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Emulator: WinUAE V0.8.22 release 5 (update)
On January the 26th 2003 the feature list for version 0.8.22 release 5 of the Amiga emulator 'WinUAE' for Windows has been released. The emulator itself will be published in February 2003. Compared to the last version the following has been changed:

Bugs fixed:
  • CD32-mode media change detection
  • SlowRAM detection fixes (commando and more)
  • more compatible CIA keyboard emulation (Back to the Future 2 and more)
  • another bsdsocket.library emulation update
  • another state restore fix
  • fixed mouse problems in Space Crusade, Billy the Kid etc.
  • writing to custom floppy images was unstable
  • primary sound buffer-checkbox removed and disabled. It is useless and usually only caused huge slowdown problems. NOTE: Users of R3 or R4: Make sure primary sound buffer-checkbox is disabled.

New features:
  • configurable boot priority and device name for regular (non-RDB) hardfiles and virtual directory filesystems
  • FPU state file support
  • more compatible Action Replay 1 support
  • "Middle-Mouse-Button -> ALT-TAB" works now in fullscreen mode
  • configurable keyboard LEDs (DF0, DF1, DF2, DF3, POWER, HD, CD)

We were told within the comments that "WIP" doesn't mean it would be published already but still a work in progress. Because of that the news item has been modified accordingliy. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 29. Jan. 2003, 19:20] [Comments: 1 - 30. Jan. 2003, 12:24]
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Constantinos Nicolakakis

Tool: SRename version 3.6.0 beta
Constantinos Nicolakakis has released the beta version 3.6.0 of the tool 'SRename'. With this tool, working with AmigaOS 3.0+, it is possible to rename files comfortably.

Download: SRename360beta.lha (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 29. Jan. 2003, 19:06] [Comments: 0]
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Information about 21 ST CAP "The new site for AMIGA"
The new site for AMIGA is come back, 21 ST Century amiga production opening your site for the Amiga's user, your site is French and your site propose the information about AMIGA, there are lot of images of 3D realised on AMIGA and lot of information about the utilisation of 3D in general in the first party and the two party is for the new encyclopedie for AMIGA, "les chateaux de la loire en sologne" (CASTLES OF THE LOIRE IN SOLOGNE), 100mo of complete history of the monuments French, lot of musics and prochainement the encyclopedie in the WEB the encyclopedy is on the CDROM for the moment, in the future, lot of projects of new encyclopedy (THE VAR/cote d'azur in FRANCE and the PYRENNES). (ps)

[News message: 29. Jan. 2003, 18:00] [Comments: 0]
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Data base: XBaze version 7.2
Rafal Kaczmarczyk has released version 7.2 of his data base 'XBaze'. This program offers an easy to use editor for the fields of the data sets and for the layout (drag&drop). It works with AmigaOS V3.0. Further information is to get from the XBaze-7.2.readme.

Bugreports and suggestions might be send to the following address:

Download: XBaze-7.2.lha (518 KB) (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 29. Jan. 2003, 14:41] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Uploads until 29th January 2003
Since our last message there have been the following updated on Aminet:

AYS-Extralife.mpg    demo/file   53M+ "Extralife" by Abyss
RBGlowIcons.lha      pix/gicon   54K+ Real Bout glow icons

[News message: 29. Jan. 2003, 14:24] [Comments: 0]
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IOSPIRIT: IBrowse 2.3 released
We are pleased to unveil that a distribution agreement with Stefan Burström and the IBrowse Team has been signed and we are now the worldwide distributor for IBrowse (support for IBrowse is still done by the IBrowse development team, though).

Furthermore, we are pleased to announce the immediate release of the eagerly awaited update to IBrowse 2.2.

IBrowse 2.3 brings web browsing on AmigaOS to a new level - below is a brief summary of the changes since version 2.2:

  • Heavily enhanced JavaScript support, based on JavaScript 1.5 and revision 3 of the ECMAScript specification, allowing access to sites which was not possible before
  • Secure connection support is now available via AmiSSL v2, which can be configured extensively in the IBrowse preferences. Importing and exporting of certificates is now also supported.
  • Greatly improved general stability and memory leaks plugged
  • Improved GUI, including enhanced browser tab functionality (such as drag'n'drop, keyboard support)
  • Issues with the ARexx interface have been fixed and new commands added
  • Hundreds of other minor and major bug fixes + improvements, and more workarounds added to improve compatibility with broken sites
All these improvements greatly improve the browsing experience, and allow IBrowse to offer compatibility with many more websites than before.

