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Petra Struck

Interview with Urban Müller (Aminet Administrator)

Interview with Urban Müller
by Petra Struck - 09.01.2003 (In Deutsch)

As we had to report in early January, the Aminet series of CDs was cancelled. So Aminet CD #52 will be the last one put together. This turn of events compelled us to ask a few questions of Urban Müller, the person who does the CDs and is also an Aminet administrator.

Amiga-News: Who is Urban Müller?

Urban Müller: I'm an Amiga fan since way back when. I first satisfied this passion during my IT studies and then as I worked as a search machine programmer.

Amiga-News: What constitutes Aminet and what is Aminet?

Urban Müller: Aminet was the attempt to ease the load on our university's Amiga archive through the use of mirrors, and it succeeded through the help of volunteers.

Amiga-News: How many years have you busied yourself with Aminet?

Urban Müller: Oh my God, it's been almost ten years! :)

Amiga-News: How is Aminet organized? Who does what and how long does it take to do it?

Urban Müller: The two moderators - Matthias Scheler and I - proofread all uploads for correct *.readme file, to make sure there are no viruses, for appropriate content and correct category designation. Normally this doesn't take too much time, however new features (for example the new web interface from Andrea Kareth) and the maintenance of the many mirrors take some time.

Amiga-News: What sort of difficulties have you had to overcome in this enterprise?

Urban Müller: Almost everything has gone quite well. Only occasionally are mirror admins difficult to reach, and I myself have a network card problem with the Amiga :)

Amiga-News: How is Aminet financed?

Urban Müller: Luckily Aminet's financial requirements are not very high, because bandwidth and storage space have been provided by universities.

Amiga-News: The cancellation of the Aminet CD series will leave a hole that will not be easily filled. Why exactly is it being stopped?

Urban Müller: The number of breaks shrank steadily, also in part it's due to the fact that almost everyone can connect to the Internet and therefore doesn't need a CD.

Amiga-News: Under what circumstances would it be possible to carry on the CD series, for instance would it help if we had a subscription campaign which registered 500 new subscribers?

Urban Müller: I think that would only postpone the cancellation a bit.

Amiga-News: Could you possibly turn over the rights to make Aminet CDs to someone else?

Urban Müller: I wouldn't rule that out, if someone is interested.

Amiga-News: What feelings do you have about the current Amiga situation?

Urban Müller: It's going to be difficult for the Amiga to expand the tiny user base after such a long period of standing still, but I would like to be surprised by positive developments.

Amiga-News: Do you still have an Amiga?

Urban Müller: Of course, but now I spend more time using Linux.

Amiga-News: In closing, is there anything you would like to say to readers?

Urban Müller: I thank all the people who have contributed to Aminet, especially the software authors, who have invested countless hours. Without them the Amiga would never have been useful for as long as it has.

Amiga-News: Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to our questions. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2003, 22:41] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Böhmer (ANF)

E3B is offering a compilation of frequently-asked questions (and answers) on their website. If you have USB problems they recommend that you first take a quick look there, perhaps the problem is already known and may be easily solved.

This FAQ is offered as support for customer service. If you have problems or questions E3B is also available by email, of course! (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2003, 21:24] [Comments: 0]
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H & P

Haage & Partner Website Revised
The webpage of Haage & Partner has been completely revised. At the first glance it seems that Amiga will not play a big role at H&P in the future. The resisted decline of the Amiga market is apparent. The Amiga pages are there as they were before, but the principle focus of H&P is now visibly in other areas. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2003, 20:17] [Comments: 0]
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PageStream News for January 2003
PageStream News for January, 2003
It's version of PageStream for Windows and 4.1.5 for Amiga. The versions are still in testing stage and only available in English versions. A Macintosh version will follow shortly. A Linux version is also announced, but exact dates can't be stated yet.

Registered customers can download the new version and the German localization in the download area. Customers who have not registered yet can do so now: Registration.

PageStream area revised
To honor the new year the Pagestream area was revised and now meshes with the new design of the main site. Shortly the text area will also be updated and reorganized. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2003, 20:06] [Comments: 0]
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Golem - IT News

No Soldering Required: Radeon 9500 Conversion to Radeon 9700
Driver patch enables functions only offered by more expensive products.

After the Russian website publicized a modification in which one could change a Radeon 9500 with 128 megs RAM to a better-performing Radeon 9700 with a BIOS update and a bit of solder, the story continued: tinkerers found new ways to do the same thing without any hardware modification nor warranty voiding, although there are a few restrictions.

Click on the title link for the complete article. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2003, 19:57] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc. Website Covered in Computeractive's Netcharts
The website of Amiga Inc. has landed in the "Netcharts" section of the English-language computer newspaper 'Computeractive.' The website is described as follows:
Unlike the rest of the 1980s home computer systems such as the Sinclair Spectrum and Commodore 64 that went west during the early 1990s, the Amiga is still reasonably common. All sorts of software and applications are still being developed and Amigas are still widely used to create video effects for TV and film. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2003, 19:25] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Uploads 09.01.2003
Here the current uploads:

CDCat30PL.lha        docs/help   14K+Polish Locale for CDCat 3.0
AmigaBG.jpg          pix/back   395K+A simple Amiga wallpaper

[News message: 09. Jan. 2003, 14:44] [Comments: 0]
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TecChannel (ANF)

tecChannel: T-Mobile Offers Microsoft Smartphones
According to tecChannel: Microsoft Germany has found a new partner in T-Mobile for their efforts in the Handy market. This quarter T-Mobile will market the first telephone with the Handy software, the Microsoft SmartPhone. Click on the title link for the complete article. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2003, 11:14] [Comments: 0]
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CD32-Allianz (ANF)

