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Fabian Zaengel on ANF

New Infos about AmigaOne
You will find new pictures of the AmigaOne in an Amiga- and ATX-towercase and the latest FAQ and information for dealers at the title link. more ...

[News message: 10. Apr. 2001, 14:46] [Comments: 0]
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New Link Virus Found
A new linkvirus was found. Until now it is not known which archive installs the virus, but "Safe V15.1" is able to find it. More details at the title link.
Download: Safe.lha

[News message: 10. Apr. 2001, 13:31] [Comments: 0]
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VirusExecutor v2.11 Released
Version 2.11 of VirusExecutor, the virus killer, is released. This update can handle the TCP-trojan (we reported). Details: more ...

[News message: 10. Apr. 2001, 13:23] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Steiding via E-Mail

e.p.i.c. ports "The Feeble Files" to MAC and MorphOS
e.p.i.c. interactive entertainment gmbh has signed a license agreement to port Adventuresoft's cartoon adventure "The Feeble Files" to the MACINTOSH. The game puts you to play an alien called Feeble who works for the crop circle division of a dictatorial government but somehow get involved in a rebellion to overthrow the system. But you will quickly learn that Rebellion really has never looked so pAtHeTiC. more ...

[News message: 10. Apr. 2001, 13:15] [Comments: 0]
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Thorsten Will via E-Mail

"SECRETLY!"(DemoScene) Looking for GFX Artist
"SECRETLY!" is looking for some gfx artists for future projects (demos and so on). If you are interested, send some examples of your work and a little bit about yourself to or to Some information about the group you will find at the title link.

[News message: 10. Apr. 2001, 02:27] [Comments: 0]
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Diverse Sources

Software News
QuickNote V1.5 Beta 1
OnxySoft released version 1.5 (Beta 1) of the program 'QuickNote' by Stefan Blixth. Download: quicknote15b0408.lha more ...

[News message: 09. Apr. 2001, 21:37] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
SKF13Theme.lha       biz/dopus  7.1M+Theme for DirectoryOpus5 Magellan 2
ListbrowserPch.lha   biz/patch   10K+Fixes AWeb popup problems with OS3.9 BB1
ShogoDemo.lha        biz/titan   36M+Shogo: Mobile Armor Division demo versio
fnews10.lha          comm/misc   50K+Free configurable News Display Tool for 
daytimedemo.lha      comm/tcp     9K+Daytime client/server example + source (
smbfs.lha            comm/tcp   120K+SMB file system client; complements Samb
TaskiSMS.lha         comm/tcp   362K+Sends SMS to GSM phones (MUI).
mbs-oldskool.lha     demo/ecs   300K+Oldskool Fools by Mandel Bros.
dln-1st.lha          demo/intro 140K+First intro by Deadline SF
dln-dentro.lha       demo/intro 102K+Dentro by Deadline SF
dln-mustro.lha       demo/intro 146K+Mustro (2nd intro) by Deadline SF
Message.lha          demo/intro  88K+An Old-School Demo by HCS 90
upstream1.lha        demo/mag   579K+Upstream 1 diskmag by Balance
upstream10.lha       demo/mag   436K+Upstream 10 diskmag by Balance
upstream8.lha        demo/mag   645K+Upstream 8 diskmag by Balance
dln-notelines.lha    demo/sound 803K+Notelines musicdisk by Deadline SF
deepcore.lha         demo/track 406K+Deepcore trackmo by Balance
JMildred_ScrMd.lha   dev/basic   18K+Example of using Mildred with AGA and RT
devpic.lha           dev/cross   95K+PIC16 development package
FD2Pragma.lha        dev/misc   144K+V2.124 create pragma, inline, ... files
muimaster020.lha     dev/mui     97K+Muimaster.library 020 patch Rel 4
IICopier2.0PL.lha    docs/help    9K+Polish Locale for IconImageCopier2.0
jAnimator1.0PL.lha   docs/help   10K+Polish Locale for jAnimator1.0
MagellanIIPL.lha     docs/help   39K+Polish Locale for MagellanII
Aakt0401GUIDE.lha    docs/mags   89K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
Aakt0401HTML.lha     docs/mags  267K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
rusfaqs.lha          docs/misc   94K+Amiga FAQs, in Russian
SuddenDeath.lha      game/actio  50K+4 player tron
F1GP_2001.lha        game/data    9K+2001 F1 season data for F1GP-Ed (1 April
obvious.lha          game/data  102K+DynAMIte style with obvious colors
MUI_HLed.lha         game/misc   71K+Map editor for HistoryLine 1914-1918
PerOneMine1.lha      game/misc  249K+AGA/ECS Emerald Mine game with 81 levels
PerOneMine2.lha      game/misc  362K+AGA/ECS Emerald Mine game with 81 levels
PerOneMine3.lha      game/misc  363K+AGA/ECS Emerald Mine game with 81 levels
PerOneMine4.lha      game/misc  345K+AGA/ECS Emerald Mine game with 81 levels
PerOneMine5.lha      game/misc  336K+AGA/ECS Emerald Mine game with 81 levels
PerOneMine6.lha      game/misc  372K+AGA/ECS Emerald Mine game with 81 levels
gse1.lha             game/patch  17K+Editor for Gunship2000 roster files
WHD_JWSnooker.lha    game/patch  30K+HD Installer for Jimmy White Snooker
WHD_PDroid90.lha     game/patch  17K+HD Installer for Paradroid90
WHD_RAMHamster.lha   game/patch   8K+HD Installer for Rockstar Ate My Hamster
WHD_UridiumII.lha    game/patch  14K+Uridium II Hard Drive Installer
WHD_Zeewolf.lha      game/patch  25K+HD Installer for Zeewolf
WHD_ZeewolfII.lha    game/patch  24K+HD Installer for Zeewolf II
eyangband.lha        game/role  789K+EyAngband 0.3.0 - Roguelike solo RPG
gumband.lha          game/role  953K+Gumband 2.1.3b - Roguelike solo RPG
kangband.lha         game/role  843K+Kangband 2.9.2r1 - Roguelike solo RPG
oangband.lha         game/role  900K+Oangband 0.5.1 - Roguelike solo RPG
Connect4.lha         game/think  64K+Connect 4 game using MUI (with source)
MagicNumbersDt.lha   game/think   2K+V1.1, German catalog for MagicNumbers v1
MentalBlokz.lha      game/think 405K+Puzzle game that will drive you mental f
Warp3D-4.0.lha       gfx/board  980K+Warp3D V4
SoftCinema.lha       gfx/show   403K+Ultimate Movie Player (PPC) V0.12
FMdriver.lha         hard/drivr 356K+FrameMachine drivers, TV on WB, Videos a
FMdriverVHI.lha      hard/drivr  15K+FMdriverVHI - VHI-FrameMachine drivers
ps2m.lha             hard/hack   23K+Ultimate Amiga PS/2 WheelMouseController
mathdrill.lha        misc/edu    50K+Math Drill Flashcards Program
imdbDiff010330.lha   misc/imdb  2.1M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
vdo_whit.lha         mods/vdo   802K+Valkoinen [xm 14ch]
DelfMPEG.lha         mus/play   161K+MPEG audio player for Delfina DSP
dmdev.lha            mus/play   135K+Mpeg.device for Delfina DSP
MASMPegDevice.lha    mus/play   129K+CBM compat. device for MAS MP3 Player
AMIGirl.lha          pix/misc   321K+Picture of Death - The AMiGA Girl ;) by 
BareED.lha           text/edit  279K+Simple text editor which supports propor
AutoPDF14.lha        text/misc   26K+AutoPDF 1.4 - Convert Postscript to PDF
ltools157_demo.lha   text/misc   70K+Dictionary and Document Translator
CheckX.lha           util/arc    30K+V1.83 Check for Archives/Packers/Viruses
ilbmdtPPC.lha        util/dtype  11K+Ilbmdt for the PPC, running WarpUP (45.3
WarpDTPrefs.lha      util/dtype  27K+WarpDT preferences program V44.3
WarpJPEGdt.lha       util/dtype 133K+JFIF-JPEG datatype V44.19 (68k,WarpOS,Mo
WarpPNGdt.lha        util/dtype 140K+PNG image datatype V44.14 (68k,WarpOS,Mo
cookietool.lha       util/misc   67K+Clean up your fortunes database, V2.5
AmiGOD.lha           util/moni  498K+V1.44 - WB graphics benchmark
WheelBusMouse.lha    util/mouse  12K+Bus Mouse wheel support
ScreenShell.lha      util/shell   9K+Opens full size shell on new public scre
VEPatchBrain.lha     util/virus  19K+PatchBrain v1.29 for VirusExecutor v2.xx
aafont.lha           util/wb      4K+Antialiased fonts on wb (1.1)
choowin.lha          util/wb     19K+Start and Window activation utility
classaction.lha      util/wb    190K+AmigaOS multipurpose filemanager
CondenseIcon.lha     util/wb      6K+Os3.5 tool to make .info files smaller (
mainprefs.lha        util/wb     86K+AmigaOS Preferences GUI