For further information, news and product support, please visit and our IBrowse-subpages. (ps)

[News message: 29. Jan. 2003, 13:02] [Comments: 0]
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Maja (ANF)

Linux: KDE 3.1 released
The GUI for Linux, KDE, is now available in version 3.1. In the long list of new features are mentioned e. g. 'Tabbed Browsing', a new download manager, new themes and a theme manager, and enhancements of the system management.

Its look is orientated on Windows XP and MacOS X as the screenshots show.

Binaries are available for ASP Linux (7.3 Intel i386), Conectiva Linux (8.0 Intel i386), Debian (Intel i386, IBM PowerPC), Slackware (8.1 Intel i386), Suse Linux (8.1 Intel i386, 8.0 Intel i386, 7.3 Intel i386 und IBM PowerPC, 7.1 Intel i386), Turbolinux (8.0 Intel i586, 7.0 Intel i586, Yoper (1.0 Intel i686 tgz), and VECTORLINUX (3.0 Intel i386).

Download: (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 28. Jan. 2003, 22:46] [Comments: 2 - 23. Feb. 2003, 01:47]
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Markus Nerding (ANF)

H&P: StormC 4 Special Offer
Glashuetten, 28. January 2003: H&P has a special offer for all Amiga developers - for just 49,95 EUR you can get the complete version of our C/C++ development system StormC 4. As there has not been much movement in the Amiga software field during the past two years we want to get find out if there is still interest in such a development system.

Besides many other features the highlights of StormC 4 are:
network capabilities, distributed Make, CVS, modified GCC compiler with Amiga hunk format, global full text search, extended editor, debugging of tasks and shared libraries, and the new StormDOC. Here you will find more informatin on StormC. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 28. Jan. 2003, 20:38] [Comments: 0]
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Ralf Steines (E-Mail)

Back to the Roots: Statistics
Each year, when we look at our server statistics we ask ourself where all these Amiga friends are hidden. The traffic increases and increases. How comes people still say that the Amiga is dead? ;-)

To see a few facts from our server stats, use the link. (ps)

[News message: 28. Jan. 2003, 12:00] [Comments: 0]
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Dirk Baeyens

Einde van de Nederlandse / Vlaamse vertaling van
Our Flemish speaking readers will be surely sad to read the following message from Dirk Bayens in which he announces that he stops the translation of

Hallo de Amigafans in Nederland en België, ik ben tot mijn besluit gekomen om te stoppen met de vertalingen van het Amiga Nieuws. Ik had er de laatste tijd niet veel zin meer in om de vertalingen te doen en daarom heb ik besloten om er mee te stoppen. Ik heb nu ongeveer 3 ½ jaar het nieuws vertaald en ik ben zeer tevreden met dit resultaat. Als je maar bedenkt dat ik eigenlijk bijna geen noot Duits kon en dat ik zeker geen vertalingslessen gevolgd had. ;)

Mijn eerste en belangrijkste gedachte (nog steeds) was om de nog resterende Amiga Gemeenschap wat bijeen te houden en te informeren over het Amiga Gebeuren. In het begin was het wat stilletjes maar nadien waren er vooral uit Nederland veel Hits te noteren maar laten we zeker die enkelingen uit Vlaanderen in België niet vergeten! Ook kreeg ik af en toe eens een leuk emailtje of had ik ergens een leuk gesprekje met iemand wat mij dan terug oppepte voor enkele maanden. :)

En nu na meer dan 3 jaar zijn we hier nog altijd bezig met onze Classic Amiga, er zijn er wel al een paar afgevallen maar langs de andere kant zijn er enkele ex-Amiga Fans teruggekomen of hebben in ieder geval hun 'ouwe doos' terug bovengehaald. :))
Ik denk dat zolang onze oude Machienes het fisiek uithouden dat er nog wel altijd ergens een Amiga Fan zal opduiken die het wel nog eens wil proberen. En het doet toch nog altijd goed als we zo iemand kunnen helpen, wat ik vooral op de AmigaScene en de amig@club mailinglijsten heb meegemaakt, bedankt jongens en doe zo voort!

