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Andreas Wendorf on ANF

Photos from DreamMeeting
Warp9 have put some photos from the OldScholl-Amiga Meeting 'DreamMeeting' online, which took place on 11-11-00. You can find the pictures at the title link.

[News message: 23. Nov. 2000, 11:27] [Comments: 0]
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Frogger V1.62 Beta 4
On November 22nd, 2000 Sebastian Jedruszkiewicz has published V1.62 Beta 4 of the MPEG-1/2 player 'Frogger'. The play works on 68030+, AGA, 4MB FastRam, and AHI for sound output. System requirements for further features (CGFX, PPC) including links are to find on the requirements page. more ...

[News message: 23. Nov. 2000, 11:11] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: YAM V2.2
On November 21st, 2000 a version of the e-mail client 'YAM V2.2' for MorphOS/PPC has been published. This version in additional needs the program version for 68k which is available for download on the YAM homepage. more ...

[News message: 23. Nov. 2000, 11:11] [Comments: 0]
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Picasso96 Developers talk about Voodoo3 Drivers
On the CyberGFX site a press release, and several postings from the P96 mailing list has been published in which the developers of Picasso96, Tobias Abt and Alexander Kneer, voice about the unauthorized Voodoo3 Picasso96 driver from Elbox, and the future of the graphics driver system. more ...

[News message: 23. Nov. 2000, 11:11] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Weyrauch via eMail

IRC-Interview with Jochen Becher
We at the AmigaOne Chat team took the task to invite one interesting Amiga programmer to our chat each month. We are excited to have Jochen Becher from Haage & Partner as our guest this month. Among others he is involved in the following projects: AmigaWriter, OS3.5, ArtEffect, StromC and OS3.9. more ...

[News message: 23. Nov. 2000, 05:57] [Comments: 0]
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Joern Plewka on ANF

Possible Failure of Melody1200
It is possible that some Melody1200PRO of the last line has been delivered with a failure. A confusion of the "Logic" which is in the central controlling chip of the board with the "Logic" of a following board is the reason for it. more ...

[News message: 22. Nov. 2000, 12:19] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Scholling on ANF

New beta-version 18.6 beta 3 of NListtree
I eliminated some bugs and included some new features:

  • The attributes MUIA_NListtree_DropType, MUIA_NListtree_DropTarget, and MUIA_NListtree_DropTargetPos are new.
  • MinLineHeight is only set if the image is higher as the actual minimum.
  • The computer crashed down if you tried to delete entries in a Next/PrevSelected-Loop. Removed.
  • Added the following flags: MUIV_NListtree_FindName_Flag_Reverse and MUIV_NListtree_FindName_Flag_StartNode.
  • Added Italic catalog. Thanks to Andrea Zanellato for his translation.
  • Included test of zero pointer in the intern Construct/Destruct-Hooks.
  • Included MUIV_NListtree_Remove_TreeNode_Selected.

You can download this version under Download.

[News message: 22. Nov. 2000, 12:19] [Comments: 0]
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Marco Frischkorn on ANF

Direction change of HighAnt Development
Marco Frischkorn wrote:
Because of the present situation I feel bound to leave the sector of Amiga. We will finish BATTLE and will be then no longer at your disposal. In any case I will not be. The rest of the team probably will keep faith with the Amiga. You can read further information under the title link. more ...

[News message: 22. Nov. 2000, 12:19] [Comments: 0]
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Thorsten Schölzel on ANF

Shockwave and RealAudio Support Online Again
After finishing the reorganization of the support of Shockwave and RealAudio-player is online again which is especially interesting for users of AWeb.

[News message: 22. Nov. 2000, 12:19] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Gietzelt on ANF

New Version of Emperor
Emperor is an object oriented programming language which with a programming help enables even users without any basic knowledge of C/C++ to get master of AmigaOS 3.5, and to programm for it. more ...

[News message: 22. Nov. 2000, 12:03] [Comments: 0]
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Sascha Koebner on ANF

Cinemaware publishes "Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown"
A well-known game is to start its comeback on Playstation 2, Microsofts X-Box, and Windows-PC. Cinemaware will publish "Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown" in spring of 2002. The game bases on the classical game "Defender of the Crown" from 1986. In all the mix of strategy and action was sold over one million times on several platforms as on Amiga, too. The revised version is set to the time of the "Avenger of the disinherited ones". You have to release England from the clutches of the villain prince John. In a mail one of the responsible persons said that the game possibly will be ported to AmigaPPC if there is enough interest.

[News message: 22. Nov. 2000, 10:47] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via eMail

VirusExecutor PatchBrain V1.23
Version 1.23 of the file PatchBrain for VirusExecutor was released. Here some details: more ...

[News message: 22. Nov. 2000, 02:46] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Dietz tel.