[News message: 09. Apr. 2001, 19:51] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Würgler on ANF

Trojan Warning (Update II)
Some sort of trojan (apparently the newly uploaded stackattack.lha on Aminet) has caused SMTP bombing of haage-partner. The file is this: StackAttack.lha util/boot 68K 0 V1.2b Kills GURUs (stack problem). It's on the German Aminet mirror.
Could there be hidden loopholes in MorphOS? Read the link and consider for yourself. more ...

[News message: 09. Apr. 2001, 17:52] [Comments: 0]
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Greg Donner

Update of the Official AmigaOS 3.9 FAQ
Since our last message about the official OS3.9 FAQ by Greg Donner there were many updates in different parts of the FAQ.

[News message: 09. Apr. 2001, 16:39] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Koebnik via E-Mail

Amiga Arena News
Amiga Arena Prerelease!
We made ArTKnoid by Thilo Koehler (developer of Toadies) available at our side. The program is a arkanoid-clone. more ...

[News message: 09. Apr. 2001, 15:20] [Comments: 0]
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Achim Stegemann on ANF

Digital Almanac III - News
After a longer brake there are now some new news about Digital Almanac III (DA 3). The English version is available now! The German update will be available within a few days. more ...

[News message: 09. Apr. 2001, 12:15] [Comments: 0]
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Markus Fellhauer on ANF

AmigAIM 0.9412 Beta Released
Betaversion 0.9412 of AmigaAIM by Richard H. Poser is available for download: AmigAIM_BETA.lha

[News message: 09. Apr. 2001, 04:47] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Troeger on ANF

I released a small update of InstallerNG. I only changed the runtime error handling: you are able to switch of the error requestors via tooltypes. more ...

[News message: 09. Apr. 2001, 04:39] [Comments: 0]
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No Risc No Fun on ANF

Abode of Golgotha Saga at NoRiscNoFun
We have a review of the Abode of Golgotha Saga. These games are based on the Heretic II engine.

[News message: 09. Apr. 2001, 04:37] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Garlich via E-Mail

Titan Computer Support MorphOS
Press release from Titan Computer, Software Development, 08.04.2001 more ...

[News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 22:31] [Comments: 0]
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Prometheus in Switzerland & France
Prometheus in Switzerland & France!
RELEC Software & Hardware AMIGA become exclusive distributor in Switzerland and France. More informations and FAQ in French at relec.prometheus.html. more ...

[News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 21:17] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld on ANF

Mekka & Symposium 2001 co-sponsored by individual Computers
As during the past years we support the now nearly legendary scene-party Mekka & Symposium with prices for about 1100,- DM. The fourday party is held every year on easter in Fallingbostel (between Hamburg and Hannover (our report). more ...

[News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 21:15] [Comments: 0]
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Martina Jacobs

Sven Drieling's Evaluation now also in English
Martina Jacobs has translated the evaluation by Sven Drieling entitled "St. Louis 2001: Nothing has changed". more ...

[News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 21:08] [Comments: 0]
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Alexander Kurtz on ANF

AmiNET-Gui Available under
The AmiNET-Gui is, at last, once again reachable under a .de-domain. The Domain will in the next hours once again link to the amiNET-Gui. Shortly the page will be redesigned , as soon as will be connected once again.

[News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 14:57] [Comments: 0]
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Diverse Sources

Software News
V³ 3.3.95beta
The browser Voyager is now available in 2 versions, one for AmigaOS and one for MorphOS. Which changes have been made can be read in the Readme.
AmigaOS: v3_3395beta_amigaos.lzx
MorphOS: v3_3395beta_morphos.lzx more ...

[News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 14:49] [Comments: 0]
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A.C.T. on ANF

Prelude Programmer-Infos
A.C.T. have made available the first version (currently only in German) of the information for programmers, which will allow to write Prelude drivers. This makes it also possible to develop Linux drivers for both Preludes (Z2 and 1200). Knowledge about the used sound chips is also necessary.

[News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 13:23] [Comments: 0]
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Daniel Reichen via AMIPRESS-ML

Send Convalescent Wishes to John Zacharias
As we already reported on our Special St. Louis page John Zacharias, author of AEMail and organizer of the AmiWest, happened to have a stroke on the St. Louis Show. Meantime he's on the mend. Send him your convalescent wishes with the greeting card under the title link, created especially for that on Northwest Amiga Group.

[News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 13:22] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Robl on ANF

FMdriver und FMdriverVHI V1.25
After a long delay at last I released the two FrameMachine drivers v1.25, today. New in FMdriver the possibility to save different configurations to have optimal source regarding settings at hand. This is very helpful especially if one uses different players for passing data (e.g. 16:9, 4:3, DVD, etc.), but wants to have removed those ugly black borders right from the start. Moreover it now is possible to create time laps recordings in a very simple way. more ...

