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25.-27.10.24 • AmiWest • Sacramento (USA)
31.10.-03.11.24 • Amiga-Meeting Nord • Neumünster (Germany)

Andreas Falkenhahn (E-Mail)

Installer: Version 4.5 of CD32 Games Install Kit
Version 4.5 of CD32 Games Install Kit has been just published. For the first time with this version it is now possible to play Simon the Sorcerer with a perfect voice output which has seemed to be impossible with an emulator until now. The current version can be downloaded by all owners of 'The Best Of Airsoft Softwair Gold Edition CD-ROM' in the protected download section. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 22:08] [Comments: 0]
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Anu Seilonen (ANF)

New Exhibitor and Vaporware Registration Service at Saku 2001
Finnish Amiga Users Group offers a Vaporware product registration service for visitors at Saku 2001. The group collects payments and registration forms at the venue and forwards them to Vaporware, who delivers registration keys directly to registrants via email or regular post. Service is open for everyone, membership of the user group is not required. More information about Vaporware programs can be found on their web site at

Also, Broadline Oy, a long time supporter of Saku and a well-known Finnish Amiga retailer has decided to join the fun. Broadline Oy will be selling their stock at Saku 2001.

Saku 2001 will be held on Saturday September 1st 2001 at the Science Centre Heureka in Vantaa, near Helsinki. The event will open at 12:00 and end at 18:00. Admission will be free of charge. For further information, visit Finnish Amiga Users Group's Web Site at or E-mail inquiries may be sent to Terho Henriksson (
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 21:47] [Comments: 0]
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29.Aug.2001 Torsten Dudai stops drawing caricatures
Since July of 1999 Torsten Dudai has supported by drawing of outstanding caricatures. But some time ago Torsten made him self-employed in the section of webdesign. As anyone knows at the beginning of a self-employment you have to bale all your power to lead the firm to a succesful way.

On the one hand this change but on the other hand also the fact that in the Amiga sector the amount of news reduces of which you could create a caricature were the reasons why Torsten decided to stop drawing caricatures.

We are very sad about this decision but we can understand it, too. We really enjoyed the caricatures many times. The caricatures reflected very precisly the respective situation.

Torsten, we know that you will become a very great webdesigner and wish you all the best for your future!
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 20:43] [Comments: 0]
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Stephan Rupprecht

Tool: ENVHandler V 1.11
Stephan Rupprecht has published version 1.11 of his Env replacement called 'ENVHandler'.

Download: envhandler.lha (14 KB) (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 20:21] [Comments: 0]
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SOL-Invictus (ANF)

Heise: IDF: Arapahoe to bury PCI and AGP
The Arapahoe Working Group (Compaq, Dell, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, and PCI-SIG) announced at the Intel Developer Forum in San Jose that 22 companies, including 3Com, Nvidia, AMD, Adaptec, and Texas Instruments, will support the development of the designated PCI successor by the internal code names of "Arapahoe" and "3GIO".
See title link for the Heise article (German). (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 18:47] [Comments: 0]
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Lars "Ghandy" Sobiraj (ANF)

Demoscene: Invitation intro for Trsac Party published!
The danish scenegroup Loonies which participated on the production of the commercial game called 'Earth 2140' has published an invitation intro for the Trsac party. This one will take place in Kopenhagen from the 12.-14. of October. The intro and the english written invitation text are on the official Trsac party homepage and soon in the Aminet, too. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 18:39] [Comments: 0]
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SOL-Invictus (ANF)

Heise: Corel sells its Linux-section
As Heise reported Corel will sell its Linux-section this week according to US news agencies. The buyer is supposed to be a firm called Xandros which was just founded. The offer for sale for the Linux-section is supposed to be two million US-Dollar.
Heise article see title link.

