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11.Jan.2015 (Forum)

AmigaOS 4: Arcade-Emulator FinalBurn Alpha R4
FinalBurn Alpha emulates diverse arcade machines as well as video game consoles. Version R4 for AmigaOS 4 fixes some bugs and introduces the feature to quit a game by pushing the buttons 1&2. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2015, 19:17] [Comments: 0]
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mihcael (ANF)

New Game Demo: Maxwell Mouse
Press release: Finally, Remainder Software are pleased to announce the release of the demo of Maxwell Mouse - a small game called Maxwell Mouse And The Missing Game Mystery. It's a flip-screen platform/adventure game with influences from Dizzy and old 8-bit platformers, and this is a demonstration of the game engine we've developed. A full game with new levels and a new storyline will begin development soon.

It features a 29-screen level, with a number of puzzles to solve and characters to converse with, as Maxwell the Mouse attempts to retrieve an Amiga game mysteriously taken from his home. The game should run on any Amiga with 1 MB of RAM. (snx)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2015, 13:10] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet-Uploads until 10.01.2015
The following archives have been added to Aminet until January 10th, 2015:
webdav-handler.lha       comm/www   1.2M  OS4 DOS handler for accessing Web...
sgit.lha                 dev/misc   1.0M  OS4 A simple and incomplete git c...
diskimage.i386-aros.t... disk/misc  622K  x86 Disk image device (adf,dms,is...
diskimage.m68k-aos.ta... disk/misc  172K  68k Disk image device (adf,dms,ip...
FourPlayerGames_DE.pdf   docs/misc  79K       Games supporting 4 joysticks ...
FourPlayerGames_EN.pdf   docs/misc  78K       List of games supporting four...      game/data  1.0M  68k Did IT come from the desert? ...
Boxx2.adf                game/jump  880K  68k Boxx 2 Platform game (Bootabl...
Boxx2HDD.lha             game/jump  267K  68k Boxx 2 Platform game (HD Inst...
Maxwell.lha              game/jump  249K  68k Demo of Dizzy-style adventure
HHexen.lha               game/shoot 914K  68k Port of HHexen I (GL and RTG ...
svg2dr2d.lha             gfx/conv   317K  OS4 Convert SVG to IFF DR2D format
gnuplot-MOS.lha          gfx/misc   899K  MOS Interactive function and data...
68030iob.lha             pix/3dobj  2.2M      Imagine: Motorola 68030 objec...
68040iob.lha             pix/3dobj  1.2M      Imagine: Motorola 68040 object
EvenMore_OS4.lha         text/show  502K  OS4 V0.85: Freeware Textviewer (OS4)
Ambient_AddShortcut.lha  util/batch 10K       Add shortcuts to files/urls t...
MMULib.lha               util/libs  634K  68k Library to ctrl the MC68K MMUs
MuMin.lha                util/libs  66K   68k Minimal MuLib archive for red...
Mu680x0Libs.lha          util/sys   350K  68k MuLib aware 680x0.libraries
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2015, 07:27] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot-Uploads until 10.01.2015
The following archives have been added to OS4Depot until January 10th, 2015:
sgit.lha                 dev/uti 1Mb   4.0 A simple and incomplete git client
whack-a-mole.lha         gam/puz 8Mb   4.1 Mascot character apps contest 2014
svg2dr2d.lha             gra/con 317kb 4.0 Convert SVG to IFF DR2D format
webdav-handler.lha       net/mis 1Mb   4.0 DOS handler for accessing WebDAV...
assist.lha               uti/mis 5Mb   4.1 A knowledge base for AmigaOS users
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2015, 07:27] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Archives-Uploads until 10.01.2015
The following archives have been added to AROS-Archives until January 10th, 2015:        dem/mis 110kb move muscles on OpenGL face.
diskimage.i386-aros.tar.bz2  dri/sto 622kb Disk image device (adf,dms,iso,...)
whobecomesamigaguru.i386-... gam/mis 23Mb  Game about a fictitious tv show
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2015, 07:27] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Files-Uploads until 10.01.2015
The following archive has been added to MorphOS-Files until January 10th, 2015:
E-UAE JIT                1.0.0   uti/emu   3213 UAE (Amiga emulator) for no...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2015, 07:27] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New archives until 10.01.2015
Using WHDLoad, you can install games, scene demos and intros from cracking groups on your harddisk that were not compatible with anything but floppy disks. The following installers have been added until January 10th, 2015: (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Jan. 2015, 07:27] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Schönweiß (ANF)

AROS: 68k-Distribution AROS Vision 2.9
Version 2.9 of the AROS/68k-distribution AROS Vision provided by Olaf Schönweiß includes several software updates. Additionally there are some minor improvements. The maintainer wishes a Happy New Year to the readers.

