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Thomas Unger (E-Mail)

  1. The webpages based distribution on CD-ROM about history, persons, models, clones, specials, peripherie, operating systems and support of the Amiga is now available in version V2.0.

    The massive growth in volume, especially caused by the update to ´Amiga Interactive Guide- 5th anniversary edition´ from Gareth Knight (13/03/2002), created the necessity for the transition to a double-CD. Belatedly: Congratulations Gareth!

    The PDF manual collection were taken out to the second CD. All news, updates, the release history and requirements are to find within the ReadMe. Price and shipment kept unchanged

  2. THE KICKSTART ARCHIVES introduces its new homepage.

  3. The home page has been extended with a further online service:
    Amiga-Ethernet with bridgeboard and an ISA network card. This tutorial detailly describes how ISA network cards can be used. Sure: Not trivial at all. These screenshots and background information, chapter by chapter, might also be suitable for "non freaks" to finish (hopefully) the installation of the hard- and software.
(ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2002, 23:29] [Comments: 0]
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DTP: PageStream version
There has been an update for PageStream to version released. The update is available for Amiga, Macintosh and Windows. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2002, 18:11] [Comments: 0]
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Golem - IT News

Golem: ELSA after all to close down
»The closure of ELSA AG's business very probable now.
The continuance of ELSA AG is very unlikely, according to the result of the company's insovancy trustee, lawyer Thomas Georg. After examination of the insovency request he came to the result that the company is insovent and hevily in debt. «
For the complete article follow the title link. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2002, 17:46] [Comments: 0]
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Heise Newsticker (ANF)

Event: 3rd Retrocomputer-festival in Munich
This weekend there will be the 3rd Retrocomputer-festival in Munich. Probably there will be an exhibition about the history of the Amiga as well. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2002, 17:12] [Comments: 0]
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Jon Niemima: Interview with Ben Hermans
Following the title link you will find an English interview with Ben Hermans of Hyperion from April, the 23rd 2002. The interview was made by the Finn Jon Niemima. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2002, 12:29] [Comments: 0]
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Marc Gutzwiller (ANF)

ORF Teletext: AmigaOS 4.0 - First pictures
At the teletext page 462 of the Austrian TV ORF I discovered the following notice:

After the anouncement of the new Amiga platform AmigaOne the company Hyperion, OS-development partner of Amiga Inc., has released first sreenshots of OS 4 now.

Those pictures should give a first impression for the new OS but do not represent the finished look.

According to Hyperion this look was generated not through patches but with system functions.« (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2002, 12:02] [Comments: 0]
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Felix Schwarz (ANF)

VHI-drivers for USB-digicams and USB-webcams
We are very happy to announce that VHI-drivers for USB-digicams and USB-webcams will soon be available.

It will soon be possible to also use more recent cameras with VHI Studio and benefit from all its advantages. In contrast to a USB-card reader VHI Studio communicates directly with the camera via the VHI driver. This opens up completly new possibilities to the user, making it possible to create timelapse-animations, use the digital camera as a webcam, make changes to internal settings via a comfortable user interface, correct pictures using its correction-tools or just creating a quick overview of the pictures in the camera.

Supported USB-webcams will be handled like a videoboard in VHI Studio.

In the last few weeks we´ve extended the VHI-standard and made the required changes to VHI Studio to support USB. As the development of at least two API-incompatible USB-stacks (Poseidon by Chris Hodges (for Highway/Subway, MorphOS, maybe Amithlon) and the USB Stack contained in AmigaOS 4.0) on the AMIGA-market is forseeable, we furthermore have created a stack-independant layer (called IOUSB) between the driver and the respective USB-stack that will ensure support for the different systems.

Thanks to a close cooperation with E3B (hardware of Highway/Subway) and Chris Hodges (author of Poseidon) the support for Poseidon is already complete. Support for AmigaOS 4.0 and its stack will be added when the development of AmigaOS 4.0 has completed. We´re already in contact with the AmigaOS 4.0-developerteam, so that adapted drivers should be available from us for the release of AmigaOS 4.0.

The first driver, which will support the Kodak®-Digicams DC 240, DC 280, DC 3400 and DC 5000, currently undergoes final betatests with Poseidon.

Development of drivers for other devices will depend on the demands of the market. We therefore have created a little poll and would appreciate a high number of participants.

To the poll (ps)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2002, 11:56] [Comments: 0]
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AFUA: French Amiga usergroup has been visiting Thendic (Update)
Bertrand Presles, president of the French usergroup AFUA (Association Française des Utilisateurs d'Amiga) has been visiting Thendic in Paris on April, the 23rd 2002 and was talking with Bill Buck, Rakesh and Sharwin (Coyote Flux) and several other employees about MorphOS, Pegasos and the other products distributed by Thendic. Some pictures, a movie and an English report are to find following the title link, of course that one is also available in French.

Thendic is the company, that will distribute BPlan´s Pegasos board; further information you might find with our interview which is available in German and English.

Because the server of AFUA wasn´t capable of the run on it Bertrand Presles, the president, has permitted to set up a mirror for the relevant pages and to translate the report to German (which still has to be done).

Thendic-France Report
Author: Bertrand Presles

In the 23rd of April 2002 i go to Thendic-France where i could meet Bill Buck, the famous Coyote Flux guys and the others employees of this company. I've also seen the Pegasos working under MorphOS. You should note that the MorphOS version i have seen is a development version, that means that there is debug output every second that slow down the computer and so the performances i could see weren't as good as they should be with the final version of the Pegasos.

I could talk about lot of things with Bill and the Coyote Flux, i've particularly learn that the Eclipsis project will consist of a handheld computer which will use a PowerPC processor and run under MorphOS. It will have an amazing graphic chip which can be compared to something like the Copper but a lot better ;). It'll also feature AGA emulation and so will be able to run existing AGA Amiga softwares. The goal of this project is to offer an handheld computer which has capacities close to a desktop computer and allowing to use the same applications as you can run on the Pegasos. But don't expect to see an Eclipsis before 2003.

I've also have the luck to admire the other products distributed by Thendic-France like the ComCams which are wireless cameras (802.11b) very easy to install and use. I've also seen a Tri-Cam which is a black box which content three video cameras allowing to see the globality of a room. The big advantage is that this box don't look like a camera but more like an alarm and can easily not be noticed. This box is also wireless.

Finally, i've seen the CashBoys which are devices for credit card payment and also bar code readers.

