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Michael C. Battilana (E-Mail)

Cloanto: Personal Paint 7.1 for AmigaOS 4.0
Seattle, WA - January 6, 2004 - Amiga Inc. and Cloanto are delighted to announce that Personal Paint 7.1 will be available on the upcoming AmigaOS 4.0 operating system.

The Personal Paint series of 2D graphics and animations applications has been a mainstay of the application base for the Amiga platform ever since its introduction in 1992 and it is also a star attraction of the Cloanto Amiga Forever package. As Cloanto considers a new version of the product for AmigaOS 4.0, it has decided to show its commitment to the Amiga platform and community by making the source code of the current version available to Amiga Inc., allowing them to create a PowerPC native version for the upcoming AmigaOS 4.0 product. The created binaries will be owned by Cloanto but will be made available for free download from the Amiga and Cloanto web sites.

Cloanto and Amiga are also in talks concerning a new version of Amiga Forever, as well as a special version of Amiga Forever for AmigaOS 4.0, which aims to provide chipset-level Classic Amiga compatibility integrated with the new generation Amiga operating system and hardware.

About Amiga

Amiga Inc. established itself in 1985 as the premier provider of multi-media technologies to the world. Today Amiga continues leading the way in multi-media by providing language independent technologies to developers for writing and porting applications to a new multi-media platform that is hardware agnostic. Amiga Anywhere, powered with intent(TM) from the Tao Group, enables applications to run unchanged on a broad range of processors including ARM, StrongARM, Intel X-Scale, OMAP, MIPS, Intel x86, Motorola 68K and Hitachi SH. It can run hosted on a wide variety of operating systems including Windows CE .NET, Windows 9x, 2000, Windows XP, Linux, and Embedded Linux. AmigaDE Player and applications can be purchased at AmigaOS support and information is available at

About Cloanto

Cloanto started as an Amiga software house in 1987 and remains passionately committed to supporting its Amiga customers, the Amiga community, and those who have not yet had a chance to experience an Amiga. Cloanto's Amiga solutions are at For the nostalgically-minded, Cloanto's original Amiga site is online at


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[News message: 07. Jan. 2004, 08:03] [Comments: 1 - 07. Jan. 2004, 21:59]
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