Op deze moment werk ik nog altijd op mijn Amiga 1260/603 maar stilletjes aan ga ik deze vervangen door mijn nieuwe AmigaOne, vanzodra deze volledig in orde staat natuurlijk, zodat ik dan al mijn huidige Amigasoftware er op kan draaien. Het is op dit moment een traag maar amusant gebeuren, vooral met dat linux gedoe enzo, maar geen nood mijn beste vriend Stany zal mij hier wel bij helpen. :))

Ik heb nog nooit een andere Computer gehad dan een Amiga (en ik heb hier zo wat vanalles staan) maar deze AmigaOne (of Pegasos, voor wie dat systeem verkiest) is toch wel een heuse stap in de nieuwe wereld van vandaag. Ik ben nu bezig met Suse er op te zetten met nadien UAE voor PPC, maar ik zal toch wel echt blij zijn als ik er terug een snel werkende Workbench op te zien zal krijgen met AmigaOS 4.0.

Zo, ..., ik heb in ieder geval veel bijgeleerd over de Amiga (en andere systemen) in de laatste jaren alsook over de Amiga Gemeenschap op zichzelf, en ik ben blij dat ik er een deel van mag uitmaken. Voor mij gaat in ieder geval alles gewoon verder op zijn Amiga's en zal de Toekomst moeten uitwijzen waar we naar toe moeten gaan. Ik denk wel dat we op het goede spoor zitten, maar we moeten wel zoveel mogelijk elkaar helpen en verdragen (andere systemen).
Ik denk zo dat je het mag vergelijken met dat van de evolutie van de auto's. Ikzelf heb hier een 17 jaar oude opel staan en hij werkt nog altijd prima, maar als ik naar het nieuwste model kijk van exact hetzelfde merk en model, dan is het toch wel heel verleidelijk om niet toe te grijpen. Een nieuwe auto zit er voor mij helaas niet in, maar een nieuwe Amiga dat kon ik me juist wel nog permiteren. ;) Ik denk ook dat het in de Toekomst met de computers een beetje zal worden zoals bij de auto's, namelijk alle merken die sterk op elkaar lijken, bepaalde stukken die door gespecialiseerde firma's worden gemaakt, het samenvloeien van bedrijven, enz..
. Ik denk dat we stilletjes aan de strijdbijl mogen begraven en onze vredespijp eens mogen opblinken. :) Maar een Amiga Fan blijf ik voor altijd in Hart en Nieren!

Zo, hier ga ik afsluiten met mijn voorlopig laatste vertaling. Mijn Site blijft natuurlijk verder online zodat jullie het nog altijd eens kunnen nalezen. Als er iets verandert ofzo zal ik het hier laten weten. Bedankt iedereen voor de belangstelling en zeker ook nog een grote bedankt aan het team welk op vrijwillige basis nog altijd verder gaat met het brengen van het nieuws en een heel grote bedankt aan Petra Struck de oprichtster en leidtser van

Als er onder jullie zich moesten geroepen voelen om deze vertalingen van verder te zetten mogen jullie me altijd wel een emailtje sturen. Ik weet dat velen onder jullie het gaan missen maar op de amig@club site vindt je ook wel 'up to date' Amiga Nieuws in het Nederlands en vergeet vooral het AmigaScene magazine niet wat toch nog het belangrijkste is wat we hier hebben in de Benelux. Bedankt allemaal.

De groetjes, Dirk.

AmigaScene magazine:
amig@club :

Mailing lists:
amig@club (Dutch)
AmigaScene (Dutch)
BBCC Amiga (Flemish) (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2003, 19:47] [Comments: 0]
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heise Newsticker (ANF)

heise: Yamaha closes CD burner production
Yamaha will manufacture no more burners. In the Amiga range Yamaha burners are far common, since they are well supported in terms of software.

The complete (German) article can be found at the title link. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2003, 19:31] [Comments: 0]
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Tim S. Müller / Binary Distillery

Library: render.library Version 40.6
API-conformant re-implementation of render.library in ANSI C. This version is a drop-in replacement for render.library, which was written in 68k assembler (versions prior to v40).

If your software doesn't work with this release, submit problem reports to

Download: renderlib.lha - 137 KB (ps)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2003, 15:10] [Comments: 0]
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z5 (ANF)

A.D.A.: CLASSIC time
Amiga Demoscene Archive was updated with two classics in Amiga demoscene history and one very promising newcomer!