Concerning the Pegasos, i could see the capacities of this marvelous computer thanks to some demos on CandyFactory Pro and Softcinema. And i've to admit that, despite the debugging outputs, it runs pretty well. You can see a video of Matrix (Divx) below but notice that the little stops every seconds are due to the debugging log that it sent to the serial port every second so the effective speed that we can expect in the final version of the Pegasos can be constated between this debug seconds ;)

Personally, i'll definitely buy a Pegasos when it'll be available ;)

The photo below show the front side of the Thendic's Pegasos. This is a well designed standard ATX tower.

Pegasos Front

Below you can see the non customized Workbench running on the Pegasos. Obviously this is the Workbench as you know it, so it is as customable as a normal Workbench and the final version of MorphOS will have lot of parts of the GUI running natively and with some new cool stuffs.

MorphOS Workbench

The picture below is a screenshot of Quake 2 Beta running on a Voodoo3 on an Amiga 4000. This game run perfectly well and show that we can expect all the game we want in the future on the Pegasos (Of course for games that will be available ;) )

Quake 2

The picture below show a global view of the Amiga part of the company. We can see Bill, Sharwin and Rakesh. Notice also the impressive number of Amigas ;-)

Global view

Below it's a picture of the back of the Pegasos. We can notice that it fits perfectly on an ATX tower and we can recognise the impressive standard connectivities included by default.

Pegasos Back

Finaly you can watch a little movie showing Matrix running on SoftCinema on MorphOS (You can download it and see it with Action, Moovid or SoftCinema).

Matrix on Pegasos

I'd like to thanks Bill, Sharwin, Rakesh, Thierry, Eric and the others for their welcome, their adhesion to the AFUA and for their cool little presents ;) (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2002, 10:07] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaRulez: Interview with Thomas Frieden
Johan "Graak" Forsberg of AmigaRulez has conducted a wide-ranging interview with Thomas Frieden of Hyperion. You will find this English language interview under the title link above. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 23. Apr. 2002, 20:29] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (E-Mail)

Amiga Future: Preview of Issue #36 online
The preview, such as reading and layout samples, of Amiga Future #36 (May/June 2002) is now available on the AF homepage. The magazine itself is to come out on May 5th.

With this issue the entire layout has been reworked, and if everything goes as planned, this issue will be on a better quality of paper [recycled I hope -dm] (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 23. Apr. 2002, 16:33] [Comments: 0]
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Tales of Tamar

Game: T.o.T. - New Amiga Version 0.43R1 / Mac V0.22
The new Amiga version 0.43 R1 and version V0.22 for Mac of the internet based roundgame Tales of Tamar by Eternity have been released. The update is available for download by beta testers at the usual location.

In version 0.43 the statistics screen of the ToT PC version has been ported, corrected and activated. At the same time the Amiga version of ToT now also supports SMTP Auth.

In the Mac version 0.22 the building screen has been ported and some city routines have been implemented. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Apr. 2002, 16:27] [Comments: 0]
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gene (ANF)

Heise reports about AmigaOS 4: First pictures of Amiga OS 4 (Update II)
German computer news service Heise has published a news item about OS4.
Complete article via title link.

Update - Further articles about this topic:
Golem: AmigaOS 4.0 - Erste Screenshots veröffentlicht
Der Standard: Erste Bilder von Amiga OS4 veröffentlicht
OSNews: AmigaOS 4 Screenshots Released
futureZone: Erste Screenshots von AmigaOS4.0 Eerste beelden Amiga-besturing Screenshots AmigaOS 4
(ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Apr. 2002, 13:20] [Comments: 0]
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Celso (ANF)

ZDNet: Sendo Z100 with Amiga Anywhere
According to ZDNet, newcomer Sendo has also licensed technology for making AmigaAnywhere available on their multimedia mobile phone with Microsoft's Smartphone (Stinger) operating system and Java. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Apr. 2002, 11:57] [Comments: 0]
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Oliver ´Bladerunner´ Hummel

Workshop: PCMCIA-Reset Workshop
There is a German workshop about PCMCIA-Reset. (ps)

[News message: 22. Apr. 2002, 21:21] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc.: AmigaOS 4 Screenshots online (Update II)
The first screenshots of the GUI of the upcoming AmigaOS 4 are now available at the title link. These shots depict only some new features like configurable sliders, menus and system-images. Another new feature is the possibility to move a window partly out of the visible screen.

Additional screenshots will soon be published.

GUI: Temporary screenshots of the AmigaOS 4 GUI
The published screenshots are only temporary and they do not depict the look and feel of the final AmigaOS 4.0 GUI. The work is still in progress.

The big improvements of intuition (made beneath the surface) are not visible in these screenshots...

These screenshots only show a few elements may or may not be part of the default look and feel of AmigaOS 4. The important point about these shots is the fact that the new intuition can, in many parts, be configured according to the needs of the user.

In the end you will be the one who desides how the new AmigaOS 4 will look like...

Menu: Preview of the AmigaOS 4 Menus
This is no MagicMenu or something similar; this is intuition! The work is still in progress and new features, like changing the menu icons, will be added.

Update 25.04.2002:
Ben Hermans from Hyperion stated on ANN:
In the last 48 hours interest in the OS 4 screenshots was such that it threatens to overwhelm the server.

- 50000 visitors (!) - 9000000 page views - 2.2 million files transfered - 17.67 GB of traffic All within 48 HOURS. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 22. Apr. 2002, 20:17] [Comments: 0]
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Dirk Baeyens (E-Mail)

Amiga Anywhere now up for sale (Update)
In the middle of March 2002 Bill McEwen announced the 'Amiga Anywhere' line of products for PDAs, Cell Phones, Set Top Boxes, Internet Appliances, Desktops, Digital TVs and more.

Under the title link the new product 'Amiga Anywhere Entertainment Pack #1' for PocketPC is up for sale.

Update 23.04.2002:
Amiga Anywhere takes Windows Powered devices to the next level! Amiga has announced the availability of the Amiga Anywhere Entertainment Pack # 1. The Amiga Anywhere Entertainment Pack #1 is available for download at a price of $29.95 and exclusive Game CardTM versions are available for $49.95 (Compact Flash), or $59.95 (Secure Digital) from the Amiga website at the Amiga Anywhere Shop. Read the Amiga Anywhere Entertainment Pack #1 for PocketPC press release here. (ps)

[News message: 22. Apr. 2002, 19:59] [Comments: 0]
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22.Apr.2002 (ANF) mentions Amiga mentions the Amiga and Atari in an article (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 22. Apr. 2002, 19:49] [Comments: 0]
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Elvis (ANF)

Game: EyAngband 0.4.2
An Amiga version of EyAngband 0.4.2 has been uploaded to clockwork. As soon as someone has moved from Incoming, you'll be able to access it via the following link: eyangband-042-ami.lha (658 KB)

There are bound to be plenty of graphical discrepancies, so email me with a list and I'll get them fixed for the next release.

