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Dennis Lohr & David Röskamm (ANF)

IRC: IRC channel for the program WHDload set up
WHDLoad enables you to install games, which were mostly meant for floppy disk use, to your hard disk.

The program gains a ever growing popularity. For that reason we set up an IRC channel, where you can share all the experiences with WHDload. The channel is available at:

Port: 6667
Kanal: #whdload

We would be pleased to welcome many users and see longer lasting visits. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 26. Jun. 2002, 20:04] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Kuchinka

Programming language: PowerD Version 0.19 from June, the 25th 2002
Martin Kuchinka provides a new archive of his programming language PowerD (version 0.19 from June, the 25th 2002) for download.

New with this archive:
  • fixed rexx/storage module
  • fixed one enforcer hit
  • fixed a lr storing problem with ppc, caused a crash
  • debug file do now support global variables
  • bugfixes reported by Michel Bagmeijer
  • '\xDf' changed to '\xDS' to get full name of day
  • bugfixes reported by Marco Antoniazzi
  • global labels didn't compile
Download: powerd.lzx - readme (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 26. Jun. 2002, 13:56] [Comments: 0]
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cyborg (ANF)

IRC-Client: BenderIRC version 1.5b11 released
BenderIRC is a freeware IRC client, which works without MUI. The new release includes not only some bugfixes but it is possible now to use several channels at the same server and there is also a new window scrolling possibility but this is still a bit rudimentary.

Download: BenderIRC.lha - History (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 26. Jun. 2002, 12:08] [Comments: 0]
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Ruediger Hanke/ScummVM Team (ANF)

ScummVM: Trouble with the law
Users of MorphOS- and AmigaOS versions of the GPL engine ScummVM for playing LucasArts adventures are maybe interested in this: The ScummVM-Team was forced by LucasArts to shut down the site to July, 1st, because of viloation of rights upon the SPU engine.

The eMail from LucasArts and the answer of the project leader of ScummVM, James Brown, is published on the ScummVM developers list (title link).

The arguments in the answer are dealing with an error (maybe LucasArts thought it was "Abandonware" presented for download). Because ScummVM was disassenbled out of LucasArts program code, it is maybe possible that it is illegal in the USA, as a violation of the DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act). But this is just guesswork of someone. We have to wait for an answer of LucasArts. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 25. Jun. 2002, 22:16] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)

Amiga Inc.: Counter of preorders AmigaOne
Amiga Inc. has installed a counter for the preorders for the AmigaOne (50$ coupons). Payment is now also possible via PayPal. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 25. Jun. 2002, 18:18] [Comments: 3 - 27. Jun. 2002, 16:36]
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Amiga Comunity

SixK Port: Reaction Mysql Client 0.2
Comment from SixK: Here is an early alpha release of RMC. This MySql client is actually the same as the Mui Mysql Client. I have put on my old site: except it has been written with reaction and is far more stable. Current limitations are only select work, (insert and update untested, but may crash) and only 10000 cells are permitted and only 10 columns.

I hope to progress a bit more faster than with MUI since I didn't have to care with hooks anymore ;) (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 25. Jun. 2002, 12:39] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New packets (until 25.06.2002) (Update II)
With WHDLoad you can install games you only can play on disks on your hard disk. The following games are added or updated:
  • 26.06.02 new: One On One (Electronic Arts) done by JOTD
  • 26.06.02 new: Eye of the Beholder 2 - The Legend of Darkmoon (Westwood/SSI) done by CFOU!
  • 26.06.02 new: Eye of the Beholder (Westwood/SSI) done by CFOU!
  • 25.06.02 new: Strider (Tiertex/US Gold) done by Codetapper
  • 25.06.02 new: Bargon Attack (Coktel Vision) done by CFOU!
  • 24.06.02 improved: Rise Of The Robots (Mirage/Time Warner) supports cd³² version too
  • 24.06.02 new: Ween (Coktel Vision) done by CFOU!
  • 24.06.02 new: The Cartoons (Loriciel) done by CFOU!
  • 24.06.02 improved: Elfmania (Terramarque/Renegade) new install script, new icons
  • 24.06.02 improved: Bio Challenge (Delphine Software) new install script, new icons
  • 24.06.02 improved: Ballistix (Psyclases/Reflexions) new install script, new icons
  • 24.06.02 improved: Aquatic Games (Millennium) new install script, new icons
  • 24.06.02 new: AGE (Coktel Vision/Empire) done by CFOU!
  • 24.06.02 improved: Aaargh! (Arcadia Systems) new install script, new icons
  • 24.06.02 improved: Blasteroids (Tengen/Image Works) supports another version
  • 24.06.02 new: A10 Tank Killer (Dynamix) done by JOTD

[News message: 25. Jun. 2002, 10:52] [Comments: 0]
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For all fans and users of the original Amiga audio software SYMPHONIE PRO there will be soon a PC version named SYMPHONIE NG available.

