Czech Amiga News
Virus Help Denmark: Safe V16.7, Encyclopedia extended
Safe v16.7
A new update of Safe v16.7 has been released today. Safe is a small
CLI command to detect linkviruses in Your system. readme
- added possibility to change name of safe on installation.
It was necessary - new viruses like HH50 and SMEG2b
refuse to infect Safe file. This trend will surely remain,
so now Safe gives the user the easy way avoid that.
Big thanks for Antonio Noguera, who did this improvement!
This is piece of good work - even better I expected!
- removed some outdated info from html documentation
Note that the most useful information is here and in NewShit.guide.
Thanks to Michael Hendren for paying attention.
- removed SMEG2/PENETRATOR removals as xvs.library recognizes them now
- added analyze of HitchHiker5.00 the most advanced polymorphic bastard
in the Amiga universe
Download: Safe.lha,
Amiga Virus Encyclopedia
New virus translations added to the Amiga Virus Encyclopedia.
[News message: 09. Sep. 2001, 17:27] [Comments: 0]
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