Andreas R. Kleinert per eMail
Andreas Kleinert schreibt:
Ich möchte nochmals darauf hinweisen, daß - entgegen anderslautender
Gerüchte, beispielsweise im Amiga Club-Forum - mittlerweile keine
Probleme mehr auftreten, wenn die PPCLibrary-Versionen der akDatatypes
oder der SuperView-Library unter WarpOS-Systemen (WOS) betrieben werden
sollen. Folgendes ist dabei allerdings zu beachten:
- möglichst WarpOS V4 installieren (powerpc.library V15+)
- die ppc.library-Emulation V0.6d (oder hoeher) von Frank Wille
installieren (WarpOS V4 beinhaltet nur V0.6)
- PPCInstall aus der startup-sequence entfernen und/oder
entsprechend Franks Hinweisen durch "LoadLib" ersetzen
Die jeweils neuesten Versionen der Datatypes bzw. der SV-Library,
d.h. nicht die Versionen von der SView Prod. CD oder des
PMPro, bieten darueberhinaus teilweise die Moeglichkeit direkter
WOS-Unterstuetzung bzw. Konfigurationsoptionen zur Wahl des
(emulierten) Kernels.
Links zum Download der jeweils neuesten Versionen finden
sich auf meiner Homepage (siehe oben).
Bis zur Verfügbarkeit optimaler WOS-Versionen - falls diese, trotz
optimaler Emulation, wirklich notwendig sein sollten - wird empfohlen,
die genannten Programme bei Verwendung von WOS unter Nutzung der
PPCLibrary-Emulation zu betreiben.
Für Anwender der originalen ppc.library V44-46 ändert sich natürlich
nichts - ein Upgrade auf die jeweils neuesten Versionen des Flashroms, der
ppc.library und der 68040/68060.library könnte allerdings ganz allgemein
von Nutzen sein (ftp.phase5.de).
[Meldung: 24. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News
Czech Amiga News
Hier noch jede Menge News, die Czech Amiga News gefunden hat:
[Meldung: 24. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Christoph J. per eMail
Beat-Clock für Amiga: BeatIt 2.0
Die von Swatch ® erfundene Internet-Uhr teilt den Tag in 1000 Einheiten und es gibt
keine Zeitzonen mehr. @500 ist daher 12.00 Uhr überall auf der Welt.
Download: BeatIt2.lha
Nachtrag 25.05.1999:
Philip Steffan merkt an:
Was ich eigentlich anzumerken hätte ist deine Formulierung: "...es
gibt keine Zeitzonen mehr. @500 ist daher 12.00 Uhr überall auf der
Welt." ist natürlich falsch. Zum Zeitpunkt @500 ist es überall auf der
Welt @500, also kann ja nicht @500 = 12 Uhr sein, da es ja sonst
überall gleichzeitig 12 Uhr sein müßte.
Richtig ist, daß es 12 Uhr mittags in der Swatch-Zentrale in Bern
(sprich MEZ) ist, wenn die Uhr @500 zeigt. In den anderen Zeitzonen
der Erde ist es natürlich dann auch entsprechend früh oder spät,
sprich @500 sind z.B in New York 6 Uhr. ;) Alles Klar?
BTW, eben dieses besagte Programm "BeatIt" zeigt als einzige
Amiga-Variante die falsche Swatch-Zeit an, da der Autor nicht an die
Sommerzeit gedacht hat... aber das nur nebenbei.
Alles Klar :-)
Nachtrag 29.05.1999:
LiJe Hard&Soft schreibt:
In einem Nachtrag zu unserem BeatIt V2 Programm von Philip Steffan wird
behauptet, daß unser Programm die Sommerzeit nicht berücksichtigt. Dies ist
definitiv falsch, da der Zeitunterschied zu GMT manuell eingegeben wird,
daher kann die Sommerzeit korrekt eingestellt werden.
Hier ein Auszug aus unserem Guide:
Timezone - legt die Zeitzone fest.
Sollten Sie in einer Region leben, wo GMT nicht gültig
ist, z.B. Deutschland, dann müssen Sie Ihre Zeitzone
festlegen. Diese muss den Wert der Stunden enthalten,
die Sie von GMT entfernt sind. Das Format ist ±hhmm.
En korrekter Wert für z.B. Deutschland wäre +0100.
Achtung! Der Netbeat kennt keine Sommerzeit! In dieser
Zeit muss der Zeitzonenwert wieder um eine
Stunde erhöht werden (hier also +0200)!
[Meldung: 24. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Boing-Ball mal ganz anders :-)
Ich hatte die Idee, dass man den Boing-Ball doch auch als Bikini machen kann.
Ein Freund hat daraus ein Bodypainting gemacht :-). Ist doch echt gelungen :-).
Wer weitere kreative Ideen hat, kann gerne seine Ideen einschicken.
RoPe © 24.05.1999
[Meldung: 24. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Dieter Seyffert per eMail
Neue Alpha-Version 1.33 von MCP
Neue Alpha-Version 1.33 von MCP.
[Meldung: 24. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Felix Schwarz per eMail
Innovative eröffnet neues Webangebot
Felix Schwarz schreibt:
Innovative, bekannt durch eine Vielzahl an hochwertigen AMIGA-
Produkten aus den Bereichen Grafik und Kommunikation, wie etwa
Ultraconv NG, VLRec oder BlackIRC, hat einen weiteren Geschäftszweig
eröffnet, bei dem sich alles um das Internet dreht.
Wir bieten Ihnen ab sofort Gästebücher, Foren, Zähler, Zugriffs-
statistiken, Chatrooms und Tools zum globalen, plattformunabhängigen
EMail-Managment von jedem Internet-Anschluß aus! Die Foren und
Gästebücher sind vollständig designbar und es existieren auch
schon einige hochqualitative Designs im AMIGA-Look ? Wie wäre es
etwa mit einem Boingball oder einem roten AMIGA-A neben jedem
Eintrag Ihres werbefreien und vollständig designbaren Gästebuches
oder Forums?
Unser Angebot kann überzeugen, nicht zuletzt nutzt die AMIGA-Fach-
zeitschrift amigaOS
unsere Forums- und
Chatroomtechnologie und auch Multimedia-Firmen wie Cash Multimedia
(http://www.cash-multimedia.com) sind von unserem Angebot überzeugt.
Wenn auch Sie modernste Internet-Technologie für Ihre Website nutzen
wollen und Besuchern Ihrer Homepage zeigen wollen, welchen Rechner Sie
verwenden, dann schauen Sie doch einfach unter http://www.innovative-web.de/
bei uns rein.
[Meldung: 24. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Alex Kazik per eMail
JPEG2MOV Version 2.2
Alex Kazik schreibt:
Soeben habe ich die nächste Version meines Programms JPEG2MOV veröffentlicht.
Ein Programm zum Erstellen von QuickTime-Movies. Version 2.2 (Änderungen seit V2.1):
- Bugfix: Colored PNM picture reader
- Bugfix: Added some GUI error requester
- Bugfix: Corrected the CTRL-C handling
- Corrected the CLI-Output a bit
- Changed the documentation to HTML
- Added a section to the documentation
Download: JPEG2MOV.lha.
[Meldung: 23. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Thomas Wenzel per eMail
AmigaAMP 2.6 Beta mit grafischem Equalizer
Thomas Wenzel schreibt:
Es gibt eine erste öffentliche Betaversion von AmigaAMP 2.6 mit graphischem
Equalizer. Das Archiv liegt auf der
Wie die Bezeichnung BETA schon sagt, garantiere ich für nichts. :-)
[Meldung: 23. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andreas Schaumlöffel per eMail
Aktion: "Freie Wahl des PPC-Kernels"
Auf der Homepage gibt es jetzt eine Aktion, durch welche Phase5 mittels eines
Online-Briefes mit Unterschriftensammlung davon überzeugt werden soll,
die ppc.library aus dem Flash-ROM der BlizzardPPC Karten zu nehmen.
Nachtrag 23.05.1999:
Domagoj Ozanic hat bereits eine solche Aktion gestartet und hat schon 759 Unterschriften
gesammelt. Leute, die schon dort unterschrieben haben, sollten bei der neuen Aktion
natürlich nicht nochmal unterschreiben. Wer sich ein Bild über den Status machen
möchte, kann das hier tun.
Der Autor sagt, daß die Petition von Phase5 zwar ignoriert wurde, aber die Situation
durch Softwarelösungen nahezu gelöst sei.
Ich kenne mich mit PPC leider überhaupt nicht aus, vielleicht kann mir ja mal jemand
im News Forum
erklären, wie diese Lösung aussieht? ppclib?
[Meldung: 22. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Heise Newsticker
Streit um "denglischen" Computer-Jargon
Zwischen deutschen Sprachschützern ist es zum offenen Streit um die Einbeziehung
englischer Computer-Ausdrücke in den deutschen Sprachschatz gekommen. "Wir werden
mit allen Mitteln zu verhindern versuchen, daß sich das Institut für Deutsche
Sprache mit seiner Initiative durchsetzt, derlei Begriffe ins deutsche Wörterbuch
aufzunehmen", kündigte der Vorsitzende des Vereins zur Wahrung der deutschen
Sprache, Professor Walter Krämer, in einem Gespräch mit der dpa an.
Das Mannheimer Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IdS) hatte in der vorigen Woche
den Standpunkt vertreten, Begriffe wie "upgrade" und "download" seien zunehmend
akzeptiert. Ziel der Sprache sei es, Verständigung zu erleichtern. Wenn sich
englischsprachige Wörter als allgemeinverständlich etabliert hätten, sei es
unsinnig, krampfhaft nach einem deutschen Begriff zu suchen. Niedersachse Krämer,
dessen Verein vor allem der deutsch-englischen Sprachvermischung ("Denglisch")
den Kampf angesagt hat, kann diese Argumentation nicht nachvollziehen. "Für einen
großen Teil des englischen Computer-Jargons gibt es perfekte und oft bessere
deutsche Wörter", versicherte der in Dortmund lehrende Universitätslehrer.
"Außerdem weichen viele Anglizismen den Tiefencode der deutschen Sprache auf.
Man weiß nicht mehr, in welcher Sprache man sich eigentlich bewegt und irrt
zwischen downloaded, gedownloaded und downgeloaded hin und her."
[Meldung: 22. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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The Register
Amiga looks to iMac, Palm for inspiration
Auch 'The Register' berichtet über die von AMIGA veröffentlichte Zeichnung und stellt
Vergleiche zum iMac an.
[Meldung: 22. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AWD [New Links]
Noch eine Zeichnung vom AmigaNG
Noch eine Zeichnung vom AmigaNG.
[Meldung: 22. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Web Ring Seite ist umgezogen
Amiga Web Ring Seite ist umgezogen.
[Meldung: 22. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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ImageFX 4 angekündigt
Nova Design, Inc. kündigt ImageFX 4 als neues Upgrade an. Neu ist, daß nun
auch Animationen bearbeitet werden können.
[Meldung: 22. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik per eMail
Amiga Arena News
Im Monat Mai/Juni erwarten Euch Shareware Programme, die wohl keine Fragen mehr
aufkommen lassen! Ihr braucht Informationen zu Ländern, die Ihr in diesem Sommer bereisen
Dann ist GeoWorld, das Erdkundeprogramm für den Amiga, genau richtig für Euch!
Hier findet jeder aktuelle und zusammengefasste Informationen über "Mutter Erde"!
Wem das nicht reicht und seiner Freundinn,in einer lauen Sommernacht
lieber den Sternenhimmel deuten möchte, bekommt mit Digital Almanac II
noch das Planetarium dazu! Ich wünsche Euch viel Spass mit diesen Programmen,
sei es beim Erkunden der Kontinente oder der Sterne!
[Meldung: 22. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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GoldED Studio 6
Registrierte GoldED Studio 5 User können das Servicepaket zum Upgrade von 5.x.x
auf Version 6 in
der Downloadarea
laden. Eine Demo von GoldED 6 steht ebenfalls zum
Download bereit.
[Meldung: 22. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet [New Uploads]
Aminet Uploads vom 22.05.1999
AmBoS-Demo.lha comm/ambos 1.4M+AmBoS 2.98 - Board Bulletin System (comp
CLMailList.lha comm/bbs 19K+Connectline Mailinglist Server (german)
AmiVNC.lha comm/tcp 70K+Experimental VNC server for Amiga w/C so
netinfo.lha comm/tcp 236K+GUI Traceroute/Network Info Viewer
SMSSend.lha comm/tcp 8K+Send SMS messages from the command line
W95_SLIP.lha comm/tcp 6K+Amiga SLIP with win95/98
obligement15.lha demo/mag 827K+Obligement #15 - Famous FRENCH fanzine !
wpz-info06.lha demo/mag 89K+WhelpzInfo issue#o6. Minimagazine about
StatsFuncs.lha dev/basic 47K+Even more Blitz statements & functions!
dice-docs-3-xx.lha dev/c 333K+DICE Compiler Documentation (AmigaGuide)
dicedocs3-html.lha dev/c 436K+DICE Compiler Documentation (HTML)
MCC_Pkb14_5.lha dev/mui 157K+Piano keyboard, MUI-Class
Guru.lha game/gag 29K+Faithful recreation of Guru Meditation :
spasimon.lha game/hint 4K+Spanish sol for Simon the Simon sorcerer
Reboot-StartV3.lha game/patch 45K+Reboot & Start your games FIANL VERSION!
SwosEditor_151.lha game/patch 135K+Allows Editing of SWOS Save Games.
WHDUtopia.lha game/patch 19K+HD Installer for Utopia V1.1
CrazyUPD.lha game/think 285K+Update Crazy8 v2.7/v2.8 to v2.9c
Show040.lha gfx/show 382K+Cybergfx only picture viewer (040) V2.2
ShowPPC.lha gfx/show 376K+Cybergfx only picture viewer (PPC) V2.2
DAlmanac_Exe.lha misc/sci 502K+Next Generation Planetarium (1.3)
hccbi1sw.lha mods/hardc 263K+1st place in Commence Battle Compo 1 - S
KLschlachtfeld.mpg mods/mpg 3.8M+Kreislaeufer : Schlachtfeld
AP4Recto.jpg pix/misc 770K+AMiGa=PoWeR N 4 Cover Recto
glowiconsmix.lha pix/nicon 46K+Some more icons in GlowIcons' style
TransFont_2.3a.lha text/font 55K+Bitmap font code page converter
DiskKicker.lha util/cdity 7K+DiskKicker - avoid HDD spin downs (v1.0
meautostart.lha util/cdity 47K+Autostart function like Wind**s 95,1.4
DAMAP-DT.lha util/dtype 8K+DT for Digital Almanac II textures
Import_HTML.lha util/rexx 5K+HTML import script version 3.0 for Wordw
AddBuffers.lha util/sys 3K+Replaces original AddBuffers command (38 (ps)
[Meldung: 22. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Extreme 1.5 Demo verfügbar
Hintergrundbilder ohne Ende. Extreme kalkuliert Hintergründe in Echtzeit und ist
perfekt für Videobetitelung. Demo-Download:
[Meldung: 22. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Neue HyperCom-Treiber V2.88 Beta
Diese neuen Treiber konnten wieder um einiges mehr optimiert werden, und sollten
nun noch besser mit den vielen verschiedenen Amiga-Konfigurationen zusammen arbeiten.
