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Mario Börner (ANF)

Falke34: Homepage online again and Bekuna Version 1.9R4
Aftr some query with the provider is the homepage of Falke34 online again. In the meantime there were several updates on this site, e.g. the informations on the game Tales Of Tamar (site partly under construction)are updated.

Also an update for the greetings program ´Bekuna´ Version 1.9R4 from Kuno Naumann is available for download. The program has many features like greting depending on daytime, display of date, time, summertime, moonphase and sign, and reminder of birthdays and events.

Download: BekunaUpd.lha (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 11. Jun. 2002, 16:24] [Comments: 0]
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Autor: Mirko Naumann

Hardware: Serial ATA (SATA) - The new port for hard drives
On the website of Acard, the manufacturer of the IDE-to-SCSI adaptor, you can see that these people are still busy and have released new adaptors. Now they support transfer rates up to 160 MB/sec (LVD-SCSI).

The new port is one of the climaxes of the Computex. More and more manufacturers of mainboards, controllers, and hard drives have products with the successor of IDE and E-IDE (up to UDMA-133) in the program. Serial ATA should replace the parallel ATA complete until February 2003.

The advantage of SATA is the easier and more stable connecting. Timing problems are history. Also the new cables with 4 to 8 poles ease the circulation of air inside the tower because they are not blocking the stream.

SATA uses up to 4 direct point-to-point connections between controller and one device per connection. This doubles the maximum of possible devices. Problems with jumpers and bus-termination are no longer expected, because every wire is terminated at both ends in the chip. A defective device will not effect the others.

SATA is designed for using period of 10 years with two duplications of performance up to 600 MB/sec. At start a transfer rate of 150 MB/sec is supported, slighlty less than LVD-SCSI with 160 MB/sec. Some of the other features are the break through of the 137 GB limit of harddrives, "hot-plug"-abilities, and 1st-Party-DMA.

The first devices will maybe available in third quarter 2002, but some manufacturers of mainboards have started to implement it into their chipsets.

Amiga users can use the new harddrives with an adaptor on normal ATA ports (from UDMA-33) or (maybe the better solution) with bridge adaptors on SCSI. A question about that is send to ACARD, but still on the way. The answer will be presented here. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 11. Jun. 2002, 16:06] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New packets (until 11.06.2002) (Update)
With WHDLoad you can install games you only can play on disks on your harddisk. The following games are added or updated:
  • 11.06.02 new: M1 Tank Platoon (Microprose) done by JOTD
  • 11.06.02 new: Killerball (Microids) done by JOTD
  • 11.06.02 new: Guy Spy (Ready Soft) done by JOTD
  • 11.06.02 improved: Road Wars (Arcadia Systems) supports another version, new icons
  • 10.06.02 new: Dream Web (Empire Software) done by Dr.Zarkov
  • 10.06.02 new: Invasion (Sector Software) done by Codetapper
  • 10.06.02 improved: Deuteros (Ian Bird) supports another version
  • 10.06.02 new: Blasteroids (Tengen/Image Works) done by Psygore
  • 10.06.02 improved: Super Cars (Gremlin) now compatible with emulators, manual included
  • 05.06.02 improved: Battle Isle (Blue Byte) minor changes

[News message: 10. Jun. 2002, 19:37] [Comments: 0]
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Bernd Rösch (ANF)

AmiBlitz V2.26 new distribution with extended documentation (Update)
A new distribution of AmiBlitz 2.26 is now available. This new distribution includes an extended documentation, many libs are now described in the online guide and the different syntaxmodes are now described.

editors note:
We are not able to say something about the differences between the above version and the one reported by Amiforce on 08.06.2002. If you anything about it feel free to tell us.

Update 12.06.2002:
David McMinn explained us the difference:

I saw your note on the AmigaNews site, that you could not see the difference between the different AmiBlitz distributions, so I thought I would clarify.

First of all, Bernd Roesch has updated the editor and compiler greatly, and convinced Acid software to release Blitz Basic 2 for free, under the name AmiBlitz2. However, Bernd did not provide a ready-made package for users to download and use, only updates.