Productions added are:

Tint/The Black Lotus: no need to introduce this one, is there? Offa and Equalizer, backed up by a whole bunch of talented graphicians (Rodney, Louie, Danny and Facet) and Azazel responsible for the music. Tons of effects, cool graphics and real party atmosphere. Do you smell the flowers?

Gift/Potion: From the duo who are probably from another planet, Mavey and Skip, comes this 64Kb intro. Lasting for more than 10 minutes, with very cool music, effects and design, this is one mindblasting intro!

Trauma/Unique: A very promising newcomer to the Amiga demoscene, pc demogroup Unique released their first Amiga intro a couple of weeks ago. Well worth checking out! (ps)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2003, 14:03] [Comments: 0]
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Faces of Mars (ANF)

New freeCD: World Factbook 2002
The CDROM version of the World Factbook 2002 (publisher: CIA) contains English language information to all countries in the world, like short history, geography, inhabitants, system of government, economy, communication, infrastructure, military and more. Furthermore a map and the flag are included, the latter to each country also with description. All information is also available in a special formatting for printing purposes.

The whole World Factbook is written in HTML, thus it can be run problem-free on all computer platforms, including Amiga, Linux, Mac, MorphOS and Windows and costs 3,- euro. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2003, 12:05] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 27th January 2003
Since our last message there have been the following updated on Aminet:

gelbesPanel.lha      comm/tcp    35K+Another MiamiDx Control Panel
DAmikiss.lha         game/misc  337K+Deluxe AmiKiss
AmiBlocks.lha        game/wb    146K+A puzzle game for OS 3.x. C sources. V0.
WBTriz_v07c.lha      game/wb    538K+The best Tetris for WB!
PfPaint_V291b.lha    gfx/edit   2.1M+Paint,Anim from 1 to 24bits
Sv5-IFX.lha          gfx/misc    14K+SView5 - ImageFX loader/saver V1.1 (15.1
Sv5-UX.lha           gfx/misc    24K+UXFormats 1.0 for SView5 (15.1.2003)
Sv5Add100.lha        gfx/misc    90K+*Add-On* for SView5 V1.00 (15.1.2003)
imdbDiff030117.lha   misc/imdb  2.5M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
amoon.lha            misc/sci   100K+Map of the Moon
WeatherStation.lha   misc/sci   209K+Interface to Heath ID-5001 Weather Compu
EP_TomyTracker.lha   mus/play     9K+EaglePlayer "Tomy Tracker" external repl
PlaySID.lha          mus/play    20K+Playsid.library for Catweasel H/W SID
QuickSketch.lha      text/edit   19K+A simple WB-prg to sketch and write in.
Textloader.lha       text/edit  632K+TextEd (V 8.2c) german/english SuperED!!
PLConverter.lha      text/misc   46K+Text Converter for Polish users only (I 
BibVision.lha        text/show   99K+Bible text viewer for 68k/WarpOS. V1.5
LzxRepacker.lha      util/arc    17K+Repack LHA/ARJ/ZIP/RAR/... to LZX.
UnRAR3-10B1.lha      util/arc   270K+UnRAR 3.10 Beta1
LockEye.lha          util/boot  425K+Lock Eye
MemTrailer.lha       util/boot    4K+Allocates 16 bytes for memory-protection
TxtToHTML.lha        util/conv   91K+Converts txt files to HTML Docs (+GUI v1
PPDecrypt.lha        util/crypt  16K+Decrypts PowerPacker executables
ChkIndex.lha         util/misc   10K+Check aminet indexfile for equal entries
DagensTV.lha         util/misc   23K+Viewer for the TV-guide e-mail from Dage
Frogger-GUI.lha      util/misc   19K+Reaction GUI for FroggerNG
MultiRen.lha         util/misc  194K+Powerful multi-file renaming tool (MUI)
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc  305K+Report+ 5.64a: Multipurpose utility
AmiStart_PL.lha      util/wb     12K+Polish Locale for AmiStart 0.63.