At the download area you will find the latest preview version and have a look onto the new layout and functions. Enjoy the difference. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 25. Jun. 2002, 10:49] [Comments: 0]
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AWeb Open Source

IRC-Kanal for AWeb Open Source
Now there is an IRC-channel, called #aweb, for the Aweb Open Source project. Please use this page to find a server near you. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 24. Jun. 2002, 21:29] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Gietzelt (ANF)

Version 4.3 of the Reaction-based GUI-Builders Emperor available
Emperor lets you create Reaction or GadTools based programms with ease. Emperor can be used by nearly every Amiga-user out there. The program is spread as giftware.

Download: Emperor_v4.3.lha - readme (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 24. Jun. 2002, 11:33] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc.: New Executive Update from 23rd June 2002

A Message to the Community
Bill McEwen - June 23, 2002

A message to the Amiga Community, Present Past and Future:

I would first like to thank all of you who expressed your concern and shared your support for Gary Peake and his family when you learned of his heart attack. I can now share with you that Gary is looking forward to returning to work in the next couple of weeks. He, of course, was trying to send e-mail from the hospital (at one point, he thought that the beeping of a heart monitor was the logon sounds of a modem), but fortunately with his hands and legs restrained, as well as some very effective tranquilizers, they were able to keep him from the computer. Having said that, I wanted to personally thank each of you on behalf of Gary and his family for your kind words and support.

This is an amazing time for Amiga, and the Community. You have all been patient, more than understanding, and have dealt with more misinformation, disinformation and rumors than any one group of people should, ever. Yet, and happily, we are moving forward and gaining momentum. Admittedly, we have not been very public about many of our plans and activities, to date, but they are many and we are pleased to be bringing this news to you, The Community, as well.

One request: If you find this information as positive as we do, share it with someone. Call or e-mail your friends, Amigans who are interested but might not be following the news as closely as you and let them know that change is in the wind: that new, interesting, and most importantly: REAL opportunities will soon be here for all of us in the Amiga Community.

We all see and hear hype everyday. We know it well, sometimes quite instinctively. What you are to read is not hype. These are true and sustainable facts. Reality. The real skinny. We could not sustain and maintain the hard work and dedication of the members of the Amiga Family, those people whom are working so hard to bring you real products, if there were not real opportunities for us to make a real difference and a real change for the better.

Did you notice the incessant use of the word "Real"? Good. Because what this Update is telling you is real.

Quite frankly, I enjoy the almost daily updates showing where you can find Amigas today at work and play. I find it so exciting, and yes, rewarding, to learn how some are using Amithlon to bring Amigas back into usage, in places where they have not been in some time. I see new sales, a new sense of opportunity and a new spirit emerging. A spirit that challenges conventional thought and challenges us at Amiga everyday. We are here because of you. Your desire for new Amiga products, your desire that this platform, this valid, vital and pioneering computing concept should not be swept aside has fueled our desire to succeed and grow. We have survived when so many others have failed, because of you, The Amiga Community and the way you have challenged us to "deliver the goods". Because of that challenge, we owe these exciting opportunities, this "Delivering The Future" to you.

Now, let's roll up our sleeves and get started. We have a lot of news to share with you:

Amiga Party Pack purchasers? This is for you!

Each of you received your Party Pack and in the very near future you will be able to use the discounts that are associated with your Party Pack purchase. Each of you will receive an e-mail explaining your options, and the process is simple:

1. You may purchase the products directly from Amiga at the discounted price and the products will be shipped to your door.


2. Once you have purchased either the AmigaOne with OS 4.0, or if you purchase just OS 4.0, send us a copy of the receipt along with the front page of your SDK manual and Amiga will send you back a check for $100.00!


3. Let us know the retailer that you will be using and we will get them the $100.00 so you do not need to worry about it.

Not a bad deal at all. Each of you have had the chance to work with AmigaDE and many of you have become developers of Amiga Anywhere content, because of the party pack. Now soon you will be able to get $100.00 back when you purchase a new AmigaOne system. AmigaOne and Amiga OS 4.0 ? Update

We were more than impressed with the response to the AmigaOS 4.0 screen shots and the live demonstration of the AmigaOne boards. We sometimes have trouble understanding how so many people, people interested in the Amiga platform and the progress we are making in bringing it back to market can stay hidden for so long. However, the facts are that we must make certain production decisions based on projected product sales volumes, and how quickly we can receive a return on investment. That's Business 101. So, one of the challenges for us is we decide on a number of units to build and then we see, from web hits and direct inquiries, that there are 5 times as many people who are interested in the AmigaOne than we knew were out there. You can file that under "Beyond Our Expectations".

AmigaOS 4.0 is going to include many of the features that were originally planned for later versions of the desktop AmigaOS. With the need to rewrite certain portions of the code, the Hyperion team has decided to go ahead and fold in a great many more of the features that they were planned for OS 4.1 and OS 4.2 into OS 4.0. Ben Hermans and the team have been doing a great job of keeping us up to date with screen shots, updated product features and current development roadmaps. I know that we will have more updates, regarding real development and feature details from Ben and Hyperion very soon, and trust me when I say that we are chomping at the bit to share these details with The Community. Right now, according to our last conference call with the AmigaOS 4.0 team, at Hyperion, we can see the exceptional progress and the feature set that is being included with this release is fantastic. This has been driven by you the Amiga community, and I know that you will all be very happy.

