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Filesharing: Audiogalaxy Satellite for AmigaOS Version 1.1.1
Version 1.1.1 of AudioGalaxy, a filesharing service, was released. There is an opensource version for linux available, called OpenAG, which was the foundation for this new Amiga version.

The program can be downloaded from the homepage of the author. Furthermore you need the ixemul.library (at least version v48).

(ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 29. Apr. 2002, 22:49] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: Interview with James Conwell
The best strategy game for the Amiga ever?
At least this is the goal of James Cromwell programmer of TotalChaosAGA. The whole package includes 31 MB of data, support for six languages and can be played by only one or up to eight players.

James Conwell talks about the new game and his thoughts about AmigaOS and other strategy games as well as the future and what is to be expected. The english version of the interview is available here. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 29. Apr. 2002, 21:46] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (E-Mail)

Amiga Future: Workbench Galery update
At least the Workbench-galery of Amiga Future was updated. The editors of Amiga Future would be very happy if as many as possible users would mail a screenshot of there workbenches. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 29. Apr. 2002, 21:16] [Comments: 0]
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Ars Technica

Programing: Compilers - The Basics
Robert Thorpe published an article about compiler programming at Real World Technologies. This article explains the basic functionality of compilers. (sd) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 29. Apr. 2002, 21:05] [Comments: 0]
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Kevin Orme, Webmaster (ANF)

Amiga University Site Updates
It took longer than we planned, but some good site updates for you:
  • New midi, Jay Miner, Monzoom, C++, games, history pages and many new international news sites added.
  • Slight color scheme changes to allow less 'squinting' - I had it my way for 2 years, time for a change :).
  • New samplitude opus archive/download mirror, thanks to the great guys at A.C.T.
  • Site completely link checked and updated accordingly.
  • Still looking for more mirror site and site archive opportunities - let us know if you want us to preserve/mirror your amiga site online, no charge.
Enjoy! (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 29. Apr. 2002, 07:51] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Instant-Messenger: AmigAIM V0.9442 Beta
Richard H. Poser released betaversion 0.9442 of the AIM-messenger "AmigAIM". The following changes were made:
  • Modified the preparser routine slightly to attempt to handle the Ampersands better in URLs (and probably everywhere else as well)
AmigAIM is a client that can be used to connect to the Instant Messenger service of AOL. more ... (sd) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 29. Apr. 2002, 00:04] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

News: now also in English
The web site which publishes news in German about the operating system of the same name now also publishes these news in English. more ... (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 28. Apr. 2002, 23:36] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS: New MAME ports
Fabien Coeurjoly has released two new ports of the emulator package 'MAME' for MorphOS. It's the normal version and as for 'neomame' it's a neogeo specific version of mame. more ... (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 28. Apr. 2002, 17:45] [Comments: 0]
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Magazine: Amiga Information Online (AIO) #58, information about #57
Issue #58 of the English Amiga Online Magazine 'Amiga Informations Online (AIO)' has come out. This issue contains for example tests of Detris, Guardian and Simon the Sorcerer II. more ... (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 28. Apr. 2002, 16:25] [Comments: 0]
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Sebastian Beloch (ANF)

Instant Messenger: StrICQ V2.8.1
On 26 April 2002 Douglas F. McLaughlin released version 2.8.1 of the Instant Messanger 'StriICQ'. In this version some bugs were fixed. New features were not added. more ... (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 28. Apr. 2002, 12:20] [Comments: 0]
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28.Apr.2002 (ANF)

Event: The second exhibition for classic video and computer games of the 70s and writes:
Hello 8bit fans! more ... (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 28. Apr. 2002, 12:12] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Nosutta (ANF)

Pictures of the Berlin Computer Days
From now on are pictures of the appearance of the ACBB at the Berlin Computer Days online. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 27. Apr. 2002, 17:06] [Comments: 0]
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AudioLabs: ProStationAudio Titanium Version 5.05
After a few internal releases (5.0x), Titanium 5.05 is being delivered this week. The application is now available in a new, slim, format, with the binary reduced by 50% for better CPU caches, and JIT, handling. All the original features have been mantained, plus new ones added (MIDI playback, via external sequencer, now active also during recording, auto-sized rendering,..) and fixes.