New Category at CD32 Alliance: Instructions
On account of many requests for the original instructions of CD-32 stuff we decided to meet the challenge and create a category for instructions. Additionally there are also the instructions for the SX-32 expansion module and diverse CDTV accessories. In the CD-32 Games area, there are the instructions for Lotus Trilogy. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2003, 00:19] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New packages (until 01-05-2003)
With WHDLoad it is possible to install games on a hard disk which were orginally designed for floppy disk use only. The following packages were added/updated since the last announcement:

  • 05.01.03 fixed: XP8 (Weathermine Software) support for NTSC machines
  • 05.01.03 new: The Speris Legacy (Team 17) done by JOTD
  • 05.01.03 new: Sextimates (Actionworks) done by Psygore
  • 05.01.03 new: Pinball Mania (21st Century Entertainment) done by JOTD
  • 05.01.03 improved: Pinball Fantasies (21st Century) supports AGA version, highscores fixed
  • 04.01.03 new: Sky Chase (Imageworks) done by Psygore
(ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2003, 21:49] [Comments: 0]
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Developer tool: CVS version 1.11.4 AmigaOS/MorphOS port
By the title link there is the latest update of the Amiga and MorphOS port of CVS (Concurrent Versions System) available which was done by Olaf Barthel and Jens Langner. The current version is 1.11.4. Please see the included ChangeLog.

Download: cvs-1.11.4.lzx - 982 KB

CVS is a tool for programers which simplifies the version control of source code a lot. More known from Unix/Linux these ports may be useful for one or another using AmigaOS or MorphOS. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2003, 21:22] [Comments: 0]
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Ron van Schaik (E-Mail)

Event: C= show report on Dutch radio
Ron van Schaik writes:
Hello all great C= lovers,
First of all I wanna wish you a very good 2003!

Dutch radio will have a report of our C= show held on December 21 at the Trefpunt in Holland. There is an interview with Jeri Ellsworth and a report of the C= One. Also there will be an interview with our clubmembers Ruud Baltissen and Gideon Zweijtzer (builder of the new C64 32-bit processor).

The programm called Telescoop will be on air at Saturday January 11 from 17:00 till 18:00 at radio 747AM. Info: (telescoop magazine). When you wanna see some nice pics (two pages) of our C= show held on December 21 you can watch it on: and

Lots of greetings Ron van Schaik (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2003, 15:54] [Comments: 0]
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Genesi USA founded (Update)
Genesi USA (tax number: EIN 42-1567425) has been founded this week in Nevada, USA. Genesi USA is a hold to 100% by Genesi SARL Luxembourg.

Samuel Rydh (MacOnLinux) will be at the Genesi-CES stand
Genesi SARL has informed MorphOS-news that Samuel Rydh (chief developer of Mac-On-Linux) will attend together with Genesi at their stand at the CES and will help to promote the Pegasos mainboard.

Update 09.01.2003:
Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck:


Crossbee Management Joins Genesi

The Management of Crossbee S.A. of Paris, France has joined Genesi to assist in the organization of the Company. "Integrating Thendic-France, bplan GmbH, and all of our sales efforts and strategic initiatives required us to find and recruit a proven and talent international management team. Stéphane Donders and the Crossbee team are the right people to bring Genesi to the next level." The Crossbee team began working with Genesi 7 January.

Details about Crossbee can be found at Crossbee and Genesi will share offices in Paris. New Genesi Offices will be established in Frankfurt and Luxembourg in January and February. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2003, 14:15] [Comments: 0]
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Amiforce (ANF)

Amiforce: Amiblitz2.27 update
Unfortunately it has been very quiet around Amiforce due to lack of time and other projects. Now it's going on. The start is a new update archive of Amiblitz2.27.

For the usage there is a full distribution of Amiblitz 2.26 is required. The FAQ has partially translated to German and will soon be completed.

In the next days an updated distribution will be released. The following things will soon be changed/expanded:
  1. AmiblitzML files archive:
    All data which were posted to the German mailing list will be put inside a public folder so every user can access it.
  2. SN archive will be expanded
  3. At the "Gamesfun" area the will be added the section "Classicgaming" which will offer some never before released games.
  4. The music area gets a new track. ;)
The last poll is finished now and the results can be viewed at the start site. The favoured topic will be featured soon. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2003, 13:03] [Comments: 0]
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08.Jan.2003 tries new ways of financing
The costs for were covered by banner ads only. Due to the stagnation of the Amiga market it became more and more difficult during the last year to find paying clients for these banner ads.

With Martin Wolf of Eternity we try from today on a new kind of advertisements. sets up a banner for a product, in this case 'Tales of Tamar', and for every purchase that was done via this banner gets a provision. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2003, 10:51] [Comments: 0]
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heise Newsticker / Apple-Fan (ANF)

heise online: Macworld Expo: Web browser by Apple
A new open source browser called 'Safari', which was developed by Apple especially for Mac OS X, should, so Jobs, show that innovation and speed is nothing magically. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2003, 10:17] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

Amiga-Mediaplayer version 2.9
Update of the 'Amiga-Mediaplayer'. New: Start of the TV window or 'Frogger' after a context change, save function for the radio frequency list, possibility for changement of single frequencies within the list and fix the new entries, TV/radio switch keeps the last chosen radio frequency. Optimization of the source code.

