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AmigaOS 4.1: Updates will be only available for Final Edition
In his AmiWest presentation, Steven Solie intimated it, now other AmigaOS 4 developers confirmed it: In future updates will be only available for the "Final Edition" of AmigaOS. Therefore changes are happening within the infrastructure.

According to Simon 'Rigo' Archer the only exception are critical updates applicable to older versions of AmigaOS 4.1. As Archer and Andy 'broadblues' Broad explained, "the development team is unable to upkeep multiple versions of the OS, and test all possible scenarios". (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Mar. 2015, 18:00] [Comments: 0]
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26.Mar.2015 (Webseite)

Full versions for download: Hash Animation, FMSynth, Draggy and Croco, Doktor
The Amigafuture offers the full versions of the applications "Hash Animation" and "FMSynth" as well as the Polish Jump'n Run "Draggy and Croco" and the puzzler "Doktor" for free download. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Mar. 2015, 17:28] [Comments: 0]
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25.Mar.2015 (Webseite)

WASD Keyboards: High quality keyboards with "Amiga"-key
The Californian shop WASD Keyboards offers a keyboard with Cherry MX-switch, which the customer can configure on the website of the company. Additional to keycap colors and alphanumeric layout style, you can select "OS Keys" - here you can also choose "Amiga". (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Mar. 2015, 20:22] [Comments: 0]
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Pascal Papara (ANF)

Emulation: Legal source of supply for Cyberstorm-ROM-file
If you are going to use AmigaOS 4.1 "Final Edition" with an emulator, that requires this PowerPC operating system, the Kickstart-ROM and the Workbench of AmigaOS 3.1 as well as the accelerator board ROM of the CyberStorm PPC.

If you do not own a Cyberstorm PPC, nevertheless you can use AmigaOS 4 legally in the emulation: In consultation with the rightholder, DCE, the ROM-file can be purchased in the IndieGO!-Appstore for the symbolic price of EUR 1. On request, Pascal Papara will bear the costs for purchasers of the computer AresOne as well as of the distributions AEROS R3 and Aminux (USB-Stick version). (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2015, 19:44] [Comments: 0]
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Podcast: Retro Asylum - The Amiga Bonanza
The latest issue of Retro Asylum, the self-appointed "UK's number 1 retro gaming podcast", is exclusively about the Commodore Amiga. On the occasion of the forthcoming 30th birthday, the three hosts have talked for almost three hours about the history and the games, "that made the system so special". (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Mar. 2015, 00:16] [Comments: 0]
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23.Mar.2015 (Webseite)

GUI-Toolkit for Hollywood: First demo version of cross-platform HGui
HGui is a GUI-system developed with Hollywood, which in contrast to the Amiga-specific MUI Royale would be available for all platforms supported by Hollywood. The development has been almost finished, a first demo now is available (download site).

According to the author Fabio "Allanon" Falcucci, he thinks about a commercial release. Therefore he has released this demo to get some feedback on this question. If he will get sufficient financial support, Falcucci will write tutorials and a "comprehensive developer guide".

Two different releases are planned: As applet and as source code, both versions would include tutorials and developer guide. The current level of development the author has described as "usable and stable". He needs to "complete some planned features and a couple of missing classes".

The features of his GUI-Toolkits:

General features
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Flexible and multi-layered skin system
  • Easy of use
  • Fast
  • Scalable (tuning the cache system and the theme)
  • Since HGui does not depend on any system specific command/library all developed projects can be compiled for any system supported by Hollywood, your GUIs will be the same on every platform, exactly the same.
Windows system
  • Each window you create supports the following events:
    • OnClose
    • OnMove
    • OnActivate
    • OnDeactivate
    • OnHide
    • OnShow
    • OnSize
  • User definable minimum and maximum sizes
  • Automatic control of the window's order
  • Methods to control/edit on the fly the created windows
  • Various background type supported
  • Special windows to build up quickly progress indicator and/or messages for long operations.
  • Window's menu (not the ones available with Hollywood but a custom one that allow you to include any gadget type into it.
  • Functions to find window objects by name, by Hollywood ID, and to check if a window exists or not.
  • Ability to attach hotkeys to any window to execute specific tasks when a keypress occurs.
Gadgets system
  • Supported gadget classes
    • Box
    • Vertical Divider
    • Horizontal Divider
    • Label
    • Group (Generic, Radio, Check)
    • Button
    • Switch
    • Scrollbar (Vertical/Horizontal)
    • Slider (Vertical/Horizontal)
    • ProgressBar
    • Knob
    • Text (for user input)
    • ListView
    • TreeView
    • DropDown
    • Image
    • Virtual Area
  • Planned gadget classes
    • Spin
    • Tabs
  • Ability to switch the cache system on or off
    • On: each gadget state will be cached, faster but more memory required
    • Off: each gadget state will be rendered directly, slower but with a lower memory footprint.
  • Each gadget can be skinned individually
  • Each gadget class can be skinned globally
  • Support for icons inside gadgets with custom alignment and text adjustment
  • Flying tips for some gadgets
  • Sounds on some actions (OnOver, OnOut, OnPushed, OnDown)
  • Supported actions:
    • OnPushed
    • OnDown
    • OnOver
    • OnOut
    • OnDrop
    • OnDropOut
    • Some classes can have additional actions
  • Functions to search buttons by their names
  • Methods to control and modify on the fly existing gadgets
  • Gadgets drag and drop (planned)
  • Ability to attach a right-mouse action or a pop up menu (planned)
Layout system
  • Gadgets can be arranged using the MUI concept, you define some gadgets that will be grouped inside another gadget, this way your GUI is represented by a tree where the tree root is a special gadget called 'rootGadget' already created for you when a window is created.
  • Supported layout are:
    • Vertical
    • Horizontal
    • Grid
  • When you define child gadgets you can define the following properties:
    • Gadget weights (percentual variable, percentual fixed, pixel variable, pixel fixed)
    • Borders (top, bottom, left, right) from the father gadget
    • Gap between childs in pixel
What's missing/needs more love
  • Some little glitches to be fixed
  • Keyboard navigation system
  • Gadget's hotkeys
  • Gadget's drag & drop
  • ListView/TreeView column resize using the mouse
  • Tabs class
  • Spin class
  • Documentation
  • Tutorials
  • Global theme management functions are not completed
  • Support for XML Gui definition
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Mar. 2015, 23:35] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Exec (Forum)

AROS: EdiSyn 0.31 - Text editor with syntax highlighting (Update)
Marcus Sackrow has released a text editor with syntax highlighting for AROS/x86 (screenshot).

Download: EdiSyn_0.31.lha (3 MB)