[News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 12:46] [Comments: 0]
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Juergen A. Theiner on ANF

Play!Amiga: Shogo-Demoversion Review
What took a long time, at last became fine! Shogo demo version available!
After a long waiting period now there is the Shogo demo. The game is supposed to be finished next month. Of course there's one probing question: what will the game look like on my computer? It is about to download simply 40 MB as well as Warp3D v4 and one can get a first impression. That's what Play!Amiga has done for you.

[News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 12:38] [Comments: 0]
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Dynamite Team on ANF

Dynamite 1.2 Released for Download
1. There is an update file for updating Dynamite v1.1 to v1.2 for download. Dynamite is an Bomberman like online game. more ...

[News message: 08. Apr. 2001, 12:32] [Comments: 0]
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Frank Herfurt alias Master 3 on ANF

Invitation for Chat
Channel invites Amiga & PC users to chatting. Everybody with questions or problems regarding his/her Amiga or PC should address to this place. The channel has always an open ear. more ...

[News message: 07. Apr. 2001, 20:38] [Comments: 0]
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Marco Frischkorn on ANF

Development of BATTLE Stopped
Already in November HighAnt Development announced a turn in direction (we reported). Today Marco Frischkorn informs us that the development of the remaining game 'Battle' had definitively been dropped, too. more ...

[News message: 07. Apr. 2001, 18:28] [Comments: 0]
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Horst Diebel on ANF

New Entries in the Big Book of Amiga Hardware
Since the 1. April there are again new entries in the Big Book of Amiga Hardware:
  • New entry and pictures: Amiga Desktop Video Master (thanks go to Michael Guenseich)
  • New picture: Micronik A1200 busboard (thanks go to Michael Guenseich)
  • New entry and picture: BSC Ram expansion (thanks go to Michael Guenseich)
  • New entriy and picture: Xpert flicker fixer (thanks go to Michael Guenseich)
  • New pictures: Rocket Launcher (thanks go to Jorge Santillan)
  • New pictures: Access 32 (thanks go to Jorge Santillan)
  • New pictures: A3500[T] (thanks go to an DJ)
  • New entry and pictures: MTec 1230/28RTC (thanks go to Jan Dwoenizky)
  • New entry and pictures: Mastercard (thanks go to Jan Dwoenizky)
  • New pictures and update: Megamix '2000' (thanks go to Jan Dwoenizky and Jens Schönfeld)
  • Generous update: A2024 (thanks go to Ralph Ewers)
  • Update: ATonce Plus (thanks go to Jani Kultanen)
  • New mystery: Item #8 (thanks go to Kepp)
  • Mystery solved: Item #7 (thanks go to Jan Dwoenizky and Jens Schönfeld)
  • New entry: VarIO (thanks go to Jens Schönfeld)
  • Manufacturer reports: (thanks go to Jens Schönfeld)
  • New entry and picture: Prometheus

[News message: 07. Apr. 2001, 13:24] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via email

VEPatch.Brain for VirusExecutor v.1.28 Released
Name: VEPatchBrain v1.28
Archive name: VEPatchBrain.lha
Archive size: 21.052 Bytes
Release date: 6. April 2001
Programmer: Jan Erik Olausen

[News message: 07. Apr. 2001, 11:21] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Easter Card
From the FOM website you can now send an easter webcard of the known Amiga cartoonist Eric Schwartz. more ...

[News message: 07. Apr. 2001, 10:51] [Comments: 0]
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Hans-Jörg Frieden on ANF

Warp3D v4 was Released
Warp3D V4 was released. The fourth release of the 3D-hardware driver system now can be downloaded under the title link. more ...

[News message: 07. Apr. 2001, 00:06] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Frieden on ANF

Shogo Demo on Aminet
The long wait finally has an end: the demo of Hyperion's story-based shooter Shogo: Mobile Armor Division should appear soon on Aminet.

The game runs on PPC (WarpUP) and requires at least 64 MB RAM. For hardware acceleration, Warp3D V4 is required, which should be available from Aminet at the same time.

[News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 18:28] [Comments: 0]
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Diverse Sources

Software News
Audiomaster 2000 v 0.66
At Frank Fenn, you can find a new version of his MUI sample editor 'Audiomaster 2k', which supports all AHI devices. Saving is not possible in the demo version. Download: audiomaster2k.lha - 276 kB more ...

[News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 17:55] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Koebnik via E-Mail

Amiga Arena News
In cooperation with Pablo F., the Amiga Arena makes a special price for TaskiSMS possible! TaskiSMS is an easy to use SMS sender for the Amiga. The special price is 50% of the regular price and is only valid until May 10th, 2001. You can register at

[News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 17:51] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet uploads
DopJoin.lha          biz/dopus    5K+Join files with DirectoryOpus 4.xx. V1.0
DopJoin5.lha         biz/dopus    5K+Join files with DirectoryOpus 5.xx. V1.0
ListbrowserPch.lha   biz/patch   10K+Fixes aweb popup problems with OS3.9 BB1
DalHelper.lha        comm/irc    37K+Interface to Dalnet Services: (Chan/Memo
YAT.lha              comm/mail  518K+Yet Another heap of Taglines for YAM
GoPortscan.lha       comm/net    99K+V0.2 TCP Portscanner with MUI interface
T-Rexx.lha           comm/tcp   106K+Shows current TV-programs in Finland
titlebar_ic.lha      dev/gui     24K+BOOPSI class of titlebar gadget images
plDPurpleGUIDE.lha   docs/hyper  49K+Polish Deep Purple guide V0.1
Aakt0401GFX.lha      docs/mags  266K+AMIGA aktuell - German infotainment maga
AmigaOS39revie.txt   docs/rview  12K+A short review of AmigaOS3.9 
diceset.lha          game/data   13K+A dice-set for the WBgame MagicNumbers
WHDParadroid90.lha   game/patch  17K+HD Installer for Paradroid90
WHDRockstarHam.lha   game/patch   8K+HD Installer for Rockstar Ate My Hamster
WHDWhiteSnook.lha    game/patch  31K+HD Installer for Jimmy White Snooker
WHD_UridiumII.lha    game/patch  14K+Uridium II Hard Drive Installer
MagicNumbers_d.lha   game/think   2K+German catalog for MagicNumbers v1.0
AmiCAD_2.08.lha      gfx/edit   691K+Schematics vectorial electronics program
CMNDR-ImageFX.lha    gfx/ifx    136K+Customizable GUI for ImageFX
yav172.lha           gfx/show   396K+PowerPC support. Shows bitmap pictures o
FDDx2toInt.lha       hard/hack   21K+How to connect two PC FDD to internal po
MMKeyboard.lha       hard/hack  140K+V1.00 Use entire Multmedia Keyboard on A
unlzx.c.gz           misc/unix    9K+Unlzx - decompresses LZX archives on mul
GroundMind.lha       mods/blkha 421K+16 channel DBM by blakkhar
Chiba_el.mpg         mods/elbie 5.9M+Chiba_Electronique [electro] by ElbiE^t1
rno-r059.lha         mods/misc  748K+Rno-records release no.59 by kure/rno (h
crs_tilo.lha         mods/techn 596K+CRS00060: phase - timelock
MSE.lha              mus/midi   193K+MIDI SYStem EXplorer - PatchEditor+MORE
madonna.jpg          pix/art    148K+Hand drawn picture of Madonna
AutoPDF13.lha        text/misc   22K+AutoPDF 1.3 - Convert Postscript to PDF
xadmaster000.lha     util/arc   261K+V10.0 Powerful unarchiving system (68000
xadmaster020.lha     util/arc   263K+V10.0 Powerful unarchiving system (68020
xadmaster060.lha     util/arc   267K+V10.0 Powerful unarchiving system (68060
xadmasterdev.lha     util/arc   153K+V10.0 Powerful unarchiving system (DEVEL
WinToFront17.lha     util/cdity  62K+Replaces ClickToFront, with more options
idle1_3.lha          util/moni   15K+A (working) cpu monitor
xfdmaster.lha        util/pack  155K+Rel1.35 Decrunch packed files (exe/data)
xfdmaster_dev.lha    util/pack  175K+Rel1.35 Decrunch packed files (exe/data)
ScreenShell.lha      util/shell   6K+Opens full size shell on new public scre
TimeKeep.lha         util/time   50K+TimeClock Util for Clients-Projects-Invo
TimeKeepDev.lha      util/time   35K+TimeClock Util for Project Development
VEPatchBrain.lha     util/virus  21K+PatchBrain v1.28 for VirusExecutor v2.xx
IconMaster.lha       util/wb     24K+Icon copier with some nice features V1.1