Gumband 2.2.0c gumband-220c-ami.lha


Bablos - Angband Variant Site (ps)

[News message: 22. Apr. 2002, 19:47] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp (ANF)

GFX-BASE: Interview with Emanuele Cesaroni
Emanuele Cesaroni of Nexus Developement, programmer of the game PuzzleBOBs is currently working on a new game (called PDAng) for AmigaOS and AmigaDE.

The game seems to be funny and interesting. We talked with Emanuele about PDAng and his plans for the future. We also publish some exclusive screenshots of his new game. The English version of the interview can be found here. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 22. Apr. 2002, 11:36] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Asse (ANF)

Update Amiga Frontier Page
The Amiga-Frontier-Page, which has several versions of Frontier-Elite-II as shareware-version for download has been updated. I added the Polish and Czech versions of the game. (ps)

[News message: 22. Apr. 2002, 11:29] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Updates: HSMathLibs V44.50, muFS patch V45.13

Matthias Henze released a new version (44.50 beta2 for mc68881/82 and 44.50 beta8 for mc68040 and mc68060) of HSMathLibs for betatesters only.

muFS patch
Etienne Vogt released beta version 45.13 of "muFS patch".

Download: muFS4513p.lha (27K), Readme (sd) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 22. Apr. 2002, 00:28] [Comments: 0]
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USB-Poseidon: support for ZIP-drives
Vision Factory Developments updated the UHCI-driver used by Poseidon. The new version now supports USB ZIP 250MB drives.

The new version was tested with a VIA 83572 UHCI PCI USB-card and a G-REX A4000. (sd) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 22. Apr. 2002, 00:26] [Comments: 0]
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Games: Cinemawares "Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon"
After the release of games like "Defender of the Crown" Cinemaware now made "Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon" available for download.

After the registration, you can download the game for Amiga, C=64, AppleII and IBM-PC.

Original text (taken from the webside):
«YOU are Sinbad the Sailor battling dark and mysterious forces in a epic sea fearing quest. Get ready for pirates and genies, romance and heartbreak, comedy and tragedy, set in a fantastic universe that begs to be explored. Steel yourself for the ultimate challenge to your skills as swordsman, leader and navigator. You'll need all of your wits to defeat THE BLACK PRINCE and his minions from hell. The task is formidable but the lovely PRINCESS has begged for your aid. Can you deny her?» (sd) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 22. Apr. 2002, 00:25] [Comments: 0]
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Jürgen A. Theiner (ANF)

Game: Preview of Alien Nations
Jürgen A. Theiner writes:
'Alien Nation', in Germany better known as 'Die Völker', will soon be available on Amiga. Therefore I've asked my brother to look at the game on the PC on our behalf. Everybody is invited to read what he's saying about the game. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 21. Apr. 2002, 23:25] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Klopsch (ANF)

Sport: Runcoach - runner's training program for Amiga PC
Achim Klopsch writes:
For people who are into running and who are preparing themselves for a marathon, putting together their individual training program is a great help. A typical question would be: How do I need to set up my training in order to improve my time for the half-marathon by 5 minutes? Subsequently, a program will be devised up to the time of the competition which consists of the best possible combination of different training blocks.

Runcoach, available in Aminet, is such a program (freeware) also for our Amiga. It's the realization of the well-known PC version by the Australian Paul Shields. Erik Engdahl is the maker of the Amiga version. Unfortunately he's very busy at work. However, further development might be possible if there are enough users.

Therefore whoever is interested in using Runcoach, please contact me.

Further development could comprise:
  • Possibility to print
  • Training diary
  • Localisation
  • Import of data from pulse watches of the Polar series (e.g S410) etc.
Your comments are very much appreciated.

Download: misc/sci/rc.lha (48K), Readme (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 21. Apr. 2002, 17:56] [Comments: 0]
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Bernd Rösch (ANF)

Emulator: WinUAE Beta for sound test plus P96-Fix
On 21 April 2001 a new beta version of the Amiga emulator 'WinUAE' for Windows was released. This version is supposed to test whether the sound has improved.

The sound doesn't block UAE in any case, so that speed problems are not supposed to occur.

In addition there's also a P96 Fix. Whoever got problems with Picasso 96 on WinUAE, can also take a look at the beta version.

A readme archive has been attached.

Download: (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 21. Apr. 2002, 17:39] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Pohlmann (ANF)

Game: Update of the 'Projekt Crashsite' web page
Markus Pohlmann writes:
Again we've got some news about the role game 'Projekt Crashsite'.

First the bad news:
Frederike, the graphic artist, hasn't shown any further interest in 'Projekt Crashsite' and has stopped her work without giving any reasons for her decision.

The search for a new graphic designer has already started.

Now the good news:
A new picture shows the new lay-out and design of the battle routine. The labelled buttons have been replaced by icons which improve the futuristic visual effects.

The KI of the battle program is halfway finished. It's much better and faster now.

Besides the battle program offers variable texts and very soon you'll be able to choose between a German or an English version. And maybe even other language in the future.

According to a vote it has just been decided that 'Projekt Crashsite' will first be further developed for the PPC and only subsequently for the 68k.

You can read up on all this at: (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 21. Apr. 2002, 17:33] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Flame

AmigaDE: Pang style game and network-enabled games
Amiga Flame briefly reports about the development of a new platform game for AmigaDE and Kaliko's plan regarding the development of network-enabled games.

Nexus Development works on a Pang style game for AmigaDE. In this platform game there will be enemies such as UFOs and monsters, and you will have to avoid bombs and hazards such as acid, nails, and beams.

An editor will be included with the game to allow gamers to create their own levels. The developers are currently seeking musicians and beta-testers to help out.

In an interview with GetBoinged Kaliko revealed that they are working on network-enabled games. As they are still in the early stages of development there's no further information right now. In addition Kaliko also indicated a desire to create two player games for handhelds using infra-red connections as a means of communication. However, only if Amiga Inc decides to include support in AmigaDE for IR (or Bluetooth) will such titles appear.

Amiga Flame calls on everybody in a second textto encourage Virtual Programming to implement 'Kick Off 2002' for AmigaDE.