Another link to this topic:
Golem: Corel sells its Linux-distribution
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 13:30] [Comments: 0]
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SOL-Invictus (ANF)

Heise: Gateway dismisses people
As we have already reported several times Gateway Inc. is going to rearrange and to dismiss employees in Europe. Heise now reports that a lot of people will be dismissed.
Heise-article see title link.
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 13:25] [Comments: 0]
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SOL-Invictus (ANF)

Heise: Metabox saved
According to Heise a not mentioned private man has given a credit over 2 million Mark to the settop-boxes-producer Metabox and with it has saved the company right before the end.
Heise-article see title link. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 13:12] [Comments: 0]
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29.Aug.2001 celebrates third anniversary :-)
For three years our team delivers messages of the Amiga-sector and topics which are generally important for computer and Internet to you. The last year was espacially exciting for us because the new scripts and with it the possibilities to post comments have been a freshening aspect. Although sometimes the ´freshening aspect´ was rather a ´ half-hearted breath of air´. Nevertheless the comments have become an important part of Since the introduction in January of 2001 over 16,000 comments have been given to our messages.

Interesting because it is still always exciting to see how the market develops - or how it does not. In the present time it is quite difficult to understand what will happen - or what will not. Sometimes it is really hard to find the truth between promises, announcements, exaggerations, rumors and disputes. But just this is the attraction - to see how comparatively small groups of enthusiasts can finally start great projects. This is a goad for us make us hopeful.

In our history read how has developed in the past three years, who collaborates and spends his free time for our team gratuitously.

I personally want to thank all the helpful hands because without work of each single one would not be that what it is today. I want to thank all the readers, authors, developers and programmers which deliver all the messages. I espacially want to thank our advertising partners which help us to finance our website with its banner advertisement. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 03:11] [Comments: 0]
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Ina Sielaff (ANF)

Mexikon: Cactuses-lexicon in Amiga-guide-format
Under the title link you can find software for Amiga. One is called 'Mexikon' which is a lexicon about cactuses with many hints and suggestions. It also contains maps of Mexico and pictures of over 650 cactuses. Besides this there is the program 'AMIGA Workbench - Tuning'. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 02:48] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Game: Earth 2140 mailing list
Pagan Games has created an English-spoken mailing list for Earth 2140. E2140-player can discuss about strategies, the game, updates and new levels (mission packs) there. The developers of the Amiga version of Earth 2140 are also on the list and will try to answer your questions.

Post message:
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 01:24] [Comments: 0]
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Hugi Online (PC Demo-Szene Magazin) (ANF)

Max Payne developer are (active!) Amiga-freaks
Silvio Senger writes:
Maybe the following message does not really fit to the news but I think that it is interesting for most of the Amiga-fans:

For some weeks there is a new action hero in the PC-world called MAX PAYNE. It lasts nearly five years to develop the game and it certainly is one of the hits of this year, at least in the PC-fan-community. It is known that some Amiga-Fans developed this game.

On the this year's ASSEMBLY in Finland (with nearly 5000 visitors one of the biggest demo/LAN-parties; where the best freaks also compete in a "demo-competition" PC- and Amiga-demos have been shown together in one competition. It was amazing to see that a team which made its demo on a Amiga was the winner. (as reported).

And that is remarkable: The members of the group ´MatureFurk´ behind this demo all work at Mad Onion (known by its benchmark program 3DMark2001). The graphic artist mainly participates on Max Payne.

And there is another curious thing: Exactly the same group won on the last ASSEMBLY the PC-demo competition. The demo has the same name as the AMIGA winner demo on the ASSEMBLY 2001.

The following links are interesting:
Detailed interview with the graphic artist of the DEMO, which participates on Max Payne
Download of AMIGA DEMOS (requires 68060 + AGA + 16 MB memory!)
Download of the Amiga-Demo in MPEG format (13.3 MB)
PC-DEMO of the ASSEMBLY 2000 (same team)
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 01:08] [Comments: 0]
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Lars 'Ghandy' Sobiraj (ANF)

Demoscene: Darkage offers trip to the past!
Fans of old crackintros from the beginning of the 90ies might be delighted about Stingray's new 100% fix! In the download section of Scenet you can find two crackintro packs and the 100% fix of Equinox' Musicdisk Sonial Fantasia! We wish you a good time journey! (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 00:52] [Comments: 0]
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Lars 'Ghandy' Sobiraj (ANF)

Demo group: 'Pic Saint Loop' publishes KissMyJazz Musicdisk
Last night the Polish demo group 'Pic Saint Loup' published the long expected Musicdisk 'KISS MY JAZZ'. It has been advertised with an intro on the MekkaSymposium for it. To this time the musican Jazzcat was not sure if he would really ever publish his demo.

