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Jan Andersen (E-Mail)

Virus Help Denmark: Virusz III v0,96 bug
After a lot of bug-reports about the new VirusZ III v0,96, the Bug has been found. If you use a screen size under 800x600, VirusZ III v0,96 can not do the filecheck, the you must use VirusZ III v0,94b until Georg Hoermann has made an new update of VirusZ III. Here is what Georg wrote to me:

> -- email start --
I already received lots of those bug reports, and I have already found the bug. Dirk increased the window size and didn't test it on plain 640 pixel screens, so VZ 0.96 refuses to work on that resolution. I didn't notice that because I use a 800x600 screen :-
The bugfix is on the way, but I maybe add some other features to VZ first..
- Georg....
> --- email end ---

VirusZ III v0,94b can be found on our website. Quicklink here: (ps)

[News message: 19. Feb. 2002, 12:44] [Comments: 0]
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