New entry into the DSPSpeed page: Athlon Thunderbird 1400 OC 1533. (ps)

[News message: 27. Apr. 2002, 14:36] [Comments: 0]
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Text recording of the appearance of Bill McEwen on Tech-TV
As already reported had Bill McEwen of Amiga Inc. on 13.03.2002 a TV appearance on Tech-TV in the "ScreenSavers" show. In our message of 16.03.2002 you can find links leading to video recordings of the show.

The American user group NAJ has done the work on a text recording of the television interview. This recording can be found following the title link. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 27. Apr. 2002, 13:55] [Comments: 0]
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Cord Hagen (email)

Vintage Computer Festival Europe in Munich
As already reported will for the third time the "Vintage Computer Festival Europe (VCF)" come to Munich on 27. and 28. April 2002. Goal of the Vintage Computer Festival is to support the preservation and the maintenance of 'historical' computers and other (E)DV devices, to awake the interest in 'superfluous' hard- and software and especially to have fun in it. The VCF is in the meantime not only a regular event in the Californian Silicon Valley but also a fix point in the European appointment books.

So let us return to the good old days when hacker were no security consultants, bytes no Megabytes and Kleine Grüne Männchen were just Kleine Gruene Maennchen!

Of course does our Amiga system have to appear here. Among the registered exhibitions is
"The Amiga history - From the unfortunate games console to the multimedia workstation" by Thorsten Kuphaldt. People living in and near Munich shouldn't miss the event at all! (jm) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 27. Apr. 2002, 12:25] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Merz (ANF)

Reworked MasonIcons Archives available
The following reworked archives are available on the MasonIcons homepage:
  • AWebMI (4th release) for AWeb
  • ClassMI (2nd release) for ClassAction
  • DataMI (2nd release) for DataM II
  • EvenMI (2nd release) for Evenmore
  • EZPagerMI (5th release) for EZPager
  • GiambyMI (2nd release) for GiambyNetGrabber
  • IBrowseMI (6th release) for IBrowse
  • MicroDotMI (2nd release) for MicroDot
  • NRogMI (2nd release) for NewsRog
  • NCoaster (2nd release) for NewsCoaster
  • PlayMI (2nd release) for PlayGUI
  • TaskiSMSMI (3rd release) for TaskiSMS
  • VideoMI (2nd release) for VideoMUI
  • VoyagerMI (5th release) for Voyager
  • WB2000MI (2nd release) for Workbench 2000
  • WorkOnMI (2nd release) for WorkOn
  • PhotoMI (3rd Ausgabe) for Photogenics
    • reworked images based on AppMI (24x24)
    • new image set (16x16) for lower resolutions (e.g. 800x600)
Visit Mason.Home (title link) for further informations and previews. (ps)

[News message: 27. Apr. 2002, 10:52] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Dittmar (ANF)

G-Rex: New RTL_8029pci.device V1.5
Vision Factory Development has released a new Realtek RTL8029AS Networking Card Driver V1.5 for G-Rex users. Whats new? A updated for Genesis owners (Exiting Genesis). Also some speed improvements with the new driver. You can find the new NIC driver along with all G-Rex software on the G-Rex Support Page. (ps)

[News message: 27. Apr. 2002, 10:50] [Comments: 0]
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Michael Dietrich (ANF)

New LDDCheck in the works
Michael Dietrich:
Unfortunately is Heiko Schröder, the author of LDDCheck, since August 2000 not active on the Amiga anymore, " doesn't exist anymore since last year!" he wrote to me on 25. April 2002. As many Amiga users appreciate the service of the possibility to check online whether existing libraries, datatypes and devices were still up-to-date and, if needed, to download a current version I asked Heiko whether I may continue the project.