[News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 15:39] [Comments: 0]
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BoingWorld Moved!
After one year without activity, the Yugoslavian news site 2Amiga Jugoslavija" has taken up its news service again under the name "Amiga Pager News". The page has moved and can now be found at All articles appear in Serbian language.

[News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 12:56] [Comments: 0]
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Klaus Burkert passed away
Klaus Burkert, known for excellent Amiga hard- and software development died two days ago from a heart attack.

We offer our sincerest condolences to his family and friends. May they find the strength to get over this loss. more ...

[News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 02:14] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld on ANF

isdnsurfer.device V1.943 Online
The new version of the ISDN card driver can be found in the support area of the Individual Computer homepage and offers two new features:
  • EOF Mode: This more efficient method of communication between TCP/IP stack and isdnsurfer.device should give a notable performance boost.
  • NSD (New Style Device) commands: Adaption to the newest OS versions.

Further, a multitasking bug was fixed which led to performance losses. The development continues, with the next update there will finally be Sync-PPP! more ...

[News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 01:02] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Koebnik on ANF

Amiga Arena News
Amiga Arena full version!
With permission of Thomas Dorn, the TruePaint HD version, the 24 bit painting program, is available for download! TruePaint is the predecessor of XiPaint!

[News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 00:36] [Comments: 0]
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René Stelljes on ANF

New IRC Amiga Channel: #amiweb
On April 8th, the new Amiga chat channel #amiweb will officially open. Most of you will probably think that there are so many channels and that another channel won't make any sense. However, #amiweb won't be an ordinary channel, but rather a possibility for the average user to chat with programmers and other important people on the Amiga. more ...

[News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 00:28] [Comments: 0]
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Fabio Alemagna on ANF

Bill McEwen Interviewed
Quantum Leap, the Italian e-zine devoted to new technologies is proud to publish an exclusive interview with Bill McEwen, president and CEO of Amiga Inc.

[News message: 06. Apr. 2001, 00:01] [Comments: 0]
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Sébastien Jeudy via E-Mail

Interview with Fleecy Moss
Sébastien Jeudy, author of l'Annuaire Amiga Francophone and editor at Planet 100% Amiga has done this little interview and permitted to publish it: more ...

[News message: 05. Apr. 2001, 23:44] [Comments: 0]
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Sven Drieling on ANF

St. Louis 2001: Nothing has Changed
On the 5th of April 2001 Sven Drieling published his estimation of Amiga's currently published plans. Excerpt: more ...

[News message: 05. Apr. 2001, 22:44] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Ulbrich on ANF

IDE-SCSI-Adapter Available
From now on we provide the IDe-SCSI adapter by the Hantz company. This adapter makes it possible to connect cheap IDE harddisks to a SCSI host. Reasonable useable with the SCSI-Kit for Blizzard cards, BlizzardPPC, FastlaneZ3, WarpEngine, 4091, a.s.o.
Up to now it was Successfully tested with FastlaneZ3, Blizzard-Kit on 1230/4, CSPPC. more ...

[News message: 05. Apr. 2001, 22:44] [Comments: 0]
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Rainer Benda on ANF

Metabox Selling ICS
Metabox selling ICS
As it became known from management circles Metabox AG, manufacturer of set-top-boxes, currently are in negotiations regarding the sale of their 100% subsidiary ICS. ICS produce bargain cash systems and was able to gain sales at the value of 2.29 USD in 1999. But meantime ICS has made application for insolvency at the district council of Hildesheim, Germany.
No certain reason was given. According to press reports staffers did not get payed since about two months and a preponderant part of them do not go to work, anymore.
Currently Metabox shares are dealt at the price of 1,40 Euro. The 52-weeks-high is at 45,80 Euro. The current price represents the 52-weeks-low.

[News message: 05. Apr. 2001, 22:41] [Comments: 0]
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Diverse Sources

Software News
Oliver Roberts has updated the following of his datatypes: WarpJPEG.datatype V44.19 - (68k,PPC/WarpOS,PPC/MorphOS) - WarpJPEGdt.lha - 133 kB
WarpPNG.datatype V44.14 - (68k,PPC/WarpOS,PPC/MorphOS) - WarpPNGdt.lha - 140 kB
WarpDTPrefs V44.3 - preferences program for Warp-Datatypes - WarpDTPrefs.lha - 27 kB more ...

[News message: 05. Apr. 2001, 15:55] [Comments: 0]
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Digital Amiga Dream

DAD: Interview with Andreas Falkenhahn
Digital Amiga Dream (DAD) has interviewed Andreas Falkenhahn from Airsoft Softwair. Read the interview under the title link.

[News message: 05. Apr. 2001, 15:33] [Comments: 0]
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Thorsten Will via E-Mail

Invitation for MS2001 Party Published
Mekka & Symposium, the traditional demo scene party, on which many demo workers introduce their demos each year, is coming and the organization enters the final lap. The best demos will be honored with price money. The MS2001 will take place from 13th to 16th of April 2001 in Fallingbostel, Germany, in the Heidmark-Halle. more ...

[News message: 05. Apr. 2001, 12:29] [Comments: 0]
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Richard Kapp via E-Mail

Narr-Site News
From today you can download a theme for Voyager from my site. This again is about a stylish Netscape like image set containing all of the important buttons. There is also included in the archive a matching MacOSX like background pattern. There is a screenshot on the 'Projects site'. Furthermore a page for SendStuff was created containing screenshots and a small description of the program.

