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Fun Time World (ANF)

Fun Time World: Distribution of Frogger&SoftCinema quicker now
Some users who ordered Frogger or SoftCinema are still waiting for delivery. Unfortunately we had to stop the distribution short-dated to look for a better solution. The former kind of distribution has taken too much time and therefore wasn't to handle anymore. We had the choice either to stop the distribution at all or to think about a better solution. After some talk with the developer we found an alternative possibility to maintain the distribution and to deliver the software quicker than before.

Everyone who ordered software from us but hasn't received it, has been informed by us about the next steps. New orders will now regulary be sent within the next three days, but also often within the same day.

With Frogger and SoftCinema you will get video/animation player set which is capable of playing mostly all known formats. The development of that software still continues so there will be steadily new updates, which will include not only new features but also significant speed increasements. The player set is time limited available at our old page (title link), the new site is expected to be online from May, the 13th 2002. Of course there are orders per e-mail possible as well. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 07. May. 2002, 21:28] [Comments: 0]
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