But now it is done. Have a look at the download section at Scenet. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 00:50] [Comments: 0]
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Lars "Ghandy" Sobiraj (ANF)

Scenet issue 37 released!
Issue 37 of the scene oriented database SCENET recently was released. There you can nuzzle to the top of your bent for e-mail addresses, hotlinks, FTP servers, Telnet mail boxes, ICQs, newsgroups, etc. in 522 KB of text! (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 29. Aug. 2001, 00:48] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)

Byte Magazin: He Who Controls the Bootloader
You can find an article from Scot Hacker about the license policy of Microsoft in the American computer magazine Byte.

Hacker tries to explain with the examples BeOS and Linux why it is so hard to establish an alternative operating system on the x86 market. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 28. Aug. 2001, 17:19] [Comments: 0]
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Dennis 'Psyria' Lohr (E-Mail)

Music: Dennis 'Psyria' Lohr produced song for
It is a great honour! The musician Dennis 'Psyria' Lohr has composed and produced a very nice song for in his spare time. You can find the song at the download area (title link) at "Amiga-News Theme" (about 7 MB, saved in high quality)

As I listened to the song I had the idea it would be nice if a demo coder could create an intro for this. Really would be if someone has an idea for lyrics for this song. If you are interested send an eMail to (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 28. Aug. 2001, 12:38] [Comments: 1 - 30. Aug. 2001, 16:58]
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Darek Dulian (E-Mail)

Elbox: New Mediator Drivers 'MediatorUP 2.4'
We are happy to announce the first release of the shared MMU & NO_MMU version of Mediator drivers.

The new pci.library 4.1 can currently work in both modes. Along with the new pci.library we release new versions of all the drivers released so far.

All the new drivers have been re-written to co-operate with our newest software: drivers for PCI Sound and PCI TV cards released in the Mediator Multimedia CD. More details:

The following files are included in MediatorUP2.4.lha:

pci.library ver. 4.1 NEW

The way how the pci.library and all the drivers are working (MMU / NO_MMU) can be switched over by the contents of the MMU file located in the Envarc:/Mediator drawer.


PciInfo ver.1.2

Voodoo.card ver.2.5 NEW
Virge.card ver.1.3 NEW
MediatorNET.device ver.2.1 NEW

Prefs files:

For the newest Vendors.txt file, see:

Please copy appropriate files to drawers:
pci.library to Libs:
MediatorNET.device to Devs:Networks
Vendors.txt to S:
MMU to Envarc:Mediator
VoodooMem to Envarc:Mediator
VoodooInt to Envarc:Mediator
VirgeMem to Envarc:Mediator
VirgeInt to Envarc:Mediator
Voodoo.card to Libs:Picasso96
Virge.card to Libs:Picasso96
Please read VoodooGuide before installing your Voodoo card.
Please read VirgeGuide before installing your S3 Virge card.

Please check CGX pages: for the newest version of CGX drivers.

Note: CyberGraphXV3 S3 ViRGE driver does not work with pci.library 4.1. If you want to use it still you should use pci.library 2.2 (enclosed in Archive drawer).

More information about the latest drivers, see:
(ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 28. Aug. 2001, 11:36] [Comments: 0]
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Magazine: Amiga Information Online (AIO) #50
Issue #50 of 'Amiga Information Online (AIO)' was released at August, 25th. This issue contains e.g. an exclusive interview with Hyperion Entertainment.

AIO uses its own viewer that runs with AmigaOS.

At the AIO website you will find an additional picture, that shows a two-paged article about the AmigaOne. This feature is taken from issue #660 (Aug, 23th 2001) of the british magazine 'MicroMart'.

Download: docs/mags/AIOV50.lha, Readme (sd) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 28. Aug. 2001, 11:19] [Comments: 0]
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Anu Seilonen (ANF)

Saku 2001 brochure available in PDF format
The four-page brochure on the Finnish Amiga Users Group's Saku 2001 event is now available for download in PDF format from the official web site at (see title link).

