SEAL: Interviews mit Petro Tyschtschenko und John Chandler
SEAL-Interview mit Petro Tyschtschenko
SEAL-Interview mit dem Suite.101-Guru John Chandler
[Meldung: 17. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AWD [News]
AmigaWares jetzt als Sommerkollektion
In Deutschland können Sie die unter AMIGAWares
beschriebenen Wares (T-Shirts, Kappen, Strandmode und Annex-CD) bei RBM DigitalTechnik kaufen.
Die Website von RBM ist zur Zeit nur eingeschränkt
erreichbar, da der rbm-Server trotz Vorsichtsmaßnahmen Opfer eines Gewitters geworden ist. RBM
nutzt diesen Umstand dazu, die Website komplett zu überarbeiten :-).
[Meldung: 17. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Digi Booster Pro Update 2.21 erschienen
Das neueste Update von Digi Booster pro ist soeben erschienen.
Erhältlich ist das Update gegen Originaldisk und einen ausreichend
frankierten Rückumschlag direkt bei APC & TCP.
Anschrift: APC & TCP, Andreas Magerl, Postfach 83, D-83236 Übersee.
[Meldung: 17. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Fun Time World
Fun Time World mit eigener Domain
Ab sofort ist die Fun Time World unter http://www.funtime-world.de/ zu erreichen.
Bitte ändern Sie Ihre Bookmarks.
[Meldung: 17. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga kündigt die Veröffentlichung der Beta Release von OS 3.5 an
Die ersten Betaversionen gehen diese Woche raus.
[Meldung: 17. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Thomas Lorenz per eMail
Hexen V0.48 und AmiWolfen3D V0.18
Thomas Lorenz schreibt:
Zwei News: Die PPC-Fusion/PCX
läuft noch bis zum 1.Juli.
Falls bis dahin nicht jweils 500 Vorbestellungen eingegangen sind,
sind die Projekte gestorben.
Ich habe meine Homepage upgedated (Link oben). Hexen V0.48 und AmiWolfen3D V0.18
stehen jetzt zum Download bereit.
[Meldung: 17. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andreas R. Kleinert per eMail
Neue AK-Datatypes Version 44.39
Diese Versionen beheben kleinere Probleme mit dem Installerskript.
Zu finden sind sie jedoch nicht im Aminet, sondern nur auf meiner
Homepage in der Amiga-Sektion. Download:
[Meldung: 17. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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GoldED Service Paket 6.0.5
Download: sp605.lha
[Meldung: 17. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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warpTrans Volltextübersetzer für AmigaPPC
Volltextübersetzer für Englisch-Deutsch, Deutsch-Englisch
- hohe Erkennungsgenauigkeit von Diktaten (Soundkarte erwünscht)
- Diktate speicherbar in Text und HTML
- Mit erweiterbaren Easy-Click-Dictionary Wörterbuch für 480.000 Wörter
- direktes Übersetzen von Diktaten, iff, aiff und wav, allen Texten
(ASCII, Wordworth, RTF..), Email (YAM) und HTML Dateien über 46.000
- neu entwickeltes Sprachausgabensystem (englisch oder deutsch)
- warpUP support
Für optimale Leistungen wird ein AmigaPPC 603 200MHz, 32 MB RAM,
CD-ROM und Soundkarte vorausgesetzt. 68k wird nicht unterstützt.
Das Programm soll im Herbst erscheinen und wird ca. 80,- Euro kosten.
[Meldung: 17. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Heiko Schröder per eMail
Amigasystem.org sucht neues Zuhause
Heiko Schröder schreibt:
Ich bin der Maintainer der Libraries-, Datatypes- und Devices-Guides.
(Neue Version im Aminet). Leider habe ich Probleme mit meinem derzeitigen
kostenlosen "WebSpace-Bereitsteller". Erst kommt mir die Url
http://www.amigasystem.org abhanden und seit kurzem ist auch noch der Server down.
Das Problem ist, die Guides bieten die Möglichkeit online die neuesten
System-Dateien zu saugen. Wer kennt einen WebSpace-Provider
(am besten Richtung Amiga), der mir kostenlos 5MB Space mit
CGI-Zugriff bereitstellen könnte?
[Meldung: 17. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Michael Burkhardt per eMail
MovieShop 5.0
Michael Burkhardt schreibt:
laut Info von Oberland Computer wird MovieShop 5.0
voraussichtlich ab dem 21. Juni verfügbar sein und
598,- DM kosten.
[Meldung: 17. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Anton Klotz per eMail
LinuxPPC V5.0
Anton Klotz schreibt:
informiere bitte die Amiganer, daß es ab sofort LinuxPPC V5.0 bei
www.lob.de gibt. Alternativ kann man die Distribution von ftp.linuxppc.com
runterladen, aber die deutschen User sollen doch mal nach Mirrors schauen
(sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch ist zumindest für Süddeutschland sehr schnell). Ich
habe die CD bestellt, wenn es was Neues zu berichten gibt, melde ich mich.
[Meldung: 17. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aktuelle Infos zum Camouflage-Projekt
- Wie groß ist das Interesse an einer Camouflage Amiga-NG Version?
- Version 2.9 demnächst erhältlich...
- Version 2.9 bietet: Programmierbarer MIDI-Generator (=Cubase's Mixermaps)
- Verwaltung der Audio-Dateien in Ordnern
- Preissenkung: Camouflage AB auf 159,-DM inkl. Upgrade auf Camouflage 3.0
- Neue Version AB 2.85 vom 25.05.99
- Neue Adresse: I.S.M/Martin Endres, Schwarzenbergstrasse 75, 21073 Hamburg
[Meldung: 16. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Stefan Instinske per eMail
Amiga Game Guide
Stefan Instinske schreibt:
Das Amiga Game Guide (ehemals Amiga Cheat-Box) hat jetzt eine eigene Domain.
Ab sofort läßt sich die Website unter http://www.amiga-game-guide.de (Link oben) abrufen.
Eine neue Version, die auch im Aminet veröffentlicht wird, verzögert
sich jedoch durch einen zweimonatigen Computerausfall, der mich leider
heimgesucht hatte.
Wer sich in die Mailingliste eintragen und/oder ein Abo haben möchte, kann
dies unter der e-mail Adresse Amiga@inetmail.de
[Meldung: 16. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Neue HyperCOM-Treiber v2.89 Release
In dieser Version wurden alle bisher bekannten Fehler behoben, die bei den
letzten Beta-Treibern noch gefunden wurden. Neu ist in dieser Version die
direkte Unterstützung einer HyperCOM 1 auf einer Melody Uhrenport-Soundkarte.
Die HyperCOM 1 muß für diesen Einsatz zwar noch immer umgebaut werden,
aber das hyperCOM1.device erkennt nun auch diese Kombination ohne den bisher
leider notwendigen Software-Patch. Weiterhin befindet sich auf dieser neuen
Installations-Diskette auch die neueste Version des excelenten PrintManagers.
Download: hypercom289.lha.
[Meldung: 16. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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PManager Update Version 2.92
Das Programm verwaltet Ihre C-Projekte.
Download: PManager.lha
[Meldung: 16. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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eMail-Adresse zum Senden der Nomination Forms für den Amiga Advisory Council
[Meldung: 16. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Haage & Partner
Haage & Partner News
Tornado3D Aktionspreise
Noch bis zum 1. Juli 99 können Kunden, die die Version 1.5 gekauft haben,
das Update auf die Version 3.0 zum Aktionspreis von 398 DM erwerben
(danach: 498 DM). Wer jetzt die Version 2.1 erwirbt oder schon erworben hat
(nicht das kostenlose Update von 1.x), kann das 3.0 Update später kostenlos
bei Eyelight im Internet laden. Studenten und Besitzer eines anderen 3D-Programms
können T3D jetzt für 649 DM erhalten.
Weitere Informationen.
[Meldung: 16. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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PowerUp ML (Roman)
Supercomputer bald für $1000?
Den obigen Link fand ich in einer Message der PowerUp-Mailingliste. Soweit mich
mein englisch nicht im Stich läßt, wird angekündigt, daß es in ca. 18 Monaten
einen neuen Supercomputer für $1000 geben soll, der 100 Milliarden Befehle pro
Sekunde ausführen kann. Die Programme sollen als Emulation laufen, ähnlich wie
beim DEC Alpha NT läuft.
Das blau umrandete Bild rechts im Artikel erinnert mich allerdings sehr
stark an den Rechenschieber, den meine Tochter im ersten Schuljahr als Rechenhilfe
benutzt hat :-).
[Meldung: 16. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AWD [News]
AmiWest99 Update #2
Da die AmiWest99 in Sacramento am gleichen Wochenende wie die World of Amiga (WoA)
in London stattfindet (23/25.07.99), werden sich die Leute von Amiga wie folgt
aufteilen: Jim Collas wird in London anwesend sein, wird aber per "trans-Atlantic phone
connection" die Zuschauer der AmiWest99 mit Infos versorgen.
Auf der AmiWest99 werden Jim VonHolle, Bill McEwen und Darreck Lisle vertreten sein.
[Meldung: 16. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Times
Great Nations Update Version 1.41
Den Patch für das Demo zum Civizilation-Clone "Great Nations" von Version 1.40 auf 1.41
ist 250 kB. Download: gn141u.lha.
[Meldung: 15. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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T-Zer0 mit 4 neuen Visuals
T-Zer0 mit 4 neuen Visuals.
[Meldung: 15. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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fMSX 2.2
Download für den MSX-Emulator:
[Meldung: 15. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Fun Time World
Werbung für Animationswettbewerb bei kostenlos.de
Folgenden Text konnten heute viele Leser von kostenlos.de in deren Newsletter lesen:
+++ AMIGA: Nur für Animationsprofis +++ Amiga sucht in Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma
IOM Film und Videoproduktion,
den besten Videotrailer für das neue Betriebssystem AmigaOS 3.5. Zu gewinnen
gibt es drei AMIGA 1200HD Magic-Paket im Wert von jeweils 500,- DM (255,65 EUR)
sowie 25 mal das neue Betriebssystem OS 3.5 im Wert von jeweils 99,50 DM (50,87 EUR).
[Meldung: 15. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Alex Kazik per eMail
JPEG2MOV Version 2.3
Soeben habe ich die nächste Version meines Programms JPEG2MOV veröffentlicht.
Ein Programm zum Erstellen von QuickTime-Movies.
Version 2.3 (1999-06-15) (Änderungen seit V2.2):
-Removed the "Draco Feature"
-Added Support for RAW-Sound
-Small Stack Bugfix
Download: JPEG2MOV.lha
[Meldung: 15. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News
PPaint Update Version 7.1b
Download: PPaint7_Update.lha.
Was neu ist, können Sie im Update.readme
[Meldung: 15. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News
Neue HTML view.mcc Version 12.5b
[Meldung: 15. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andreas R. Kleinert
Europa muß vor Softwarepatenten bewahrt werden
(Protect Business and Liberty from Software Patents)
Andreas R. Kleinert schreibt:
Ist vielleicht ganz interessant - als Beispiel seien GIF/LZW und MP3-Player genannt :-(.
Beim zweiten Link kann man gleich abstimmen.
