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New main page
You sure realized by coming here today, we implemented our English news page to the same PHP-system already used for our German page, since some time.

Now you are able to chose your preferred and private settings for displaying the start page.

There are several possibilities you can chose from the buttons above. You can determine if the page should be displayed showing complete news messages (standard button) or with a compact version of each message on it (compact button). You can also determine the number of messages shown or if you rather want a titles only version (titles only button), and all that for a certain number of days.

Just play around with the buttons and press 'Show' to find out what meets your needs, best. Default setting is 'Per page 3 days - titles only'. Furthermore you can chose if you only want messages regarding Amiga to be displayed or if you want to see other messages, too. Just tag/untag the respective check-box.

Once you found your preferred settings you can update your bookmark to have this available all the time. You can also use the cookies function to have a cookie saved with your settings (check-box).

If you prefer the prior display use for your bookmark.

One more feature is the possibility for you to comment news messages. To do so click on the "Comments:" link below any news message or on the number below the comments item to the right of the respective message in the title only version.

We hope you like the new possibilities. Have fun!

Supplement 03 June 2001
Sorry, the system doesn't work properly, by now. For example it is not possible to change settings. Be sure, we are working on it.

And sorry for the wrong date of this message, too. We are also working on that problem. We ask you for your understanding.

Supplement 03 June 2001
Everything seems to work now, incl. changing settings for the start page. There's just this date thing left, but only for this message. I'm currently not able to post messages for the English page, only. This might change in the future. If you encounter any problem using the new start page, please mail me or post a comment to this message.

Update 01.05.2002:
Accepting cookies new and updated messages will be presented in bold stamp.

Update 04.01.2003:
Here you will find more changes.

Update 25.03.2004: voluntary registry in the comment area
More details see in the following messages: 09.03.2004, 19.03.2004 and 24.03.2004.

Please, tell us what do you think about the new features!

[News message: 16. Apr. 2001, 23:28] [Comments: 2 - 06. Jun. 2001, 18:03]
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Richard Kapp via E-Mail

This time we examined the new Workbench-game MagicNumbers and we made MacOSX-like imageset available.

[News message: 16. Apr. 2001, 20:05] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-ML - Aaron Digulla

Since there has been some confusion, here are some reliable infos about the relationship between AROS and MorphOS.

MorphOS wants to provide an Amiga clone and they need some code to fill gaps in their emulation (for example, parts of Intuition). They asked us if they could use our work and, being an open source project, we "allowed" them to port parts of AROS to MorphOS.

This is exactly the same what we did when Haage&Partner approached us whether they can use our Colorwheel gadget in OS 3.9 which we "allowed", too.

I say "allowed" because that is essentially what we want them to do :-) AROS is meant as a test laboratory to develop new technologies which might prove useful for the next versions of the AmigaOS. We do this independently of Amiga Inc, MorphOS and H&P but always with the goal to provide them with something useful as well as providing adventurous Amiga users with something that feels quite familiar.

So AROS and MorphOS have not "joined forces" or become one project. MorphOS just uses part of our work which is what our work is meant for.