[News message: 27. Jan. 2003, 02:28] [Comments: 0]
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Lars 'Ghandy' Sobiraj (ANF)

Music: New modules by Moods
The Amiga based music group 'Moods' published some new songs. They are available as OctaMED as well as MP3 files. Furthermore the homepage has been rewritten. Now should be displayable with every common browser currently available for the Amiga. Like before, everyone is invited to comment the songs and by doing this help others to find the music he is looking for. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2003, 01:03] [Comments: 0]
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Lars 'Ghandy' Sobiraj (ANF)

Music: New module by Liquid Skies Record
Also the music group 'Liquid Skies' was not inactive in the meantime. Lcr published with 'Another drink' psychedelic hip hop song. A new expenditure of the chippack liquidation is likewise in the preparatory phase. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 27. Jan. 2003, 01:02] [Comments: 0]
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Dirk Ohms (E-Mail)

AmigaFun Homepage News
The AmigaFun homepage is accessible again under the following address:

The page has been revised in best time by DJBase (Matthias Münch) and has a new Web space. A new Web chat is in the works and we will keep you informed about that. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2003, 22:52] [Comments: 0]
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Mirjam Streit (ANF)

Survey - Which surfing type are you?
If you want to find out which surfing type you are you should take part in this (German only!) survey. It also serves a study in the area Paid Content and Web Services for a degree dissertation at the UAS Würzburg-Schweinfurt. We are happy about every filled-out questionnaire. For the protection of your personal data, the survey is carried out anonymously. The data are deleted immediately after evaluation. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2003, 22:41] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

Powerkonverter finished (incl. VideoCD authoring), picture lists, etc.
Carsten Siegner writes:
The full version of Powerkonverter is herewith finished. I have split the installation archive into three separate archives:

I will do the documentation subsequently. I will start writing soon :)

Please note for picture lists that these are treated automatically, so please do not enter %04d or similar.

Powerkonverter now allows to write data strictly in accordance with the Codec directives, so that they are also compatible with Windows computers. I have tested this initially with ASF and Mpeg on a Windows 2000 system. ffmpeg, however, is not able to write WMA audio data into the ASF file (only AC3, mp2 and mp3), so one can only create videos without sound. Then again, the Mpeg playback doesn't get stuck anymore.

Please note: Of late, Powerkonverter creates a copyright string in the video file. Thus no Internet videos may be converted which are to be put on one's home page. Btw, the string can be displayed with the Windows Mediaplayer.

VideoCD authoring
  • New: Now 7 instead of the former 5 video tracks are supported.
  • Ceased: All ISO strings which used to be important for the old Philips players (DVD players don't need them).
  • Ceased: Only VCD2 mode is supported anymore as the other two are unimportant (they can't be played back by DVD players).
(ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2003, 20:33] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Lan Party Team (ANF)

Amiga Lan party in Braunschweig cancelled
The Amiga Lan party in Braunschweig, which had been planned for 8th and 9th February 2003, has been cancelled due to lack of participation.

At the current number of registrations the operating expenses for a LAN party don't make sense. We, the organisators, regret having to realise that there is hardly any interest within the region, and thus cancel the party. Sorry to all of those who had registered.

If the assessment should change some time during the year, we would be glad to start a new try.

Cyborg & Maniac (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2003, 20:19] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Bähren (E-Mail)

Greenpeace energy: Internet to become nuclear energy free
Press release - Greenpeace energy: Internet to become nuclear energy free

Nationwide provider with clean energy opens portal "" - Operation of Web sites now possible without nuclear and coal power.
Please read the English fact sheet (PDF, 108k) for more information.

Hamburg, 26. Januar 2003 - Ohne Atom- und Kohlestrom startet Greenpeace energy eG in Kooperation mit dem Hamburger Provider NMMN Internet Services GmbH ab morgen sein Internetportal "Atomstromfreies Internet". NMMN versorgt alle seine Server mit Strom von Greenpeace energy und bietet sowohl für Privat- als auch Geschäftskunden Leistungspakete für alle Bedürfnisse an. Damit setzt die Genossenschaft den dramatisch wachsenden Stromverbrauch durch die Internetnutzung auf die energiepolitische Tagesordnung.

Mehr als die Hälfte aller Menschen in Deutschland nutzt bereits das Internet. Die rasant wachsende Infrastruktur des Netzes (PC, Leitungen, Anschlüsse, Server, etc.) frisst immer mehr Strom - trotz zunehmendem Einsatz energiesparender Geräte. Wie das Wuppertal-Institut Klima, Umwelt, Energie errechnet hat, wuchs der Stromverbrauch für das Internet in Deutschland in den Jahren 2000 auf 2001 bereits um rund 35% auf 6,8 Milliarden Kilowattstunden. Das entspricht in etwa dem Jahresstromverbrauch von rund 220.000 Haushalten. Für 2010 erwarten die Klimaexperten einen Zuwachs um bis zu 460% auf rund 30 Milliarden Kilowattstunden. Entgegen dem relativ stagnierenden Gesamtstromverbrauch entwickelt sich der Stromverbrauch durch den Internetbetrieb zu einem erheblichen Umweltproblem.