I decided to create an user distribution which would provide everything a person needs to start programming in AmiBlitz as I have been maintaining the Blitz2000 site for a few years. Of course, since AmiBlitz is free, anyone can do this if they choose, such as CJ Stroker has done on the AmiForce site.

The differences between the distributions on the Blitz2000 and AmiForce sites are that they have different contents and are aimed at different people. For example, the distribution provided by AmiForce does not seem to have the acidlibs and deflibs files, so you already need a working installation of AmiBlitz to use it (they might have it in other archives on the site though, I have not looked through all of them). The AmiForce site is also more useful for German speaking programmers, as a lot/most of the documentation they have is available in German (for example, the AmiBlitz manuals). The distributions on the Blitz2000 site are available in different sizes and have all the documents for the libraries included in the archive, as well as useful tools and the library files mentioned above.

The only thing which would be nice to keep the same between all distributions is the default set of libraries that are provided. Bernd suggested this as it makes everything easier from the viewpoint of everyone has the same libraries to start off with.

Sorry for the long mail, but I hope this clears the situation up :) (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 10. Jun. 2002, 19:29] [Comments: 0]
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bruZard's blitzbasic

Programing: BlitzBasic - BSP2B3D Converter Version 0.3 (Update)
Jens 'bruZard' Henschel wrotes:
Due to the fact that there seems to be some interest in BSP2B3D I uploaded the current version today. There are no changes since the last release but it should be enough for most of the users. This is the Windows version of the program. (ca. 1 MB) (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 10. Jun. 2002, 15:24] [Comments: 0]
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10.Jun.2002 Interview with Olaf Barthel by Pods (title link) released a substantial interview with Olaf Barthel. The interview was made by Pods. Olaf Barthel is involved in the development of AmigaOS since 1995 and gives his view on the new AmigaOS 4.

At the end of the interview Olaf Barthel answers questions of users of (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 10. Jun. 2002, 12:52] [Comments: 0]
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Mr.Vain (E-Mail)

Demo-Scene: SECRETLY! - In memory of Jan Horn
In Memory of Jan Horn (Sulaco of Secretly!) 08 June 2002
We just received some extremely sad news. Our coder and man behind the site "Jan Horn" passed away 06 June 2002, 18:30. Apparently he was involved in a car accident.

He will be greatly missed in the Delphi Game/OpenGL development community and in our hearts!! No words can explain our loss, we miss you! Our sympathy goes out to his family and friends. May his memory live on!!! (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 10. Jun. 2002, 11:34] [Comments: 0]
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Linux Gazette

Magazine: Linux Gazette #79
Issue 79 of online Linux Magazine "Linux Gazette" has been published. Apart from Linux specific articles, time and again the magazine also contains contributions and information that might also be interesting outside the Linux world. Issue #79 contains the following articles:

  • Dillo--a Web Browser as Fast as Lightning, by Matthias Arndt
  • Cracking open proprietary envelopes, by Adrian J. Chung
  • Help Dex, by Shane Collinge
  • Compiler Design with Python, by Dinil Divakaran
  • A Linux Fax Server for a Windows Network, by Pedro Fraile
  • Writing Your Own Toy OS (PART II), by Krishnakumar R.
  • The Foolish Things We Do With Our Computers, by Mike Orr
  • Improving Hard Disk Performance with hdparam, by Piter Punk
  • Qubism, by Jon "Sir Flakey" Harsem
  • Getting started with PIC 16F84 on GNU/Linux, by Jerry Sebastian
  • A Framework For Writing Application Servers In C++, by Rob Tougher
(sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 09. Jun. 2002, 21:50] [Comments: 0]
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TrueType Font Rendering: ttrender.library V3.1
On 9th June 2002, Grzegorz Kraszewski has published version 3.1 of TrueType font render engine "ttrender.library" for AmigaOS. According to the author, this version entails a noticable increase in speed. This was obtained by improving memory allocation. The re-allocation of memory during the drawing of each single letter has been eliminated.