Visitors are also able to sell their second-hand Amiga goods at Saku 2001. The service is free of charge and available for all private persons, membership of the user group is not required. A couple of the latest Amiga games are also available for testing at the venue: both Payback and Shogo: Mobile Armor Division are demonstrated.

Saku 2001 will be held on Saturday September 1st 2001 at the Science Centre Heureka in Vantaa, near Helsinki. The event will open at 12:00 and end at 18:00. Admission will be free of charge. For further information, visit Finnish Amiga Users Group's Web Site at or E-mail inquiries may be sent to Terho Henriksson (
(ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 28. Aug. 2001, 11:18] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)

Realtime strategy "Voodoo Wars" announced
Melina Softworks, well known for some freeware and shareware programs so far, announced the release of a new realtime strategy game for highend Amigas and the AmigaOne.

The development just started and they are still on the hunt for new developers.

Additional information is available at the "Projekte"-button at the homepage of Melina Softworks. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 27. Aug. 2001, 19:29] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Game: Mahjongg Tiles v1.1
Release of version 1.1 of the MUI-based Solitaire-clone 'Mahjongg' by R.E.D. This release includes a graphic-bugfix. Further improvements are still under development.

Download: MahjonggTiles_v1.1.lzx (425 KB)
(ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 27. Aug. 2001, 09:58] [Comments: 0]
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Ignatios Souvatzis (E-Mail)

Repulse-driver for NetBSD/Amiga
A driver for the "repulse" board by Aliendesign was added to the NetBSD-current yesterday.

Repulse is a Zorro II interface to an AC97 compliant Audio CODEC and additional S/P-DIF circuitry. The NetBSD driver currently only supports 8-48 kHz mono or stereo 8 or 16 bit audio data from/to the analog part. The missing features will be added later.

The driver was added to NetBSD-current, the development branch of NetBSD. The NetBSD projects invites volunteers to test this code. Problems should be reported on the NetBSD port-amiga mailing list or (preferred) through the NetBSD bug tracking system.

The repulse driver is expected to be available in the NetBSD-1.6 formal release.

Additional information:
The NetBSD operating system
NetBSD on classical Amiga and Macrosystem DraCo machines
How to test NetBSD-current
(ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 27. Aug. 2001, 09:22] [Comments: 0]
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Marc Gutzwiller (ANF)

New swiss onlineshop offering Amigaproducts
Gutzwiller+Dozic Systems, a dealer from Switzerland, is proud to announce the opening of their onlineshop. The shop offers mobile phones, digital cameras, as well as hardware and software for the Playstation2, PC and Amiga. Later on there will be products for the Macintosh and for Audio and Video available, too.

Marc 'Gutzi' Gutzwiller of Gutzwiller+Dozic Systems: "I would like to mention that the Amiga-area is still beta. We know that the Amiga market is very small and that it is not possible to earn money in this market. There are only some but really good Amiga-dealers. Due to this facts we will offer Amiga products as long as we do not loose any money by doing this. Because I am using Amigas since the good old Amiga 500 I hope that we can support Amiga as long as possible. Feel free to mail what you think about our shop. We are pleased about any reaction." (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 27. Aug. 2001, 08:40] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Game-CD: Almost Real
Patrick Henz released the game CD 'Almost Real'. The CD contains the following programs:
  • Airbus A320 Vol.2, including english handbook (185 pages), NTSC- and PAL-versions, Europe-, US-North and US-West-sceneries, High Quality-Photos
  • Approach Trainer, including a german handbook (98 pages)
  • Aufschwung Ost, german version
  • Aunt Artic Adventure
  • Charon 5
  • Hannibal, german version
  • Ju52
  • Ports of Call, german and english version
  • SeaLance
  • Space MAX, german version
  • Tie Break
  • Train Driver 1.6
  • Wreckage
The cd can be ordered at the title link. (sd) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 27. Aug. 2001, 00:07] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Version 2.03 of 'AMP', an MPEG-Video-Player, was released on the 26. August. Changes in the new version:
  • Added 24bit BGR/GRAY renderer, it's 27% faster than 32bit ARGB with the same quality!
  • Added new CSS-key extraction code, made all DVDs I have work.
  • Rewrote the motion compensation routines, made the MPEGV decoder 14% faster.
  • Rewritten the audio.device routines, these are completely free from any context switches what so ever.
  • Wrote generic requester routines, just as ugly as the DVD ones, but now also used for VCD and CD-i playback.
  • Added OS9 (CD-i) and ISO9660 (VCD) filesystem parsers.
  • Using the 56KHZAUDIO CGFX env-variable, one can now get 44100Hz playback through audio.device.
  • Added pause (SPACE, ENTER to continue) and windowscreen switch (L-/RAmiga + ENTER).
  • The window title now contain filename and video size.
  • GUI: Updated to work with the new AMP executable.