Nachtrag 1 von Andreas R. Kleinert:
Hier ist nochmal ein etwas ausfuehrlicherer Link zu der Patent- Initiative - in deutsch -
Nachtrag 2 von Martin Baute:
Übrigens, der Link bezüglich "Softwarepatente" ist nicht zum Abstimmen,
sondern listet eine Anzahl von Kontaktadressen, an die man schreiben soll,
um sich gegen die europäische Umsetzung von Softwarepatenten im US-Stil
auszusprechen; dazu finden sich hier verschiedene Standpunkte und Hinter-
Leute, das ist ein Grund, um auf die Straße zu gehen! Wenn Microsoft hier
in Europa den gleichen Lizenzknebel ansetzen kann wie in den Staaten, gibt
es keinen Weg mehr an einer Computerdiktatur aus Redmond vorbei!
[Meldung: 15. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Raymond per eMail
DDE braucht Ihre Meinung
Digital Dreams Entertainment hat einen
vorbereitet, um besser auf die Userwünsche eingehen zu können.
[Meldung: 15. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Extreme
Shogo Tagebuch
Es wird erklärt, wie und warum Hyperion gegründet wurde und wer an der Teamarbeit
rund um die Umsetzung von Shogo beteiligt ist. Zur Zeit sind folgende Teammitglieder
beschäftigt: Christian Sauer, Hans-Jörg Frieden, Thomas Frieden, Steffen Haeuser,
Michael Rock und Martin Schueler. Shogo wird frühestens im August 99 zu erwarten
Nachtrag 15.06.1999:
Hans-Joerg Frieden schreibt:
Der Eintrag auf deiner Seite zum Shogo-Tagebuch stimmt nicht so ganz :)
Bei Hyperion handelt es sich nur um Thomas, Christian und mich. Steffen Haeuser
war der Gastgeber des Treffens, weil er sich mit PPC-Programmierung auskennt
(auf diesem Gebiet hat noch keiner von uns Erfahrung gesammelt). Michael Rock
arbeitet bei Haage&Partner. Er ist einer der Autoren des
StormC-Entwicklungssystems, das wir benutzen. Martin Schueler ist der
Hardware-Designer der Firma Escena (die mit den G3's).
Keiner der drei letzgenannten arbeitet fuer Hyperion.
Ciao, Hans-Joerg
Hätte ich doch genauer lesen sollen ;-), danke für Deinen Hinweis.
Argh, da offenbaren sich gnadenlos meine bescheidenen Englischkenntnisse.
[Meldung: 14. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Übertakten scheint in Mode zu kommen
Für Mutige, die es wagen wollen, ihre Prozessoren zu übertakten, hier zwei
Seiten, die in englisch erklären, wie es funktioniert. (Alles auf eigene Gefahr :-).
Giorgio Signori (How to overclock
the BlizzardPPC boards) und
Dave's Amiga Hardware Page.
[Meldung: 14. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Explorer 2260
Explorer 2260 News
Die Arbeiten an Explorer 2260 gehen gut voran. Neben vielen anderen Dingen wurde
inzwischen der 3D-Editor neu gemacht und die Grafik wird im Juni verstärkt
[Meldung: 14. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Thomas Igracki per eMail
Thomas Igracki schreibt:
Wenn Du eine serielle Maus (wie z.B. Logitech TrackMan Marble Fx ;-)
mit NewMouse benutzt, und Du hast Probleme in DirectoryOpus beim
Benutzen der rechten Maustaste über einem Eintrag im einem aktiven
DOpus-Lister, um das ContextMenü aufzurufen während MagicMenu läuft,
dann ist dieses Programm genau das richtige für Dich!
Download: MMOpusNMF.lha
[Meldung: 14. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Carsten Schröder per eMail
A.C.T. bemüht sich um Verkauf der 'Prelude'-Rechte
+++ AMIGA-aktuell-Special +++
Nach dem Rückzug des Sound-Hard- und -Softwareherstellers A.C.T. vom
Amiga-Markt bemüht sich das Unternehmen jetzt um den Verkauf sämtlicher
Rechte an seinen Soundkarten Prelude und Prelude 1200 sowie allen
Wer Interesse hat, kann noch bis zum 16. Juni, 14.45 Uhr, unter
http://www.alando.de ein Gebot abgeben (als Suchbegriff 'Prelude'
eingeben). Der geforderte Mindestpreis beträgt 200.000 Mark. Woran es wohl
liegen mag, daß bislang noch niemand Interesse gezeigt hat... (Danke an
Jens Kretzer für diese Information.)
Eine Kurzmeldung:
* Noch bis zum 19. Juni nimmt AMIGA Nominierungen für den Amiga Advisory
Council (AAC) entgegen (mehr dazu in der aktuellen Ausgabe von AMIGA
aktuell, die Anfang Juni erschienen ist). Auf der Website des Unternehmens
(http://www.amiga.de) läßt sich ein entsprechendes Formular im
JPEG-Format herunterladen, das ausgefüllt an AMIGA gefaxt werden muß.
[Meldung: 14. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet [New Uploads]
Aminet Uploads vom 14.06.1999
AExplor_Update.lha biz/cloan 63K+Free update to AExplorer 3.02
PPaint7_Update.lha biz/cloan 823K+Free update from PPaint 7.x to v. 7.1b
GolemBetaDemo.lha biz/demo 473K+0.83 - Business soft for firms (PL only)
phonewizard15.lha comm/misc 197K+Phone answer machine for voice modems
newscoaster.lha comm/news 56K+Offline Newsreader (BETA release)
CIAs_in_Blitz.lha dev/basic 9K+Example of using CIA interrupts in Blitz
NewCommandSet.lha dev/basic 337K+NCS V1.90 - 24 new Blitz Basic II libs t
PManager.lha dev/misc 51K+Visual C project manager v2.92
SCSIQuery.lha disk/misc 18K+Prints internal infos of SCSI devices
LDDcheck.lha docs/lists 86K+System Check (Libs, Dts, Devs) - 2-
woas1.lha docs/mags 241K+World Of Amiga Special - Number 1
Scenet29.lha docs/misc 127K+SCENET - Sceners's internet database - #
F1GP_1999.lha game/data 8K+1999 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (13 Jun)
TheMod.lha game/patch 533K+TheMod 0.9 (fast servermod for Quake)
R4_Falcon.lha gfx/3dobj 8.1M+Millennium Falcon for monzoom 3d pro
AmiCAD.lha gfx/edit 630K+Schematics vectorial electronics program
AMP.lha gfx/show 148K+MPEG1/2 video player for WarpUP, v1.04 (
Show040.lha gfx/show 389K+Cybergfx only picture viewer (040) V2.5
ShowPPC.lha gfx/show 367K+Cybergfx only picture viewer (PPC) V2.5
MCControl.lha hard/hack 55K+V1.00 PSX MemoryCard Reader
ISOLocalePL.lha misc/misc 10K+Polish Locale drivers using ISO 8859-2 i
scan8800.lha misc/sci 726K+Controller for FRG8800,AR5000,FT1000MP.
scan8800_881.lha misc/sci 177K+Controller for FRG8800,AR5000,FT1000MP.
scan8800_KepMa.lha misc/sci 92K+Manager for Kepler-Data
scan8800_t.lha misc/sci 178K+Controller for FRG8800,AR5000,FT1000MP.
scan8800_t40.lha misc/sci 177K+Controller for FRG8800,AR5000,FT1000MP.
BD-BangkokKn.lha mods/techn 70K+"Bangkok Knight" by Black Dragon/Honoo+L
BD-Clawzmania.lha mods/techn 84K+"ClawzMania" by Black Dragon/Honoo+LED.
BD-Niagarave.lha mods/techn 55K+"Niagara-ve" by Black Dragon/Honoo+LED.
BD-Sora.lha mods/techn 63K+"Sora" by Black Dragon/Honoo+LED. Techno
BD-Sora2.lha mods/techn 66K+"Sora 2" by Black Dragon/Honoo+LED. Tech
BD-Sora3.lha mods/techn 50K+"Sora 3" by Black Dragon/Honoo+LED. Tech
BD-Sora4.lha mods/techn 32K+"Sora 4" by Black Dragon/Honoo+LED. Tech
BD-Sora5.lha mods/techn 61K+"Sora 5" by Black Dragon/Honoo+LED. Tech
BD-Terminated.lha mods/techn 48K+"Terminated" by Black Dragon/Honoo+LED.
BD-Thunderdome.lha mods/techn 111K+"Thunderdome" by Black Dragon/Honoo+LED.
BD-WildM.lha mods/techn 45K+"Wild Melodie?" by Black Dragon/Honoo+LE
ep_lme.lha mus/play 4K+EaglePlayer "Leggless Music Editor" exte
tree17.lha util/cli 7K+Lists Dirs Tree-like
TestCard.lha util/misc 116K+Testcard generator for all PAL systems.
PoolMem.lha util/sys 66K+Memory defragmentizer/AllocP superset
ABeat.lha util/time 9K+Simple Swatch-Beat clock.
DKG-CGXfix.lha util/wb 5K+A small utility for Pal Monitors/Tv when
VisualPrefs.lha util/wb 415K+Configure the look of the Amiga GUI!
[Meldung: 14. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Colin-Stewart Bridge Deady per eMail
KOSH-summary #24 vom 14.06.1999
KOSH [Kommunity Orientated Software Hardware]
Weekly Summary
Week Commencing: 5th June 1999
Number: 024
Mailing List: kosh-general
In the mailing list this week, the following items were discussed. Please do
not email the scribe regarding any of these topics, it is not his job to answer
these questions but merely to report the topics of conversation. If you have
any queries about this summary, please email ben@kosh.net, stating the Summary
Number, and Mailing List Name, and he will try to answer your queries.
Subject: The Bobby Tool and KOSH
Summary of debate: As mentioned a long while ago (but now directly relevant
again as we discuss the KOSH website) the Bobby Tool which
is available from http://www.cast.org/bobby checks a URL to
see if it conforms to certain standards. The aim of this is
is to increase accessibility to the web page(s) in question
by examining the html code to see that it includes things
like alternative text for images (used by speech based web
browsers). It was suggested that all KOSH pages should use
this tool. A page that passes the tests can use a "Bobby
Approved" link logo on the page.
Also suggested is that we should include a separate page on
the KOSH site explaining exactly what the approval logo
means and why we feel that it is important, etc.
Subject: Siamese Amiga
Summary of debate: See http://access.amiga.tm/ or
http://ww.snowcrash.u-net.com/ which contain information on
the "Amiga on a PCI" project being designed by Access and
Subject: KOSH Survey WG - draft user survey document
Summary of debate: The draft user survey document from the KOSH Survey WG was
posted to the ML (see the email from Michael Merriman,
repugnant@yahoo.com, 8th June, "[KOSH] KOSH User Survey
Comments, suggestions and ideas on it were asked for from
the people on the General ML before the survey is made
publicly available.
The survey will be available at
and will also be available by email from
survey-request@kosh.net with the word "Survey" in the
subject line.
KOSH will -not- be using mass mailing to reach people with
the survey - if anyone receives it via a mass email they
should forward it to abuse@kosh.net (complete with the
header) so that action may be taken.