Virtual Programming already ports Payback onto AmigaDE as well as 'Kick Off 2002' onto Macinthosh. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 21. Apr. 2002, 17:19] [Comments: 0]
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Web directory: Relaunch of 'Made on Amiga' on 29 April 2002
On 29 April 2002 the Amiga web directory 'Made on Amiga' will go online after a year's break. At the moment you can find a countdown under the title link. Take a look at the newly designed web site with its almost 800 entries at Sneak-Preview.

'Made on Amiga' began in April 1997 as a simple web page exclusively listing web sites which had been created or were maintained on the Amiga family of computers. The list quickly grew, necessitating categorisation. Shortly after that a move was made from a static page to a searchable database.

Each site is individually reviewed and categorised. Checks are also made to confirm that the site is in fact made or maintained on an Amiga.

In the spring of 2001, 'Made on Amiga', along with a number of other GonMad / No Original Thought websites, suffered a major setback when the hosting ISP disappeared due to legal problems in the USA.

'Made on Amiga' has been given a complete overhaul and redesign. After 4 months of testing, the new site is finally ready and will be online as of 29 April 2002, exactly 5 years after its first launch. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 21. Apr. 2002, 15:17] [Comments: 0]
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CPU: Amiga Coldfire mailing list launched
Due to a great number of requests Oliver Hannaford-Day, webmaster of, has set up a new mailing list for the Motorola Coldfire V4 (5407) development on the Amiga platform.

Anyone can join, everyone is welcome. It doesn't matter if you're in favour of the project or against it, it could at the very least prove interesting. Questions are answered, ideas are shared - join now.

The list is hosted by Yahoo and you can subscribe to it via the title link or send an e-mail to (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 21. Apr. 2002, 15:15] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Mann (ANF)

History: Cult computer of the 80s
Via the Netscape (Deutschland)-Portal you can find an amusing look back at the home computer - starting with ZX 81, followed by UrMac and leading up to the Amiga. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 21. Apr. 2002, 13:38] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen (E-Mail)

Virus Help Denmark: Safe Version 17.9
A new update of "Safe" has been released today.

Here is some info about the archive:

Name: Safe v17.9
Archive name : Safe.lha
Archive size : 19.070 bytes
Date : 20 April 2002
Programmer : Zbigniew Trzcionkowski
Requires : OS 2.04+, xvs.library

Changes in Safe v17.9:

  • fixed too high 'suspicity' values in VECS caused by RAM placed functions of exec45 update (thanks for Marcin 'Morgoth' Kurek)
Download shortcut (ps)

[News message: 20. Apr. 2002, 23:05] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Merz (ANF)

New MasonIcons
The following new and reworked archives are available on the MasonIcons homepage:
  • 3PMguiMI (2nd release) - reworked toolbar image for 3PMgui
  • AmiComSysMI (2nd release) - reworked toolbar images for AmiComSys
  • AmiMDCMI (3rd release) - reworked toolbar images for AmiMDC800
  • AminetIdxMI (2nd release) - reworked toolbar images for AminetIDX
  • ApacheMI (4th release) - 180 filetype images for Apache - available as ZIP and LHA archive
  • CharonMI (4th release) - reworked toolbar images for Charon
  • PicShowMI (1st release) - new GlowIcons navigationbar for PicShow
  • ReqMI (2nd release) - new and reworked logos and animated logos for ReqAttack - new designed buttons - reworked toolbar for RAPrefs - redesigned icons
  • Voodoo-XMI (1st release) - reworked toolbar images for VooDoo-X
Visit Mason.Home for further informations and previews. (ps)

[News message: 20. Apr. 2002, 22:58] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Falke (ANF)

EZP@gerNG v2.2 released
The latest version of the SMS, paging and e-mail software is as unregistered version since today available for free download.

All registered EZP@gerNG users will find in the download area an update archive for updating their registered software from version 2.1 to version 2.2.

This is mainly a bugfix release:
Some items of the menus 'Window' and 'Icon' were in v2.1 not or not correctly executed. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 20. Apr. 2002, 22:55] [Comments: 0]
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Kultpower (ANF)

Kultpower: new reviews, magazine covers and comics
After a long break now an update on, and it's a very big one.
  • More than 40 new Powerplay reviews, among other things of Zak McKracken from the year 1988
  • In addition some new reviews taken from the magazines ASM and Videogames
  • New magazine covers (PC Joker, PcXtreme, Club Nintendo)
  • New entries in the area "Kult-Games" (Day of the Tentacle, Magnetic Scrolls Collection, Super Mario Bros. 3)
  • 6 new episodes of the Turkey comics of the series "Return to Modul" by Karl Bihlmeier
Should the domain not work in the next days (due to a provider change) are the contents always reachable via the URL (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 20. Apr. 2002, 19:19] [Comments: 0]
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Dirk Baeyens (email)

Tao: voice recognition "VORERO" by Asahi Kasei for intent
Asahi Kasei and Tao have on 18. April 2002 announced that voice recognition engine "VORERO" will support the intent platform. As destination architecture they name the PXA250 CPU by Intel for this.

"VORERO" is a compact and efficient voice recognition software designed for car navigation, cell phones, PDAs and similar devices.

The voice recognition software is speaker independant, works at places with additional sound, needs only a little amount of memory and supports Japanese as well as the North American English.

Further information about this can be found under the title link and on the VORERO homepage. (sd) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 20. Apr. 2002, 19:15] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Sahle (ANF)

Repulse Driver Update from 01.03.2002
Repulse Update (1.03.2002) contains repulse.library V4.4, toccata.library emulation V12.0, repulsetest V3.3

Download: repulse_upd010302.lha (ps)

[News message: 20. Apr. 2002, 16:39] [Comments: 0]
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Dietmar Knoll (ANF)

AmigaOSXL: Experiences with the H&P Big-Tower 1800+ (Update)
In my report I describe the experiences I have made with the Big-Tower. As announced, the eleventh update also contains information about AmigaXL. The list of programs that have been tested with Amithlon and AmigaXL has moved to an extra page. Accordingly, the chapter "Software" has become more clear.

BTW, the tenth update was the new chapter "Harddisk". (ps)

[News message: 20. Apr. 2002, 16:35] [Comments: 1 - 21. Apr. 2002, 09:19]
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Thomas Tavoly (ANF)

New RC5/OGR Distributed Amiga clients
New improved RC5/OGR client builds are out, now with built in ClassAct/Reaction GUI and several bugfixes/improvements. (ps)

[News message: 20. Apr. 2002, 13:22] [Comments: 0]
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German translation of interview with Thendic and Petro Tyschtschenko
In a teamwork that had never before happened here with some of our readers the translation of the interview had been done. To all who participated we send a big "Thank you"!

