 cards will not run out of the show stock before you have one for yourself.

Spider USB 2.0, the fastest and most advanced USB solution for Amiga computers, will be presented with various USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 devices like USB HDD, USB ZIP, USB CD, USB card reader/writer, USB keyboard and USB mice. Spider USB 2.0 will be working in the PCI slot of the Mediator PCI 1200 SX.

All the registered Spider USB 2.0 High-Speed card users will receive the new Spider EHCI driver as a FREE software update just after the AMIGA+RETRO Computing 2002 show.

[News message: 03. Dec. 2002, 14:14] [Comments: 0]
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Raquel Velasco or Bill Buck (E-Mail)

Genesi Press Release about the April® Chip for PegasosPPC
bplan GmbH and Thendic-France SARL
Announce Completion of April® Chip for PegasosPPC

Paris, France - December 3rd, 2002. bplan GmbH and Thendic-France SARL, both soon to be acquired by Genesi S.à.r.l. of Luxembourg, are pleased to announce the development and final certification of the April® chip. The April® chip adds new functionality to the successful Articia® chipset developed by Mai Logic Incorporated of Fremont, California. Mai Logic, an innovative technology design house of integrated circuits/systems, worked with bplan to develop the first prototype of the April® chip. The April® chip enables Mai and Genesi licensees to offer PPC based computer systems that can compete in today's quickly evolving IT environment. The Pegasos will be the first platform to offer the April® chip and will be commercially launched at the Amiga+Retro Computing 2002 in Aachen, Germany 7-8 December.

"We were very pleased to have worked with Mai Logic on this development," said Gerald Carda, Chief Technology Officer of bplan. "Through our collaborative efforts, we were able to leverage Mai's expertise in PowerPC-based chipset/system development and manufacturing technologies and our own knowledge of system design, architecture and software to bring the April® development to a successful conclusion. The Articia® and April® can be used together to promote an exciting alternative platform for the desktop, portable computer and sub-notebook marketplace.

The Pegasos incorporates the Articia® and April® chip with either a PowerPC 750FX processor or a G4 processor, operating at 800 MHz or higher. A dual CPU module release is planned for 2003. In addition to the standard enterprise applications and other state-of-the-art functions to satisfy the most demanding users, the Pegasos platform will offer many state of the art functions. For example, smart card and bar code modules have been prepared to work with the platform. A handheld version of the Pegasos is currently being developed with a planned release in 2003.

Genesi, Innovation for the Future

MorphOS is also being launched at Amiga+Retro Computing 2002. MorphOS is a new operating system for PowerPC RISC microprocessors and was developed for the Pegasos. MorphOS runs on the Pegasos and on the Mai Logic Teron CX and Teron PX evaluation boards. MorphOS functions on 603e, 604e, 750 and 7400 (Original G4) PowerPC processors. In the future MorphOS will also run on other Open Firmware based PowerPC machines. Genesi will also be release an internally developed CD-bootable version of DebianPPC at Amiga+Retro Computing 2002 for Linux users. Additionally, a first quarter 2003 Pegasos release of OpenBSD is expected.

The Pegasos on sale NOW!

The Pegasos can now be purchased through any of the following vendors:

And coming soon to:
  • USA
  • Australia/NZ

Articia® is the registered trademarks or trademarks of Mai Logic Incorporated. April® is the registered trademark of Genesi S.à.r.l.

For more information, please contact:

Raquel Velasco or Bill Buck
+33 1 43662800

[News message: 03. Dec. 2002, 13:55] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc.

Amiga announces partnership with Extreme Computing
Amiga announces partnership with Extreme Computing to provide Amiga licensed merchandise

AmigaMall will provide on-line solution for customers desiring AMIGA® products.

(Snoqualmie, WA) December 2, 2002 - Amiga has announced the creation of a partnership with Extreme Computing to provide customers with a source to purchase Amiga licensed clothing and merchandise. The "AmigaMall" e-commerce site will provide both Amiga branded clothing and merchandise as well as Extreme computer systems. The AmigaMall can be accessed from the Amiga Website or via

"We are very happy to be able to enter into this partnership with Extreme Computing to provide these types of products" said Vince Pfeifer, Vice President of Operations. "Having Extreme handle all of our physical product fulfillment allows us to focus our resources on delivering software solutions for our customers. The timing of this agreement allows customers to purchase products in time for the holiday season."

"We are very pleased to be able to work with Amiga Inc. on this project" said Todd Gustafson, CEO of Extreme Computing. "We feel it is important to keep the Amiga spirit alive, and the AmigaMall is just one way to keep things going in the right direction. We plan to continue offering unique and fun Amiga products, and we will update our website with new products throughout the new year".

About Amiga:
Amiga, Inc. established itself in 1985 as the premier provider of multimedia technologies to the world. Its award-winning software has been a mainstay for motion picture studios, government agencies, and entertainment enthusiasts from around the world. Today Amiga continues to lead the way in multimedia development by providing developers with hardware-independent technologies for writing and porting applications to a new hardware-agnostic, multimedia platform. Amiga Anywhere powered with intent from the Tao Group, enables applications to run unchanged on a broad range of processors including ARM, StrongARM, Intel X-Scale, OMAP, MIPS, Intel x86, Motorola 68K, and Hitachi SH. It can run hosted on a wide variety of operating systems including Windows CE .NET, Windows 9x, 2000, and XP. Amiga Anywhere applications can be purchased online at Amiga is based in Snoqualmie, Wash. For more information, call 425-396-5660 or visit (ps)

[News message: 03. Dec. 2002, 08:28] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

ARC 2002 News: New hardware vendor "Creative Development"
The recently founded company Creative Development will presumably show a new USB card called Ultrabus for classic Amiga computers at the AMIGA + RETRO COMPUTING 2002 show at the booth of Vesalia. "Ultrabus" has got four USB ports and can be used in Zorro Amigas as well as on the clockport of an Amiga 1200. In Zorro mode, a flash memory with 512k capacity can hold the complete USB stack, so USB devices are available right after a cold boot. This enables booting from USB storage devices. (ps)

[News message: 02. Dec. 2002, 23:59] [Comments: 0]
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Mariusz Wloczysiak (E-Mail)

Elbox: Mediator PCI 4000Di sales begins
The first batch of the Mediator PCI 4000Di busboards for Amiga 4000 in the standard desktop case is available from today.