This version of the library is based on the FreeType V2.0.9 sources of the project of the same name.

Kraszewski is targeting two goals when porting: Expansion of FreeType's functionality and seamless integration into AmigaOS.

Download: ttrender-3.1.lha (78K) (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 09. Jun. 2002, 21:22] [Comments: 0]
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Tool: MCP V1.39
Version 1.39 of multi function tool MCP ("MasterControlProgram") is available for download.

The mcp1_39u archive is the update for version 1.38 and only contains the files updated against V1.38. The mcp1_39 archive contains the complete version 1.39.

Download: (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 09. Jun. 2002, 18:17] [Comments: 0]
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XFree86: Open Source 3D driver for ATI Radeon 8500 announced
Jens Owen of Tungsten Graphics announces an Open Source 3D driver for the ATI Radeon 8500 for Q4, 2002. This will be developed as a 3D-DRI-Driver for the XFree86 X server. Development is sponsored by the Weather Channel.

The source code of a TCL (Transform, Clipping and Lighting) driver's alpha version for Radeon is accessible through the Tungsten Graphics project page (Radeon right at the end of the page). (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 09. Jun. 2002, 18:17] [Comments: 0]
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BarsnPipes (ANF)

Music: Bars'n'Pipes V1.14
Yesterday the new version 1.14 of MIDI sequencer Bars'n'Pipes, further developed by Alfred Faust, has been published. The following features have been added in this version:

  • Screenmode requester
  • GadTools user interface
  • Most requesters operable via keyboard
  • CAMD library
  • New 32 colour design
  • Localisation
  • German catalogue included
  • and much more
Please read the included for changes.

Download: download/ (532K) (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 09. Jun. 2002, 17:18] [Comments: 0]
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Digital Almanac (ANF)

Digital Almanac III and Amithlon
At the "Amiga Freunde Pfalz"'s Amiga Party, Achim Stegemann had the opportunity to test DA III under Amithlon on a Pentium 4 (1.6GHz) and GeForce 3 equipped PC. An animation of the star chart at a resolution of 1024x768 and a colour depth of 16bit resulted in a frame rate of ca. 10 fps. This is about ten times as fast as on the development machine (PPC604e/200 and 68060/50 with CVPPC). (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 09. Jun. 2002, 17:10] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Society

Little Book of Amiga Software: Games list updated, 14 new entries
The games list in the "Little Book of Amiga Software" by Amiga Society has been updated. Furthermore, the following titles have been added to the software directory:
  • Goal!
  • Dizzy Dice
  • Beam
  • Police Quest 2
  • Starball
  • Night Dawn
  • Streetgang
  • Khalaan
  • The three Stooges
  • Silent Service II
  • Seek & Destroy
  • Their finest Hour
  • Christoph Kolumbus
  • Jurassic Park

Your help is needed to keep the Little Book of Amiga Software current and informative. Please send the following information to
  1. Scans of software, of which there are no pictures available yet.
  2. Supplemental informationen about software in the Little Book of Amiga Software.
  3. Information about software not yet mentioned on the pages.
  4. Software instruction manuals.
(ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 09. Jun. 2002, 13:15] [Comments: 0]
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Browser: Further development of AWeb at
Henrik Mikael Kristensen writes on ANN that is willing to host a development site for AWeb free of charge. Due to lack of time, he himself can not participate in the development but will be able to help with setting up the site and organizing development. provides CVS, PHP4 or JSP/servlets and MySQL, mailing lists, news groups, FTP, backups etc. to Open Source projects.

The complete text by Henrik Mikael Kristensen is accessible through the title link. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 09. Jun. 2002, 10:01] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Datatype: wbmpdt V1.0 for WAP bitmap images
On 7th June 2002, Stephan Rupprecht has published version 1.0 of his wbmpdt Datatype for WAP bitmap images. This is this Datatype's first publication.