AMP currently supports the following multimedia types: MPEG1/2 video with sound (optional) and automatic frameskip. MP2/MP3 audio streams. AC3 streams, both standalone and embedded in MPEG2 streams. (S)VCD, CD-i and DVD.

The features include:
Fast AGA support with 8 HAM modes and optional triple buffering,
CGFX support with optional triple buffering,
fast audio playback using audio.device or AHI,
CLI interface using ReadArgs or MUI GUI,
window support on any depth CGFX and AGA screens,
overlay support using cgxvideo.library.

Download: AMP203.lha (sd) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 27. Aug. 2001, 00:07] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Stegemann (ANF)

Digital Almanac III - Update V4.0 and V4.1 (Update)
As already announced last weekend the update of Digital Almanac III is available for all registered customers, now.

Unfortunately this update has to be delivered in two parts. The initial archive (v4.0, 4MB) still contained two bugs, but which have been fixed in the second part (v4.1, 1,4MB).

The update to v4.1 strongly requires v4.0! The new and automatic update function of the program works with v4.1 only.

The update archives should appear on Aminet during the following days. Extra hasty people may download the files from the mailing list.

More information under the title link. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 26. Aug. 2001, 23:37] [Comments: 0]
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Dirk Baeyens (E-Mail)

clickBOOM: Lawsuit against CD manufacturer
On July 9, 2001, in the Ontario's Thornhill court, PXL computers Inc. filed a lawsuit against Duplium Corp.. clickBOOM's long term partner had failed to produce replacement CDs for the Nightlong video game over the past 9 month, therefore clickBOOM had no other option but to go to court. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 26. Aug. 2001, 16:28] [Comments: 0]
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Volker Mohr (E-Mail)

Event: Classic-Computing 2001 deferred indefinitely
Volker Mohr wrote:
«As it turned out today unfortunately I have to defer indefinitely the Classic Computing 2001 show, which was announced to take place on 08. Sptember 2001.

I ask you for your understanding.

Kind regards,

Volker Mohr» (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 26. Aug. 2001, 15:49] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Günther (ANF)

Scanner: French catalogs for ScanQuix
From now on French catalog files for the scanning software 'ScanQuix 5' are available. The translations were done by Frédéric Nicolas. The archive can be downloaded from

Download: ScanQuix5_FR.lha (20K) (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 26. Aug. 2001, 15:11] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Nosutta (ANF)

ACBB live report from the IFA (Update)
A short report from the IFA (with the kind support of by the ACBB.

In hall 3.2a you will find the Sharp SL5000 (Zaurus). After initial problems (nobody knew about Amiga at the PDA booth) A4k, Trion, and me, Gojira, found Mrs. Boxberg (Product Manager Sharp Germany).

She found very much time to show us a Zaurus with miscellaneous Amiga applications. Later some guy with an Amiga logo on his shirt appeared. That was Sanjay Menon, Vice President Engineering Amiga Inc.. He had a prototype with more applications with him, too.

Mrs. Boxberg mentioned that Sharp is wanting contact with German Amiga developers and there might be an announcement at, soon.

This was the report by the ACBB so far. More information and pictures are on our site. (sd)

Update 27.08.2001:
Here you can find some pictures: (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 26. Aug. 2001, 15:05] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Schroeder (E-Mail)

Met@box: Refloating loan from the shareholder community?
On 22. August 2001 the 'Metabox AG' enquired a short-term refloating loan in the amount of 1 million Euro from the 'Aktionärsgemeinschaft Metabox' (shareholder community Metabox). This money is needed to maintain business operations until the general meeting. Without this money already within the next few days insolvency proceedings will be opened.

