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16.Jan.2003 Amiga Link Directory Filled with over 1000 Links
Our Amiga Link Directory (ALD) set forth in January, 2000 to fill the big hole left by the closing of AWD [Amiga Web Directory -DM]. Since then the result has been positive: 29 categories with over 1000 hand-sorted links. Alfred Sturm is the man who labors behind the scenes in this area, entering new links almost daily.

If your own homepage has something to do with Amiga we would be happy if you would enter it in this area. You can also help by notifying Alfred Sturm of dead links or address changes. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2003, 22:19] [Comments: 0]
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David "Daff" Brunet (E-Mail)

Amiga Games Hit Parade January/February 2003
It's time to vote at the Hit Parade - January/February 2003. We need the classifying of your current prefered Amiga games.

Send us your classifying (20 games max) at our address:

You can also vote at our website:

Remember you can put all kind of games (commercial, freeware, old, new,...). If your list don't have changed since last time, simply reply the mail with the subject "no change for me".

Final classifying will be published in early February. (ps)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2003, 18:12] [Comments: 0]
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Golem - IT News

Golem: Data Rights Group against the Collection of Flat-rate IP Numbers
Regulations designed to protect personal rights have been twisted to do the opposite.

After the government of Darmstadt, according to multiple press reports, directed Internet provider T-Online to archive which customers used which IP numbers at which times (because of many customer complaints), the Independent Center for Data Rights (ULD) commented on the decision. The Darmstadt oversight officials pointed out that the ruling was limited, and that the rights situation to the officials of other German states would be unchanged.
Click on the title link for the complete article. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2003, 15:42] [Comments: 0]
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Halvadjian Georges (ANF)

PerfectPaint V2.91
PerfectPaint V2.91 is available.

What's new:
  • A lot of new keyboard shortcuts
  • Improve for Animation:
    Crop - Scale - Scale page Color correction - Gamma - Negative - ScrollRGB - Swap RGB
  • Remove some requester when ARexx is on.
  • Numeric keyboard to select brush (0-9)
  • Preview effect for very small picture is fixed
  • Minimum, maximum and median effect works well now for very small picture
  • Improve creation of Animation when several pictures are dropped into the appicon.
  • Improve drawing effect: Colorize
  • Add Brush Handle (Alt x)
  • New picture effect: Mirror
  • 'Ctrl' can be used now to block cursor in X or Y position
  • Improve addframe, delete frame and copy frame: Jiffies are now respected.
  • New animation effect:
  • Double each frame
    All frames will be duplicated with a mix option.
  • Cel Number: This script places the cel number on each selected frame. Prefix and suffix can be assigned
  • Insert picture works correctly now with indexed palette
  • New ARexx command:
    pp_PickColor, pp_GetPickRed,pp_GetPick_Green,pp_GetPickGreen
  • Convert to RGB and Convert to CMAP works now with animation
  • Improve Text_Gui and palette requester
  • Add an 'Info Button' on some requester.
  • Show Grid works now in "non classic" mode.
  • New picture item: Erase All Buffers (K)
  • And always several little bug fixed.
Download: PfPaint_V291.lha

Update 17.01.2003:
There is an update, that eliminates a bug in version 2.91.

Download: PfPaint_V291b.lha (ps)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2003, 13:13] [Comments: 0]
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CHIP online (ANF)

CHIP online: Hacker-Group: Spy Tool for File Exchange Software?
Roland 'Cyco Myco' Weigert writes:
I just read two very interesting columns at CHIP Online. The first is from January 14th and covers the topic: "Hacker Group: Spy Tool for File Exchange Software." According to this there is apparently a hacker group in the service of the RIAA which uses a covertly installed worm in Windows and Linux media players to see what media files the user has, then sends the information back over the Internet to the music industry (RIAA).

In the second article, from yesterday, comes this: (Music Industry: No Spying in File-sharing Software), denies the RIAA, who have something to do with all this. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2003, 01:10] [Comments: 0]
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Petra Struck Small Changes in Design
In order to make our menus a bit more readable we have removed the headings for 'Sub pages' and 'Special Pages.' These links may now be found in the upper menu under the link ´Sub Pages´ (bottom row, all the way on the right.

