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25.-27.10.24 • AmiWest • Sacramento (USA)
31.10.-03.11.24 • Amiga-Meeting Nord • Neumünster (Germany)

Indie Retro News (Webseite)

Retro gaming: WHDLoad 18.6
Using WHDLoad, you can install games, scene demos and intros from cracking groups to your harddisk that were only working from floppy disks previously. Version 18.6 provides the following changes:
  • WHDLoad now disables interrupts of graphics cards under the Picasso96 software. This should solve problems with Spectrum cards and newer P96 releases (issue #2598). Thanks to Thomas Richter for providing useful information.
  • Manual translations are in sync again for catalan and czech.
  • Kickemu kick31.s can be instructed to load/init the custom nonvolatile.s via option INIT_NONVOLATILE.
  • nonvolatile.s now correctly works on searching nonexistent items in a existing nvram file
  • In kickemu kick13.s a waitblit has been added to avoid problems with the gfx.Text patch (Psygore).
  • The provided source keyboard.s now uses cia timers instead the raster beam for the keyboard acknowledge delay.
  • Access faults of size word to address -1 and of size long to addresses -3..-1 are now reliable detected and reported. In earlier releases: on 68030: when ExpMem was used these were undetected, on 68040: when ExpMem was used and vector base was not write protected (e.g. Freezer detected, Snoop*, resload_Protect used) these were undetected, if vector base was protected a fault inside WHDLoad was reported, on 68060: these were always correctly reported
  • To reduce the likelihood that resload functions get interrupted by other calls to resload functions, some resload functions which usually take not much execution time, have been changed to be not interruptible anymore. The following resload functions have been changed that way: Abort, SetCACR, FlushCache, Control, Protect#?, SetCPU, GetCustom, VSNPrintF and Log. In general the option NoResInt/S can be used to avoid problems with interrupted resload calls at the cost of possible sound/ graphics distortions when interrupts are disabled for a longer time.
  • The provided source sources/whdload/savegame.s is now fully pc-relative. It contains also additional fixes for interrupt acknowledge and AGA compatibility (JOTD/ross).
  • The inplace decruncher for the old RNC1 format has been improved to support files which need a larger distance (Heimdall/JOTD).
  • The kick31.s now prefers a A600 kickstart image if NO68020 is set. It fails now if there is only a 68000/010 and a A1200/A4000 kickstart image was loaded (JOTD).
  • When using kickfs.s the dos.library function Open(MODE_READWRITE) now performs correctly on Kickstart 3.1 by creating a non-existent file. On Kickstart 1.3 the old behavior remains to not create a file.
  • If a call to resload_Examine is attempted without the flag WHDLF_Examine has been set in the Slave structure WHDLoad now terminates with an appropriate error message (JOTD).
  • The kickemu kick12.s, kick13.s and kick31.s has been modified to automatically set the Slave flag WHDLF_Examine if HDINIT is set (JOTD).
  • When using resload_Relocate with tags CHIPPTR/FASTPTR and the specified chip/fast memory location would result in an overlapping with base executable WHDLoad now gives a useful error message (JOTD).
  • Instead of waiting for a long video frame WHDLoad now forces a long frame before starting the Slave. This fixes startup problems on Kickstart 3.0 and an interlace video mode (issue #4798).
  • MMU-table creation has been reworked. It is now faster and uses less memory.
  • Support for ACA-freezer added.
  • if "*" is specified for the Slave to load WHDLoad searchs the current directory for a file with the pattern "#?.slave" and will use the first file matching (Toni Wilen)
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Oct. 2020, 22:48] [Comments: 0]
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Indie Retro News (Webseite)

Another teaser video: Jump'n Run 'Super Metal Hero'
A third teaser video of the jump'n run game 'Super Metal Hero' has been published. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Oct. 2020, 22:42] [Comments: 0]
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25.Oct.2020 (Forum)

FPGA: MISTer with RTG support
The FPGA Amiga clone MISTer ( reported) now also supports RTG. 'NovaCoder' has published a video on it. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Oct. 2020, 17:31] [Comments: 0]
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25.Oct.2020 (forum)

Event: Video and reports of AmiWest 2020 (update)
This year's AmiWest is taking place this weekend - as usual in Sacramento, California. Our news-item will be updated as further videos, news (besides release of Enhancer Core) and reports are released.