The interview can be found following the title link. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 20. Apr. 2002, 13:14] [Comments: 0]
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Marco Frischkorn (ANF)

New alias URLs and ceasing of support
Marco Frischkorn wrote:
Ceasing of support for the tutorial "AMIGA-PC Network"
As I sell my AMIGA I can't give any support for the tutorial "AMIGA-PC Network" anymore. A testing of problems etc. is because of a lack of hardware not possible anymore. The tutorial will stay online for now. But for problems or questions I recommend to have an additional look at the workshop at AUG99.

Alias URLs for Softcinema and Frogger
The mirrors of Softcinema and Frogger can be reached from Sunday, 21.04.2002, on using the following URLs:

The old URLs remain. These were only created because of an easier reachability. (Translation: wk)

[News message: 20. Apr. 2002, 10:43] [Comments: 0]
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Rainer Strobel (E-Mail)

Instant-Messenger: STRICQ 2.8
Douglas F. McLaughlin has published beta version 2.8 of his Instant-Messenger "STRICQ"-

Download: STRICQv2.lha (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Apr. 2002, 18:59] [Comments: 0]
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Gerd Frank (E-Mail)

Route planner: AmiAtlas update in progress
After we have not heard any news of AmiATLAS for some time now there are some good ones:

Although there were much rumour the development of AmiATLAS will be continued. But it takes a little bit of time to program new features and to fix old bugs.

Within the next two weeks there will be a new update with extended and bug fixed cards and with new and improved additional tools. All changes will be contained in new delivered pieces of AmiATLAS 6.

Christoph Gutjahr now manages the newsletter and the mailing list of AmiATLAS. If you want to subscribe then simply send an empty mail to

If you have ideas of improvement or wishes you can directly send a mail to

We would like to thank all Amiga freaks who rely on us and support the development! (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Apr. 2002, 18:36] [Comments: 0]
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Support Elbox

Elbox: NEW drivers for FastATA 1200 controller
ELBOX COMPUTER has released today the new drivers for FastATA 1200 (Power Flyer 1200, Winner 1200 High-Speed) controller:
  • FastATA.driver ver. 6.0
  • FastATAPrefs ver. 6.0
  • AllegroCDFS ver. 3.3
The new drivers feature:
  • Compatibility with AmigaOS3.9 with BB2 added
  • Support for HDDs up to 2199.0 GB in the SPLIT mode
  • ATA3Prefs can be started when ATA3.driver is running
  • The USE option added in ATA3Prefs
  • Emulation of SEEK(6) and WRITE(6) SCSI commands added
From ATA3.driver ver. 6.0 on, there is no need to add the 'SKIPROMUPDATES scsi.device' or 'NONSD' options in the Setpatch command.

For more info about FastATA 1200 controller see here. (ps)

[News message: 19. Apr. 2002, 16:52] [Comments: 0]
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Patrick Beerhorst (ANF)

Amiga Demo Archive with new design
A.D.A. - the Amiga Demo Archive has got a new design. From now on there is a new layout which offers powerful search functions with many links, information, screenshots ans videos of over 160 Amiga demos. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Apr. 2002, 14:57] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Steiding (E-Mail)

e.p.i.c. interactive announces Software Tycoon for MorphOS and Amiga
Didn't you always wanted to found your own games-company? It's time for a childhood dream to come true...

It's 1982. Small computer games companies are springing up in the bedrooms around the world. A new business beckons, where everything is in your hands. You have total control, from creating the original concept, through hiring staff and packaging design, to the development of massive marketing campaigns.

Do you have the skills to create and use new technologies and become a Software Tycoon? Software Tycoon immerses the player through the implementation of different scenarios, tutorials and a truly satirical backround that simulates the software business.

But don't forget your opponents will stop at nothing to ruin your business!


  • Real-time gameplay.
  • Two intelligent and unusual computer computer controlled opponents.
  • Satiric simulation of the software business.
  • Interact with real living and acting characters.
  • Multiple missions and tutorial scenarios.
  • Adventure-like inventory.
  • Hi-Res graphics in 800x600 dpi.
  • Employ the best staff and implement massive marketing campaigns for your products.
  • Sabotage your ruthless opponents.
  • Different buildings in horizontal scrolling Location.
  • Easy development of original game concepts.
Bussiness simulation Software Tycoon will require a PPC based Amiga or the Pegasos and at least 32 Mbyte RAM. Software Tycoon will start shipping in June 2002. (ps)

[News message: 19. Apr. 2002, 13:27] [Comments: 0]
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19.Apr.2002 / Christian Rosentreter (ANF)

Golem: Metrowerks delivers CodeWarrior for Tao Intent Media Platform
»Multi platform-development e.g. for PDAs, mobile telephones and Set-Top-Boxes
Metronetworks has introduced a new CodeWarrior-packet for developing software for the not system dependable Intent Media Platform of the Tao Group. The Intent which also works as heart of Amigas AmigaDE and Amiga Anywhere offers the opportunity of executing platform independable binary code on each supported hard- and software - e.g. on PDAs, mobile telephones, video recorder and DVD-players.«
Have a look at the title link for the full article (only German!). (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Apr. 2002, 12:03] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Weyrauch (A.W.Design) (ANF)

Amiga users meeting in Hannoversch Münden on 20.04.2002
Today we want to invite all Amiga users which are interested in meeting like-minded poeple coming to Hannoversch Münden.

Jugendherberge Hann. Münden
Prof.-Oelkers-Str. 10
34346 Hann. Münden
Tel: (05541)8853

(ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Apr. 2002, 12:00] [Comments: 0]
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Interview with Thendic France and Petro Tyschtschenko
We made a very extensive interview with Thendic France (Raquel Valesco and Bill Buck) and Power Trading (Petro Tyschtschenko).

Interview with Bill Buck, Raquel Velasco and Petro Tyschtschenko
made by Petra Struck - 17.04.2002 (Deutsche Übersetzung) In Comments on ANN both of you gave some facts and details. Petro stated that Bill and Raquel fought very hard for VisCorp (his employer those times) to buy AMIGA in the times of Escom bankruptcy. Petro said he believes bPlan are capable of managing the future. Bill stated that Thendic-France contracted bPlan to do some development work. Specifically, to develope the eclipsis. Bill, you said also your company worked very closely with Petro in 1995 and 1996. What did that mean exactly?