Download: wbmpdt.lha (5K), Readme (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 09. Jun. 2002, 09:58] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Amiga Future: Raffle to new FAQ
On Saturday, a FAQ section with tips and suggested solutions for problems of all sorts has gone online in the interactive area of Amiga Future. It was created by Thomas Rapp. The section is subdivided into more than 15 subcategories, amongst them: AmigaOS, programming, emulators and emulation, Internet, PowerPC, viruses and CD writers.

To this there is a raffle until 20th June 2002. A full version of iFusion will be raffled amongst all contributions to the FAQ. The creator of the best contribution will receive, quasi as a reward, the full version of The Feeble Files.

Multiple contributions are possible. Of course the tips may not be pinched or already contained in the FAQ. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 09. Jun. 2002, 09:58] [Comments: 0]
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09.Jun.2002 Download area
Wayne Hunt of has taken the publication of the AWeb source code as an opportunity to open a download area on People are still being searched for the expansion and administration of this area. The download area is accessible after registration with (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 09. Jun. 2002, 09:58] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Amiga Future: Review of the game 'Chips'
Today a review by Matthias Jakisch of the puzzle game Chips has been published on the Amiga Future homepage. The player has to adopt the role of a professor at a laboratory to assemble a computer from parts scattered around the laboratory.

The game by Ventzislav Tzvetkov requires an Amiga with 1 MB RAM and is available for download on Aminet.

Download: Chips.lha (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 09. Jun. 2002, 00:56] [Comments: 0]
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Maja (ANF)

ELSA: new founded devolo AG produces new edition of industry modem Microlink 56k
The on 2002, 1st May in Aachen founded devolo AG brings a new edition of the successfull industry modem Microlink 56k i to the market. So the good ELSA quality doesn't go completely lost.

The team of the devolo AG consists of 25 former workers of the ELSA AG who bring each up to 18 years of experience in data communication into the company. The ELSA AG was founded in 1980 as spin off of the RWTH Aachen. As pioneer of the data communication ELSA brought in 1988 the first by the Deutsche Post accepted modem to the market. For more than 20 years could ELSA establish themselves as leading provider in the area of the data communication and the computer graphics. Dramatic market changes prevented lasting synergies between the different business fields, though. Heiko Harbers, former vice president consumer products at ELSA and now founder and chairman of devolo, draws the obvious conclusion out of this: a clear focussing on the business field data communication and a clear tightening of the portfolio by concentrating on profitable succeeding products is the devolo motto. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 08. Jun. 2002, 23:15] [Comments: 0]
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Amiforce (ANF)

Amiforce: big update - AmiBlitz V2.26
Amiforce has after a longer period of time an update to announce.

The start make some cosmetic changes that had taken most of the time. Many errors had been removed and especially the selected colours got a change after some criticism. Whether it looks better now may be judged by everybody on his/her own. ;-)

There's now a new, error reduced version of Amiblitz 2.26 in the Amiblitz section. It's again an update archive that contains next to the English version also the German one. A new Image.res that enhances Amiblitz with further graphical possibilities is also included. GlowIcons are now used and bring the boring old fashioned look to an end. As the old archive contains the new one bilingual docs.

Download: amiblitz2.26.lha (658 KB)

Furthermore there's a little 3D tutorial in the Amiblitz section included. This will be removed in the near future again, though, as it will be completely revised and expanded with example sources. Soon will a beginners course be started that will then lead to different areas. The 3D part will be done by Sterix (a programmer and my best guy) who is training at present on Amiblitz. The first sources look really great. In this direction there'll come quite some things. ;-) Some examples (demos) that could make people very interested in Amiblitz will follow, too.

The softguide section had been opened, too. The beginning is done with Amisat. For this there'll be soon a detailed manual in the helpguide rubric released. The other sections will be updated again, too.

Amiforce has now a new forum, too. All interested are invited to enter. Almost all contributions of the old forum had been taken on. So it's not a start at zero. Thanks go to Matthias Münch for his support.

