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Amiga Society

Amiga Society: News about Action-Strategy Game ´Schlachtfeld´
Amiga Society writes: "There are some new things in Schlachtfeld: Eddy has delivered a few unique things in the textures. This allows an optimized 256 color palette to be displayed. The new pictures are then placed online once again. For all of you who now say "256 colors aren't enough..." there will certainly be more colors available in some later phase. But now is the time to raise high Peter's old motto: the game should run on "any" AGA machine. And for that we have a restriction to the old version. A new alpha is well within reach - it'll be presented as before without a lot of publicity. We hope to have a new Beta very soon!" (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 10. May. 2002, 11:37] [Comments: 0]
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