Thereafter the shareholder community formed a delegation, which is inspecting the Metabox AG to estimate chances for sanitation, since last Friday.

From the inspections was derived (quotation):
«1) The company should be sustained. A sellout of the values created by the shareholder's fund should be prevented without fail.

2) We should appeal to make available the required short-term sum of one million Euro. The securities given let us estimate a low loan contingency risk.»

Complete press release under the title link. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 26. Aug. 2001, 15:05] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Flame

Amiga Flame: PDA - Interviews with Moss (Amiga) and Steiding (epic)
At Amiga Flame several texts were released for the subject PDA games and AmigaDE. Fleecy Moss, Amiga Inc., emphases in the interview, that the main focus of AmigaDE is to provide an environment in which content can be used hardware independent. So the agreement with Sharp allows to use AmigaDE content on Sharp's devices, but Amiga also works together with other companies. AmigaDE already runs on different devices in the laboratory in Snoqualmie, including the currently most popular PDAs as well as those soon to be released, and additional on Linux and Windows desktops. From AmigaOS v4.2 AmigaDE also will be available for AmigaOne machines.

To reduce language problems for the Japanese market in particular games are created to be used via icons only, as much as possible. But in the future there will be a localizing service offered, too.

Epic Interactive announced early August to develop AmigaDE software. Amiga Flame asked Thomas Steiding about the reasons behind this PDA engagement.

On reason for Epic Interactive to support the PDA market are the development times of 2 - 3 month for PDA games, which are definite shorter than for desktop games (18 - 24 month). That gives clear less risk.

Since the PDAs don't match the currently popular 3D titles, these represent a completely different market with card games, puzzles, and shoot'em ups which sale well in the PDA market, but would not be accepted for desktops, these days.

Due to the PDAs low performance compared to desktops Steiding thinks Amiga developers to well suit PDA games development, since those rather are used to handle more inefficient machines than e.g. Windows developers are.

Finally he describes the titles Epic Interactive will release, soon. Those also are listed on Amiga PDA Games along with other titles. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 26. Aug. 2001, 14:11] [Comments: 0]
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Dirk Baeyens (E-Mail)

Amiga: AmigaDE Shop online
The AmigaDE Shop went online. The 'AmigaDE Player' for Linux and MS Windows is to be the first product available there. The price is 14,95 USD for advance sale and later 19,95 USD. This player makes it possible to use AmigaDE programs under Linux and Windows. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 26. Aug. 2001, 14:11] [Comments: 0]
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A500: Viper 530 Relaunch Project
The 'Viper 530 Relaunch Project' is an initiative to re-produce the 'Viper 530' for the Amiga 500, which is about a CPU socket extension for the A500 with the following features: CPU 68030 (50MHz), FPU 68882 (50MHz) slot, one SCSI-2 interface, 3 IDE ports (1x2,5", 2x3,5"), up to 128MB RAM (72 Pin SIMM), and Kickstart 2.04.

This project was started by Pablo Esteban Castineria. He asked DCE via e-mail if they would re-produce this card and got in reply that DCE would do so, if enough people are interested in this card. Oliver Day then created the above website to inform about this card and the project.

You can register for the list of interested via (e-mail). There is no obligation to buy. At first this is for learning how much people are interested in this card. The price is up to the number of units produced. The initiators expect 180£. (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 26. Aug. 2001, 14:11] [Comments: 1 - 20. May. 2002, 15:02]
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Fun Time World

Frogger: Audio decoder - ac3dec V0.9
Version 0.9 of the audio decoder 'ac3dec' was released. This version us up to 5 times faster on 68k and 10% faster on PPC compared to the prior version.

The archive contains both 68k and PPC version.

Download: ac3dec.lha (80K) (sd) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 26. Aug. 2001, 14:11] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (email)

Amiga Future: poll and raffle
In the section Interactive of the Amiga Future homepage had a poll been started. The editor staff likes to know which parts of the Amiga Future homepage are good or bad and what should be changed. The participiants giving their opinions (no flames) can win 1 x Myst and 1 x Sixth Sense. Deadline is the 01.09.2001.