  • Return: Opens the Frogger ASL requester for media data
  • Esc: Quits the mediaplayer window
  • F1: Opens a context changer window "Changer"
  • F: Fixes the new radio frequencies within the frequency list
  • S: Saves the new radio frequency list

To change the radio frequency list a number key has to be stroken first. Then it is possible to change the tuner frequency with the up ">>|" and down "|<<" arrows inside the mediaplayer window in 10KHz quantities. If the desired frequency is reached only the "F" key has to be hit and the new value is fixed. Now this frequency can't be changed any more. If this new value should be to find at every start of the Mediaplayer the "S" key has to be pressed. Then the frequency list will be rewritten within the program directory, including the changed frequencies.

Download: Mediaplayer-2.lzy (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2003, 10:07] [Comments: 0]
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Titan Computer (ANF)

Diskussion: Rage Hard discussion board
For the new multi player tactic shooter Rage Hard a discussion board has set up here. Ideas, improvements and critics are welcome. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2003, 10:00] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads from 01-08-2003
Following the latest Aminet uploads:

up-kicks.lha         demo/aga   1.1M+UP ROUGH "April In Paris" released at MS
up-yours.lha         demo/intro  66K+UP ROUGH "Introducin" our first intro ev
apx-tb05.lha         demo/mag   3.1M+Taboo #5 AGA/CGX.Polish scenemagazine by
fdisk.lha            disk/misc  126K+PC partition table editor for Amiga
Sv5-1.lha            gfx/misc   549K+SView5 V1.00 (1.1.2003) - Part 1/8
Sv5-2.lha            gfx/misc   152K+SView5 V1.00 (1.1.2003) - Part 2/8
Sv5-3a.lha           gfx/misc   127K+SView5 V1.00 (1.1.2003) - Part 3a/8
Sv5-3b.lha           gfx/misc   237K+SView5 V1.00 (1.1.2003) - Part 3b/8
Sv5-4.lha            gfx/misc    35K+SView5 V1.00 (1.1.2003) - Part 4/8
Sv5-5.lha            gfx/misc   141K+SView5 V1.00 (1.1.2003) - Part 5/8
Sv5-6.lha            gfx/misc   159K+SView5 V1.00 (1.1.2003) - Part 6/8 (opti
Sv5-7.lha            gfx/misc   154K+SView5 V1.00 (1.1.2003) - Part 7/8 (opti
up-warez.lha         mods/chip    5K+UP ROUGH "Hong Kong Warez" by Skope. Rel
up-ilove.lha         mods/house 676K+UP ROUGH "To Be In Love" by Spot. Releas
up-style.lha         mods/mpg   2.9M+UP ROUGH "Up Rough Karate Style" by Goto
up-ndrnt.lha         mods/techn 189K+UP ROUGH "Underneath Our Home" by Spot f
up-tumb.lha          mods/techn 290K+UP ROUGH "Tumblebeat" a compomod by Qwan
up-warp.lha          mods/techn 362K+UP ROUGH "In Warp" by Qwan  
up-spect.lha         mus/misc     8K+UP ROUGH "Spectrum" a waveform designer.
Xtree.jpg            pix/misc    85K+A Christmas tree
PLConverter.lha      text/misc   42K+Text Converter for Polish users only (I 
MemTrailer.lha       util/boot    3K+Allocates 16 bytes for MEMORY-PROTECTION
ScalosPlugAP96.lha   util/wb     12K+Avail Picasso96 plugin for Scalos
(ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2003, 09:28] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Acklow (ANF)

BlizKick Version 1.24rc4
Harry "Piru" Sintonen has released version 1.24rc4 of BlizKick. This version fixes some problems with the SpeedyIDE module under OS3.9 BB2 and contains a tool for protection of the MMU. It is a version from June 2002.

Download: BlizKick-1.24rc4.lha - 279 KB - Readme (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 07. Jan. 2003, 20:29] [Comments: 0]
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No Amiga to Waste (ANF)

No Amiga to Waste: Ideas wanted!
This page can be used as a source of ideas for coder. If you have a real good idea for a program on the Amiga that should be programmed you can post it here, and maybe a coder will take it and make it.

Coders for the Amiga are rar nowadays but some are still looking for ideas or asking what programmes are needed.

The last entry was taken years ago, so I wanted to get some attention to it again. (Translation: gf)

[News message: 07. Jan. 2003, 15:29] [Comments: 0]
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Scott Pistorino (ANF)

AmigaSource reaches 1300+ links
Hello all, just a minor news flash. I am pleased to announce that has just passed the 1300 link mark. Drop in, look around, enjoy and PLEASE help spread the word!
Scott Pistorino (ps)

[News message: 07. Jan. 2003, 11:50] [Comments: 0]
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Grzegorz Kraszewski (ANF)

TTEngine 6.0 and TTManager 1.1
TTEngine 6.0 and TTManager 1.1 have been released. New features:

  • Font requester in TTEngine. From user point of view it looks almost the same as ASL font requester that every Amigan is familiar with. The font requester uses data stored in "ttengine.database" file and is an easiest way to use the database with applications. Requester gadgetry is based on GadTools to keep independence of disk-based GUI packages and the look consistent with ASL. Three new functions in the library API have been introduced to handle the requester: TT_AllocRequest(), TT_RequestA() and TT_FreeRequest(). See autodoc file for details. Currently the font requester provides only the basic functionality - font family and size - and will be extended in the future versions in the compatible manner (TT_RequestA() is taglist based much like ASL). A new version of "PlainTest" example program uses the font requester.

