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clickBOOM: 666 for PPC-Amiga announced
As announced in the most recent S-File, clickBOOM have today on schedule disclosed details of the first game. The game is 666, which would most likely be labelled 3D-Action-Adventure, and is clickBOOM's own development.

Supposedly 666 is to contain many untypical twists, and is planned for release for Power-PC Amiga, Mac and Windows in the third quarter of 2003. clickBOOM are still looking for games programmers.

Sofia Tsiotsikas, public relations officer at clickBOOM, also addresses the rumours that clickBOOM was to be bought out by a large video game company, but clickBOOM decided against the takeover to stay independent. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 07. May. 2002, 12:02] [Comments: 0]
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