AmigaOne boards are in the hands of the AmigaOne developers and the integration work is moving ahead quickly, but with the full realization that rushing the release to the public will afford no one any real benefits. Alan and his team at Eyetech has done a great job of "keeping their eyes on the prize". We are really pleased that the hardware is out there, and that the Amiga community is going to have the first new hardware designed for them, with their own operating system, in a long, long time.

These are real Amiga products from Amiga and their associated partner companies. Yes, it has taken longer than any of us had predicted. We too have shared your anticipation and yes, impatience, but some things can only be done one way: The Right Way. Having said that, we know that with the results that we are seeing, I believe that you will share this with your friends and other members of the Amiga family with us.

The Amiga Community will soon have a brand new platform. You will soon begin working with the most sophisticated Amiga Operating System yet developed. There is great care and attention being paid to Getting It Right, with the features and benefits that you have told us that you, The Community, want in a new Amiga. However there is a considerable challenge that goes along with all of these activities and we are going to need your help in helping us make a determination regarding certain business decisions that will be made quite clear further on in this update.

Amiga Anywhere/AmigaDE ? Why are there two?

There needs to be some clarification of these two products: Amiga Anywhere is a subset of the complete AmigaDE. In speaking with customers and potential partners we learned that they were looking for the content, and not the complete DE for their environments. The idea was to have as minimal a build as possible for these devices. So Amiga created the Amiga Anywhere Content Engine. This is a series of lightweight products that offer the binary portable attributes of the complete DE, while delivering the features and products in a much smaller form factor. Development is continuing at a rapid pace with these products and we currently offer an Amiga Anywhere Content Engine for PocketPC, and Pocket PC Phone edition devices, and shortly for Smartphone, Embedded Linux, and Symbian devices. This will allow AACE content to run on all of these various products and devices opening up even wider audience to which we can introduce Amiga.

Development is moving ahead quite well on both the complete DE and AACE, and you will see some new partner announcements in the very near future. These are customers who are going to deploy AACE and the associated content in a variety of interesting products.

There is presently one other question about the current Amiga Entertainment Pack for Pocket PC devices, and why there is limited content for it. This is because we were creating a game console type of experience with this first release, and that it was designed to be closed. The idea was to pop the card into the device and begin playing a game, without taking the resources from the relatively limited memory in the device.

There will be an exciting promotion/contest that we will be announcing later in the week with regards to AACE and the Entertainment Packs. We assure you, this will be a great deal of fun, and we look forward to introducing Amiga to several new customers who are currently using PocketPC and PocketPC Phone Edition devices.

Amithlon Update ? Yes there is an update! (Cue Trumpets!)

We are very pleased to announce that we have entered into contracts, and yes they are signed, with Bernd Meyer, regarding Amithlon. In fact we have been testing a new version in-house for several weeks now, and this is a great product. As you may remember I was the first person to show Amithlon to the public, at the AmiWest 2001 Show, and the reaction was simply amazing from the people there. Since then, we are seeing deployment of Amithlon in many new places where Amiga’s once roamed and seeing new life for Amiga, with Amithlon. Please know that we have been working with Bernd for several months so far, and we see Amithlon as a great product with a long, robust future for both Amiga and Bernd. You can see the press release here.

The Challenge and the Opportunity!

Now before the naysayers out there begin complaining about this and start making rude noises, I want to explain the very real situation before us: Let it be known now that Amiga does not make money on the following. In fact we will lose money, just as we did on the party packs. However it allowed us to show to our board and our investors that we should pursue building a new Amiga computer. Now we are at that same crossroads again, but in a way that is more complex.

How many AmigaOne's do we build and order?

We need to properly plan, budget, and order for the production of the AmigaOne. To do that, we need to get a good idea of how many units we need to order, build and prepare to support etc. You get the idea.

There are those who tell us to plan for 2,500 to 3,500 units. However over 50,000 people downloaded the OS 4.0 screenshots. These were not 50,000 hits, these were 50,000 different people. Then you have others who tell me that we are looking at 10,000 units to prepare for. This is great because there are certain economies of scale, economies that benefit everyone, that come into play at 10,000 units. You have all seen how chip prices work: once you are able to order 10,000 of the chip prices you are able to receive better pricing, and then, prices start coming down. Everybody benefits.

Then we find that there are currently over 30,000 subscribers to Amiga related magazines. Add to this the fact that we know that there are thousands out there who are quietly watching and waiting to learn more about the release of the AmigaOne before they respond. Then this last week we learned that there was a very large electronics chain in Europe who is interested in carrying the line again if there is enough interest for these new products.