A selection of comments from the General ML on the survey
BeOS should be included as a separate OS and not be grouped
under "other". The same applies to OS/2. MacOS could be
subdivided like the Amiga entries are (AmigaOS 3+ and 2 and
Some may object to being asked what sex they are. Perhaps
"gender" is the term that should be used and the question
should be marked as optional?
the job section should recognise disabled people in some
way without giving wrong impressions. Also, "Homemaker" or
a similar category should be included.
How about a category to directly identify respondees that
have jobs that are directly computer related?
Could we ask if a person uses a particular OS through
choice, because it came with the machine, because it was
recommended or because they have to (at work for example)?
Thomas Jensen volunteers to make a Danish Translation of the
Personal information should be clearly marked as:
- optional
- completely confidential
- purely for identifying KOSH's audience
Compulsory personal information tends to put one into Lie
The survey should -somehow- reach people that don't
generally use computers for whatever reason (but -not- via
mass e/mailing).
The above (and more) were taken on by the User Survey WG
team and are to be considered for incorporation into the
[Meldung: 14. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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The World Foundry sucht 2D/3D Grafikartisten für Maim & Mangle
Nähere Informationen und Anforderungen siehe Link oben.
[Meldung: 14. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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New Generation
Dark Secrets News
Zum Spiel "Dark Secrets of Africa", welches im August erscheinen soll, gibt es neue
Bilder (Intro, Zwischensequenzen) und neue Tagebucheinträge.
[Meldung: 14. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Dreamworlds Dev.
Zwei neue Leute im Dreamworlds Team
Simon Neumann, Grafiker und Audun Evensen, Musiker werden als neue Teammitglieder
begrüßt. Simon hat als Einstand schon 14 neue XFire2-Level gerendert, die natürlich
wesentlich besser aussehen, als wir sie je hinkriegen würden. Audun arbeitet gerade
an der Musik für XFire2 (Crossfire2).
[Meldung: 14. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Universe wieder erreichbar
Amiga Universe ist unter http://www.amigauni.u-net.com/ wieder erreichbar.
[Meldung: 14. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
[Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version]
AWD [Neue Links]
The Legend of the Elves
Bei "The Legend of the Elves" handelt es sich um ein Freeware Adventurespiel im
Stil von "Monkey Island". Um das Spiel downzuloaden, muß ein Registrierformular
ausgefüllt werden, danach kann das Spiel sofort heruntergeladen werden.
[Meldung: 14. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AWD [News]
Freier Update-Patch für Opus Magellan 5.8 > 5.81
Bei GPSoftware gibt es ein
freies Update zu Directory Opus Magellan II. Zum Download halten Sie bitte Ihre
Registriernummer bereit.
[Meldung: 14. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
[Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version]
Neue Version von AmiDogs MoviePlayer (PPC) 1.04
Download: AMP104.lha, Achtung:
Der File für die Voreinstellungen wurde geändert, sodaß die alten
Prefs nicht mehr funktionieren!
[Meldung: 14. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Aktuell
Ich blättere gerade die Amiga Aktuell durch und fand die Seite mit der FD-Hitparade
von Markus Castro. Er schreibt:
In diesem Monat haben sich grade mal 10 Leute an der FD-Hitparade beteiligt.
Ich frage mich, warum diese Zahl noch immer so niedrig ist. An der Hitparade
kann doch jeder teilnehmen, es dauert grade mal 5 Minuten sich seine
Lieblingssachen von der Festplatte aufzuschreiben und abzuschicken, und
schon hat man eine Stimme mehr. Da muß man nocht nicht einmal nachdenken
(wie z.B. beim Gewinnspiel). Ich hoffe mal, daß sich diese Zahl noch irgendwann
Das finde ich auch, wäre schön, wenn sich viele Leute beteiligen :-).
[Meldung: 14. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Neue Versionen von LamePPC und LameM68k
Download: lameppc.lzx und
[Meldung: 13. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Update Newsletter von Brad Webb #990611
_ __ _ <>_ __ _ ||
/\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ || A M I G A U P D A T E
/__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ || -News and Rumors-
/ \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_|| (An Occasional e-mail
AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.
A N T S Y F O R A M E E T I N G ?
3 D F X F O R P I V
P E T S O F F ' S D E L F I N A P L U S
M I L L E N N I U M - N E W T E K A N D N O V A D E S I G N
P C X A N D F U S I O N F R E E - M A Y B E
F A C T S 2 . 7 F O R T I M E
" F O R M A T " F O R L A R G E D I S K S
U P D A T E O N U P C O M I N G I - B R O W S E
P P C F U S I O N , P C X - M A Y B E N E V E R
R E B O L 2 . 0 A N N O U N C E D
Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:
One of the most interesting things we bring your way in this issue is
the announcement by Amiga of nominations for their Advisory Committee.
You can pick up a nomination form from one of several web sites, print
it out, fill it out and fax it back. Give the matter some thought if
you decide to nominate someone, but don't hesitate if you can come up
with a good candidate.
The letter below from Jim Collas clears up some interesting comments
made by Gateway's top person Ted Waitt. We were surprised there wasn't
more talk in the Amiga community about Mr. Waitt's statements, but
apparently there was sufficient to cause the writing of this letter.
We really appreciate the attempts at communication being made by Amiga
lately, and hope the community appreciates these efforts as well (even
if, as has been pointed out on the net, the folks at Amiga seem to do
all their writing in Micro$oft Word! On a Windows based net site!
Despite the choice of word processor and web server, despite the fact
that the photo of him on the website makes Jim Collas look
suspiciously like "The Master", we're beginning to think we have
someone more like "The Doctor" this time. We hope so. We also hope he
occasionally uses an Amiga for some of his work ...
Brad Webb,
E-mail to the E-ditor:
30 May 1999
Just been reading the Amiga Update which arrived a couple of days
My primary comment concerns the new Gateway computer, "for sale in
That new machine, with the motherboard built into the back of the LCD
display has been available at some of the Country Stores in the USA
since early March.
It is just a Windows box with one out of the ordinary feature ... In
the CMOS setup, there is a choice of operating system to start up at
boot time. The choices are Windows and Other.
Interesting observations - I was unaware of the "Other" designation.
Presumably that would be something like Linux.
What interested me was the juxtaposition of the story about the
Japanese Gateway computers with the Amiga concept drawings, which were
being made available to the press. One of those drawings clearly shows
a very portable Amiga with an attached LCD display - very reminiscent
of the description of the Japanese computers. Time will tell if
there's anything in common.
28 May 1999
re: mikdom's letter in your 19-May-99 issue:
What's all this about a ZIP drive "click of death"?
I'm no expert on this, but I've heard something of a failing that
happens with some Zip drives, where the death of the drive is
preceded by a clicking sound. Could one of our readers send more
29 May 1999
Dear Brad,
Regards the gentleman who can't find an Amiga to buy...
Tell him to check Ebay. Find a seller with lots of positive feedback
and little or no negative feedback; those folks are as good as gold,
because they protect their feedback status fervently, feverishly, and
Seriously, I've noticed A4000, 1200, 600, 500, 2000 and 3000s (not
sure what the gent is looking for).
Keep up the good work, and there is NO excuse for not owning an
Amiga, if you want one.
That's a very good suggestion. Another possibility is
comp.sys.amiga.marketplace if you have access to newsgroups. There's
less protection from unscrupulous sellers, but there are sometimes
notes posted about who's regarded as good and who's not.
June 8, 1999
Dear Amigans,
Ted Waitt was recently interviewed by Guardian Online about Gateway's
plans in general. There was also a question specifically about
Gateway's plans for Amiga that Ted answered as follows: "we've had a
group of people working on leveraging the Amiga assets into an
appliance strategy for us. How well that works out, I don't know: it
will be interesting to see. There are some great assets there. It's
definitely not a computer business.'' This comment has obviously
spurred many responses from the Amiga community. I want to assure
people that this doesn't reflect a shift in our Amiga plans. We have
not changed our plans to release a next generation Amiga multimedia
computer. I have described the new multimedia computer and how it
integrates into a full "information appliance" environment in my May
letter to the community posted on our web site. Please read the May
letter, as it will help you understand Amiga's product strategy.
Ted's comments refer to Gateway's product plans for using the Amiga
technology. Gateway's main interest in the next generation Amiga
technology is for the emerging information appliance market. Gateway's
focus on Internet connected information appliances is justifiable
given the extremely high potential of this market and it's threat to
the PC industry. Prominent Industry analysts have called information
appliances "the next Internet wave'' and "one of the most exciting
opportunities of the new millennium.'' By the year 2002, it is
forecasted that information appliance shipments will surpass PC
shipments and there will be more information appliances connected to
the Internet than PCs. If I were CEO of Gateway, this would also be
one of my primary areas of focus. But I am not CEO of Gateway. I am
CEO of Amiga and I don't want to confuse Gateway's plans with Amiga's.
There is a significant overlap in our plans but there is a difference
in focus. I have been empowered by Ted to drive Amiga as an
independent company with it's own strategy and plans. This will
eliminate a major challenge that has held Amiga back for many years.
The challenge of getting the proper attention and priority from large
corporate parent companies which are focusing on their core business.
Regarding Amiga's strategy, I have mentioned many times that Amiga
will use the immense emerging information appliance market to build
momentum for our next generation architecture. This is why we have
come up with an architecture that integrates the power of multimedia
computing into a full home computing environment that includes
information appliances. This is a revolutionary architecture and
computing environment for the future that combines power and
simplicity. It is a powerful plan that gives Amiga a great chance of
rising again as a significant force in the industry. On my trip to
Germany and the U.K. last month, I presented details of the
architecture and plans to a small group of prominent people in the
Amiga community. I did this confidentially to get some feedback and
validation on our plans. Once people understood exactly what we were
doing, the feedback was very positive and people were excited about
the revolutionary new architecture. Personally, I am extremely excited
about sharing details of the new Amiga architecture with the community
as a whole but we are still in a very sensitive stage relative to
competition and technology partners. I know this is frustrating to the
community since you have waited so long for a next generation product.
We will continue to share as much information as possible when it is
I hope this letter clarifies Ted's statements on Gateway's use of
Amiga technology. I will continue communicating as much as possible.
You can expect to see my June letter to the community in a few weeks.
I promise you that 1999 is going to be a great year for Amiga and the
Amiga community. Keep the momentum going as we come back for the
Jim Collas
President and CEO, Amiga
For Immediate Release
San Diego, CA - June 10th 1999 - Amiga announces availability of
Nomination Forms for the Amiga Advisory Council.
As the company moves forward, the advisory council will be
influential in helping to set the future direction of Amiga, with a
special focus on the needs and desires of the existing Amiga
The Council will be made up of representatives from the Amiga
community. Once the Nomination forms have been faxed in, then Amiga
management will select representatives from the developer, press,
dealer/distributor, user group, and general user communities.
Amiga will be evaluating and selecting the candidates based on the
following criteria.
* Experience with the classic Amiga products
* Experience with the various Amiga user groups or similar Amiga
community organization (such as ICOA, Brainiac, UGN, Team Amiga, Jay
Miner Society, AmigaSOC, D.A.U.G.)