Spezielle Optimierungen für Miami, NetConnect und TurboPrint bringen Ihnen noch
einmal mehr Geschwindigkeit und Freude bei der Arbeit mit Ihrem Amiga. Bitte beachten
Sie, daß dies erst einmal eine Betaversion ist.
Download: hypercom288b.lha
[Meldung: 22. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Martin Baute per eMail
RC5 Client unter ppclibemu
Martin Baute schreibt:
nicht wirklich eine "Neuigkeit"...
Der RC5-Client für PPC läuft unter WarpOS/ppclibemu sehr stabil - auf meinem
System (603e@240, 68060@50) sogar stabiler als unter dem "Original"-Kernel.
Allerdings ist er deutlich langsamer: PPC- und 68k-Client zusammen kamen auf
meinem Rechner unter PowerUP auf etwas über 920 kKeys/sec, wobei etwa 780
kKeys/sec auf den PPC entfielen. Unter der ppclibemu erreicht der PPC diese
Geschwindigkeit nur, wenn kein 68k-Client parallel läuft. Startet man
trotzdem beide Clients, bricht der PPC bis auf etwa 560 kKeys/sec ein
(-30%). Die Leistung des 68k ändert sich nicht wesentlich.
Fazit: Schön, daß immer mehr Programme durch die ppclibemu auch unter WarpOS
laufen. Allerdings geht dabei einiges an Leistung verloren. Hoffentlich
beenden OS 3.5 und G3/G4-Boards diesen Streit bald endgültig zugunsten von
WarpOS, damit die Entwickler endlich voll auf diesen Kernel setzen können.
Interessant wäre auch ein WarpOS-nativer RC5-Client, um endlich das Thema
"mein Kernel ist schneller" beizulegen...
Nachtrag 26.05.1999:
Thomas Tavoly schreibt dazu:
I've read it, however the client is NOT slower under PPCEmu.lib. The
problem lies in something that has been discussed extensively on the
mailinglist already: timeslice values used and client/task priorities.
For the first one: the higher the timeslice the better, experiment with
different values, a higher timeslice can improve performance dramatically
at the cost of some response time (CTRL-C stopping the client may take
For the second: there are 3 priorities involved: the 68k client's, the PPC
client's and the 68k launching task's of the PPC client. Set the 68k client
to a usual -20 or -10 value, the PPC client can be set to something low as
well and the 68k PPC launching task needs to be set to +1!
Several people have reported that the emulation is actually minimally
faster, or very much the same speed. This also presumes that you have the
latest versions of everything of course.
I would appreciate if you would update your news item with this information
so no misunderstandings arise.
I have enhanced the usage section with all available data regarding priorities
and performance tuning now, so the information should be complete now. See
[Meldung: 22. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Wild 3D - neue Website
Die neue Website enthält auch gleich ein Update mit PPC-Unterstützung.
[Meldung: 21. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Honorable Mention
Gateway CEO Hints At Future Amiga Role
Gateway CEO Hints At Future Amiga Role.
[Meldung: 21. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Napalm Update Version 1.35
Im clickBOOM-Portal gibt es für registrierte User ein Update zu Napalm.
[Meldung: 21. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AWD [News]
AmiComSys Update 1.25a
Wenn Sie wissen möchten, welche anderen Amiga-User gerade online sind, ist AmiComSys
das richtige Programm.
[Meldung: 21. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AMIGA nimmt an WoA und AmiWest teil
Der offene Brief an die Amiga Gemeinde von Jim Collas steht jetzt auch in
zur Verfügung.
Auch der neueste Stand der Hauptaktivitäten wurde ins
[Meldung: 21. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Marc Albrecht per eMail
In seiner eMail faßt Marc Albrecht von A.C.T.
die Ereignisse der letzten Jahre zusammen
und erklärt anschaulich, warum er sich vom Amiga-Markt verabschiedet.
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 16:26:58 +0200
From: Marc Albrecht albrecht@act-net.com
To: petra.struck@online-club.de
Subject: "Abschied"
wenn ich gewusst hätte, wie verhasst wir sind... hätte ich schon früher
meinen Hut genommen :-)
Kurze Zusammenfassung:
Ende März haben wir einen detailierten, geschäftsmäßigen Brief an Herrn
Collas gesendet, da wir in der gegenwärtigen Situation des Amiga keine
Chancen mehr für zukünftige Projekte, geschweige denn aktuellen Support
sahen. Nach mehreren Wochen antwortete Collas zumindest, daß er die Mail
erhalten und bald persönlich beantworten wollte. Als Mitte Mai noch
immer nichts passiert war - obwohl wir eindeutig um eine Stellungnahme
bis Ende April gebeten hatten - haben wir nochmals eine Mail
abgeschickt, deren Erhalt Collas uns wiederum bestätigt hat.
Es ist bis heute nichts geschehen.
1997 hat Herr Tyschtschenko auf der Computer97 Support für zukunftsoffene
Projekte auf dem Amiga versprochen - auch in finanzieller Form, in
erster Linie aber Information, Kooperation und technischer Support. Auch
1998 wurde diese Zusage nochmal wiederholt. Bis heute hat - meines
Wissens - niemand solchen Support erhalten (vielleicht bis auf Haage und
Partner), obwohl NACHFRAGEN danach aufgetreten sind.
1997 wurde ein neuer Amiga mit neuer Hardware und komplett neuem OS
angekündigt. Um Applikationen für dieses System schreiben zu können
brauchen Entwickler neben einigen Jahren Zeit detailierte Informationen
- nicht nur über die APIs (die oft nicht im Vorfeld definierbar sind)
sondern gerade Aussagen über Art des Systems (Kernel), voraussichtliche
Hardware-Fähigkeiten etc.
Es ist nichts geschehen.
1998 war dann irgendwann die neue Hardware kein Thema mehr, es ging nur
noch um ein auf Neutrino (von der Firma QNX) aufgesetztes OS. Dieses OS
sollte NICHT kompatibel zu Neutrino sein - was wiederum Entwicklungen im
Vorfeld unmöglich machte, denn solange man nicht weiß, welche Parameter
für eine Portierung zu ändern sind, kann man nicht sinnvoll für den
zugrunde liegenden Kernel entwickeln. Anfragen nach genaueren
Spezifikationen wie z.B. verwendete Standards (MSFC oder andere) wurden
nicht beantwortet. Ende 1998 sollten Entwicklungsplattformen zur
Verfügung stehen.
Es ist nichts passiert.
Anfang 1999 gab es dann zum wiederholten Male einen Wechsel an der
Führungsspitze von Amiga Inc. Der neue Mann (Collas) versprach endlich
den Entwickler-Support, den man von einer serösen Firma erwartete.
Gleichzeitig reagierte er auf Anfragen jedoch mit der Ausflucht, er habe
so viel zu tun, da er so viele Anfragen bekäme, daß er nicht jede
einzeln beantworten könne. Das ist wohl kaum nachvollziehbar, da es auch
in Amerika arbeitslose, jedoch sehr fähige PR Leute gibt. Amiga selbst
hat für die Entlassung eines der fähigsten Köpfe im Bereich
"Evangelismus" bzw. Öffentlichkeitsarbeit vor die Tür gesetzt: Fleecy
Moss. Jeder darf erwarten, daß, wenn fähige Leute entfernt werden, die
verbleibenden die Aufgaben mit übernehmen.
Es ist nichts geschehen.
A.C.T. hat seit Mitte der 80er Jahre für Kunden Hard- und Software -
auch für den Amiga - entwickelt. Wir haben stets großen Wert auf die
Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden gelegt, waren und sind aber
selbstverständlich auch auf normale Kooperation mit den Herstellern bzw.
Zulieferern von Produktkomponenten angewiesen. Wenn wir eine neue
Hardware entwickeln, brauchen wir normalen Support seitens der
Hersteller der verwendeten Chips. Diesen Support gibt es von vielen
Firmen - von manchen nicht. Also können wir nur Chips von denen
verwenden, die einen Support für kleine Entwickler zur Verfügung stellen
- die Produkte anderer Hersteller, die uns für unwichtig halten, können
wir entsprechend nicht verwenden. So konnten wir 1997 z.B. nicht unsere
geplante Soundkarte auf YAMAHA Chipsätzen realisieren.
Wie oben beschrieben war und ist es uns also unmöglich, eventuell eine
fernen Tages erscheinende zukünftige Amiga Systeme zu unterstützen.
Anders als Amiga Inc haben wir keine "Bank" (O-Ton Tyschtschenko) namens
Gateway im Rücken, die uns über Jahre hinweg die Gehälter zahlt, bis wir
endlich mit Entwicklungen loslegen dürfen. Wir müssen jetzt und heute
arbeiten und Geld verdienen.
Was bliebe übrig, um die Zeit bis zum Erscheinen eines neuen Amiga
Systems zu überbrücken (und bis auf diesem System die ersten
Applikationen verkaufsreif wären bzw. der Markt groß genug ist, daß er
Firmen tragen kann)? Die "Classic-Plattform".
Wie einigen bekannt ist, sind wir im letzten Jahr von einigen
Amiga-Händlern ziemlich im Stich gelassen worden. Die dabei entstandenen
finanziellen Verluste haben sich leider im Laufe der Zeit zu sehr
summiert, so daß wir nur noch auf feste Vorbestellung hin, teilweise mit
Vorauskassen-Unterstützung produzieren wollten. Dies ist LEIDER von den
Händlern nicht angenommen worden.
Eine seltsame Situation, da manche der selben Händler, die uns
Vorauskasse für Produkte NICHT zahlen wollten, eben diese Vorauskasse
von ihren Kunden für UNSERE Produkte verlangt haben.
Mit anderen Worten: die Produktion (und auch die Weiterentwicklung)
unserer Produkte kostete und kostet monatlich nennenswerte Beträge.
Durch die Verluste und die - verhältnismäßig - minimale Gewinnspanne
(die von den Händlern natürlich noch gedrückt wird) hat sich
mittelfristig ergeben, daß Vollzeitproduktionen nicht mehr finanzierbar
sind. Hinzu kam, daß wir mit Zulieferern erhebliche Qualitätsprobleme
hatten und haben, so daß zu viele Hardwareprodukte in Nachbesserungen
lange Zeit brach liegen. Rechnungsmäßig hat sich der Verkauf eigener
Amiga Produkte also als "Hobby" herausgestellt, das nicht geeignet war
und ist, allein eine Firma tragen zu können. Diese Erfahrung dürften
mittlerweile alle Amiga-Hersteller bestätigen können. Wir haben jedoch
weder die Resourcen noch den Ehrgeiz, auf MacIntosh oder PC
Hardware-Produkte anzubieten, zumal in unserem Fachbereich die
Konkurrenz global und sehr hart ist.
Für Amiga-Verhältnisse waren wir in der Lage, unsere Produkte akzeptabel
auf dem Markt zu plazieren. Wie wir mehrfach zugesagt haben, werden wir
sowohl unsere Hardware als auch unsere Software Produkte weiterhin
supporten. Das heißt: wir arbeiten PRIVAT weiter an unseren Amigas und
werden - soweit unsere FREIZEIT dies zuläßt - an den meisten Produkten
weiter entwickeln. So wird z.B. demnächst das Digital-IO Modul für die
Prelude erscheinen und es sind noch weitere Samplitude Releases geplant.
Wir müssen aber, auch, um Zeit für neue Produkte zu haben, einen
"offiziellen" Schlusstrich ziehen. Wir können nicht jahrelang behaupten,
weiterhin jederzeit Produkte zur Verfügung stellen zu können, wenn
tatsächlich solches Vorgehen mit finanziellen Verlusten verbunden ist.
Wir waren Amiga-Fans. Die Erfahrungen mit Amiga in den letzten drei
Jahren haben uns das meiste unserer Begeisterung für diese Plattform
genommen. Daß wir dennoch privat an unseren Amiga weiter arbeiten,
sollte eindeutig genug zeigen, daß der "echte" Amiga eine
Begeisterungskraft erzeugt hat, die sogar die Katastrophen der letzten
Zeit - und den "offiziellen" Abschied vom System überlebt.
Auch unsere Sponsoring-Aktionen, die Jobbörse und die bestehenden
Kooperationen führen wir auf kleinerer Basis fort.
Abschließend sei mir die Bitte an diejenigen gestattet, die mir ihren
Hass und Frust so brutal per EMail ins Gesicht schleudern müssen: ich
finde es peinlich zu sehen, daß Ihr euch nicht einmal traut, eure EMail
Adresse als Absender einzutragen. Ich habe allein in den letzten 24
Stunden über 40 Flames ohne korrekten Absender erhalten - wenn all
diejenigen statt dessen an der Umfrage teilgenommen hätten: was für ein
Ergebnis wäre dabei herausgekommen!
Wir mussten in der Vergangenheit mehrere Sofwareprojekte vor
Fertigstellung abblasen, da die Raubkopierer-Situation auf dem Amiga ein
Release zum finanziellen Fiasko hätte werden lassen (denn ein Release
bringt Support-Anforderungen mit sich und verlangt weitere
Entwicklungen). Das Beispiel des MPEG Layer3 Encoders zeigt IMHO, daß
heute mehr als je zuvor die vielen EHRLICHEN Amiga-Anwender unter den
(wenigen) schwarzen Schafen zu leiden haben, die mit Raubkopien oder
illegalen Ports besser zu leben glauben als mit offiziellen, legal
erworbenen Lizenzen. Diese Situation besteht auf jeder Plattform. Aber
auf dem Amiga ist sie tödlich.
Marc Albrecht, am 21.05.1999
[Meldung: 21. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Robert Niessner per eMail
AmigaScene Mai-Ausgabe online
Die englische Ausgabe wird auch schon langsam fertig.
Bisher haben wir leider nur 2 Übersetzer, die sich allerdings
mächtig ins Zeug legen (danke Steve und Tom).
Unser Aufruf, um Übersetzer zu bekommen ist ungehört verhallt.