[News message: 16. Apr. 2001, 20:05] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
LocalePL_OS39.lha    biz/dbase   96K+Polish locale for OS3.9 ver 1.6-full
EZPagerNG_CE.lha     comm/misc  412K+Send messages to german pagers (Scall,Sk
AKTaskiSMS.lha       comm/tcp    19K+V1.5, YAM2-like Toolbars for TaskiSMS 2.
BabelDoc.lha         comm/tcp    33K+Translate docs or strings from one langu
MWI-SDV31.lha        demo/mag   1.1M+SAVE DA VINYL #31 - packmag by Madwizard
BlitzLstMar01.lha    dev/basic   35K+Blitz mailing list archives for March 20
JMildred_ScrMd.lha   dev/basic  140K+How to use Mildred+BBasic with GFXCards
d65.lha              dev/cross   51K+A symbolic 65xx disassembler
Comal.v3.4.lha       dev/lang   521K+Comal v3.40
m2latex.lha          dev/m2      65K+LaTeX files from Modula-2 and Pascal sou
VCDGear.lha          disk/cdrom 132K+Create VideoCD images for burning or ext
BlackIRC1.1PL.lha    docs/help   11K+Polish Locale for BlackIRC1.1
Lupe1.9PL.lha        docs/help    9K+Polish Locale for Lupe1.9
saku36.lha           docs/mags  1.7M+Saku #36 (2/2001). Finnish e-zine.
Spy3dgame.lha        game/2play 133K+3D game beta for WB (Balrog Soft)
GS650-68k.lha        gfx/conv   816K+AFPL Ghostscript 6.50r2 68k binary
GS650-Data.lha       gfx/conv   1.9M+AFPL Ghostscript 6.50 data archive
GS650-Fonts.lha      gfx/conv   2.6M+AFPL Ghostscript 6.50 fonts archive
GS650-PPC.lha        gfx/conv   905K+AFPL Ghostscript 6.50r2 WarpOS binary
BetaScanMustek.lha   hard/drivr  90K+Mustek/Trust Scanner Driver For BetaScan
mccontrol.lha        hard/hack  723K+V1.60 PSX MemoryCard Reader
Dictionar.lha        misc/edu   207K+Vocabulary trainer for Your data
DIGIOchmann09.lha    misc/edu   127K+Versatile and user friendly vocabulary d
HexCon.lha           misc/math   16K+Simple Hex <-> Dec <-> Bin converter
sprawl.mpg           mods/elbie 5.3M+Sprawl Pneumatique [electro] by ElbiE^t1
TheX0XPackage1.lha   mus/edit    44K+A set of editors for the TR-X0X & TB303
mattaki.lha          pix/misc   214K+[ancor] just a practise
BlazeWCP.lha         util/boot   31K+Very fast Replacement for the OS chunky 
fblit.lha            util/boot  171K+V3.73a Use CPU in place of the blitter.
killAGA2.5.lha       util/misc    4K Run old demos on A1200/4000 hard drives.
VirusExecutor.lha    util/virus 253K+VirusExecutor v2.10
freakbar.lha         util/wb      2K+Toolbar. V1.2.

[News message: 16. Apr. 2001, 16:22] [Comments: 0]
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V³ Portal

V³ Beta Image Decoder Version 18.1
Oliver Wagner released a new betaversion of the image-decoder for Voyager 3.3. The decoder is available for AmigaOS and MorphOS. Attention: This release is only works with Voyager 3.3 (not 3.2 or 3.2.13 !!!).

[News message: 16. Apr. 2001, 13:20] [Comments: 0]
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Apex Designs

Payback Update 3 Released
Apex Designs released the third update for the game Payback. The update is available here. The current demoversion can be found here.

[News message: 16. Apr. 2001, 13:05] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp via E-Mail

URL of PlayGUI Changed
The PlayGUI-support page is now available at

[News message: 16. Apr. 2001, 10:57] [Comments: 0]
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Finnish Amiga Users Group has a New URL
The website of the 'Finnish Amiga Users Group', which is also known as online-magazine 'Saku', is now available under this more easy to remember URL

[News message: 15. Apr. 2001, 23:42] [Comments: 0]
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Interview with Hans-Joerg Frieden
An interview with Hans-Jörg Frieden (Hyperion) has been released at Digital Dream Arena. The interview contains information about several areas. At the beginning Hans-Joerg Frieden describes how he started put with programming and then how he made his way to learn 3D programming. The following paragraph talks about the creation of Hyperion and the port of Heretic II and Shogo for the Amiga, which is close to finishing now. At the end, the interview describes the motivation to develop Warp3D and MiniGL for the Amiga as well as a statement about AmigaOS V4.x and AmigaDE.