He gave me the permission and is pleased that his two years of work on the project weren't wasted. The following projects has he entrusted to me:

  • LibGuide
  • DTypeGuide
  • DevGuide
He will even deliver all scripts for the Internet so that we do not have to restart from scratch! As I can't realize the project on my own I'm looking for people who would like to participate in the project. Interested ones should send an email to Michael Dietrich or contact me via ICQ: Wolverine (107370055). (Translation: wk)

[News message: 27. Apr. 2002, 10:48] [Comments: 0]
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Matthias Münch (ANF)

Jabberwocky now OpenSource
Jabberwocky which is a Jabber client for Amiga is now OpenSource. Tom Parker and Matthias Münch have resumed the development. An appropriate project has been created on SourceForge. You can find the links on the Jabberwocky homepage (title link).

For that we are looking for several graphics, sounds and guides in different languages to put them to the archive. If there are people who are interested in then please contact us under (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Apr. 2002, 22:14] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: Full version of Breed96 version 1.3
One of the "most wanted" shareware games of the Amiga Arena was Breed96 by Damian Tarnawsky. It took a long time to make a free version possible but now Breed96 is available for free download in version 1.3!

Breed96 belongs to the best shareware games which has been developed for the Amiga and it should be commercially distributed by Vulcan Software after the developer Damian Tarnawsky worked three months on the next part Breed2000. But Breed2000 was never published by Vulcan Software.

Breed96 is a space colonisation game with elements from Sim City, Reunion and Deuteros. You have to build up your colony and to produce ore, food and buildings. You have to manage famines, attacks of Aliens and similar problems as well as explore and populate planets or leading wars.

Damian Tarnawsky has not got the original version of Breed96 and therefore with his permission the cracked (keyfile) version 1.3 is available! Should be there anybody who has got a keyfile or the full version of Breed96 1.3b then please contact me! Thanks! (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Apr. 2002, 19:15] [Comments: 0]
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Cj-Stroker (ANF)

Amiforce: Amiblitz version 2.26 available
From today on you can download the updated archive of Amiblitz version 2.26 under the title link. Soon you cal also download it from the Aminet (already uploaded). Now there is also a German version of the following components:
  • Amiblitz 2.26 (compiler)
  • PED 2.26 (editor)
  • Amiblitz2.readme
  • Amiblitz2faq.txt
  • Amiblitzhistory.txt
In order to get the German version you only simply have to rename the file PED_ger to PED. Then you start AmiBlitz2_ger and the German version will be opened. more ... (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 26. Apr. 2002, 18:19] [Comments: 1 - 26. Apr. 2002, 19:53]
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Eyetech: Mailing List for Dealers Established
Eyetech has established a mailing list for dealers who want to offer the Amiga One. To get added to the list send an email to

Under the title link you will find a list of dealers who have already ordered boards. Further the terms are explained to all prospective dealers. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 25. Apr. 2002, 20:12] [Comments: 0]
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Heise [Newsticker]

Hot: Warnings About Defective Mastheads on Websites
As was already reported, many people who offer homepages are unaware that the new (German) Teledienstegesetz (TDG) and Mediendienste-Staatsvertrags (MDStV) laws mandate a masthead, an identifying banner at the top.

There have been hot reports about the first series of warnings over missing or absent mastheads. In these cases, which number about 1000, primarily commercial websites have been warned. But the step to private websites is not far behind.
Click on the title link for the hot article. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 25. Apr. 2002, 13:56] [Comments: 0]
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Xonio: Test: Sharp Zaurus SL-5500g - Challenger with Linux
Fans of the Sharp Zaurus SL-5500g PDAs will find a comprehensive test by Xonio. In this test the equipment and the experience (fun with crosses and loops) are explored. Additionally there is a table with detailed information and a summary.

»The end of the idyll is near: Palm begins to fall from its comfortable market position, and the PDA dealers begin to move towards Pocket PC 2002, putting trust in the name of the desktop monopolist Microsoft. But Sharp is a manufacturer that has the power to establish Linux in the PDA market. "Zaurus" is the first strike, and Sharp has the tools to hype it, if there are no blemishes to be found on the lovely portrait.«