Update: (06:08, 24.03.15, snx)
Meanwhile version 0.31 is available. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Mar. 2015, 20:08] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet-Uploads until 21.03.2015
The following archives have been added to Aminet until March 21st, 2015:
gTranslator.lha          comm/misc  223K  MOS A google translator for your ...
ntimed.i386-aros.lha     comm/net   47K   x86 Network time synchronization ...
ntimed.lha               comm/net   53K   68k Network time synchronization ...
ntimed.src.lha           comm/net   71K       Network time synchronization ...
netsurf.lha              comm/www   5.5M  OS4 Fast CSS capable web browser
OpenURL-7.16.lha         comm/www   514K  MOS OpenURL - Get that URL!
c64tools_mos.lha         dev/cross  1.1M  MOS Covert Bitops C64 Tools
pucrunch.lha             dev/cross  178K  MOS A (de)cruncher for CBM execut...
openssl68k.lha           dev/lib    1.3M  68k OpenSSL crypto and SSL/TLS li...
FlexCat-2.16.lha         dev/misc   368K  MOS Flexible catalogs (C,Asm,Ober...
sgit.lha                 dev/misc   1.1M  OS4 A simple and incomplete git c...
MCC_BetterString-11.2... dev/mui    310K  MOS BetterString custom class for...
MCC_NList-0.120.lha      dev/mui    1.9M  MOS NList custom classes for MUI,...
MCC_TextEditor-15.46.lha dev/mui    811K  MOS TextEditor custom class for M...
MCC_TheBar-26.16.lha     dev/mui    1.6M  MOS TheBar.mcc - Next Generation ...
super_nibbly_source.lha  game/actio 1.3M      ASM sources for "Super Nibbly...
f12015carset.lha         game/data  21K       2015 Car Set for F1GP Ed/Micr...        game/shoot 7.6M      Assembly sourcecodes for "Ali...        game/shoot 635K      Sources for "Biker Babe from ...
wmf2x_1.1.lha            gfx/conv   766K  MOS A windows meta file converter   pix/misc   5.5M      (mostly) unreleased gfx by 'U...
aget.lha                 util/app   5.1M  MOS AGet - HTTP Protocol Tester
openssl.lha              util/crypt 1.0M  68k OpenSSL command line tool
DrawerBall.lha           util/dir   2.6M  MOS Directory and files tool
codesets-6.19.lha        util/libs  617K  MOS Library handling codesets and...
HWP_AIFF.lha             util/libs  14K   MOS Hollywood plugin for AIFF sounds
HWP_PCX.lha              util/libs  18K   MOS Hollywood plugin for PCX images
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Mar. 2015, 07:46] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot-Uploads until 21.03.2015
The following archives have been added to OS4Depot until March 21st, 2015:
pucrunch.lha             dev/cro 178kb 4.0 A cruncher for C64 executeables
sgit.lha                 dev/uti 1Mb   4.0 A simple and incomplete git client
ermentruddemo.lha        gam/adv 3Mb   4.0 Demo of the adventure game "Erme...
residualvm.lha           gam/adv 5Mb   4.1 3D game interpreter       gam/adv 7Mb   4.1 ResidualVM Source
afroggame_demo.lha       gam/pla 11Mb  4.0 Catch flies !
santasmonstershootout... gam/pla 35Mb  4.0 A Christmas game
balanceblox_demo.lha     gam/puz 6Mb   4.0 Blocks on the balance
tapjewelsdemo.lha        gam/puz 11Mb  4.0 Demoversion of Tap Jewels
flare.lha                gam/rol 2Mb   4.0 A free action RPG engine
swampdefense_demo.lha    gam/str 18Mb  4.0 Demoversion of Swamp Defense
hwp_aiff.lha             lib/hol 14kb  4.0 Hollywood plugin for AIFF file f...
hwp_pcx.lha              lib/hol 18kb  4.0 Hollywood plugin for PCX file fo...
netsurf.lha              net/bro 6Mb   4.0 Fast CSS capable browser
findmore.lha             uti/fil 125kb 4.0 File searching tool (GUI)
aget.lha                 uti/mis 5Mb   4.0 HTTP Protocol Tester
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Mar. 2015, 07:46] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New packages until 21.03.2015
Using WHDLoad, you can install games, scene demos and intros from cracking groups on your harddisk that were not compatible with anything but floppy disks. The following installers have been added until March 21st, 2015:
  • 2015-03-17 improved: Army Moves (Imagine/Dinamic) made 68000er compatible, new install script and icons (Info)
  • 2015-03-17 improved: Thunder Blade (Sega) imager corrected, manual and icons added, minor slave change (Info)
  • 2015-03-16 improved: Kiros Quest (Vision) Level 49 fixed (Info, Image)
  • 2015-03-15 improved: Kiros Quest (Vision) Level 34 fixed, trainer added (Info, Image)
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Mar. 2015, 07:46] [Comments: 0]
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21.Mar.2015 (Webseite)

Printed magazine: Retro Planet, issue 7 (Greek)
The Greek magazine "Retro Planet" has 52 coloured pages and is published quarterly. Issue 7 includes a review of AmigaOS 4.1 FE, a market review on Amiga accelerator boards and an interview with Laurent Zorawski (French Amiga shop Amedia Computer). (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 21. Mar. 2015, 22:30] [Comments: 0]
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21.Mar.2015 (Webseite)