[News message: 15. Apr. 2001, 23:42] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via E-Mail

VirusExecutor V2.12
On April 15th 2001, Jan Erik Olausen released version 2.12 of the virus killer 'VirusExecutor'. Compared to former versions, the following changes have been made:
  • The'Bastard'-Link virus can now be recognized and removed. (Thanks to Zbigniew Trzcionkowski for analysing this virus.)
  • The 'TeamMOS TCP'-Trojan has been renamed to 'Zakahackandpatch'. Furthermore a small error in the decrypting code has been removed.

Name : VirusExecutor v2.12
Archive name : VirusExecutor.lha
Archive size : 262.139 bytes
Release date : 15 April 2001
Programmer : Jan Erik Olausen
Requires : xvs.library (included), xfdmaster.library, reqtools.library

Download: VirusExecutor.lha (256K), Readme

[News message: 15. Apr. 2001, 19:00] [Comments: 0]
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Timo Kloss via E-Mail

Graphic Adventure Engine 'INGA'
The graphic-adventure-engine 'INGA' now has got a homepage at Inutilis which contains technical information as well as the current development status.

'INGA' is an engine for graphic-adventures (Amiga) like Monkey Island 3, which has been developed for graphic boards. There is already a game which is being developed using this system, Ermentrud, and more are planned.

The engine includes also a comfortable developer-package which is also presented at the homepage. This will allow everyone to design their own adventures.

[News message: 15. Apr. 2001, 19:00] [Comments: 0]
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Warp3D: Voodoo3 Status
Thomas Frieden(Warp3D, Hyperion) has posted information about the status of the Voodoo3-driver for Warp3D to the Amiga-Mediator-Mailinglist.

The driver is now stable - even after 3 hours of continuous graphics output it didn't crash. The command-FIFO does not work yet, so the speed is still bad.

[News message: 15. Apr. 2001, 17:25] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

New Entries in the Big Book of Amiga Hardware
On April 14th, 2001 the 'Big Book of Amiga Hardware' has been expanded. Following new entries have been added:
  • ISDN Surfer
  • Amigo Ethernet
  • Amigo Serial
  • Shuffleboard

In addition to this there are different, smaller updates, new pictures and correction of a link. The complete list of changes can be found here

[News message: 15. Apr. 2001, 15:18] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

Spitfire²: YAMSync V1.0
Version 1.0 of the YAMSync-Plugin for the Palm-Desktop 'Spitfire²' by Ralph Torchia has been released. This version is only available for registered users. Additionally, the whole website has been reworked.

Spitfire² offers different possibilities to communicate with Palm-PDAs from 3Com, including data-synchronisation with the Amiga.

Download: YAMSync.lha (44K)

[News message: 15. Apr. 2001, 15:18] [Comments: 0]
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Interview with Peter Molyneux (Populous, Black&White)
In MeriStation-Magazine an interview with Peter Molyneux has been released in Spanish. Peter Molyneux is the game designer of Populous, Black&White and other successful games. During the interview, Commodore and Amiga are named.

[News message: 15. Apr. 2001, 14:49] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Magazine: Obligement #26
The current issue of the french Amiga-Online-Magazine 'Obligement' is available for download.

Issue #26 contains amongst others a report about the fair in St. Louis, interviews with Fleecy Moss, Oliver Roberts and Georges Halvadjian(Author of Perfect Paint), tests of Earth 2140 as well as Payback and much more.

Download: obligement26.lha (804K)

[News message: 15. Apr. 2001, 14:34] [Comments: 0]
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Martin McKenzie via E-Mail

Imagine 3D Support-Website with New URL
The support-website of Imagine 3D will be available from now on under the following, newly registered domain .

This is why the E-Mail adresses have changed too. Please use the following from now on:

[News message: 15. Apr. 2001, 01:17] [Comments: 0]
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Happy Easter Holidays!