The links to our Partner Pages, which were formerly in the upper menu on the third row, are now in the right menu under ´Amiga Network.´

This was reached by a clear division between internal (upper menu) and external (right menu), and the right menu has become considerably shorter and thereby more readable. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 16. Jan. 2003, 00:49] [Comments: 0]
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M.Schwarz (ANF)

Former Metabox Executive Stefan Domeyer accused
Stefan Domeyer former executive of the Met@box AG has been accused last week by the public prosecutors of Hannover because of stock excange course manipulation.
Full article (German) see title link.

The set top box producer gained some interested within the Amiga community due to its announcement of a processor card for the A1200 in November 1999. Because of the unclear business methods Metabox reached the headlines several times in 2001.

Met@box AG has been founded on May the 15th 1996 with the name PIOS Computer AG by Amiga-Commodore developer engeneers (Dave Haynie, Andy Finkel) and former managers of Amiga Technologies (Stefan Domeyer). The initial capital, contributed by seven formers, had the amount of DM 1.05 millions. Further details are to obtain from our info page from June 1999. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2003, 19:30] [Comments: 0]
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Bernward Hofmann (E-Mail)

Amithlon: PuhDerBaer update
Bernd Meyer writes:
I just realized that the stereo-capable version of PuhDerBaer (the Paula-to-AHI redirector) never made it out to the users. Well, it's never too late --- download the archive and please make sure you read the included README.

Please note that I packed this up under Linux, rather than under AmigaOS. So it is possible that permission bits may not be set correctly --- so if things don't work, look for that first. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2003, 16:55] [Comments: 0]
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Event: Pictures from the CES 2003 by Genesi USA
By the title link there are three photos available from the team who were presenting not only the Eclipsis but also the possibilities of the Pegasos computer at their own stand at the CES 2003 in Las Vegas. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2003, 16:40] [Comments: 0]
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A.D.A.: Four news demos at the Amiga Demoscene Archive
On January the 12th 2003 the Amiga Demoscene Archive (A.D.A.) has been expanded with four new demos. Added are:

  • Splinters by Mystic (1997, Slideshow)
  • Diskobox by Abyss (1997, 40k-Intro)
  • Flower Power by Anarchy (1992, Demo)
  • Goa by The Black Lotus (1996, Demo)
(ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2003, 16:40] [Comments: 0]
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#AmigaFun-Website will be abandoned
After one of the founders of the IRC channel #AmigaFun has left the channel the official website for #amigafun will be closed at the end of January.

Due to that the HTMLchat hosted at our forum will be shut down at the end of the month. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2003, 16:40] [Comments: 0]
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The Legacy

The Legacy: 621 game infos updated
The Legacy is the game museum for C64, Amiga, Atari, PC, Schneider/Amstrad CPC, which offers screen shots, cover scans and information about the developers to its readers. Today 621 game infos (mainly at the screen shot area) were updated. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2003, 16:40] [Comments: 0]
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Emulator: UAE-X Version 0.7 - Amiga emulator for the X-Box
With UAE-X you are able to emulate an Amiga 500 or Amiga 1200 with your X-Box. UAE-X is available to the terms of the GPL. For compilation the Microsoft XBOX XDK will be needed. By the title link there are beside the new version 0.7 detailed information and some screen shots available. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2003, 16:40] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New packages (until 01-13-2003)
With WHDLoad you can install games to your hard disk which were intended for floppy disk use only. The following packages were added/updated since our last post:

  • 13.01.03 new: Tornado Ground Attack (Energize) done by Codetapper
  • 13.01.03 new: Pharaoh's Curse (Bignonia) done by Asman
  • 13.01.03 new: Nigel Mansell's World Championship (Gremlin) done by JOTD
  • 13.01.03 improved: Body Blows (Team 17) another version supported
  • 11.01.03 fixed: Pinball Mania (21st Century Entertainment) fixed access faults and VBR
  • 11.01.03 new: Better Dead Than Alien (Electra) done by Psygore
  • 08.01.03 fixed: The Speris Legacy (Team 17) fixed install script
(ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2003, 16:40] [Comments: 0]
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New website by Lorence Lombardo
Lorence Lombardo has put a new website online from that his software for 68k and Amithlon Amiga might be downloaded, among these are Amidiction, PegaThlon, HTMLStrip or BabelDoc. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2003, 16:40] [Comments: 0]
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15.Jan.2003 Amazon partner program buttons built in
Along the discussion (German) during the last week about new possibilities of funding there was several times the proposal among the comments to join the Amazon partner program. We signed it up now and there are now the two buttons for that built in at the right menu.