Zur Zeit kommen in Deutschland über 80% des Stroms aus Atom- und Kohlekraftwerken. Ausgehend von dem derzeitigen Strom-Mix trägt das Internet zu erheblichem Umweltschaden bei. So gehen auf das Konto des Web in Deutschland fast 5,8 Tonnen hochradioaktiver Atommüll sowie 4 Mio. Tonnen des klimaschädlichen CO2.

"Sollten die Prognosen zum Stromverbrauch eintreten, so würde das Web allein in Deutschland in 2010 eine Strommenge fressen, die der Jahresproduktion von drei großen Atomkraftwerken entspräche", fasst Robert Werner, Vorstand des Hamburger Stromversorgers, zusammen. "Dagegen möchten wir mit unserem Portal aktiv werden".

Mit dem Portal "" wollen Greenpeace energy und der Provider NMMN - New Media Markets & Networks, beide mit Sitz in Hamburg, dazu beitragen, das Internet auf eine saubere Stromversorgung umzustellen. Die Strom-Zusammensetzung für die Server kommt zu ca. 70% aus regenerativen Energiequellen und zu rund 30% aus gasbetriebenen Kraftwärme-Kopplungsanlagen. Ab Anfang Februar wird das Angebot um ein kostenloses E-Mail-Postfach für jedermann erweitert.

Kunden von Providern, die mit Greenpeace energy-Strom hosten, können sich das Label "Atomstromfreie Website" auf die Homepage setzen und damit ihre umweltfreundlich gehostete Internetseite dokumentieren.

Die unabhängige Genossenschaft Greenpeace energy eG ist einer der führenden Anbieter von sauberem Strom auf dem liberalisierten Energiemarkt und versorgt zur Zeit bundesweit über 17.000 Privatkunden sowie rund 400 Geschäftskunden. Mit über 10.200 Mitgliedern ist sie binnen drei Jahren zu einer der mitgliederstärksten Verbrauchergenossenschaften in Deutschland gewachsen.

Die NMMN Internet Service GmbH ist Internetdienstleister und Spezialist für Security-Lösungen. Sie hat sich vor allem im sog. "Open-Source"-Bereich und der Linux-Szene einen Namen erworben und gehört zu den wenigen in der IT-Branche, die entgegen dem Branchentrend wachsen.

Please address any queries to: Andreas Bähren, GREENPEACE energy eG, Norderstraße 99, 20097 Hamburg; (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2003, 17:11] [Comments: 0]
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Christopher (ANF)

Instant messenger: mICQ Version for Amiga and other systems
Version of mICQ has been released for Amiga and other systems. mICQ is a very portable ICQ program which runs in text mode - it runs on Linux, BSD, AIX, HPUX, Windows, AmigaOS and, with restrictions, BeOS. Originally it had been written by Matthew D. Smith, yet largely rewritten since by Rüdiger Kuhlmann, in particular the necessary support of version 8 of the ICQ protocol, internationalisation, file transfer as well as some code restructuring.

Download: micq- (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 26. Jan. 2003, 12:44] [Comments: 0]
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25.Jan.2003 (ANF)

Soms3D: Online poll and new screenshots
On the 'Anime Development for Amiga Page' is now the poll regarding the question what to do with the Soms3D-Engine online. The poll can be accessed via a link on the main page (title link).

Furthermore had some screenshots been put online. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 25. Jan. 2003, 20:08] [Comments: 0]
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derStandard: Worm makes the Internet swaying
»"Slammer" starts DoS attack and uses security leak in Microsoft's SQL server 2000
A worm brings big parts of the Internet to a standstill. It seems to use a security leak in Microsoft's SQL server 2000. The pest starts a kind of DoS attack over the UDP port 1434 reported the security mailing list BuqTraq. The Internet traffic is said to show already massive disturbances. Further Internet sites measuring the Internet traffic can be found here
For the full article follow the title link.

Another article regarding this subject:
heise online: Worm brings parts of the Internet to a standstill (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 25. Jan. 2003, 17:17] [Comments: 0]
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Instant Messenger: Jabberwocky V1.3 - 7. preview
Tom Parker and Matthias Münch have released preview 7 of the Instant Messenger 'JabberWocky' version 1.3 for Amiga computers. Jabber is an open XML protocol for the direct exchange of messages.