[News message: 15. Apr. 2001, 00:35] [Comments: 0]
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#AmigaZeux in EuIRC on ANF

dynAMIte CD-Edition Needs Pre-Orders
When we distributed 150 preview disks at the World of Amiga 2000 in Cologne, we didn't know how the Amiga community would accept the then still very young project of a TCP/IP-Dynablaster. During March 2001 we have made dynAMIte available for free download after a long beta test stage. Our website recorded 8000 visitors since December and there are 326 players recorded in the general database, which have played several 10.000 games on different servers.

The success of dynAMIte has encouraged us to improve the game even more : A cd-version with many special features, especially for fans of the explosive rods and a very affordable price is in preparation.

However we have a small problem with the realisation at the moment: dynAMIte is Freeware and it will remain freeware - however we can't offer the CD-Version and its extras for free. Since the project includes a financial risk for us, we would be very happy to receive binding pre-orders - the price will be approximately 30,- DM (15 Euro) including shipping with prepayment. To be able to realize the project we need 100 pre-orders from private customers.

Those who are interested to give us their money in exchange of a fancy silver disk with even more distinguished contents, can report this here. You can however only report your general interest there.

Retailers can bindingly order the game exclusively at AMISOURCE and will obtain a discount, there is no retail at GTI (as long as they don't order at our place themselves). Retailers please use this form! We thank all the persons that supported us

[News message: 15. Apr. 2001, 00:29] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

Golem: Apple brings Darwin to x86 CPUs, too
»Foundation of MacOS X now also as a x86 Version
With version 1.3.1 Apple now puts a new version of Darwin online, the MacOS X core. With this for the first time an official ISO image for x86 systems exists. The Darwin core bases on FreeBSD and Mach 3.0 technologies and offers "protected memory" and "pre-emptive multitasking". Darwin runs on PowerPC based Macintosh machines as well as on x86 compatibles. «
Complete article (German) under the title link.

Apparently Apple has recognized that almost everybody has an x86 at home and offer their OS for them.

[News message: 14. Apr. 2001, 21:56] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

Heise: IBM brings PowerPC for Internet Appliances
»The days of 'one-size-fits-all' for PC micro processor are gone", claimed Scottie Ginn, Vize President of "Pervasive Technology" at IBM Microelectronics. Reason for this wholehearted announcement: the presentation of a system-on-a-chip solution for Internet appliances such as Web-Pads or Surf-Terminals. The so called PowerPC Internet Appliance Platform (IAP) builds on a PowerPC CPU and implements memory, LCD interfaces, as well as an Touch-Screen interface together in that chip. According to IBM the chip is considered to cost about 60USD as for OEM quantities. «
Complete article (German) see title link.

[News message: 14. Apr. 2001, 21:50] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via E-Mail

Virus Help Denmark Report Infected Archive
A new infected archive was found. The archive was infected by "Hitch-Hiker 4.11". Here are the details:

Archive name: FlySwatter.lzx
Archive size: 219772 Bytes
Archive description: AmiTCP/IRC/War Client
Archive info: Flyswatter is an IRC assault program for AMITCP...
Be sure to read the program history
This is the Digital Corruption release of FlySwatter
This release has barely been tested.

Infected files: WarToolz/fakemailer (23.504 Bytes)
WarToolz/mflash ( 9.444 Bytes)
WarToolz/qmail_exploit (11.364 bytes)

All common anti-virus programs can detect the HitchHiker 4.11 link virus.

[News message: 14. Apr. 2001, 15:49] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Klopsch on ANF

iFusion is Shipping
As a pre-orderer after 18 month of waiting I received the iFusion today, at last. The longish longed for PPC version of the MAC emulator for my AMIGA.

A for now Cybergfx 3 and 4 are supported. There is no "direct" support for Picasso96, yet. A "new world class" MAC OS version is needed. The OS included with the MACs was said not to work. In contrast to that the version available from the vendors was said to work.