So as you can see, this is a real issue before us:

We do not want to come up short on supply for you, the customers, and yet it is growing quite difficult to judge how many AmigaOnes we should build. You can tell, as we do, that there is a big gap between the numbers and we want to make sure that we have the products ready when you want them, in sufficient numbers, as you should not have to wait. We also do not want to go into a situation of oversupply, either. We thought about putting up a survey, but then we know that there are some who will try and maliciously effect the results and that could, and most likely would, cause us a whole new subset of problems relating to the release of the AmigaOne/AmigaOS 4.0.

Therefore, we have decided to have some fun with this survey and we sincerely think that we have developed a way for everyone to participate and will give us some real numbers and an ability to better budget and track the real intentions of the community.

So with no small amount of fanfare, here is what we are going to do:

The AmigaOne/AmigaOS 4.0 "Free Stuff" Early Promotion (catchy isn't it):

Here is how it works:

Customers who are interested in purchasing an AmigaOne/AmigaOS 4.0 pre-loaded will be able to purchase a $50.00 off coupon for $50.00! This way we have a very strong idea regarding how many boards we need to produce.

Not enough you say! Okay, how about this: For every $50.00 discount coupon you will receive a free shirt announcing to everyone that you are part of the future. So for $50.00 you get a $50.00 off coupon and a free shirt.

Still not enough? Okay how about this: When we reach 2,500 orders we will have a random drawing for 4 free AmigaOne/AmigaOS 4.0 systems.

I think that there is more of you out there than that so if we reach 5,000 orders we will give away 10 AmigaOne/AmigaOS 4.0 systems. That's riiiiight. 10 people who order their discount coupon and get the shirt will get an entire Amiga One/AmigaOS 4.0 system for... Free. That's Free. As in Free. No Cost. A former price, dead on the bottom of its cage. Or something like that.

There are some optimists in the office that believe that there are 10,000 people who are looking to own the first new Amiga system in more years than we can count, so if we have 10,000 orders we will give away 20 AmigaOne/AmigaOS 4.0 systems and 5 Amiga-enabled cell phones!

One last level: If we reach 25,000 orders Amiga will give away 50 Amiga systems, 15 Amiga Cell Phones, and a trip for 2 to either Hawaii or Florida.

OK one more - hit 50,000 orders Amiga will give away 100 systems, 100 Amiga Enabled Cell Phones 3 trips for 2 to either Hawaii or Florida.

Over 50,000 and I will come up with something even better, because at this level we can show the world what you have been telling us for some time, that Amiga is a sleeping giant ready to awaken and take it rightful place - being in the lead.

The Cell phones, and the Amiga systems will be shipped as soon as they are available.

If you do not win in the drawing, you simply take your coupon and wear your shirt into your local Amiga reseller, and you will receive $50.00 off when you purchase your new system. (Amiga resellers: we will be sending you the details on how all of this fun and free stuff is going to work).

Now since we need to be placing the orders in the not-too-distant future, this promotion will run from today until July 7th, with the winners being announced at AmiWest in Sacramento.

Click here to get in on the AmigaOne,/AmigaOS 4.0 "Free Stuff" Early Promotion.

So while I know that there are some people who will make rude noises and fabricate all kinds of specious claims and others will try and use this as a method to attempt driving the community apart even more, I hope that the rest of you, the majority of you, can see where, with this news and this promotion, we can go together. Developers are going to be watching also to see if this is a system that they wish to continue developing for, and others who have left are going to be watching to see if they want to return to development on the Amiga platform. So the stakes are real. But we can face them together and succeed.

AmigaOne and OS 4.0 are the beginning to a new future, and it is real.

To all of you who are thinking of attending AmiWest 2002, in Sacramento CA, please come and join in with all of us who will be attending, as I will be there and it is going to be great fun learning who in the audience may be a winner. It is also one of my real rewards of my job to meet you, the members of The Amiga Community. You also never know what I am going to announce and we could have some real surprises.

Or I just may hang around for the food. :-D

It is time to start having some fun!

Amiga. Isn't it great? (ps)

[News message: 24. Jun. 2002, 11:22] [Comments: 12 - 02. Jul. 2002, 08:15]
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Bernie Meyer announced Amithlon 2.0 for 1st July 2002 (Update)
Coming to this place on (or around :) July 1st:
A freely downloadable and distributable DEMO version of Amithlon 2.0, which can be unlocked to full functionality via a personalized keyfile.

Please be patient for just a little while longer....
Monday 24 June 2002 04:30:43 ? Bernd Meyer

You can find the following detailed announcement at Moobunny:
Amiga, Inc. and Bernd Meyer announce licensing of Amithlon 2.0.

June 23, 2002 - Snoqualmie, WA and Melbourne, Australia - Amiga, Inc. today announced the cross licensing of Amithlon 2.0. The agreement was made with the author and the inspiration behind Amithlon, Bernd "Bernie" Meyer.

As part of the agreement, Amiga will license Kickstart 3.1 and portions of Amiga OS 3.9 to be distributed as part of Amithlon 2.0. In turn, Amiga will actively promote and license Amithlon 2.0 to OEM customers looking for an Amiga emulator on x86 platforms.