Connections to other Instant Messengers like AIM, ICQ, MSN and Yahoo is possible via gateways.

Download: Jabberwocky030125.lha (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 25. Jan. 2003, 16:51] [Comments: 0]
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Linux Games (ANF)

WaterRace Source Released
Jonathan Gray wrote in to announce that the source code to WaterRace (screenshots) has been released under the terms of the GPL. WaterRace is an OpenGL offshore racing game originally written for the classic Mac OS. The source is available only as a Stuff-it Expander file. (ps)

[News message: 25. Jan. 2003, 13:48] [Comments: 0]
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25.Jan.2003 (ANF)

Kultpower: New cover scans and Powerplay reviews
On are some new cover scans as well as six new PowerPlay reviews taken from the Powerplay 1/1999 online:

  • Baldur's Gate (PC CD-ROM)
  • Die Siedler 3 (PC CD-ROM)
  • Fifa 99 (PC CD-ROM)
  • Grim Fandango (PC CD-ROM)
  • Kings Quest 8 (PC CD-ROM)
  • Tomb Raider 3 (PC CD-ROM)

Because of the smaller print of the later Powerplay issues are these reviews quite big (200 - 500 KBytes), so I wish you a "Happy Download" :)

New magazines under "Mehr Mags":
  • Next Level with seven cover scans
  • Sega Magazin with 25 cover scans
  • PC Joker with ten new cover scans
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 25. Jan. 2003, 13:46] [Comments: 0]
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Elbox Computer (E-Mail)

Elbox MIRAGE for A1200
Elbox announces availability of a new tower system for Amiga 1200 computers. Mirage 1200 is a modern functional and spacious tower case. It is designed targeted for these Amiga 1200 users who have upgraded or want to upgrade their computers with the Mediator PCI 1200 SX busboards. Mirage 1200 allows also using other busboards like Mediator PCI 1200, Zorro IV, Zorrro IV with Mediator PCI ZIV and Zorro II.

Mirage 1200 tower system with 5 bays for 5.25" drives, 6 bays for 3.5" drives and a powerful 300W ATX PSU is ready for massive expandability of your A1200 hardware. Mirage 1200 replaces the discontinued E/BOX 1200 (also known as A1200 Power Tower and A1200 Winner Tower), the award-winning Amiga tower system. With the new design, we are offering you even more Amiga expandability, right at your fingertips.

For more information see the complete press release under the title link and the Mirage 1200 website. (ps)

[News message: 25. Jan. 2003, 01:32] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Krenner (ANF)

'Extreme Amiga 600 Upgrading' website updated
The, for now only in English available, website Extreme Amiga 600 Upgrading has been updated in the area "Modifying the Apollo". The website documents an upgrading project for the Amiga 600 and delivers comprehensive information around the small Amiga. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 25. Jan. 2003, 01:25] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF) First AmigaOne review
On there is a first review of the AmigaOne. An "Earlybird" customer describes his experiences made of the system and of the installation of Linux. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2003, 18:40] [Comments: 0]
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Norman Thiel von Heise News (ANF)

PCI Vendors list available again...
The PCI Vendors list is available again after a threat of a lawyer because of an inadmissable use of protected trademarks.
Have a look at the title link for the full article. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2003, 17:01] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Heine (ANF)

Statement of Genesi concerning trouble of delivery
On Genesi has given its opinion on the current trouble of delivery of the Pegasos. It is said that Genesi is waiting for more Articia-chips of Mai. Until Genesi will get and afterwards test it a delivery of the present chip version is expected which works without any errors thanks to the April chips in the Pegasos.

Besides this Genesi tests an alternative but something more expensive chip so in future it may be possible to work together with a different seller.

At the end of 2003 MorphOS may also be published for Macintosh computers but probably only as an executing second unit for applications which should be also offered for the Mac. In this connection it is asked if there is anybody who is interested in porting "wxwindows" on MorphOS. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2003, 16:44] [Comments: 0]
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M. Lück (ANF)

End of GRex petition
M. Lück wrote:
Today is the end of the GRex-petition. Until today 296 users have subscribed. TriMa and me want to thank you for your support. Unfortunately this petition has failed. I want to explain in the following lines why it is so.