Könntest Du ihn vielleicht nochmals veröffentlichen? Mache ich, siehe unten.
Und gibt es noch andere Leute, die diesen Aufruf auf ihre Seite stellen wollen?
I'm working together with 8 other people on an Amiga online magazine in
Austria, called "AmigaScene" http://www.amigascene.com
After one very successful year (magazine is only in German for now), we
are going multilingual :-)
Our first goal is to produce parallel to the German issue an English
one, other languages might follow.
The magazine is non-profit of course, we do it because we like the Amiga
and want to share knowledge with the community.
My task is to find people who are willing and able to translate articles
from German to English, or write articles of their own in English or
Also if you want to support any other language, we would be interested.
So please, if you are interested in joining us, or know someone who
might help us, please contact me:
SUBJECT: Translator or SUBJECT: Writer.
[Meldung: 21. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Ronny Moldenhauer per eMail
Amiga Format CD 40 bei Eternity für DM 15,-
Ronny schreibt:
bei Eternity gibt es seit 17.5.99
die Amiga Format CD Nr.40. Als Highlight dieser CD kann man wohl das Linux-APUS
für PPC mit Installation (!) ansehen. Für 15,- DM habe ich mir das Teil gleich
bestellt - da kann man eigentlich nichts falsch machen.
[Meldung: 21. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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NetInfo-II ist wie der Name schon sagt, ein Tool, mit welchem man Netzinformationen
abfragen kann, z.B. ein traceroute. Das besondere ist die grafische Benutzeroberfläche.
Ideal für Leute, die mit der Shell auf Kriegsfuß stehen.
Download: netinfo_20.lha oder
[Meldung: 20. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Neue APUS Kernels
Download: linux-2.2.8-m68k-990516.diff.gz
Download: linux-apus-990516.diff.gz
[Meldung: 20. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet [New Uploads]
Aminet Uploads vom 20.05.1999
StarBase.lha biz/dbase 171K+Star Trek Episodes Database (v2.9-v1.1)
AW120_Demo.lha biz/haage 939K+AmigaWriter 1.20 - Demo Version
YamCheckNew.lha comm/mail 1K+Uses Say to report new mail in Yam after
timofon.lha comm/misc 43K+Timofonica V1.6C (phone costs-spanish te
AmIRCFetch.lha comm/tcp 13K+Fetch 1.16a (18-May-99) - aminet file re
GetClient10.lha comm/tcp 9K+FTP Get client (FTP files from a shell p
ToPGP5.lha comm/thor 6K+PGP5.0+ support for Thor (encrypt&sign)
APX-POSS.lha demo/aga 44K+Possible,40k intro by Appendix-released
wpz-frozen13.lha demo/aga 839K+Frozen Pack#13 - Icing Party Edition
CaS.lha demo/mag 261K+CowsAndSnakefights diskmag #1
CaS2.lha demo/mag 157K+CowsAndSnakefights diskmag #2
Cns2_Fix.lha demo/mag 157K+CowsAndSnakefights diskmag #2
ppcasmpk12.lha dev/asm 65K+PowerPC Emulator&Disassembler V1.2 for C
numconv.lha dev/misc 6K+Simple DEC/HEX/BIN/ASCII converter
WildDEV.lha dev/misc 695K+Developer archive for WILD, the 3D libra
WildUSER.lha dev/misc 1.4M+PPC!!! New 3D modular library for games.
FloppyFlux_src.lha dev/src 41K+Full source code to FloppyFlux v1.1
AmigaRing.txt docs/anno 2K+Amiga Ring Changes!
Dadamag5.lha docs/mags 1.0M+International cult mag #5 (italian)
AmigaInJap.lha docs/misc 2K+Situation of Amiga in Japan (quite old)
BDuelFlagPL.lha game/2play 15K+Polish flag for BattleDuel game
WDC_Candy.lha game/data 95K+EXCELLENT "Candy Land" WormsDC DIY Land
WDC_Candyn.lha game/data 95K+EXCELLENT "Candy Land" WormsDC DIY Land
AnstossPatch.lha game/patch 23K+Patch for Anstoss
AnstossWMPatch.lha game/patch 1K+Patch for Anstoss
rdogz.lha game/shoot 484K+Game based on the film Reservoir Dogs!
SGXS.lha gfx/misc 122K+Picture grabber v3.0
h8jpg.lha gfx/show 14K+High-Quality-HAM8 JPEG image viewer
mpsql15.lha gfx/x11 768K+MpSQL V1.5 for AmiWin
AmiTarot.lha misc/misc 30K+Tarot card reader program v1.51
hccb20ph.lha mods/hardc 261K+Planet Hardcore - The DJ Enticer 20
hccbi2cc.lha mods/hardc 109K+2nd in Commence Battle Compo 1 - You are
hccbi3bn.lha mods/hardc 217K+3rd in Commence Battle Compo 1 - Bring t
hccbi4ps.lha mods/hardc 178K+4th in Commence Battle Compo 1 - The Shi
hccbi5zn.lha mods/hardc 147K+5th in Commence Battle Compo 1 - Nightma
hccbinbr.lha mods/hardc 174K+Non Placing in Commence Battle Compo 1 -
hccbinbs.lha mods/hardc 138K+Non Placing in Commence Battle Compo 1 -
hccbinth.lha mods/hardc 272K+Non Placing in Commence Battle Compo 1 -
hccbinto.lha mods/hardc 386K+Non Placing in Commence Battle Compo 1 -
hcco01tl.lha mods/jungl 255K+The Light by The DJ Enticer 01
hcco02pm.lha mods/jungl 490K+The Phantom Menace by The DJ Enticer 02
Jazzy.lha mods/pop 244K+Simil-Jazz tune by Antonio
PianoPlayer.lha mus/play 76K+Plays Protracker mods on a gfx Piano
AKIconz4_WiP.lha pix/mwb 56K+A MWB *GAMES* Icon Collection (Vol. 4) -
ALS_WB.jpg pix/wb 338K+Pic of my 24bit BVision WB using Glowico
EMinied.lha text/edit 173K+EMiniEd is an Editor with HTML-support (
minied.lha text/edit 174K+MiniEd is an Editor with HTML-support (G
TAR-Handler.lha util/arc 29K+Mount tARchives -> use them like (hard)d
Cube.lha util/blank 97K+Blankermodule for Cybermagic
Gears.lha util/blank 37K+Blankermodule for Cybermagic
ShowAmiga96.lha util/boot 431K+Picasso96 bootpic viewer v2.3
ShowAmiga96_Up.lha util/boot 269K+Picasso96 bootpic viewer update v2.3
apx-wira.lha util/misc 19K+Wiraz by Enter/Apx.Proj. konstr. naw. bi
AKPointerz.lha util/mouse 2K+Four *VERY* nice hires pointerz (v1.2)
headbanger.lha util/pack 9K+XPK based adaptive file compressor (ps)
[Meldung: 20. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Gregor Franz per eMail
Psyborgs Homepage
Gregor 'Psyborg' Franz, der Redakteur des Online-Magazins "Amzeiger" ist nun auch
mit seiner privaten Homepage im Netz vertreten. Gregor schreibt:
Unter http://Psyborg.home.pages.de/
gibt es u.a. Infos zum AmZeiger, GAG (GuideAdventureGame), DailyBackup und einigen anderen
Dingen rund um (aber nicht nur) den Amiga.
[Meldung: 20. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News
WHDLoad HD-Install-Programm Update V 10.0 / JOTDStartup Update Version 2.3
WHDLoad HD-Install-Programm Update V 10.0
JOTDStartup Update Version 2.3
[Meldung: 20. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AntiGravity.com hat die BoXeR FAQ aktualisiert
AntiGravity.com hat die BoXeR FAQ aktualisiert.
[Meldung: 20. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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amigaUniverse sucht alle nicht englischsprachigen Newsseiten
Wenn Sie eine Newsseite machen, die primär nicht in englisch ist, sollten Sie sie
peter@amigauniverse.co.uk bekannt
geben. Peter wird bei amigaUniverse eine Linkseite mit multilingualen Newsseiten
amiga-news.de habe ich ihm natürlich schon zugemailt :).
[Meldung: 20. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Martin Sahlén per eMail
AAA Award Wahl
Wer an der Wahl teilnimmt, kann Preise gewinnen. Lesen Sie die komplette
AAA Awards Voting - Now With A Grand Prize Raffle!
For Immediate Release
Permission Granted To Redistribute Without Alteration
Martin Sahlén - director@aaa-awards.org, +46-8-673 73 23
Director, The AAA Awards
Stockholm, Sweden - Thursday, May 20, 1999.
It's time to cast your vote for the AAA Awards 1998!
Do it now, and you could be the lucky winner of a brand new,
specially designed and hand-airbrushed Amiga 1200HDD, or one
of twenty copies of Cloanto's "Amiga Forever Online Edition"!
The AAA Awards 1998 are proudly presented in association
with AMIGA and Cloanto.
Voting is open for everyone until June 30, around the clock.
These options are available:
- Online: http://www.aaa-awards.org
- Phone: +46-90-71 00 20 (24 hours)
- Fax: +46-90-71 01 46
- Mail: Amiga Format #125 July 1999 and other magazines will
contain mail-in forms
This year's categories are
AAA Award International
AAA Award Belgium
AAA Award Spain
AAA Award Sweden
AAA Award United Kingdom
Prize Raffle
Once you vote for the AAA Award International 1998, we'll
automatically place you in the raffle to win...
* A brand new, specially designed, hand-airbrushed Amiga 1200 HDD
* One of twenty copies of Cloanto's "Amiga Forever Online Edition"
You could be the lucky winner!
Award ceremonies
The AAA Awards 1998 Winners will be presented at these locations:
AAA Award International, July 24-25
World of Amiga 99, The Kensington Town Hall Conference
Centre, London, UK
AAA Award Belgium, July 8
Waaslandia Merksem meeting, Café Pierre De Deken,
Merksem, Belgium
AAA Award Spain, October 29-November 1
Radykal Amiga Party, Armilla (Granada), Spain
AAA Award Sweden, August 7-15
Stora Nolia fair, Umeå, Sweden
AAA Award United Kingdom, July 24-25
World of Amiga 99, The Kensington Town Hall Conference
Centre, London, UK
See our homepage www.aaa-awards.org for exact dates and times.
The AAA Awards Committee would like to take this opportunity
to thank all jury members throughout the world for their effort.
A listing of all juries is available at:
The AAA Awards are organized by Swedish user group Amiga Computer
Group in co-operation with AMIGA, AmigaSOC, Amiga Users Club of
Spain, Cloanto and Waaslandia Amiga-Only Club.
The AAA Awards is copyright © 1997-99 Amiga Computer Group.
The AAA Awards logo is copyright © 1997 Amiga Computer Group and
Björn Hagström.
AMIGA® is a registered trademark of AMIGA International, Inc. /
Gateway, Inc.
Amiga Forever is a trademark of Cloanto.
[Meldung: 20. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Hans-Jörg Küster per eMail
Wo ist AmigaOS.com geblieben?
Hans-Jörg schreibt:
Ich wollte mal wieder so durch net surfen. Aber... wo ist AMIGAOS.com geblieben?
Die besten Ideen und Bilder einfach weg? "this Server is forbidden" (T-online).
Ich weiß es leider auch nicht, aber vielleicht weiß es ja einer der Leser?
Nachtrag vom 21.05.1999:
Marc Albrecht schreibt dazu:
Das ist ein Server Problem. Der Webmaster dort hat offenbar kein
korrektes index.html erstellt oder ein falsch eingestelltes ".htaccess"
im Hauptverzeichnis. Einfach mal den Webmaster anschreiben!
Danke, habe ich gemacht, schaumermal, was dabei rauskommt.
Die eMail habe
ich an webmaster@amigaos.com geschickt, kam aber soeben als unzustellbar zurück :(.
Eine andere eMail-Adresse ist mir nicht bekannt.
[Meldung: 20. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Update PIV-MooVid V1.0
AVI/MOV Player für die PicassoIV.
Download: PIV-MooVId.lha
[Meldung: 20. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AriadneII Infotool
Wenn Sie Probleme mit Ihrer Ariadne haben, können Sie dieses Tool benutzen, um
wichtige Informationen für den Support ausdrucken zu lassen.
Download: AriadneII_Info_v1_0.lha
[Meldung: 20. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Häufig gestellte Fragen
Mehr über Dr. Rick LeFaivre
Mehr über Tom Schmidt
[Meldung: 20. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Holger Meier per eMail
AMIGAspecial geht online!
Die AMIGAspecial geht heute offiziell online unter
http://www.amigaspecial.de ! Dabei gibt es auch was zu gewinnen: 2x AMIGA
1200 HD MAGIC, 2x SCALA MM 400, 2x 1 Lage (24 Dosen) Jolt Cola! Als
Besonderheit haben wir ein Tips-Archiv eingerichtet, zu dem jeder Beitragen
kann. Einfach eine eMail mit Problemlösung an
schicken. Wir prüfen es nach unseren Möglichkeiten und sortieren es sehr
übersichtlich ein, damit jeder AMIGA-User schnell Hilfe bei Problemen
Der Stand der Homepage ist noch nicht 100% endgültig. Es lohnt sich also
immer wieder mal reinzuschauen, denn wir arbeiten permanent daran!
[Meldung: 20. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Update Newsletter von Brad Webb #990519
_ __ _ <>_ __ _ ||
/\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ || A M I G A U P D A T E
/__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ || -News and Rumors-
/ \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_|| (An Occasional e-mail
AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.
U P D A T E O N M A J O R A C T I V I T I E S - M A Y
P A G E S T R E A M 4 . 0 A N N O U N C E D
A M I G A D E L A Y - J U S T A R U M O R
M U I B A S E 1 . 1 A V A I L A B L E
A M I G A N S : A C H A N C E T O H E L P !
R U M O R : G V P A N D P P C
P I V - M O O V I D ( W H A T A N A M E ! )
N E W T E K : C O N V E N I E N C E U P G R A D E
Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:
Interesting things this time, and we're even going to talk about
ourselves for a bit in this Introduction. First, please look below for
answers to all those nagging questions about SoftLogic and PageStream,
which simply has to be one of the all time hottest Amiga programs.
Good news ... and a pleasant surprise or two!!
Amiga is making good on its promise to keep the community better
informed. Below you will find a huge amount of information from Amiga
covering activities during the month of May. This was sent directly to
"Amiga Update" as part of Amiga's increasing outreach effort. This is
one of the best signs we've seen in some time and we applaud it!
We also have a surprise of our own this time, about "Amiga Update".