Opinion Poll at techtv
There is an opinion poll at techtv: "Which is the best platform for editing video?". Possible answers: Windows, Mac and Amiga. At the moment Amiga takes the second position with 37%.

[News message: 22. Nov. 2000, 02:28] [Comments: 0]
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21.Nov.2000 and Four Partners Agree on Cooperation and four partners decide to cooperate more ...

[News message: 21. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Arcadia Products

Bubble Heroes Gfx Card Patch
On the website of Arcadia Products, manufacturers of Bubble Heroes, there is a Bubble Heroes patch for graphic card users (CV64 and CGFX). The patch is said to run on any system, and it is recommended for graphic card users.

[News message: 21. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Stefan Ruppert on ANF

BETA V41 hypertext.datatype
There is a beta version of hypertext.datatype v41 by Stefan Ruppert available. Apart from many bugfixes a preference-GUI was added. You must have OS3.5 for using this. htdsascii.datatype and a new autodoc.datatype were added as new sub-classes as a replacement for the developer-files with the same name.

[News message: 20. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Elastic Images on ANF

Software-Updates for Space-CDs
Because of an engaged user a bug could be removed from the 'Space-CDs' installation-program. more ...

[News message: 20. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Merz on ANF

AppMI - New Release
4 new AppMI based packages were released in the Aminet: CharonMI, EZPagerMI, MicroDotMI and VoyagerMI. Every archive contains a complete GlowIcons Toolbar set.

[News message: 20. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier on ANF

Heise: Amiga Inc. is closing German Office
«Amiga International Inc. announced that they will stop all activities in germany with the end of the year because of a restructuring and the focusing on software. Petro Tyschtschenko, vice president, distributor. and reseller-sales, will retire next march. Tyschtschenko said that it is now time to let the younger Amigans take over the lead. »

[News message: 20. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Sobotta on ANF

A.C.SYS Survey
Christian Sobotta would like to rember that only 10 days are left until the deadline of the survey. Only 50 users announced their interest so far. That is why we stopped all activities concerning this project. If there won't be any change during the next 10 days the game (Turrican-clone) will not be released. more ...

[News message: 20. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Bernd on ANF

HTML-version of Fireball Magazin Available
The magazine is now directly available as HTML-version at the title link, too.

[News message: 20. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
DataM_II.lha         biz/dbase  980K+Spreadsheet using MUI (German docs only!
STEP_Txt.lha         biz/dbase  253K+Star Trek StarBase-Text (625a)
YAMcitations.lha     comm/mail    6K+Citations (taglines) pour (for) YAM (in 
LCR-I.lha            comm/misc  110K+LeastCostRouter for german Internet Prov
LCR-P.lha            comm/misc   65K+LeastCostRouter Print-Tool
LCR.lha              comm/misc  111K+LeastCostRouter for german Telephone Pro
rxsocket.lha         comm/tcp   138K+Rxsocket.library - TCP/IP ARexx library
SMSEngineerMUI.lha   comm/tcp   250K+SMS via Amiga - International V1.0.8
weboffice.lha        comm/www    27K+Website Creation Tool
FMS-JT.lha           demo/aga   285K+John Thaw by The Fearmoths  
LNS-ATM.lha          demo/aga   644K+At The Movies by Loonies - TRSAC00.5 win
TRN-Trinity.lha      demo/aga   376K+The first demo by Trinity! (3rd at TRSAC
hLA-AP14.lha         demo/mag   2.2M+Amiga Positive no.14, diskmagazine mostl
sofa.lha             dev/lang   4.5M+Eiffel compiler and additional libraries
FreeCivExpand.lha    game/data  219K+GFX Expansion for FreeCiv NativAmiga Por
Shisen.lha           game/think 5.8M+Chinese mindgame
Flashmandel.lha      gfx/fract  2.7M+The best fractal rendering program for A
TestCard.lha         hard/hack  169K+Testcard generator for PAL/NTSC systems.
TestGear-Notes.lha   hard/hack    4K+Test equipment projects, general notes.
rno-r051.lha         mods/misc  933K+Rno-records release no.51 by Xhaust (Bre
HeisseSteine.mpg     mods/mpg   277K+A different kind of electronical music
bblox10.lha          mus/edit    43K+Beatblox 1.0, graphical drum machine pro
EP_DWhittaker.lha    mus/play     7K+EaglePlayer "David Whittaker" external r
HHH-CD01_1.jpg       pix/misc    61K+Cover of Amiga produced CD by "Borschtsc
HHH-CD01_2.jpg       pix/misc    86K+Cover of Amiga produced CD by "Borschtsc
Atmos1.lha           pix/trace  115K+Get atmospheric with POV Ray
Screenshot.jpg       pix/wb     427K+Funky OS3.1 with MagellanII screenshot!
EasyConvert.lha      util/conv   22K+Easy Convert - converts miles - km, etc.
ABinaryDT.lha        util/dtype  27K+AROS Binary DataType
HSMathLibs_040.lha   util/libs  164K+Very fast replacement for all math libra
HSMathLibs_060.lha   util/libs  165K+Very fast replacement for all math libra
HSMathLibs_881.lha   util/libs  137K+Very fast replacement for all math libra
ReportPlus.lha       util/misc   80K+Report+ 4.1: 10-function utility
ReqAttackUpd.lha     util/misc  210K+Rel7: ReqAttack1.4, RAPrefsMUI 1.65, Req
DRemind_HU.lha       util/time    9K+Hungarian catalogs for DRemind 1.56
VEPatchBrain.lha     util/virus  19K+PatchBrain v1.21 for VirusExecutor v2.xx
Dynamite.lha         util/wb     46K+Start button and explorer in one. Fast.
SRAP.lha             util/wb    134K+Viewer for ReqAttack images

