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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
Raymond per eMail

Digital Dreams Entertainment News
If something can go wrong, it will!

We was fooled around by one (we won't tell which, but it is located in Eastern Europe) CD production company. They constantly showing up with some excuses and promise that the CDs will be finished tomorrow (but tomorrow never comes).

Two weeks later we have lost our patience and redraw Wasted Dreams CD materials and start looking for a new CD production partner. We've found it in Germany. Now we can tell for sure that the release date for Wasted Dreams will be on Monday 21st.

Let's play while we are waiting.

As you have been more than patient with us, we have deiced to award you. Here is your chance to win a free copy of Wasted Dreams, so if you want to participate visit our web site.

Digital Dreams Entertainment (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Jun. 1999, 08:00] [Kommentare: 0]
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