[News message: 05. Apr. 2001, 11:49] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Wilps on ANF

ahi.device 5.6 Available
Martin Blom has published the new version 5.6 of the ahi.device for 68k and PPC Amigas on his homepage.

[News message: 05. Apr. 2001, 11:47] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Burkhardt (IOM) on ANF

Red Zac General Meeting with Amiga 1200
On Monday the Red Zac (also known as Interfunk) general meeting took place in Nuernberg, Germany. On two screens 16 ft. of width Powerpoint presentations and live video from 6 cameras were shown. On customer's demand the computer's name should be faded in the video pictures. This cries for Amiga technology, downright. more ...

[News message: 05. Apr. 2001, 05:18] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Siegel on ANF

Online Music Module Compo started well!
Online-Module-Compo which started on March 1st 2001 has now 17 participants and you cannot send modules any longer. From now on you can download and vote the modules which were all made from the same sample-set. Just download, vote and listen to it - have fun! Thomas Siegel aka "d!RT!E - organiser&websitter of mOOdS"

[News message: 04. Apr. 2001, 23:49] [Comments: 0]
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Diverse Sources

Software News
Turboprint for Linux V1.0
You can order version 1.0 of the printer driver software Turboprint for Linux at IrseeSoft. It contains printer driver (beta) for Canon S400, 450, 4500, 800; Epson Stylus Color 680, 880, 980 und Photo 790, 890, 1290. more ...

[News message: 04. Apr. 2001, 17:54] [Comments: 0]
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Neodym on ANF

Sharp Zaurus Really Exists!
Because many reports at least doubts the existence and availability of Zaurus-PDA I kept my eyes opened and went shopping in Tokyo. Zaurus does really exist! Two of them I held in my hands. It is written all in Japanese but the device gives a very solid and good impression. The silver metal housing (there were just dummies of the white and lilac variant) looks very fine and feels good (just like Palm V). more ...

[News message: 04. Apr. 2001, 17:10] [Comments: 0]
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Torsten Dudai

New Caricature online: Doc Fleecy
more ...

[News message: 04. Apr. 2001, 14:49] [Comments: 0]
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Brad Webb via E-Mail

Amiga Update - Newsletter of Brad Webb
         _________ ____      _|__ __ __|_______      _________
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      // \\\\  /. \\\\__ \/ __//    \\  \\____.  /// \\\\  /. \\
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       ¯    \/    ¯ ¯    \/.  |¯      ¯|z!o     ¯  ¯    \/    ¯
               A M I G A      |#010403 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.

      *   S P E C I A L   A M I G A   2 0 0 1   I S S U E   *

            O U R   " T A K E "   O N   T H E   S H O W

   A M I G A ,   S H A R P   Z A U R U S ,   A N D   O T H E R S

   S O M E   D E T A I L S   F R O M   G A R Y   P E A K E   . . .

    . . .   A N D   D E T A I L S   F R O M   C T O   F L E E C Y

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:
 Below are items pertaining to the just completed Amiga 2001 show held
in St. Louis, USA, over the past weekend (March 30 - April 1). Due to
the importance of the show, and the buildup before it, we thought
we'd put together a small special issue to get information to you.
 As with most things, the true significance of events will probably
not be known for some time.
 Brad Webb,

            O U R   " T A K E "   O N   T H E   S H O W

3 April, 2001

By Brad Webb

 It was billed as "1985 all over again". In some ways, for some
people, it probably was.
 It was definitely the changing of the guard.
 It had it's usual share of organizational problems.
 It was fun, and the place to be this last weekend.
 The most important news from the point of view of our readers may be
that there will be additional versions of AmigaOS, and they will be
Power PC native!
 The most important news from the point of view of the Community and
its continuation is that there are once again good ways to make money
as an Amiga developer!

 There were problems with getting classes and seminars started and
ended on time, and there was a terribly long wait to enter the banquet
hall Saturday night. These things seem endemic to many Amiga shows and
can often be traced to the small number of people willing to help. We
hope as the new market develops and grows, more people will be
available to help run Amiga shows. In the meantime, those who worked
on Amiga 2001 did a fine job given the circumstances, and those in
attendance were able to deal with the minor logistical problems and
get real benefits from the events.

The Sales Floor
 The sales floor was well attended, especially on Saturday, and there
seemed to be a good amount of buying. The number of vendors was not
real high (about 14 or 15 key Amiga stalwarts), but the large booth
belonging to Merlancia seemed determined to make that up by itself. It
looked as if all the stock ever assembled by Amiga International was
there to be purchased. They also had a nifty assemblage of items in a
sort of mini-museum of Commodore and Amiga memorabilia. The two large
vats of free bottled beer on Saturday didn't hurt matters, and went
well with the incredibly huge pile of pizza in boxes brought in by
Petro for his retirement luncheon. The pizza itself was first rate.
 There were only a few new products, the most interesting of which was
a PC on a card from Mr. Hardware Computer. We haven't seen it in
operation, but hope to have more information in the future.

 Genuine emotions and deep appreciation were everywhere in evidence
for Petro throughout the weekend as his retirement was was both
celebrated and regretted. The roast, which certainly had its
hilarious moments, ran quite long as many in the Community wanted to
share their affection and memories. It might well have been an event
by itself on another night, so much needed to be said. A standing
ovation for Petro was just one of many clearly deeply felt attempts to
express appreciation. And just because he's retiring, don't be
surprised if you see him very much in attendance at future Amiga

The Future
 When Bill McEwen finally got to the main presentation during the
banquet, he tried to compress his remarks to save time. As it turned
out, he had a lot of good things to say, and anything that had to be
left out was covered later during the weekend.
 Much applause greated the statement that Amiga OS is planned out
through vresion 5.0 and they're not going to stop there! The OS will
become native PPC, beginning by moving OS 3.9 to PPC. Eventually, at
version 4.2, the "old hardware" will no longer be needed and
standalone machines can be built. Once again, emphasis was made that
Amiga will not be making hardware itself.
 For the short term, a completed Amiga ONE board for the 1200 was
shown. We discussed the status of an Amiga ONE for the A4000 the next
day with Alan Redhouse of Eyetech. He tells us it's still firmly in
the plans, but must be a money-maker to remain there. If it doesn't
see the light of day, it will most likely be due to completion taking
longer than Amiga OS requires to reach 4.2, when it will no longer be
needed. It all depends on how fast the new versions of Amiga OS come
 The Amiga ONE is headed into beta in the June/July time frame and
just might (no promises) be ready in time for the west coast Amiga
show in Sacramento, California, at the end of July.
 The other key point made by Bill McEwen during his banquet
presentation is that there is now, finally, a new and huge potential
market for Amiga developers, where they can actually make money! This
is where the comparison with 1985 has some merit. In 1985, Commodore
created a new market for developers with the original Amiga. Now, the
new Amiga Inc. has created another new market for developers with
Amiga DE.