  • Internal: Cache autooptimisation. TTEngine font cache now modifies its structure in the runtime to minimize cache search time. For example with "PlainTest" example program cache optimization lowers the number of cache search iterations from 15 500 to 6 700.

  • Cache size limit. TTEngine 6.0 font cache size is limited and the limit can be adjusted by user. This way you can avoid memory exhaustion even if working with hundreds of TrueType fonts. When the limit is reached TTEngine starts to flush unused fonts from the cache. Read more about this feature in an User's Guide document in the distributuion archive.

  • Internal: TTEngine global data acces is arbitrated with semaphores. It eliminates a rare possibility of lockups when multiple applications use TTEngine simultaneously.

  • TTManager: The database manager is now aware of cache limit setting saved in the database file.

[News message: 07. Jan. 2003, 11:41] [Comments: 0]
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TV board software: AmithlonTV beta version 209
Guido Mersmann published beta version 209 of the TV board driver AmithlonTV.

New in this version:
  • Bugfix: Fixed a small bug, that may caused a damaged memory list in very rare cases.
  • Bugfix: TVCardDump is opening the requested card. This forces all drivers to be running and creates a full dump.
  • Feature: Reworked the old card scan core within the library. Now it's possible to set an "ignore" value insteed of a valid card ID.
  • Feature: Added new card files for Pinnacle_PCTV2 and LiveView FlyVideoII.

Download: AmithlonTV_Beta209.lha (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2003, 20:28] [Comments: 0]
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Lizard / ANN (ANF)

CManager now available under the GPL
Briefly announced: CManager from Alfonso [alfie] Ranieri is now available under GPL license at SourceForge.

Contact manager is a program, with which you can administer your addresses as well as user information. That can be Web addresses, ftp addresses, IRC channels or other addresses. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2003, 19:54] [Comments: 0]
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Interview with LhA developer Dr. Haruyasu Yoshizaki
The developer of the LhA compression technology, Dr. Haruyasu Yoshizaki, mentions in an interview a possible port of future versions of LhA for the Amiga OS. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2003, 17:15] [Comments: 0]
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AB Glow Icons support side
A support site for the Glow Icons of Alessandro Bacchia is now available on the Italian website 'Ikir sector'. Currently the following pictogram collections are available for download:

AB Glow XMAS (81 Icons)
AB Glow Icons 2 (26 Icons)
AB Glow Icons 1b (32 Icons)
AB Glow Icons 1a (167 Icons)
(ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2003, 15:28] [Comments: 1 - 27. Apr. 2003, 11:51]
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The Register

The Register: Microsoft's masterplan to screw phone partner - full details
Andrew Orlowski deals in the English language article, which you can read under the title link, in detail with how the dispute between Microsoft and the telephone manufacturer Sendo started out, and who carries which responsibility for this argument.

In this connection we remind of the fact that Amiga Inc. announced in their Executive update of November 2002 a partnership with Sendo concerning their Smartphones Z100. The telephone should be delivered together with the SmartPhonePack by Amiga Inc. Few days later Sendo announced in a special report that the development program for Smartphones was given up, and as consequence the Z100 will not be delivered. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2003, 15:19] [Comments: 0]
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Board: MooBunny in version 4.2 beta 32 on-line again
The English discussion board 'MooBunny' is now, after some changes of the underlying scripts, back on-line. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2003, 14:14] [Comments: 0]
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Rudolph Riedel

File manager: DiskMaster version 2.5RC8
Yesterday Rudolph Riedel published the beta version 2.5RC8 of his file manager. The download is available at the title link.

Innovations in this version: 2.5RC8 (03-01-05) 72700 Bytes
  • Corrected default display-format to "N S C".
  • Bugfix: digits calculation for file-size display returned one digit to less on sizes of 10/10x/10xx/10xxx...
    Thanks for reporting to Jostein Klemmetsrud!
  • Added different modes for file-size display.
  • Added "separator=" & "sizes=" options to 'SetX'.

Download: (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2003, 14:14] [Comments: 0]
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Paul Huxham (ANF)

Image cataloging: PhotoFolio 2.3 upgrade released
Steeple Software is proud to announce the release of PhotoFolio v2.3. After two free updates (2.1 and 2.2) that introduced many new features, PhotoFolio v2.3 is a paid upgrade that adds even more features:

New browse window functionality
  • Sorting ascending and descending in the browse window.
  • Select orphaned proofs (proofs that have no images associated with them).
  • Open with configurable context menu can send a proofs' image to any application.
  • On opening can automatically synchronize the browse window contents with an updated directory.

Better proof management
  • Delete orphaned proofs. Images that have been deleted that have already had proofs created can be deleted automatically.
  • Create proofs for new images. Creates proofs for new images that have been added to directories automatically (where proofs have been created for the directort before).
  • Send a list of proofs and details to a text file.

Improved drag and drop support
  • ARexx scripts can be dropped onto browse windows, the main window and the ARexx settings window.
  • Images can be dragged and dropped from the Workbench to add them to a browse window.

New program windows
  • Path palette window for storing paths that are used often.
  • Directory view module - now has toolbar with copy, move, rename, delete.

Show window
  • Can save the loaded size image or the original full size image.
  • Can perform image processing. Current operators include Flip X and Y, Rotate 90, -90 and 180, Sharpen and Gamma adjustment.

Main window
  • List of open browse and show windows in a menu for easy selection to bring to the front.

  • Per project settings with the SETTINGS tooltype.