* Amiga Dealers and Distributors
* Amiga Developers
* Communication with the Advisory council will be in English and will
primarily be done via the Internet.
Amiga has already begun receiving numerous Nomination forms, and we
are closing the nominations on June 19th, 1999.
The council will be selected and announced the first week of July.
Nomination forms can be found at the Amiga Web Site at
http://www.amiga.com/e-fr.html . It is also available at several other
web sites throughout the Amiga Community, here are two other locations
where the form can be found:
http://www.amiga.org/articles/1999/NominationForm.jpg or
"In order to make Amiga a great company, delivering the type of
innovative products that users desire, it is imperative that the
Spirit of Amiga flow throughout our products, and that Spirit is the
community." Said Jim Collas - President of Amiga
Please visit one of the web sites listed above, and nominate your
Amiga Advisory Council member.
A N T S Y F O R A M E E T I N G ?
9 Jun 1999
Amiga North Thames are pleased to announce Crystal Software will be
giving away demo copies of their forthcoming title Dark Millennia at a
specially re-arranged ANT usergroup meeting.
The original meeting was cancelled, but has now been re-scheduled.
Attendees will be the first in the world to see the demo of this
tremendous game. Screenshots available from the AmigaFlame website at:
As before the head programmer and Graphics Artist will be at hand to
chat and answer your questions about Dark Millennia. Andrew Reed,
Crystal Software's Owner, will be also be at hand to answer your
Date: Sunday 20th of June 1999
Time: 1:00pm until 5:00pm
Friends Meeting House,
61 Church Hill
Winchmore Hill
N21 1LE
Everyone is welcome.
Tea, Coffee and will be available and maybe, just maybe biscuits.
More details and a map to the venue will be posted on the ANT website
on Friday 11th of June. http://web.ukonline.co.uk/ant.london
Michael Carrillo (aka Mikey C)
Amiga Extravaganza Show to Take Place in Indianapolis
There will be an Amiga computer show in the Midwest this October to
replace the one normally held at Columbus, Ohio. This in no way
precludes anyone from attending the Dayton Computerfest Amiga show
within a show. Both should be well supported.
There will be a new Amiga show October 8-10 called Amiga Extravaganza
at Indianapolis, Indiana. It is being put on by ARCUG, the Indy Amiga
user group. It is also being supported by FWD Computing of Mexico,
Further info and link to info on this can be found at either of the
http://www.amiga.de/diary/events-e.html Amiga Inc web site
or at
Frank Davis
FWD Computing
P.O. Box 17
Mexico, IN 46958
28 May 1999.
Pinprint Publishing are delighted to announce the launch of
Amigactive Online, the official website of the forthcoming UK based,
glossy newsstand Amiga magazine, Amigactive.
Amigactive Online will form an integral part of the Amigactive
experience, and will be updated frequently with the latest news about
the magazine as well as news from the rest of the Amiga world.
We will make Amigactive the best Amiga magazine money can buy, and
you can help us to do this by filling in our first online survey - and
stand a chance of winning yourself a pair of tickets to this year's
World Of Amiga show in London in the process!
Lasty, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all those
people who have contacted us with messages of support since we
announced our decision to produce a brand new UK Amiga magazine.
Without you, we would not be here today. Thank you.
So, for all the latest information about Amigactive Magazine, visit
Amigactive Online:
Best Regards,
The Amigactive Team.
3 D F X F O R P I V
3Dfx Add On for PicassoIV - Name The Baby
Scheduled for the 3rd to 4th quarter 1999 is Village Tronic's new add
on board for the PicassoIV modular graphics-board:
The board will bring 3Dfx technology to ZorroIII Amigas like A3k,
A4k, A1200 with z3 board in conjunction with an additional PicassoIV.
It will give you never seen 3d functionality to the amiga-classic
range of computer systems.
With the optional PabloIV module you will be able to bring your
3D-applications to your 25" Television and/or tape your 3D-Scenes to
your videorecorder.
From the technical side of view the board will be able to bring up to
960x720 pixels in resolution with 8 MB of texture/pixel ram.
Programmers will get a native GLIDE® API and later an additional
Warp3D driver for the
Haage&Partner 3d API-system.
CHIPSET: Voodoo, 3Dfx
BUS: internal PicassoIV PCI connector
RESOLUTION 960x720 in 16 bit
REQUIREMENTS ZorroIII, (A3k, A4k, A1200+ZIII board)
8 MB usual ram, 1 MB chip, CPU 040/25 minimum
But now we need your help: WE DON`T HAVE A NAME FOR THIS FANTASTIC
BABY! If you have a good idea for our 3D-product and/or painted a LOGO
for it you can drop us a mail and you can win one of the first
3d-add-on board when we use your idea! This contest will close 19th of
Contribute now and send your suggestion to:
Ekkehard Brüggemann
Village Tronic Support Team
Village Tronic Marketing GmbH
Mühlenstr.2 - D-31157 Sarstedt
Tel.: +49(0)5066-7013-20
P E T S O F F ' S D E L F I N A P L U S
2 June, 1999
As companies need to always improve their products based on customer
input, complaints and suggestions, we have taken into consideration
what are the biggest flaws on Delfina Lite and how they could be
remedied without making the board much more expensive. The new Delfina
sound board design fixes the biggest problems and enhances performance
about 100 percent on some areas and over 200 percent on others. We
feel that the improvement definitely deserves a new name - Delfina
Delfina Lite, the popular DSP sound board for Amiga, does not have a
very high speed bus interface. Therefore the overall system may feel
slow responding, especially when running many sound outputting
programs at the same time. Slow bus speed is a result from only 8 bit
Zorro bus interface and inefficient bus handling on Delfina side. On
new design, the greatest priority object was to improve bus interface,
and we have really achieved that. New interface is real 16 bit and
much more efficient, taking less Amiga's CPU time and also less
Delfina's DSP time, while delivering minimum of 3 times the transfer
speeds of Delfina Lite. What this means is, that user can now use many
more simultaneous audio programs (AHI programs or native Delfina audio
programs) without slowing much down system's responsiveness.
Also DSP clock rate has been risen from 40MHz to 74MHz. Faster clock
rate means that even multiple DelFX effects programs will not use up
all DSP power, and Delfina Kernel will not need to bring down the
sound codec clock rate from 48kHz, as it often does on Delfina Lite.
Delfina Plus is capable of 220 million operations per second, which of
course means nothing in simple use, but sure comes handy with multiple
sound processing with effects piped in. A graphical interface used for
sound piping will be introduced.
In our tests the effective performance improvement has been much more
than the clock rate increase, because faster clock also makes the
codec and memory transfer tasks use up smaller portion of total DSP
load. User can view the current DSP load with the DelfLoad program.
Some advantages of Delfina Plus against other sound cards:
o the best AHI support
o a free PPC AHI driver licence for Delfina owners coming
o the only soundcard supporting infinite number of virtual AHI
devices with only one sound card
o interpolating mix of virtual AHI devices is made with Delfina's DSP
o AHI brings a wide range of applications to Delfina
o transparent complex audio effects
o DelFX effects applicable to any audio producing program's output or
external input
o sound piping from program to another
o piping with CLI utilities or DelFX software
o graphical sound module piping (not available for Delfina Lite yet)
o low system load
o efficient Zorro bus transfer, large audio buffers on board and the
Delfina's digital signal processor take load off Amiga's CPU
o programmable DSP
o Motorola 56002 programming environment included with sample
o DelfExp expansion
o DelfSer serial expansion now finally available!
Delfina Plus is targetted initially at the price range of 220 Euros
(about 230 US dollars, VAT excluded). Owners of older Delfina models
will have an offer for inexpensive upgrade.
3 June 1999
IAT Manufacturing is currently experiencing an extreem stretch on our
existing design staff, especially in PCB design. We are thus looking
for PCB (Printed Circuit Board) artworkers to join our hardware
development team. We are not looking for full time employment, more
contract work in areas such as schematic capture, netlist generation
&c.. If you are already employed or self supporting andwould like to
work from home using your own software and would like to take on PCB
design to reduce strain on our resources we would like to hear from
you. Good rates of set pay negociated per product or on royalty basis.
IAT Manufacturing
Contact: L Short
email: IATalpha@netcomuk.co.uk
3 June 1999
You may know Trogladyte Software is embarking on our own Office
package which will feature Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Database,
possibly a Publisher type thing and various other things. Of course,
this whole project depends on any talented Amiga programmers out there
helping! And by help, I mean large interaction and working with the
other project members. Join
M I L L E N N I U M - N E W T E K A N D N O V A D E S I G N
NewTek and Nova Design Announce New Product!
8th June 1999
NewTek and Nova Design, Inc., producers of the award winning ImageFX
and Aladdin 4D packages for the Amiga, announce Millennium - a
comprehensive upgrade package for the Amiga Video Toaster - The
Broadcast Studio in a Box.
NewTek and Nova Design are bringing together some of the most popular
programs of the past decade as well as introducing all new material
for the Amiga Video Toaster/Flyer. Millennium is being produced in
cooperation with Nova Design, Inc., who is managing and coordinating
with other developers. Users of the Amiga Video Toaster/Flyer will see
more power and greater flexibility in the Flyer's tools. Millennium
builds on the existing set of tools in the Flyer's interface. Hundreds
of new effects and wipes have been added. All new wipes are
professionally designed. Many wipes use live-action to produce the
exciting matte wipes the Amiga VideoToaster has been famous for. You
can create your own wipes with Wipe Studio - a new addition to the
Amiga Toaster/Flyer user's toolkit. Wipe Studio allows you to create
your own effects and wipes for the Amiga Toaster/Flyer. This
easy-to-use, yet powerful standalone utility leads you through
creating your own transitions.
There is enough new content to fill several CD-ROMs! There are new
fonts, and full color backgrounds for use in Amiga ToasterCG or Amiga
There are also FlyerClips of video sequences of captured or animated
scenes to use as well. A powerful suite of tools is added to the Flyer
interface, including compositing tools, rendering tools and audio
tools! Hundreds of additional ARexx commands and more content for both
Amiga Toaster and Flyer owners! The package comes with several CD-ROMs
and a full printed manual designed to be inserted into your Amiga
Toaster/Flyer manual for ease-of-use. There will also be a VHS-NTSC
videotape introduction to the Millennium package as well.
You will need to have at least version 3.1 of the Amiga Toaster
software, but 4.2 will be required to use all of the effects, and new
software. Availability of the new package has not yet been announced,
but it is expected by later this summer. The upgrade price also has
not yet been determined.
10 Jun 1999
AmigaSoc the UK usergroup UGN representative body will be hosting a
Shareware stall at World of Amiga 1999
Basically there are a number of reason why we are running the
shareware scheme, and none of them is to make money!
We have been involved with the Amiga for a long time now, and we
recognise that a large part of the software available for the Amiga
is, or has been at some time, shareware.
Software is what keeps a computer alive and with the decreasing
commercial market we realise that shareware is becoming more and more
important on the Amiga.