Many of you are buying books at Amazon. If you will do so in future by using one of the two buttons we will obtain a provision, which we can then use to fund So this is a kind of possibility to support us financially. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2003, 16:40] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga.Sourceforge: New ports from 01-15-2003
The following software ports were updated or added: (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2003, 16:40] [Comments: 0]
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TV card software: AmithlonTV beta version 230
Guido Mersmann has released the beta version 230 of his TV card driver software AmithlonTV.

New with this version:
    Found the crappy crash bug, that caused the bt8x8 driver sometimes to crash. The same bug seems to caused the video freezing, the picture startup problem and some fuzzy system trouble. I made fullspeed resizing tests without any further picture trouble or crashes. Sometimes it's worth to rework a trouble making driver from scratch!
    The new reworked bt8x8 driver is able to process as many picture buffers as required.
    The new reworked bt8x8 driver is pre calculating the risc code size before compiling, which causes less memory usage.
    Fixed a window sizing problem with smear (reported by Carsten Siegner).

Download: AmithlonTV_Beta230.lha (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 15. Jan. 2003, 14:47] [Comments: 0]
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Alfie's Amiga Homepage (ANF)

OpenURL and RxMUI Update
The RxMUI package is now released in version 31.5, and OpenURL is available in version 4.1.

Some other projetcs have also new versions:
  • BWin.mcc 20.3
  • GIFAnim.mcc 19.2
  • SpeedBar.mcc 16.2
  • Urltext.mcc 18.3
(ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2003, 22:41] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

Individual Computers: New year, new drivers, new prices
Catweasel MK3 PCI/Flipper is not only a PCI-card, it can also be used in an Amiga. The first SID-driver has now been released for AmigaOS: Stefan Haubenthal has written a 6581sid.library for common C64 emulators like Frodo or MagiC64.

Download: 6581sid.lha - 1442 Bytes

Unfortunately, the new year also brings bad news: Higher taxes, higher energy cost and higher wages at our contractors force us to increase some prices for the first time in the nearly nine-year old history of the company. This mainly affects the new products. On the other hand, we will decrease prices for the existing inventory.

The new pricelist is valid from February 1st, 2003.

Prices at your local reseller may be different from the prices listed here, especially because of differen VAT rates in the European countries. Prices listed here include the German VAT of 16%. Price lists published previously become invalid with the publication of this list.

Buddha Flash IDE controller                     49,90 EUR
Catweasel MK3 PCI/Flipper                       89,90 EUR
Catweasel Z-II (incl. Buddha)                   74,90 EUR
Catweasel ISA (PC-Version)                      39,90 EUR
Gemini SCMS-killer (opto in)                   149,00 EUR
Gemini SCMS-killer (coax in)                    99,00 EUR
Graffiti Videocard                              19,00 EUR
IDE-fix Express upgrade A1200                   24,90 EUR
IDE-fix Adapter A4000                           14,90 EUR
ISDN-Surfer w/o OVP                             59,90 EUR
ISDN-Surfer w/ OVP                              79,90 EUR
Silversurfer                                    29,90 EUR
Silversurfer limited Edition                    34,90 EUR
A600 adapter for Silversurfer                    9,90 EUR
X-Surf 2 ethernet                               89,90 EUR
Lyra keyboard adapter                           29,90 EUR
VarIO (Zorro/26-pin version)                    49,00 EUR
VarIO (A1200 version)                           59,00 EUR
PCI POST code display                           39,90 EUR
Indivision Flickerfixer                         99,00 EUR
Retro Replay                                    50,00 EUR
Retro Replay incl. Silversurfer                 75,00 EUR
C-One reconfigurable computer mainboard aprox. 250,00 EUR

The products Kylwalda and IDE-fix express A1200 will only be produced on special order. We're currently considering production outside Germany to keep the target price of 189,- EUR for the Delfina soundcard.