Bill McEwen, Amiga President and CEO, said, "Bernie has been a good friend and partner to Amiga. I first demonstrated a beta version of Amithlon almost a year ago at the Sacramento show. Even then the quality of the product and its potential were obvious to me. Since then it has become a more polished, a clear reflection of the passion and skills that Bernie brings to the table."

I have also been impressed by the moral and ethical integrity that Bernie has displayed as he has partnered with Amiga. Too often in the past we have had to deal with companies who would like nothing better than to split the Amiga community. Bernie has always had the best interests of the community at heart and has created a product that we can all be truly proud of.?

"It is with great pleasure that I finally enter into a deal directly with Amiga", said Bernie Meyer. "This new version, to be distributed with Amiga's seal of approval, provides customers with a clear indication that Amithlon is an actively developed product with great prospects. This partnership will allow users of Classic AmigaOS to use their applications on modern, affordable hardware."

A demo version of Amithlon 2.0 will be available shortly which can be downloaded free of charge from the distribution site at The demo version may be upgraded to a fully functional version with a simple keyfile, which can be purchased online.

About Amithlon 2.0
The goal of the Amithlon project was to make AmigaOS 3.9 run on commodity PC hardware. Unlike other approaches to this problem (UAE, Fellow), Amithlon provides AmigaOS with complete control over the hardware. Hosted on a specially modified linux kernel, Amithlon's CPU emulation runs AmigaOS; All access to graphics, sound, networking and interface hardware is provided through standard AmigaOS drivers. Amithlon 2.0 is distributed as a self-booting CD-ROM image.

About Amiga:
In 1985, Amiga introduced the world to Multimedia with the launch of the incredible Amiga 1000, a revolution in hardware with dedicated audio and graphics chips and a revolution in software with the first 32 bit, fully pre-emptive, multitasking operating system. It then went on to dominate the 1980s and early 1990s, pioneering video and animation and giving rise to many of the top gaming companies of today. That tradition will continue with the launch of the brand new AmigaOne desktop computer and its companion, AmigaOS4.0, destined to set new standards and expectations in the world of digital living. Amiga can be reached on the web at

About Bernd Meyer:
Bernd Meyer is a freelance software designer with almost 20 years of experience in professional software development. He has studied Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Germany and Australia, and is currently completing a PhD on Image Modeling at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. In 2000, two of Bernd's hobby projects got out of hand. One turned into Glicbawls, a category winner in the 2000 International Obfuscated C Code Contest, the other into a Just-In-Time compiler for the Amiga emulator UAE, providing it with much greater emulation speed. In 2001, Bernd further refined the JIT Compiler for inclusion in Amithlon.

Meanwhile, an official press release by Amiga Inc. was released. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 24. Jun. 2002, 03:46] [Comments: 0]
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Tamara Cetinjski (ANF)

MP3-Player: Prayer2 now Open Source
The MP3 player "Prayer 2" for Amiga computers is now Open Source and is available for download under the title link. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Jun. 2002, 22:45] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)

Amiga Bastringue: Short report by Rose Humphrey (Update)
A first short report about the French Amiga event "Amiga Bastringue" taking place this weekend has been posted on Rose "anarchic_teapot" Humphrey writes:

"There was food, there was drink (mostly caffeinated), and there was a working AmigaOne running SuSE Linux PPC v7.3
There was Naya Design with their rather fetching perspex ATX towers.
There was Alan Redhouse, who was prevailed upon to make a speech and actually dared to do it in French.
There was a prototype AmigaOne XE motherboard.
We learned that AOS4 has been made to boot on an A1.
There were lots of photos taken, someone is supposed to have filmed the Speech and the ensuing Q&A session, and all of this, I am reliably informed, will be on a publicly-accessible website within 24 hours."

Supplement 25.06.2002:
Pictures from the event. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Jun. 2002, 22:36] [Comments: 0]
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ANN: Discussion on 1 year of Amiga Party Pack
On the occasion of the release of the Amiga Party Pack a year ago, there is a discussion for Amiga Party Pack owners on ANN under the title link. Back then, the Pack was published to celebrate 1 year of SDK. In addition, the release of AmigaOne, AmigaOS 4.0 as well as AmigaDE for PDAs was announced.

From the ANN web site:
"If you purchased the Party Pack, tell us what you've been doing it with it for the past 12 months. How did you spend your voucher? What kind of stuff was included in the updates? Did you enjoy playing the DE games that have been released over the last 12 months?" (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Jun. 2002, 20:19] [Comments: 0]
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Forum: Amiga support forum by SWAUG
The South Wales Amiga User Group (SWAUG) has set up an English language support forum for Amiga computers on

This is available for discussions on a wide palette of Amiga topics as well as for posing questions and providing assistance.

Apart from the support purpose it is hoped that the forum will be utilised for the coordination of trips from Wales to fairs like the World of Amiga taking place in November. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Jun. 2002, 20:13] [Comments: 0]
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WWW browser: now official development team
Yvon Rozijn, the author of AWeb, has appointed the development team of the official "AWeb Open Source Development Team".

He advises all developers, who want to participate in AWeb's further development to join this project.

