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Amiga Future

Amiga Future: New Q2 Screenshots
There are some new Screenshots of our Quake 2 port (which is in the final stages of developement) available at the interactive section of Amiga Future (see title link).

This time these screenshots are coming from the "engine modification" Q2Max. With our port we are optionally adding support for Q2Max. There will be two executables in our port, one for the "normal" Quake 2, and one for Q2Max. Q2Max enhanced (among other things) the particle effects of Quake 2 in a *major* way (the new effects really remind a bit of Quake 3 IMHO!) There is no big speed loss. Please note, that Q2Max has quite huge memory requirements - but well, it is only optionally. You can as well run the "normal" Quake 2 executable. Both executables are included in the port and can be installed parallely. Both Quake 2 and Q2Max can be played together in Multiplayer without any problems. Steffen Haeuser. (ps)

[News message: 19. Feb. 2002, 14:09] [Comments: 0]
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