Something funny at the end: Individual Computers is being massively attacked by viruses in the past few weeks. Up to eight emails containing a virus arrive every day. The amusing part about this is that it's viruses that only spread through Windows and Outlook. Those who want to harm us should know that we're not using sub-standard software, and attacks like this are simply ineffectual. (ps)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2003, 17:06] [Comments: 0]
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Steffen Häuser / Hyperion Entertainment (ANF)

New Quake2 Update available
On our website is a new Update for Quake2 available, for PPC and 68k, registered users can download it there.

The new update fixes a bug in the GL renderer of the first update, a small bug in the GUI and has some optimizations. Also you can now save screenshots (with the GL renderer) as JPEGs as before only in TGA. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2003, 12:57] [Comments: 0]
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14.Jan.2003 / Stefan 'Scholle' Czinczoll (ANF)

Pre-Releases of the new RC5-72 Clients available
Under the title link the AmigaOS-Clients (68k, PowerUp, WarpUp) for the RC5-72 contest can be dowloaded. As said on the PowerUp-version is 100% MorphOS compatible. The clients are so called "release candidate" versions. The versions have the numbers v2.9001.479.

The aim of the project RC5-75 is with as many computers as possible to decode a 72-bit-key. There are trillions of possibilites to compute. To take part in this you do not have to have knowledge in programming, only free computer capacity. Jut install te client, get some blocks and after decoding send them back. Help, a FAQ and more explanations you will find at Amiga RC5 Team Effort. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2003, 12:50] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Kürzinger (ANF)

BlizKick Version 1.24rc5 und NewPatchMult64 Version 1.5
New versions of Harry "Piru" Sintonen's BlizKick (v1.24rc5, MapROM Tool for Phase5/DCE Turboboards, Readme) and NewPatchMult64 (v1.5, 060 Patches for UMult64/SMult64, Readme) are released. For both tools are new detected bugs fixed.

BlizKick-1.24rc5.lha - 280 KB
NewPatchMult64-1.5.lha - (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 14. Jan. 2003, 11:24] [Comments: 0]
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Jürgen Schmitz (E-Mail)

Amiga Inc.: AmigaOS4 Feature Set: Release 1
January 13, 2003 - Snoqualmie, WA

Amiga is pleased to publish this first version of the feature set of the up and coming AmigaOS4.0. The document will undergo revision in subsequent issues but because of the massive demand for information made by the public, we have decided to release it in its current state.

Due to the large amount of work and the obvious technical nature of OS development, the document is both considerable in size, laden with jargon and, to save download time, diagrams have not been included.

For those using older Amiga based PDF viewers, there may be a few minor issues with displaying the front page graphics but this is due to issues with these viewers. On official PDF viewers, and on the new AmigaOS4.0 viewer, the document is rendered true.

Amiga would like to thank both those in the AmigaOS4.0 project team, who have worked on this project with passion and commitment and those who have patiently waited for their favourite platform to bloom once again. It has been a huge undertaking and no one company, entity or person can take the credit. It has been a fantastic demonstration of what makes the Amiga platform so special, the coming together of like minds to build something extraordinary.

AmigaOS4.0. The legend continues.

Click here to download/view the AmigaOS4 Feature Set PDF

There is also a HTML version of this PDF document: (ps)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2003, 22:07] [Comments: 0]
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Sylvio (ANF)

New Screenshots of Soms3D and innovation
There are new Soms3D shots on the Anime development web page to admire, which shows the first progress of the engine. In addition one can now chat with the developers of Soms3D. On the IRC server phatnet ( #amigafun) and/or at this URL. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2003, 21:11] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Uploads 13.01.2003
Here the current uploads:

rno-urea.lha         demo/aga   1.6M+RNO: "Urea" demo from M&S 2000 (7th)
eviled.lha           dev/e       75K+Editor with source in E
php-4.3.0-bin.lha    dev/gg     717K+PHP 4.3.9 - AmigaOS 68k binary
fdisk.lha            disk/misc  206K+PC partition table editor for Amiga
CyberGazetka01.lha   docs/mags  406K+Skubaniec - simple polish mag
WormWars.lha         game/misc  624K+Worm Wars 7.3: Advanced snake game
Sv5Fix100.lha        gfx/misc   284K+*Fix* for SView5 V1.00 (11.1.2003)
3c589.lha            hard/drivr  54K+Driver for 3Com PCMCIA network cards
Lame68k.lha          mus/misc   324K+Lame 3.93.1, mp3 encoder
cvs-1.11.4.lha       util/gnu   1.1M+CVS 1.11.4 - Concurrent Versions System 
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc  305K+Report+ 5.64: Multipurpose utility
idle1_4.lha          util/moni   12K+A (working) cpu monitor
idlewos.lha          util/moni   12K+A cpu monitor with WarpOS Support

[News message: 13. Jan. 2003, 19:30] [Comments: 0]
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John Klas (E-Mail)

Sixgirls Computing Labs is under attack
John Klos from Sixgirls Computing Labs writes:
Sixgirls Computing Labs, which is known for being one of the only hosting services which uses an Amiga as a full time server (, is experiencing a massive denial of service attack of unprecedented magnitude.

A previous attack saturated the 10-base-T connection of the Amiga server with over 7 Mbps of syn packets, which caused loss of most connectivity for part of a day, but the machine was put behind another Sixgirls server with 100-base-T connections which filters this traffic.

Another attack began at midnight EST Sunday morning. Information from the upstream router shows that this attack is using 150 Mbps of traffic to make the connection unusable. Measures will be put into place to block this traffic upstream, and normal service should resume sometime Monday. The authorities are investigating.

Temporarily, you may have trouble accessing sites which are hosted on, such as:
and others.

Please check back. (ps)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2003, 18:52] [Comments: 0]
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Grasshopper LLC

DTP: PageStream V4.1.5.5 for Amiga OS and Windows
On 12 January 2003 Grasshopper LLC published version of the DTP program 'PageStream' for Amiga and Windows. This update is available for registered users on the Grasshopper LLC Website at the disposal. Currently this update contains only the new files until the test of the package is finished. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2003, 14:58] [Comments: 0]
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TV software: AmithlonTV beta version 229
Guido Mersmann published beta version 229 of the TV card driver software AmithlonTV.

    Complete rework of the current video_bt8x8.lib. Many routines replaced, improved or completly removed.
    Fixed a memory allocation problem. The video_bt8x8.lib didn't work on non powerpci.library systems, now this is fixed.
    TVCard.library is now able to detect the Philips video chip which is using the pci subclass "other" instead of video.
    New option "Push in screen"! When using PowerWindows you're able to drag windows out of the screen, which is very useful. My TV window is placed at the right bottom of the screen by default. When using the menu/hotkey to enlarge the window it stays there and grows into the screen border. By using the new option the window position is automaticaly changing to fit on screen.

Download: AmithlonTV_Beta229.lha (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2003, 13:46] [Comments: 0]
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Meeting: Pictures of the Alternative Party 2003 (update)
Under the title link you can find some pictures of the Alternative Party 2003, which took place last weekend in Helsinki, Finland.

Supplement 14.01.2003:
Further pictures can be found here and here. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2003, 12:52] [Comments: 0]
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Marius Schwarz (ANF)

Meeting: Amiga party in Braunschweig asks for registration
Marius Schwarz wrote:
"For planning reasons of the Amiga Lan party in Braunschweig, which will take place on 8 and 9 February 2003, we would like to ask all of you, to announce your coming by using our web form. We need the registration because of the food supply, are thus in your interest. THX." (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2003, 12:22] [Comments: 0]
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Velcro_SP (ANF)

Meeting: Pictures of CES 2003 (Genesi)
I placed pictures of the CES 2003 on-line. Much fun when looking at! (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 13. Jan. 2003, 12:13] [Comments: 0]
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12.Jan.2003 1000th news ticker mailed!
More than 600 subscribers make use of the possibility to have our news sent to them via eMail. Jürgen Müller, who we are extending a big thankyou to, has been creating a ticker almost daily for more than 3 years, and yesterday the 1000th ticker was sent in the German section!