Two weeks after the start of the petition I have sent the first list with all signatures (without email addresses) to DCE per email. I got an answer of DCE at once. DCE wrote that they would be glad about a support of OS4 and that they are interested in the current discussion.

We got the information of Steffen Häuser that the cybpci.library written by Ralph 'Laire' Schmidt will not work in the 68k emulation because of the 68k MMU setup. So the petition still became more important because presently GRex users have no chance of getting AmigaOS 4.0 started. We got all information per email which Hyperion needs to support the GRex. Four addresses are needed:

  • The base of GRex I/O address
  • The interrupt acknowledge address
  • The base address of config space mappings or
  • the PCI-config and PCI-data address

No circuit diagramm, hardware or software documents are needed. These information I sent DCE per email. I have not got any response until today.

Then we got the information that bplan has the hardware rights. This means DCE has only a licence for the GRex. If this is true or not we do not know. One week ago I contacted Mr. Carda per email for getting clearness. But I also have not got any response until now. That is a pity.

Now we hope that we can attract attention by posting this article.

Thank you very much again to all participants...
The attempt of moving something forward means so much to us - also if it may fail. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2003, 16:41] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet Uploads until 24.01.2003
Since our last message there have been the following updated on Aminet:

TinyGL.lha           dev/c      188K+Subset of the OpenGL API for AGA/CGFX/P9
AMIthlon_CD.lha      docs/help    2K+How to make an updated bootable AMIthlon
PfPaint_ENG.lha      gfx/edit    42K+English documentation for PerfectPaint V
PfPaint_FRA.lha      gfx/edit    45K+French documentation for PerfectPaint V2
ShFGlowIcons.lha     pix/gicon   25K+Shadow Fighter glow icons by Ponos
littlejedi.mpg       pix/mpg     13M+Science fiction made on Amiga/Draco
Milk.lha             pix/wb     139K+Creamy white 1024x768 desktop snapshot b
XenoMorph_Icon.jpg   pix/wb     228K+XenoMorph's MMX Icons conversion PREVIEW
IBGold.lha           util/wb     17K+Gold appearance for IBrowse 1+
IBSilver.lha         util/wb     28K+Silver appearance for IBrowse 1+
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2003, 11:53] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

First working beta of Powerkonverter
Today I have published a working version of my program called "Powerkonverter". Currently it supports all important basic functions of ffmpeg and additionally the "Motion Estimation" preference. Videos can be splitted or changed. Besides this all formats are supported which has been newly added.

But in this version pictures series will not be recognized. This will be the next step.


Unpack the archive, copy the corresponding libs to your Workbench/libs directory. For starting the program you need to be installed the PNG datatype. ffmpeg must be in the system path (c:, s: or something like that). I have copied ffmpeg to c:.

I have programmed a PNG-GUI because then the program itself has only the half size compared with an IFF version. Additionally PNG datatypes are also available in PPC versions which accelerates the program.

ESC: Quitting the program
Return: Starting ffmpeg
Control + C: Aborting ffmpeg
Space: Stopping the console output of ffmpeg
Backspace: Continuing console output of ffmpeg

I have not implemented a seperate button for starting ffmpeg because it is simply unpractical. You can confirm the shortcuts on each place in the GUI like e.g. the Return key. If you want to test a newly preferenced figure only push the Return key for starting ffmpeg with the new figure.

If you want to program yourself new figures in the cycle buttons it is quite simple. The program directory contains several text files ".txt". These ones you can rewrite up to a certain level. The only thing which can be not changed is the amount of the entries. In the same way it works with the format lister. You can write your own formats if they are not there yet.

Later I will also add the automatic picture identification and the VideoCD option.

Download: Powerkon_beta.lzx (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Jan. 2003, 09:55] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Amiga Future: New Survey and More
Two new surveys have been started on the Amiga Future Homepage. Additionally the results appear from the last survey, which was "What browser do you use?"

Until 25th January there's a raffle in which you could win a Shogo and a Wendetta 2175. With this raffle we want to support Thomas in creating the FAQs. Also, the links and the cheats collection have been updated. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2003, 22:51] [Comments: 0]
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ExtremeTech: Amiga: Live Another Day
Olin Wread, a reader of Extremetech, has written a multipage, English-language article about the history of the Amiga.
Click on the title link to go to it. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 23. Jan. 2003, 15:41] [Comments: 0]
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