ARexx - Additional commands:
  • ADDIMAGE (Adds an image to a browse window)
  • DELETEORPHANEDPROOFS (Deletes proofs that have no image)
  • CREATENEWPROOFS (Creates proofs for new images)
  • SELECTORPHANEDPROOFS (Selects proofs that have no image)

There have also been many minor improvments and several bug fixes. See complete list complete here. With continuing support, PhotoFolio promises to be one of the most powerful image cataloguing systems available on the Amiga platform. PhotoFolio v2.3 is available now. Full purchase details are available here.

Steve Quartly and Paul Huxham
Steeple Software (ps)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2003, 09:47] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet: New uploads from 06-Jan-2003
As requested by our readers we publish here the list with the new Aminet uploads. Due to the fact, that we made our own recent list, in future you will see only the new daily uploads.

SN-AnlagenArc.lha    biz/dbase  100K+V1.0 Money units archive (Germany only)
SN-KontoArc.lha      biz/dbase   76K+V1.0  Accout archives (Germany only)
nc21.lha             biz/patch  1.1M+NetConnect v2 Service Pack 1
nc22.lha             biz/patch  1.7M+NetConnect v2 Service Pack 2
GoPortscan.lha       comm/net   376K+V1.0 TCP/UDP Portscanner + more with MUI
LinksysTIADCC.lha    comm/tcp     2K+Set ENV:TIADCC from LinkSys router BEFSR
Yam2Thor.lha         comm/thor    3K+Addressbook (YAM) -> User List (Thor)
NetNifty-WS02A.lha   comm/www     8K+Early preview of NetNifty Web Server - u
wpz-frozen50.lha     demo/aga   1.4M+Frozen#5o - Christmas Edition [2oo2]
wpz-frozen51.lha     demo/aga   874K+Frozen#51 - Christmas Edition [2oo2]
mhm-BeApe.lha        demo/intro  85K+Beape 4k intro - CAFe02 winner with sour
mhm-BeApe_Rele.lha   demo/intro  85K+Beape 4k intro - CAFe02 winner with sour
ASM-One.lha          dev/asm    295K+68k & PPC Assembler Development Environm
clockita.lha         dev/basic   85K+Italian clock+alarm+source code (bugfix)
MBPrefs.lha          dev/basic   24K+External Preferences Editor for MaxonBas
RenderDevBas.lha     dev/basic   12K+Using Render library from HBasic
Mods-JMH.lha         dev/e       11K+Some useful E Modules
mkisofs-2.0bin.lha   dev/gg     326K+Mkisoft v2.0 - CD image builder for Amig
php-4.2.3-bin.lha    dev/gg     618K+PHP 4.2.3 - AmigaOS 68k binary
rinetd-0.61.lha      dev/gg      83K+Rinetd v0.61 - TCP port redirector daemo
sox-12.17.3bin.lha   dev/gg     317K+SOX v12.17.3 sound converter for AmigaOS
sox-12.17.3src.lha   dev/gg     525K+SOX v12.17.3 sound converter for AmigaOS
Flexy.lha            dev/misc   102K+FLEXY 1.3  A very user-friendly GUI for 
MySqld-v3-upd.lha    dev/misc   621K+MySQL v3.23.51 update (68040 exe only)
MySqld-v3.lha        dev/misc   2.5M+MySQL v3.23.48 database (complete)
MySqld-v4.lha        dev/misc   4.9M+MySQL v4.0.4 database (complete)
MCC_BWin.lha         dev/mui     62K+MUI public borderless window class
MCC_SpeedBar.lha     dev/mui    205K+Highly configurable toolbar class
MCC_Urltext.lha      dev/mui     32K+MUI public custom url class
GL_BMP_Load.lha      dev/src    226K+OpenGL BMP texture loader routines
TimedSerial.lha      dev/src     25K+Serial I/O functions that time-out. Sour
BackupRexx.lha       disk/bakup  24K+Backup.rexx uses MirrorCopy to backup ha
EasyACDDA.lha        disk/cdrom 409K+Play&Save CD tracks with Gui - EasyACDDA
fdisk.lha            disk/misc  126K+PC partition table editor for Amiga
LutherBibel.lha      docs/etext 1.4M+The bible (German) by Martin Luther
Monedas.lha          docs/hyper  10K+Numismatica guide of spanish history coi
Poczet.lha           docs/hyper 161K+Guide ***POLISH ONLY*** about polish mon
SpanienSS.lha        docs/hyper  97K+SpanienSS guide of few history some span
NotizieAmiga.lha     docs/lists 1.4M+Mailing-list NotizieAmiga 12/2002 (Itali
AIOV66.lha           docs/mags  405K+Amiga Information Online, Issue 66 (Dece
nocover106.lha       docs/mags  1.5M+Great german diskmagazine
vchess_dt.lha        game/board  12K+V1.3, German catalog for VChess 4.1
2Decide_Demo.lha     game/demo  232K+A highly customizable 2D strategy game.