To find the distributor near you or to order directly from our on-line store please go to our Where To Buy section.

If you would like to buy Mediator PCI 4000Di in AMIGA+RETRO Computing 2002, book it in Vesalia ( as soon as possible, as the number of boards for sale on the show is limited. A special FREE Mediator T-shirt is reserved for everyone who buys Mediator PCI 4000Di during the show.

The detailed specification of the Mediator PCI 4000Di: see the product page. (ps)

[News message: 02. Dec. 2002, 20:18] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future: Workbench gallery Update
The Workbench gallery on the Amiga Future homepage was updated. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 02. Dec. 2002, 19:53] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen (E-Mail)

Virus Help Denmark started new Amiga forum
Jan Andersen:
Today we have started a new service for you all, and that is the new "Virus Help Team Forum". Here you can write and ask about Amiga viruses or anti-virus programs, or you can even help other Amiga users with problems, that might not be caused by virus, who knows, that is up to all of you. We will check the forum as much as we can, to help you out if you have any problems with viruses or anti-virus programs on your Amiga. You can find a link to the "VHT Forum" here: (ps)

[News message: 02. Dec. 2002, 19:53] [Comments: 0]
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Mariusz Wloczysiak (E-Mail)

Elbox: New driver for Spider USB 2.0 High-Speed card
The SpiderUP 1.11 update for the Spider USB 2.0 High-Speed card has been made available today.

Changes in usb.device ver.1.11: - speed improvements

The usb.device 1.11 requires the Poseidon stack ver.1.31 as a minimum.

Info on the current versions is available in the DOWNLOADS | Mediator section. (ps)

[News message: 02. Dec. 2002, 15:32] [Comments: 0]
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Mariusz Wloczysiak (E-Mail)

Elbox: MediatorUP 3.6 & MM CD UP 1.20
The MediatorUP 3.6 update for Mediator PCI 3/4000T, Mediator PCI 4000D, Mediator PCI 4000, Mediator PCI 3000D, Mediator PCI 1200 SX, Mediator PCI 1200, Mediator PCI ZIV and for the newest Mediator model--Mediator PCI 4000Di has been made available today.

The update includes the new version of: · Voodoo.card driver

Voodoo.card driver ver. 2.19 - improved quality of the display generated by VSA-100 (Voodoo 4/5)

The MM CD 1.19 update for the users of Mediator PCI 3/4000T, Mediator PCI 4000D, Mediator PCI 4000, Mediator PCI 3000D, Mediator PCI 1200 SX, Mediator PCI 1200, Mediator PCI ZIV and Mediator PCI 4000Di busboards, who are registered owners of the Mediator Multimedia CD has been released today.

The update includes the new version of: · Voodoo.card driver

Voodoo.card driver ver. 4.19 - improved quality of the display generated by VSA-100 (Voodoo 4/5)

Info on the current versions is available in DOWNLOADS | Mediator section. (ps)

[News message: 02. Dec. 2002, 15:21] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: Lotto / BabeAnoid News / Aqua-Demo
Many of you will still remember the demo version of the Breakout clone "BabeAnoid" by Richard Fhager. After he stopped the development due to disappointing feedback, I am pleased to be able to announce that the work was taken up again and even an other PD game will be developed. Richard Fhager is among other things well-known as the author of games like "Dawn video Poker", "Titris", "Spaceball2000". I can appeal only again and again to you to send a short E-Mail to the developers if you like one of the mentioned programs!

Aqua - Demoversion Light
A new demo version of the adventure "Aqua" is now available. This playable demo (9MB) contains no animations and intros. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 02. Dec. 2002, 13:08] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Ruppert (ANF)

Tool: UniView V40.9 Update, SDK dtwindow.class
Stefan Ruppert:
After some time of beeing away from the Amiga (due to time lacking and defective hardware) I have found the time to release a small update for the MultiView replacement program UniView. This update does not add any additional functionality. The following modifications were made:

  • Some adjustments and smaller optimizations in dtwindow.class.
  • Documentation adapted.
  • UniView is Shareware without restrictions. Fee US 10$ or 10 EURO.
  • Documentation of dtwindow.class created.
  • SDK dtwindow.class

P.S.: The server is connected via DSL, thus please do not expect fast downloads... Additionally I would like to publish my Amiga programs and also source codes on my server. However this can take some time... (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 02. Dec. 2002, 12:05] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Kürzinger (ANF)

Mail program: New developer version of YAM 2.4-dev [ 020 ] BETA
Since yesterday there is a new developer version 2.4 of the mail program YAM available, which is now available as Open Source. This version is a version in development, which possibly still contains a lot of bugs. There will be no warranty or support by the developer team. Inquiries to developer versions by E-Mail remain likewise unanswered. Use it on own danger!

The changes made can be found in this document. Additional information can be found at the Yamos SourceForge-homepage.

Download: YAM24Dev.lzx (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 02. Dec. 2002, 00:32] [Comments: 0]
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