In the early days, when this publication was nothing more than a
private mailing for a small group, we didn't make a big thing of
archiving issues. As a result, many of the early issues/notes were not
available to us when we started our archive web site. Well, thanks to
a longtime reader and his careful preservation of old files, we've now
added 13 old issues, never seen before by most readers, to the web
site. These include the first "issue" - really just a group mailing -
announcing the death of Commodore, and the first mailing which used
the "Amiga Update" name and an actual header. Take a look on our site
- we think Amiga history buffs especially will enjoy these.
We believe there are no copyright concerns with these issues, but
since they were originally intended for private distribution only,
we'll be very open to any concerns anyone may have.
We have also received a copy of the one missing issue from 1996,
number 960503, from the same source. That one will require a bit of
cleaning up to remove it from the message in which it's embedded, but
it should be on the site with a few days.
We hope you enjoy the old messages in those issues, and the new
information in this one.
Brad Webb,
E-mail to the E-ditor:
What has become of SoftLogik. I have tried for weeks to contact them
by phone. All I get is a tape recording. E-mail messages are returned.
Almost nothing we've ever seen has produced the kind of mail the
seeming disapearance of SoftLogic has! This should please them very
much. The answer is below, our lead story this issue.
3 May 1999
Dear Brad,
I wanted to let you know that your e-mail..update has been a very
important aspect for me in keeping up my enthusiam for the amiga. I
live in an area (probably like many) that has no close or even
relatively close dealers. I am the only one of about 7 people left in
my immediate area using the amiga at this time and it certainly gets
quiet when you "don't know what to do". Like many... I'm forced to do
my own hardware changes etc. and that is pretty scary.
I haven't written before now but I wanted you to know how much your
efforts and others involved is appreciated!!
Nelson :-)
... and we certainly appreciate your kind words. We'll keep "Amiga
Update" coming as long as there's a reason for it to exist.
1 May 1999
Dear Brad,
ref amiga update 990430
Help with Eds A4KT and help in general.
A good source of info for all Amiga models, RAM, accelerators, cards,
pin outs etc is
"The Big Book of Amiga Hardware" at www.amigaworld.freeserve.co.uk
produced by Ian Chapman.
It covers all models from the 1000 upwards and is kept up to date.
(Latest entry dated 25 April 1999)
Thanks, that's good information. We hope it povides all the help Ed
1 May 1999
Dear Brad,
Now that I've had my second pint of tea, and I'm a bit more awake :)
here is some more gen which might help fellow Amigans.
I bought an external ZIP drive about 3 years ago and it suffered the
click of death (and trashed 2 of my ZIP disks in the process).
So I contacted the Iomega helpline (for the UK it's in Dublin) who
after checking my drives ser no and symptoms immediately organised a
replacement ZIP drive which will be here within 15 days, FREE !!!!!
not even any postage, also included is free return postage for the
faulty drive wia UPS.
They also confirmed with me how many disks had been trashed by the
faulty drive, so, I suspect they may also replace those as well.
We're familiar with this problem on Zip drives, and suspect many
Amigans are also - maybe to their horror. Your information should help
a lot.
12 May 1999
Dear. Mr. Webb,
I found it very disheartening to compare Mr. Collas claims to want to
prove himself to the Amiga community with his list of community
activities. From the absence of any reference to AmiWest99, it would
appear there is no interest in west coast US market by the new chief
executive. I haven't seen since his open letter which would indicate
anyone from Aimga will be present or that there is any support for the
only west coast Amiga show this year. It will be interesting to see if
the European market is big enough to support the operation since it
would appear parts of the US market already have been written off.
Interesting observations and understandable, especially given the new
Amiga's history so far. We'll be watching closely to see if Amiga does
attend AmiWest99 and any other North American shows. At this point, I
find it hard to believe Amiga would write off any large market.
However, stranger things have happened ...
19 May, 1999
Dear Amigans,
April was a very busy month for Amiga with much activity and good
progress. I received over 1200 emails from people around the world, I
met with key representatives of the Amiga community in Germany and the
U.K, we added to our executive staff, we established relationships
with key technology partners, and we finalized our 1999 product plans.
The amount of emails I received from the Amiga community has been
overwhelming. Most of them were emails of support and encouragement
while many others gave me suggestions and input on technology and
products. These emails have been wonderful. They are uplifting,
insightful, interesting, and fun to read. People in this community
have a great personality. Many were short emails of encouragement but
just as many went on for several pages listing insights, suggestions,
and opinions. Thank you very much for your emails of support. They
have been tremendously encouraging to the Amiga executive team and me.
There were, of course, also some emails sent by Amigans who are
frustrated by the situation. These emails were also valuable in giving
me insight into the mistakes of the past so that I could avoid them as
we press toward the future. Please keep the emails coming.
I apologize for not responding to all of the email sent to me. I have
personally responded to over 600 emails but was unable to keep up with
the volumes. I want to assure you that I read every email sent to me
and that they play an important role in defining our future plans. I
will continue to respond to as many emails as possible on a personal
basis. This brings me to the main subject of this month's letter:
communication. It is important that we set up an effective process for
communicating with the Amiga community. Emails and requests for
meetings are overwhelming Amiga executives at this time. This volume
of communication is very encouraging but I am concerned that we can't
personally respond to every one of them and it will become frustrating
to the community.
We are working on plans to improve communications between Amiga and
the community. These plans will consist of multiple programs
including: the current executive update, an email response team, a new
Amiga Advisory Council, polls on future product features, better
monthly user group communication, and improved communication to the
Amiga press. Detailed information on all of these programs will be
posted on our web site in the next several weeks. In addition to
keeping the community up to date on Amiga activities, the main goal of
these programs is to involve the community in setting future Amiga
plans. All of us need to work on this together to make sure we are
setting plans that will help the community and allow Amiga to drive
the next computing revolution.
One of the planned communications programs is a new "Amiga Advisory
Council" or AAC. The idea for this program came from my discussions
with people in the Amiga community. It is difficult to get thousands
of people involved in our planning process so we need to establish a
more manageable forum. The plan is to set up an advisory council
consisting of people that are viewed as leaders in the Amiga
community. Members of this council will be "elected" by the Amiga
community. We are currently working on the details of the "election"
process. This council must represent all major constituencies of the
Amiga community so that we can get a full set of concerns and inputs
regarding future Amiga plans. We will set-up special message boards,
email lists, and meetings allowing the AAC to communicate effectively.
Information on AAC meetings and decisions will be communicated to the
Amiga community. Keep watching our web site for updates on this
program. We will also make sure information gets published to Amiga
magazines and user groups.
In late April I traveled to Germany and the U.K. to meet with
representatives and leaders of the Amiga community to discuss Amiga's
future plans and get the community's help in setting these plans. I
apologize to the people that did not have the opportunity to
participate in these meetings but I had to keep the meetings to a
manageable size. There were about 30 to 40 people in each country
representing developers, dealers, distributors, user groups, and
press. I think that these meetings were very informative and
productive. They will allow me to optimize our future plans while
taking the requirements of the Amiga community into account. To give
you an example, we spent a considerable amount of time talking about
how to bridge the community from the current Amiga platform to the
next generation. The current Amiga platform has several years of
useful life remaining but people are not investing in it because it is
dated and the next generation is around the corner. One suggestion is
to port the next generation AmigaSoftTM Operating Environment (OE) so
that it runs on a current Amiga configured with a Power PC expansion
card. This would not be an optimum configuration but it would extend
the life of current PowerPC Amigas. We are looking into this
possibility and will keep you updated.
On a personal note, I had a wonderful time in Germany and the U.K.
The trip was both productive and very enjoyable. The trip was packed
with excellent food and good people. I really enjoyed meeting with
people from the Amiga community. After six years of working with
executives in the PC industry, it is a breath of fresh air to work
with people that have so much passion and enthusiasm about what they
believe in. I especially enjoyed the extended conversations in the
bars and pubs. These tended to get even more passionate and creative.
To those of you who participated in the events, I thank you for making
my trip both productive and enjoyable. In case you are curious, the
most challenging part of my trip was sitting still while Petro drove
me on the autobahn at 240 km/hour. I thank god for solid and stable
German automobiles and good German beer.
Before I end this letter I would like to cover a few more topics that
came up frequently in emails sent to me. First, I would like to
clarify our hardware product plans. Amiga is planning to come out with
a next generation multimedia computer in late Q4 of the year. This
computer will have a unique architecture, a great operating system,
awesome 3D gaming performance, and advanced multimedia features. I am
confident that this computer will meet your expectations for a great
next generation Amiga. Unfortunately, we can't disclose details of the
new computer yet since we are under non-disclosure agreements with our
technology partners. We also need to be careful about alerting our
competition to our plans. One thing I can say is that the technology
partners we are working with are extremely excited about our direction
and technology. There are Amigans in all major technology companies
and they are eager to support us in driving a new computer revolution.
These partners include some major technology and component companies
in the computer industry. We should be ready to disclose more at the
World of Amiga and AmiWest shows in July.
The new Amiga multimedia computer will also support a home networked
"information appliance" environment that will allow networked devices
throughout the house access to the power and features of this
computer. I need to clarify the term "information appliances" which is
becoming a popular term in the computer industry. "Information
appliances" are not digital toasters, refrigerators, and ovens with
LCD displays. They are devices such as wireless LCD tablets, Internet
terminals, game machines, and digital set-top boxes. These devices
will all be connected together through a single network and will be
integrated into a single comprehensive operating environment. This is
the reason why we use the term "operating environment", or OE, to
describe our new software rather than operating system. Our software
is much more than the underlying operating system.
In addition to the full multimedia computer described above, Amiga
will also develop reference desigs for a variety of "information
appliance" companion devices such as wireless LCD tablets. Our goal is
to enable a full home computing environment rather than just a
computer. We will encourage others to develop and ship
Amiga-compatible computers and information appliances. To help clarify
our plans to the Amiga community, we are releasing our initial product
concept to the Amiga press to publish in the next issues. I hope this
helps clarify our product plans. We will continue to disclose details
as they become available and as is appropriate.
The second topic that I would like to cover is Amiga support for
developers. The Amiga development community is important to us and we
will be taking an active role in support Amiga developers. We are
evaluating plans for financial support as well as in-depth technical
support. We will communicate more about this plan within 60 to 90 days
when we also start releasing more technical information for
I have also updated the "major activities" sub-section under the
"executive update" section on our web site. This will give you some
more detail on the status of Amiga programs so I encourage you to read
it. We have also added a top 10 questions web page to the "executive
update" section. This page will answer the top questions asked in
emails sent to me.
In closing I would like to say that I am more excited then ever about
the opportunities for Amiga and the Amiga community. It has been a
long wait but the Amiga community is still the greatest community in
the computer industry and the time is ideal for a new revolutionary
architecture and platform. I will keep you posted on our progress and
promise to disclose as more details as soon as possible and
Jim Collas
President, Amiga
19 May, 1999
From Amiga
Amiga Hires Computer Industry Veteran as CTO
Amiga has hired computer industry veteran Dr. Rick LeFaivre as its
chief technology officer and senior vice president of advanced
technology. Prior to joining Amiga, Dr. LeFaivre served as senior vice
president of R&D and chief technology officer at Inprise Corporation,
formed from the merger of Borland International and Visigenic
Software. He has held key executive management positions in the
computer industry including vice president of the Advanced Technology
Group at Apple Computer, vice president of engineering for the Network
Systems Division at Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, and director of
Windows and Graphics Systems at Sun Microsystems. Jim Collas,
president of Amiga stated that "Rick is an incredibly valuable
addition to the Amiga team. He brings with him a wealth of technology
experience and industry contacts." Jim went on to state that "hiring
top level talent like Rick should be a clear indication to the Amiga
community that we are dedicated to the development of exciting
technology for the new Amiga platform."
Amiga Hires Experienced Senior Executive As COO
Amiga has hired senior executive Tom Schmidt as its Vice President
and Chief Operating Officer. Prior to joining Amiga, Mr. Schmidt
served as Vice President and General Manager of a strategic business
enterprise within AlliedSignal, an advanced technology and
manufacturing company based in Morristown, NJ. Previous to
AlliedSignal, Mr. Schmidt worked at Baxter Healthcare Corporation in
several key operating and sales and marketing roles. He also served as
a Senior Project Manager and Strategic Management Consultant at Arthur
Andersen. Jim Collas, president of Amiga, stated that " at Amiga, we
are serious about building a substantial company for the future and
Tom has the experience and general management capabilities required to
build and manage a world-class corporate structure." Jim went on to
state that "Amiga is being positioned for a major come back and we
must be prepared to manage the growth associated with these plans. Tom
is the ideal person for this job."
U P D A T E O N M A J O R A C T I V I T I E S - M A Y
19 May, 1999
From Amiga
1) We are looking in San Diego to move out of the Gateway building
into a separate Amiga building in order to accommodate the expansion
in Amiga's San Diego staff.
New Staff:
1) We hired Dr. Rick LeFaivre as our Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
and Sr. VP of advanced technology. Dr. LeFaivre is a senior technology
executive who has worked for Apple, Silicon Graphics, Sun, and
Inprise. See the associated Amiga website news release for more
2) We hired Tom Schmidt as our Chief Operating Officer (COO). Tom
Schmidt is an experienced senior executive from Allied Signal, which
is a $30 billion corporation. See the associated Amiga website news
release for more information.
3) Several weeks ago, we placed Amiga employment ads in major
newspapers and have a significant amount of highly qualified leads
that we are reviewing.
4) We have hired a full time recruiter to coordinate our expanded
recruiting efforts.
Major Development Programs:
1) O/S 3.5 - This product is being developed by Haage & Partner under
contract from Amiga. The target release date is late July or early
August. We are talking to Amiga hardware development companies to
qualify hardware products targeted at the O/S 3.5 release. We plan to
come out with a recommended hardware configuration and list of
qualified Amiga hardware products for the O/S 3.5 release.
2) AmigaSoftTM Operating Environment (OE) - We are developing our
next generation operating environment including operating system, user
interface, and some revolutionary software structures to be disclosed
at a later date. Target beta version is 3Q99 with final in late 4Q99.
We are also looking at the possibility of porting this new AmigaSoftTM
OE to the O/S 3.5 recommended hardware configurations. If we can
accomplish this it will allow people to run the new OE on specific
Amiga configurations with PowerPC boards.
3) Next generation hardware architecture - Being developed as a
foundation for all next generation Amiga products. We are within
several weeks of final component selection.
4) AmigaSoftTM development system - This is planned in 3Q99 along
with the beta release of the new AmigaSoftTM Operating Environment.