Filepoke.lha         game/patch  48K+Filepoke V3.1 cheat your games
Gomoko-Ninuki.lha    game/think  21K+Reflexion game
MenoBoxXmas.lha      game/wb    629K+3D-platformer in OpenGL-window V1.0 (68k
W3DInformer.lha      gfx/board   10K+Show supported efects in W3D driver(s)
Gif2anim.lha         gfx/conv   151K+Converts & scales GIF animations to amig
ImageConvert.lha     gfx/conv    29K+ImageConvert 1.10, batch converting with
swfplayer.lha        gfx/show   306K+Standalone player for Amiga (v1.2d2) 68k
3c589.lha            hard/drivr  53K+Driver for 3Com PCMCIA network cards
newkernel.lha        hard/drivr 1.0M+GNU/GPL updated kernel for AMIthlon
WinSP.lha            hard/drivr   4K+New driver for Window's spanish keyboard
TestGear-Extra.lha   hard/hack  140K+A600, A1000, A500(+), A1200 & PC extras.
TestGear-Notes.lha   hard/hack  749K+Test equipment projects, general notes.
amitrs80.lha         misc/emu   312K+TANDY TRS-80 Model 1 Emulator V1.0
Wintec.lha           misc/emu     3K+Wintec keyboard config for UAE
imdbDiff021220.lha   misc/imdb   15M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff021227.lha   misc/imdb  827K+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
AmiBiorythme.lha     misc/misc   63K+MUI Biorythm tool. French only. v1.1
amoon.lha            misc/sci    99K+Map of the Moon
Darius+.lha          mods/misc  114K+Custom module from "Darius +"
Foundation1.mpg      mods/mpg    10M+First part of a three part suite
Foundation2.mpg      mods/mpg   5.0M+Second part of a three part suite
Foundation3.mpg      mods/mpg    11M+Third part of a three part suite
Oriental_sun.mpg     mods/mpg   6.3M+Oriental song by Pero-Fotar 
Prelude3.mpg         mods/mpg   1.6M+Prelude3. MPEG of old tape of me on keys
rno-r082.mpg         mods/mpg   6.8M+Rno-records release #82 by Roz(Tekno)
TheSpell.mpg         mods/mpg   3.3M+The Spell MPEG of old tape of me on keys
AmySequencer.lha     mus/edit   224K+MIDI sequencer for the AMIGA
abcm2ps.lha          mus/misc   294K+Convert music tunes from ABC format to P
EP_StevBarrett.lha   mus/play     8K+EaglePlayer "Steve Barrett" external rep
EP_WallyBeben.lha    mus/play     7K+EaglePlayer "Wally Beben" external repla
mhm-mAYhem.lha       mus/play   148K+MAYhem pak II for DT2 (AY/YM chip emulat
mhm-mAYhem_del.lha   mus/play   148K+MAYhem pak II for DT2 (AY/YM chip emulat
PlasmaPlugin.lha     mus/play    24K+Plasma-Spectrum Plugin for AmigaAMP Powe
AllBlue.png          pix/back   399K+An nice WB background [by cYbo]
nICkONs.win98.lha    pix/gicon  110K+Glowicon`s from Win98 4 your AmigaOS
anl-strip_7.lha      pix/misc    58K+[ancor] a normal life
explosion.lha        pix/misc   368K+[ancor] a picture with an explotion done
nwo-strip_10.lha     pix/misc    45K+[ancor] now way out
sgf-strip_1.lha      pix/misc    53K+[ancor] StarGround flashback
sgf-strip_2.lha      pix/misc    47K+[ancor] StarGround flashback
vd-ami2k1_eng.mpg    pix/mpg     11M+<VD> show report "Amiga 2001", medium, E
AmiReplace.lha       text/edit   60K+MUI text replace tool. French but easy. 
JanoEditor.lha       text/edit  290K+Simple and efficient text editor v1.01d
MyNotes.lha          text/edit   31K+A simple MUI based QuickNote clone
BibVision.lha        text/show   97K+Bible text viewer for 68k/WarpOS. V1.4
CheckX.lha           util/arc    39K+V1.92 Check for Archive/Packer/Virus
P96EmulUpd.lha       util/boot    5K+Hacks version information in the CGX (V3
DepthMenu.lha        util/cdity  54K+Popup menu for depth gadgets. V2.41.
dir2html_trans.lha   util/dir    16K+Translations for Dir2HTML
ExtraLib.lha         util/libs  241K+Dynamic buffers, filesystem CRCs, colorf
pccard.lha           util/libs   51K+Library to parse PC Card information
EasyInterest.lha     util/misc   25K+Compound interest calculator
VClock_v1.7b.lha     util/time  331K+Real Speech Clock - Bug Fix
VirusZ.lha           util/virus  85K+VirusZ III 0.9d - Antivirus Software
RandomWBPatt.lha     util/wb     29K+Timer controled Slideshow-like random WB
ScalosPlugAP96.lha   util/wb     12K+Avail Picasso96 plugin for Scalos
VolumeMeter.lha      util/wb     34K+Transparent graphical hard drive usage m

