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Philippe Bourdin (ANF)

Some details about the OS4 SDK
At, Hans-Jörg Frieden announced further details about the AmigaOS4 SDK which will be included on the Developer Pre-Release CD:
  • GCC 2.95.3 and GCC 3.4 have been ported to OS 4 native (and as a cross compiler for Linux/x86, Linux/PPC, Windows/Cygwin, Darwin/PPC, AmigaOS 3.x/m68k) The SDK will also contain gdb, the Gnu Debugger.
  • Then there's vbcc. vbcc is Frank Wille's contribution, I don't know if it will be contained in the SDK directly, but it will in any case be downloadable.
  • The SDK also contains a number of additional utilities, among them "fdtrans", which is a program to convert old-style SFD files into next-gen XML files.
  • XML files are used by the program "idltool", which is a program that converts these XML files into all sort of output files (much like fd2pragma or SFD before). idltool is primarily used to generate all required include files for an OS 4 style library, but it can also generate a skeleton source code for a library, so that a programmer only has to write an XML file, turn it into source code, and add the functions to it. This should make it easier to write libraries in OS 4.

[News message: 03. Jan. 2004, 17:44] [Comments: 0]
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