Further material is already being worked on. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 08. Jun. 2002, 15:15] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Pachl (ANF)

Browser: AWeb is Open Source!
As can be read following the title link are from this day on the sources for AWeb free available. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 08. Jun. 2002, 14:48] [Comments: 0]
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GFX-BASE: German translation of the DynAMIte review
On the GFX-BASE had a German translation of the review of the 'DynAMIte - Special Collectors Edition' CD-ROM been released today. We'd like to thank here very much Stefan Donati for his translation. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 08. Jun. 2002, 14:45] [Comments: 0]
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Björn Dehmel (ANF)

AmigaOne in the PC Magazin (German print magazine)
In the current issue (07/2002) of the German "PC Magazin" there's a short article about the AmigaOne on page 26. It's given the title "AMIGAOS 4.0 - The ball bounces again". The article contains the already known stuff about the AmigaOne hardware and the AmigaInc. licensing model. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 08. Jun. 2002, 14:42] [Comments: 0]
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08.Jun.2002 (ANF)

The Amiga demo scene lives!
Since six months do Ghandy & Zito out of the Amiga demo scene release a regular disc mag again. The name is "Jurassic Pack". The latest issue #10 is an anniversary issue - one reason more to party - and can easily be downloaded under (title link)! Especially recommendable as this issue's motto is "Oldskool"! (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 08. Jun. 2002, 10:31] [Comments: 0]
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Computer City (E-Mail)

Computer City: New Amiga keyboards - Cherry Amiga Cybo@rd
Computer City announces that they have keyboards with Amiga-logo. For further information in English, German or Dutch please have a look at the title link. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Jun. 2002, 20:30] [Comments: 3 - 13. Jun. 2002, 17:42]
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Vapor (ANF) David Gerber takes over management of Oliver Wagner
Due to time constraints on my part, David "Zapek" Gerber will now take over project and release management of the vapor products.

This doesn't mean that I'll stop working on them or so, but managing a project is more than just that. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Jun. 2002, 19:30] [Comments: 0]
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A.S.Munde (ANF)

DocDatatypes v40.40 released
Amarpreet Singh Munde has released an update of DocDatatypes. DocDatatypes are a set of datatype classes for documents. The list of supported formats include: MS-Word (Windows, Mac, OS2), RTF, WordPerfect, Write, MS-Works, AmiPro, WordStar, WordStar 2000, Pocket Word, Quill, XyWrite III, Psion Word, Psion TextEd, Palm DB TEXt Doc (pdbdoc), TEAL docs, RichReader, First Word Plus, Mac Write, Mac TeachText and Mac Text.

New for this version (40.40) is the support of MacBinary MS-Word files.

There is also the latest version of FindFile in the archive. A new fast, easy to use file finder application that offers search by name, size, date, and even file type.

Available to download only from (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Jun. 2002, 19:17] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Nerding (ANF)

PageStream news to version 4.1
For owners of version 4.1 of Amiga and Windows there is a corrected German localisation. At the Amiga version the 4.1-functions have translated and at the Windows version the faults of the graphics of the editing palette have been debugged and the help and hints work again.

All customers who have entered their names in our new product registration will get the access to the current version and files. Customers who still did not register can make up for it: Registration.

Because PageStream 4.1 now finally is complete including the German documentation, German localisation (except the Mac-version) H&P presents a special for new customers. For a limited time the full version of PageStream will be available to a special price for all versions. PageStream is one of the few products which is available for three platforms (Amiga, Windows, Macintosh) with the same version number.

If you want to get more information please have a look at the title link. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Jun. 2002, 19:15] [Comments: 0]
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Bill Buck und Raquel Velasco (E-Mail)

Thendic-France: Pegasos news
Next Production Run of the Pegasos SOLD OUT!
"We would like to announce that the next scheduled production of the Pegasos has been sold out. Boards have been set aside for friendly developers, but all others have been sold.