New Market
 Bill pointed out that the cell phone and handheld markets are
starving for content. This content needs to be small games and
utilities of the kind Amiga developers are well equipped to create.
 The Amiga DE provides a single solution for this new Java-centric
small appliances world. In Japan, the Sharp Zaurus is already
Amiga-able. More are coming, and coming to the rest of the world as
well. We have a press release below which should answer most questions
you have. Bill did point out there were over 1800 new Amiga developers
now due to this new market.
 Bill noted that after the Zaurus comes the Psion, and that's just the
 It's a simple market. The user of the cell phone or PDA downloads an
application / game / ringer sound / what-have-you and pays for it
on-line. Price is perhaps $10 for a small game. 60% goes to the
author, 40% to the distributor. There are no boxes, no shelves full of
inventory, no manuals to take care of, and no returns. Simple,
elegant, and with millions of potential customers.

New Amiga OS Versions
 Bill also stated that Amiga DE would roll into the Amiga OS as it
goes forward. During discussions Sunday morning, Bill explained the
reason for going forward with Amiga OS was a business one, which means
there's a good chance it will actually happen close to plan. The
business reason is simple - the new Amiga needs server machines it can
control for use as it's home server. There's nothing better for the
job than the existing Amiga OS. A second, but very important reason,
is that Amiga knows a number of the talented developers in the
Community won't develop on anything else.
 There are a couple words of caution. At this point, it's not clear
how compatible existing PPC based machines will be with the future
standards. Compatibility will not be ignored, we're sure, but of
course can't stand in the way of success for the future.
 In addition, this does mark a change in direction for Amiga from what
was announced in the past. The Amiga DE was supposed to be scalable
from PDAs to servers. Now it seems it is not, due primarily to its
lack of memory protection as we understand it. A change in direction
is not all bad when it's fine tuning an overall strategy. The problem
is the Amiga community has seen little other than changes in direction
in the past, with no direction lasting long enough to produce growth
and meaningful product. This change doesn't seem to be in the same
category as previous ones, but we're not surprised Amiga is being
taken to task in postings on the net by long term disillusioned
Amigans. As we've said so often in the past, "time will tell" - but
we're inclined to be more reassured than frightened by this change.

The Transition
 It might have escaped notice by some, but this event marked a
significant transition for Amiga. Petro's retirement was one element
of this, though mostly symbolic. The second is more subtle, but more
important for the future. Amiga Inc. is now taking a firmer guiding
hand. In the past, Amiga OS 3.5 and 3.9 (for example) were pretty much
farmed out on a "bring us something" basis. From now on, Haage and
Partner and other key contributors will be functioning more as project
managers within an overall strategy maintained by Amiga. This will
give the market some much needed direction and should be a help to all
who depend on it. It's a sign of the maturing of the company, and is
quite welcome.
 Interestingly, Bill McEwen stated Amiga enters this new state with a
new Vice President of Engineering, a person he would not identify yet
to spare him loads of e-mail, but who came from MicroSoft. The
operating system side of development is being handled by Fleecy Moss
and his team.

Word Pictures
 There's always so much more to an Amiga show than the speaches and
sales. We'd like to share a few "word pictures" with you from the

 40 or 50 Amigans talking about every Amiga topic under the sun at
Amiga's Hor's D'overies party Friday night. We finally got to meet
Phil Vedovatti, the man behind New Icons, and found him delightful.

 Living in yet another hotel with strange floor arrangements. Last
year's Henry VIII was torn down due to airport expansion, but this
Sheraton maintains its spirit. We entered on the ground floor, then
took an elevator down two floors to our room on the first floor.
There, we had a door out onto a ground level patio. Shades of
"Castrovalva" from Dr. WHO.

 Getting tossed out of the dining room along with "Mrs. Brad", JoAnn,
Florence and John Zacharias (of "AE Mail" fame) when they closed it
for the night. There was a lot to be gone over, so we just moved on

 The first day, the phones didn't work. Not just in the hotel, but all
over this section of St. Louis. Someone cut a key cable somewhere. It
was NOT a MicroSoft plot to keep the word from getting out.

 The Mardi Gras beads being handed out by Kermit Woodall of "Nova
Design". No, we're not going to tell you what you had to do to get
some. Yes, we do have some. They were everywhere in evidence, all
weekend long.

 Seeing Dave Haynie and Leo Schwab again, Leo in full medieval costume
as in days of old. Wonder where he gets the hats? "Schwabbies"
(remember them?) might be just "the thing" for the new small appliance

 Rollie and his clarinet, performing "A Very Good Year" for the
banquet crowd. Actually kept everyone quiet in appreciation of the
music, no small task! High marks for the organizers for this one!

 The dancing Petro baby during the Petro roast video. Not to mention
the speach by video from Bill Gates - or a darn good rendered
likeness, anyway.

 The stories of Petro's driving. It's a good thing he's skilled at it,
or we might be short a large number of Community members.

 The UGN folks in the corner, doing their best to get the word out to
the world. We didn't get to discuss the phone failure and how it
affected them, but it can't have been a help.

 The many good restaurants, bars and shops in the West Port area right
outside the hotel. Definitely an improvement over the old venue. There
are a lot of word pictures to come from events in a few of the bars,
which we won't be bringing you.

 The collision of the Amiga crowd waiting to enter the sales floor on
Saturday morning and 100 or so children with parents heading through
the same area on their way to an early Easter Egg hunt. Can't blame
the organizers for this one. Incidentally, the wandering Canada geese
outside the hotel seemed slightly confused by all the colored eggs
lying about.

   A M I G A ,   S H A R P   Z A U R U S ,   A N D   O T H E R S

 ST. LOUIS, MO, March 30, 2001 - Amiga Incorporated, a pioneer in the
development of multi-media and content, today announced a long-term
partnership with Sharp Corporation, a worldwide developer of
innovative products and core technologies in electronics, in which
Amiga will develop content for next-generation Sharp handheld
computing devices.

 In March, Sharp announced its plans to market the Zaurus PDA in the
United States and Europe as one of the world's first Linux-based
handheld device. The Linux operating system is gaining wider
acceptance in the computer server market because its underlying code
is freely distributed on the Internet. Easily adaptable for different
hardware devices, the Sharp handheld will be able to run software
written in Sun Microsystems' versatile Java software language that
supports different operating systems.

 In this partnership, Amiga announced that its developer community
would either develop new content or adapt existing content for PDA
applications, using their reputation for innovation and leadership in
gaming, 2D, 3D, animation, video, and music applications.
Amiga-developed content can be downloaded directly through wireless
networks, using desktop computers, or ported directly into the new

 "By working with Amiga as one of our content partners we are able to
expand the applications and content available for our new devices,"
said Dr. Hiroshi Uno, Ph.D. Division General Manager - Mobile Systems
Division, Communications Systems Group, Sharp Corporation Japan.