Thendic France: We did. Raquel and I paid the salaries and social/tax of the Amiga Inc. personnel from June 1996 through November 1996 ourselves, personally (so we had some "bucks" too...). It was the arrangement we made with Mr. Hembach, the Escom Bankruptcy Trustee, for the benefit of VisCorp and was the only way to keep Amiga alive. Our VisCorp Board agreed initially, but they did not support the effort as the details of the Escom bankruptcy became more public. It became very complicated and ultimately VisCorp cared more about its short term share price and completely abandoned the entire set-top box strategy. We were never reimbursed these funds, although we did win a legal settlement against VisCorp later (the legal issues at the time prevented us from coming public with the details). Petro worked with us and we worked hard together to sell the Amiga inventory (which reduced the transaction cost, but could not be used to pay personnel costs). In the end the VisCorp board decided not to complete the transaction and we resigned. Petro went on to Gateway; VisCorp died eventually.

We are sure that Petro will admit that without our money at the time both he personally, and Amiga itself as a complete package (the intellectual property and the significant inventory of A1200s and components), would have had a very hard time surviving. Mr. Hembach, the bankruptcy trustee, wanted to sell everything any way he could. He would have split the intellectual property into pieces and this would have made future success for Amiga impossible. Petro gets the credit for convincing Mr. Hembach to keep the package together. Helmut Jost also deserves some credit too as he was the last CEO of Escom and was retained by Mr. Hembach to assist him, while Petro kept the sales channels open and "Amiga" alive. Perhaps, it is finally time for that information to be better known.

Petro Tyschtschenko: Yes, that were wild times.. Raquel and Bill have been a big chance to keep our Amiga alive. The worst case that could have happend was that Mr. Hembach sold the remaining Amiga inventory as bankrupt´s estate. Thank god that I could prevent him from doing that... Initially we, which means Axel Krämer, Andreas Steep and I, worked without beeing paid and without a future. Bill Buck and Raquel Valesco were together with our beloved Amiga a big hope for the future... And when Bill Buck and Raquel paid our wages, all had been nearly right with the world again... Sadly VisCorp didn´t made it at least. One day at least and as rescuer there came Gateway along who took us over. If VisCorp had listened to Raquel Valesco and Bill Buck they were not run into bankrupty and the computer industry today would not be imaginable without Amiga in my opinion. Bill, in your comment you claimed that Almathera Systems Ltd. closed under shady circumstances. Please explain that.

Thendic France: This we did not say. We said that their decision as we understood it at the time was to close the business because the Amiga market had become too small. The market was not big enough to support their operation and they made a business decision to close the company. Bill: You made public a Fleecy Moss email to you. IMHO this is not a professional way to act. What motivated you to do this?

Thendic France: I did not do this. Fleecy and I traded emails about this afterwards and have cleared this up between us. In Fleecy's words it was "a regrettable incident." We agree. Bill Buck (Thendic France), how long have you been working with Petro Tyschtschenko (Power Trading)?

Thendic France: Raquel and I first worked directly with Petro in 1995 when VisCorp began to negotiate a license agreement with Escom. VisCorp paid and Escom received $650,000 in prepaid royalties when the license agreement was signed. However, I first met Petro at the CBM bankruptcy. Manfred Schmidt, the founder and CEO of Escom, and I sat together at the bankruptcy auction. Escom and VisCorp were partners. Escom would have been a 7% shareholder of VisCorp if they had not gone into bankruptcy and would have been the European distributors of the ED. It was a good plan. Just look how many companies and people tried to do the same thing later! Unfortunately with time, Microsoft caught on, bought WebTV for hundreds of millions of dollars and pushed it into the market. The AmigaOS on a set-top box would have dominated WebTV. Remember, Paul Allan was one of our VisCorp shareholders. Who knows what an Internet XBOX might have been today or better, before!...:) Amiga developers would have had access to a huge market! Bill, when was it that you got the idea to work together with bPlan?

Thendic France: We have always admired their engineering and had discussions with them in 1996, but more recently in 2000 we contacted Gerald just after the Amiga show in Cologne. We have come to respect him very much. Ralph and Thomas are also excellent technicians and engineers. Each one of them has unique strengths. We are proud to be working with them. We like them. Tell us about your cooperation with bPlan in detail?

Thendic France:
  1. We want the Pegasos to be successful.
  2. We are promoting the product to various markets that have demand for PowerPC-based hardware.
  3. We want bPlan to miniaturize the Pegasos to make the eclipsis.
  4. We think MorphOS is a unique and a well engineered OS.
  5. We want the Pegasos to become the development machine for the eclipsis. For what kind of device eclipsis is designed (Subnotebook or PDA) and what cpu will be used?

Thendic France: This has been published and is online at our Eclipsis-site. You will further notice that the newest versions of the Gx family of processors are also oriented to the low power requirements demanded by the mobile market. This is a growth market and this is a new market. Of course, the eclipsis could be configured in a laptop too. We do plan for an eclipsis base station, so together the package can be placed into a laptop. Laptop sales are stronger than desktop sales in today's world. Which kind of applications will eclipsis offer?

Thendic France: Everything! Of course, that also becomes a problem because you have to explain to the consumer what the eclipsis is in a very simple way. This will be the challenge. Here is the basic message: we want to give people the opportunity to do what they do today already in a better way, more conveniently, with more fun, and anywhere. That is it. How are the measures of eclipsis?

Thendic France: As small as small can be!...:) What do you aim at, where do you see your big chance for success?

Thendic France: Long term, the handheld mobile market. This is a growth market. Mobility is the key. Communication and entertainment are the focus. But, in the meanwhile we will sell all our products. We operate a number of growing and profitable businesses.

Having said that, anyone can buy a Pegasos and do whatever they want with it. Bill, how long have Rakesh and Sharwin Raghoebardayal, better known as Coyote Flux been on board?

Thendic France: We started working with them in December 2000. Did Coyote Flux relocate to Paris to assist with the bPlan products?

Thendic France: Primarily yes, but they have also developed other products including the JMiner professional photogrammetry software and the i-Cam and Tri-Cam viewing software which has created a good deal of interest. The i-Cam and the Tri-Cam (a version of the ComCam) are great products and run on a PowerPC too.

We are building the ComCams for our distribution areas at the Cobra Electronic GmbH facility in Ingolstadt, Germany. They also make the Tri-Cam. Sharwin and Rakesh have been a big help there working with the Cobra engineers to make sure that our ComCams are perfect.