[News message: 14. Apr. 2001, 13:39] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via E-Mail

New VEPatch.Brain for VirusExecutor Version 1.30
Name: VEPatchBrain v1.30
Archive name: VEPatchBrain.lha
Archive size: 22.057 Bytes
Release date: 13. April 2001
Programmer: Jan Erik Olausen

Changes since last version:
fastlayers.library v40.48
rtg.library 40.3945 + 40.3992

[News message: 13. Apr. 2001, 21:11] [Comments: 0]
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Pawel Filipczak on ANF

TaskiSMS Version 2.53 Released
The new version 2.53 of TaskiSMS has been released.
New in this version:
  • bugfixed ICQ plug-in and ICQ UIN/password preferences added
  • reduced stack usage for "about" window
  • some bugs in the program functions fixed
  • updated Lycos plug-in
  • HandyLand plug-in added
  • "do not wait for server response" added so that the sending of SMS is speeded up
  • 50 new countries added to the support list
  • some missing bubble helps added
  • Jumpy plug-in deleted

This program allows you to send SMS to mobile phones in 160 countries of the world. The program can be downloaded either from the TaskiSMS-homepage or from Aminet Aminet.

[News message: 13. Apr. 2001, 21:05] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc.

Executive Update by Bill McEwen
Bill McEwen - April 12, 2001

Greetings to one and all:

What a wonderful time it was for us in St. Louis. I must thank our hosts Bob and Diana Scharp and all of the members of the Gateway Amiga Club. They once again outperformed and kept things rolling.

I want to make very clear what the announcements were and what it means for Amiga and the rest of the Amiga Family.
  1. Amiga has made NO change in strategy with AmigaDE. Things are going great, as expected, and we have some impressive new customers; Sharp being the first.
  2. Amiga OS 4.0 and beyond was announced. This is a staged series of releases that will bring a native port of the AmigaOS to the PPC. This is NOT about WarpOS, vs. anybody. It is an Amiga Inc. port of the OS. You may infer nothing else from this.
  3. AmigaOne A1200 is the first new hardware, for the Amiga, and we are still planning a standalone ATX board and other new pieces of hardware. AmigaOne for the A1200 will be out this summer. We are then looking at releases later in the year, for the new standalone designs.

  • AmigaDE doing great and on target with the goals that we set forth and we will continue development efforts.
  • AmigaOS 4.0 out this summer with the first of the AmigaOne Zico specification machines.
  • Sharp is a new partner of Amiga Incorporated. More will soon be released about our relationship.
  • There will be more partners and more announcements soon.
  • This is a great time to be part of the Amiga Family.
  • For more in-depth information there is a new technical update to be posted later today.

I thank you all for your support and look forward to a very exciting year before us!

Bill McEwen, and the rest of the team at Amiga, Inc.

As promised in McEwen's Executive Update, meanwhile technical details are available:

Technical Update Part 1
Technical Update Part 2

[News message: 13. Apr. 2001, 00:43] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via E-Mail

Virus Help Denmark: Safe Version 15.2 Released
Version 15.2 of Safe was released. Viruses can be detected by Safe, but not removed from the system. Here the details:

Name: Safe v15.2
Archive name: Safe.lha
Archive size: 28.873 Bytes
Release date: 12. April 2001
Programmer: Zbigniew Trzcionkowski
Info: needs xvs.library v33.24

[News message: 12. Apr. 2001, 22:00] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Wilps on ANF

WarpJPEG V44.20 & WarpPNG V44.15 Datatypes Available
On Oliver Robert's homepage new versions of his JPEG & PNG datatypes for 68k and WOS were released.

Download at the title link.

[News message: 12. Apr. 2001, 21:50] [Comments: 0]
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Lars Decker on ANF

Amiga under QNX
Here the Amiga is mentioned as multitasking system, shortly. It is interesting that the Amiga used runs under QNX.