From the web site:
'Yvon states: "Developers: you are strongly suggested to join this project if you want to help further development of AWeb, instead of starting something on your own."' (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Jun. 2002, 20:11] [Comments: 0]
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A.D.A.: Ray of hope 2, Extension, Full moon
On 23rd June 2002, three productions have been added to the Amiga Demoscene Archive (A.D.A.). The additions are: (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Jun. 2002, 20:10] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Spektrum emulator: ASp V0.82b
On 22nd June 2002, version 0.82b of ZX Spectrum emulator "ASp" for Amiga computers has been published. This version fixes an error with the port addresses. This caused some 128K games (Fairlight etc.) to crash. 68030 users will also notice a speed increase of up to 10%.

ASp requires MuLib by Thomas Richter.

Download: (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Jun. 2002, 17:46] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future A.o. Civilization and Mag!
On 22nd June 2002, the following reviews have been added to the web site

  • Barbie - Action for the Game Boy
  • The Game of Life
  • Space Gun - Flop of the month
  • Total Eclipse - 3DO review
  • Wing Commander - Amiga
Amiga Games:
  • Civilization - Game of the month
  • Mag! - Haven't your always wanted to be a games editor?
Power Play:
  • Wing Commander - 3DO review
Kult Mags:
6 new scans: Amiga Joker, Amiga-Magazin, ASM, Happy-Computer Spielesonderteil (= games special), 64er, PowerPlay Special 3. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Jun. 2002, 17:45] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future PowerPlay reviews from 1991/92
On 23rd June 2002, Scans of PowerPlay reviews from the years 1991 and 1992 have been added to the web site The new additions are:

SWIV (Amiga), Switchblade 2 (Amiga), Super Monaco GP (Amiga), Pegasus (Amiga), Logical (incl. advert) (Amiga), First Samurai (Amiga), Exile (incl. advert) (Amiga), Bug Bomber (incl. advert) (Amiga), A 320 (incl. advert) (Amiga), Brat (Amiga).

All scans have been sent in by Fränki. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Jun. 2002, 17:44] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: "TimeKeepers" full version, "The Prophet" update
A full version of the puzzle game "TimeKeepers" by Vulcan Software and a bug fix for the 3D role playing game "The Prophet" have been published on the Amiga Arena web site.

"TimeKeepers" full version
The German HD version of the puzzle game "TimeKeepers I" is available for download with authorisation by Paul Carrington (Vulcan Software Ltd.) .

"TimeKeepers I" is an action/puzzle game in the style of "Lemmings" or "Humans".

The goal of the game is to steer your 14 police units through the levels.

"The Prophet" update
Last year, the 3D role playing game "The Prophet" by Mark Ford had been published exclusively through "Amiga Arena" for free download. Unfortunately the final commercial version contained a bug.

This has been fixed with the update, and "The Prophet" can now be played till the end. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Jun. 2002, 16:19] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Mann (ANF)

WWW-Browser: AWeb-II download again on
Michael Mann writes:
As of now, the browser AWeb-II can again be obtained from the original URL:

Thanks for the nice replies, I had fun standing in for a short time. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Jun. 2002, 14:27] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Mann (ANF)

Video: VCDGear V1.6d
Michael Mann writes:
Through the page of t-online I've just come across some interesting software for video processing which is also available as a 68k/PPC version for Amiga. The program is called "VCDGear" and, according to the makers, contains the following features:

"VCDGear lets you read out MPEG video streams from VideoCDs and convert VCD files into MPEG movies.

Automatic error correction:
The unfortunately much too often occuring MPEG errors are fixed automatically by the programm during extracting or converting. Furthermore, VCDGear offers various ways for extracting, converting and correcting videos across several system platforms."

VCDGear is Freeware. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Jun. 2002, 14:23] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (email)

Amiga Future: new WB screenshots
Today was the Workbench screenshot gallery of the Amiga Future homepage updated. If someone wants to present her or his screenshots there she/he just needs to send them to the Amiga Future editor. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 22. Jun. 2002, 20:51] [Comments: 0]
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Amity: Binar Disassembler V1.1 Released
Binar, the non-symbolic disassembler for 65xx/75xx/85xx processors, has been updated to version 1.1.

The new version contains many internal improvements and new features, which make Binar more flexible and powerful. New in the version 1.1:
  • optional lower case output
  • support for undocumented instructions can be turned off
  • authentic TEDMON hex dump output
  • enhanced program statistics
  • support for non-CBM files
  • an ARexx script called Souw for creating full source codes

[News message: 22. Jun. 2002, 20:45] [Comments: 0]
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The counter shows 6.000.000 :)
Yesterday had our counter on the main page (bottom right) passed the 6 millions meaning that the main page of had been visited in almost four months one million times as we had reached in February 2002 the 5 millions. It has to be said, though, that without an mercy every click is counted ;-). But still a proud number as we find.