Game engine Antiryad Gx 3.4.04 (AmigaOS3, AROS, MorphOS)
Antiryad Gx is an engine for 2D-/3D-games with integrated editor and available for several platforms. After registering you can use the free version developing commercial games. Changes in version 3.4:
  • Enhanced video codec and tools, added new compressions
  • Added support of smjpeg video codec
  • Added support of Theora video codec
  • Added support of Ogg sound codec
  • Enhanced fastcol3d
  • Optimized and enhanced dsp object
  • Enhanced math object
  • Enhanced megalib system
  • Enhanced geom object
  • Optimized OpenGL rendering
  • Enhanced obj3d
  • Optimized collisions
  • Enhanced skin object
  • Optimized and enhanced font object
  • Added support of ETC1 with alpha channel support in OpenGLES2 driver
  • Enhanced executablecompiler
  • Added faster software rendering
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 21. Mar. 2015, 22:26] [Comments: 0]
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Pascal Papara (ANF)

App Store: Update of indieGO!-client for all systems
The Hollywood-based client for Pascal Papara's App Store "indieGO!" has been updated (screenshot). It is divided into two parts: The App Store-Browser and the download manager. Using the download manager it is possible to pause downloads and continiue them after several days.

The client now works with screen solutions less than 800x600 pixels (z.B. EEEPC701) and much faster as well. According to Papara currently there is much debug output, so this can be still improved. The speed of the download manager was doubled.

The detailed changes:
  • Refactoring and optimization of the libServer module
  • Submit Bug Report : now reports if there was error submitting the reports
  • Change Mail Address : FIXED a bug that was not accepting the user's input
  • Many optimization a faster response in many time-critical sections This option can be disabled with the preference -> speedboost = 0
  • Added preference switch
  • Added pointer behaviours (busy mouse pointer for long operations)
  • Added the possibility to close the category requester with the ESC key
  • Font size reduced automatically in app name and app description if needed to let it fit in its available space. (magorium)
  • Now categories and items difference is more evident thanks to an overlay image on the category icons (see picture). (magorium)
  • Now the AppStore recognize if a previous session has not closed properly and ask to the user if he wish to submit a bug report with the previous session's log file, no additional informations from the user are required. (magorium)
  • Speed up of the app details window opening
  • download speed is now twice as fast
Until now developers of commercial applications have had to pay a store fee of ten percent of the selling price. Developers who have registered after March 1st 2015 have to pay twelve percent. The ten most "successful" developers - including developers of Freeware software - monthly will earn a gift coupon of 10 Euro. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2015, 15:29] [Comments: 0]
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20.Mar.2015 (Webseite)

MorphOS: Civilization clone FreeCiv 2.4.4
Szilárd 'BSzili' Biró has ported version 2.4.4 of the turn-based strategy game FreeCiv to MorphOS. Because he is not a passionate strategy player, the game has been not much tested.

Direct download: freeciv2-mos.lha (27 MB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2015, 15:06] [Comments: 0]
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20.Mar.2015 (Webseite)

Crowdfunding: US-American celebration for Amiga 30th anniversary via Kickstarter
On the occasion of Amiga 30th anniversary - on July 23rd 1985 it was presented for the first time - in Computer History Museum in Mountain View (California) a big party will take place.

It is planned: a panel discussion with former Amiga developers Dale Luck, RJ Mical, Dave Needle and Carl Sassenrath; a banquet with feature speakers Colin Proudfoot (ex Commodore UK), Mike Battilana (Cloanto) and Trevor Dickinson (A-EON) as well as the presentation of a new, longer trailer of Viva Amiga. Additionally there will be a little exhibition of Amiga-"artefacts", presenting the original Amiga prototype and all the following Amiga models.

In order to finance the event, the organizers are going to collect 20.000 US-Dollar via Kickstarter. If you want to support the project, you can choose between nine different payments: starting with 10 USD (the donator will be mentioned on the website and during the event) and ending with 5.000 USD (complete VIP-programm, diverse merchandising products as well as an AmigaOne X1000). (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 20. Mar. 2015, 14:55] [Comments: 0]
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