5) Initial next generation computer - We are developing the next
generation computer that will be used to launch the next generation
systems architecture and operating environment. Target release date is
late 4Q99. Please see this week's letter to the community for more
6) We have released concept drawings of the next generation Amiga
products to the Amiga press.
Shows and Community Activities:
1) I visited Germany and the U.K. and met with representatives of the
Amiga community. We held meetings with leaders of the Amiga community
and discussed future Amiga plans.
2) We will sponsor and participate in the 1999 London World of Amiga
show in late July.
3) We are also planning to support the AmiWest show in late July.
4) We are planning for the Cologne and Las Vegas shows in November.
5) Petro and Jim Von Holle are developing reseller, distributor, and
magazine support programs to help the Amiga community.
6) We are also working on some user group support programs and
improved communication programs.
SoftLogik on the move!
As reported online earlier, SoftLogik is moving. The building in St.
Louis was closed February 24th, 1999. I finalized the purchase of a
new location in Wisconsin on Tuesday, March 9th, 1999.
SoftLogik's new home will be located on the same piece of ground that
I will be living on. The only problem is that this new building is not
complete. This is expected to take a few more months, and then we can
get the permits, and then the phone lines and address. (Don't ask,
long story about local red tape will result).
Until then, we now have cellular phone service, and we are going to
try running the customer database off of a generator between the hours
of noon and 4pm central time. We will try and answer the phones at
other times than that, but if you leave a voice mail message we will
get back to you by the next business day.
During our down time, evidently our ISP failed to maintain our web
site. It was entirely my fault, but that doesn't make it any less
disastrous. While in the process of doing everything else, I managed
to track down a new ISP with a good reputation and a fair price. For
those who saw SoftLogik disappear from the radar, we are sorry, but
reports of our demise are untrue!
What about the development schedule? Good news actually. Without
phones, mail and email to answer, I've been getting a lot of
PageStream4 and Windows code fixed. I took all the source code and
dumped it to my new laptop. I've been working on the kitchen table of
my friends house where I had been living the first month. It took me a
couple days to get familiar with the new stuff, but I'm back at it
now. And the nice thing is this machine is _fast_. I used to be able
to take a Coke break (don't really drink much coffee) during a
compile. Now a full compile only take about 10 minutes, and an
incremental compile is done before I can catch my breath. Now I can
work in my truck, on a lawn chair, at McDonald's, the real estate
office, where ever life takes me while I get SoftLogik settled
Thanks for your understanding, and thanks for being a customer!
Deron Kazmaier
SoftLogik Publishing Corp.
P A G E S T R E A M 4 . 0 A N N O U N C E D
PageStream 4.0
With all the work that has gone on internally for the PageStream
Windows final release, we realize that getting 4.0 finished is a top
priority. PageStream4.0 is the first major update to PageStream in
over 3 years. We have been saving your feature requests, looking at
the current industry "leaders" (we use that term loosely around
here!), and thinking of ways to improve an already great product.
Obviously, the trick has been to try and deliver the features needed
and still keep the same easy of use that puts us heads above the rest.
Features such as indexing, table of contents, complex page numbers,
and figure numbering and figure tables make long documents a snap.
Editable kerning pairs, tracking tables, and hanging punctuation make
PageStream's typographic capabilities even more outstanding. Doing
color work? Than you will impressed with the color trapping of objects
and text. Trying to generate both print and online materials? Let PDF
and HTML export help you. PageStream4 has something new to offer in
every step creating anything from color pages to technical drawings to
newsletters to books.
When will it be available?
We have already passed our initial target release date due to
personal circumstances. However, since the end of February progress
has been steady and rapid. We are now expecting to ship PageStream4.0
by August. This is a conservative date, but we figure no one will get
upset if we release the program early. The feature set is final, the
interface is frozen, and the manual is well underway. Any customer who
purchases an upgrade or full copy of PageStream 4.0 before it is
released will be able to download an advance copy of the program from
the Internet, and will receive a copy of xxx along with the final
version of PageStream4.0. Not to mention our endless gratitude for
supporting and participating in the development of the best desktop
publishing program!
What makes you so sure it won't take 2 years, like 3.0 did, to get it
Unlike PageStream3.0, we are building upon the core code.
PageStream3.0 was a complete rewrite from the ground up. Every line of
code was rewritten. On the other hand, PageStream4.0 is built on top
of the PageStream3 code. We laid a solid foundation in PageStream3. We
are building on to it. In fact, PageStream3.4 had greater impact on
feature reliability with the change to the entire undo function than
the features added in PageStream4.0.
OK, I'm sold. How much?
For existing owners of PageStream3.3, the upgrade price to 4.0 is
$75. PageStream3.1 and 3.2 registered owners can upgrade to 4.0 for
$95. This includes the program on CD-Rom, full online help, and a new
manual. When ordering, please include your name, address, email
address, registration number, method of payment and a daytime number
where you can be reached. Place your order today!
PageStream 4.0 new features include:
o Native Indexing
o PDF export
o Multilevel chapter/page numbering/names (ie 6.8.1)
o Hilight Page Number/Data/Time etc to edit
o Defined styletags & variables at chapter level
o Native signature printing (many pages on 1)
o Business card/label printing (many copies of a page on 1)
o Configurable FPO size
o HTML text import/export
o Definable default text attributes
o Fonts/Styles in use toggle
o Local page guides
o Layers
o Drag & Drop text
o Find & Replace improvements
- insert special characters
- wildcards
- attributes
o Trapping
o Automatic before and after paragraph rules
o True smallcaps
o Table of contents generation
o Figure numbering
o Table of figure generation
o Paragraph numbering
o Definable Kerning Pairs
o Definable Tracking Tables
o Optical alignment/Hanging punctuation
o Edit mask in place
o Page Setup for spreads/range of pages
o Bookmarks
o Collect for output
o Lasso select
o Distributed on CD-Rom
o and much, much more!
PageStream 3.4
This will be the last minor update for PageStream3 Amiga. Now don't
take this as the last version of PageStream as some magazines have
reported, since we are announcing PageStream4 as well. PageStream3.4
fixes a few obscure but difficult to fix bugs, and adds a couple much
needed features. Early versions will be available to all 3.3 owners
and the final release will be posted in the PageStream3 Amiga secure
ftp site. Updates will be made available as we go. This version will
be available for free to all registered 3.3 users as our way of saying
thanks for being so patient.
The 3.4 features include:
o Much improved Online Help
o Improved Undo/Redo
- fix in/out of page/spread/pasteboard
- undo remainder of object editing
- undo delete page/chapter etc
o Dynamically move articles to proper document/chapter level
o Spell Checking with dictionaries for most languages supported
o Color palette for text
o Drag out guides
o Reshape path curves->lines->curves and closing
o Improved Min/Max/Opt Word/Character spacing
o Speed-up editing of text, especially long articles
o Tick based palette updates for faster execution of complex articles
o Edit text hooks for extensions
o Revamp styletags, including:
- Styletag delete loop
- Character/Paragraph combo
- Styletag override
o and much, much more!
Table Editor
SoftLogik is pleased to announce another great product for the Amiga
- The Table Editor. The Table Editor has 2 parts to it. A stand-alone
table editor/spreadsheet is the biggest part. There will also be an
extension for existing versions of PageStream3 & 4, which will allow
these tables & graphs to be imported. Direct price to PageStream
owners is $50. Place your order today!
NOTE: This product release has been delayed. Any backorders may be
cancelled by contacting us via fax, phone, or email. Work on
PageStream 3.4/4.0 has delayed this release. Expected ship date is now
September, 1999. Early releases will be available in July. Thank you
for your understanding!
Table Editor features include: multiple tables open at one time;
import tab delimited text from any existing text modules into table;
multiple charts bases on a table; common cell math. +,-,*,/, sum, avg,
max, min, abs etc.; automatic or fixed cell width and height; cell
borders and fills; import inline graphics in cells; date, time, number
formatting; text formatting (most of PageStream's); font, size, type
styles; alignment, tracking; kerning, leading; line/fill; full
scripting; view scale
Basic Charts include: Bar; Line; Scatter/Dot; Pie
The PageStream extension adds the ability to import/export
tables/charts from the table editor. It also the ability to send the
tables/charts to the table editor.
10 May, 1999
A special recreation area called "Olympic Town" is to set up at Emory
University in Atlanta on Saturday, May 22nd. This is being done in
conjunction with the Special Olympics-Georgia Summer Games.
In 1997, Amiga Atlanta, Inc.(AAi) filled the multimedia void at
Olympic Town left behind by IBM some time earlier. It did not take
long for AAi to become one of the most popular exhibits there. In
fact, last year, at the request of a representative for the Special
Olympics Committee, AAi's exhibit remained open three hours after all
other exhibits in the area were closed. This year, AAi will become the
first computer user group ever to honored by the Special Olympics. At
a reception usually reserved for honoring major corporate sponsors,
AAi will be presented with a special plaque by the organization's
executive director for its outstanding contribution to the success of
Olympic Town.
AAi's Olympic Town responsibility is to provide Amiga computers for
computer games and multimedia fun for the special athletes, their
families and friends. I invite Amiga user groups, developers and
retailers to join with AAi in making a tremendous impact on the crowds
that visit our exhibit. You see, we want to pass out "goodie bags" to
our visitors as well. Please help us to fill these bags with
Amiga-related promotional items - key chains, balloons, refrigerator
magnets, T-shirts, caps, mugs, etc. We would like to pass out at least
100 goodie bags. Whatever you can send will be greatly appreciated.
Send your contributions to:
Amiga Atlanta, Inc.
Attn: Olympic Town
P.O. Box 49103
Atlanta, GA 30359-1103
If you have any questions, pleaase email your questions to
Thank you.
8 May 1999
Bill McEwen, "Marketing and Software Evangelist" from the Pacific
Northwest Amiga office in the USA, visited our computer club (Pacific
Northwest Amiga Association - PaNorAmA) general meeting on Tuesday,
May 4, 1999 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He had seen my
meeting announcement on the User Group Network (UGN) mailing list, and
decided to make an unannounced visit. After distributing a few Amiga
souvenirs (Boing beach balls, two types of key-chains, flashlights,
Amiga music CDs, and an Amiga mug for the certain club president), he
gave a discussion about the direction and goals of Amiga. There was
also a question and answer period. Our club is grateful for having
Bill McEwen visit, since special club events are sometimes difficult
to create.
By the way, he mentioned that the audited number of Amiga clubs is
significantly less than those in the club databases. Are these
databases out of date, or is there a difference of opinion as to what
constitutes a "true" Amiga club?
Chris Sterne
15 April, '99
The ICOA Website Is Back
The Industry Council Open Amiga (ICOA) is pleased to announce that as
of 1200 CST on May 15th, their website will be back up and running.
The new site has undergone several changes which we believe will be of
benefit to all Amiga developers. New services include file spotting,
hardware/software reviews and hardware/software specifications, just
to name a few. Visit us at http://icoa.amiga.org and let us know how
we can be of assistance.
A M I G A D E L A Y - J U S T A R U M O R
{The following was recently found in an Amiga newsgroup and does a
good job of debunking a nasty rumor. Thanks to Luca for posting it.
7 May 1999
This community seems to gossip more than a small village full of old
ladies... ;-)
Now there are rumors claiming that Jim Collas is postponing the
delivery date of the new Amigas to year 2000. Just because it's always
better to hear it from the official voice, here it is:
We are still targeting early late Q3 for a development system and Q4
of this year for the new multimedia computer. Thanks for bringing this
to my attention. I will clarify it in my next letter to the community
due out shortly.
1 May 1999
OK; Amiga World at dejanews.com info:
1) you have to be a member of dejanews to get to be a member of
AmigaWorld (it's a private area ) 1a)Once a member send me a e-mail
and I'll invite you .
2)AmigaWorld has sofware based forums for LightWave,Imagine,Amos,and
more to come along with a good trader forum for good vendors and amiga
users selling amiga items along as bad vendors/trader forums as well
to help amiga users not to get burned.
I also have a forum in this area called usergroup(s) this is so amiga
user group founders and members can talk to other members and others
on a weekly or monthly way and with a topic of the groups choice in a
forum for those of us with out irc useage etc.
13 May 1999
The excellent 10 out of 10 range of educational software has finally
been *re-released*. FORE-MATT Home Computing is pleased to announce
that we have stock of all 18 titles available for the Amiga. In
addition we can also take orders for a selection of worksheet packs
which compliment the software. This now makes available the most
extensive range of educational software seen on the Amiga for many
years! The award winning fun learning system for home and school is
now just 9.99 UKP per title.
DINOSAURS (All ages)
ENGLISH (Age 6-16)
FRENCH (Age 8-16)
GEOGRAPHY (Age 5-12)
GERMAN (Age 8-16)
JUNIOR ESSENTIALS (Age 5-11) Some of the topics covered by this
package include spelling, structures of English, multiplication up to
10 x 10, mental addition, sign recognition, word recognition, UK
geography, and simple science.
TABLES (All ages) Reinforcement and practice of multiplication tables
made fun.
WORDS (Age 3-11) The fun way to boost vocabulary and improve
WORKSHEETS A set of photocopiable worksheets cross-referenced with
revision tasks for children to perform using the Award Winning 10 Out
of 10 Educational Software Series. Each worksheet pack contains
approximately 30 sheets of printed A4 paper to compliment the software
or to be used on their own as a revision aid.
Titles available at 4.99 UKP each are:
Early Essentials
Essential Science
Essential Maths
Essential IT
Junior Essentials
Spelling Structured
For more information please contact us at
or call
UK +44 (0)1793 853802
M U I B A S E 1 . 1 A V A I L A B L E
MUIBase 1.1 Released
5 May, 1999
MUIbase, a fast, relational, and programmable database for the Amiga
Computer got a set of new powerful features and is now in V1.1. Check
it out! It's available for download on the MUIbase home page:
New feautures:
o Improved import of records, now allows for double quotes in
o Improved display of record contents: only the fields in windows
that are currently open are computed and displayed.
o Double clicking in query result listviews (query editor and virtual
attributes) now shows the selected record in the corresponding table
o New editing fields for AskMulti: "choicelist" and "options", and
bubble help support.
o Font selection for all gui elements.
o Support of an include directory.
o Better debugging for external include files: line and column
information of where the error occured in the include file is now
o Option to compile without debug information for obtaining better
run-time, and menu item "Program - Compile" for compiling program
without opening program editor first.
o Help nodes for all menu items.
o Some bug fixes.
A M I G A N S : A C H A N C E T O H E L P !
{Posted to the net by Jonathan Gapen. Thanks Jonathan!, Brad}
5 May 1999
It's "The OS War to Cure Cystic Fibrosis," a chance to show your OS
loyalty and to marshal the forces of .advocacy for a good cause. Now,
AmigaOS is already way behind, so visit
http://earth.vol.com/~winesett/ and show 'em what for!