[News message: 12. Apr. 2001, 21:50] [Comments: 0]
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Elbox Website with New Design
The Elbox website has got a completely new look enabling easy navigation, now. But the site seems to be under construction, yet. Most of the buttons still don't contain any information. For example under 'Download' there isn't the driver software expected for download.

[News message: 12. Apr. 2001, 15:57] [Comments: 0]
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Raymond Zachariasse via E-Mail

The GUI Research (TGR)
At TGR at this time a survey on the new AmigaDE's graphical user interface (GUI) is organized. Under 'Survey' you can find more details and the queries.

Bringing the next UI design and engineering into the new millennium

....your vote could change the future of Amiga's GUI...

[News message: 12. Apr. 2001, 11:45] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc. and Elbox Announce Relationship
April 11, 2001, Snoqualmie, Washington, USA.
Amiga Inc and Elbox working together for Amiga OS 4.0 and beyond

Amiga Inc is pleased to announce a long term relationship with Elbox Computer Ltd of Krakow, Poland. Amiga Inc announced the development of AmigaOS4, the latest version of the high performance, user friendly operating system that introduced multimedia to the world at the St Louis trade and user show on the 31st March 2001. To support AmigaOS4, Amiga Inc also released the Zico hardware specification targeted at PowerPC processors. Elbox Computer Ltd are working closely with Amiga Inc to ensure that their existing and future products will gain Zico certification, and thus provide a perfect platform for AmigaOS4.

'St Louis marked the beginning of the future.' said Bill McEwen, President and CEO of Amiga Inc. 'Key to that is the Amiga community moving forwards in a single direction, united and determined. With Elbox as a partner, another key Amiga company has joined the drive forwards towards success.'

'Our long-term commitment to computer technology is now giving tangible results in the Amiga market,' said Maciek Binek, CEO of Elbox. 'Now, with the Amiga Inc. initiative, we can see a clear sign of future-oriented thinking and strategy, a breakthrough for this computer. We hope Amiga will soon again become the common word.'

'Elbox have taken a major role in not just supporting the existing Amiga market with their many products but also in providing a path forwards.' said Fleecy Moss, CTO of Amiga Inc. "Our relationship with them will ensure that their existing customers can benefit from AmigaOS4 whilst new users coming to the Amiga will have additional excellent choices in the hardware that they can buy.'

AmigaOS4 is currently under development and will ship in Summer 2001. Elbox products can already be purchased from all major Amiga dealers, and their next new product, the SharkPPC+ will be available along with the premiere of the AmigaOS4 system.

About Amiga:
Amiga Inc. provides technology to developers for writing and porting applications to a new multi-media operating systems which is hardware agnostic. AmigaDE is a joint development effort between the Tao Group of Reading England, and Amiga Incorporated. AmigaDE () based applications can run unchanged on x86, PowerPC, M Core, ARM, StrongARM, MIPS R3000, R4000, R5000, SH 3, SH4, and NEC V850 processors. The AmigaDE can run hosted on Linux, Embedded Linux, Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, CE and QNX4. Amiga is based in Snoqualmie, WA, 28 miles east of Seattle and has offices worldwide. Amiga can be reached at (425) 396-5660 or visit Amiga on the web at

About Elbox:
Elbox Computer Ltd of Krakow, Poland is a privately held company that has been in business since 1982, and has grown rapidly from its industrial systems roots, now having a significant presence in peripherals, multimedia systems, high performance motherboards, enclosures, application software and general computer subsystems. Its products are used throughout the world and set a new standard in price, performance and customer satisfaction. For further information, please send an email to or visit Elbox website at Was corrected from AmigaOS into AmigaDE by Amiga Inc..)

Translations: Spanisch von SAUG

[News message: 12. Apr. 2001, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Update Patches for StormC4
There is a first update for StormC which solves several problems and improves as well as completes the support of Mixed Binaries and Shared Libraries. Download site.