People interested in the realistic access numbers (every visitor is only counted once within a set time frame) of can find the last twelve months in our statistics. The statistics are created by using our access logs with the program Webalizer V2.01. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 22. Jun. 2002, 18:02] [Comments: 0]
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DCR8520 Amigaports

DCR8520: updated Amiga ports
The Spanish Diego CR 'dcr8520' has updated his website at SourceForge with many of his Amiga ports. You can find there a lot of small tools that ease the daily work with many applications.

The following ports were updated:
  • 17. June 2002 fags v0.2.2devel3
  • 14. June 2002 muhstik v3.9.5
  • 14. June 2002 Anubis v3.1.0
  • 14. June 2002 cURL v7.9.8
  • 14. June 2002 dsbl v0.9.4
  • 14. June 2002 neoBOPM v1.1
  • 14. June 2002 speex v0.3.0
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 22. Jun. 2002, 17:29] [Comments: 0]
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HSMathLibs version 44.50 beta 2 and 8
Matthias Henze has released new versions (V.44.50 beta 2 for MC68881/82 and V.44.50 beta 8 for MC68040 and MC68060) of the HSMathLibs. These versions are for beta testers only.

The "HSMathLibs" replace the libraries "mathieeedoubbas.library", "mathieeedoubtrans.library", "mathieeesingtrans.libray" and "mathtrans.library" and patch or replace the libraries "mathffp.library" and "mathieeesingbas.libray" by CPU/FPU optimised versions for MC68881/82, MC68040 or MC68060.

The "HSMathLibs" are written completely in assembler to reach a maximum of speed. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 22. Jun. 2002, 17:16] [Comments: 0]
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Felix Schwarz (E-Mail)

IOSPIRIT: fxSCAN 4.0 feature update and in production
We're proud to announce that fxSCAN 4.0 has been finished and the master was sent out to the CD-ROM production site last Tuesday.

Though we have a very tight timetable for fxSCAN, we managed to finish a MorphOS-native version of the fxSCAN PPC-servertask and the OCR-engine which will ship with fxSCAN 4.0. A native version for AmigaOS® 4.0 is planned, too, and will be available as patch from our homepage at the time of completion.

Furthermore another two new GUI skins ("Burning Red" and "Laced Gray", see fxSCAN-screenshots) and a time-unlimited version of the color calibration software ICS (with printable manuals!) are coming with fxSCAN now, too.

If everything goes fine in production, fxSCAN 4.0 ships on the 15th of July 2002. The special preorder offer ends on the 7th of July. (ps)

[News message: 22. Jun. 2002, 12:25] [Comments: 0]
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Amig@lien (ANF)

Amig@lien goes on holiday / new Freespace MODs released
The Amig@lien team will go on holiday from 21st June 2002 until probably 12th August 2002. During this time no mails can be answered and no homepage updates will happen. After this time will Amig@lien return with a completely redesigned homepage as well as with some (then hopefully finished) projects. At the same time changes the address to the following:

Ricco Clemens
Ysenburger Str. 2
D-63599 Biebergemünd

But for the meantime we have created many new missions and campaigns as well as pilot images for Freespace that you can find following the title link. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 21. Jun. 2002, 20:21] [Comments: 0]
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AMIGAplus (ML)

AMIGAplus 06/2002
The current AMIGAplus 06/2002 with the main subject "Amiga Anywhere" contains among other things the following articles:
  • First review: Amiga Anywhere Entertainment Pack #1
  • PDA special: Compaq iPAQ, Sharp SL-5000 and Palm IIIc
  • Interview with clickBOOM: of knights and demons
  • QNX dances Samba: monster workshop to link to
  • Online auctions: we show you where the hammer hangs
  • File sharing: AudioGalaxy client AmiSAT reviewed
  • Movie special: Amiga at the Movies, part 2
  • Scenish: the Who is Who of the demo makers
  • Interactive: small adverts and readers forum
  • a. m. m.
Attention: This issue contains as an exception 8 pages more, 76 fully coloured pages!

The at the same time released AMIGAplus readers CD #16 contains next to many further tools, games, videos and an audio track also the full version of the effects software Elastic Dreams by Titan Computer with special upgrade possibility to Fantastic Dreams.

The AMIGAplus is available at your Amiga dealer, via subscription or per single order for the price of 5.- EUR. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 21. Jun. 2002, 14:05] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Heider (ANF)

Test Ram disk for the image installer for use with Mandrake Linux PPC
Michael Heider:
On my homepage is now a Ram disk for testing purposes for the image installer available for download. With the image installer it is possible to install Linux PPC of different distributions on Amigas with PowerPC CPU by installing an image of a preinstalled Linux PPC distribution on an Amiga. This way is the image also already preconfigured in important areas for the Amiga.

Soon there will a CD containing the image installer and an image of Mandrake 8.2 PPC be released. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 21. Jun. 2002, 14:01] [Comments: 0]
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Exotica (ANF)

Update Scenery & Amiga Demo Scene Reference Manual.
The world wide biggest collection of data regarding the topics Commodore, Amiga and Commodore 64 demo scene has been enhanced with many new information. You can find everything with a glance. During the past 13 years have all information with many thousand hours of time been carried together for you. All for free, enjoy reading them. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 21. Jun. 2002, 13:58] [Comments: 0]
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VGR: CGXMode V4.3 PPC ELF Modul
Download: CGXMode_elf4.3.lha (74 KB) (ps)

[News message: 21. Jun. 2002, 11:01] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen (E-Mail)

Virus Help Denmark: Safe Version 18.0
A new update of "Safe" has been released today.