15 May, 1999
URL : http://www.escape-net.org/3amigos-soft/main.htm
From 3AMIGOS Software
Portal Opening 2 - Remote Administration Tool For The Amiga!
"Portal Opening 2 [PO2] is a remote administration
tool that allows an Amiga to be controlled by another
Amiga using the TCP/IP protocol.
Useful for LANs/WANs and the Internet."
URL : http://www.escape-net.org/3amigos-soft/main.htm
30 Apr 1999
From Andreas R. Kleinert:
this is just a small press information on my PPC programs.
Recent tests have shown, that the latest versions of
nearly all of my PPC programs - including SView/PPC and
the akDatatypes - do perfectly work together with
Frank Wille's ppc.library emulation for WarpOS,
starting with V0.6b.
Unfortunately, WarpOS V4.0 only does include V0.6 - however,
the newest version always can be found on Frank's homepage
under http://home.owl.de/~frank/
Using the ppc.library emulation yet is the recommended
way of running my programs under WarpOS - although a few
programs/modules already do exist as WOS versions (which
mainly still are under development and not yet complete).
SView/PPC and the akDatatypes do offer preferences options
for switching between the two possible selections under
WOS: the emulation will be utilized when auto-detection
and the respective "ppclib emu" option are enabled.
As a matter of fact, the "ppc kernel controversy" now
is solved, at least regarding PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX products.
Thanks for listening.
R U M O R : G V P A N D P P C
{Posted to the net by Markus Ruetter - thanks, Markus! Without
confirmation from GVP, this should be treated as just an interesting
rumor. Brad}
1 May 99
GVP - once famous for really nice hardware - have been very quiet
lately to say the least. But they are obviously not as dead as one
might have thought. A look at the last page of the latest issue of
AmigaOS (rather young German print magazine) shows a GVP ad that does
not only feature some 68k based accelerators, genlocks, GSS+ sampler
etc. but also an amazing announcement...
Apparently they are developing a PPC board! It reads:
Attention !!!!!!!!!
We are developing a PPC accelerator for the Amiga.
Planned are cards for A1200, A2000 and A3/4000.
CPU: G3 (PPC 750 512/1MB)
Peripherals: In discussion are
UWSCSI and graphics
Decision will be made
2nd Q 99
Memory: Synchronous DRAM
Available: 4. quarter 1999
Further details in the next issue
Now that's what I call news. :)
FYI: - It's on the back of the May issue, not that of April...
- Yes, that's 9 Plings in the headline.
- No, there is no confirmation on the GVP(-M) website yet.
3 May 1999
PowerStation for ImageFX now Shipping
Nova Design, Inc., producers of the award winning and best selling
ImageFX package are proud to announce that PowerStation, volume one,
the first package of PowerPC modules for ImageFX is now shipping.
PowerStation is a package of ImageFX modules designed to work
directly with the PowerPC as a coprocessor. This speeds up the
specific modules up to ten times the speed of the same module running
on a native 68060 processor. In many cases the effects become nearly
PowerStation premiered to record crowds at the Amiga '99 show in St.
Louis and became the 'must-have' item of the show with preorders
greatly exceeding expectations!
PowerStation Specifics
The PowerPC effects are for use with ImageFX 3.2 or higher only. This
first volume of modules includes the following effects, which have all
received the PowerPC treatment. The first five modules were originally
announced and premiered at the show - by release we have now added
three more!
Bubble - creates multiple bubbles over your selected image. You can
control the animation and optional color of the bubbles easily. Create
an undersea effect or psychedelic champagne bubbles!
Fire - one of ImageFX's most popular effects. Fire can create
flickering candle flames, gas-stove flames, raging forest fires and
more. All parameters can be animated or controlled through a single
Clouds - recently added to ImageFX, the Clouds effect can create
amazing multi-layered fractal clouds. It can also be used to create
fog or smoke over images, simulated explosions, or even seamless
textures of landscapes with cloud patterns animating across them.
Liquid - this is an endlessly fascinating effect that distorts your
image as if it were on water. You can create funhouse mirror
distortions or unique video transitions with this effect.
FXForge - based on the same formulas used in Adobe Photoshop's Filter
Factory™ package, FXForge can create an infinite number of custom
special effects using mathematical formulas. Color effects, distorting
effects, lighting effects are all possible with this amazing engine.
It remains fully compatible with the thousands of effects available on
the Internet for Adobe's Filter Factory™.
Gaussian Blur - the cornerstone of many image processing tricks and
depth of field effects for videographers, this PowerPC version of
Gaussian Blur will now allow incredibly fast optical blurring.
JPEG Loader/Save - one of the most popular graphics formats to ever
come along, JPEG images are often a fraction of the original image's
size, and are used commonly on the Internet. In the past this size
savings was at the cost of slow loading and saving times. Now these
versions load and save so fast you may have saved in the time it took
you to click your mouse!
Special Preorder Pricing
'PowerStation' is available on diskette for $99.95 and is available
from your favorite Amiga dealer. Outside the US contact Oberland in
Germany or Wizard/Compute in the UK.
If you wish to order directly at full retail you can also fax your
order to (804) 282-3768 or mail it to Nova Design, Inc., 1910 Byrd
Avenue, Suite 204, Richmond, VA 23230
'PowerStation' works on any Amiga equipped with a PowerUP supported
PPC accelerator with ImageFX 3.2 or higher installed. WarpUP with the
new PowerUP compatibility should also work as well.
6 May 1999
Announce: ImageFX Support Area
young monkey studios is pleased to announce a support area for Nova
Design's ImageFX software. There you will find various ARexx scripts,
AutoFX scripts and Modules.
As we get the time, we'll be adding other related information and
files, too.
ENJOY! And let us know what you think!
EMail: dhomas@youngmonkey.ca
WWW: http://www.youngmonkey.ca/
797 Mitchell Street, Fredericton, NB, E3B 3S8, Canada
Phone: (506) 459-7088
P I V - M O O V I D ( W H A T A N A M E ! )
PIV-MooVId AVI/MOV player with GUI and INDEO support for PicassoIV
graphics board
Last version: 1.0 (13.05.1999)
Required hardware:
Kickstart 3.0 or better
MC68020 or better (68040/060 recommended)
PicsassoIV graphics board (other graphicsboard NOT supported!)
1 MB of free memory
Required software:
asyncio.library v39 or newer
Picasso96 1.38 or newer (latest version recommended)
Recommended hardware:
MC68040/060 and PicassoIV in ZorroIII mode
PIV-MooVId features:
o The FASTEST AVI/MOV player for Amiga
o Support the video layer of the PicassoIV
o All decoders (espec. CinePak and Indeo) are video layer accelerated
o AVI/MOV playback in a resizable window (up to fullscreen), without
o AVI (Video for windows) and MOV (Quicktime) player in one file
o Support INTEL Indeo 3.1 & 3.2 (IV31 & IV32)
o 100% assembly coded (fast & short)
o Async I/O handling (direct playback from CD-ROM or HDD)
o Timer Based frame skipping method
o Synchronized audio playing
o On-fly selectable frame rate
o Fully system friendly
o Full GUI (check the screenshoot)
Supported codecs:
This part is same as at MooVId!
Codec Name FourCC code Depth
Component Video YUV2 16/24/32 bit
PIV-MooVId status:
Latest version can be download from AmiNET or from HERE or from
Village Tronic
There is no Indeo support in the actual public version. You can order
the needed library from me (for about 5-10DM)
N E W T E K : C O N V E N I E N C E U P G R A D E
NewTek is pleased to announce a new install version of our 4.2 and
3.5 software. The new install consists of one CD and one floppy
diskette. For the first time, LightWave 3D 5.0 for the Amiga will be
included in the 4.2 software suite. To distinguish the release from
previous editions, we have designated the release as the "4.3
Convenience Upgrade." This release is available beginning April 2,
The Best of Both Worlds
The 4.3 Convenience Upgrade puts our best Toaster/Flyer software on
one CD and Floppy. Users will need a CD-ROM drive with driver software
in order to use the new install set. If you have a Flyer and have the
CD-ROM hooked up to the Flyer, you will need controlling software such
as AsimWare 3.9.
The 4.3 Convenience Upgrade consists of the following:
o 3.1 Toaster Software with LightWave 3D 3.2 and LightWave 3D 3.5
o 4.2 Toaster/Flyer Software with LightWave 3D 4.0 and LightWave 3D
o BigFoot PC FlyerDrive Utility
BigFoot is a PC based program (It DOES NOT INSTALL on an Amiga) that
will allow you to hook a Flyer drive directly to a SCSI controller on
a PC and copy a Flyer Clip to the System Drive of the PC. Lightwave 3D
and Aura can access the clip and process the clip to the system drive.
The processed clip can then be copied back onto the Flyer Drive.
BigFoot is downloadable for free from our FTP site, but since this is
a Convenience Upgrade, it seemed appropriate.
Before the release of the 4.3 Convenience Upgrade, the cost to
upgrade from 3.1 Toaster software to the current 4.2 Toaster/Flyer
software was $350. Lightwave 3D 5.0 was priced at $295. Now, you can
get all these on one CD and one floppy, that will install in all
situations, at a much lower price.
Minimum System Requirements
o For 3.1 software: Workbench 2.1 or higher, 120 MB of free hard
drive space for the Video Toaster software, 9 MB of RAM.
o For 4.2 software: FPU, Workbench 2.1 or higher, 350 MB of hard
drive space (we recommend more), 2 MB graphics RAM (also referred to
as "Chip RAM"), 16 megs of system RAM.
This is a Convenience Upgrade, meaning that the software itself has
no changes, but is simply now more conveniently packaged, and with a
few additions that make running both versions on one system easier for
the user. In particular, the icons which run the software have been
modified to set the proper libraries in place when the software is
run. This is because the 3.1 and 4.2 software versions use different
support libraries for the CG.
Benefits of the 4.3 Convenience Upgrade The complete contents of our
two best versions of the Video Toaster software are now on one CD. A
Video Toaster owner can now have both the linear-editing wizardry and
compatibility of 3.1, as well as advanced versions of LightWave 3D,
ToasterPaint, CG, and the storyboard "slideshow" playback capability
of 4.2.
LightWave 3D 5.0 is included as standard with the Video Toaster
Software for the first time.
Users with 1.0 and 2.0 software can now upgrade their software at the
least expensive price ever offered by NewTek on an upgrade from those
early versions.
Users of 3.1/3.5 can now have their software available on one
conveniently installable CD. When needed, they may even copy just one
or two files at need, instead of having to perform a complete 45+9
disk install anytime one file develops a problem.
3.1/3.5 users also get 4.2 at the lowest price it has ever been
offered to 3.1/3.5 owners, with LW 5.0 included as well.
4.2 software owners get the latest version of their software on a new
CD, with the 3.5 software included, and the lowest cost upgrade to
LightWave 3D 5.0 that we have ever offered 4.2 owners.
We are offering the 4.3 Convenience Upgrade at the following price
o Registered 4.x owners may purchase CD and Floppy only for $ 99 (No
o Registered 3.x owners may purchase CD, Floppy and the 4.x Manual
for $159.
o Registered owners of 1.0 or 2.0 may purchase the 4.3 CD, Floppy,
4.x manual and 3.x Manual for $ 199.
Video Toaster Manuals are available individually for $ 99.95 each.
LightWave 3D 5.0 manuals are not included with the above, but may be
purchased with the above packages at half price, for $ 49. If
purchased separately, they are $ 99.
Shipping and handling will be added to the above prices.
Customers who wish to order may call NewTek Customer Service at
1-800-TOASTER, or send email with your phone number to
W. Randelshofer
13 May, 1999
MultiShow 0.3.1
MultiShow is a multipurpose file viewer written entirely in Java.
Supported file types:
o Amiga IFF ANIM
o Amiga IFF ILBM
Runs on all Operating Systems supporting Java 1.1.6 or better.
URL : http://www.mythen.ch/w.randelshofer/
Amiga Update on the net:
All back issues available at:
{Note new address!}
Stop by and check out our archive!
Copyright 1999 by Brad Webb. Freely distributable, if not modified.
_ __ _ < _ __ _
A M I G A /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ A M I G A
U P D A T E /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ U P D A T E
/ \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_
====================================================================== (ps)
[Meldung: 20. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Deli14Bit Update V4.00beta
Download: Deli14BitGenie400beta.lha.
Im Readme
können Sie die vielen neuen Features wie z.B. AHI-Unterstützung nachlesen.
[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Aminet [New Uploads]
Aminet Uploads vom 19.05.1999
Football.lha biz/dbase 194K+*NEW* Version 2.31 - Control your own le
FootballUpdate.lha biz/dbase 78K+Update for Football 2.3 to 2.31
hingis.lha biz/dbase 124K+Martina Hingis tennis singles matches in
VowaData.lha biz/dbase 98K+Datafile Update for VorwahlenGui
dopus_undms.lha biz/dopus 2K+Unpacks a DMS file to disk with progress
dopus_virusz.lha biz/dopus 2K+Checks selected files and directories in
HTTPlister.lha biz/dopus 20K+View AMINET RECENT in lister +download f
RecoverDelDir.lha biz/dopus 93K+AFS/PFS2/SFS undeletetool (english,germa
TBar.lha biz/dopus 32K+A Simple Taskbar for Dopus
stricq_1371.lha comm/misc 227K+An Amiga ICQ close based on MUI
AmiVNC.lha comm/tcp 69K+Experimental VNC server for Amiga w/C so
icr.lha comm/www 45K+Restores IBrowse cached WWW pages for lo
fbackng.lha disk/bakup 30K+FBackNG - Daily backup/mirror program.