By the way, the CEO of ComCam is Don Gilbreath, the old VisCorp CTO and a former CBM CD32 Project Manager. The ComCam has a big future and we are pleased to be working with Don again. Carolyn Scheppner is also at ComCam. Carolyn did some coding for VisCorp, but is more known for her work on the CATS project at CBM. Thendic-France is the exclusive distributor of ComCam products in Europe, the former Soviet Republics, and India (where Petro should be announcing a big successful project soon!). We are also the exclusive worldwide ComCam distributor for the aviation industry. There are already some ComCams in very interesting places....:) What specifically are the job titles and duties of Rakesh and Sharwin?

Thendic France: We are really not much on titles. In simple terms, Rakesh is looking for the best applications for the devices, debugging, and testing. Rakesh is a creative person and has also been doing considerable research on the intellectual property/copyright issues related to P2P communications and file sharing on the internet. Sharwin is writing code and making the code work so that the products do what we want them to do. Together they are doing plenty of things to assist the company in generating revenues and successfully implementing a variety of tasks to support our clients. They are both quite hard-working and talented. We appreciate them very much -- although we did tell Sharwin to leave the hat in Holland (, then click on "Contact" ...:) For what reason do you consider the Pegasos board to be a good solution?

Thendic France: It runs very fast. It is scalable. It is upgradeable. The Pegasos gives us something upon which we can build a great future. We are really looking forward to receiving the G4e samples from Motorola.

From an engineering perspective, the best indication of the general engineering quality of the Pegasos package in total would be best be summed up by a former Engineering VP from Siemens who told us, "It is the best third-party hardware, software and documentation package I have ever seen in 30 years." Rumours about the legal status of MorphOS are coming up over and over again. Some people (e.g. Ben Hermans of Hyperion, Fleecy Moss of Amiga Inc. and possibly Bill McEwen of Amiga Inc., too) don't think MorphOS could be legally sold due to their belief that intellectual property of Amiga Inc. would be part of it. If you decide to not to cooperate with Amiga Inc. (either because you cannot or do not want to or because Amiga Inc. cannot or don not want to), would you be willing to bring the Pegasos with MorphOS to the market anyway?

Thendic France: We will release and promote the products whether there is cooperation with Amiga Inc. or not. They have chosen their principal direction with AmigaDE. Great. We have tried to work with them, but we want to do what we want to do -- not what they want to force us to do. It would be wonderful if we could work together, but this is not a precondition for us to move ahead. We would like to cooperate with Amiga. We (Thendic-Germany) were the first organization to achieve an Amiga DE license (our lawyers wrote the license agreement) and we would have been happy to extend our current license --and pre-pay royalties -- but we unfortunately cannot get them to see things our way. Amiga belongs to them so that is their call. We are going ahead anyway. How do you personally assess the legal status of MorphOS?

Thendic France: Well, we have been investigating the legal issues for a couple of months now and have someone specifically preparing the files for Europe. As we all know, legal "issues" are decided ultimately in their proper jurisdiction -- which is not on the internet. We think that there are no legal challanges and that there will certainly not be any legal challenges once we have a finished product. If however, anyone is of a contrary opinion, we will be prepared and can handle the financial commitments necessary manage a legal process. As the issues become more apparent, we do not think there will be any serious difficulties and all these "rumors" will become mute.

If I was Amiga, I would not allow anyone with a legitimate association to Amiga Inc. to publicly discuss these specific issues online. Bill or Fleecy should do it if it is thought to be necessary. Anyone else is corrupting the process for them. We know exactly what they think now and how misinformed they are. This will not help them if the situation becomes worse. It really is a shame. Bill and Fleecy deserve alot more success for what they managed to do initially than they have been able to develop since then. These "rumors" do not help them and in reality separate them from precisely some of the people they should want to attract. Bill, does Thendic-France have something to do with

Thendic France: Yes, it is owned by the same shareholders although in different proportions (see Pretory about page). Raquel is the Pretory Chairman of Board and is the largest single shareholder. I should mention that Helmut Jost has been a shareholder of Pretory since 1997 and has recently become the key manager at Thendic-Germany. In 1996, Helmut was brought into Escom by the banks after Manfred Schmidt was removed. Helmut was also the General Manager of Commodore Germany when Commodore Germany was responsible alone for over $500 million in annual CBM revenue in the early 90's. Helmut's claim to fame there was his idea to put Amigas on sale in supermarkets. CBM was the best selling computer in Germany and Helmut had alot to do with it (Petro too!). He also ran European PC Sales for IBM and later Fujitsu. We think he will be a big help at making the Pegasos successful and has already put a couple of excellent ideas into play. Helmut introduced us to Thendic in late 1999. What happened to the announced SmartBoy?

Thendic France: This was addressed in the post on the Thendic-France website and can now be reviewed on The bottom line: we could not compete on a cost of acquisition/price to market basis for components with the big players in the ARM and CE environment. We have kept the information on the Thendic-Germany website in case someone wants to purchase the development...:)

One more important thing...

I would like to also mention that Dr. Allan Havemose is also part of our team. Allan, who just became a proud father for the first time (14 April 2002), was the Software Engineering Director at CBM with responsibility for the Amiga operating systems OS 2.1, OS 3.0 and OS 3.1 on the A1200, A3000, A4000, AmigaCD, and various other platforms. As you know, Allan was more recently involved with Gateway's effort to resurrect the Amiga. Allan is developing the Java Virtual Machine for the Pegasos/eclipsis and will work also on the Linux side of our efforts. He brings professional product development and product management to our team. Petro, what is your motivation to still busy yourself with the Amiga?

Petro Tyschtschenko: The idea and the vision of Amiga still keeps attractive to me until today. Personally is what Jay Miner developed in 1980 still the ideal answer to the challenge "computer development". Since October 1982 I spent constantly my whole working potential for this idea. How many times my family had to suffer about it? Unfortunately the responsible management didn´t saw things again and again, which destroyed the chances for the future at least. My hints and advices were not heard most times... My impetus still is my convinction that the Amiga vision will become true... Petro, you often talked about your book, "Amiga - Mein Leben." Are you working on it?

Petro Tyschtschenko: The Amiga story is such a interesting one from the mature of that today´s world of computers. I want to conserve and transmit my knowledge from this time to all those interested in computers. "Amiga - my life" is under work. Here a little extract: "In summer 1982 at 7:30 pm in the evening I signed with Harald Speyer, the Vice President Europe those days, my contract of employment." That has been the start. Bill, anything else?