Another production of the Pegasos will follow in July." (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Jun. 2002, 19:11] [Comments: 0]
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Peter Hutchison

Printers: New drivers for HP 6x06, 870C and 900C
Peter Hutchison has published updated versions of the following printer drivers:
  • HP Deskjet 6x0C (now with compression and installer script) version 40.12
  • HP 870C (now with installer script) version 40.21
  • HP 900C (now with Installer script) version 40.12
Printer systems like TurboPrint or Print Studio should not be used together with this driver. The archives contain binaries of 68000, 68020 and 68040.

Download page (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Jun. 2002, 14:29] [Comments: 0]
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Amig@lien (ANF)

Amig@lien: Payback MapEditor workshop published
Today a detailed workshop to the Payback MapEditor has been published at Amig@alien which you can find under the title link. The following things are explained:

General things:
  • Adding objects
  • Determining start position
  • Controlling the editor

Controlling the vehicles:
  • Adjustments of traffic lights
  • Pedestrians
  • Route modus
  • Barring roads
  • Transmission ways

Area-/cubes controlling:
  • Own textures
  • Area defenitions
  • Allocation of textures
  • Change of rise
(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Jun. 2002, 12:45] [Comments: 0]
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Mario Cattaneo (ANF)

Collecting data for the FastFileSystem V46
Mario Cattaneo writes:
Olaf Barthel developes the new FFS (FastFileSystem) of AmigaOS 4. Doing that in an as optimal as possible way he needs data. Data about the conditions of as many as possible Amiga partitions. Thus he is able to collect them he has written a little program which determines the file sizes.

So these data may become representative if the program will be distributed as much as possible. Because of that I decided to put this program on my homepage for download. Please directly send the data to Olaf (please read the documentation before!).

The last possible data for sending in it is the 16th June 2002. Please do not send any reports after this day. This day is the deadline and then all reports which I have got up to this date will be analysed. Please join numerously...
Thanks a lot in anticipation, Mario.

PS: For all those who doubt that this program is "clean" I added the source code to the program. So you can see what it makes.

Download: sample_dir.lha (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 07. Jun. 2002, 12:27] [Comments: 0]
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Thorsten Schölzel (ANF)

Who Will Port BMP2WBMP?
Thorsten Schölzel writes: "While browsing the Workshop in AMIGAPlus about the display of WAP-pages I came across the conversion program "BMP2WBMP," which is a program that allows BMP images to be quickly and easily displayed as WBMPs, and thereby embedded in a WAP-page."

"Unfortunately there is no AmigaOS port, so I am publicly calling for this program to be ported. It is written in ANSI-C and may be downloaded from the homepage."

Download Sourcecode: bmp2wbmp.c

Update 07.06.2002:
Ramazan alias Gigatron has ported the program. You can download the port from the Web site of Thorsten Schölzel: bmp2wbmp.lha (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Jun. 2002, 22:03] [Comments: 4 - 13. Jun. 2002, 17:43]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: PuzzleBOBS Review
With the friendly approval of the newspaper AMIGAplus Amiga Arena is making available a test report of the issue 01/2002 to "PuzzleBOBS." Another test report (in Italian) is on AmiWorld online. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Jun. 2002, 21:58] [Comments: 0]
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Stephan Rupprecht

Audio: New Sun Audio Sound-Datatype Version 41.1
Stephan Rupprecht has made version 41.1 of his Sun Audio Sound-Datatype available. The datatype now functions even when the size of the soundheader is zero.

Download: SunAUdt.lha - (5 KB)

The cooperation of datatypes allows various datatypes from different program to be displayed and played. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Jun. 2002, 18:05] [Comments: 0]
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M. Schwarz (ANF)

Website Offline
Cyborg writes: is unreachable due to problems of our Internet host, but should be online again tomorrow. Updates may be obtained this evening via xdcc in the IRC channel #amigafun. By the way the service is longer term :-). Whoever would like a beta-version can gladly find one there, as well as beta-versions of plugins.