 Amiga has an outstanding reputation for software development. We
anticipate that the alliance with Amiga will create a lot of momentum
for the Zaurus PDA."

 "Amiga is excited to be part of the Zaurus PDA project, and we look
forward to bringing the excitement, brilliant content and magic of the
Amiga community to Sharp," said Bill McEwen, President/CEO of Amiga
Incorporated. "Amiga is adding new dimensions of content for the next
generations of computing devices, and we see the new PDA platform as
an important area of strategic business growth and applications for
the Amiga community. We intend to develop some really great
applications as consumers more fully understand the great potential
and skill set of the Amiga community."

 About Sharp Corporation

 Sharp Corporation, a worldwide developer of the core digital
technologies that are playing an integral role in shaping the next
generation of mobile computing products for consumer and business
needs. Since creating the Wizard(R) electronic organizer in 1989,
Sharp has led the market in introducing innovative handheld computing
products. Sharp is also the global leader in LCD technology, which is
incorporated into leading-edge LCD monitors and projectors. From the
small office/home office (SOHO) to large corporate environments, Sharp
provides a variety of innovative, computer-related solutions designed
to help increase productivity while providing functionality to meet
customer demand. Dedicated to improving people's lives through the use
of advanced technology and a commitment to innovation, quality, value
and design, Sharp Corporation employs approximately 60,200 people
worldwide in 30 countries. More information is available at

 About Amiga

 Amiga Inc. provides technology to developers for writing and porting
applications to a new multi-media operating systems which is hardware
agnostic. AmigaDE is a joint development effort between the Tao Group
of Reading England, and Amiga Incorporated. AmigaDE based applications
can run unchanged on x86, PowerPC, M Core, ARM, StrongARM, MIPS R3000,
R4000, R5000, SH 3, SH4, and NEC V850 processors. The Amiga OS can run
hosted on Linux, Embedded Linux, Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, CE and
QNX4. Amiga is based in Snoqualmie, WA, 28 miles east of Seattle and
has offices worldwide. Amiga can be reached at (425) 396-5660 or visit
Amiga on the web at

   S O M E   D E T A I L S   F R O M   G A R Y   P E A K E   . . .

 {The following items were found posted on the net and should help
clarify the announcements from Amiga 2001. Brad}

3 April, 2001

As has been discussed here several times, AmigaDe has no
memory protection. This and a couple of other issues are
the reasons for the announcement.

Basically, here is what we are doing and why:

1. Developers are starving to death and will leave
unless we find a way to help them make money fast.
Dealers have the same problems. We need more oomph to
take advantage of higher fps games, etc. This IS a
multimedia platform community after all. My mail box
tells us developers and dealers need something quickly.
We can get AmigaOne and OS4.0 out by summer without
losing any time developing the DE. This is with our
thanks to Haage & Partner and Eyetech who have agreed to
meet PRD's we set before them. We could not implement
this plan so quickly without their valued help. Also we
should include Hyperion who is assisting our team with a
level of GL and video capability that will enhance game
developers potential.

2. Users want new hardware. Amigas are starting to fail
and frankly it is just too expensive to start R&D for
new (modified) chips in the amounts we would probably be
able to sell and just as expensive for fabbing the older
chips as well. So, off the shelf, open designed, new
machines based on PPC is the most inexpensive way to get
the Amiga user onto a newer platform.

3. Amiga users have always been partial to PPC. Dean
Brown, Dave Haynie, Mick Tinker, and Joe Torre (four of
THE best and brightest Amiga minded hardware gurus I
know) are all for a PPC based platform advance. Dave had
the PiosOne design that he allowed us to release openly
to help people see what can be done with an open
hardware design based around PPC. We did not release
Dave's specs the week before the announcements by
accident. It was to open people's minds to what can be
done by thinking outside the box. Dave Haynie doesn't
know what a box is. Remember, we already run on a bog
standard PC.  :)

4. Our Zico base specs are an open spec based around
PPC. Alan Redhouse at Eyetech has a full plan, knows
when to freeze the design and ship, and has met our
Product Requirements Document. Dean Brown has approved
his design. Dave Haynie saw it in St Louis and thought
it was cool. Joe was there also and while I didn't ask
Joe specifically for his ideas, he is open enough to
have said if he thought the design was bad. Haage &
Partner have met our PRD's on the software side. Both
have excellent reputations for actually meeting
deadlines and shipping product when they say they will.
While they are contracting to us, these projects are
being managed by us now.

5. Amigade provides us with binary compatibility,
distributed processing capabilities and many other
things we can get no where else. This line of
development will continue as previously planned. Note:
There are NO changes to what you have been told we plan
to do with AmigaDE.

6. We intend, as we have stated all along, to cover
everything from PDA's and cell phones, set top boxes,
and servers. This plan allows us to do that with ease.

7. AmigaOS will continue to be developed and will be
merged into or under AmigaDE so that we eventually have
our own familiar base to play on and it will be a full
AMIGA base that is server capable and cell phone capable
as well. But we will not drop Windows and Linux
compatibility either. Think of this as adding yet
another playground for AmigaDE. It is no different from
deciding to also play on top of Be or any other OS out
there. We will continue to find playgrounds that provide
us, our developers, and dealers even more opportunities.

8. As far as splitting the community and the developers:
We have over 2,000 developers currently involved with
us. Another 30 added themselves today after the news
from St Louis. My mailbox is so full I spent all day
JUST answering new mails from developers and companies
wanting to come to Amiga and play and I didn't get them
all answered yet. Half of the developers are firmly in
the PDA, cell phone, and set top box camp. The other
half are either desktop oriented or want to do both.
This gives everyone a place to utilize their talents and
make money.

9. Most notable request from developers I have
is "please also give us a desktop". As Bill noted in his
banquet speech, he made certain promises to me based on
what Team AMIGA members (6000 plus) and others in the
community have said they want from whomever has the
Amiga name. I took this job based on those promises.
Bill keeps his promises.

10. This is a business and this is fun. We do what we do
because we want to and we can. If someone tells us we
can't, we do it just to show them we can. This is also a
family. This was very evident over the weekend. I hugged
more people in St Louis than I do at a family reunion.
Bill had tears in his eyes as he talked about us losing
Bob Cosby. We care. We have to make sure our friends and
family can finally make money but we have to do it in
ways that keep us afloat as well from a business

11. Tao Group is a great partner and is providing Amiga
with opportunities we have never been able to land
before. Good business means taking advantage of this
opportunity they provide and we intend to do that with
their help and asistance.

12. Listen to the facts and ask questions here and in
other Amiga forums where we are there to answer your
questions truthfully. Don't listen to the naysayers, the
hype, the conjecture, and the innuendo of people who
have no clue. We will tell you the truth. Bad or good,
you get the truth.

13. We have taken flak from certain people because they
say we provide no value. Our value is in uniting as many
people as we can into a formidable force. We can not do
what we plan alone. It takes unity, solidarity, team
work. All of us must work together and together we will
slowly conquer the world ... just because we want to.


