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11.Sep.2001 Thomas Steiding (E-Mail) |
e.p.i.c. interactive: Status Update Empire builder Knights and Merchants is in dublication and will be shipping on september 19th. You can find more information on this real time strategy game in the projects section. RPG/strategy mix GORKY 17 is finally coming along nicely. Here is a longer report on what is done and what still needs to be finished: Conversion of the game data was among the toughest things with this project. One reason for this was that a Little Endian engine was required; the other was that the engine requires filemapping which is not available in Mac OS. These problems are now fixed (only some minor endian problems in the Load function need attention). Gorkys 3D engine is running fine except for some colour problems as you can see from the screenshots below. The Zoom function also has a couple of minor problems. Porting of the engine was extremely difficult, because the original developers used a lot of Intel ASM routines. The remaining problems with the 3D engine are currently worked on and should be fixed within the next couple of days. The speed of the game is great even at this stage. On a 350 Mhz G3 it ran at the same speed as the PC version on a 700 Mhz machine. The game logic seems to be working fine, but intense beta testing on this part is set to start this week. Sound and video playback is not yet implemented. The other remaining problem is memory usuage. The game currently requires a lot of memory, especially under MacOS 9 where you will need about 200 MB to start the game . These problems do not exist with the MacOS X version. Below you will find the first public screenshots from the Macversion. Note that they have been taken from the german version of the game. The first public presentation of GORKY 17 will be at the Paris show later this month. Another project that is in the final stages of development is an arcade fun shooter. This is our first original release and it will come as a budget title to MacOS, Windows and MorphOS. Expect more information on this title in our projects section soon. (ps) [News message: 11. Sep. 2001, 20:26] [Comments: 0] [Send via e-mail] [Print version] [ASCII version] | ||
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