Videos: Reports:
  • Report of Thomas Richter: Individual Computers has released version 3.0 of the RTG driver P96, free for those ones who purchased the software during the last 12 months. It now "supports screen dragging for all graphic cards included in the package, except for the CVisionPPC whose hardware lacks a particular feature to make it work. The next important feature is that there is a new driver pair, namely for the CVisionPPC and BVisionPPC boards. They support all bitmap types (unlike under CGfx) except planar, namely chunky 8 bit, 16 bit RGB, 16 Bit RGB PC, 16 bit BGR PC, 24 bit RGB, 24 bit BGR, 32 bit RGBA, 32 bit BGRA, 32 bit ARGB and 32 bit ABGR."
  • Report of TribbleSmasher: The accelerator board ACA 1260 developed by Individual Computers "is still delayed as features are added and it seems the focus will be on the 040 version because of the shortage or insane prices for 060 cpus. IComp also produced new dsub23 connectors and will create a bugfixed Buster12 chip with Dave Haynie! - ACube will produce the Tabor A1222 prototypes and Tabor is no longer called by its code name anymore. Also the sound driver is ready..." Only "a few bugs to iron out" (AmigaKit). - TribbleSmasher continues writing: "AmigaOS4 updates and bugfixes are plentiful but there is some controversy how to distribute them: new disc or other methods, and date is ambigious too."
  • Report of Amifrog (not public): The kernel ExecSG now boots faster and includes new mechanism for later support of multiple cores; a new version of the Enhancer Software is planned for X-MAS; a PPC-native version of ImageFX Studio was announced.
  • (snx)

    [News message: 25. Oct. 2020, 07:31] [Comments: 0]
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25.Oct.2020 (Forum)

Print magazine: Amiga Addict announced
"Amiga Addict" aims at reestablishing a british Amiga print magazine after 14 years. Required are 500 buyers, though. Currently, 84 copies of issue #1 have been preordered. Included will be all Amiga flavours from 68k via PPC and AROS to Vampire.

December's issue will be available - according to its webshop - for 4.50 UKP and consist of 54 full-colour A4 pages. A digital version will be available as well and be free of charge for subscribers of the printed magazine. Among the content announced are interviews with Dave Haynie and Cloanto, articles about Kim Justice and AmigaBill, a tutorial about using Compact Flash on Amiga, a report about a Raspberry Pi used as Amiga 600 and an article about PageStream. (snx)

[News message: 25. Oct. 2020, 07:31] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 24.10.2020
The following items have been added to Aminet until 24.10.2020:
guardamy_sources.lha     comm/www   121K      Watch web pages for changes + pl
PDCurses_OS4.lha         dev/lib    1.8M  OS4 NCurses clone that outputs th...
mhimpegit.lha            driver/aud 3K    68k MHI driver for Prelude/MPEGit...
PreludeAHI.lha           driver/aud 12K   68k AHI driver for Prelude soundcard
PreludeLib.lha           driver/aud 16K   68k Driver library for Prelude so...
MrPoker.lha              game/board 402K  68k The Poker game by AxelSoftware
F1GP2020Carset.lha       game/data  9K        2020 Carset for F1GP
uqm.lha                  game/misc  1.9M  OS4 Port of Ur-Quan Masters
uqm-src.lha              game/misc  1.8M      Source for Ur-Quan Masters port
GemRB-Morphos.lha        game/role  3.1M  MOS Portable Bioware's Infinity E...
Fortis.lha               game/shoot 19M   MOS classic shooter in 3D environ...
GEMATRIA.lha             game/text  15K   68k Turn words into Lottery numbe...
zapperng.i386-aros.lha   game/text  59K   x86 Change the behaviour of the z...          mags/misc  124M  MOS Polish magazine
ACE-MorphOS.lha          misc/emu   1.9M  MOS Amstrad CPC/CPC+ Emulator
Albireo.ACEpansion.lha   misc/emu   36K   MOS ACEpansion plugin for ACE CPC...
AmiArcadia.lha           misc/emu   4.3M  68k Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha        misc/emu   4.6M  MOS Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadia-OS4.lha       misc/emu   4.7M  OS4 Signetics-based machines emul...
CycleCounter.ACEpansi... misc/emu   10K   MOS ACEpansion plugin for ACE CPC...
annotate_pascal_synta... text/edit  397K      Annotate Pascal Syntax
CopyMemAIO.lha           util/boot  46K   68k Speedup your programs & workb...
autoactivate.i386-aro... util/cdity 64K   x86 Activate window under mouse o...
CONSize.lha              util/cli   13K   68k Print out the size of the CLI...
HasDevice.lha            util/cli   15K   68k Checks for the existence of a...