Here is some info about the archive:

Name: Safe v18.0
Archive name: Safe.lha
Archive size: 18.658 bytes
Date: 20 June 2002
Programmer: Zbigniew Trzcionkowski
Requires: OS 2.04+, xvs.library

Changes in Safe v18.0:
- small fixes

Download shortcut (ps)

[News message: 20. Jun. 2002, 23:21] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias M. (ANF)

Instant Messenger: Jabberwocky V1.1
Version 1.1 of Jabberwocky, the Amiga Jabber client has been released. Most noteworthy is the fact that bugs have been identified and removed, such as bugs in the announcing and in the contact list handling. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 20. Jun. 2002, 22:12] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: Puzzle BOBS - New Level Set "Time"
20 new levels may be selected, from time-handicapped to average! With the "Time" level set from Emanuele Cesaroni (Nexus Development), the developer of "Puzzle BOBS," there is something for all friends of Puzzle BOBS. And there are also are more special "bubbles" included, like bombs, inactive, and rainbow.

The level set may be downloaded from the "PuzzelBOBS Suppport Seite" area. You'll find more information there too. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 20. Jun. 2002, 20:48] [Comments: 0]
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M. Rohles (ANF)

Anniversary of Jay Miner's Death
On this date eight years ago Jay Miner, the Father of the Amiga, passed away. May we carry on his heritage in our hearts.

A few links: (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 20. Jun. 2002, 20:35] [Comments: 2 - 22. Jun. 2002, 18:00]
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MorphOS GCC Compiler (Jens Langner) updated
68k hosted PPC targetted MorphOS GCC compiler
Jens Langner updated the 68k hosted PPC compiler so that it's now in pair with the PPC hosted one. You can find the binary here and the readme here. (ps)

[News message: 20. Jun. 2002, 15:38] [Comments: 0]
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Networking: Samba Version 2.2.5
The Samba team has released Version 2.2.5. You can read about the specific changes here.

Samba is a program for networking different platforms, for example Amiga and PC. Information about Samba for Amiga can be found at (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 20. Jun. 2002, 15:29] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (E-Mail)

Amiga Future: German Translation of Olaf Barthel Interview
Amiga Future translated the English language interview with Olaf Barthel, which was conducted on the 10th of June, 2002 by Rodney McDonell (POds), and published on You'll find the translation under the title link. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 20. Jun. 2002, 15:15] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New packets (until 20.06.2002) (Update)
With WHDLoad you can install games you only can play on disks on your hard disk. The following games are added or updated:
  • 20.06.02 improved: Dyna Blaster (Hudson Soft) misc changes, new icons, new install script
  • 19.06.02 new: Dune 2 (Westwood/Virgin Games) done by CFOU!
  • 19.06.02 new: Darkseed (CyberDreams) done by CFOU!
  • 19.06.02 improved: James Pond 2 - Robocod (Millennium) supports AGA version too
  • 19.06.02 improved: Great Courts / Pro Tennis Tour (UBI-Soft) supports another version
  • 19.06.02 new: Walker (DMA Design/Psygnosis) done by Codetapper
  • 19.06.02 new: Trained Assassin (Digital Magic Software) done by CFOU!
  • 19.06.02 improved: Scorpion (Digital Magic Software) new install script
  • 19.06.02 improved: Nippon Safes Inc (Dynabyte) new install script
  • 19.06.02 new: Megademo (Dragons) done by Psygore
  • 19.06.02 improved: 1000 Miglia (Simulmondo) new install script
  • 12.06.02 improved: Arcade Pool (Team 17) supports CD³² version too

[News message: 20. Jun. 2002, 14:57] [Comments: 0]
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Carl Svensson

WWW-Server: gW3S Version 1.0 Beta 4
Carl Svensson, the author of mp3Play, has written a small WWW server in ARexx. The current version 1.0 beta 4 offers the following functions:
  • HTTP/1.0 200 OK.
  • HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found.
  • Simple logging of Inquiries.
  • Display of the contents of directories, if no index document is available.
  • Execution of ARexx commands of webpages.
  • Execution of exeternal ARexx scripts with a query string as argument.
  • Query String/URL unescaper.
  • Complete parsing of external ARexx CGI scripts (.xgi files).
  • Fancy Files (Support for unsafe characters in file names).

Download: w3s.rx - Documentation (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 20. Jun. 2002, 14:52] [Comments: 0]
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20.Jun.2002 Free Amiga Jobs Revised
We have revised the "Free Amiga Jobs" area (FAJ), and added new job offers. Under this heading you may offer and seek jobs. Currently there are 17 job offers and one job seeking announcement in the database. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 20. Jun. 2002, 13:30] [Comments: 0]
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