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Andreas Kleinert (email)

Graphics: SView5 v1.40 released
The graphics viewer and converter SView5 has been released in version 1.40 and can be downloaded as a demo version from the website of the developer Andreas R. Kleinert under the title link. The package contains the eight distribution archives and the plug-in for ImageFX.

(New) Features:
  • SView5: the powerful main program that allows to access all options and settings, allows to load, save, process and convert images - not only via the GUI but also using ARexx and so on. Includes a RTG-compliant screen-grabber!
  • BatchProcess: Batch conversion tool, for applying upto 4 image processing operaters to a number of graphics by wildcards and save them in a different file format, e.g. load a bunch of JPEGs, then resize, dither and save them as PNG files.
  • SVProPics: Ulrich Falke's "SVProPics" batch-processing ARexx script now is part of the SView5 archive
  • PNG-Box5: dedicated tools for creation of graphics for JPEG-Box5
  • JPEG-Box5: WWW usage (HTML pages) with progressive/interlacing and transparency support
  • WinSlide: for viewing images in a window on public screens, using as few memory as possible - smooth scrolling inclusive! Supports 8 through 24 bit displays.
  • ScrollSlide: like WinSlide but using its own screen, for best colors even on 8 bit displays
  • CyberSlide: like viewing images from SView5 using a CyberGfx SV5Driver with 16/24 bit capability, but implemented as small standalone program
  • SuperSlide: like CyberSlide but for AGA screens and screen modes, additionally dithering is done when necessary
  • SVPrefs: for changing settings of SView5-Library modules easily.
  • also: JPEG2000 support, lots of new SVOperators, bugfixes, ...
(nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2004, 14:01] [Comments: 0]
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