If you hadn't yet known about this possibility, you can learn how to subscribe and unsubscribe under the title link. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 12. Jan. 2003, 21:49] [Comments: 0]
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Jörg Thomas (ANF)

New URL for ylf's home page
As Amiga browsers apparently are learning and thus are slowly getting problems with my hitherto domain redirect service in the form of annoying banner ads and popup windows, I have now set up a new URL. As from now my site with the well known hardware tips and the \"Amiga ist ...\" page can also be reached under

At the same time I would like to thank everyone for their feedback, and ask those who have linked to my page to update the link at the next opportunity.

Regards, Jörg Thomas (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 12. Jan. 2003, 11:57] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future: New review online
Today a review by Tristan Mangold of the online game 'Inselkampf' has been published in the Amiga Future home page's articles area. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 12. Jan. 2003, 11:57] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Ruppert (ANF)

Red card for Internet investigators
Stefan Ruppert wrote:
Just stumbled across the above mentioned site. Don't know if this has already been posted here but it seems to me to be interesting for all Internet users.

Some words about the content:
"The Bundesrat has decided concerning a bill that intends the saving of all available data in the area of the classic telecommuncations (calling via cellphone and mobile cell phone, SMS, fax etc.) as well as all data available on the Internet on stock. The goal is to make it possible for the secret services and the offices for prosecution to find data they can access if is needed. Details shall not be handled in form of laws but through the Federal Government via a statuory instrument."

For those who are interested I came via to this site. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2003, 21:34] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

Conrad Elektronik: USB/Firewire to IDE interface
At Conrad Elektronik you can buy an interface for USB/FireWire to IDE. With this interface it shall be possible to run an external IDE tower with hard disks for example via the USB interface card Highway. This interface handles on the IDE side ATA and ATAPI (PIO 0-4 and UDMA 0-4).

Interesting though is the question whether this interface can work also in the other direction. IDE to USB/FireWire.

Link to the interface removed as they use with single session IDs. So all interested have to wade through to the interface's page themselves. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2003, 18:51] [Comments: 0]
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Instant Messenger: Jabberwocky v1.3 - 6. preview (Update)
Tom Parker has released preview 5 of the Instant Messenger 'JabberWocky' for Amiga computers. Jabber is an open XML protocol for the direct exchange of messages.

Connections to other Instant Messengers like AIM, ICQ, MSN and Yahoo are possible via gateways.

Download: Jabberwocky030109.lha

Update 12.01.2003:
Today was released preview 6. Download: Jabberwocky030113.lha (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2003, 13:24] [Comments: 0]
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Ralf Himmel (ANF)

Replacing floppy discs with MiniCD-RW
The company Memorex will offer from Februar 2003 on rewritable CDs for the waistcoat with 8 cm in diameter as a replacement for the floppy discs. The small CD-RW that can be rewritten up to 1.000 times and can contain a maximum of 210 MB of data is suitable for mobile users. The Pocket CD-RW fits in every pocket and therefore suits perfectly for the mobile use, e.g. in the laptop, MP3 player or in the digital camera. Using the standard audio compression mode MPEG you can record 210 minutes of music. They are said to be available from February on for a price of 6,99 Euros for five Pocket CD-RWs in a slim jewel case. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2003, 12:02] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads of 11.01.2003
Here are the latest Aminet uploads:

opentriton-hun.lha   dev/gui      3K+Hungarian catalog for OpenTriton GUI sys
fat95hun.lha         disk/misc   20K+Hungarian translation for fat95
AmigaFuture40.lha    docs/mags  1.0M+Great german paper mag preview
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2003, 03:38] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Schulze (ANF)

Collected Dreamworlds news - Crossfire II update (update)
There are many news to report:

The new homepage of Dreamworlds Development is online. The base design is already complete as well as are the news and the downloads. Information about projects and the team will follow in the next few days. Until then there's a link to the old homepage.

Crossfire II has experienced a big update. There's finally a demo version (download: cf2_demo.lha - 11,7 MB) and an update (download: cf2_upd101.lha), containing the following:
  • Alternative graphics functions that don't need ChunkyPPC; solves problems of ChunkyPPC on Pegasos systems.
  • Mission mode completely translated into German.
  • Optionally playable in the Workbench window.
  • The tutorial can be skipped when starting a new game.
  • Active weapon is marked with light effect.
  • New music piece specially for mission #11.
  • Many missions details changed.
  • Wrong colors when playing in 8bit without screen fading fixed.
  • Crash in mission #26 fixed.
  • "File not executable" error fixed.