Beside of that the status and jobs pages have been updated. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 25. Aug. 2001, 18:30] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOnlineGames (ANF)

Website: 'AmigaOnlineGames' updated
AmigaOnlineGames has made it their task to inform their readers about Amiga games that can be played via network (that is online). For this purpose has a database been built that is growing on and on.

As promised seven games have been added on the website. These ones are:
Jet, Matrix, Overdrive, Perfect General, Tracon 2, Turbo and Wild Wheels. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 25. Aug. 2001, 18:25] [Comments: 0]
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Horst Diebel (ANF)

Amiga-Society: software page updated
Today the 'Little Book of Amiga Software' got an update again. It's mainly a mystery list that contains around 200 games and applications that weren't assigned to a rubric until now. Furtheron some rubrics have been added und during the day some cover scans will be uploaded.

The announced update for the 'Big Book of Amiga Hardware' will not happen before next week. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 25. Aug. 2001, 18:21] [Comments: 0]
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Innovative (ANF)

Poll: Innovative survey 2001
To suit our service and our future product policy better to the market we have put together a little poll to get a more realistic view of the actual market and demand situation after the many turbulances of the past months in the AMIGA market. So we would be very pleased about a good participation. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 25. Aug. 2001, 18:18] [Comments: 0]
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Merlancia Industries

Merlancia: website revised
The American dealer and developer 'Merlancia Industries' has revised their website and partly new designed. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 25. Aug. 2001, 13:35] [Comments: 0]
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Golem: Met@box: one more investors group cancels
»Member of the board of directors White resigned
A second group of investors told the Metabox AG yesterday not being interested in an investment under the given circumstances. Negotiations about alternative ways of financing, among others from shareholders' side, are said to be not finished yet.«
For the complete article see title link. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 25. Aug. 2001, 13:17] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Support Network

Amiga: Internet shop for AmigaDE software from September on
In September Amiga Inc. will open an Internet shop for AmigaDE software. The products there will be presented by Amiga and can be paid via credit card or PayPal. So, next to the 'Sharp Space Town', there'll be an Amiga own online shop available.

Further information is available via the title link, or look at (sd) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 25. Aug. 2001, 00:45] [Comments: 0]
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Alexander Klauke (ANF)

IFA: Allrounder: Sharp Personal Mobile Tool SL-5000
»The Japanese Sharp company will introduce their new pocket sized Personal Mobile Tool SL-5000 on the IFA 2001. The most important tools of this little allrounder are web-browsers, mobile phone, e-mail, and a MP3 player. Quick operation of any business task is guaranteed by the 206 MHz Intel StrongARM processor, 32 MB SDRAM for memory, as well as the operating system Linux OS (kernel 3.4). The users are forced to access the in many cases unfamiliar display keyboard, since below the operating front, which can be pulled off, there is a QWERTZ keyboard. Operating time basically is not limited, the different battery packs can be recharged separately. The SL-5000 can be extended with SD or multimedia cards and compact flash memory cards. Even a video camera module can be connected to it. But the Personal Mobile Tool was not made for business purposes only: The cooperation with Amiga Inc. and their wide range of games make it a small games machine. The device is said to be available at the vendor's from December.« (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 24. Aug. 2001, 23:59] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: New WHDLoad packages
Games which were intended for playing from disk only can be installed to harddisk thanks to WHDLoad. The following packages have been added or updated:

  • 23.08.01 improved: Uridium 2 (Graftgold)
  • 23.08.01 improved: Star Wars (Lucasfilm/Domark)
  • 23.08.01 improved: Rockstar Ate My Hamster! (Colin Jones/Codemasters)
  • 23.08.01 new: No Excuses (Arcana)
  • 23.08.01 new: International 3D Tennis (Sensible Software/Palace)
  • 23.08.01 improved: Ikari Warriors (Elite)
  • 23.08.01 new: Hong Kong Phooey (Hi-Tec)
  • 23.08.01 improved: Hard Drivin' 2 (Domark)
  • 23.08.01 improved: Hard Drivin' (Domark)
  • 23.08.01 improved: Populous 2 (EOA/Bullfrog)
  • 23.08.01 new: Maniac Mansion (Lucasfilm)
(ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 24. Aug. 2001, 09:32] [Comments: 0]
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Bernd (e-mail)

Computerwoche: Multimedia allrounder: Sharp's new Zaurus
In an article by Computerwoche online Sharp's new mini computer "Zaurus MI-E21" is described which is equipped with 32 bit RISC processor and 32 MByte RAM and is able to read Compact Flash and SD-cards (Secure Digital). Its display is 3.5" diagonally, a miniature keyboard can be pulled out. Highlighted are the multimedia capabilities of the Zaurus. The Linux-based device is supposed to be published end of this year internationally.
German Computerwoche online article at the title link.

