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Peter Eriksson (ANF)

AROS Update from 12.02.2002
Work on the Amiga Research Operating System is making progress. Details of the most recent development can be found over at the AROS website (title link). In summary, various bugs all over AROS have been dealt with, a lot of changes to the underlying framework (the build process) were introduced, the Palm flavor has been worked on and both minor and major enhancements have been made (including the long awaited "pci.hidd", which is meant to communicate with all sorts of hardware within the computer thru higher level hardware interfaces, such as the brand new "nvidia.hidd" - although still in a juvenile stage, the "Hardware Independant Device Driver"-system is expected to grow in the future). (ps)

[News message: 19. Feb. 2002, 14:43] [Comments: 0]
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