[News message: 06. Jan. 2003, 09:35] [Comments: 0]
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REBOL/View on Amiga - new Reblets available
As from now some new Reblets/programs are available in the download area under the title link, which have all been developed on the Amiga (68k) under REBOL/View.

Apart form the tool "Web-GetIt!" for downloading complete HTML conforming Web pages, four interesting gamelets (Kniffel-It!, Move-It!, Cascade-It! and Break-It!) are waiting for you to try them out. The size of each Reblet is less than 30 kBytes!

Minimum requirements for these programs are an Amiga with 68030/50 MHz processor as well as the corresponding REBOL/View environment. Of course the programs can also be used on every other platform under REBOL/View or REBOL/IOS. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 05. Jan. 2003, 16:06] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Weyrauch (A.W.Design) (ANF)

Amiga Inc.: T-Shirt statement
Amiga Inc.'s Web site features a statement on the T-Shirt situation in conjunction with the Coupon campaign.

This is the statement:
(4-Jan-2003) Amiga Inc. would like to apologise unreservedly for the delay in getting the T-shirts out. We have received all the orders from the dealers and no blame should be attached to the dealers for the delay. There are several reasons for the delay and we are working on trying to get these remedied as quickly as possible. We hope to have everything sorted out in the next few weeks. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 05. Jan. 2003, 11:53] [Comments: 0]
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Søren Ladegaard (ANF)

Amiga .mod remix scene
It seems that many people long to see more remixes of classic Amiga .mod music. In an attempt to create an Amiga .mod remix scene as have been achieved in the C64 scene by sites like, and, I have created a new Amiga remix specific mailing list at Yahoo Groups.

Let's hope for a growing Amiga remix scene in 2003. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 05. Jan. 2003, 11:53] [Comments: 0]
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Petra Struck

Innovation at
With the beginning of this month is Sven Drieling not anymore at our services for news and commentation as after 3½ years full of work for he now wants to attend to his own projects again. For possible problems with the scripts Sven remains, though :). Very special thanks to Sven for the work he had done.

Up to now Sven had done the Sunday news and had helped in managing the forum and the comments. Besides that he lent a helping hand in cases when I had no time. We have internally discussed several possibilities how to fill this gap respectively how to solve the problem as I really can't and don't like to give up my free Sunday.

On Sundays and public holidays only ANF news
So to take the load off all (the translators, too) a little bit we came to the conclusion that from now on there will be no news investigation and no entering of news from our side on Sundays and public holidays but only releasing news that were entered into the ANF. That means that also news that are sent to us via email will not be released until the next working day.

Help of any kind wanted
On this occasion we'd like to remember our readers that is a news site from users for users meaning we have to rely on help. Your help could be for example that you enter news that are coming across your way while surfing into the ANF or you enter a good web site you encounter into the ALD. A good help would also be the arranging of payed advertisement banners as these are the basis of the financing of

Another possibility to work actively on is the creation of articles of all kind, for example workshops, experience reports, previews, reviews, exhibition reports and everything else that could interest our readers. The help in translating is also everytime very welcome.

Further suggestions?
We are very interested to hear your suggestions how we could improve and are eagerly awaiting your hints and proposals. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2003, 20:53] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Kuchinka

Programming language: PowerD v0.20 alpha 4
Martin Kuchinka has today released the version 0.20 alpha 4 of the programming language 'PowerD'.

Download: alpha.lzx

What's new with this last alpha release? Well, again several bugfixed, but there is also one new executable called 'dc_68k', which is the same as 'dc' except that this executable generates the 68k only code, so it's only for ppl with older non ppc Amigas. Else it's completely the same as the 'dc' compiler.
Uploaded the TextInput.mcc modules by Miklos Nemeth. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2003, 18:33] [Comments: 0]
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Lars 'Ghandy' Sobiraj (ANF)

Music scene: AMP updated!
The two Amiga demo scene musicians Curt Cool and Crown have collected a very comprehensive data base for all in all 9424 musicians. Here you can download their music pieces directly, read uncounted interviews, etc. etc. All people interested in music created on the Amiga should risk a look at AMP (Amiga Music Preservation). (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2003, 15:16] [Comments: 0]
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Lars 'Ghandy' Sobiraj (ANF)

Scene: disc mag Jurassic Pack now with own domain!
One of the last active Amiga demo scene disc mags 'Jurassic Pack' has now an own domain. Right now is issue #12 in preparation. People who'd like to participate with an English article, a music piece or a title screen should contact the main editors as soon as possible for further details. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2003, 15:16] [Comments: 0]
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Lars 'Ghandy' Sobiraj (ANF)

Music group Moods welcomes the new year with four titles
The music group Moods welcomes the new year with four songs, all downloadable from the group's website. Furthermore a new MoodTant called Raztaman had recently been contracted who'll introduce in the future his works under this label. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2003, 15:16] [Comments: 0]
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Lars 'Ghandy' Sobiraj (ANF)

The Ascii scene is not dead!
The Amiga Ascii scene lives and lives and... ! The two scener Dipswitch and Potzkoten from Cologne have released shortly after the turn of the year the colly named Klockwerk. Shortly before that Marc Zito Oberst showed his activity with En-Sof.

Further information about this topic can be obtained from ThugLife. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2003, 15:16] [Comments: 0]
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IOSPIRIT guest of Genesi at CES 2003
IOSPIRIT will attend the CES 2003 as guest of Genesi in Las Vegas (Booth #29101 in the Home Networking, IT & Wireless Pavillion). Among others, fxPAINT 2.0, fxSCAN 4.0 and VHI Studio 6.0 will be shown. Felix Schwarz will be available for questions.

At this point we also would like to thank Genesi for this great opportunity and their continued commitment.

Due to our participation at CES 2003, dispatching of postal orders is only possible after the 15th of January again. Orders for download version via credit card are not affected by this, though. Also, our availability via phone and email is very limited until 15th of January - thanks for your patience. (ps)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2003, 15:16] [Comments: 0]
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Blackbirds Nest

Retrogame: Missile Command
Today the website of Blackbird celebrates its third birthday. Because of that Blackbird makes the readers a present with the retrogame 'Missile Command'.

Compared with the original version (made by Michael Rosskopf) Blackbird has added three different levels of difficulty, a title screen, a screenmode requester and many minor improvements. For instance it is now always possible to quit the game by pushing the ESC-key.

The game runs starting from a 30er processor with 2-4 MB FastRAM and graphic card. Besides this it is UAE-compatible. Under UAE you simply have to choose UAEGFX 640x480x8bit.

Download: MC.lzx (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2003, 20:44] [Comments: 2 - 28. Jun. 2003, 15:21]
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Creative Development

USB-card: First snapshots of UltraBUS
For the first time Creative Development shows a few simple snapshots of the first prototype of its USB-card which many people have already seen at ARC 2002.