To download simply in IRC channel #amigafun type

/ctcp cyborg xdcc list

whenever I'm around. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Jun. 2002, 17:42] [Comments: 0]
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Rene König (ANF)

AmigaOne in the Computer Newspaper "Chip"
In issue 06/2002 of the computer newspaper Chip you'll find on site 47 a short report on the Amiga One. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Jun. 2002, 17:38] [Comments: 0]
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Patrick Beerhorst (ANF)

A.D.A. - Demo Archive with Commenting and Voting
From today on, new programs have been integrated into ADA. All visitors can vote on each demo and write a comment. Through these new functions it will be possible in a short time to tell which demos are most loved and the best, and other users will be tipped off which ones they should download.

The comment function can be found under the screenshots in every demo. For the voting you must register (username and password). In the future we'll make the user data editable, so if a user would like to express more about his interests (email address, homepage, system specs) he can do that.

Since a week ago, ADA has also been available at (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Jun. 2002, 17:33] [Comments: 0]
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The Legacy

Nostalgia: The Legacy - Museum Again Online
The Legacy, the nostalgia museum, is reachable again. As reported there was always some problem with the provider. MishRa says: "The abstinence is over! The old museum keeper mishRa hobbles - on account of his troublesome knees - to the entrance and throws the doors w i d e open. At the same time he barricades them open, so that they won't easily be shut again."

In 'Nostalgic Game Museum' you'll find screenshots, cover-scans und genre definitions for over 10,000 games. 'The Legacy' also offers informationen over the developers of old games for C64, Amiga, Atari, PC and Schneider/Amstrad CPC. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Jun. 2002, 12:22] [Comments: 0]
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Insolshop, Aachen

Elsa: Bankruptcy Assets Auctioned Off Beginning Today
The last tragic chapter in the many-yeared history of Elsa begins today. In Aachen the stock inventory of the insolvent hardware manufacturer is being auctioned. According to the liquidator Insolshop about 24,000 items are on the auction block.

From others about 400 19-inchers will be auctioned, as well as numerous modems, network products, graphic cards, and accessories. An auction catalog is available in PDF format here. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Jun. 2002, 12:02] [Comments: 0]
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Browser: Mozilla 1.0
After four years of development the open-source web-browser Mozilla, which is developed for a range of platforms, has made the giant leap to version 1.0. MozillaZine has verified this in a wideranging article.

Information about the planned Mozilla for Amiga DE may be found at (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 06. Jun. 2002, 11:28] [Comments: 0]
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Emanuel Mair (ANF)

AmigaOS + POP/PPC petition official web site
Emanuel Mair writes: is finally online! Here you'll hopefully find all information you could possibly want about the AmigaOS distribution policies and POP/PPC hardware petition. I hope the background information and FAQ will be especially helpful to clear up some of the confusion surrounding these issues.

If you have not yet signed the petition, then please do so now! Please help spreading the word by linking to It's not too late to save our favourite OS and a unified POP-based hardware market!

In other news, I have finally managed to get in touch with the administrators. The few abuse and sabotage attempts so far have been removed from the signatory listings. Not that any garbage would ever reach the recipient of our petition, but I understand some thought that it didn't look too good... (ps)

[News message: 06. Jun. 2002, 10:51] [Comments: 3 - 13. Jun. 2002, 17:46]
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Jan Andersen (E-Mail)

Virus Help Team: Chat-Room open again
The Virus Help Team Chat-Room has been down for some time now, but Charlene (VHT-Canada) has solved the problem, and the Chat-Room is now open again. Hope to chat with you all...

You can join the chat room from the title link. (ps)

[News message: 05. Jun. 2002, 22:44] [Comments: 0]
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David Brunet (E-Mail)

Amiga Games Classifying: Results of the vote from May/June 2002
Amiga Games Classifying asks the readers all two months about their favorite games. These are the results of the vote from May/June 2002 (the number within the brackets shows the result from the last vote):