[News message: 20. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Impact

Flashback now Open Source
The game is an Arkanoid clone. The source code of Flashback is now open source.

[News message: 20. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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New Beta-release V0.10 of DataM-II
DataM-II, a new program by Christoph Kirsch, author of MUIVideo, it is a spreadsheet-program based on a relational databench-system. The main focus was set on the useability and printing functions. more ...

[News message: 20. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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AmIRC 3.5.5beta Released
AmIRC is a IRC-Client for the Amiga. Registered AmIRC-users can download a new beta version. This version contains a new output environment that works faster and needs less memory. more ...

[News message: 20. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Xandiy on ANF Online Again can be reached again via There also can be found the central for driving possibilities to the WoA 2000.

[News message: 19. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Innovative News
fxSCAN 3.0 with text recognition
fxSCAN 3.0 will be available from 11-27-2000. New in version 3 is a text recognision capable of learning, an optimised copy function and support for the free BetaScan drivers. Besides that many little improvements in detail have been made and the GUI has been reworked. The new version will be delivered on CD. more ...

[News message: 19. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Marc Albrecht on ANF Discontinues Sponsoring
On the homepage of you can read the hint that all amiga sponsoring campaigns will be dropped by the end of November 2000. All webmasters who could be reached have been informed, but not all replyed until now. more ...

[News message: 19. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Marcus Neervoort on ANF

Old Amiga Advertisements
Thomas Neervoort has collected Amiga advertisement printed in old Amiga magazines and prepared them on his website. To be found under 'Amiga history'. Besides that a poll has been started on the sub-page 'WoA 2000' regarding the exhibition.

[News message: 19. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Koebnik via eMail

Amiga Arena News
In cooperation with Christian Effenberger the Amiga Arena makes possible an exclusive and special discount for the shareware package 'Siteway 1.0'. The registration fee is 30,- DM instead of 80,- DM. more ...

[News message: 19. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Unger on ANF

30 Years Mouse Patent
Douglas C. Engelbart (born in 1925) counts as a pioneer in the field of the human to machine interface for computers and is one of the fathers of the Graphical User Interface (GUI). more ...

[News message: 19. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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19.Nov.2000 Changing Server - The Odyssey
Everything was prepared to move to an own server, which we intended to share with one of our partners. The interactive areas were closed. Durability of name-server entries was set to 5 minutes, to be able to switch to the new server at prompt. more ...

[News message: 19. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen via eMail

VirusHelp Denmark News
An new update of VirusExecutor has been released. Here are some information on this update: more ...