The complete article is under the title link. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 25. Apr. 2002, 12:54] [Comments: 0]
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Emulator: New Features in Development for WinUAE
The developer of the Amiga emulator for Windows "WinUAE" is preparing to offer the following new features:
  • Internal support for ZIP and GZIP archives
  • Improved support of xdms.exe, that will allow reading of DMS floppy disk image archives
(ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 25. Apr. 2002, 12:41] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New packets (until 24.04.2002)
With WHDLoad you can install games on your hard drive which were formerly meant only for use with disks. The following packets have been added or updated:
  • 24.04.02 new: Wild West World (Software 2000) done by Wepl
  • 24.04.02 new: Elvira 2 - The Jaws of Cerberus (Horrorsoft/Accolade) done by Wepl
  • 24.04.02 improved: Archon (Electronic Arts) install package shorten
  • 23.04.02 new: Dracula (Psygnosis) done by Bored Seal
  • 23.04.02 improved: PGA European Tour (The Dome/Ocean) support for CD³² version added, fast mem support
  • 23.04.02 new: Total Eclipse (Incentive Software/Domark) done by Codetapper
  • 23.04.02 fixed: Odyssey (Audiogenic) access fault removed
  • 23.04.02 new: Heavy Metal (Access) done by Bored Seal
  • 23.04.02 new: Driller (Incentive Software/Domark) done by Codetapper
  • 23.04.02 new: Dark Side (Incentive Software/Domark) done by Codetapper
  • 22.04.02 improved: Test Drive (Accolade) no longer needs s/startup-sequence
  • 22.04.02 fixed: Lotus 3 (Magnetic Fields/Gremlin) bugs removed
  • 17.04.02 improved: Elvira - Mistress of the Dark (Horrorsoft/Accolade) higher mouse speed, docs added

[News message: 25. Apr. 2002, 12:24] [Comments: 0]
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Celso (ANF)

Microsoft reports the Debut of AA Entertainment Pack (Update)
Microsoft too finds the debut of Amiga Entertainment Pack #1 to be a newsworthy event.

More articles on this subject:
PC-Tip: Amiga games on compact Flash Cards for Windows PocketPCs
Xonio: Amiga games for Pocket PCs
(ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 25. Apr. 2002, 12:05] [Comments: 1 - 27. Apr. 2002, 10:29]
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Thomas Unger (E-Mail)

  1. The webpages based distribution on CD-ROM about history, persons, models, clones, specials, peripherie, operating systems and support of the Amiga is now available in version V2.0.

    The massive growth in volume, especially caused by the update to ´Amiga Interactive Guide- 5th anniversary edition´ from Gareth Knight (13/03/2002), created the necessity for the transition to a double-CD. Belatedly: Congratulations Gareth!

    The PDF manual collection were taken out to the second CD. All news, updates, the release history and requirements are to find within the ReadMe. Price and shipment kept unchanged

  2. THE KICKSTART ARCHIVES introduces its new homepage.

  3. The home page has been extended with a further online service:
    Amiga-Ethernet with bridgeboard and an ISA network card. This tutorial detailly describes how ISA network cards can be used. Sure: Not trivial at all. These screenshots and background information, chapter by chapter, might also be suitable for "non freaks" to finish (hopefully) the installation of the hard- and software.
(ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2002, 23:29] [Comments: 0]
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DTP: PageStream version
There has been an update for PageStream to version released. The update is available for Amiga, Macintosh and Windows. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2002, 18:11] [Comments: 0]
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Golem - IT News

Golem: ELSA after all to close down
»The closure of ELSA AG's business very probable now.
The continuance of ELSA AG is very unlikely, according to the result of the company's insovancy trustee, lawyer Thomas Georg. After examination of the insovency request he came to the result that the company is insovent and hevily in debt. «
For the complete article follow the title link. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2002, 17:46] [Comments: 0]
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Heise Newsticker (ANF)

Event: 3rd Retrocomputer-festival in Munich
This weekend there will be the 3rd Retrocomputer-festival in Munich. Probably there will be an exhibition about the history of the Amiga as well. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2002, 17:12] [Comments: 0]
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Jon Niemima: Interview with Ben Hermans
Following the title link you will find an English interview with Ben Hermans of Hyperion from April, the 23rd 2002. The interview was made by the Finn Jon Niemima. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2002, 12:29] [Comments: 0]
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Marc Gutzwiller (ANF)

ORF Teletext: AmigaOS 4.0 - First pictures
At the teletext page 462 of the Austrian TV ORF I discovered the following notice:

After the anouncement of the new Amiga platform AmigaOne the company Hyperion, OS-development partner of Amiga Inc., has released first sreenshots of OS 4 now.