[News message: 11. Apr. 2001, 22:06] [Comments: 0]
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Mariusz Wloczysiak via E-Mail

Elbox: S3 ViRGE Driver for Mediator
Elbox announces of having completed the official driver for S3 ViRGE PCI-cards which can be used on the Mediator Busboard. According to Elbox the drivers are 100% compatible to Picasso96 and support the complete 2D-hardware of the cards.

[News message: 11. Apr. 2001, 20:55] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Music Preservation - Major Update
Amiga Music Preservation (AMP) has got a new design and a lot of new information.

AMP which has been founded by Curt Cool and Crown is a powerful collection of modules of demo scene musicians meanwhile on 16 (!) CDs in all which additionally offers information to well-known scene musicians as well as over 200 interviews!

[News message: 11. Apr. 2001, 20:48] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Elsner via E-Mail

FTPMount Version 1.3
In addition to ClassAction I have uploaded FTPMount on my homepage.
This is an improved version (1.3) of the program which was developed by Evan Scott and Thies Wellpott.
With FTPMount you can handle FTP-sites just like directories on a harddrive.

Download: ftpmount.lha - 137 kB

[News message: 11. Apr. 2001, 19:53] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Kuerzinger via E-Mail

AKTaskiSMS v1.5
On the homepage of Andreas Kürzinger you can download version 1.5 of AKTaskiSMS from now on. It is a German catalog for TaskiSMS2.5 as well as two alternative toolbars in YAM2-style (MWB- as well as RomIcons-colours) and an icon in 32-colourful AKIconGold-design.

[News message: 11. Apr. 2001, 19:46] [Comments: 0]
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No Risc No Fun on ANF

NRNF: Interview with Oliver Smiles (Abode of Golgotha)
At No Risc No Fun you can find an English interview with Olvier Smiles. He created the great Abode of Golgotha Saga (H2 AddOn) which we have recently tested for you. The TaskiSMS 2.52 review at our site is also rather new. We have added 120st screenshot to our WB gallery. Come and find out how you can design your system more beautiful.

[News message: 11. Apr. 2001, 17:09] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

Chip: First Details to Matrox G550 Graphic Chip
»On the English spoken hardware-website there are specifications and details to the new graphic chip by Matrox for the first time. The next Matrox-graphic card is to be called G550 and have the following features:
  • Made in 0,18 micrometer-process
  • 1x, 2x and 4x AGP
  • 360 MHz RAMDAC
  • 32 MByte DDR SDRAM
  • OpenGL- and DirectX-API-Support
  • 256-Bit DualBus-Architecture
  • Matrox Extended Dual-Head-Function
  • Vibrant Color Quality2 Rendering-Technique
  • Environment-Mapped Bump Mapping (EMB)
  • Matrox Skinning
  • Displacement Mapping
  • Ultra Sharp DAC
  • Integrated TV-out DAC
  • High-quality DVD-Playback

Reactor critical refers to an "unofficial" source, but which is supposed to be very reliable.«
See title link for full article.

[News message: 11. Apr. 2001, 14:57] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

The Register: PowerPC G5 to hit 2GHz (Update)
»Motorola is pushing ahead with the design of the PowerPC 7500 - aka G5 - company sources have claimed, according to a report over at MacOS Rumors.
We're sure they are, but we're not so sure the report's claims are entirely accurate except in a very broad sense. The report's information is a little too close to the details displayed on Motorola's last publicly released roadmap, dating back to September 1999.
According to the report, the G5 will boast speeds of 2GHz and up, "full-performance backward-compatibility", 512KB of on-die L2 cache a new memory architecture and a modular design allowing the company to offer multi-core chips. It will be fabbed at 0.1 micron using silicon-on-insulator construction.«

[News message: 11. Apr. 2001, 12:42] [Comments: 0]
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Benjamin Yoris via E-Mail

Hyperion Entertainment welcomes Amiga`s OS4 Strategy
In the aftermath of the recent announcement by Amiga Inc. that the Classic Amiga OS would be ported to PPC, many users have asked us to comment on the technical merit of Amiga's OS 4 strategy and what it would mean for games and 3D graphics.