Here is a list of Shareware authors who have confirmed their
participation so far and have agreed for us to sell their products for
Vapourware Products
Virus checker II Alex van Niel
F1GP-ED Oliver Roberts
CyberShow Helmut Hoffmann
Mapplug Esteve Box
MagiC64 Michael Kramer
Diamond Caves I
Diamond Caves II Peter Elzner
Star Trek: A Call To Arms
Frank Mathieson
MysticView Timm S Mueller
We are also in negotiation with:-
Jean-Francois Fabre and his famous Amiga games patches/hard drive
A large number of Amigans use shareware programs but have never
registered them. Many want to, but to be honest, find it is too much
hassle with conversion rates to change money into foreign currencies,
We want to support the Amiga and you in any way we can. We would like
to see shareware authors being rewarded for the hard work they have
done, and we hope our scheme will encourage you to keep supporting the
We don't hope to gain anything out of this free service A small fee
of maybe 50 pence extra will be charged to customers, to cover our
costs of duplicating disks, stand hire, etc),
As an organisation we hope to keep the Amiga going, with your help we
The World of Amiga attracts thousands of Amigans annually. Don't miss
If you would like to help us to help you, then please contact Chris
Livermore of AmigaSoc at chrisl@uk.amigasoc.org for further details.
Other resources:- World of Amiga Website: http://www.worldofamiga.com
AmigaSoc http://uk.amigasoc.org
P C X A N D F U S I O N F R E E - M A Y B E
June 10th, 1999 - Blittersoft have announced today that as a special
offer we will be giving Fusion and PCx 68K emulation packages away
free to all customers who do not own this software and are willing to
prepay for the PPC modules.
Fusion and PCx PPC modules will be released *IF* it can be assured
that 500 pre-orders for each module are received.
In order to make this viable, Microcode Solutions need to receive a
minimum of 500 pre-orders.
So, if you are interested in Macintosh or PC emulation, but only wish
to own PPC versions, you can now do so without having to purchase the
68K programs as well. This will amount to an additional saving to
those supporting the PPC pre-order offer.
This offer is strictly limited to those pledging to pre-order until
the 500 minimum quantity is reached and *only* to those who do not
already own the programs.
If you would like full details on price and release schedules, and
the chance to make your pledge, please visit the following page on our
Web Site :
Please register your support and make this happen!
F A C T S 2 . 7 F O R T I M E
29th May 1999
FACTS is the only GUI-based SNTP clock syncronisation tool available
for the Amiga. It syncronises your system time and/or battery
backed-up clock to a server across the Internet that participates in
the Network Time project (http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~ntp). NTP
attempts to keep time accurate to within 200 picoseconds. FACTS is a
client implementation of a subset of NTP called SNTP, and aims to keep
your computer clock accurate to within 20ms (previous releases - and
most other Amiga clock syncronisers - can only manage 1s accuracy!)
If there is a problem connecting to your specified server, the new
Aninc(tm) technology allows FACTS 2.7 to try an alternative server
without needing to know the address! A fully customisable AutoDST
implementation means that you only need one program to keep your clock
accurate and adjust for summertime when off-line - and it works even
if you never reboot. FACTS keeps the TZ environmental variable
up-to-date, and also emulates SummerTimeGuard's behaviour for full
compatibility with YAM2 (http://www.yam.ch)
FACTS can connect to any server on any port number. It supports the
sntp, time/udp, time/tcp and daytime services and works with any
AmiTCP4 compatible TCP/IP stack. It can be run in the background and
controlled via the GUI or ARexx, or simply executed from the CLI when
required. Date strings are localised, and the GUI uses GadTools for
proper system integration and efficiency.
The program is available for free from Aminet
ftp://sunsite.org.uk/comm/tcp/facts.lha and more information can be
found on the FACTS support page at
Chris Young
Unsatisfactory Software
" F O R M A T " F O R L A R G E D I S K S
10 Jun 1999
{The following was posted to the web. It should be very welcome to
Amigans with large hard drives. Thanks, Ben! Brad}
From Ben Hutchings:
Back in August I bought myself a new 4.3 gigabyte hard drive to
replace the one previously used in my Amiga, which seemed to be about
to fail. It was then that I decided to do something about the poor
support for such large drives by OS 3.1. I wouldn't have started on
this if Heinz Wrobel hadn't already done the necessary work on disk
drivers and file-systems. What was missing were replacements for
Format and DiskCopy.
I quickly wrote an incomplete CLI-only replacement for Format, tested
it out, briefly announced it and then left it unfinished.
This was not the right thing to do. So over the past month or so I
completed all the CLI functionality, added a few extra neat features
by request, made sure it worked in just the same way as Format version
40, and added a font-sensitive GUI. In the last 3 days I spotted and
fixed 6 minor bugs (nothing dangerous). Nothing much seems to be wrong
with it now - except that there are a few parts missing and it isn't
If you have a large disk, or just want a nicer looking Format
program, perhaps you'd like to try it out and tell me whether it works
properly for you? The programmers here might also be able to help me
fill in the gaps. (Full source code is included.)
You can find it on Aminet as util/sys/BHFormat.lha. You may have to
wait a day or so for the current version (43.4) to appear - check the
version in the readme file.
U P D A T E O N U P C O M I N G I - B R O W S E
2 June, 1999
Taller than the tallest building, faster than the fastest plane, it's
not just a rumour, it's...
(may the power of two be with you)
Since Easter we have been SWAMPED, not merely swamped but bigtime
SWAMPED, with enquiries about iBrowse 2. Yup, OK, it's our own fault,
some Bright Spark (who shall remain nameless but answers to the word
"boss") insisted on emailing our ever so slightly massive iBrowse
announcements list just before Easter with the news that iBrowse 2 was
Ahem. Not to put too fine a point on it, but this wasn't entirely
true. Notwithstanding the fact that Stefan (the author) put the entire
project on hold while he stood in line for a week to see the first
midnight showing of Star Wars Episode 1, iBrowse 2 is currently still
in beta test (build version 20.22 if anyone is interested).
And there is a lot to test (take a big breath): full JavaScript 1.2
implementation, HTML 4 support, improved GUI, improved preferences,
the cache system has been rewritten (it's now even faster and even
easier to use), the table parser has been rewritten (it's now lots
faster), spoofing has been implemented, there's external news client
support, an improved URL completer, multiple browsers can be opened in
one window (controlled by a nifty tab system) plus, of course, plug-in
support. And those are just the highlights!
Testing is going well and iBrowse 2 is very, very close to being
released. We know you are going to love it and as soon as we've ironed
out the few remaining glitches we'll be mailing everyone on the
iBrowse announcements list with a special pre-release upgrade deal -
if you're not already on the list, you can sign-up to it on the FAQ
P P C F U S I O N , P C X - M A Y B E N E V E R
31 May, 1999
How bad do you want PowerPC versions of PCx and FUSION?
Microcode Solutions has had hundreds of emails over the last year
asking about PowerPC native versions of PCx and FUSION. Because the
Amiga market is getting smaller every day, we have had to look at
other markets (the PC market specifically). We are very fond of the
Amiga, and its superior operation system, but unfortunately we must
run a business.
After careful consideration, we have decided to put the decision, to
you the customer, as to whether we finish PowerPC native versions of
What we propose is to accept pre-payment for each product, at a
reduced rate from the normal retail price. We would need 500
pre-orders for each product before we would commit ourselves to
finishing each product. This must be a two stage process, with the
first stage a simple email stating that you would be willing to
pre-pay for the product. Once 500 people have emailed us from the 1st
stage, we would then begin accepting payments (check, VISA, and M/C).
From the time that we begin accepting payments for each product, to
the time of completion will be 60 days. If after 60 days, Microcode
Solutions is not able to begin shipping, customers may request a full
refund or wait until the product is released.
The retail price for the PowerPC upgrade modules is $199.95 for each
module (PCx and FUSION). If you pre-pay for either product, you will
be charge only $149.95.
If there are not enough pre-paid orders for either product, we will
not finish that product.
So, let's begin stage 1:
If you are willing to pre-pay $149.95 + $5.00 shipping for the PCx
PowerPC upgrade module, click here.
If you are willing to pre-pay $149.95 + $5.00 shipping for the FUSION
PowerPC upgrade module, click here.
We will be keeping a running total, to let you know just how close we
all are to these exciting upgrades!
Current number of people willing to pre-pay for the PCx upgrade: 145
Current number of people willing to pre-pay for the FUSION upgrade:
R E B O L 2 . 0 A N N O U N C E D
UKIAH, Calif. - May 11, 1999 - REBOL (pronounced "REB-ul"), the first
in a new breed of Internet messaging languages, today revolutionized
the exchange and interpretation of network-based information by
allowing programs authored in REBOL/core 2.0 to run on more than 15
popular computing platforms without modification. The new version,
released today by REBOL Technologies, extends the language's platform
and operating system independence and is available for free download
at www.rebol.com.
Carl Sassenrath, CEO and founder of REBOL Technologies and creator of
the Amiga multitasking operating system, said, "With this release,
REBOL Technologies continues its mission to simplify computing in the
Internet age. REBOL is a messaging language built from the ground up
to enable easier global network communication between applications,
computers and people. Seasoned programmers, systems and network
professionals -- even novice developers -- can quickly put REBOL to
use on a daily basis as a powerful, flexible tool for a broad range of
practical applications."
Rebol/core 2.0 Packs a Robust Set of Features
REBOL/core 2.0 is designed to be faster, more reliable, more compact,
and more consistent than the prior version. It's less than one half
the size of version 1.0, has twice as many features, and operates 35
times faster on average. Other REBOL/core 2.0 benefits include:
o Full platform independence so that programs built once can run
without modification on most of the popular systems, including BeOS,
FreeBSD, Linux, Macintosh, Amiga, SPARC, Windows 95/98/NT, and others;
o Server-level power delivered to the hands of ordinary users thanks
to built-in network support for common Internet protocols such as CGI,
HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, NNTP, daytime, and finger;
o A natural set of language features supporting domain-specific
dialecting as well as more complete integration of data and functions
easily understood by humans (such as money, dates, time, email
addresses, URLs, etc.);
o A common lexicon independent of any particular country introducing
a new, simple, international method of distributed computing.
REBOL has very little syntax to learn; meaning that novice users can
learn its fundamentals through a short 10-step introduction and become
productive within hours. REBOL stores and transfers all of its data as
text, allowing it to be sent and received over email, and viewed and
edited with a simple text editor. Understanding of networking
technology or software structure is not required, making the language
especially attractive for the new and growing market of independent
and corporate Web developers that have entered the industry from
design, publishing, and other non-computer backgrounds. For seasoned
professionals, REBOL offers a smooth learning curve for the
performance of complex, sophisticated tasks such as distributed object
management or invention of new network protocols.
REBOL Finds Early Acceptance in Developer Community
According to Elan Goldman of Microworks LLC and a 2.0 beta tester,
"The combination of the new parse function together with the new
built-in CGI support really flies. I was able to convert the long
string returned from an HTTP server into a simple REBOL list, which,
with two lines of code, selected and validated the credit card data.
With just a few more lines, I automatically generated either a
personalized thank you message, or one informing the customer of the
credit card entry error. Now that's a productivity boost!"