Those pictures should give a first impression for the new OS but do not represent the finished look.

According to Hyperion this look was generated not through patches but with system functions.« (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2002, 12:02] [Comments: 0]
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Felix Schwarz (ANF)

VHI-drivers for USB-digicams and USB-webcams
We are very happy to announce that VHI-drivers for USB-digicams and USB-webcams will soon be available.

It will soon be possible to also use more recent cameras with VHI Studio and benefit from all its advantages. In contrast to a USB-card reader VHI Studio communicates directly with the camera via the VHI driver. This opens up completly new possibilities to the user, making it possible to create timelapse-animations, use the digital camera as a webcam, make changes to internal settings via a comfortable user interface, correct pictures using its correction-tools or just creating a quick overview of the pictures in the camera.

Supported USB-webcams will be handled like a videoboard in VHI Studio. more ... (ps)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2002, 11:56] [Comments: 0]
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AFUA: French Amiga usergroup has been visiting Thendic (Update)
Bertrand Presles, president of the French usergroup AFUA (Association Française des Utilisateurs d'Amiga) has been visiting Thendic in Paris on April, the 23rd 2002 and was talking with Bill Buck, Rakesh and Sharwin (Coyote Flux) and several other employees about MorphOS, Pegasos and the other products distributed by Thendic. Some pictures, a movie and an English report are to find following the title link, of course that one is also available in French.

Thendic is the company, that will distribute BPlan´s Pegasos board; further information you might find with our interview which is available in German and English.

Because the server of AFUA wasn´t capable of the run on it Bertrand Presles, the president, has permitted to set up a mirror for the relevant pages and to translate the report to German (which still has to be done). more ... (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2002, 10:07] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaRulez: Interview with Thomas Frieden
Johan "Graak" Forsberg of AmigaRulez has conducted a wide-ranging interview with Thomas Frieden of Hyperion. You will find this English language interview under the title link above. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 23. Apr. 2002, 20:29] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (E-Mail)

Amiga Future: Preview of Issue #36 online
The preview, such as reading and layout samples, of Amiga Future #36 (May/June 2002) is now available on the AF homepage. The magazine itself is to come out on May 5th.

With this issue the entire layout has been reworked, and if everything goes as planned, this issue will be on a better quality of paper [recycled I hope -dm] (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 23. Apr. 2002, 16:33] [Comments: 0]
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Tales of Tamar

Game: T.o.T. - New Amiga Version 0.43R1 / Mac V0.22
The new Amiga version 0.43 R1 and version V0.22 for Mac of the internet based roundgame Tales of Tamar by Eternity have been released. The update is available for download by beta testers at the usual location.

In version 0.43 the statistics screen of the ToT PC version has been ported, corrected and activated. At the same time the Amiga version of ToT now also supports SMTP Auth.

In the Mac version 0.22 the building screen has been ported and some city routines have been implemented. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Apr. 2002, 16:27] [Comments: 0]
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gene (ANF)

Heise reports about AmigaOS 4: First pictures of Amiga OS 4 (Update II)
German computer news service Heise has published a news item about OS4.
Complete article via title link.

Update - Further articles about this topic:
Golem: AmigaOS 4.0 - Erste Screenshots veröffentlicht
Der Standard: Erste Bilder von Amiga OS4 veröffentlicht
OSNews: AmigaOS 4 Screenshots Released
futureZone: Erste Screenshots von AmigaOS4.0 Eerste beelden Amiga-besturing Screenshots AmigaOS 4
(ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Apr. 2002, 13:20] [Comments: 0]
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Celso (ANF)

ZDNet: Sendo Z100 with Amiga Anywhere
According to ZDNet, newcomer Sendo has also licensed technology for making AmigaAnywhere available on their multimedia mobile phone with Microsoft's Smartphone (Stinger) operating system and Java. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 23. Apr. 2002, 11:57] [Comments: 0]
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