[News message: 25. Oct. 2020, 07:30] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 24.10.2020
The following items have been added to OS4Depot until 24.10.2020:
minigl.lha               dri/gra 7Mb   4.0 OpenGL subset 3D API
amiarcadia.lha           emu/gam 5Mb   4.0 Signetics-based machines emulator
uqm.lha                  gam/mis 2Mb   4.1 Port of Ur-Quan Masters
uqm-src.lha              gam/mis 2Mb   4.1 Source for Ur-Quan Masters port
shooter15.lha            gam/shm 2Mb   4.1 Shoot at enemies and collect (P)
iconecta.lha             net/mis 2Mb   4.0 A little and easy program to tes...
muimapparium_ita.lha     net/mis 7kb   4.0 Italian catalog for MUIMapparium

[News message: 25. Oct. 2020, 07:30] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 24.10.2020
The following items have been added to MorphOS-Storage until 24.10.2020:
Chrysalis_3.14.iso        Chrysalis                 This pack allows you to...
Drucken_mit_MorphOS_1.... Documentation/Tutorials   A tutorial about printi...
Printing_with_MorphOS_... Documentation/Tutorials   A tutorial about printi...
Iris_beta_0.94.lha        Email                     New email client suppor...
CycleCounter_1.1.lha      Emulation/ACEpansion      Plugin for ACE CPC Emul...
Albireo_1.2.lha           Emulation/ACEpansion      Plugin for ACE CPC Emul...
AmiArcadia_26.81.lha      Emulation                 A Signetics-based machi...
ACE_1.22.lha              Emulation                 The acidulous CPC/CPC+ ...
TecnoBallZ_0.92.lha       Games/BrickBreaker        A Brick Breaker with 50...
GemRB_0.8.5b1.lha         Games/Role                Portable Bioware's Infi...
Fortis_1.3.lha            Games/Shoot 2D            A classic shooter in ne...
Wayfarer_1.4.lha          Network/Web               Wayfarer is the latest ...
WitchCleaner_1.31.lha     Network/Web               A little and easy progr...
iConecta_4.0.lha          Network/Wifi              A little and easy progr...

[News message: 25. Oct. 2020, 07:30] [Comments: 0]
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Amigaworld (website)

AmigaOS 4: A-EON released "Enhancer Software Core 1.1" for free
"Enhancer Core" is a free collection of classes and libraries taken from the Enhancer Software package which was announced a year ago. It is supposed "to encourage further development in the community."

Additional to some specific A-EON applications (Amisphere Server, Updater...) the package includes the following software:
  • LogFile Datatype
  • Anim Gadget Class
  • Clock Gadget Class
  • DateSheet Gadget Class
  • InfoData Gadget Class
  • InfoWindow Class
  • ListViewer Gadget Class
  • OptionButton Gadget Class
  • PieChart Gadget Class
  • ProgressBar Gadget Class
  • Select Gadget Class
  • SliderBar Gadget Class
  • Shared Image Class
  • Thumblist Gadget Class
  • TickBox Gadget Class
  • Time Gadget
  • ToolBar Gadget
  • codesets.library
  • LDCK
  • RequestChooser
  • SystemReboot
  • InfoWindow
Enhancer Core can be downloaded from, a free registration is required. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Oct. 2020, 23:14] [Comments: 1 - 27. Oct. 2020, 09:02]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Print magazine: Issue 124 of Amiga Future readable online
The English issue 124 (January/February 2017) of the print magazine "Amiga Future" can be read online on its website. You can also purchase a pdf version with a higher resolution or a printed version in the shop. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Oct. 2020, 20:24] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Open Laser Mouse: Optical mouse replacement for classic Amiga mice
Open Laser Mouse is an Arduino-based kit for the classic Amiga mice. The entire inner system has to be soldered by the user, even the lens of the laser optic has to be printed by yourself using a 3D printer. If you do not have an original mouse you then can also print a complete mouse case. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Oct. 2020, 22:12] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

RCEU540: 4-players joystick adapter for soldering
RCEU540 is an adapter for the parellel interface providing a third and fourth joystick port. If you are going to build it, then you can find all required information under the title link on GitHub. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 22. Oct. 2020, 07:32] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Print magazine: Amiga Future, issue 147 - preview and excerpts
Preview and excerpts of the Amiga Future issue 147 (November/December 2020) have been published online now at the title link. Its contents include the making of Amiga Future TV, a review of Tiny Booble and an interview with Davide Bucci.

Amiga Future magazine is available as an English and a German printed magazine and can be bought directly from the magazine's editorial office as well as several Amiga dealers. (snx)

[News message: 20. Oct. 2020, 21:33] [Comments: 0]
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Commodore's Amiga software for DSP support
On Commodore's unfinished A3000 successor AA3000 / A3000+ a digital signal processor (DSP) would have performed which according to the system specifications would have been used for a fast serial data communication or decoding audio streams.

The developer Eric Lavitsky responsible for the the software support of the DSP at Commodore now has made available the software to an Amiga fan for test purposes on his AA3000 replica developed by the Finnish developer 'hese'. The software may not be freely distributed but some screenshots has been taken and the extent of the software and codecs has been descibed. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 19. Oct. 2020, 23:45] [Comments: 0]
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