Thendic France: Thank you for the opportunity to share this with "the community." We have a good team of people and products and we will draw from the resources of all the companies to make the Pegasos and the eclipsis successful. We hope everyone will understand this better now! We thank you very much for your plainness and we wish you great success.

Contact information

Thendic France
182 rue des Pyrénées
F - 75020 Paris

Tel : +33 (0)1 43 66 28 00
Fax : +33 (0)1 43 66 28 55

Power Trading GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 11b
D - 63225 Langen

Tel. +49 (0) 6103 58785
Fax +49 (0) 6103 587888

bplan GmbH
Georg-Wolff-Str. 8
D - 60439 Frankfurt am Main
Information (ps)

[News message: 18. Apr. 2002, 21:13] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Effenberger (ANF)

3CaDo: Extraction, Preparation and Creation of Video-, Audio- und Data-CDRs
3CaDo is a program pack that is still under development. The software concerns itself with the extraction, preparation and creation of video-, audio- und data-CDRs.

ViCaDo (Video-Can-Do) is in the betaphase. More information is available right here (German.)

AiCaDo (Audio-Can-Do) is in the alphaphase.

DiCaDo (Data-Can-Do) is in the alphaphase.

In the course of working on this program pack a couple of small, helpful tools were created, and I don't wish to keep them from Amiga users.

GetMpegInfo can provide information about mpeg streams.(Video-, Audio- und System-Streams). With shell- and Workbench-versions.

GetAudioInfo is helpful with providing Audio-Information (16SV, 8SVX, AIFC, AIFF, AU/SND, MAESTRO, MAUD, MP1/2/3, VOC, WAVE). With shell- and Workbench-versions. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 18. Apr. 2002, 20:31] [Comments: 0]
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Jörn-Erik Burkert (E-Mail)

Print Magazine: AMIGA-Magazin 05/2002 - Sample Reading Online
Amiga-Magazin has put a couple interesting articles online as a sample. [in German -DM] By the editorial and the table of contents you will find a preview of the June 2002 issue. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 18. Apr. 2002, 20:02] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Dittmar (ANF)

VGR: New CyberGraphX V4 Update
Summary of VGR announcements: CyberGraphX Update Notes. Please read. As with all CyberGraphX V4 updates you will need your orginal CGX CDROM for the update as it is used as a base for the new files. The files on this page are for Amiga based graphic cards. That includes Zorro 2 Bus, Zorro 3 Bus, CyberStormPPC/MKIII Bus, BlizzardPPC Bus, Atéo Bus, Wildfire Bus und DraCo Bus.

This archive supports Inferno, Picasso II, Picasso IV, Piccolo, Piccolo SD64, Pixel64, Spectrum, Rainbow III, CyberVision64/3D, CyberVision64, DraCo Altais, Retina Z3 BLT, A2410, BlizzardVisionPPC & CyberVisionPPC.

You'll find RC4 and more at CGX V4 Page. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 18. Apr. 2002, 17:11] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp (ANF)

GFX-BASE: Interview with Thomas Rapp
At GFX-BASE you'll find a new (German language) Interview. This time around we spoke with the programmer of PicShow and other excellent tools, Thomas Rapp. He told us about his software projects, plans, and he shared his opinions on a few things.

For our English users: English translation. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 18. Apr. 2002, 17:08] [Comments: 0]
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Dietmar Knoll (ANF)

Amithlon: Change to the FAQ-page of Bernd Meyer
As reported, on 02.04.2002 Bernie Meyer made a public statement of the sales situation of Amithlon. Apparently no agreement has been reached, because on 16.04.2002 Bernie Meyer changed his FAQ page as follows:

I want to have it!
That's not possible right now, unfortunately. I explained the license problems in the statement. However I hope to have a new, improved, and completely licensed version available soon.

And when will that be for sale?
Hopefully very soon, after the unhappy stuff is cleared up.

Does Amiga Inc. want to publish it?
Yeah, they want to. Things have changed. Nobody is happy about it, least of all me. Amithlon was always meant to be a complete solution, with fully licensed ROMs and AmigaOS. Haage & Partner apparently didn't share this position, but I am personally not ready to compromise in this regard.

Observation of
Until now we have just heard one side of the story, so we asked H&P about this sticky wicket. Unfortunately it's not possible for H&P to speak because the signed contracts between Bernie Meyer, Harald Frank (VMC) und H&P clearly state these internal matters not be discussed publicly.

And Bill McEwen can't or won't speak either. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 18. Apr. 2002, 16:32] [Comments: 5 - 20. Apr. 2002, 13:34]
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Dennis Lohr (E-Mail)

Music: New Songs from Psyria
There's a music project underway at Psyria, and the songs are being produced exclusively with the Amiga. Yesterday there was a new update at the homepage.

Dennis Lohr writes: » There are two new songs in MP3 format available for download. "Dream Dimension", a richly emotional Song that is offered as a high-quality MP3, and "The Saviour" - which is offered at lower quality [and size -DM]. You'll find information about these songs in the news.

Beyond that, I'm proud to announce that, after two years of work, my first album "Out of my Life 2002" is finally ready. With this album I go on a search for a new record label. Maybe someone can give me an interesting tip about that?! :-)« (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 18. Apr. 2002, 12:30] [Comments: 0]
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Gerhard Pircher (ANF)

TOMORROW: Amiga: the Friend of the Player
There's an article on TOMMORROW about the Amiga, under the name "Amiga: the Friend of the Player." The article covers the topic of Amiga on the PC (UAE.) The article starts with this wonderful sentence: »Funny haircuts and acidwash jeans, no-one wants these fashion disasters of the 80's back again. But that's not the case with computer games. Even today the eyes of old gamers light up, when they daydream about the legendary computers like C64 or Commodore Amiga. Bring a new life to old games like "Turrican" or "Monkey Island.« (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 18. Apr. 2002, 11:01] [Comments: 0]
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Webmaster Zaurus Community (ANF)

Zaurus Community: New Fan-Portal for the Sharp Zaurus SL5500D
The Zaurus community, that may be found at, is a new fan portal that covers Sharp's Zaurus PDA. FAQs, applications, games, drivers, tips und tricks and of course a whole lot of fun.

There are many English language websites on this topic, but very unfortunately few in German. Through our own search for Zaurus information, we've begun this community. Amiga - Linux - Zaurus, simply a combination with rare exception mistakes. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 18. Apr. 2002, 10:55] [Comments: 0]
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