More articles on the topic:
The Register: Sharp launches next-gen Zaurus, promises 3G wireless version
(ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 24. Aug. 2001, 09:06] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen (e-mail)

Virus Help Denmark: Safe v16.4
A new version 16.4 of the virus detector 'Safe' has been released. Here are the details:

Name: Safe v16.4
Archive name: Safe.lha
Archive size: 36.313 bytes
Release date: August 23rd, 2001
Programmer: Zbigniew Trzcionkowski
Requires: Amiga with OS 2.04+ (xvs.library strongly recommended)

  • Totally reworked VECS option, which now allows to see the most interesting task fields!
  • Finally fixed all BUGS with 000 processors.
  • HitchHiker 5.0 is on the wild! Please wait for more detailed information and AV-software from Vht-Dk. Markus Schmall said he will take a look at this one.
(ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 24. Aug. 2001, 08:55] [Comments: 0]
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CarstenSiegner (ANF)

At last a DVD software player for Amiga?
At last a DVD software player for Amiga? Is it true? Yes, it's AMP2. "Old stuff!", some of you will say since you have been watching DVD's using AMP2 or Frogger.

But it's hardly known that the latest beta version of AMP2 has got direct DVD support including free choice of the video sequence to be played and the language for sound and sub-titles. All that get's configured by requesters which pop up one by one, but only works if AMP2 was started from CLI.

ram:AMP window overlay vcddevice scsi.device vcdunit 2 dvd (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2001, 22:06] [Comments: 0]
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Website: 'AmigaOnlineGames' updated
AmigaOnlineGames took the task to inform their readers about Amiga games playable via network. Therefore a database was created becoming bigger and bigger.

Information about the following Amiga games were added:
Doom, Gloom, Populous, Populous 2, Powermonger, Skidmarks, Skidmarks 2, and Tornado. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2001, 18:22] [Comments: 0]
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John Chandler bei Suite101

For a long time there were no news about the 'KOSH' organisation [Kommunity Orientated Software Hardware] founded by Fleecy Moss. As John Chandler wrote KOSH still does exist and was formal registered in England by the name of Kommunity Systems Limited in May 2001.

Late this year Kommunity Systems Limited will release a 'cross-platform development package':

»Kommunity Systems Limited will be working towards an initial cross-platform development package for later this year, using off-the-shelf open source tools. Kommunity Systems Limited is pleased to announce this will be undertaken in support of hardware developer Ideas2Reality.« (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2001, 11:36] [Comments: 0]
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Idruna Software

Image editing: Photogenics Tutorials online again
Paul Nolan, known by his image editing software Photogenics available for different operating systems, renamed his company to Idruna Software as already reported. At the new domain which then was created all of the Photogenics tutorials now are online again. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2001, 11:16] [Comments: 0]
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CUCUG: Status Register August 2001
The Status Register is the monthly newsletter by Champaign-Urbana Computer User Group. This newsletter deals with topical and important information regarding the Amiga, Macintosh, PC, as well as the computer industry. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2001, 10:57] [Comments: 0]
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Matay: Hardware survey
You will find a hardware survey by the hardware developer Matay under the title link. Matay developed the PCI bus board 'Prometheus', among other things. The company wants to investigate with this survey what hardware currently is in demand and should be developed next. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2001, 10:03] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Emulator: ASp Version 0.81 (Sinclair ZX Spectrum)
Version 0.81 of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator for the Amiga 'ASp' was released.

Download: ASpV081.lha (87 KB) - Readme
(ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 23. Aug. 2001, 09:51] [Comments: 0]
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