REBOL Technologies encourages the open exchange of REBOL-based
content over its web site by supporting archives, directories, and
warehouses of scripts. Technical support by email and an active
mailing list are also available for the REBOL/core user community.
Since REBOL's first general release six months ago, the messaging
language has attracted nearly 40,000 downloads at www.rebol.com. The
company not only continues to distribute REBOL/core free of charge,
but will also offer a supported version, REBOL/Alliance 2.0 later this
Spring. It will include advanced CGI, LDAP support, calling of
external applications, browser plug-in and ODBC.
About REBOL Technologies
REBOL Technologies was incorporated by AmigaOS creator Carl
Sassenrath in March 1998. Based in Ukiah, Calif., the company
develops, markets, licenses and supports the REBOL network messaging
REBOL challenges the common belief that software and development
languages must be complex in order to be productive. Unlike
alternative programming and scripting languages, REBOL is
human-centric rather than computer-centric. By harnessing the powerful
capabilities of human-language expression inherent in
context-sensitive languages, REBOL breaks through the barriers of
computing complexity. The result: REBOL cuts application solution
lengths from thousands of lines of code to hundreds. It improves
productivity because it is easy-to-learn, easy-to-customize, elegant,
and robust. Typical REBOL applications might be email processing, web
page management, Internet searching, file transfer, or newsgroup
16 May 99
Posted to the net by Andrija Antonijevic
Here's the message I wrote to HTTPResume users whose e-mail addresses
I know:
You received this message because you expressed interest in
HTTPResume. If you don't want to receive these announce messages in
the future, please tell me.
HTTPResume v1.6a appeared on Aminet. It was *not* released by me and
it's *not* official HTTPResume release. The latest official release is
still v1.6, dated 24-Apr-99 01:22:40 and its size is 107036 bytes.
Official archive is 110318, .readme 2109 bytes long. Checking on
http://www.bigfoot.com/~TheAntony/HTTPResume/ is the only way to be
sure that the new version is out. It will always have information on
latest HTTPResume releases and latest HTTPResume archive on local
I have no connection to v1.6a and can't say whether it has backdoors
or anything malicious inside it (I doubt it, though). I have uploaded
the official v1.6 archive to Aminet today. If you haven't downloaded
"v1.6a", you have no reason to download any comm/www/HTTPResume.lha
archive from Aminet for a while since next version (v1.7) won't be
released in near future. If you are unsure which version you have,
download the official archive from HTTPResume page mentioned above.
If you have installed this "new" version, please replace it with the
official one. Thank you.
The story goes like this: Tonight I received an e-mail message:
From: "xxx" Name and address removed to protect the guilty.
Subject: HTTP Resume
Date: 15 May 1999 10:59:59 GMT
Just to tell you that I find it very childish of you to include
propaganda against the war in an Amiga program.
If removed the line of text and replaced it with what it should be,
and will release this on Aminet within 36 hours as version v1.6a you
can stop me by releasing your own version with the message string
It's your choice
That's it, l8er alligator !
[SNIP signature]
[The propaganda mentioned is string "Stop NATO bombs!" in title bar
of HTTPResume's main window. Any discussion about this to e-mail,
I looked at Aminet recent list and found out that HTTPResume v1.6a
was there (so much about 36 hours). The guy that uploaded it also
decided that he can speak in my name and wrote version history for
"v1.6a" making it look like I wrote (the word he likes to use,
"childish", comes to mind). The rest can be read in message above. The
scary thought is that anyone can replace anything on Aminet with no
problems, and there's nothing that can be done about that. It seems
that PGP signing is the only solution...
Amiga Update on the net:
All back issues available at:
{Note new address!}
Stop by and check out our archive!
Copyright 1999 by Brad Webb. Freely distributable, if not modified.
_ __ _ <>_ __ _
A M I G A /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ A M I G A
U P D A T E /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ U P D A T E
/ \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_
====================================================================== (ps)
[Meldung: 13. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Fun Time World: Bilder und Bericht vom User-Treffen bei AmiPoint
Bilder und Bericht vom Amiga-User-Treffen bei AmiPoint von Fun Time World.
[Meldung: 13. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AmigaAMP Version 2.6 (öffentliche Beta)
Download: AmigaAMP26b3.lha
[Meldung: 13. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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ScanQuix 4 News
Aktualisierter ScanExpress 600 CP Treiber. Beim Treiber für den ScanExpress
600 CP traten in einigen Fällen Probleme beim Scannen im Graustufen-Modus
und bei Calibratix auf. Diese Probleme sind in der neuen Version 4.17.2 beseitigt.
Ein Update finden Sie
Scannerprofile für ICS im Aminet. Für das frei erhältliche ICS Farbmanagement-System
(Aminet: hard/misc/ICS.lha)
sind jetzt für einige Scanner fertige Profile verfügbar.
Damit kann das ICS mit ScanQuix getestet werden, ohne daß gleich ein Target
(Referenzvorlage) angeschafft werden muß. Mit den Profilen lassen sich bereits sehr
gute Ergebnisse erzielen, jedoch ist für die optimale Kalibrierung des eigenen
Scanners ein Target notwendig. Die Profile sind im Aminet erhältlich
Die meisten dieser Profile wurden mit Hilfe von
ScanQuix erstellt und lassen sich daher optimal mit ScanQuix nutzen.
ICS ermöglicht es, ohne weitere Einstellungen perfekte Scans mit naturgetreuer
Farbwiedergabe zu erstellen und ist daher für jeden Benutzer von ScanQuix eine
empfehlenswerte Ergänzung. Benutzer von ICS sollten sich beim Autor registrieren
lassen. Bei ausreichendem Interesse wird es z. B. eine preiswerte Kalibriervorlage
geben, um den eigenen Scanner zu kalibrieren.
[Meldung: 13. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andreas R. Kleinert per eMail
Andreas Kleinert schreibt:
Ich wollte nur kurz darauf hinweisen, dass mit dem
Netzauftritt der Amiga special (www.amigaspecial.de)
nun auch das Netzgefluester seine eigene eMail-Adresse
bekommen hat:
Wer also irgendwelche News oder dergleichen gerne
in der jeweils naechsten Ausgabe sehen moechte,
kann sich ueber diese Adresse melden - eine gewisse
Vorlaufzeit sollte man allerdings einkalkulieren,
da die Special derzeit zweimonatlich erscheint...
(Der Autor, d.h. ich, freut sich allerdings auch
ueber Kommentare und Anregungen zu seinen anderen
Artikeln unter ark@amigaspecial.de, aber das nur
nebenbei :-) (ps)
[Meldung: 13. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Bernhard Lukas per eMail
AmigaScene T-Shirts zu haben
Hi everybody!
Subject says it all: The AmigaScene Official T-Shirt is coming.
Preorder it by sending a mail to me <lutz@sbox.tu-graz.ac.at>.
design: ____ ____ ____ ____
/ \___/ \ / \___/ \
- black, 100% cotton / \ / \
- front: small AmigaScene logo / \ / \
(red/white) on breast \ Austria's / \ /
- back: "Austria's First Amiga \| First |\ \| {logo} |\
Online Magazine http: | Amiga | | |
//www.amigascene.com" | Online | | |
(red letters) | Magazine | | |
| : | | |
price: below ATS 200.- | : | | |
|http://www.| | |
available: July 1999 |amigascene.| | |
|______com__| |___________|
preorders: until 16./17.June
[ BACK ] [ FRONT ]
Does this mail look like garbage on your screen?
=> Use a NON-proportional font!
Don't you understand a word?
=> Ask me <lutz@sbox.tu-graz.ac.at> for a translation.
How can you support us?
=> Spread this mail to everyone who could be interested!
</lutz@sbox.tu-graz.ac.at></lutz@sbox.tu-graz.ac.at> (ps)
[Meldung: 13. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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WebCam bei AmiPoint
Per WebCam können Sie die das Amiga-User Meeting und die Amiga OS3.5 Präsentation,
die heute bei AmiPoint in 47166 Duisburg, Kampstr. 71 stattfindet, verfolgen.
[Meldung: 13. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet [New Uploads]
Aminet Uploads vom 13.06.1999
XmenTheme.lha biz/dopus 2.2M+X-Men Theme for Opus Magellan II
AmiBroker310.lha biz/misc 927K+Powerful stock charting/analysis prog. v
FondsCalc.lha biz/misc 23K+Calculation for money makers
Mdoors2.lha comm/amiex 335K+EIGHT! of the best /X doors available [S
Camedia.lha comm/misc 38K+Transfers pictures from digital camera (
FreedomGer.lha comm/net 10K+German Catalogs for FreedomCall V1.12
newscoaster.lha comm/news 56K+Offline Newsreader (BETA release)
FTP4ALL226a.lha comm/tcp 239K+FTP Server for Amiga (2.26a)
rrlmsd.lha comm/tcp 16K+Login client for RoadRunner systems usin
SimpleFTP.lha comm/tcp 57K+SimpleFTP - New and easy to use FTP clie
UMS11_9_beta.lha comm/ums 502K+Universal Message System - public beta r
stc-homx.lha demo/slide 626K+Homer Simpson see's an Alien Slideshow
gtdrag3_2.lha dev/gui 61K+Enhances gadtools/boopsi with Drag&Drop
PFS2_ZIP.lha disk/misc 4K+Mountlist for PFS v2 formatted ZIP disks
DADS_Gde.lha docs/hyper 41K+Dad's Army Episode Guide (81)
MrDo-FAQ.lha docs/hyper 50K+Mr. Do FAQ (HTML Version) (09.06.99)
ScenerFuturo.lha docs/hyper 0K+Scener del futuro (LYRICS) (ITALIANO)
TBOCL.lha docs/hyper 6K+TheBigOldChipList- AmigaGuide of Custom
amiuserlist.lha docs/lists 14K+German Amiga User List
DevGuide.lha docs/lists 29K+Guide about 325 Amiga Devices -22-
DTypeGuide.lha docs/lists 28K+Guide about 244 Amiga datatypes -24-
LDDcheck.lha docs/lists 86K+System Check (Libs, Dts, Devs) - 1-
LibGuide.lha docs/lists 176K+Guide about 2376 Amiga libraries -38-
scenesurvey99.lha docs/mags 3K+Scene Survey'99
fc_may99.txt docs/misc 5K+FreeCell ML messages - May 1999
Ambassador18B.lha game/board 149K+Client for IGS, Internet Go Server, V1.8
ACB_Pics_V1.3.lha game/hint 807K+Pics for Amiga Cheat-Box 1.3
jst.lha game/patch 166K+JOTD Startup for HD Installs & Degrader
TheMod.lha game/patch 533K+TheMod 0.9 (fast competition mod for Qua
PfPaint.lha gfx/edit 438K+Powerful painter for Gfx cards.