  1. (3) Payback - 164 Pts.
  2. (2) Napalm - 135 Pts.
  3. (1) Quake - 130 Pts.
  4. (9) The Settlers - 100 Pts.
  5. (4) Earth 2140 - 100 Pts.
  6. (10) Heretic 2 - 97 Pts.
  7. (5) WipEout 2097 - 84 Pts.
  8. (19) Freespace - 74 Pts.
  9. (17) Worms / Worms DC - 73 Pts.
  10. (7) Sensible World Of Soccer - 66 Pts.
  11. (12) Shogo - 64 Pts.
  12. (8) Foundation - 61 Pts.
  13. (6) Slam Tilt - 55 Pts.
  14. (45) Beneath A Steel Sky - 48 Pts.
  15. (27) Cannon Fodder - 47 Pts.
  16. (11) Civilization - 45 Pts.
  17. (31) Dune 2 - 44 Pts.
  18. (24) Wasted Dreams - 40 Pts.
  19. (96) Another World - 39 Pts.
  20. (38) Flashback - 39 Pts.
The next vote (July/August 2002) for Amiga games will start in -July 2002. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 05. Jun. 2002, 22:37] [Comments: 0]
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Tom Duin alias Amigaharry (ANF)

CLI2WB, easy CLI commandline launch from Workbench
CLI2WB, easy launch Shell (CLI) commandline from Workbench. I've configurated CLI2WB for the realaudio 1/2/3 player RAplay. So doubleclick on the icon, an ASL loadrequester appears to select a realaudio to play. You can define the title, OK button and pattern of the requester in CLI2WB's tooltypes, and more. Also released Shrinky, a little utility to shrink the size of a file to an exact desired size.
Grts, Tom Duin alias Amigaharry (ps)

[News message: 05. Jun. 2002, 19:50] [Comments: 0]
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Tales of Tamar

T.o.T.: New Amiga-Version V0.43 R6
Tales of Tamar, the round based Internet game from Eternity, is available in the new Amiga version 0.43 R6 for registered beta testers.

In this updated version the sea battle has been enabled. With your own battle ships it is now possible to attack hostile trading ships or warships. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 05. Jun. 2002, 18:24] [Comments: 0]
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Bright Light Software

AC97Mixer V1.83 for Amithlon SB 128 sound card
Frank Fenn has released version 1.83 of the program AC97Mixer for Amithlon for SB 128 sound cards. Actually the ES1370, ES 1371 and CT5880 chipsets are supported. The program allows the control of volume and balance for MASTER, AUX, CD, PCM and MUTE.

Download: ac97mixer.lha (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 05. Jun. 2002, 16:07] [Comments: 1 - 06. Jun. 2002, 13:06]
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Amiga Online Games: Three new games in the data base
Amiga Online Games, the website which informs you about Amiga games playable via nullmodem, modem or TCP/IP, has put three new games in its data base. New are:
  • Scud Buster
  • Spacewar
  • ZapTris
(ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 05. Jun. 2002, 15:54] [Comments: 0]
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Textviewer: EvenMore version 0.60
The freeware textviewer 'EvenMore' is ready for download in version 0.60.

Changes since version 0.59:

  • Created a basic RTF plugin.
  • Removed Printer settings from the preference GUI. Instead of opening the printer device, it will now open a file using the PRT: device instead. The other method was causing problems with TurboPrint. Please use the Workbench printer preferences instead.
  • Fixed a bug. Was updating menus while they were still in use when loading or closing a file. Thanks Jean Marie :).
  • Images within EvenMore, e.g. Hand image when you quit EvenMore, will now be loaded through icons in the icon folder you are currently using. They will support NewIcons/GlowIcons as usual.
  • Created a basic Becker2text plugin.
  • A new PowerArt ASCII plugin has been created by aGGreSSor of team PowerAmiga, along with a new Russian locale!
Download: EvenMore.lha (800 KB) (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 05. Jun. 2002, 00:58] [Comments: 0]
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Stephan Rupprecht

Audio: New AIFF sound-datatype version 41.4
Stephan Rupprecht has released the sound-datatype for AIFF in version 41.4. With this version a bug has been fixed which made it impossible to play AIFC sounds.

Download: aiffdt41.lha (6 KB)

With the help of the so called datatypes different programs are enabled to show or play any kind of data. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 05. Jun. 2002, 00:43] [Comments: 0]
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