You can have a look at the card here. At the second picture you can have a more detailed look at the card - you can also recognize the FlashROM as well as both extension ports.

The final layout will be clearer and possibly more compact but already right now the card makes a good impression. Creative Development is very buzy while finishing the development of the card and hopes to report further news soon. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2003, 20:06] [Comments: 0]
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AND Software

Context menu: ContextSAS version 1.63
The program ContextSAS written by Andre Dörffler makes it possible to create and use context sensitive menus for AmigaOS 3.5+. The DefIcons-system is supported. With the help of a few additional tools it is possible to iconify Workbench screens and to create connections.

Today version 1.63 has been published. Some new features have been added in this version. It is now possible to show the name (=title) of the context. A new internal command has been also added. With its help it is possible to filter the content of WB-listers. Of course some bugs have been also fixed.

Download: ContextInstall163.lha (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2003, 19:14] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Small (phone)

The end of an era - last Aminet CD published
Because most Amiga users have direct access to the Internet now, the bimonthly Aminet CD has become somewhat redundant. As a consequence, the Aminet team has decided to stop distributing CDs. Aminet as a whole is of course not in danger of being shut down, the service offered by the web and FTP servers will remain the same.

The latest (and final) Aminet CD, no. 52 (December 2002), includes the full version of Andreas Kleinert's Superview Productivity Suite II as the highlight. SuperView II reads, writes and/or converts more than 50 graphic formats and also integrates external programs like Xpk, Ghostscipt or MetaView. In addition to converting or displaying graphics (on more than 20 supported graphic cards (via CyberGraphX, Picasso96 or special driver systems)), the program offers more than 30 different effects for picture manipulation. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2003, 13:45] [Comments: 2 - 08. Jan. 2003, 11:58]
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Idruna Software

IconDesigner for Photogenics wanted
Paul Nolan is looking for a talented icon designer who can design the toolbar of Photogenics completely new. People who are interested in this can mail to and should send some samples of former projects. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2003, 02:47] [Comments: 0]
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Dietmar Knoll

GAUHPIL: Many sections updated (02.01.2003)
GAUHPIL (Geographic Amiga User Home Page Internet List) is a list of websites of Amiga users which has been created by Dietmar Knoll which has been sorted considering continents and countries. Yesterday the following sections have been updated:

Additionally several history sites have been updated. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2003, 02:38] [Comments: 0]
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Book of budget: HomeBank version 2.1 (beta 2)
With the Shareware program called HomeBank you can manage your finances and e.g. calculate the costs of your car. There is the possibility of displaying the cost in graphical statistics. The new version 2.1 (beta2) fixes minor bugs.

Download: HomeBank21beta2.lha - 303 KB (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2003, 02:16] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New packets (until 03.01.2003)
With WHDLoad you can install games which were formerly only meant for playing from disk on your hard drive. The following packets have been updated or completely new added:

  • 03.01.03 new: Cracker Journal 1 (Alpha Flight) done by Wepl
  • 03.01.03 improved: XP8 (Weathermine Software) misc changes
  • 03.01.03 improved: Slam Tilt (Liquid Dezign/21st Century) support for NTSC added, memory requirement reduced
  • 03.01.03 improved: Bubba'n'Stix (Core Design) supports CD³² version
  • 03.01.03 new: Ashes Of Empire (Midnight) done by JOTD
  • 02.01.03 fixed: Knight Force (Titus) better save game support
  • 02.01.03 new: Gravity (Image Works) done by CFOU!
  • 02.01.03 new: Dimo's Quest (Infernal Bytes/Boeder Software) done by CFOU!
  • 02.01.03 new: Cardiaxx (Electronic Zoo/Team 17) done by CFOU!

[News message: 03. Jan. 2003, 01:39] [Comments: 0]
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Wired: Vaporware 2002: Tech up in Smoke?
Amiga Inc. is placed nineth of the top 10 (or better spoken bottom 10) of the Vaporlist which is selected by the readers of Wired. Vaporware are here products which have been braggingly announced but until today have been not deliverd.

It follows an extract of the full list of the winners of the Vaporware award:
  1. Duke Nukem Forever
  2. Mac and Linux clients for Neverwinter Nights
  3. Team Fortress 2: Brotherhood of Arms
  4. Oqo's Ultra-Personal Computer
  5. Infogrames' Master of Orion 3
  6. NVidia's GeForce FX graphics card
  7. QuarkXPress for Macintosh OS X
  8. Ubi Soft's Shadowbane
  9. The new Amiga
  10. Silicon Film's Electronic Film System
You can find the full Wired article under the title link. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2003, 01:15] [Comments: 0]
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Emulator with live monitoring: Coppenheimer V0.2 (01. Jul.)
Game: Gorky 17 for AmigaOS 3.x (68k) released (30. Jun.)
Book: AmigaOS 3.2 Reference Manual - Limited print run, pre-orders being taken (12. Jun.)
Amiga Kit: Final Writer 7 pre-installed on A600GS (02. Jun.)
Emulator: WinUAE 5.3.0 (02. Jun.)
Hollywood goes LaTeX: hTeX 1.0 released (02. Jun.)
ACube Systems: UBoot 2015.c for Sam460EX, Sam460CR and Sam460LE boards (18. May.)
Interview: Announcement of a cost-reduced MiSTer FPGA board (08. May.)
MorphOS: Web browser Wayfarer 8.2 (2nd update) (04. May.)
Print/PDF magazine: Amiga Addict, issue 29 (02. May.)
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