PfPaint_ENG.lha gfx/edit 17K+English documentation for PerfectPaint
PfPaint_FRA.lha gfx/edit 20K+French documentation for PerfectPaint
Apdf060.lha gfx/show 197K+PDF doc. viewer, 020/030/060+fpu
Apdfppc.lha gfx/show 276K+PDF doc. viewer, PPC (PowerUp)
Apdfsrc.lha gfx/show 513K+PDF document viewer, source code
Apdf_nofpu.lha gfx/show 206K+PDF doc. viewer, 020+, no fpu
bdAnim2_0b.lha gfx/show 140K+Animationplayer for the workbench
PhotoFolio1_0.lha gfx/show 268K+V1.0 View/Store/Catalog images
pronos.lha gfx/show 79K+Shows JPEG & IFF pics. AGA support. V1.2
1MBChip.lha hard/hack 3K+1MB ChipRAM on Amiga500 Rev.5
FloppyLED.lha hard/hack 1K+A1200T floppy LED project
MCControl.lha hard/hack 52K+V0.19 PSX MemoryCard Reader
fMSX.lha misc/emu 937K+MSX emulator (v2.2), req. 68020/OS3.0
TotalCalc1_22.lha misc/math 46K+Calculator with interesting features
Asitgoes.lha mods/house 140K+House/trance styled DBM mod by Tripper
Bucket.lha mods/house 165K+Experimental Detroit PT mod by Tripper
Kickit.lha mods/house 287K+Relaxed House PT mod by Tripper
Streetparty.lha mods/house 356K+House PT mod by Tripper
BalletCsmq.lha mods/instr 523K+Orchestra DBM mod by Tripper
Medievil.lha mods/instr 329K+Orchestra PT mod by Tripper
Colordrop.lha mods/jungl 540K+Drum'n'Bass PT mod by Tripper
lns33_resp.lha mods/jungl 295K+Respekt to profets - intelligent jungle
lnsR22_dog.lha mods/jungl 385K+Dog on a string - hardstep jungle mix
Compiler.lha mods/melod 256K+Melodic techno PT mod by Tripper
cybernet.lha mods/misc 9K+Van Ghorne's music
dreams.lha mods/misc 25K+Van Ghorne's music
ravegirl.mpg mods/mpg 3.1M+Happy rave girls. Hard/ClassicTrance (MP
jenkkaboyz.lha mods/roz 13K+It's a summer hit of the '99!
lnsR21_gol.lha mods/techn 325K+The pockets full of gold - slowbeat tech
Plastic.lha mods/techn 204K+Acid PT mod by Tripper
Skyline.lha mods/techn 171K+Nice melodic dance PT mod by Tripper
Deeper.lha mods/tranc 213K+Trance PT mod by Tripper
Droidhd.lha mods/tranc 204K+HardTrance PT mod by Tripper
Intoodeep.lha mods/tranc 276K+Trance PT mod by Tripper
MindTrap.lha mods/tranc 262K+Trance/Acid PT mod by Tripper
Prepareuslf.lha mods/tranc 193K+Trance, Goa PT mod by Tripper
SystemeNrvx.lha mods/tranc 146K+Trance PT mod by Tripper
TriptoGoa.lha mods/tranc 307K+Goa PT mod by Tripper
Mika_Niko.lha mods/voice 375K+An old joke PT mod by Tripper
Mindwaves.lha mods/voice 454K+Strange UFO PT mod by Tripper
Lamer.lha mus/misc 285K+Great MP3 encoder for PPC
EPSoundcontrol.lha mus/play 7K+EaglePlayer "Soundcontrol" external repl
WF7_MVS-Pix1.mpg pix/anim 507K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Exam. - Pixelize 1 Anim
WF7_MVS-Pix2.mpg pix/anim 506K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Exam. - Pixelize 2 Anim
WF7_MVS-PLine1.mpg pix/anim 505K+Wildfire 7 - MVS - Particle Line 1 Anim
WF7_MVS-PLine2.mpg pix/anim 506K+Wildfire 7 - MVS - Particle Line 2 Anim
WF7_MVS-Polar.mpg pix/anim 506K+Wildfire 7 - MVS Exam. - Polarmosaic Ani
SomeIcons.lha pix/icon 4K+Some icons, mostly for interlace
Beatrice990611.jpg pix/wb 320K+Another Beautiful (?) Beatrice Workbench
PropTopas.lha text/font 2K+Good proportional replacement for Topaz
HP_Deskjet670C.lha text/print 16K+Deskjet 670C/680C/690C Driver V1.18
AppReplaceIcon.lha util/app 81K+Replacing icons with a new one
DPMS.lha util/blank 15K+Blankermodule for Cybermagic
PCD-DT.lha util/dtype 135K+Datatype for Photo-CD Images (43.10)
RGFX-DT.lha util/dtype 119K+Datatype for IFF-RGFX-Format (43.10)
SysInfo.lha util/moni 32K+Examine and test speed
BHFormat.lha util/sys 39K+NSD-aware Format command with source
mr_wolf.lha util/time 33K+Cheeky-speaking, transparent clock v3.0.
flynn.lha util/wb 88K+System load meter
killtopaz.lha util/wb 14K+Replaces topaz8 font in system exes by X (ps)
[Meldung: 13. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
[Per E-Mail versenden] [Druck-Version] [ASCII-Version]
Peter Price per eMail
AmigaUniverse schließt aufgrund andauernder Probleme mit Provider
Wird aber hoffentlich bald wieder unter
http://www.amigauni.u-net.com erreichbar sein:
It is with regret that, following 100 hours of FTP server downtime, I
announce the closure of Amiga Universe, as hosted at
My reasons for this should be clear if you have been a regular visitor to
this site since May 1st. Fasthosts, the company who are pretending to host
the site, have repeatedly had long downtimes which have prevented both
visitors from reading the site, and now, me from updating it.
The events of this weekend have been the last straw. Fasthosts, in their
infinite wisdom, restored a two month old backup index.html which points
users AWAY from the site back to our old U-Net one.
I don't often make these kind of attacks, but Fasthosts must be one of the
most shambolic (dis)organisations I have ever had the displeasure of
encountering. I would not recommend them to my worst enemies. I doubt they
could plug in a kettle, much less a whole hosting company.
For the time being, until another host can be found, Amiga Universe will be
moving back to the U-Net site at http://www.amigauni.u-net.com. This site
should be up and running again within the week.
My apologies for the repeated problems that have dragged AU through the mud
during the last 40 days. It has affected our visitor numbers, our
reputation, and had serious consequences on the colour of my hair and amount
still on my head.
Never, ever use Fasthosts, for your own good.
Until AU can find a hoster we can afford, this is me, signing off.
Best Regards
Peter Price Amiga Universe
Webmaster Moving to www.amigauni.u-net.com
IRC: Agima @ ARCNet You read it because you're weak
ICQ: 15849650 PGP Keys available - just ask :)
[Meldung: 13. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Advisory Board Nomination Form
AMIGA sucht Leute, die guten Einblick in die Amiga-Produkte und - zene haben,
und durch ihre Meinung mithelfen können, die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen.
[Meldung: 13. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News
Czech Amiga News
GoldED Update 6.0.4 und Webworld Add-On 4.3
REBOL nun auf 21 Plattformen portiert und neue Version 2.0.4
Amiga Nutta Spiele News
[Meldung: 13. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Raymond per eMail
Digital Dreams Entertainment News
If something can go wrong, it will!
We was fooled around by one (we won't tell which, but it is located
in Eastern Europe) CD production company. They constantly showing up
with some excuses and promise that the CDs will be finished tomorrow
(but tomorrow never comes).
Two weeks later we have lost our patience and redraw Wasted Dreams CD
materials and start looking for a new CD production partner. We've
found it in Germany. Now we can tell for sure that the release date for
Wasted Dreams will be on Monday 21st.
Let's play while we are waiting.
As you have been more than patient with us, we have deiced to award you.
Here is your chance to win a free copy of Wasted Dreams, so if you want
to participate visit our web site.
Digital Dreams Entertainment
[Meldung: 13. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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ClickBoom per eMail
We'd like to inform you of a few things at clickBOOM:
- A full level editor that was used to create the game
will be included on the CD for free! So, you'll be
able to create new T-zer0 levels and share them with
- There are now 2 types of CD music you can
choose from (high-tech and classic arcade).
- You can also choose between high-tech and
arcade style powerups.
- The intro has been extended with speech and more gfx...
- Explosions have been redesigned.
T-zer0 site is located at http://clickboom.com/t0
Preordering is still available with lots of special offers
and a chance to win a Mikronik Infinitiv Tower with
Phase 5 CV64/3D card.
[Meldung: 13. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Martina Jacobs per eMail
Viruswarnung für PC/Mac-Emu-User
Diese Viruswarnung könnte für die von Interesse sein,
die eine PC/MacEmu nutzen.
Viruswarnung: Mischung aus CIH&Melissa-Virus aufgetaucht
Dem Viruserfinder ist es gelungen einen Virus zu basteln, der
sich wie Melissa drastisch per eMail vermehrt und solch einen
Schaden anrichtet, wie es der CIH-Virus getan hat.
Der Virus mit dem Namen "Worm.Explore.Zip" verbreitet sich,
indem er sich selbst an eMail-Adressen des Adressbuches und an
die Absender, von denen bereits eine eMail empfangen hat,
Er benötigt dazu eMail-Programme, die auf Messaging
Application Programming Interface (MAPI) beruhen, wie z.b.
Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Exchange, Netscape Mail.
In der eMail steht folgendes: "I received your email and I
shall send you a reply ASAP. Till then, take a look at the
attached zipped docs." Der Betreff der eMail ändert sich
Die Datei (zipped_files.exe) ist 210,432 bytes groß. Das
Icon der Datei sieht aus, wie das Icon des WinZip Self-Extractors.
Beim öffnen der Datei wird folgende Fehlermeldung
vorgetäuscht: "Cannot open file: it does not appear
to be a valid archive. If this file is part of a ZIP format
backup set, insert the last disk of the backup set and try again.
Please press F1 for help."
Jetzt durchsucht er Ihre Festplatte nach Dateien mit den Endungen:
.c, .cpp, .h, .asm, .doc, .xls, or .ppt. Er löscht dann den
Inhalt der Dateien, so das die Dateien dann 0 byte groß sind.
Der Virus kopiert sich dann in das Systemverzeichnis von Windows
unter dem Namen Explore.exe und verändert bei Windows 95
die Datei WIN.INI und bei Windows NT einen Eintrag in der
Regestrierung, so daß das Programm jedes Mal ausgeführt
wird, wenn der Rechner startet.
Um den Virus loszuwerden, muß folgendes unternommen werden:
Windows 9x:
Starten Sie ihren Rechner im MS-DOS Modus
Geben Sie ein: edit C:\Windows\Win.ini löschen Sie fogenden
Eintrag: run=c:\windows\system\explore.exe
Danach können Sie die Datei C:\Windows\System\explore.exe
Windows NT:
Im Task Manager ist der Virus unter dem Namen "explore" zu
erkennen. Starten Sie regedit, indem Sie regedit bei Start,
Ausführen, eintragen. Löschen Sie aus dem Ordner
NT\CurrentVersion\Windows] folgenden Schlüssel
Starten Sie Windows NT neu und löschen Sie die Explore.exe
im Windows-System32 Verzeichnis.
Bei Symantec (www.symantec.de) gibt es schon passende
Virus-updates, die man sich auf jedenfall installieren sollte.