Changes in AROS Vision 2.9:
  • new versions of ROMs and some libraries
  • new versions of WHDLoad and its ROMs
  • Netsurf now can be launched from desktop (seems to run faster)
  • New version of MUIBase, InstallerGen, Free Pascal and icon.library
  • GCC added, C-Files can be directly compiled with GCC
  • new versions of E-modules, added new ones
  • HivelyTracker/MED/MP3-files are supported
  • Arexx-port of SimpleMail is used
  • some other minor improvements
Direct download: (1 GB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 09. Jan. 2015, 17:08] [Comments: 0]
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08.Jan.2015 (Webseite)

Graphics software: PersonalPaint 7.3a (AmigaOS 3/4)
A-EON has released a free update of the 8-Bit graphics software Personal Paint which fixes some minor bugs. The version for AmigaOS 4 can be purchased in the Amistore or updated (download and installation of the Amistore application required). The m68k-port can be purchased on The update is available for registered customers in the download section of A-EON.

Changes in version 7.3a:
  • PPFM_Mem.c libs/#?/mem.c: Fix 68k only memguard hits die to incorrect size on releasing memory. NB: If the code is taget to 3.x and above in the longer term this custom code can be replaced with AllocVec() calls.
  • PPFM_FileIO.c: No longer saves a corrupt alternate image when saving thumbnail icons.
  • PPaint/PP_Prefs.c: Add ASL Screen Mode Requester to allow user to choose bestmode on first startup. If mode in Startup_1 is 0xFFFFFFFF the Workbench mode will be tried first then if not supported by PPaint an ASL requester will open and offer suitable modes.
  • PPaint/PP_Prefs.c: The PRINTSYS settings are now clamped to min / max legal values rather than throwing an error, so that saving preferences with no valid printer setup, doesn't create an unloadable Startup_*.set
  • Change default setting in startup mode requester to 256 colours
  • PPaint/PP_Menu.c: Autmatically save both environments on first exit if the mode requester was accepted.
  • Make68kMake.rexx: Add -fomit-frame-pointer to CFLAGS. Fixed crash in editing stencil due to register a5 being clobbered.
  • libs/req/req_messages.c: A test for the new true screen mode caused TOGGLE objects to be highlighted (inverse image) on both mouse down and mouse up, giving the appearance that they weren't toggling when on a non truescreen mode. Fixed.
  • PPFM_GfxFill.c: The TmpRas buffer was allocated via the custom CreateBitmap function this worked on AGA/ECS and AmigaOS4 but when run on other RTG systems, the buffer was of an incorrect memory type. Now allocated via AllocateRaster when 'SafeDisplay' is set. Fixes freehand and polygon fill tools on RTG systems.
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2015, 23:02] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Text viewer: EvenMore 0.85
EvenMore is a textviewer written with ECX in Amiga E and by Chris Perver. Using the latest version 0.85, the OpenURL-links now should also work under AmigaOS 4.

EvenMore.lha (425 KB)
EvenMore_OS4.lha (441 KB)
EvenMore_MOS.lha (502 KB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2015, 17:57] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Forum)

MorphOS: MomosIRC 2.3
MomosIRC written by Marian 'MaaG^dA' Guc is a MUI-based IRC-client. Version 2.3 is a bug fix release. Any problems with fonts now should be fixed. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2015, 17:49] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Print magazine: Amiga Future, issue 112
The English and German issue 112 (Januar/Februar 2015) of the print magazine Amiga Future has been distributed today, and can also be ordered directly from the magazine's editorial office or Amiga dealers that stock the magazine.

Among other articles, the current issue contains tests of VoxelNoid, Icaros Desktop and AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition. (snx)

[News message: 07. Jan. 2015, 19:50] [Comments: 0]
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05.Jan.2015 (Webseite)

Amiga-Emulator: FS-UAE 2.5.23dev
Frode Solheim's FS-UAE for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and BSD is based on WinUAE and can be completely controlled with a joypad. Since the last stable version released in March (2.4.1), so far only developer versions have been released.

Changes in FS-UAE 2.5.23dev:
  • Fixed loading of Picasso IV ROM when using graphics_card_rom_option
  • Read plugins from [prefix]/lib/fs-uae/plugins too
  • Updated emulation core from WinUAE 3000
Changes in FS-UAE Launcher 2.5.23dev:
  • Fixed joystick configurations, added –add-dummy-joystick arg for testing
  • Require at least Python 3.2 to start, if not, abort with error
  • Code cleanup, removed Python 2.x compatibility code
  • reject installation to default python library dir
  • Makefile: Added separate install, install-program and install-data targets
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 05. Jan. 2015, 16:56] [Comments: 0]
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05.Jan.2015 (Webseite)