[News message: 19. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Sturm

New Aminet Uploads
YAM22_no.lha         comm/mail   23K+Unofficial Norwegian locale for YAM v2.2
Spitfire2.lha        comm/misc  763K+Palm Desktop for the Amiga!
Amster-locale.lha    comm/tcp   350K+Napster client V0.8 (Locale archive)
ATCsp.lha            comm/tcp    13K+AmiTradeCenter 1.11 spanish catalogs v1.
DKG-ST15.lha         demo/mag   2.3M+Showtime #15 by Darkage!
obligement23.lha     demo/mag   750K+Obligement #22 - Famous FRENCH fanzine !
Langton.lha          dev/amos   124K+A little insect's Theory of Everything
announcement.lha     docs/anno    2K+ATTENTION all MUSO'S: Please Read, Won't
AmigaInfo.lha        docs/hyper 296K+ITALIAN ONLY Amiga Mags Novembre 2000
metalcornr1200.lha   docs/mags  230K+German Metal Mag in HTML - December Issu
BraSwos2000.lha      game/data    6K+Brazilian league update for swos
DuneIISaves.lha      game/data  607K+Really all save games for DuneII
NewNAPALM_Unit.lha   game/data   11K+Unit Data Set s for NAPALM 2Player/CHAOS
TFH_Cheater.lha      game/patch   5K+Play all worlds/levels of TFH.V1.0
JPEG-Box.lha         gfx/conv   235K+JPEG generator for WWW graphics V4.33 (6
PNG-Box.lha          gfx/conv   295K+PNG generator for WWW graphics V4.33 (68
View.lha             gfx/show    41K+Shows Pics via Datatypes
GeoWorld-Upd12.lha   misc/edu   372K+GeoWorld-Update12 (11/12/00) - The best 
Of_The_Night.lha     mods/tranc  36K+Cool, trancy, kind of weird 4-ch PT-mod
pinguins1.jpg        pix/fauna  200K+Two pinguins in the zoo in Cologne
pinguins2.jpg        pix/fauna  353K+Swimming pinguin in the zoo in Cologne
fomb518.jpg          pix/henz   244K+Attacking Narn Fighter (Babylon 5)
fomsw25.jpg          pix/henz   182K+Trade Federation Droid Fighter (Star War
fomsw26.jpg          pix/henz   161K+Sith Speeder (Star Wars - Episode 1)
fomsw27.jpg          pix/henz   126K+Sith Speeder (Star Wars - Episode 1)
fomsw28.jpg          pix/henz    42K+Stap (Star Wars - Episode 1)
fomsw29.jpg          pix/henz   226K+Heavy Narn Cruiser
ace2kbillmixup.mpg   pix/mpg    3.0M+ACE 2k Amiga Show Video Clip - Who is Bi
ace2kdinner.mpg      pix/mpg     10M+ACE 2k Amiga Show Video - Dinner
ace2ksetup.mpg       pix/mpg    2.6M+ACE 2k Amiga Show Video - Stand Setup
ace2kwinbin.mpg      pix/mpg    1.2M+ACE 2k Amiga Show Video - Rubbish Bin La
BillSeminar1.mpg     pix/mpg    6.7M+Bill McEwen's ACE 2k Seminar Video Clip 
BillSeminar10.mpg    pix/mpg    6.3M+Bill McEwen's ACE 2k Seminar Video Clip 
BillSeminar11.mpg    pix/mpg    6.7M+Bill McEwen's ACE 2k Seminar Video Clip 
BillSeminar12.mpg    pix/mpg     10M+Bill McEwen's ACE 2k Seminar Video Clip 
BillSeminar13.mpg    pix/mpg    5.2M+Bill McEwen's ACE 2k Seminar Video Clip 
BillSeminar14.mpg    pix/mpg     11M+Bill McEwen's ACE 2k Seminar Video Clip 
BillSeminar2.mpg     pix/mpg    7.6M+Bill McEwen's ACE 2k Seminar Video Clip 
BillSeminar3.mpg     pix/mpg    6.8M+Bill McEwen's ACE 2k Seminar Video Clip 
BillSeminar4.mpg     pix/mpg    7.3M+Bill McEwen's ACE 2k Seminar Video Clip 
BillSeminar5.mpg     pix/mpg    5.6M+Bill McEwen's ACE 2k Seminar Video Clip 
BillSeminar6.mpg     pix/mpg    8.2M+Bill McEwen's ACE 2k Seminar Video Clip 
BillSeminar7.mpg     pix/mpg    7.0M+Bill McEwen's ACE 2k Seminar Video Clip 
BillSeminar8.mpg     pix/mpg    6.7M+Bill McEwen's ACE 2k Seminar Video Clip 
BillSeminar9.mpg     pix/mpg    6.2M+Bill McEwen's ACE 2k Seminar Video Clip 
AKBackPix04.lha      pix/mwb    383K+Greyscale Fantasy WB pix 04 (ROM-Icons c
AKBackPrv04.jpg      pix/mwb    125K+Greyscale Fantasy WB pix 04 - Preview
ttfr.lha             text/font   13K+Rename true type fonts file correctly
Next3.0.lha          text/show   80K+Viewer for text/guides/html/datatypes
MTX.lha              util/blank  70K+Matrix Screen Blanker
BlazeWCP.lha         util/boot   31K+ULTRA FAST 32bit C2P patch for OS chunky
Aminet.awnp.lha      util/rexx   66K+AWNPipe gui. Searches/Downloads Aminet F
rxchild.lha          util/rexx   11K+Rxchild.library 0.1 ARexx macros trees

[News message: 15. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Geissler via eMail

ADM Version 3.65 Released
Version 3.65 of the comfortable address management software has been released. more ...

[News message: 14. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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AudioLabs via eMail

ProStationAudio v4.01 Available
Version 4.01 of ProStationAudio has been released, which fixes two bugs.

[News message: 14. Nov. 2000, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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Book: AmigaOS 3.2 Reference Manual - Limited print run, pre-orders being taken (12. Jun.)
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