[Meldung: 13. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Mario Nitschke per eMail
Amiga Times 2/99 nun auch in HTML-Version online
Die vorerst letzte Ausgabe der Amiga Times ist nun auch als HTML Version vorhanden.
[Meldung: 13. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Crew Camp CCC per eMail
Chaos Communication Camp in der Nähe von Berlin vom 6.-8. August 1999
Moin Hackergemeinde,
nachdem es lange viel zu still um das Camp geworden ist, geht es jetzt
richtig los. Nach langer Verzögerung sind nun die FAQ und aktualisierte
Projektbeschreibungen online.
Außerdem kann man sich ab sofort für Camp registrieren lassen, damit man
seinen Ticket auch sicher bekommt. Als Dankeschön für die Vorbezahlung
des Tickets gewähren wir dabei auch einen Nachlaß um DEM 20,00, so daß
der Eintritt für normale Teilnehmer nur noch DM 130 beträgt. Wir wollen
damit auch den Leuten mit etwas weniger Knete im Portemonnaie
Anfahrtsbeschreibung sowie Informationen für unsere Freunde von der
Presse folgen in Kürze.
Wer am Camp teilnehmen will und auch alle anderen weiteren Informationen
zur Veranstaltungen nicht verpassen will, sollte
in seine Bookmarks aufnehmen oder sich gleich auf der Camp-Announce
Mailingliste einschreiben. Dort wird jedes Update und vor allem die stets
aktuelel FAQ gepostet.
Alle Informationen auf der Web Site und dem FAQ sind in englisch, da das
Camp eine internationale Veranstaltung ist und wir derzeit den Aufwand
für eine bilinguale Information nicht leisten konnten. Wer Probleme mit
der englischen Ansprache hat oder auch nur noch weiter - in der FAQ nicht
berücksichtigte - Fragen hat, sollte sich an die Camp Crew wenden:
Wer Zewit und Lust hat, sich beim Camp als Freiwilliger der Crew
anzuschließen und beim Aufbau des Netzwerks und des Camps mitzuhelfen,
melde sich ebenfalls bei der Crew.
Viel Spaß am Gerät
Das Chaos
JOIN THE CHAOS COMMUNICATION CAMP, 6-8.8.1999, http://www.ccc.de/camp/
Visit the Chaos Computer Club Web Site at http://www.ccc.de
All your questions will get an answer: http://www.ccc.de/faq.html
[Meldung: 13. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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In eigener Sache
Da mein Töchterchen krank geworden ist und meine uneingeschränkte Aufmerksamkeit
braucht, gibt es heute und voraussichtlich morgen keine News.
Nachtrag 13.06.1999:
Ivana geht es ein wenig besser :-), allerdings ist die Krise noch nicht vorüber.
Sie hat einen wirklich sehr hartnäckigen Durchfall, verbunden mit krampfartigen
Bauchschmerzen, die jede Stunde wiederkommen, was uns natürlich alle um den Schlaf
bringt. Sie ist aber sehr tapfer und hat sich sehr über die unzähligen
Genesungswünsche aus aller Welt per eMail gefreut. Sie hat gesagt, daß
sie für Euch ein Bild malen wird, wenn es ihr wieder besser geht.
Ich kann daher natürlich nur sehr eingeschränkt an den News arbeiten und werde
nur News bringen, die ich per eMail bekomme bzw. auf Anhieb finde.
Englische News lasse
ich wie sie sind, Martin Baute wird sie unter
News & Stories übersetzen.
Wer weitere News findet, kann sie ja evtl. im
selbst eintragen, bis wieder alles im grünen Bereich ist. Ich hoffe selbstsüchtig,
daß das möglichst schnell der Fall ist ;-).
Ganz herzlichen Dank für Euer aller Verständnis :-).
Nachtrag 14.06.1999: Ivana geht es wieder bestens und kann schon
wieder schimpfen wie ein Rohrspatz :-).
[Meldung: 11. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Haage & Partner
Neues bei 3D World
Wie man sicherlich sieht, wurden auf diesen Seiten einige kleinere Änderungen
vorgenommen, die Seiten wurden etwas anders gestaltet, die Farben geändert usw.
Zudem suchen wir nun ein neues "3D World"-Logo und eventuell auch eines
für "Warp3D" und "StormMESA". Wenn jemand hier etwas beisteuern
möchte, so würden wir uns sehr darüber freuen und es gäbe auch
ein nettes Geschenk dafür. Einsendungen bitte an den
Außerdem gibt es in der Liste
neue Ankündigungen für Produkte mit Warp3D-Support.
[Meldung: 10. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Fun Time World
Screenshots von ShoutIRC
ShoutIRC ist ein neuer IRC-Client von 3 Amigos Software.
[Meldung: 10. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Fun Time World
Operation: Counterstrike
Aufgrund verschiedener interner Probleme wird es keine öffentliche Demoversion von
Operation: Counterstrike geben. Auf der WoA in London wird Daniel Allsopp allerdings
10 Preview-CDs nach dem Motto: "Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst", verteilen.
Die Entwicklung befindet sich in der Endphase. Die deutsche Sprachausgabe ist fertig,
die englische so gut wie. Die Musikstücke für die ersten Missionen sind vollendet,
der verbleibende Rest sind nur noch Kleinigkeiten.
Ein neues Animations-Format erlaubt es mit voller Geschwindigkeit Animationen in
einer Auflösung von 320x180 Pixeln abzuspielen. Das AGA System sowie Grafikkarten
werden automatisch erkannt. Die TCP/IP und Serial LinkUp Funktion ist zu 99% fertig.
Wettereffekte sind vollständig implementiert. In der ersten Version werden Sie einem
z.B. einem Blizzard begegnen, in weiteren Missionen folgen Regen, Schnee, Nebel
und Blitze. Auf der Website stehen zwei Screenshots bereit, die einen explodierenden
Zug zeigen.
[Meldung: 10. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AWD [New Links]
AmiFTPd neue Version 1.8 veröffentlicht
Download: amiftpd.lha.
Onlineregistrierung oder
holen Sie sich im Aminet unter comm/tcp die Demoversion.
[Meldung: 10. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet [New Uploads]
Aminet Uploads vom 10.06.1999
msql++.lha biz/dbase 54K+C++ Wrapper (V1.2) for mSQL.library (V5+
mSQL-20101-bas.lha biz/dbase 796K+MiniSQL Database engine - base
mSQL-20101-nse.lha biz/dbase 377K+MiniSQL Database engine - nse
mSQL-20101-src.lha biz/dbase 336K+MiniSQL Database engine - src
mSQL-20101-upd.lha biz/dbase 26K+MiniSQL Database engine - update
mSQL-20101-wse.lha biz/dbase 392K+MiniSQL Database engine - wse
xtm-BluePaper.lha biz/dkg 36K+Additional texture for Extreme
AmBoS-CGI.lha comm/ambos 168K+Preinstallation / Demo AmBoS-CGI with AW
1oo_ASig.lha comm/cnet 2K+Auto-creates _sig0 (default) if non-exis
MagicFile_46r2.lha comm/maxs 175K+Automated file menus & more for MAXs, 4.
TimeLord.lha comm/net 158K+OS timeclock resync tool
amiftpd18.lha comm/tcp 48K+Easy-to-use FTP service daemon for Miami
SMSSend.lha comm/tcp 8K+Send SMS messages from the command line
webtimer.lha comm/tcp 59K+WebtimerV2 with gui, for miami ; control
pKp-Mies0.lha demo/aga 714K+Mieso/pKp
Eurochart11.lha demo/mag 764K+Eurochart 11 by Crusaders
flags.lha dev/basic 37K+Helpful Commodity for Blitz Programmers
mkmk.lha dev/c 78K+Makefile rebuilder
gtdrag3_1.lha dev/gui 59K+Enhances gadtools/boopsi with Drag&Drop
EAFC_Gde.lha docs/hyper 14K+Earth Final Conflict Episode Guide (44)
STEP_Gde.lha docs/hyper 246K+Star Trek Episode Guide (585)
XFLS_Gde.lha docs/hyper 214K+The X-Files Episode Guide (134)
amiuserlist.lha docs/lists 12K+German Amiga User List
AmigaTimes11.lha docs/mags 112K Letzte Ausgabe der AT (Guide)
Watchme.lha game/gag 59K+Fast system-friendly "pointereyes"
Kalender.lha game/role 11K+Calendar for german rsp "Das Schwarze Au
ChaosCastle.lha game/shoot 304K+Destroy minerals, vegetals and animals.
george.lha game/think 148K+Repton-clone (PAL - AGA) + Level Editor
TaskForce.lha game/think 304K+Tactical combat game & editor (V0.36; lo
Fibonacci.lha misc/math 8K+A simple CLI program to calculate Fibona
SWERates.lha misc/misc 2K+Swedish rates for Phonebill (990608)
Pegase.lha mus/misc 205K+Fast MPEG audio encoder (68k+FPU/PPC)
FALCONER-Icons.lha pix/mwb 562K+Many Cool Icons & More 4 MWB
heinzglowicons.lha pix/nicon 153K+Icons in GlowIcons' style for Heinz A.
anserine.lha text/hyper 57K+Ansi-draw with DPaint-tools READ THIS FI
GetHelp.lha text/hyper 281K+Browse+search compressed HTML docs
KanjiCode.lha text/misc 23K+Converts between different kanji codes
CheckX.lha util/arc 33K+V1.57 Check for Archives/Packers/Viruses
sect.lha util/cli 13K+Output specified lines out of a file
VersCheck.lha util/cli 378K+Check your libs,MUI,devs,dtypes,classes,
Maestix.lha util/libs 110K+MaestroPro driver V41.40 + AHI driver V2
AKPointerz.lha util/mouse 2K+Six *VERY* nice hires pointerz (v1.3)
BImageQuantize.lha util/pack 58K+Very fast Blockbased Image quantizer/com
xfdmaster.lha util/pack 234K+Rel1.26 Decrunch packed files (exe/data)
xpk_Source.lha util/pack 175K+V5.1 Compression package, source files
xpk_User.lha util/pack 225K+V5.1 Compression package, user edition
SavInstaller.lha util/sys 209K+C= Installer replacement (June 7, 1999)
JoyTester.lha util/wb 3K+Joystick Testeur under Intuition
RamDel.lha util/wb 4K+Delete non-system files/dirs from ram
TotalCalc1_22.lha util/wb 46K+Calculator with interesting features (ps)
[Meldung: 10. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News
MCP Version 1.33 Alpha
[Meldung: 10. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News
T-zer0 wird voraussichtlich erst Ende Juli fertig sein, da noch viele Details
verändert wurden.
[Meldung: 10. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet Set 8 in Kürze verfügbar
Das AMINET SET 8 bietet Ihnen alle Dateien, die seit dem Erscheinen des Sets 7
neu hinzugekommen sind, sowie Vollversionen von CygnusEd 3.5, ArtEffect 1.5,
Gloom 3 und Directory Opus 5.5.
Das AMINET SET 8 (Stand Juli 1999) beinhaltet fast 4 Gigabyte Software in
5.500 Archiven, wobei 300 MB jünger als Aminet 31 sind und über 600MB aus
Platzgründen nie auf Einzel-CDs erschienen sind.
[Meldung: 10. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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