TP085.lha disk/cdrom 488K+TrinityPlayer v0.85 (SCSI/ATAPI player!)
xtru.lha game/patch 89K+Track installer and manager for XTreme R
TaskForce.lha game/think 305K+Tactical combat game & editor (V0.35; lo
PIV-MooVId.lha gfx/board 83K+The Ultimate AVI/MOV player for PicassoI
VE-Masks.lha gfx/edit 148K+Visual Eng. - Masks
Show040.lha gfx/show 380K+Cybergfx only picture viewer (040) V2.1
ShowPPC.lha gfx/show 374K+Cybergfx only picture viewer (PPC) V2.1
IOBlixParUpd.lha hard/drivr 14K+IOBlixZ2 and IOBlix1200 parallel driver
cbspeccy_v024b.lha misc/emu 173K+ZX-Spectrum128k emulator + TR-DOS v0.24b
AmiTarot.lha misc/misc 29K+Tarot card reader program v1.50
Kao.lha misc/misc 0K+Japanese art of "mojie"
WeatherStation.lha misc/sci 155K+Interface to Heath ID-5001 Weather Compu
hccb11by.lha mods/hardc 282K+Brace Yourself - The DJ Enticer 11
hccb12sf.lha mods/hardc 214K+Societies Failures - The DJ Enticer 12
hccb13bb.lha mods/hardc 386K+Bass Bang Scatter - The DJ Enticer 13
hccb14ct.lha mods/hardc 265K+Check This Out - The DJ Enticer 14
hccb15hd.lha mods/hardc 211K+Here the Drummer Get-Tronix&Enticer 15
hccb16fm.lha mods/hardc 192K+Fuckin' MC's - The DJ Enticer 16
hccb17bi.lha mods/hardc 194K+Bring it on - The DJ Enticer 17
hccb18t1.lha mods/hardc 55K+Trauma - Brutal Tendencies 18
hccb19rc.lha mods/hardc 255K+Remote Control - The DJ Enticer 19
waveeditor171.lha mus/edit 34K+A simple wave editor -small, but cool.
BG-A_Invasion.jpg pix/back 186K+BG: <Amigaball-Invasion WB-Backdrop>
BG-Blizzard.jpg pix/back 119K+BG: <SpecialFX Blizzard WB-Backdrop>
BWG.jpg pix/illu 141K+Graphics preview of the set of WB Games
ds-deepsea.jpg pix/trace 53K+DS: <Submarine Exploring Ground>
ds-deepsea2.jpg pix/trace 64K+DS: <Submarine Grave, Cool Volumetric-Li
SW-Iceplanet.jpg pix/trace 126K+StarWars: <Rebellion Fighters Exploring>
SW-Iceplanet2.jpg pix/trace 145K+StarWars: <X-Wing Iceplanet-Patrol>
SW-Nova.jpg pix/trace 173K+StarWars: <Supernova Xplosion>
JAKs_WB.jpg pix/wb 263K+This is a grab of my 1024x768x24 Bit Wor
VeloxWb.lha pix/wb 176K+My nice Wb with Blizzard Vision in 16bit
SystemFont.lha text/font 11K+Workbench fonts and patch!
2b_TKSearch.lha util/cli 25K+Find pattern in text files (PPC & 68k) V
SplitJoin.lha util/cli 53K+Splitter / Joiner
fixaiff_jf.lha util/conv 8K+Fixaiff V1.1 fixes aiffs for DelFX
rxcmanager.lha util/rexx 23K+Rxcmanager - CManager ARexx functions (ps)
[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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HyperCOM goes UNIX
In wenigen Wochen ist es soweit, endlich wurde ein Kunde gefunden, der auf seinem
Amiga ein stabiles Linux (APUS) System laufen hat und sich zutraut, die für die
HyperCOM-Karte benötigten Treiber zu schreiben.
Was wir nun brauchen, sind fleißige Betatester, die entweder unter APUS oder unter
LinuxM68k mit Ihrer HyperCOM neue Treiber testen wollen. Wenn Sie daran Interresse
haben sollten schreiben Sie uns bitte direkt eine eMail.
Was den meisten bisher nicht aufgefallen ist, fast alle HyperCOM's werden schon von
NetBSD für Amiga unterstützt. Selbst in einem Draco funktionieren alle Karten und
Treiber ohne Probleme. Wenn Sie sich für dieses äusserst stabile und
amigafreundliche Unix interessieren sollten, schauen Sie doch einfach mal hier nach..
NetBSD Amiga.
Mit diesen Treibern werden die HyperCOM-Karten in allen wichtigen Amiga Umgebungen
wie keine andere Karte nahtlos unterstützt.
[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Andre Lorbach
AmigaGroupEifel-Website mit neuem Layout
AmigaGroupEifel-Website mit neuem Layout.
[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Zeichnungen des Konzepts zum AmigaNG
Zeichnungen des Konzepts zum AmigaNG.
[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Thomas Raukamp per eMail
Chatten bei AmigaOS
Das Webangebot der amigaOS wird weiter ausgebaut:
Ab sofort haben wir einen Chatroom eingerichtet, der im Forum angewählt
werden kann. Außerdem gibt es ab sofort eine öffentliche Mailingliste,
die für alle Themen rund um den Amiga bereitsteht.
[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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alando Online Auktionen
alando Online Auktionen
alando ist eine große kostenlose Auktionsplattform für alles und jeden.
Privatpersonen, Händler und Firmen können auf alando in spannenden
Online-Auktionen Gebrauchtwaren, Neuwaren und Sammlerartikel meistbietend kaufen
und verkaufen. Jeder kann also Bieter und Anbieter sein!
Auch Amiga-User wurden nicht vergessen, in den Kategorien Computer und
Computerspiele gibt es spezielle Amiga-Rubriken.
[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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RC5-Team vom Amiga-Club im BTX & Internet
Schon seit Dezember 1997 rechnet das Amiga-Club RC5-Team fleißig mit, um den
64-Bit-Schlüssel zu knacken. Es werden immer noch Mitstreiter gesucht. Wer
sich bisher noch nicht dazu entschließen konnte, mitzurechnen, weil alles zu
kompliziert in englisch erklärt wird, sollte sich die
Hilfe zur
Installation von Myzar in Deutsch ansehen. Dort wird genau erklärt, worum
es geht, wo Sie die nötige Software bekommen und wie sie konfiguriert werden
muß. Wer beim AC-RC5-Team mitrechnen möchte, kann sich
bei Wolfgang Czepan anmelden.
Fragen zum RC5-Team-Effort werden im Amiga-Club Forum gerne beantwortet.
[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News
Neue 68060.lib Version 46.6 von Phase5
Download: 68060-170599.lha.
[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Jim Collas: offener Brief/Update der wichtigsten Aktivitäten (Executive Update)
offener Brief an die Community
Update der wichtigsten Aktivitäten
Die Briefe sind in englisch, meist folgt aber ein paar Tage später eine deutsche Übersetzung:
19 May, 1999
Dear Amigans,
April was a very busy month for Amiga with much activity and good
progress. I received over 1200 emails from people around the world, I
met with key representatives of the Amiga community in Germany and the
U.K, we added to our executive staff, we established relationships
with key technology partners, and we finalized our 1999 product plans.
The amount of emails I received from the Amiga community has been
overwhelming. Most of them were emails of support and encouragement
while many others gave me suggestions and input on technology and
products. These emails have been wonderful. They are uplifting,
insightful, interesting, and fun to read. People in this community
have a great personality. Many were short emails of encouragement but
just as many went on for several pages listing insights, suggestions,
and opinions. Thank you very much for your emails of support. They
have been tremendously encouraging to the Amiga executive team and me.
There were, of course, also some emails sent by Amigans who are
frustrated by the situation. These emails were also valuable in giving
me insight into the mistakes of the past so that I could avoid them as
we press toward the future. Please keep the emails coming.
I apologize for not responding to all of the email sent to me. I have
personally responded to over 600 emails but was unable to keep up with
the volumes. I want to assure you that I read every email sent to me
and that they play an important role in defining our future plans. I
will continue to respond to as many emails as possible on a personal
basis. This brings me to the main subject of this month's letter:
communication. It is important that we set up an effective process for
communicating with the Amiga community. Emails and requests for
meetings are overwhelming Amiga executives at this time. This volume
of communication is very encouraging but I am concerned that we can't
personally respond to every one of them and it will become frustrating
to the community.
We are working on plans to improve communications between Amiga and
the community. These plans will consist of multiple programs
including: the current executive update, an email response team, a new
Amiga Advisory Council, polls on future product features, better
monthly user group communication, and improved communication to the
Amiga press. Detailed information on all of these programs will be
posted on our web site in the next several weeks. In addition to
keeping the community up to date on Amiga activities, the main goal of
these programs is to involve the community in setting future Amiga
plans. All of us need to work on this together to make sure we are
setting plans that will help the community and allow Amiga to drive
the next computing revolution.
One of the planned communications programs is a new "Amiga Advisory
Council" or AAC. The idea for this program came from my discussions
with people in the Amiga community. It is difficult to get thousands
of people involved in our planning process so we need to establish a
more manageable forum. The plan is to set up an advisory council
consisting of people that are viewed as leaders in the Amiga
community. Members of this council will be "elected" by the Amiga
community. We are currently working on the details of the "election"
process. This council must represent all major constituencies of the
Amiga community so that we can get a full set of concerns and inputs
regarding future Amiga plans. We will set-up special message boards,
email lists, and meetings allowing the AAC to communicate effectively.
Information on AAC meetings and decisions will be communicated to the
Amiga community. Keep watching our web site for updates on this
program. We will also make sure information gets published to Amiga
magazines and user groups.
In late April I traveled to Germany and the U.K. to meet with
representatives and leaders of the Amiga community to discuss Amiga's
future plans and get the community's help in setting these plans. I
apologize to the people that did not have the opportunity to
participate in these meetings but I had to keep the meetings to a
manageable size. There were about 30 to 40 people in each country
representing developers, dealers, distributors, user groups, and
press. I think that these meetings were very informative and
productive. They will allow me to optimize our future plans while
taking the requirements of the Amiga community into account. To give
you an example, we spent a considerable amount of time talking about
how to bridge the community from the current Amiga platform to the
next generation. The current Amiga platform has several years of
useful life remaining but people are not investing in it because it is
dated and the next generation is around the corner. One suggestion is
to port the next generation AmigaSoftTM Operating Environment (OE) so
that it runs on a current Amiga configured with a Power PC expansion
card. This would not be an optimum configuration but it would extend
the life of current PowerPC Amigas. We are looking into this
possibility and will keep you updated.
On a personal note, I had a wonderful time in Germany and the U.K.
The trip was both productive and very enjoyable. The trip was packed
with excellent food and good people. I really enjoyed meeting with
people from the Amiga community. After six years of working with
executives in the PC industry, it is a breath of fresh air to work
with people that have so much passion and enthusiasm about what they
believe in. I especially enjoyed the extended conversations in the
bars and pubs. These tended to get even more passionate and creative.
To those of you who participated in the events, I thank you for making
my trip both productive and enjoyable. In case you are curious, the
most challenging part of my trip was sitting still while Petro drove
me on the autobahn at 240 km/hour. I thank god for solid and stable
German automobiles and good German beer.
Before I end this letter I would like to cover a few more topics that
came up frequently in emails sent to me. First, I would like to
clarify our hardware product plans. Amiga is planning to come out with
a next generation multimedia computer in late Q4 of the year. This
computer will have a unique architecture, a great operating system,
awesome 3D gaming performance, and advanced multimedia features. I am
confident that this computer will meet your expectations for a great
next generation Amiga. Unfortunately, we can't disclose details of the
new computer yet since we are under non-disclosure agreements with our
technology partners. We also need to be careful about alerting our
competition to our plans. One thing I can say is that the technology
partners we are working with are extremely excited about our direction
and technology. There are Amigans in all major technology companies
and they are eager to support us in driving a new computer revolution.
These partners include some major technology and component companies
in the computer industry. We should be ready to disclose more at the
World of Amiga and AmiWest shows in July.
The new Amiga multimedia computer will also support a home networked
"information appliance" environment that will allow networked devices
throughout the house access to the power and features of this
computer. I need to clarify the term "information appliances" which is
becoming a popular term in the computer industry. "Information
appliances" are not digital toasters, refrigerators, and ovens with
LCD displays. They are devices such as wireless LCD tablets, Internet
terminals, game machines, and digital set-top boxes. These devices
will all be connected together through a single network and will be
integrated into a single comprehensive operating environment. This is
the reason why we use the term "operating environment", or OE, to
describe our new software rather than operating system. Our software
is much more than the underlying operating system.
In addition to the full multimedia computer described above, Amiga
will also develop reference desigs for a variety of "information
appliance" companion devices such as wireless LCD tablets. Our goal is
to enable a full home computing environment rather than just a
computer. We will encourage others to develop and ship
Amiga-compatible computers and information appliances. To help clarify
our plans to the Amiga community, we are releasing our initial product
concept to the Amiga press to publish in the next issues. I hope this
helps clarify our product plans. We will continue to disclose details
as they become available and as is appropriate.
The second topic that I would like to cover is Amiga support for
developers. The Amiga development community is important to us and we
will be taking an active role in support Amiga developers. We are
evaluating plans for financial support as well as in-depth technical
support. We will communicate more about this plan within 60 to 90 days
when we also start releasing more technical information for
I have also updated the "major activities" sub-section under the
"executive update" section on our web site. This will give you some
more detail on the status of Amiga programs so I encourage you to read
it. We have also added a top 10 questions web page to the "executive
update" section. This page will answer the top questions asked in
emails sent to me.
In closing I would like to say that I am more excited then ever about
the opportunities for Amiga and the Amiga community. It has been a
long wait but the Amiga community is still the greatest community in
the computer industry and the time is ideal for a new revolutionary
architecture and platform. I will keep you posted on our progress and
promise to disclose as more details as soon as possible and
Jim Collas
President, Amiga
Amiga Hires Computer Industry Veteran as CTO
Amiga has hired computer industry veteran Dr. Rick LeFaivre as its
chief technology officer and senior vice president of advanced
technology. Prior to joining Amiga, Dr. LeFaivre served as senior vice
president of R&D and chief technology officer at Inprise Corporation,
formed from the merger of Borland International and Visigenic
Software. He has held key executive management positions in the
computer industry including vice president of the Advanced Technology
Group at Apple Computer, vice president of engineering for the Network
Systems Division at Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, and director of
Windows and Graphics Systems at Sun Microsystems. Jim Collas,
president of Amiga stated that "Rick is an incredibly valuable
addition to the Amiga team. He brings with him a wealth of technology
experience and industry contacts." Jim went on to state that "hiring
top level talent like Rick should be a clear indication to the Amiga
community that we are dedicated to the development of exciting
technology for the new Amiga platform."
Amiga Hires Experienced Senior Executive As COO
Amiga has hired senior executive Tom Schmidt as its Vice President
and Chief Operating Officer. Prior to joining Amiga, Mr. Schmidt
served as Vice President and General Manager of a strategic business
enterprise within AlliedSignal, an advanced technology and
manufacturing company based in Morristown, NJ. Previous to
AlliedSignal, Mr. Schmidt worked at Baxter Healthcare Corporation in
several key operating and sales and marketing roles. He also served as
a Senior Project Manager and Strategic Management Consultant at Arthur
Andersen. Jim Collas, president of Amiga, stated that " at Amiga, we
are serious about building a substantial company for the future and
Tom has the experience and general management capabilities required to
build and manage a world-class corporate structure." Jim went on to
state that "Amiga is being positioned for a major come back and we
must be prepared to manage the growth associated with these plans. Tom
is the ideal person for this job."