Prior to Amiga's announcement, senior software engineers of Hyperion Entertainment identified the key bottlenecks in the Amiga OS which hampered the performance of our games: the slow 68K based filesystem, the 68K based RTG system, the lack of virtual memory and the dual CPU architecture of the current PPC boards which generates performance-crippling context switches.

Amiga OS 4 will address all these issues and do much more.

We can confidently predict that with Amiga OS 4, users can look forward to performance levels never before seen on the Amiga.

Hyperion Entertainment has therefore signed on to develop the 3D API for Amiga OS 4 and provide a fully featured OpenGL(tm) implementation through Mesa 3.4.

All our current and future game-titles will take full advantage of everything that OS 4 has to offer.

Unlike some who unashamedly claim that « games don't play an important role anymore in the current Amiga market », we are committed to once more make the name « Amiga » synonymous with top-quality entertainment software.

Senior staff-members of Hyperion Entertainment will continue to work with Amiga Inc. to ensure that Amiga OS 4 will provide everything game-developers need to accomplish the goal of putting Amiga back at the forefront of gaming and 3D graphics.

Ben Yoris

Hyperion Entertainment Software
PR Manager

[News message: 11. Apr. 2001, 12:37] [Comments: 0]
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Fabian Zaengel on ANF

New Infos about AmigaOne
You will find new pictures of the AmigaOne in an Amiga- and ATX-towercase and the latest FAQ and information for dealers at the title link.

At you can find an interesting forum where Fleecy (Amiga, Inc.), Eyetech, and Hyperion are answering questions about the AmigaOne and AmigaOS4.x. A homepage for the operating system is planned for this week.

[News message: 10. Apr. 2001, 14:46] [Comments: 0]
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New Link Virus Found
A new linkvirus was found. Until now it is not known which archive installs the virus, but "Safe V15.1" is able to find it. More details at the title link.
Download: Safe.lha

[News message: 10. Apr. 2001, 13:31] [Comments: 0]
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VirusExecutor v2.11 Released
Version 2.11 of VirusExecutor, the virus killer, is released. This update can handle the TCP-trojan (we reported). Details:

name: VirusExecutor v2.11
archive: VirusExecutor.lha
archive size: 258.521 bytes
release date: 10. April 2001
coder: Jan Erik Olausen
needed: xvs.library (included), xfdmaster.library, reqtools.library

[News message: 10. Apr. 2001, 13:23] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Steiding via E-Mail

e.p.i.c. ports "The Feeble Files" to MAC and MorphOS
e.p.i.c. interactive entertainment gmbh has signed a license agreement to port Adventuresoft's cartoon adventure "The Feeble Files" to the MACINTOSH. The game puts you to play an alien called Feeble who works for the crop circle division of a dictatorial government but somehow get involved in a rebellion to overthrow the system. But you will quickly learn that Rebellion really has never looked so pAtHeTiC.

The MAC version will require a 180 Mhz PPC CPU, MacOS 8.6 or higher and 32 MByte Ram. The game is scheduled for release in May 2001. You will find more detail on the game in the projects section of our homepage.

A version for the alternative PPC OS MorphOS is also planned.

[News message: 10. Apr. 2001, 13:15] [Comments: 0]
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Thorsten Will via E-Mail

"SECRETLY!"(DemoScene) Looking for GFX Artist
"SECRETLY!" is looking for some gfx artists for future projects (demos and so on). If you are interested, send some examples of your work and a little bit about yourself to or to Some information about the group you will find at the title link.

[News message: 10. Apr. 2001, 02:27] [Comments: 0]
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