People ordering the full version now will get already the new version with all known problems fixed. The demo version is up to this level, too, and lets you play the tutorial, 2 missions from the middle of the game and test the multiplayer mode. To keep the archive small in size were all animations and musics removed. A more complete demo will be released e.g. on the next AmigaFuture CD.

Crossfire II is a kind of Wing Commander seen from above with complex and varied missions, a thrilling background story, lavish effects and explosive multiplayer fights.

On the APC&TCP homepage have recently further screenshots of the game been released. The game is available at APC&TCP and in a few days also on the shelves in the stores. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2003, 03:25] [Comments: 0]
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FAQ for TTEngine written
Grzegorz Kraszewski has written an English FAQ to the topic TTEngine. TTEngine is a text-rendering environment for AmigaOS based on TrueType font. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. Jan. 2003, 19:25] [Comments: 0]
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Thorsten Schölzel (ANF) will go online in two weeks
Thorsten Schölzel wrote:
The website which has gone offline some time ago will be online again in two weeks. The goal has clearly determined: Supporting x86 users who use AmigaOS via WinUAE.

The workshops describe the installation of AmigaOS3.9 for getting the best sound as well as the creation of an Internet connection with Genesis. I try to show that the use of AmigaOS is very easy with the help of an Amiga emulator. The proper preferences are very important. But before I will present you this issues I want to finish designing the homepage. You will be able to watch the site with AWeb, IBrowse and Voyager in any case.

Now I want to speak a few words to the "negativ thinker": "Currently there is a stagnation at users and developers. Why is it so? By working with UAE I could convince users having the Amiga system. Today they use Windows and AmigaOS/WinUAE in a friendly coexistence because there is good software on both sides. Try to expect the future a little more positive!" (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. Jan. 2003, 19:16] [Comments: 0]
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Peter's Amiga Homepage

Peter's Amiga Homepage: WinUAE FAQ updated
On the homepage of Peter the following sections have been updated:
  • Winuae FAQ
  • Windows XP guide will be available soon
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. Jan. 2003, 19:05] [Comments: 0]
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Amiforce (ANF)

Amiforce: Amiblitz 2.27 distribution published
From now on the full distribution of Amiblitz version 2.27 is available on Amiforce. The update for Amiblitz 2.27 still had a few bugs which have been now fixed.

During the next days this archive will be completed by adding additional translations. Please get the changes from the history which the guide contains. The Amiblitz download section will be reworked and the date will be added.

The mailing list filearchive was created and data will be permanently added. This will be also written in the info site.

The programs SN-KontoArchiv and SN-AnlagenArchiv can be now accessed under Amiblitz/Developer support. Additionally to a short describtion and the download there is also an online formular for registering directly at the author Steffen Nitz. This section is being reworked and has been still not finished. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. Jan. 2003, 18:15] [Comments: 0]
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Ancor Productions

Website of Ancor Productions has a new design
The website of Ancor Productions which is well-known by projects such as 'The Last Seal' , 'PTOE' and 'AFP' has been completely new designed. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. Jan. 2003, 13:33] [Comments: 0]
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Richard H. Poser II (E-Mail)

Instant-Messenger: AmigAIM V0.9443 beta
Richard H. Poser has published the beta version 0.9443 of the AIM-messenger "AmigAIM". The following changes have been made compared with the previous version:

  • Fixed, I believe, a long standing bug with the reconnection system. This is only a small maintenance release, as I'm sure that was annoying.

For further details please have a look at the history-file.

AmigAIM.lha (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. Jan. 2003, 12:48] [Comments: 0]
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d!RT!E & Zito of mOOdS (ANF)

mOOdS now also without frames and Javascript!
Additional to some minor improvements you can now watch the homepage of "mOOdS - Music For Your Instincts" which is a music group based on Amiga without frames and without Javascript. Have much fun you IBrowse fans! (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 10. Jan. 2003, 01:33] [Comments: 0]
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