- We are looking in San Diego to move out of the Gateway building
into a separate Amiga building in order to accommodate the expansion
in Amiga's San Diego staff.
New Staff:
- We hired Dr. Rick LeFaivre as our Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
and Sr. VP of advanced technology. Dr. LeFaivre is a senior technology
executive who has worked for Apple, Silicon Graphics, Sun, and
Inprise. See the associated Amiga website news release for more
- We hired Tom Schmidt as our Chief Operating Officer (COO). Tom
Schmidt is an experienced senior executive from Allied Signal, which
is a $30 billion corporation. See the associated Amiga website news
release for more information.
- Several weeks ago, we placed Amiga employment ads in major
newspapers and have a significant amount of highly qualified leads
that we are reviewing.
- We have hired a full time recruiter to coordinate our expanded
recruiting efforts.
Major Development Programs:
- O/S 3.5 - This product is being developed by Haage & Partner under
contract from Amiga. The target release date is late July or early
August. We are talking to Amiga hardware development companies to
qualify hardware products targeted at the O/S 3.5 release. We plan to
come out with a recommended hardware configuration and list of
qualified Amiga hardware products for the O/S 3.5 release.
- AmigaSoftTM Operating Environment (OE) - We are developing our
next generation operating environment including operating system, user
interface, and some revolutionary software structures to be disclosed
at a later date. Target beta version is 3Q99 with final in late 4Q99.
We are also looking at the possibility of porting this new AmigaSoftTM
OE to the O/S 3.5 recommended hardware configurations. If we can
accomplish this it will allow people to run the new OE on specific
Amiga configurations with PowerPC boards.
- Next generation hardware architecture - Being developed as a
foundation for all next generation Amiga products. We are within
several weeks of final component selection.
- AmigaSoftTM development system - This is planned in 3Q99 along
with the beta release of the new AmigaSoftTM Operating Environment.
- Initial next generation computer - We are developing the next
generation computer that will be used to launch the next generation
systems architecture and operating environment. Target release date is
late 4Q99. Please see this week's letter to the community for more
- We have released concept drawings of the next generation Amiga
products to the Amiga press.
Shows and Community Activities:
- I visited Germany and the U.K. and met with representatives of the
Amiga community. We held meetings with leaders of the Amiga community
and discussed future Amiga plans.
- We will sponsor and participate in the 1999 London World of Amiga
show in late July.
- We are also planning to support the AmiWest show in late July.
- We are planning for the Cologne and Las Vegas shows in November.
- Petro and Jim Von Holle are developing reseller, distributor, and
magazine support programs to help the Amiga community.
- We are also working on some user group support programs and
improved communication programs.
[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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SEAL berichtet vom Meeting mit Jim Collas vom 30.04.99
Auch in England hat Jim Collas ein Meeting mit verschiedenen Leuten aus der Amiga-Szene
abgehalten. Die Usergruppe SEAL berichtet ebenfalls über sehr positive Eindrücke und
schließt ihren Report mit den Worten: "Jim believes in Amiga, and we believe in him".
(Jim glaubt an Amiga, und wir glauben ihm).
[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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WinUAE 0.8.8, Release 5
Download: WinUAE088R5.exe
[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Mystique Corporation mit neuer Website
Mystique Corporation beschäftigt sich insbesondere mit Kindersoftware für den Amiga.
Lange Zeit hatte sich nichts mehr auf dieser Website getan, aber nun ist sie mit
neuem Layout präsent, aber nach Aussage des Webmasters noch als Preview zu betrachten. Unter
'Description' findet sich trotzdem schon der Hinweis, daß KiDSuite für AmigaOS 5.0
entwickelt wird :). Auf der Kinder Software Seite
können Sie jede Menge Software für Kinder downloaden.
[Meldung: 19. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Davy Wentzler per eMail
Mit Version 2.0517 bekommt PlayHD neuen Namen (Audio Evolution) + neue Features
Audio hd-recording program PlayHD gets new name 'Audio Evolution' and new
It's my pleasure to announce that an update of the audio harddisk
recording program PlayHD is available now on my
The name has changed now from PlayHD
to 'Audio Evolution' and besides this change, a whole lot of
new features have been added since my last demo from January.
For the people who have never heard of PlayHD or Audio Evolution:
Audio Evolution is an audio harddisk recording system primarily aimed at
musicians who want an easy-to-use multitrack recorder for home-studio
applications. It's based on the AHI system by Martin Blom, which makes
it possible to run Audio Evolution on every modern soundcard designed for
Amiga computers. Because of the efficient mixing routines of AHI, it's
possible to play up to 30 tracks at the same time on expanded systems,
even without PowerPC technology. But that's not what makes it a good
harddisk recording system: Audio Evolution also offers a versatile mixing
desk including individual channel and master level display, mute, solo,
panning, subgroups and realtime effects. Besides that, full mixer automation
gives you mixing possibilities only limited by your imagination. Also take a
look at the timeline display with its marker system for fast positioning in
the song, locators and punch in/out features which saves you precious
time in your recording session.
New features since January:
- Completely new GUI for the mixer window
- Volume display per channel with PPM meters
- Resizable timeline
- Subgroups
- Realtime FX (no PPC yet :-( )
- Bars&Pipes start synchronisation
- CAMD start synchronisation
- New Record window with record level display
[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Alex Kazik per eMail
TAR-Handler V1.1
Alex schreibt:
Nun ist es soweit, mein TAR-Handler ist fertig.
Ab sofort ist die V1.1 erhältlich: Er erlaubt es TAR-Archive (auch g'zippte)
zu mounten, und es wie eine (Hard)Disk zu benutzen. (z.Z. Read Only).
Download: TAR-Handler.lha
[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Honorable Mention
Amiga.info Volume 6 Issue 10 mit Jim Collas Interview
Amiga.info Volume 6 Issue 10 mit Jim Collas Interview.
[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga Emulation Resource
CBSpeccy V0.24b
Download: cbspeccy.lha
[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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AmigaOS 3.5
In Kürze beginnt die erste Betatest-Phase für das neue AmigaOS 3.5
AMIGA schreibt:
Anmerkungen zur Bewerbung zum OS 3.5 Betatest (17 Mai 1999):
Wir haben bisher über 2.500 Bewerbungen für den Betatest erhalten.
Die Bewerbungsphase ist jetzt abgeschlossen, bitte schicken Sie uns daher
keine Bewerbungen mehr. Wir möchten jedem Bewerber für seine Hilfe danken.
Jeder Bewerber sollte mittlerweile auch ein Bestätigung per E-Mail erhalten haben.
Die Personen, die am Betatest teilnehmen, werden in den nächsten per E-Mail
benachrichtigt. Eine zweite Betatest-Runde ist für Juni/Juli geplant.
Der Betatest wird ausschließlich über die Firma HAAGE&PARTNER abgewickelt.
Bitte stellen Sie keine Fragen zum Test an Amiga Inc., Amiga Intl. oder HAAGE&PARNTER.
Es können unmöglich alle diese Anfragen beantwortet werden und es würde
nur die Arbeit am OS 3.5 verzögern. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis.
[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik per eMail
Amiga Arena News
Digital Almanac II die neue Version zum Sonderpreis!
Digital Almanac II erschien diesen Monat neu und ist das
Amateur- und semiprofessionale Hobby Planetarium Programm für den Amiga!
Für alle, die den Überblick am Himmel haben wollen hier einige Features!
- Sternendatei mit weit über 500000 Daten
- 50000 Planeten und Asteroiden
- Strucktur der Milchstarsse
- u.v.m
Für weitere Infos besuche die Homepage unter
Hinweis: Wer sich registrieren lassen möchte, erwähnt bitte, daß er das
Sonderangebot der Amiga Arena nutzen möchte! Preis für Amiga Arena
Besucher NUR 20 DM! Was wollt Ihr mehr?
GeoWorld Vorankündigung!
Da sich die neue Version von GeoWorld verschiebt (sollte diesen Monat erscheinen),
wird es wahrscheinlich eine Sonderaktion für GeoWorld 1.09 in der Amiga
Arena geben!
[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Thomas Wenzel per eMail
Kommentar zum OS3.5
Thomas Wenzel, bekannt durch Play16, Samplitude, Prelude, AmigaAMP hat mir
folgenden Kommentar zum AmigaOS 3.5 geschickt. Wäre schön, wenn darüber im
eine interessante Diskussion in Gang käme.
Hier sein Kommentar:
Nachfolgend eine Liste mit dem, was ich persönlich von einem neuen OS für
die Classic Amigas erwarte -- im Grunde genommen gleichbedeutend mit dem,
was jeder von einem modernen OS heutzutage erwartet:
- Unterstützung für die verschiedendsten Eingabegeräte (Maus, Tastatur,
Joystick, SketchPad) über die verschiedendsten Schnittstellen (Bus,
seriell, USB) auf Treiberebene, die nahtlos in's System integriert ist
- Ein neues, zuverlässiges Dateisystem, welches auch Partitionsgrößen
von über 4GB zuläßt, sowie ein passendes Toolkit mit Reparatur- und
Defrag-Programmen dazu
- Unterstützung für Streaming Audio/Video auf Treiber- und CODEC Basis,
sodaß problemlos Quicktime, MPEG, AVI, etc. eingebunden werden können
- Vollständige Netzwerkunterstützung inklusive TCP/IP für WAN und LAN
sowie der Möglichkeit, des gemeinsamen Zugriffes auf Festplatten und
Drucker OHNE sich mit Mountlisten und Netmount Kommandos 'rumschlagen
zu müssen. Da muß es schon ein automatisch erstelltes Listview mit
allen im Netz verfügbaren Resourcen geben, von denen ich mir dann eine
Auswahl per Drag&Drop auf die Workbench ziehen kann.
Natürlich muß das System fehlertolerant sein. Eine Blockade, nur weil
der angeforderte Rechner gerade nicht antwortet, ist undenkbar.
Kurz gesagt, ich möchte ein modernes System haben, ohne haufenweise
unzuverlässige Hacks, Patches und Aufsätze laufen lassen zu müssen.
Das muß alles sauber integriert sein.
Über solche Gimmicks wie neue Icons, buntere Prefs-Programme etc.
kann man nachdenken, NACHDEM die vier obigen Punkte erfüllt sind.
[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Amiga.org Databank manipuliert
Hacker haben sich in die News-Datenbank von Amiga.org eingehackt und die Datenbank manipuliert.
Es wurden nicht nur einfach falsche Beiträge eingeschleust, sondern News
über das Programm
"Miami" von Holger Kruse verbreitet, die behaupten, Miami und andere NordicGlobal Programme
hätten sog. "Hintertüren" (back doors). Amiga.org distanziert sich
ausdrücklich davon und betont,
daß sie niemals die wunderbaren Programme von Holger in den Dreck ziehen würden.
Vermutlich fühlen sich diese Typen jetzt als Helden und merken überhaupt nicht,
wie erbärmlich ihr Tun ist.
Holger Kruse hat dazu folgendes
Statement abgegeben.
Nachtrag 22:45 h:
Amiga.org News sind unter neuer URL wieder online. Bitte bookmarken
Sie http://www.amiga.org/news
[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Czech Amiga News
Genetic Species goes PIP
PIP = Picture in Picture, bedeutet, Sie können Genetic Species jetzt auf Ihrem
Workbench-Screen spielen, zumindestens wenn Sie eine PicassoIV, CyberVision oder
CyberVision3D Grafikkarte haben. Downloadseite.
[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Colin-Stewart Bridge Deady per eMail
KOSH-summary #20 vom 17.05.1999
KOSH [Kommunity Orientated Software Hardware]
Weekly Summary
Week Commencing: 8th May 1999
Number: 020
Mailing List: kosh-general
In the mailing list this week, the following items were discussed. Please do
not email the scribe regarding any of these topics, it is not his job to answer
these questions but merely to report the topics of conversation. If you have
any queries about this summary, please email ben@kosh.net, stating the Summary
Number, and Mailing List Name, and he will try to answer your queries.
Subject: The KOSH Application
Summary of debate: It will be helpful that KOSH can run as an application on
other operating systems (as well as native versions). This
will allow people to use it and see its benefits without
having to leave their used-to environments.
Subject: x86, 68k and PPC Slim Binary generation
Summary of debate: Suggested KOSH could have a tool to uncompile binaries in
the above formats (and more) and spit out the slimbinaries.
Would this be feasible?
Subject: API recording
Summary of debate: Suggested KOSH could have a tool that records each and every
API call under a current OS in order to provide a list of
what can at all be called. This would provide a basis to
offer the same API while being different underneath and thus
not breaking copyright.
Subject: Information Landscapes
Summary of debate: http://www.newsmaps.com has some new idea of presenting
"Information Landscapes" instead of hierarchical trees as we
know them. Could this be used for KOSH?
Subject: VMware
Summary of debate: A PC trick that allows you to hot-context-switch between PC
OSs may be VMware. See http://www.vmware.com
It was asked if we should make hot-context switching a
standard feature of KOSH?
Subject: Mass market retail channels and KOSH availability
Summary of debate: It was suggested that there is no need for KOSH to show up
in any retail channels until there is a good chance at
impulse buying - this is only just starting to happen with
Subject: KOSH Clones
Summary of debate: Making it easy to clone KOSH machines (whether licenced or
reverse engineered) would help to greatly increase the
installed user base of KOSH.
Subject: Plugin HALs
Summary of debate: Suggested we could have software processors and multiple
HALs as plugin objects relatively easily.
[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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MotionStudios per eMail
Pressemitteilung von MotionStudios
Ingo Kleefeld schreibt:
1. Die Produkte ArtStudioPro, ElasticDreams und FantasticDreams
können jetzt auch unter WarpOS (V15), in Verbindung mit
ppcEmu (V0.6d) von Frank Wille, problemlos gestartet werden.
2. Darüber hinaus bietet die Firma MotionStudios für kurze Zeit
eine Sonderaktion an. Sämtliche Produkte können zu sehr
günstigen Preisen bequem per EMail bestellt werden.
ArtStudioPro 49DM
CandyFactoryPro 69DM
ElasticDreams 49DM
FantasticDreams 99DM
Und zwar unter http://www.titancomputer.de/motionstudios/index.html
Die Preise gelten nur bei EMail-Bestellung!
[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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Mario Cattaneo per eMail
STRICQ: neue Version 0.1371
Download: STRICQ_1371.lha
[Meldung: 18. Mai. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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