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Filesharing: Audiogalaxy Satellite for AmigaOS version 1.1.1 (cvs 1.38)
There's an update to version 1.1.1 been released (cvs 1.38). AudioGalaxy is a known P2P file sharing service. For Linux exists an open source conversion named "OpenAG", now there's a version of this for AmigaOS available. Further details can be found in the readme.

The program can be downloaded from the home page of the author. In addition you need the ixemul.library (at least v48, to be found on the home page, too) to run the program.

For those who are not familiar with AudioGalaxy yet:
The AudioGalaxy client owns no GUI (graphical user interface) as it runs only in the background. Just run the program, then create an account at and log in using a web browser. Optionally one can use the frontend FSWatcher by Thomas Igracki.

The file search itself as well as the downloads will then be done via web browser. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. May. 2002, 12:05] [Comments: 0]
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