Gary Peake
Amiga Inc.

   . . .   A N D   D E T A I L S   F R O M   C T O   F L E E C Y

{Also found on the net, and dealing with things at a bit more
technical level, are these notes from Amiga's CTO, Fleecy Moss. We
found this as a posting from Alexander Lohrmann and answers from
Fleecy, which we indicated with *s. Our thanks to Mr. Lohrmann for
asking the questions! We've removed a few things for clarity but added
nothing beyond the *s. Brad}

Apr 1, 2001

 Will there be any improvements over OS3.9 like:

 - A really integrated TCP/IP-stack

 *Brand new, written from scratch.

 - Memory Protection for new apps (I know it is impossible for old

 *Virtual Memory will come in OS4, which will make a big difference.
MP is much harder and will be done in OS5.

 - recource tracking

 *the Amiga Component Model will give you that.

 - SMP


 - A new datatypes-system, especially for streaming and anims

 *The ACM and streaming system will give you that.

 - a new and better soundsystem, with support for surround and 3D

 *The Audio system will be the best of any system out there. We have 5
of the best audio people in the world working on it.

 - 2D and 3D APIs, integrated into the gfx-system instead of hacked-in
like now

 *Already underway, and with our close alliance with Matrox, there
will be not only standard high level APIs but GLIDE like low level
APIs to really take advantage of Matrox cards.

 - a new Workbench


 - an improved intuition.library (we really need one !)


 - hardware-independancy


 - a new filesystem

 *OS4.0 -

 - a good printer-system with drivers for more printers

 *Probably OS4.2, waiting for USB, and for the full benefits, OS5, the
PDP media system.

  2) AmigaDE

 We always heard that the AmigaDE will run on everything from PDAs to
servers. I think you have left this idea behind, I have understood it
that way that it will run on STBs and PDAs and the new AmigaOS 4. Is
this right

 *That's correct.

 ? Do you think that there will be a really native version for x86 &
co, I mean a real desktop-os, later in the future ?

 *It will integrate into existing desktop OSs. That is what all of our
big customers tell us is necessary for success.

 What I liked about the AmigaDE as it was announced in the past was
the fact that (as I understood it) developers would have the
possibility to write an application or a game for the AmigaDE and
contribute some kind of runtime-environment including all necessary
stuff like the translator, the Elate-kernel, GUI, Sound and 3D-APIs or
whatever is needed by the product for every supported operating system
with it. This could bring developers to the AmigaDE and if there is a
version of AmigaDE hosted (or really part of) on AmigaOS 4 then there
would be many new apps and games and then maybe there will be some new
(or old ? :-)) users. Will this still be possible ?


 Will the AmigaDE still contain stuff like OpenGL, a sound-API or some
gui-stuff ? Or will it only contain things PDAs need ? If it would
contain everything needed by big apps like office-packages or games I
think many developers would come along, even companies, because they
could increase their sales from let's say only Windows-users to Mac,
Linux and AmigaOS 4 users without the need to make several version.
Write once run everywhere

 *The AmigaDE has a capabilities system which dynamically matches
requests to capabilities. If you are on a desktop, you can use AmigaDE
desktop apps.

 P.s.: Will AmigaOS 4 run on existing PowerUP-hardware ? I think this
is a must-be, otherwise many users will feel traited ... (Is this the
right word ?)

 *At the moment no 8-( Anyone who has bought PPC accelerators
understands the drag the architecture has placed on those products. To
code an AmigaOS4 around that solution is to condemn it before it even
begins. The new AmigaOnes will be cheap enough and expandible, and
will be orders of magnitude faster than the existing products. It is
hard, but this is the first Amiga certified hardware in over five
years - the line has to be drawn somewhere, and this is it.

 *There is a possibility of a software compatability layer, but the
performance would most likely kill its usefulness compared to an
Amiga Update on the net:
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Copyright 2001 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
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  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_

[News message: 04. Apr. 2001, 14:34] [Comments: 0]
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Sven Ottemann via E-Mail

LHA 1.14i for UNIX Amiga-port
Sven Ottemann has compiled LHA1.14 for UNIX for AmigaOS. This version supports -lh6- und -lh7-. You can download versions for 68000, 68020+ and PPC (WarpOS) under the title link.

[News message: 04. Apr. 2001, 14:25] [Comments: 0]
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FORE-MATT via E-Mail

100%Amiga issue 11
The English software distributor 'Fore-Matt' has published a new Amiga magazine. The magazine is called '100% Amiga' and is distributed exclusively on CD-ROM. It has a seperate surface which leads the reader through the magazine. more ...

[News message: 04. Apr. 2001, 14:10] [Comments: 0]
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Rainer Benda on ANF

Finance Online: Chairman of Met@Box Resigned
»Today Met@Box which is quoted on the New Market announced that chairman Geerd-Ulrich Ebeling resigned. Private reasons were named for that. There will not be a successor because the company is going to name a new chairman as a financial chairman. more ...

[News message: 04. Apr. 2001, 13:49] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Apache 1.3.19 - PHP 4.0.4 pl 1 Published
You can download the new patch-level of webserver Apache version 1.3.19 - PHP 4.0.4 pl 1. more ...

[News message: 04. Apr. 2001, 13:42] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Dellert via E-Mail

DCE Microserver G3/G4 - Press Release
Product-info "DCE Microserver G3/G4" more ...

[News message: 04. Apr. 2001, 12:46] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

Elbox publishes MediatorUP2.1
There is an update of the driver software of the Mediator-PCI-board of Elbox. The file is 60 kB and you can download it at the usual places or order it from Elbox.

[News message: 04. Apr. 2001, 05:44] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

MakeCD 3.2 beta6 with Video CD Support
It has been announced version 3.2d public beta6 (videoCD-edition) of the writing software MakeCD. All CD-RW-driver has been updated. You can now import .toc (cdrdao) images which are generated with VCDTools and .cue (CDRWin) images which are generated with VCDGear. Please have a look at History for further information. Download: Is still not possible.

[News message: 04. Apr. 2001, 05:20] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

Cinemaware offers TV Sports Football and -Baseball for Download
Due to the overwhelmingly positive response from the last offering, Cinemaware proudly presents these two innovative classics! Take a nostalgic journey back to the birth of the modern sports craze! The TV Sports franchise was original and new in that it presented the game like it was an actual television broadcast.
They're only going to be available for a limited time, so run to the Vault quickly to download TV Sports Football and TV Sports Baseball. Don't forget to stop by at the forums and tell us which other classic titles you'd like to see made available.

[News message: 04. Apr. 2001, 05:11] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

Meternet Reworking Hardware of their SimpleBox
Meternet informed of reworking the hardware of its SimpleBox (Set-Top-Box) which is supposed to run on AmigaDE in order to produce SimpleBox still cheaper. It is possible that there will be news still this month.

[News message: 04. Apr. 2001, 05:08] [Comments: 0]
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