Free game downloads: Ants, Blade, GTW, Mikikos Haicuchi, Retro
Games-Coffer offers some older games for free download: The arcade puzzler Ants, the turn-based role playing game Blade, the Artillery variante Global Thermonuclear Warfare, the beat 'em up game Mikikos Haicuchi as well as the Thrust-clone Retro. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 05. Jan. 2015, 16:53] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet-Uploads until 03.01.2015
The following archives have been added to Aminet until January 3rd, 2015:
SQLManSP.lha             biz/dbase  9K        SQLMan spanish guide v0.2
Xmas_Demo.lha            demo/misc  302K  68k Christmas demo
libpng1616_a68k.lha      dev/lib    1.4M  68k Lib for reading/writing PNG
libpng1616_aros.lha      dev/lib    2.0M  x86 Lib for reading/writing PNG
DropHunkSP.lha           dev/misc   12K       DropHunk spanish guide v1.0
sgit.lha                 dev/misc   1.0M  OS4 A simple and incomplete git c...
color_chooser.lha        dev/src    1K        Color chooser example using MUI
Smurf_Rescue.lha         game/jump  642K  68k Rescue the Smurfs!
iGameUpdatePackTroels... game/misc  20M       Screenshots Update Pack For i...
WhoBecomesAmigaGuru_A... game/misc  23M   x86 A fictitious tv quiz show (mu...
WhoBecomesAmigaGuru_m... game/misc  23M   MOS A fictitious tv quiz show (mu...
WhoBecomesAmigaGuru_O... game/misc  15M   68k A fictitious tv quiz show (mu...
WhoBecomesAmigaGuru_O... game/misc  23M   OS4 A fictitious tv quiz show (mu...
SuperTed.lha             game/shoot 478K  68k A game based on SuperTed char...
webptools_a68k.lha       gfx/conv   2.8M  68k encode/decode images in WebP ...
AmiArcadia_OS4.lha       misc/emu   4.1M  OS4 Signetics-based machines emul...
A4000Diob.lha            pix/3dobj  679K      Amiga 4000 Desktop object for...
EvenMore.lha             text/show  425K  68k V0.84: Freeware textviewer
EvenMore_MOS.lha         text/show  502K  MOS V0.84: Freeware Textviewer (M...
EvenMore_OS4.lha         text/show  443K  OS4 V0.84: Freeware Textviewer (OS4)
Ambient_AddShortcut.lha  util/batch 9K        Add shortcuts to files/urls t...
ShowFiles-sf.lha         util/shell 32K   OS4 shows a sorted & text-for...
LietuvaMOS.lha           util/sys   0K        Lithuania country for MorphOS...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2015, 08:11] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot-Uploads until 03.01.2015
The following archives have been added to OS4Depot until January 3rd, 2015:
daplayer_ita.lha         aud/mis 9kb   4.0 italian catalog for DAPlayer
e-uae-amigfx.lha         emu/com 3Mb   4.0 Classic Amiga Emulation (JIT + A...
e-uae-sdl.lha            emu/com 5Mb   4.0 Classic Amiga Emulation (JIT + S...
amiarcadia.lha           emu/gam 5Mb   4.0 Signetics-based machines emulator
whobecomesamigaguru.lha  gam/mis 23Mb  4.1 Game about a fictitious tv show
gianas-return.lha        gam/pla 8Mb   4.0 The Great Giana Sisters remake
hottiesview.lha          gra/vie 193kb 4.1 A modern image viewer
libboostygfxv2.lha       lib/gra 414kb 4.1 BoostyGFX library used with Huno...
rhash.lha                uti/fil 447kb 4.0 Recursive Hash Calculator
kcopy.lha                uti/mis 2Mb   4.1 a Gui for Kryoflux
evenmore.lha             uti/tex 443kb 4.0 Freeware Textviewer
liveforit-mplayer.lha    vid/pla 15Mb  4.1 Mplayer optimized for Radeon HD
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2015, 08:11] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Archives-Uploads until 03.01.2015
The following archive has been added to AROS-Archives until January 3rd, 2015:      gam/puz 239kb Connect the pipes.
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2015, 08:11] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Files-Uploads until 03.01.2015
The following archives have been added to MorphOS-Files until January 3rd, 2015:
IRA                      2.08    dev/too    122 M68k disassembler. Programm...
Who Becomes Amiga Guru   1.1     gam/thi  23744 A trivia quiz with question...
ScreamBar                1.0     mus/pla     33 System screenbar plugin for...
yWeather                 1.10    uti/des    305 A screenbar module displayi...
AmiArcadia               22.74   uti/emu   4186 Emulator of many coin-op ma...
FCEU                     1.5     uti/emu    580 Emulator of Nintendo Entert...
GNUPlot                  5.0     uti/sci    899 Port of well known Unix com...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2015, 08:11] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New archives until 03.01.2015
Using WHDLoad, you can install games, scene demos and intros from cracking groups on your harddisk that were not compatible with anything but floppy disks. The following installers have been added until January 3rd, 2015: (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 04. Jan. 2015, 08:11] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Forum)

Printed magazine: Retro Planet, issue 6 (Greek)
The Greek printed magazine "Retro Planet" has 52 coloured pages and is published every three months. Issue 6 (Front page) includes a Neo-Geo-special, an artivle about the both Memotech-computers MTX500 and MTX512, the MorphOS-ports of Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy as well as the Amiga CD³². (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2015, 08:47] [Comments: 0]
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